button_tx_protector_Tooltip_3d0020	Request the other nation come under your protection.||Though it may sound like extra work, becoming a nation's protector can actually have many advantages.||You will receive half of their income and gain unlimited military access to their regions.||When a nation becomes protectorate they must break all previous alliances.||Protectorate nations can still declare war on other nations - if this happens you will be dragged into the conflict.	True
tab_title_NewState_Text_60039	Missions	True
Turns_not queued_Tooltip_310033	Recruitment turns||This shows how many turns it will take to recruit this unit.	True
bar_graph_window_Tooltip_1a006c	This displays the number of prestige points awarded in each area, depending on your filter view.	True
password_Tooltip_110008	You can set a password here if you wish.||This means only players with the password can enter your game.	True
income_Tooltip_210022	This shows the income from each region and whether it is increasing or not.||Underneath the regions income there is a percentage, this is the region income tax.||Each region's income has an affect on your nation's income and as such you will want this to increase as much as possible.||If the region's income is not increasing you may want to bring up the region's details panel to see how to help it grow.||Left-click on each region to jump to its location on the campaign map.||Right-click to bring up the details for the selected region.||You can order this column according to the richest and poorest regions by clicking on this column's title.	True
score_label_NewState_Text_3e005f	Player Score:	True
Level Pip 5_filled_Tooltip_20002e	.	True
dy_title_buildings_Text_5f006e	Buildings Constructed	True
txt_function_frontend_insufficient_funds_Text_74002d	Insufficient funds.	True
defence_Tooltip_710023	This determines the chance of your unit getting hit while in melee.||Unfortunately this is only for melee mode and will provide no protection from a bullet!	True
button_options_Tooltip_7001a	Game menu	True
checkbox_down_off_Tooltip_660038	Manually managing taxes||Click to automanage taxes.	True
declare_war_tx_Tooltip_4d007a	This is the declare war panel.||From here you can declare war on their faction and see allies for both sides.||Move your cursor over the sections below for more information.	True
tab_title_NewState_Text_70033	Controls	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_70058	Native American Nations	True
ship_icon_Tooltip_5a000a	This represents your selected unit's position on the map.	True
tx_other_Tooltip_50015	This is your faction's income from other sources.	True
tx_other_Tooltip_610008	Income gained from other sources such as payments from diplomacy negotiations.	True
tx_policing_NewState_Text_4a0001	Town Watch	True
tx_policing_Tooltip_25004a	Amount of money per turn to support your town watch.||To keep the peace, every settlement needs militia (or town watch) to enforce public order. This is known as repression.||Public order is kept by keeping your population happy and repressing any trouble.||The more unhappy a population, the more repression you will need.||Some settlements will need less repression than others and you can disband some units to save money.||Public order details can be found in your settlement details panel.||From this you can judge how much repression is needed.	True
tx_policing_Tooltip_780020	This is the amount of money it costs each turn to support your town watch.||To keep the peace, every settlement needs militia (or town watch) to enforce public order. This is known as repression.||Public order is kept by keeping your population happy and repressing any trouble. The less happy a population, the more repression you will need.||Some settlements will need less repression than others and you can disband some units to save money.||Public order details can be found in your settlement details panel. From this you can judge how much repression you need.	True
TX_pop_killed_NewState_Text_240016	Population killed:	True
tx_population_NewState_Text_7c006d	Population:	True
tx_population_Tooltip_280013	This is the population of your nation across all the regions that you own.	True
tx_population_Tooltip_73001c	This is the population of your nation across all your regions.	True
TX_port_NewState_Text_3b0018	Port:	True
tx_prestige_NewState_Text_b000c	Prestige Rank:	True
tx_prestige_NewState_Text_d0026	Prestige	True
tx_prestige_Tooltip_18004f	This is your nation's prestige.||Your prestige depends on how you measure up against the other nations.||It is a reflection of your achievements during your campaign.||Your conquests will improve your prestige, as well as research in military, naval, industrial and philosophy technologies.||Your total prestige points will be calculated at the end of your campaign and you can see where you stand compared to the other nations.	True
tx_prestige_Tooltip_3f000f	Your prestige depends on how you measure up against other nations.||It is a reflection of your achievements during your campaign.||Your conquests will improve your prestige, as well as research in the technologies.||Your total prestige points will be calculated at the end of your campaign and you can see where you stand compared to the other nations.	True
tx_prestige_Tooltip_730015	This is your Prestige panel.||Your prestige depends on how you measure up against the other nations.||It is a reflection of your achievements during your campaign.||Your conquests will improve your prestige, as well as research in military, naval, industrial and philosophy technologies.||Your total prestige points will be calculated at the end of your campaign and you can see where you stand compared to the other nations.	True
TX_prize_money_NewState_Text_180006	Prize Money:	True
tx_prosperity_NewState_Text_740073	Prosperity:	True
tx_protectorates_NewState_Text_34005b	Protectorates:	True
TX_Protectorates_Protectorate of_Text_41004e	Protectorate of	True
TX_Protectorates_Protectorate of_Tooltip_46002a	This shows your protector.||You are under this factions protection and they receive half your income.||They also have full military access to your region.	True
TX_Protectorates_Protectorate of_Tooltip_740011	You are under this nation's protection and they receive half of your income.||They also have full military access to your regions.	True
TX_Protectorates_Protectorates_Text_2e007b	Protectorates	True
TX_Protectorates_Protectorates_Tooltip_63002a	These nations are under your protection.||In exchange for your protection you receive half of their income.||You also have full military access to their regions.	True
tx_public-order_lowest_NewState_Text_8006b	Lowest public order:	True
tx_public-order_lowest_Tooltip_600017	This is the region with the lowest public order in this theatre.||If you click this button it will bring up the region's settlement details.||The region settlement panel has details on what is causing the low public order in the bottom section of the panel.||Many things can cause low public order, but lowering the tax can help.||If the tax seems low enough already you might want to try increasing repression by recruiting some more town watch in the area instead.||Clicking on this button again will dismiss the region settlement panel.	True
tx_ranking_filter_tx_economics_Tooltip_b001e	This filter shows only the economic prestige for the selected nations.||Click on the arrows to the left and right to switch to a new filter.	True
tx_ranking_filter_tx_enlightenment_Tooltip_430015	This filter shows only the enlightenment prestige for the selected nations.||Click on the arrows to the left and right to switch to a new filter.	True
tx_ranking_filter_tx_military_Tooltip_5	This filter shows only the military prestige for the selected nations.||Click on the arrows to the left and right to switch to a new filter.	True
tx_ranking_filter_tx_naval_Tooltip_72001c	This filter shows only the naval prestige for the selected nations.||Click on the arrows to the left and right to switch to a new filter.	True
tx_ranking_filter_tx_overall_ranking_Tooltip_210060	This filter shows the overall prestige for the selected nations.||Click on the arrows to the left and right to switch to a new filter.	True
TX_region_NewState_Text_620060	Region:	True
tx_regions_held_NewState_Text_4d0076	Listed victory regions held:	True
tx_reinforcing armies_NewState_Text_10072	Reinforcing armies:	True
tx_reinforcing armies_Tooltip_50062	The enemies' reinforcements for this battle.||Reinforcements are taken from any armies or navies nearby when the battle is declared.||Reinforcements will be brought in to replace any units or fleets you rout or destroy.	True
tx_reinforcing armies_Tooltip_d0011	Reinforcements are taken from any armies or navies nearby when the battle is declared.||If your force is not at full capacity you can augment it with reinforcements.||If you have a routing unit or fleet you can bring on a replacement.||Once brought on you can control a reinforcing unit much like any other unit.||There is a maximum of twenty units allowed in battle at one time.	True
TX_research_complete_normal_Text_36001c	Research complete:	True
tx_route_NewState_Text_1b0042	Route	True
tx_route_Tooltip_1e007b	This displays whether the trade route is by sea or road.	True
TX_sabotaged_by_NewState_Text_470075	Assassinated by:	True
TX_sabotaged_by_NewState_Text_53001e	Sabotaged by:	True
tx_sap_points_NewState_Text_410052	Sap Points  constructed:	True
TX_save_game_Load_Text_210009	Load Game	True
standard_tx_NewState_Text_430061	Standard Camera	True
Cost_Tooltip_a0007	Unit cost	True
funds_Tooltip_3006d	Available funds||Use your funds to recruit your armies and navies, develop regions and buildings and bribe the odd diplomat!||Your majority of your income will come from trade and taxes.	True
label_tx_Tooltip_110008	You can set a password here if you wish.||This means only players with the password can enter your game.	True
cancel_alliance_tx_NewState_Text_f000b	Do you want to end the Military Alliance with this country?	True
button_ready_Unselected_roll_Tooltip_20004a	Ready!	True
tx_home-region_NewState_Text_53002b	Capital:	True
text_box_war_required_Text_2b0021	Making this attack is an act of war. Do you wish to proceed?	True
label_tx_NewState_Text_590019	Distortion Effects (heat haze)	True
europe_Tooltip_460045	Europe.||America, Europe and India are where you can develop cities, recruit armies and wage war.||This is where you build your Empire	True
reward_tx_NewState_Text_760066	Possible Reward:	True
label_tx_NewState_Text_4d000f	Run in window	True
button_fougasse_basic_Tooltip_43001c	Sweep the enemy off their feet, along with anything else in the vicinity by using this defence.||Bury these mines under the ground and detonate them when the enemy is over them or nearby.||You must put these in position during the deployment phase.	True
unit_id_tx_NewState_Text_770018	Floating flags	True
time_units_NewState_Text_6e000d	seconds	True
Map panel_Tooltip_6d0072	This is your taxes map and provides an overall idea of how taxes are affecting your population's happiness.||Mousing over the map will tell you what the region is called and which faction owns it.||Your regions are shown in either red or green.||If a region is green it means the population's public order is under control; red means that they are close to rioting!||Tax levels affect a population's happiness, and as a result, their public order level.||Lowering tax levels will help calm rioting or unhappy regions. However, as tax levels have one setting per theatre you may also be reducing tax levels for regions you don't need to, and thus losing potential money.||Instead of reducing tax levels overall for a theatre, you could try other solutions. For example, increasing militia presence in problem regions to increase oppression.	True
tx_other_NewState_Text_110055	Other	True
war_declared_tx_NewState_Text_5e0006	War Declared	True
heading_imports_Tooltip_1c004b	Supplies you receive through all your trade routes.||These depend on the resource slots and industrial buildings you have throughout your regions.||Move your cursor over the areas below for more information.	True
label_tx_NewState_Text_330077	Boost Gain	True
morale_Tooltip_c0016	A unit with high morale is less likely to rout in the face of trouble.||If your artillery routs, they will leave the artillery unmanned and unusable!||Gaining experience on the battlefield will improve morale for this unit.	True
button_historical_Tooltip_640054	These are battles with specific set ups and unique challenges.	True
effects_title_Building_Tooltip_160047	Each building will have different effects once built. For example, they can affect units, wealth, repression or public happiness.||By viewing these effects you can choose buildings that will provide the biggest boosts to the areas you want.||If the building is damaged it will cease to provide the effects until repaired.||Move your cursors over the effects icons for more details.	True
bar_Tooltip_a0034	A long range enables you to hit enemies from a distance, but weapons still tend to be more effective at shorter ranges.	True
nav_UC_button_speed-_Tooltip_29001c	Decrease Sail	True
label_tx_NewState_Text_3d007c	2 Hours	True
tx_button_taxes_normal_Text_2d	Set tax rate	True
button_gabionade_Tooltip_380040	Your artillery could be your saving grace on the battlefield, but it can also be vunerable to attack.||Use these to build an effective wall around your artillery, protecting it from attack.	True
button_tx_payments_Text_110038	Payments	True
mouse_middle_info_NewState_Text_320065	Zoom to pointer	True
tab_military_Tooltip_42002b	This is the military technologies tab.||Military technology helps to manufacture and improve weapons, and devise new battle tactics and formations.||If you wish to improve your armies and navies you will want to steal something from here.||This tab is split between three different trees; military, ordnance and naval technology.||Move your cursor over the different icons to see more information about them.	True
election_turns_Tooltip_280024	Next election||If you want to keep your current cabinet and your popularity is low, you only have this long to turn public opinion around!||You could try dropping tax to a low rate for a quick fix, but it may be too late.	True
hull_strength_NewState_Text_22001a	Hull Strength	True
icon_classic_battle_Tooltip_3b0023	Land battles are fought on land where the only aim is to decimate your enemies!||Try to use each battle's terrain to the best of your advantage.||Gain the higher ground where you can, forcing the enemy to attack uphill, making them tired and vunerable.||If you have troops that can hide in forests, have them lay in wait for the unsuspecting enemy before springing an ambush!	True
button_tx_payments_Tooltip_40004c	Click this button to demand or offer payments.||Money is another tool of the trade for diplomacy.||Offer it as a sign of goodwill, a bribe to get your own way, or demand it in exchange for granting their requests.||The bigger the request the more money you can ask for - of course you could ask for technology or a region instead.||Clicking here will bring up the payments panel with more information.	True
default_text_NewState_Text_2a0018	No active missions	True
art_title_tx_NewState_Text_50045	Artillery	True
button_fire_at_will_Tooltip_48007b	Fire at will	True
gov_type_tx_absolute_monarchy_Text_24001e	Absolute Monarchy	True
protectorates_Tooltip_1c0015	These are your protectorates.||These factions are under your protection.||In exchange for your protection you receive half their income and unlimited military access to their regions.	True
button_cancel_Tooltip_78000b	Cancel changes	True
heading_tx_Stealing_Text_400069	Technology Stealing	True
plus_Tooltip_5b0060	These are the positive influences effecting your region's population growth.||The most important influence for growing your population is farming. Constructing fishing ports will also have a positive effect.||Maintaining a low tax rate for the Lowest Classes will also promote population growth.	True
_title_frame_assassinate_Text_14004e	Assassination	True
Attitude_dy_other_nations_Tooltip_70047	When this is selected your map will show what other nations attitudes are towards the selected faction.||Regions coloured green will be friendly to the selected faction, and red will be unfriendly.||Click the arrows to the left and right to switch between the contexts.	True
text_box_access_required_Text_d0061	You do not currently have access rights to this region. Choose an option:	True
EU_map_Tooltip_1e003b	This shows the regions you control in Europe.||The regions in green are yours.	True
tab_industry_Tooltip_44000c	Industrial technology||This technology tree is divided into three branches - agriculture, metal and textile industry.||This technology will help increase wealth and population growth.||Move your cursor over the different icons to see more information about them.	True
button_ready_Selected_Tooltip_4e0050	Not ready	True
dy_income_lower_Tooltip_670017	This is the total Lower Class tax income for this theatre.||Changing the Lower Class tax level sliders will affect this number.	True
button_ready_Selected_Tooltip_6f0070	Not Ready!	True
button_cancel_Tooltip_e0064	Refuse offer	True
nav_button_broadside_R_Tooltip_710003	Fire broadside right||Click here once to load cannons and then again to fire once loaded.||Loading progress is shown by the ring around the button.||When the ring is fully red all cannons will be loaded and ready for firing.||If you click on the button before the ring is fully red it will cancel loading the cannons.||You can load and fire different shots for various effects.	True
ammunition_Tooltip_6f0058	The amount of ammunition this unit can carry into battle.||Once this has been used up the unit will be forced to switch to melee mode for any more fighting.||After the battle ammunition will be fully replenished.	True
victory_Tooltip_60074	These are your victory conditions.||You will need to complete these to win the game.	True
TX_port_NewState_Text_3b0018	Port:	True
hull_strength_Tooltip_42004e	The hull strength determines how much damage this unit will receive when hit.||You can strengthen a hull by researching seasoning in naval technology.	True
button_delete_Tooltip_d0041	Click to delete this file	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_3e005b	End battle	True
map_globe_Tooltip_120015	This is your travel destinations map.||The three large rectangled	True
dy_chapter_NewState_Text_5d006d	Chapter I	True
button_tx_protector_Text_330066	Become Protector	True
button_cancel_mouse_off_Tooltip_480010	Click here to exit this panel without loading or saving.z	True
dy_value_Tooltip_20066	This increases a unit's melee attack when charging in.||Researching a new model bayonet will improve this bonus.	True
effects_icons3_naval_upkeep_cost_Tooltip_550014	Naval upkeep cost	True
button_tx_forces_Text_7f0051	Forces	True
offer_access_tx_NewState_Text_56000a	Offer Access	True
morale_NewState_Text_6b0053	Morale	True
tw_tx_NewState_Text_5c0007	Classic Total War Camera	True
army_embark_Tooltip_30003a	Embark/Disembark||Move units between your docked fleet and the port garrison.	True
NAV_wind_pointer_Tooltip_1e002d	This is your compass and always points north.||You can use this to pinpoint where you are in position to the wind direction.||Sailing with the wind will increase the speed of your ships.	True
banner 270_Tooltip_7f004d	This is your currently selected theatre.||Each theatre has its own tax settings.||Use the arrows to the left and right to switch through the theatres.	True
range_Tooltip_2a0034	A long range enables you to hit enemies from a distance, but weapons still tend to be more effective at shorter ranges.	True
building_Tooltip_36	In the column below you can left click on a building to view its building tree and right click for more information.	True
TX_save_game_NewState_Text_500067	Travel Destinations	True
TX_save_game_Save_Text_2e0001	Save Game	True
TX_save_game_Tooltip_570029	Travel destinations panel.||This panel helps you to move between	True
TX_save_game_Tooltip_5a0073	This panel helps you to move between theatres quickly and easily.||This is triggered when you move into one of the transition zones between theatres.||Use the map below to select your destination and when you are happy click the tick button.||To cancel a move select the cancel button - this will return you to the map.	True
tx_state-religion_NewState_Text_2b005b	State Religion:	True
tx_state-religion_Tooltip_60023	State religion is determined by your nation's leader.||Individual regions have their own religion and their happiness may be affected if it differs from the state's.||Nations with the same religion will find common ground together and are more likely to get on.||This is an important factor when engaging in diplomacy.	True
tx_state-religion_Tooltip_66000e	This is your state's religion.||State religion is determined by the state (or faction) leader.||Individual regions have their own religion and their happiness may be affected if it differs from the states.||Factions with the same religion will find common ground together and are more likely to get on. This is an important factor when engaging in diplomacy.	True
TX_target_faction_NewState_Text_500023	Target Faction:	True
TX_target_location_NewState_Text_7c006a	Target Location:	True
TX_target_NewState_Text_520079	Target:	True
tx_tax income_Tooltip_40002d	These are the factors effecting the percentage of taxation levied on your population.||Move your cursor over the pips below to see the positive and negative factors that make up your tax rate percentage.	True
tx_taxes_tooltip_amanage_off_Text_4005f	Taxes	True
tx_taxes_tooltip_amanage_off_Tooltip_150009	You are currently controlling the tax rates in this theatre directly.||Check this box to automanage taxes.||Tax rates will be set for you, aiming for the best balance of healthy tax income, avoiding public unrest, and allowing your region's economies to grow.	True
tx_taxes_tooltip_amanage_off_Tooltip_540058	You are currently controlling the tax rates in this theatre directly. Check this box to auto-manage taxes: tax rates will be set for you, aiming for the best balance of healthy tax income, avoiding public unrest, and allowing your regions economies to grow	True
tx_taxes_tooltip_amanage_on_Text_4005f	Taxes	True
tx_taxes_tooltip_amanage_on_Tooltip_4b0053	The tax rates in this theatre are currently being automanaged for you, aiming for the best balance between healthy tax income, avoiding public unrest, and allowing your region's economies to grow.||Uncheck this box to set tax rates yourself (manually).	True
tx_taxes_tooltip_amanage_on_Tooltip_5aff9e	The tax rates in this theatre are currently being auto-managed for you, aiming for the best balance between healthy tax income, avoiding public unrest, and allowing your regions￯ᄒメ economies to grow. Check this box to set tax rates yourself (manually)	True
TX_Theatre_DY_Tooltip_100021	Currently selected theatre||Each theatre has its own tax settings.||Use the arrows to the left and right to switch through the theatres.	True
TX_Theatre_DY_Tooltip_180071	This is the currently selected theatre.||The world map is divided into three theatres: Europe, America and India.||You can view the other theatres by clicking on the arrows to the left and right.	True
TX_Theatre_DY_Tooltip_360076	The map above depicts the regions owned by your nation and the nation you are negotiating with.||Your nation's regions are coloured in green, whereas theirs are coloured red.||Mousing over the regions marked on the map will tell you their names so you can choose them from the two panels below.||Switch to another theatre view by using the scrolling buttons to the left and right.	True
TX_Theatre_DY_Tooltip_370057	This is the theatre currently on view.	True
TX_Theatre_DY_Tooltip_4d0035	Theatre||The world map is divided into three theatres: Europe, America and India.||View the other theatres by clicking on the arrows to the left and right.	True
TX_Theatre_DY_Tooltip_7f004d	This is your currently selected theatre.||Each theatre has its own tax settings.||Use the arrows to the left and right to switch through the theatres.	True
TX_theatre_NewState_Text_410020	Theatre:	True
tx_theatre_NewState_Text_410020	Theatre:	True
tx_theatre_NewState_Text_7b0020	Theatre	True
tx_theatre_Tooltip_1a002b	Develop trade resources in each theatre to increase the flow of trade.||You can do this by taking regions with plentiful resource slots and developing your industry.	True
tx_theatre_Tooltip_3b0037	Currently selected theatre||Each theatre has its own tax settings.||Use the arrows to the left and right of the theatre banner to switch theatres.	True
tx_theatre_Tooltip_7f004d	This is your currently selected theatre.||Each theatre has its own tax settings.||Use the arrows to the left and right to switch through the theatres.	True
tx_total_NewState_Text_67006b	Total income from taxes	True
tx_total_regions_held_NewState_Text_220078	Total victory regions held:	True
tx_total_Tooltip_1c0062	This is the sum of the Upper and Lower Class tax income for his theatre.||This money will be added to your next turn.||When added to the other total tax incomes for the other theatres you will get your total tax income for your faction.||Changing any of the tax level sliders will affect this number.	True
TX_Trade Partners_NewState_Text_15004e	Trade Partners	True
TX_Trade Partners_Tooltip_140054	These are the factions you have trade agreements with.||Trade routes are opened up between any nations you have trade agreements with.||Both factions will export and import goods to each other and gain trade income from the profits.	True
TX_Trade Partners_Tooltip_590059	Nations you have trade agreements with.||Trade routes are opened up between any nations you have trade agreements with.||Both nations will export and import goods to each other and gain trade income from the profits.	True
player_1_Tooltip_260038	This is the leader for this nation.	True
player_2_Tooltip_260038	This is the leader for this nation.	True
announcement_txt_NewState_Text_330002	New Content available.	True
Ammunition_Tooltip_760059	Ammunition	True
label_tx_NewState_Text_49001a	Limitless Ammunition	True
label_tx_NewState_Text_5b0008	Rotation Speed	True
button_ok_Tooltip_73002d	Click this button when you have finished on this panel.	True
tx_trade_NewState_Text_520017	Trade Income	True
tx_trade_Tooltip_20009	This is the income you gain from exporting your nation's resources to your trade partners via trade routes.||Throughout your regions you will have trade resources such as sugar, coffee and tobacco. These are shipped in to your region's capital.||If the trade supply exceeds the demand, the surplus is exported through international trade routes to your trade partners.||To increase this income develop trade resources and make more trade partners.||You can see a breakdown of your supply and exports in the trade tab of this panel.	True
tx_trade_Tooltip_7a0056	Income gained from exporting your nation's resources to your trade partners via trade routes.||Throughout your regions you will have trade resources such as sugar, coffee and tobacco.||These are shipped in to your region's capital.||If the trade supply exceeds the demand, the surplus is exported through international trade routes to your trade partners.||To increase this income develop trade resources and make more trade partners.||You can see a breakdown of your supply and exports in the trade tab of this panel.	True
tx_tradepartners_NewState_Text_350054	Trade Partners:	True
tx_tradepartners_Tooltip_3d0078	These are the nations that you are trading with.||Your trade income comes from the resources you export to these nations via trade routes from your home region to their home region.||To find out more information on your trade, see your Trade tab. You can also make more trade relations on your diplomatic details panel.	True
tx_tradepartners_Tooltip_540008	The nations that you are trading with.||Your trade income comes from the resources you export to these nations via trade routes from your home region to their home region.||To find out more information on your trade, see your Trade tab. You can also make more trade relations on your diplomatic details panel.	True
tx_treasury_NewState_Text_1f000a	Treasury:	True
tx_treasury_Tooltip_190050	Your current available funds. Next turn, your income (detailed below) will be added to this.	True
tx_turns_NewState_Text_1b0075	turns	True
tx_turns_until..._NewState_Text_32003b	Turns until next town develops:	True
tx_turns_until..._NewState_Text_53004d	Next town developing:	True
tx_unit_exchange_NewState_Text_3a0007	Unit Exchange	True
tx_unit_exchange_Tooltip_3b004f	This is the unit exchange panel.||If this has appeared, it	True
TX_Unit_Review_NewState_Text_5b0067	Unit Review	True
TX_Unit_Review_Tooltip_530074	Your surviving men are shown below||Their unit cards are updated to reflect men lost through death or capture and any experience gained.	True
tx_unit-type_NewState_Text_170031	The Royal Family	True
tx_unit-type_Tooltip_2b0038	The selected character's title.	True
tx_unit-type_Tooltip_2b0044	On this panel you can view a character's personal details, traits and entourage.||All of this is useful for judging a character and where best to use them.||Move your cursor over the different areas for more detail.	True
tx_unit-type_Tooltip_67000b	Your currently selected unit.	True
TX_university_normal_Text_7a0064	University:	True
tx_upkeep_army_NewState_Text_500069	Army Upkeep	True
tx_upkeep_army_Tooltip_390016	This is the amount of money it costs each turn to support your standing armies. Disband units to reduce this figure.||Armies are made up from units. Each unit has its upkeep costs in its unit details panel.||Units that are not doing anything are simply eating money. Disband them or move them where they will be useful.	True
tx_upkeep_army_Tooltip_3a0065	Amount of money per turn to support your armies.||Disband units to reduce this figure.||Armies are made up of units.||Each unit has an upkeep cost in its unit details panel.||Units that are not doing anything are simply wasting money.||Disband them or move them where they are needed.	True