character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_General_Defend_Good_4	No attacker marches against this general with a light heart. His defensive skills are almost without equal.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_General_Defend_Good_5	Even the great captains of the classical world would be challenged when attacking an army lead by this man.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_General_Defender_Bad_1	This man is unsure and slightly hesitant in defensive battles, and he rarely shows true quality.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_General_Defender_Bad_2	When attacked, this man has a tendency to procrastinate, which does little to improve his performance as a general.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_General_Defender_Bad_3	When this man is defending, he shows few of the qualities expected of a war leader.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_General_Drunkard_1	"I find, sir, that a little gin is very calming on the nerves and steadies a man's hand."	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_General_Drunkard_2	"I am drunk, Sir, and mark me well: I intend to horsewhip your tiny green servants."	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_General_Drunkard_3	Claret. This man likes claret. Quite a lot of claret. All the claret. Everyone's claret. He has a strong bladder.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_General_Drunkard_4	Far gone in drink, this man rarely rises from the dinner table in order to relieve himself.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_General_French_Elan_1	This man is a natural horseman, and fearless to boot.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_General_French_Elan_2	This man is the epitome of a dashing cavalry officer: madly brave, yet slightly less intelligent than his horse.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_General_French_Elan_3	This general has panache aplenty. His men would follow him to the Gates of Hell!	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_General_Good_Field_Commander_1	This man has a basic understanding of the arts of war.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_General_Good_Field_Commander_2	This man has a good grasp of grand strategy and tactics.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_General_Good_Field_Commander_3	This man is properly counted among the great captains in battle.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_General_Good_Field_Commander_4	Men willingly march into Hell on this man's orders, sure that he will give them victory!	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_General_Good_Field_Commander_5	Great men stand - and ladies swoon - when this singular personification of military excellence enters a room!	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_General_Grand_Armee	This man is skilled in the management and organisation of an army of many nations, and can deal with any supply problems that may arise.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_General_Lampooned_1	This man is held up for mockery in the press, even when he does things right!	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_General_Lampooned_2	This man is mocked, mercilessly and ceaselessly, in pamphlets and newspapers.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_General_Lampooned_3	This man now twitches whenever the word "newspaper" is used within earshot.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_General_Looter_Good_1	To the victor the spoils! Unfortunately, this means the possessions of the defeated are most definitely, er, spoiled.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_General_Looter_Good_2	But for the uniform and gold braid, this man would be hanged for his crimes, both petty and grand.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_General_Looter_Good_3	His men are allowed to run riot for days on end: thieving, smashing, and killing the populace out of hand.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_General_Mad_1	"Keep back, sir! Keep back! I will have none of your low-cut boots near me!"	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_General_Mad_2	"There's always time for a jig. Or is that a pig? A wig? No. Figs: must keep your bowels open."	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_General_Mad_3	"Terribly noisy: your marching. What say we hop into battle this time, and whistle like teapots?"	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_General_Martinet_1	"Drill! Drill! Drill! Constant drill is the way to win battles and move men, Sir!"	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_General_Martinet_2	The hatred of his men is something that this general relishes. It does not matter, as long as they march well!	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_General_Martinet_3	While the men heartily dislike this man, his methods do make a hideous military sense.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_General_of_Artillery_1	Here is a man who knows when to shoot his load!	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_General_of_Artillery_2	Gunnery is more than an interest for this man. The crash of cannons lifts his very soul!	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_General_of_Artillery_3	This general is a master of using the right tools for victory: guns, guns, guns, and more guns.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_General_of_Cavalry_1	This general has a love of the charge - and the sense not to use his cavalry indiscriminately!	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_General_of_Cavalry_2	This general has all the dash and fire one would expect of a gallant cavalryman!	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_General_of_Cavalry_3	This general is an expert horseman, a fine leader of men, and a masterful cavalry tactician.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_General_of_Infantry_1	This general has a natural aptitude for infantry combat and tactics.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_General_of_Infantry_2	This general has a splendid understanding of how to use infantry to the very best effect.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_General_of_Infantry_3	This man is seen as a harsh taskmaster and is not loved - despite his habit of victory.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_General_Polish_Stubborn_1	This man will give nothing to the enemies of Poland save, perhaps, hot lead and cold steel.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_General_Polish_Stubborn_2	There is iron to this man's soul, as harsh and unyielding as a Polish winter.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_General_Polish_Stubborn_3	Every blade of grass is treated as though growing in the precious soil of Poland!	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_General_Press_Hero_1	This man's every military act is reported on with approval!	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_General_Press_Hero_2	The "free press" hardly ever print bad news or unkind comments about this general.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_General_Press_Hero_3	Editors fill their newspapers with laudatory commentaries upon this gentleman's many virtues.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_General_Prussian_Blue_1	"It is fear, mein Herr, fear, that drives men forwards in battle, not the love of their officers!"	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_General_Prussian_Blue_2	"The men are scum, villains and thieves all, but we shall make them into an army to fear!"	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_General_Prussian_Blue_3	This officer is so fierce that the Devil himself would appoint him Captain of Hell's Legions!	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_General_Russian_Vodka_1	This man is burdened by his love for his motherland, for he cannot do enough to be worthy as a Russian.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_General_Russian_Vodka_2	This man is determined to defend the motherland for all enemies, no matter what the cost.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_General_Russian_Vodka_3	This man has long been a stranger to fear - and sobriety - but, by Mother Russia, he can fight!	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_General_Scout_1	Having a feel for terrain is a distinct advantage whilst planning when and where to fight.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_General_Scout_2	Access to local knowledge and accurate mapmaking give this fellow an edge when deciding the particulars of battle.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_General_Siege_Attack_Bad_1	The shallower mysteries of siege warfare have so far eluded this man's understanding.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_General_Siege_Attack_Bad_2	A purblind fool is probably a better choice as a commander during a siege than this general.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_General_Siege_Attack_Bad_3	This man would make an excellent faggot to fill a moat or ditch or, perhaps, he could serve as a gabion.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_General_Siege_Attack_Good_1	This general has a good, if elementary, understanding of siege warfare.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_General_Siege_Attack_Good_2	This general has an expert's intuitive grasp of siege warfare and its intricacies.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_General_Siege_Attack_Good_3	This general has an ability to breach defences usually seen as impregnable. He is a master of siege warfare.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_General_Siege_Attack_Good_4	This general has an exceptional aptitude for siege warfare, and is expected to carry any siege to a successful conclusion.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_General_Siege_Defend_Bad_1	Good, solid fortifications are not a useful feature of a battlefield for this man.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_General_Siege_Defend_Bad_2	This man is stunningly inept where fortifications are concerned.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_General_Siege_Defend_Bad_3	For this man, walls are merely useful structures on which to grow roses.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_General_Siege_Defend_Good_1	This man understands the basics of fighting from prepared defences. Any attacker will learn this the hard way!	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_General_Siege_Defend_Good_2	This man is fully able to make the best of any defensive works to hold on at whatever cost.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_General_Siege_Defend_Good_3	Give this man ramparts, counter-scarps and ravelins to defend, and he will hold until Death claims him!	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_General_Siege_Defend_Good_4	This man can make a heap of rubble defensible, and could hold a wall against the Devil himself!	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_General_Slacker_1	This general shows much consideration - possibly too much - to the lower ranks.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_General_Slacker_2	This man has little taste for the harsh realities of army discipline, and winks an eye at most offences.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_General_Slacker_3	Discipline in this man's command is a disgrace to the entire army in the opinion of his officers.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_General_Swedish_Aggression_1	This man is blessed with a fighting spirit, worthy of his pagan Viking forefathers.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_General_Swedish_Aggression_2	Some would call this man mad, driven to distraction by the long winter nights of his home. But the truth is simple: he enjoys battle.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_General_Swedish_Aggression_3	Battle makes this man's blood sing. Only with the smell of blood in his nostrils does he feel truly alive or awake.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_General_Turkish_Master_Gunner_1	This man has a natural aptitude for the business of gunnery.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_General_Turkish_Master_Gunner_2	This general has, from his first days of service, shown a good grasp of artillery tactics.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_General_Turkish_Master_Gunner_3	This general has a remarkable understanding of the purposes of artillery, and its correct employment.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Gent_Academic_Honours_1	"No, Sir, I cannot cure your piles! I can, however, adequately describe them in Latin!"	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Gent_Academic_Honours_2	The work of a lifetime should result in a tenured appointment, and access to the college's wine cellar!	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Gent_Academic_Honours_3	"Only a fool subscribes to false modesty! Sir: I am a genius!"	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Gent_Academic_Honours_4	"Scientific Truth, Sir, is whatever I and the rest of the academy decide, regardless of God's intention!"	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Gent_Duelling_Pistol_1	A trembling hand might diminish accuracy and be misconstrued as fear. This man, however, stands motionless.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Gent_Duelling_Pistol_2	"Sir! You're going to regret making sport with my new hat - by God!"	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Gent_Duelling_Pistol_3	A marksman of prodigious talent, his reputation discourages all but the most serious challengers.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Gent_Duelling_Sword_1	He has proved himself adept with a duelling sword on more than one occasion.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Gent_Duelling_Sword_2	Experienced at throwing down gauntlets, this man fearlessly plays the game of death.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Gent_Duelling_Sword_3	An inveterate duellist, "He'll die as he lived in a flash of the blade, in a corner forgotten by no one!"	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Gent_Piety_3	A passionate adherent of his faith, his religious principles sometimes conflict with life in the modern world.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Gent_Research_Agriculture_1	A gentleman never interferes with his livestock, although he does study them closely.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Gent_Research_Agriculture_2	A gentleman has time to read, think and study, freed as he is from the drudgery of the dung heap.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Gent_Research_Agriculture_3	"Generally, sir, clever landowners find a book more use than mattock when seeking profit!"	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Gent_Research_Agriculture_4	"Have you read my monograph upon the crossbreeding of sheep, Sir? If not, pray hold your insolent tongue!"	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Gent_Research_Civil_1	This man knows how to use the law, and apply its principles to solve problems for clients and the state.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Gent_Research_Civil_2	There is no problem that cannot be solved by the application of the law. When relevant law does not exist, it must be created to keep men in order!	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Gent_Research_Civil_3	A law can achieve much, when properly framed and properly applied by that noblest of professionals: a lawyer.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Gent_Research_Civil_4	Law and its application are all to this man. Every aspect of life must be codified and regulated for the good of all and the smooth functioning of the nation.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Gent_Research_Economics_1	Money is remarkable stuff - the lack of what else can stop an army? - and worthy of study. 	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Gent_Research_Economics_2	Loans, debts, bonds, and accounts make a fascinating study - for the right kind of mind.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Gent_Research_Economics_3	This man's writings are probably understood by a handful of others - which makes him an influential thinker indeed!	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Gent_Research_Economics_4	Decades bent over the accounts may seem a waste - until the financial alchemy of turning paper into gold is discovered!	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Gent_Research_Industry_1	"Where there's muck, there's brass - aye, and knowledge too for a practical man."	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Gent_Research_Industry_2	There may be trouble at t'mill but, for the right man, there's much to be learned as well.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Gent_Research_Industry_3	To start with nothing, and build anything: that teaches a man much.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Gent_Research_Industry_4	A lifetime spent amidst the grime of industry gives a certain solidity to a man's opinions and expertise.  	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Gent_Research_Military_1	This scholar is definitely more ink- than blood-stained, yet can hold forth sensibly on military affairs.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Gent_Research_Military_2	This man's scholarly works have attracted the favourable opinion of many generals; his thinking advances the art of war.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Gent_Research_Military_3	This man has made a deep study of classical  wars, and applied his learning to contemporary strategy.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Gent_Research_Military_4	This man's works are used as text books by aspiring officers in many lands - even among his nation's enemies!	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Gent_Research_Navy_1	While this man may only command ships in his bath, his thinking on naval matters is acute.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Gent_Research_Navy_2	A love of the sea has informed this man's scholarship, making him an authority on naval matters.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Gent_Research_Navy_3	This man's writings are required reading in many naval schools, and even foreigners read his books!	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Gent_Research_Navy_4	This man's grasp of all things nautical is deep and profound; his writings are influential and respected.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Gent_Research_Philosophy_1	This man has read until his eyes have grown dim - and his mind exceptionally sharp.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Gent_Research_Philosophy_2	A disputatious nature and access to a large library can do much for a man's mind.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Gent_Research_Philosophy_3	To some, a lifetime of gazing at clouds seems wasteful, but answers are found in surprising places!	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Gent_Research_Philosophy_4	Even this man's eructations are a profound discourse upon the meaning of life.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Gent_Science_Club_1	This man funds his own experiments, studying for the love of learning as much as the end result.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Gent_Science_Club_2	Well-respected amongst the scientific community, he attends monthly dinners to discuss new theories with his peers.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Gent_Science_Club_3	He is driven by a need to discover the workings of the world, and to unravel the mysteries of creation.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Honourable_Service_1	The King's favour is a splendid thing, and an encouragement to great future efforts.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Honourable_Service_2	"The title does help when dealing with the lower orders, it's true."	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Honourable_Service_3	The pre-requisites of high position give a man a large stake in his nation's continued success.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Honourable_Service_4	This man has been of constant and successful service to his monarch and his nation.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Honourable_Service_5	It is almost impossible to imagine how this man could have brought extra honour to his nation.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Infected_Cholera_1	This minor stomach infection will surely be gone by morning. Or possibly the afternoon.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Infected_Cholera_2	There are good grounds for believing that this is cholera, not "something he ate."	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Infected_Dengue_Fever	This unfortunate has caught breakbone fever, and will feel terrible for some time.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Infected_Dysentry_1	In other men, this might be called cowardice; in this man, it is called pitiable.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Infected_Influenza_1	This man has a sickness called "influenza" by Italian doctors, and cannot work.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Infected_Leprosy_1	This man is marked by his injured extremities.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Infected_Leprosy_2	This man is crippled by his disease, and is feared by many.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Infected_Malaria_1	This man can barely lift his head, let alone a pen or a weapon to carry out his appointed tasks.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Infected_Malaria_2	This poor fellow is regularly laid low by bouts of ague.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Infected_Measles_1	This man is covered in small, red pustules. Is it a rash, or something far worse?	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Infected_Plague_1	"It's the end of the world, the end of the world, you're suffering from life withdrawal!"	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Infected_Scurvy_1	This man is showing all the symptoms of scurvy, from bad breath to aching limbs.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Infected_Smallpox_1	This man has dreadful pustules over his entire body.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Infected_Smallpox_2	The smallpox has done its terrible work on this poor fellow.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Infected_TB_1	This poor chap can never quite throw off a cold, as he has a weak chest.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Infected_TB_2	Coughing up blood is never a good sign, as any doctor will confirm.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Infected_Typhus_1	This man has typhus, and is unable to carry out any of his normal duties.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Infected_Typhus_2	This man is bedridden, and his servants fear for his life.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Infected_Yellow_Fever_1	This man's fever comes and goes, but his pains remain constant.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Infected_Yellow_Fever_2	This poor fellow is very ill: puking blood the colour of midnight is never really a good sign.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Agent_99_1	"There are spies everywhere, you know! Everywhere!"	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Agent_99_2	"I do not trust that doorman. Or that one. Or that maid. Or you."	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Army_Buff_1	As a child he was awoken with the sound of cannons, followed by rigorous drill before breakfast.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Army_Buff_2	This man is happiest dressed in full ceremonial garb, medals glittering at his breast.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Army_Buff_3	Insisting all his attendants and ministers salute and stand to attention is possibly taking things too far.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Clever_Stick_1	This man's ready wits show up lesser men as dullards.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Clever_Stick_2	This man has an exceptional intellect, and can be applied to almost any matter.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Clever_Stick_3	True cleverness sometimes involves not correcting everyone else's mistakes.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Debauched_1	A little smut may be considered witty, but not to an ambassador's wife!	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Debauched_2	This man's behaviour is boorish and nationally embarrassing, even if the ambassador's wife did have a fantastic arse!	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Debauched_3	This man's appalling behaviour would shame any bawd or panderer, let alone a lady of quality... with few scruples.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Debauched_4	"My John Thomas is a disaster area!"	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Dullard_1	This man benefits from an amusing lack of intellect.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Dullard_2	Difficult ideas are difficult, you know. One has to make allowances.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Dullard_3	There are small bedding plants with a greater understanding of life than this man.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Enlightened_Despot_1	An advocate of rationality, reason, toleration, and freedom of ideas - although not at the expense of authority.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Favourites_1	Proof, if ever any was needed, that it is not what you know, but who, that matters when it comes to personal success.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Fertile_1	Blessings upon the royal household! An heir has been born, and the line continues!	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Fertile_2	An heir and a spare! Surely the succession is now safe, and the future of the royal line assured?	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Fertile_3	The royal family have been blessed with so many children, their continuance is guaranteed.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Foreign_Tastes_1	This man delights in the new, the unusual, and the different.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Foreign_Tastes_2	This man shows a marked preference for foreigners, much to the annoyance of his countrymen.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Foreign_Tastes_3	Having redecorated his private chambers seventeen times in various foreign styles, this man cannot get enough of the unusual!	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Harsh_Ruler_1	"There are only two ways: my way, and the way to the gibbet at the crossroads. Am I making myself understood?"	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Harsh_Ruler_2	Right of rebellion? Traitors don't have rights, but they do make attractive drapes when hanging from the fortifications.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Harsh_Ruler_3	'Neath the velvet glove lies an iron hand. There has been occasion to bring it down upon the ungrateful populace.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Humanist_1	This man understands religion, but it does not have a hold over him.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Humanist_2	This man is openly irreligious, to the intense irritation of some, and the joy of others.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Humanist_3	This man looks beyond the tradition teachings of religion for solutions to mankind's problems.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Huntin_Shootin_Fishin_1	Born in the saddle, and with a hunter's keen eye, this man merely follows his natural inclinations.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Huntin_Shootin_Fishin_2	A healthy interest in bloodsports makes this man popular with his wealthier landowners.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Huntin_Shootin_Fishin_3	Is there anything else worth doing in life? Exactly. Of course not.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Inbred_1	This man is not the sharpest tool in the drawer, and his twitching is a tad disheartening to say the least.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Inbred_2	Hereditary weaknesses have revealed themselves, due entirely to ancestors being far, far too close as a family.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Inbred_3	Wall-eyed cousins should not be allowed to marry, except amongst royalty, and then only rarely.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Infertile_1	Children have so far been unforthcoming, despite the best efforts of his spouse.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Infertile_2	The royal couple have not been blessed with heirs that lived.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Infertile_3	Providence has not seen fit to bless the royal couple with offspring. Perhaps it is God's will?	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Insane_1	An "unusual" child, his natural strangeness has only increased with age.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Insane_2	"What, What! Tiddly-pom! A lovely day for oysters, Mother..."	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Insane_3	The monarch is clearly unwell. The slightest excitement can turn him into a dribbling wreck.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Intellectual_Pretensions_1	Intellectual debate is encouraged, and the educational welfare of the people is high on the list of priorities.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Intellectual_Pretensions_2	Correspondence flows freely between the ruler and his learned friends, such is his hunger for knowledge.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Intellectual_Pretensions_3	Intelligentsia have been gathered, so their knowledge and insight are at hand whenever the mood catches.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_M_1	There is much worth in the practice of reading the letters of other men.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_M_2	Spies and agents of influence in foreign parts help the delberations of government.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_M_3	A spy sent into the world is merely a true patriot who labours without public honour.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Merit_1	Military promotions are based on aptitude and ability for the job in hand. Personal connections are of little value.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Mr_Waverley_1	It is good to know other men's secrets.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Mr_Waverley_2	There is something glamorous and dangerous about the shadow world.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Mr_Waverley_3	A man can know many secrets, if he has the right servants in the right shadows.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Natural_King_1	Along with the poise and manner of royalty, the monarch is blessed with many princely virtues.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Natural_King_2	"I am your Prince, appointed by God. I am accountable to Him and only Him."	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Natural_President_1	He has contempt for the tyranny of kings, and how their whims and fancies bring misery to the lives of their subjects.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Natural_President_2	That people should live in thrall and ignorance in this age of enlightenment is the real treachery.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Navy_Buff_1	In childhood he could only sleep if his bedtime stories were tales of dashing maritime adventure.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Navy_Buff_2	He has taken to wearing ceremonial uniforms at all times, which makes bathing a difficult business.	False