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agent_culture_details_onscreen_name_Eastern_Scholarindian	Eastern Scholar	False
agent_culture_details_onscreen_name_Eastern_Scholarmiddle_east	Eastern Scholar	False
agent_culture_details_onscreen_name_Generalegy_european	General	False
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agent_culture_details_onscreen_name_Generalmiddle_east	Orgeneral	False
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agent_culture_details_onscreen_name_Protestant_Missionaryeuropean	Provocateur	False
agent_culture_details_onscreen_name_rakeegy_european	Spy	False
agent_culture_details_onscreen_name_rakeeuropean	Spy	False
agent_culture_details_onscreen_name_raketribal	Scout	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Agent_Provocateur	People always resent authority, but reminding them of the fact can prove useful to the larger cause.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Artist_Playwright	Sir: I can think of no subject more stirring, heroic, patriotic or inspiring to my pen than your own achievements.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Artist_Portrait	I do not daub warts and cankers! I paint heroes!	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Balloonist	There is risk in the aery realms, but is there not also glory, honour, scientific curiosity, and a very good view of the enemy?	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Banker	Money, sir, money. Your army works not because it has bullets, men or cannon. It has money!	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Beau	Do we have to fight a war? It sounds deucedly vulgar, and quite likely to ruin this cravat.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Biographer	A biographical tome exists to enhance the reputations of the subject and the author's patron, not that of the miserable scribbler.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Boatswain	A man whose very bones are hewn from ship's timbers is worth keeping close!	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Bodyguard	The powerful always have enemies to be guarded against.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Book_Keeper	Sometimes it can be a good idea to keep two sets of account books.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Carpenter	The man who keeps a ship afloat rarely wants for friends at sea.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Carpenter_Loony	I've not plugged the leak, but I have made this rather attractive chaise-longue!	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Chaplain	If God had meant us to look after the poor he would have created more money for the rich, sir.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Classical_Scholar	Sir, the achievements and glories of Rome and Greece are the foundations of our own poor efforts!	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Commissioner_of_Public_Safety	The people must be protected. The people will be protected. The people will show no mercy to their enemies.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Cook	A man who commands a good table will never want for friends!	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Cornet	A young man in search of military employment and preferment has many uses.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Cossack_Brave	A man who will cut down - at the full gallop, mind! - any foe is a worthy ally.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Cossack_Drunken	Ha! I have shat myself, ha ha!	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Decorated_Hero	A commemorative medal - and the owner thereof - can only add to the reputation of a worthy patron.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Dilletante	I know a little about a great many things: I dabble, sir, I dabble, but I do so 'con brio'!	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Doctor_Quack	Rub on the tincture, and all will be well. But, pray you: never drink it.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Drummer	A rousing tattoo can raise the spirits, stiffen the resolve, and signal an order.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Duellist	An expert with the blade or pistol is a useful man to consult when honour is impugned.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Election_Agent	I will make sure the voter is properly compensated for his ringing endorsement, sir.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Excise_Man	Smugglers are a curse upon the good order of any nation, and must be hunted with vigour!	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Factor	Trade, sir, trade! What else is there for a man of parts? It is the lifeblood of a nation!	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Fake_Emir	Couscous? Imshi!	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Fake_Native_Chief	How?	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Family_Cousin_1	He is a fool, but he is my fool, sir, and he will have preferment over more able men if I so decide!	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Family_Cousin_2	He may have a face like a Barbary ape's privities, but he is family and owns an able mind!	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Family_Retainer	For some men being loyal and true is as natural as breathing.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Family_Son_In_Law	I have no idea what my wife saw in the boy when she arranged matters, other than his enormous inheritance, of course.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Favourite_Charger	A good horse is worth its weight in gold when the lead starts to fly.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Fiddler	A man must have music and gaiety, even as he slaughters his enemies!	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Financier	Money and the creative uses of it are an Art without, as yet, a Muse.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Gen_Supply_Agent	Without food, water, boots, clothes, guns, powder and a thousand other necessaries, an army marches nowhere.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Gov_Customs_Officer	Honest merchants need have nothing to fear!	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Gov_Gardener_Royal	An exotic bloom, in no other ruler's possession naturally, must needs have tender care.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Gov_Gardener_Royal	An exotic bloom, in no other ruler's possession naturally, must have tender care.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Gov_Metropolitan	The righteous ruler can expect the full support of the Orthodox Church.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Gov_Scandal_Writer	A lubricious and vigorous account of a duchess and her unseemly behaviour, illustrated copiously and with lecherous detail, can do much to inflame or to distract.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Gov_Taxman_Crook	No, sir, they will pay. And you will see the money in the public coffers by and by.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Gov_Taxman_Honest	No matter how reasonable the tax, sir, even good men will work ceaselessly to avoid all payment!	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Gov_Thieftaker_Honest	A man who will see a thief hanged, and not profit by its lack, is dangerous and worth keeping to hand.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Gov_Trader_Merchant	Trade is war, sir! It is war fought out with cruelty and no quarter. Your battle, sir, is a pale reflection of a trader's work!	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Gov_Trader_Monopolist	Free trade, sir! Pah! I paid good money not to hear talk of 'free' anything!	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Gov_Trader_Ottoman	There is always a taste for the exotic and Oriental to be satisfied.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Gov_Trader_Stock	There are many companies worth investment, but only my stock offers a guaranteed 10,000 per centum return!	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Governess	Children are not always a requirement for enjoying the services of a strict governess.	False