• 追加された行はこの色です。
  • 削除された行はこの色です。
quotes_quote_onscreen_1002	武士の家に生まれたからには、太刀、刀を取って死ぬ道こそが本意である。	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1012	The arts of peace and the arts of war are like two wheels of a cart which, lacking one, will have difficulty in standing.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1017	古人の跡を求めず古人のもとめたる所をもとめよ。 	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1027	月日は百代の過客にして、行き交う年もまた旅人なり。 	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1032	我 事において 後悔せず。	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1034	兵法の道行ひ得ては一つも見えずと云ふ事なし、よくゝゝ吟味有べきなり。	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1043	武士道とは死ぬことと見つけたり。	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1044	花実の二つにして花より実の少き所なり、\n取分け此兵法の道に色をかざり花をさかせ術をてらひて或は一道場或は二道場など云て此道ををしへ、\n又此道を習ふて利を得んと思ふ事所謂なま兵法大疵の本とは是なるべし。	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1048	一つには農の道、\n農民は色々の農具を設け四季転変の心得暇なくして春秋をおくる事是農の道なり。	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1057	二つには商の道、\n酒を造るものは夫々の道具を求め其善悪の利を得て渡世と為す、\n何れも其身々々にかせぎ其利を以て世を渡る事是商の道なり。	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1058	三つには士の道、\n武士に 於ては様々の兵具を拵らえ、\n一々兵具の徳を弁へたらんこそ武士なるべけれ、\n兵具をも嗜まず其具々々の利をも覚えざる事武家のたしなみの浅きものよ。	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1060	四つには工の道、\n大工の道に於ては種々様々の道具を匠み拵らえ、其具々々を能つかひ覚え、\n矩を以て其差図を糺し、暇なく其わざをして世を渡るなり、是れ士農工商四つの道なり。	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1066	兵法を学ばんと思はゞ此書を思案して師は針、\n弟子は糸となって絶えず稽古あるべき事なり。	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1074	一人に勝と云ふ心は千万の敵にも同意なり、\n将たるものゝ兵法小さきを大になすこと尺の金を以て大仏を建るに同じ。	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1083	兵法の道に自然と自由有て自然と奇特を得、時にあひては拍子を知り、\nおのづから打、おのづからあたる事。	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1088	一命を捨る時は道具を残さず役に立てず腰に納めて死する事本意にあるべからず。	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1094	片手にて太刀を振りならはせん為に二刀として太刀を片手にて振り覚ゆる道なり、\n人毎に初て取時は太刀重く して振りまはしがたきものなれども。	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1102	脇差は坐のせまき所、敵の身側によりて其利多し、\n太刀は何れの所にても大かた其の利あり。	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1105	長刀は戦場にては鑓にをとる心あり、刀は先手なり長刀は後手なり。	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1110	弓は合戦の場にてかけひきにも出合ひ、\n鑓わき其外物きわゝゝにて早く取合するものなれば野合の合戦などに取分け宜きものなり。	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1114	城郭の内にしては鉄砲にしくことなし、野合などにても合戦のはじまらぬ内に其利多し、\n戦既に始まりては不足なるべし。	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1123	道具以下にも片分けて好く事あるべからず、余りたることは足ぬと同じ事なり。	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1132	鍛錬を以て惣体自由なれば身にても人に勝ち、又此道に慣れたる心なれば心を以ても人に勝つ、\n道を学びて此に至る時は如何にしても人に負くることある可らず。	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1139	何れの道に於ても人に負けざる所を知りて身を助け名を助くるところ是れ兵法の道なり。	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1149	心は体につれず体は心につれず、心に用心して身には用心をせず、\n心の足らぬことなくして心を少しも余らせず、上の心はよわくとも底の心をつよく、心を人に見分けられざるやうにして。	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1152	智恵を磨ぎ天下の理非をわきまへ、物事の善悪を知り、万の芸能其の道にわたり。	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1162	世間の人に少しもだまされざる様にして後兵法の智恵成るなり。	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1171	遠き所を近く見、近き所を遠く見ること兵法の専なり。	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1174	目の玉動かずして両脇を見ること肝要なり、け様のこと急がしき時俄にわきまへがたし。	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1182	太刀を持と云て持たる心ばかりにては悪し敵を切物なりと思ひて太刀を取べし、\n敵を切時も手の内に変りなく、手の悚まざるやうに持べし。	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1188	打と云ふ事当ると云ふ事二つなり、打と云ふ心は何れの打にても重く受け慥に打なり、\n当るは行当る程の心にて強く当り忽ち敵の死する程にても是はあたるなり。	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1190	心をはなって、初中後同じ事に敵を挫ぐ心にて、底までつよき心に勝。	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1193	敵我にわざをなす事に付て、役に立ざる事をば敵に任せ、\n役にたつほどの事をばおさへて敵にさせぬやうにする所兵法の専なり。	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1199	渡を越すと云ふは、縦令ば海を渡るに瀬渡と云所もあり、又は四十里五十里と云ふ長き海を越すをも渡りと云なり、\n人間の世を渡るにも、一代のうちには、渡を越すと云ふ所多かるべし、船路にして其渡の処を知り、船の位を知り。	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1208	敵のくづるゝ拍子を得て、其間を抜さぬやう立追につる事肝要なり、\n崩るゝ所の息をぬかしては立かへす所あるべし。	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1215	敵のわざをせんとする所を抑ふると云て、我方より其利を抑ふる所を、\n敵に強くみすれば、強きに抑えられて、敵の心かはる事なり、我も心をちがへて、空なる心より先を仕掛て勝つ所なり。	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1219	敵を刧やかす事眼前の事のみにあらず、或は物の声にてもおびやかし、\n或は小を大にしておびやかし、又片わきよりふっとおびやかすこと。	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1224	空と云は物毎に形なき所、知れざる事を空と見立るなり。	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1227	世の中に於て惡敷く見れば、物を辨へざる處を空と見る處實の空にあらず、皆迷う心なり。	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1237	空有善無惡 智者有也 理者有也 道者有也 心者空也。	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1243	空は空にして無なり、有る所を知りて無き所を知る、是空なり。	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1252	眼の付け様は大きに広く付るなり、観見の二つあり、観の目つよく、見の目よわく。	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1259	他の流々をも尋ね見るに、或は口にて云ひかこつけ、或は手にて細かなる業をして、\n人目に善きやうに見すると云ふとも一つも実の心にあるべからず。	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1261	兵法の道において心の持様は常の心にかはる事なかれ、常にも兵法の時にも少もかはらずして心を広く直にし、\nきつくひっぱらず少もたるまず、心のかたよらぬやう心を直中に置て心を静にゆるがせて、\n其ゆるぎの刹那もゆるぎやまぬやうに能々吟味すべし。	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1266	我かゝらんと思ふ時静にして居り、俄かに早くかゝる先、上を強く早くし、底をのこす心の先。	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1272	兵法勝負の道に限って人に我身をまわさして跡につく事悪し、\nいかにもして敵を自由にまわしたき事なり。	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1277	目に見えぬ処をさとる事。	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1285	You win battles by knowing the enemy's timing, and using a timing which the enemy does not expect. 	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1288	 武士道と云ふことは、即ち死ぬことと見付けたり。	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1293	If the enemy thinks of the mountains, attack like the sea; and if he thinks of the sea, attack like the mountains.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1297	太刀の徳よりして世を治め身を治むる事なれば太刀は兵法の起る処なり、太刀の徳を得ては一人して十人に必ず勝つ事なり、一人にして十人に勝たば百人にして千人に勝ち、\n千人にして万人に勝つ、然るによって我が一流の兵法は一人も万人も同じ事にして武士の法を残らず兵法と云所以なり。	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1306	Intelligence is the flower of discrimination. There are many examples of the flower blooming but not bearing fruit.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1314	武士道は死狂いなり。一人の殺害を数十人してつかぬるもの。	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1316	Consider the minds of your underlings well, for it will be difficult to be wide of the mark when judging things in comparison from their standpoint.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1322	Encourage and listen well to the words of your subordinates. It is well known that gold lies hidden underground.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1332	No matter whether a person belongs to the upper or lower ranks, if he has not put his life on the line at least once he has cause for shame.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1335	武士道といふは、死ぬ事と見付けたり。二つ二つの場にて、早く死ぬ方に片付くばかりなり。別に仔細なし。胸すわって進むなり。	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1336	Throughout your life advance daily, becoming more skilful than yesterday, more skilful than today. This is never-ending.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1344	Matters of great concern should be treated lightly.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1351	No matter if the enemy has thousands of men, there is fulfilment in simply standing them off and being determined to cut them all down, starting from one end.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1358	A real man does not think of victory or defeat. He plunges recklessly towards an irrational death. By doing this, you will awaken from your dreams.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1368	A samurai with no group and no horse is not a samurai at all.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1371	A man whose profession is the use of arms should think and then act upon not only his fame, but also that of his descendants. He should not scandalise his name forever by holding his one and only life too dear.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1374	Many men feel that they should act according to the time or the moment they are facing, and thus are in confusion when something goes beyond this and some difficulty arises.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1380	Deliberate tactical errors and minor losses are the means by which to bait the enemy.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1382	On both difficult and easy terrain, you must know the 'tenable' and 'fatal' ground. Occupy tenable ground and attack on fatal ground.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1386	One's soldiers should not yell abuse at the enemy. An old saying goes: "Arouse a bee and it will come at you with the force of a dragon."	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1389	In the Wu Tzu it says: "He who would save his life shall lose it, and he who would give up his life shall save it."	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1390	One should not utter a word about his own inadequacies. In the Oxo it says: "When a man lets out a single word, the long and short of him will be known."	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1392	One must not be negligent in learning. In the Lun Yu it says: "To study and not to think is darkness. To think without study is dangerous."	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1396	One must never be perfidious to his master. In the Lun Yu it says: "One should act according to the way even in times of haste. One should act according to the way even in times of danger. It says further: 'When one is serving his master, he should exert himself."	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1401	One should not turn his back on reproof. In the words of the ancients: "Good medicine is bitter to the mouth, but has an effect on the disease. Faithful words hurt one's ears, but have value for one's conduct."	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1410	It is also said that: "The man who hunts a deer does not gaze at the mountains."	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1416	When one would make a surprise attack on the enemy, he should avoid the major roads and seek out the lesser ones. Then attack.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1423	A man with deep far-sightedness will survey both the beginning and the end of a situation and continually consider its every facet as important.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1428	Learning is to a man as the leaves and branches are to a tree, and it can be said that he should simply not be without it.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1432	Men with discrimination will be viewed as schemers; second, men with deep far-sightedness will be seen as cowards; and third, men with rough behaviour will be mistaken for real warriors.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1442	When a flower is composed, it does not bloom all at once although the spring has come. Otherwise, yesterday's friend will become today's enemy, as yesterday's flower will become today's dust.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1449	Take care of yourself so you can serve your master.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1450	This life is inconsequential; I am merely concerned about your facing the evil paths in the next one.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1452	How can a man commit acts of martial valour if he values his life?	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1456	If you will take it into your mind to be sincere in throwing away your life for your master, you will not have the slightest fear or trembling even with the advent of innumerable impending calamities.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1457	I will stand off the forces of the entire country here…and die a resplendent death.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1467	The people of the various provinces are strictly forbidden to have in their possession any swords, short swords, bows, spears, firearms, or other types of arms.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1468	The possession of unnecessary implements makes difficult the collection of taxes and dues and tends to foment uprisings.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1478	Give my dream back raven! The moon you woke me to is misted over.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1482	A samurai will use a toothpick even though he has not eaten. Inside the skin of a dog, outside the hide of a tiger.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1486	An affected laugh shows lack of self-respect in a man and lewdness in a woman	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1492	It is carelessness to go about with one's hands inside the slits in the sides of his hakama.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1500	Tether even a roasted chicken.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1501	Continue to spur a running horse.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1511	To ask when you already know is politeness. To ask when you don't know is the rule.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1518	Go ahead and gamble a lie. A person who will not tell you seven lies within a hundred yards is useless as a man.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1528	As long as people overlook matters, then inferiors can, without any fear, lead an easy and peaceful life.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1533	When all your judgements are based on your own wisdom, you tend towards selfishness and fail by straying from the right path. 	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1542	By bringing shame to a person, how could one expect to make him a better man?	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1545	There is one transcending level, and this is the most excellent of all. This person is aware of the endlessness of entering deeply into a certain Way and never thinks of himself as having finished.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1554	In the eyes of mercy, no one should have hateful thoughts. Feel pity for the man who is even more at fault. The area and size of mercy is limitless.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1564	A person who is discreet in speaking will be useful during the good times and will avoid punishment during the bad.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1572	If you are slain in battle, you should be resolved to have your corpse facing the enemy.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1580	There is not a man who does not get senile by the time he reaches sixty. And when one thinks that he will not be senile, he is already so.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1588	If one thinks only of winning, a sordid victory will be worse than a defeat. For the most part, it becomes a squalid defeat.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1593	A person who knows but a little will put on an air of knowledge. This is a matter of inexperience. When someone knows something well, it will not be seen in this manner.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1594	The basic meaning of etiquette is to be quick at both the beginning and end and tranquil in the middle.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1600	As everything in this world is but a sham. Death is the only sincerity.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1606	One should make his decisions within the space of seven breaths.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1613	The end is important in all things.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1614	It is a wretched thing that the young men today are so contriving and so proud of their material possessions. Men with contriving hearts are lacking in duty. Lacking in duty, they will have no self-respect.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1620	When delivering something like an important letter or other written materials, grasp it firmly in your hand as you go and do not release it once, but hand it over directly to the recipient.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1624	By inconsistency and frivolity we stray from the Way and show ourselves to be beginners. In this we do much harm.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1631	It is better not to become acquainted with men about whom you have formerly had doubts. No matter what you do, they will be people by whom you will be tripped up or taken in.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1636	The saying 'the arts aid the body' is for samurai of other regions. For samurai of the Nabeshima clan the arts bring ruin to the body.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1644	The person who practices an art is an artist, not a samurai, and one should have the intention of being called a samurai.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1651	It is said that one should not hesitate to correct himself when he has made a mistake. If he corrects himself without the least bit of delay, his mistakes will disappear.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1661	You cannot tell whether a person is good or bad by his vicissitudes in life. Good and bad fortune are matters of fate.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1664	When something out of the ordinary happens, it is ridiculous to say that it is a mystery or a portent of something to come….the mystery is created in (their) minds, and by waiting for disaster, it is from their very minds that it occurs.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1672	A warrior should not say something fainthearted, even casually. He should set his mind to this beforehand. Even in trifling matters the depths of one's heart can be seen.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1675	When someone is giving you his opinion, you should receive it with deep gratitude even though it is worthless. If you don't, he will not tell you the things that he has seen and heard about you again.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1678	It is better to have some unhappiness while one is still young, for if a person does not experience some bitterness, his disposition will not settle down.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1683	Be true to the thought of the moment and avoid distraction. Other than continuing to exert yourself, enter into nothing else, but go to the extent of living single thought by single thought.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1686	One should be wary of talking on end about such subjects as learning, morality or folklore in front of elders or people of rank. It is disagreeable to listen to.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1692	Even if one's head were to be suddenly cut off, he should be able to do one more action with certainty.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1700	Covetousness, anger and foolishness are things to sort out well. When bad things happen in the world, if you look at them comparatively, they are not unrelated to these three things.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1705	Looking comparatively at the good things, you will see that they are not excluded from wisdom, humanity and bravery.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1711	I do not strive for my salvation with weapons but with patience and humility, in accordance with the doctrine of Jesus Christ.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1712	If one will fix his heart in such a way and assist the world and its people, he will have the devotion of the men who see and hear him.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1722	In this world of uncertainty, ours should be a path of discipline.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1731	One should always be genteel in his speaking. A man shows his inmost self by a single word.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1741	A samurai may kill a member of the lower class who has behaved offensively to him. Authorities do not require notification, the samurai being given permission to cut down (the offender) and leave without further ado.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1751	The peasant is the foundation of the state and must be governed with care. He must be allowed neither too much, nor too little, but just enough rice to live on and keep for seed in the following year. The remainder must be taken from him in tax.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1755	Peasants are people without sense or forethought. Therefore, they must not give rice to their wives and children at harvest time, but must save food for the future. They should eat millet, vegetables, and other coarse food instead of rice. Even the fallen leaves of plants should be saved as food against famine.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1763	Gold and silver are treasures more precious than life. A man whose wish to serve is so strong that he offers bribes for an appointment shows thereby that his intentions are loyal.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1770	To die by the sword; no finer honour exists; winter’s grip awaits.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1776	Autumn blossom falls; death comes to all on swift wings; the warmth of life: gone.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1784	The warmth of summer; an arrow floats on the breeze; bringing with it death.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1788	Death now my master; cold as stone upon the field; I fall like blossom.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1792	Through the autumn fields; his steed, swift as typhoon winds; the arrow, fleeter.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1793	The depths of winter; the wolf stalks his prey by night; red blood on white snow.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1799	Dreaded shikome! The winter of life revealed; my soul is now free.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1803	Wounded and beaten; go without me my brothers; I leave my body here.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1808	Winter’s first snow; bodies freeze upon the ground; remnants of battle.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1811	I die triumphant; my soul soars above the snow; released at last.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1817	Although I greet death; I do not fear its icy grip; my soul is at peace.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1826	Camellia blossom; falling swiftly to the ground; my head follows after.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1828	The crane soars higher; its wings brush cherry blossom; my soul flies with it.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1831	In the ponds cool depths; the happy frog plays in spring; his life, a slow game.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1832	Summer’s arid heat; the dry parched earth welcomes me; my blood nourishing.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1836	Mount Fuji’s great peak; shrouded in tender spring rain; the lonely crane cries. 	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1841	Blossom on the breeze; settles on the face of a corpse; beauty masking death.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1849	Warm summer rain; probes my glassy lifeless eyes; its warmth abandoned.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1855	Snowflakes in the air; a cold wind carries them on; to my sacred home.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1863	A doll floats downstream; carrying with it prayers; spring has come at last. 	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1869	Sheltering cherry; my last breath stirs your blossom; my soul ascends. Meh.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1877	Autumn maple leaves; their colours, like the harvest; remind me of home. 	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1881	A soul ship finds me; crystal waters call my name; I am dragged below.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1884	Cold steel pierces flesh; a moment of clarity: death is not the end. 	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1887	The sorrow of defeat; Too much to bear; The kind sword touches my cold flesh.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1895	Noble enemy: I mourn your loss as I mourned; for my first-born son.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1902	Shapes in the shadow; a glint of steel; the silence steals my happy life. 	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1911	Cunning tanuki; he preys upon my humble soul; I have no defence. 	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1912	The old carp is wise; he whispers his dark secrets; only the wind hears.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1918	The dark tiger stalks; my soul quivers in the air; just for a moment.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1930	With my last breath; I honour my great master; now I go to him.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1931	Now I meet my end; warm blood washes my mouth; the tide coming forth. 	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1941	My untimely death; plays like a noh tragedy; the masks are all wrong.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1949	Sunset seduces; each step brings me no closer; the horizon flees.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1957	A flash of lightning; illuminates man’s journey; then darkness returns.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1961	Raindrops on the lake; a universe of ripples; centre touching all.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1964	Leaves turn green to gold; not to end but to transform; as flesh rots to dust.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1968	I grow old and hunch; as gnarled branches turn downwards; returning to roots.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1976	Fish break the surface; and a reflection shatters; momentarily.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1985	My acts mark the land; time makes ghosts of every deed; as snow hides footprints.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1993	Flash of steel stills me; calmness mirrors the ocean; I await the waves.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_1997	My wake leaves little; but as ripples reach the sea; they become great waves.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_2001	I fall on my blade; crimson blossoms seed the earth; the spring buds drink deep.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_2003	Autumn trees shed leaves; skinning the tree one by one; until it is bare.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_2013	My eyes grow heavy; as blackened storm clouds grow near; engulfing the sun.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_2017	Summer heat cracks dirt; weed tendrils escape and grab; dragging my bleached bones.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_2026	Dripping morning dew; mimics the blood from a blade; it does not wake me.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_2034	The death of blossoms; is not something to grieve on; but the way of things.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_2042	Melting icicles; once proud soldiers, lose all form; returning to streams.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_2043	Gold arcs through the sky; as a breeze lifts fallen leaves; and I leave my dream.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_2046	Everything grows cold; stillness like a frozen lake; there will be no thaw.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_2054	Laying in the shade; dappled sunlight warms my face; a welcome farewell.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_2063	Frost coats my body; a final suit of armour; buried in silver.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_2066	Journeying westward; dried leaves crumble underfoot; blown by autumn wind.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_2068	Lines etched in my face; are leafless winter branches; a map of my life. 	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_2077	Memories fading; awakening from the dream; gone like morning dew. 	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_2080	Covered by blossoms; I curl up to the dreaming; nature’s own blanket	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_2084	Up into the sky; I kiss the falling snowflakes; as they pass me by	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_2086	Twice I awaken; once at the first burst of spring; once in wintertime.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_2095	Crossing the river; takes me from the familiar; to new adventures.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_2102	Summer insects buzz; over new fragrant flowers; and fallen soldiers. 	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_2107	Spring blinks and withers; sheds its skin then dons a cloak; of sunset gold.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_2115	Willows slowly stoop; preparing to meet the ground; as autumn arrives.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_2124	In the autumn time; you cannot catch every leaf; nor halt coming age	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_2131	Heat haze of summer; obscures a man’s path ahead; an unclear future.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_2140	A tree’s skeleton; exposed by autumn season; ready for new life	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_2144	Spring stretches and bursts; spilling forth life – but not me; my spring was last year	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_2147	A generous rain; it lands hard on eyes that; neither flinch nor blink.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_2148	A cold, low whistle; accompanies my last breath; wind in sympathy.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_2151	The new year begins; my eyes hunger for the sight; of my last sunrise.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_2160	Turning the snow pink; in the absence of springtime; I create blossoms.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_439	A man must not live under the same sky as one who has injured his lord or father.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_446	The way of the warrior is death. This means choosing death whenever there is a choice between life and death. It means nothing else.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_447	The Four Oaths: Never be late with respect to the way of the warrior; be useful to the lord; be respectful to your parents; get beyond love and grief: exist for the good of man.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_455	Dishonour is like a scar on a tree, which time, instead of effacing, only helps to enlarge.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_458	A little piece of gold may be highly valued, but if it gets in one's eye, the result will be darkness.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_467	Even if one has learned all the sayings of the sages and saints, he should not insist on them obstinately.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_475	A general of great merit should be said to be a man who has met with at least one great defeat.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_482	A dog is not considered a good dog because he is a good barker. A man is not considered a good man because he is a good talker. 	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_490	Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_497	The tongue like a sharp knife...kills without drawing blood.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_504	Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned. 	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_513	Even death is not to be feared by one who has lived wisely. 	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_522	You will not be punished for your anger, you will be punished by your anger.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_532	The whole secret of existence is to have no fear.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_542	Nothing ever exists entirely alone; everything is in relation to everything else.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_548	The foot feels the foot when it feels the ground.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_554	It is a man's own mind, not his enemy or foe, that lures him to evil ways.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_560	A flower falls, even though we love it; and a weed grows, even though we do not love it.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_563	When we discover that the truth is already in us, we are all at once our original selves.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_573	The colour of the mountains is Buddha's body; the sound of running water is his great speech.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_578	Do not think you will necessarily be aware of your own enlightenment.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_584	He will win who knows when to fight and when not to fight.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_587	He will win who knows how to handle both superior and inferior forces.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_596	He will win whose army is animated by the same spirit throughout all its ranks.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_603	He will win who, prepared himself, waits to take the enemy unprepared.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_610	He will win who has military capacity and is not interfered with by the sovereign.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_620	Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_623	There is no instance of a nation benefiting from prolonged warfare.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_633	The skilful employer of men will employ the wise man, the brave man, the covetous man, and the stupid man.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_635	Opportunities multiply as they are seized.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_640	If you know your enemy and know yourself, you will not be imperilled by a hundred battles. If you do not know the others but do know yourself, you will win one and lose one. If you do not know the enemy and do not know yourselves you will be in danger in every battle.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_643	Act after having made assessments. The one who first knows the measure of far and near wins — this is the rule of armed struggle.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_647	To perceive victory when it is known to all is not really skilful… It does not take much strength to lift a hair, it does not take sharp eyes to see the sun and moon, it does not take sharp ears to hear the thunderclap.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_648	All men can see these tactics whereby I conquer, but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_653	All warfare is based on deception.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_659	Be extremely subtle, even to the point of formlessness. Be extremely mysterious, even to the point of soundlessness. Thereby you can be the director of the opponent's fate.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_667	Can you imagine what I would do if I could do all I can?	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_670	Confront them with annihilation, and they will then survive; plunge them into a deadly situation, and they will then live. When people fall into danger, they are then able to strive for victory.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_673	For them to perceive the advantage of defeating the enemy, they must also have their rewards.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_678	For to win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_684	He who is prudent, and lies in wait for an enemy who is not, will be victorious.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_689	He who knows when he can fight, and when he cannot, will be victorious.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_693	Hence that general is skilful in attack whose opponent does not know what to defend; and he is skilful in defence whose opponent does not know what to attack.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_700	If ignorant both of your enemy and yourself, you are certain to be in peril.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_703	If our soldiers are not overburdened with money, it is not because they have a distaste for riches; if their lives are not unduly long, it is not because they are disinclined to longevity.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_704	If you are far from the enemy, make him believe you are near.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_673	敵の貨を取るものは利なり。	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_678	百戦百勝は善の善なるものにあらず。戦わずして人の兵を屈するは善の善なるものなり。	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_684	かれを知り己れを知れぱ、勝、すなわち殆うからず。	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_689	天を知りて地を知れぱ、勝、すなわち全かるべし。	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_693	攻めて必らず取る者は、其の守らざる所を攻むればなり。守りて必らず固き者は、其の攻めざる所を守ればなり。	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_700	彼を知らず己れを知らざれば、戦うごとに必ず殆うし。	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_703	わが士、余財なきは貨を悪むにあらず。余命なきは寿を悪(にく)むにあらず。	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_704	故に能にして之に不能を示し、用ひて之に不用を示し、近くして之に遠きを示し、遠くして之に近きを示し。	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_715	凡そ用兵の法は、国を全するを上となし、国を破るはこれに次ぐ。軍を全うするを上となし、軍を破るはこれに次ぐ。	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_717	Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_723	It is essential to seek out enemy agents who have come to conduct espionage against you and to bribe them to serve you. Give them instructions and care for them. Thus double agents are recruited and used.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_723	敵間の来たって我れを間する者、因りてこれを利し、導きてこれを舎せしむ。故に反間得て用うべきなり。	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_724	明君賢将、よく上智をもって間をなす者は必ず大功を成す。	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_734	Now the reason the enlightened prince and the wise general conquer the enemy whenever they move, and their achievements surpass those of ordinary men, is foreknowledge.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_736	Of all those in the army close to the commander none is more intimate than the secret agent; of all rewards none more liberal than those given to secret agents; of all matters none is more confidential than those relating to secret operations.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_740	Pretend inferiority and encourage his arrogance.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_734	明君賢将の動きて人に勝ち、成功すること衆に出づるゆえんのものは、先に知れぱなり。	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_736	故に三軍の事、交りは間より親なるはなく、賞は間より厚きはなく、事は間より密なるはなし。	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_740	能にして之に不能を示し、用ひて之に不用を示し。	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_747	祥を禁じ疑を去り、死に至るまで之くところなし。	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_750	卒を視ること嬰児のごとし、故にこれと深谿(しんけい)に赴むくべし。卒を視ること愛子のごとし、故にこれとともに死すべし。	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_751	Secret operations are essential in war; upon them the army relies to make its every move.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_751	明主賢将のみ能く上智を以て間者と為して必らず大功を成す。此れ兵の要にして、三軍の恃みて動く所なり。	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_752	戦術無き戦略は空虚、戦略なき戦術は無力。	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_762	戦わずして人の兵を屈するは善の善なるものなり。	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_766	明君はこれを慎み、良将はこれをいましむ。	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_769	故に進んで名を求めず、退いて罪を避けず、ただ民をこれ保ちて利の主に合うは、国の宝なり。	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_774	夫れ未だ戦はずして、廊算するに勝つものは、算を得ること多きなり。\n未だ戦わずして、廊算するに勝たざるものはさんを得ること少なきなり。	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_784	昔の善く戦う者は、まず勝つべからざるをなして、もって敵の勝つべきを待つ。	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_794	勝つべからざるは己れに在るも、勝つべきは敵に在り。	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_795	鷙鳥(しちょう)の撃ちて、毀折(きせつ)に至るは節なり。	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_804	戦わずして勝つ。	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_809	上兵は謀(計画段階)を代つ、 其の次は交(同盟関係)を代つ、 其次ぎは兵を代つ。	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_816	百戦百勝は善の善なるものにあらず。戦わずして人の兵を屈するは善の善なるものなり。	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_825	勝を見ること衆人の知るところに過ぎざるは、善の善なる者にあらず。	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_830	来たりて委謝するは、休息を欲するなり。	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_833	故に戦道必ず勝たぱ、主は戦うなかれというとも必ず戦いて可なり。\n戦道勝たずんぱ、主は必ず戦えというとも戦うなくして可なり。	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_839	Where the army is, prices are high; when prices rise the wealth of the people is exhausted.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_843	善く戦う者は、これを勢いに求めて人に責めず。	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_852	Being unconquerable lies with yourself; being conquerable lies with your enemy.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_853	One defends when his strength is inadequate, he attacks when it is abundant.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_855	A leader leads by example, not by force.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_856	If words of command are not clear and distinct, if orders are not thoroughly understood, the general is to blame. But if his orders are clear, and the soldiers nevertheless disobey, then it is the fault of their officers.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_860	Bestow rewards without respect to customary practice; publish orders without respect to precedent. Thus you may employ the entire army as you would one man.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_870	Speed is the essence of war. Take advantage of the enemy's unpreparedness; travel by unexpected routes and strike him where he has taken no precautions.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_872	Too frequent rewards indicate that the general is at the end of his resources; too frequent punishments that he is in acute distress.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_882	To a surrounded enemy, you must leave a way of escape.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_891	Subtle and insubstantial, the expert leaves no trace; divinely mysterious, he is inaudible. Thus he is master of his enemy's fate.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_892	The ultimate in disposing one's troops is to be without ascertainable shape. Then the most penetrating spies cannot pry in nor can the wise lay plans against you.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_893	The art of giving orders is not to try to rectify the minor blunders and not be swayed by petty doubts.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_895	When torrential water tosses boulders, it is because of its momentum. When the strike of a hawk breaks the body of its prey, it is because of timing.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_902	古の所謂善く戦う者は、勝ち易きに勝つ者なり。	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_905	It is truly regrettable that a person will treat a man who is valuable to him well, and a man who is worthless to him poorly.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_908	One should have insight into this world of dreams that passes in the twinkling of an eye.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_917	Death refuses to wait for the space of a breath; life is more evanescent than a mayfly or a lightning flash.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_920	If thou knowest only what it is to conquer, and knowest not what it is to be defeated, woe unto thee; it will fare ill with thee.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_923	There are seven emotions: joy, anger, anxiety, adoration, grief, fear, and hate, and if a man does not give way to these he can be called patient.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_928	One should not be envious of someone who has prospered by unjust deeds. Nor should he disdain someone who has fallen while adhering to the path of righteousness.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_929	Just as water will conform to the shape of the vessel that contains it, so will a man follow the good and evil of his companions.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_935	不知文道武道終に不得勝利事。	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_937	言うは易く行なうは難し。 	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_939	やさしい言葉一つで冬中暖かい。	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_943	裏には裏がある。	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_951	出る杭は打たれる。	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_957	虎穴に入らずんば虎子を得ず。	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_966	猿も木から落ちる。	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_970	能ある鷹は爪を隠す。		True
quotes_quote_onscreen_979	およそ下の者は上の者を学ぶ。大将がくつろげば、下は大いに怠けるもの。	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_980	One should not be negligent in the way of the retainer. One should rise at four in the morning, practice sword technique, eat one's meal, and train with the bow, the gun, and the horse.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_989	As for the decorum at the time of a campaign, one must be mindful that he is a samurai. A person who loves beautification where it is unnecessary is fit for punishment.	True
quotes_quote_onscreen_999	If a man does not investigate into the matter of bushido daily, it will be difficult for him to die a brave and manly death.	True