diplomacy_strings_string_chosokabe_acknowledge_marriage	この婚姻は貴公の栄誉であり、我ら長宗我部をさらに堅固なものにするだろう!	True
diplomacy_strings_string_chosokabe_acknowledge_war	刃を交えることは口先ばかりの平和より実に良いものだ。 後で貴公の記念碑の一つでも建ててやろう。	True
diplomacy_strings_string_chosokabe_cancel_trade	我ら長宗我部はもはや貴公の品々を必要としていない。 我らの協定は終わりだ。	True
diplomacy_strings_string_chosokabe_not_interested_in_further_discussion	話を先に進める理由に乏しい。 貴公のさかしいやり方は理解しがたい。	True
diplomacy_strings_string_chosokabe_offer_demand_peace	恐らく、今が平和について語るべき時だろう。  力で築く平和の中にも名誉はある。	True
diplomacy_strings_string_chosokabe_offer_demand_trade	我らとの取引が利益と友好をもたらすのを、貴公もきっと目にできるだろう。	True
diplomacy_strings_string_chosokabe_offer_marriage	我ら長宗我部との婚盟を申し述べたい。 これ以上望む事は無いであろう?	True
diplomacy_strings_string_chosokabe_receive_friendly	ようこそ! さて、我ら長宗我部に何の御用かな?	True
diplomacy_strings_string_chosokabe_reject_angry_demand_hostage	我らは決して貴様のような者に子息を引き渡すような真似はしない! 長宗我部はまだ名誉を信じておる!	True
diplomacy_strings_string_chosokabe_reject_angry_demand_single_payment	では、貴公は長宗我部が、どんなに言い繕った窃盗行為でも承認するほど愚かだと思っているのか?	True
diplomacy_strings_string_chosokabe_reject_angry_offer_demand_peace	我々も愚かではない。 なぜ貴公にまだ息があって平和を求めおる時に、和平を結ばなければならないのか?	True
diplomacy_strings_string_chosokabe_reject_demand_protectorate	我々は他の者には屈しない。 長宗我部の誇りは有か、無かである。	True
diplomacy_strings_string_chosokabe_reject_offer_demand_peace	だめだ、 我々は今すぐ平和を求めるほど単純ではない。	True
diplomacy_strings_string_chosokabe_reject_offer_single_payment	貴公の金では我々の意見はもとより、長宗我部の釘クズ一つすら買えはしない。	True
diplomacy_strings_string_current_treaty_alliance	軍事同盟	True
diplomacy_strings_string_current_treaty_at_war	戦争	True
diplomacy_strings_string_current_treaty_embargoing_trade	彼等に対する輸出禁止 (残り %d ターン)	True
diplomacy_strings_string_current_treaty_giving_military_access_indefinite	無期限の軍事通行権を与える	True
diplomacy_strings_string_current_treaty_giving_military_access_turns	軍事通行権を与える (残り %d ターン)	True
diplomacy_strings_string_current_treaty_has_military_access_indefinite	あなたの領土への無期限の軍事通行権	True
diplomacy_strings_string_current_treaty_has_military_access_turns	あなたの領土への軍事通行権 (残り %d ターン)	True
diplomacy_strings_string_current_treaty_peace	平和条約 ((残り %d ターン)	True
diplomacy_strings_string_current_treaty_protectorate_of_non_player	この氏族に従属 :	True
diplomacy_strings_string_current_treaty_protectorate_of_player	従属	True
diplomacy_strings_string_current_treaty_trade_agreement	通商協定	True
diplomacy_strings_string_current_treaty_trade_embargoed	あなたに対する輸出禁止 (残り %d ターン)	True
diplomacy_strings_string_date_acknowledge_marriage	You gain much from our bloodline! Fortunately, the Date clan is also stronger as a result of this marriage.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_date_offer_demand_peace	An end to fighting does not diminish us, or you. It shows prudence and honour.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_date_reject_angry_demand_military_access	Never! Date lands are not your drill grounds!	True
diplomacy_strings_string_date_reject_angry_demand_protectorate	We are our own masters! Do not be foolish and confuse negotiating with weakness.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_date_reject_angry_demand_single_payment	Not one single coin will leave the Date treasury. Continue, and much blood will flow!	True
diplomacy_strings_string_date_reject_angry_offer_demand_peace	There can be no peace. We are fighters, not old women!	True
diplomacy_strings_string_date_reject_demand_hostage	No. There are no members of the Date clan who would be suitable for such an honour.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_date_reject_demand_military_access	We cannot allow that. Our warriors would, rightly, not suffer such shame in silence.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_date_reject_demand_protectorate	We are warriors. The Date do not bow to any unworthy men.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_date_reject_demand_single_payment	Ha! So you would rob us and call it diplomacy?	True
diplomacy_strings_string_date_reject_offer_demand_peace	No. You still live.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_date_reject_offer_marriage	A well-intentioned offer, but such a marriage is not possible for we Date.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_date_reject_offer_single_payment	Date honour is not bought with a handful of coins.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_date_war	We welcome war. Our warriors yearn for it, as you will shortly discover.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_hojo_acknowledge_war	Very well, let it be war. My profound condolences to your widows-to-be.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_hojo_approach_friendly	Let us build from strong foundations, and thrive together.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_hojo_cancel_military_access	Our lands have been unquiet with your troops in them. We cannot allow this to continue.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_hojo_demand_hostage	Let us put matters on a firm footing: provide us with a hostage, as guarantee of your good behaviour.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_hojo_offer_demand_peace	It is time to end the fighting, before both our houses lie entirely ruined.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_hojo_reject_angry_demand_hostage	We will not give even one of our people into your tender care. You must think us foolish indeed!	True
diplomacy_strings_string_hojo_reject_angry_demand_marriage	No Hojo marriage bed will ever be soiled by one of your whelps!	True
diplomacy_strings_string_hojo_reject_angry_demand_military_access	Never! Hojo lands and honour are not yours to trample as you see fit!	True
diplomacy_strings_string_hojo_reject_angry_offer_regular_payment	We do not need your money. Our lands are quite wealthy enough without taking payments from peasants.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_hojo_reject_angry_offer_single_payment	We may be known as builders, but we are not tradesmen to be bought in this fashion!	True
diplomacy_strings_string_hojo_reject_demand_protectorate	We cannot do such a thing. The very stones of our land would cry out against it.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_hojo_reject_offer_demand_alliance	Such an alliance would be built without foundations. It would collapse in the merest breeze.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_hojo_reject_offer_single_payment	No. Gifts honour the giver, but not in this case. 	True
diplomacy_strings_string_hojo_war	The Hojo have nevered feared war. They will not start now.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_iga_ninja_accept_hostile	I would as soon drive a tanto into your heart, but this agreement must be accepted.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_iga_ninja_acknowledge_hostage	The Hattori understand such things. The matter will be arranged.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_iga_ninja_acknowledge_war	So be it! Now you will learn to fear the shadows!	True
diplomacy_strings_string_iga_ninja_demand_single_payment	There is much to be said for turning aside the resentment of others with golden blossoms.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_iga_ninja_generic_reject_angry_1	Ah! If only good manners allowed me to carve this rejection into your skull!	True
diplomacy_strings_string_iga_ninja_generic_reject_angry_2	We Hattori are not fools. This will be remembered.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_iga_ninja_not_interested_in_further_discussion	Even now the clouds gather around the mountain tops, and sensible men go home.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_iga_ninja_receive_hostile	What do you want? Speak, if you value your tongue!	True
diplomacy_strings_string_iga_ninja_receive_unfriendly	Why have you come? Why should the Hattori listen to your words?	True
diplomacy_strings_string_iga_ninja_reject_angry_demand_marriage	No Hattori could be persuaded to bed one of your creatures!	True
diplomacy_strings_string_iga_ninja_reject_angry_demand_military_access	Hattori lands are not some pleasure garden for you to wander in as you see fit! 	True
diplomacy_strings_string_iga_ninja_reject_angry_demand_single_payment	We do not give others gold, only steel. And in darkness.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_iga_ninja_reject_angry_offer_demand_alliance	To what end would the Hattori want you as allies? Target practice, perhaps?	True
diplomacy_strings_string_iga_ninja_war	When next you wake, if you wake, you will regret the decision to fight us, the Hattori!	True
diplomacy_strings_string_ikko_ikki_accept_friendly	A proposal as straight and true as an arrow's shaft! We accept. May good fortune favour us all.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_ikko_ikki_accept_hostile	We accept, even though you are lower than a snake's belly.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_ikko_ikki_acknowledge_marriage	May this marriage further strengthen the bond between us.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_ikko_ikki_acknowledge_war	War it is, then! You will be cast into the mud and trampled under our feet!	True
diplomacy_strings_string_ikko_ikki_cancel_military_access	Your armies must never enter our lands again. They offend the people, the spirits and the heavens!	True
diplomacy_strings_string_ikko_ikki_not_interested_in_further_discussion	Like all nobles, you have talked and said nothing. This is ended.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_ikko_ikki_receive_hostile	Speak carefully, for you walk along the edge of a volcano!	True
diplomacy_strings_string_ikko_ikki_reject_angry_demand_hostage	Our people are not traded like cattle! There will be no hostage!	True
diplomacy_strings_string_ikko_ikki_reject_angry_demand_marriage	Marriage? To one of yours? Oh, no, no, no.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_ikko_ikki_reject_angry_demand_protectorate	A rotten fish still stinks, even when dressed in the finest silk. Why would we want to be your slaves?	True
diplomacy_strings_string_ikko_ikki_reject_demand_protectorate	We will never be your slaves and servants. Find others to bow to you.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_ikko_ikki_reject_offer_demand_hostage	No. Our children are precious.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_ikko_ikki_reject_offer_demand_peace	Peace? It is peace you want? We do not see the need for your peace!	True
diplomacy_strings_string_ikko_ikki_war	War it is, then. Now you will feel the people's righteous fury!	True
diplomacy_strings_string_japanese_generic_monarchy_accept_friendly	A proposal as straight and true as an arrow's shaft! My lord will accept. May good fortune favour us all.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_japanese_generic_monarchy_accept_hostile	My lord will accept, even though you are lower than a snake's belly. I will carry the dishonour of this decision for him.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_japanese_generic_monarchy_accept_neutral	We have reached agreement, then, although the sake has unfortunately run out and we cannot celebrate.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_japanese_generic_monarchy_accept_unfriendly	Against all reason, we agree. We are not friends, but we are not enemies. That will have to suffice.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_japanese_generic_monarchy_accept_very_friendly	It is heartening to see honour still exists in these treacherous times: you are a blessing to your clan. 	True
diplomacy_strings_string_japanese_generic_monarchy_acknowledge_accept	A most satisfactory end to our discussions. Our thanks. 	True
diplomacy_strings_string_japanese_generic_monarchy_acknowledge_cancel_alliance	Our alliance is ended. The next time we meet may be with swords rather than tea cups.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_japanese_generic_monarchy_acknowledge_cancel_military_access	Very well, we will no longer march across your lands. We hope your safety will not suffer.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_japanese_generic_monarchy_acknowledge_cancel_trade	Very well, you trade goods were not what our people wanted anyway. I am sure your cheap geegaws will sell elsewhere.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_japanese_generic_monarchy_acknowledge_counter_accept	There is much wisdom in your decision, and in your long deliberations. 	True
diplomacy_strings_string_japanese_generic_monarchy_acknowledge_counter_reject	It seems little is pleasing to you, then. Our talks must now conclude.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_japanese_generic_monarchy_acknowledge_hostage	A hostage. Yes. We will agree to such an arrangement.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_japanese_generic_monarchy_acknowledge_marriage	May this marriage further strengthen the bond between the clans.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_japanese_generic_monarchy_acknowledge_reject	This is most unfortunate. I hope that you will have no cause to regret this decision.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_japanese_generic_monarchy_acknowledge_state_gift	A proposal as straight and true as an arrow's shaft! My lord will accept. May good fortune favour us all.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_japanese_generic_monarchy_acknowledge_war	Ah! It is good to have open disagreement! We will put words aside: war it is!	True
diplomacy_strings_string_japanese_generic_monarchy_approach_friendly	Please consider this offer carefully, so we may prosper together in friendship.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_japanese_generic_monarchy_approach_hostile	You would be wise to consider this offer, as the world is a hostile place to those without friends.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_japanese_generic_monarchy_approach_neutral	Perhaps you could consider this offer: agreement between us could prove fruitful.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_japanese_generic_monarchy_approach_unfriendly	Let us speak together.  We will pretend that you are honest men, and deal with you as such.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_japanese_generic_monarchy_approach_very_friendly	Let us speak together in honour and friendship, as honest men do.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_japanese_generic_monarchy_cancel_alliance	In time, all friendships fade. The time has come to end our alliance.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_japanese_generic_monarchy_cancel_military_access	The spirits of our lands are unquiet. We can no longer allow your armies to disturb their tranquillity.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_japanese_generic_monarchy_cancel_trade	The time has come to put an end to trade between our peoples. It now serves no real purpose.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_japanese_generic_monarchy_counter_accept	We must accept, however heavy our hearts. Such is the path of life.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_japanese_generic_monarchy_counter_reject	All our words have been wasted. Our talks have been barren: we cannot agree.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_japanese_generic_monarchy_demand_hostage	Trust can be earned: if your family provides a hostage, further unpleasantness can be avoided.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_japanese_generic_monarchy_demand_military_access	It would demonstrate wisdom and strength if you allowed our armies passage.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_japanese_generic_monarchy_demand_player_must_become_vassal	It is time to show your inner strength, and recognise truth: you cannot go on alone. Now is the time to accept you must be our vassal.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_japanese_generic_monarchy_demand_regular_payment	It would, perhaps, show your wisdom if you gave us gold. Repeated gifts would surely further illustrate your prudence.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_japanese_generic_monarchy_demand_single_payment	A gift of gold would prove your wise generosity and ensure the security of your lands.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_japanese_generic_monarchy_generic_offer_demand	We should discuss matters of mutual interest, so that all may profit and flourish as a result.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_japanese_generic_monarchy_generic_reject_1	My heart is heavy. Such an offer cannot be accepted.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_japanese_generic_monarchy_generic_reject_2	Your offer is worthy, but that does not make it acceptable.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_japanese_generic_monarchy_generic_reject_angry_1	This offer would be an affront to a mountain monkey. Bah!	True
diplomacy_strings_string_japanese_generic_monarchy_generic_reject_angry_2	We may be honest folk, but we are not to be treated as fools! This is completely outrageous!	True
diplomacy_strings_string_japanese_generic_monarchy_not_interested_in_further_discussion	Your words are clouds on the wind: pretty, but soon gone. Further talk is pointless now.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_japanese_generic_monarchy_offer_demand_alliance	We have thought deeply. Do you not think that our enemies would shake with fear if we were openly allied?	True
diplomacy_strings_string_japanese_generic_monarchy_offer_demand_peace	Enough brave men have died. It is time to discuss an end to the fighting.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_japanese_generic_monarchy_offer_demand_trade	Trade would surely bring benefits to both our clans.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_japanese_generic_monarchy_offer_marriage	We offer a marriage. Let this be a sign of better times to come.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_japanese_generic_monarchy_offer_regular_payment	Please accept our gifts: they reflect your honour and worth.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_japanese_generic_monarchy_offer_single_payment	Please accept this gift. It is a mark of the esteem in which you are held.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_japanese_generic_monarchy_receive_friendly	Welcome, noble friend! There is much to discuss for our mutual benefit!	True
diplomacy_strings_string_japanese_generic_monarchy_receive_hostile	Speak carefully, for my sword is ready to take your head!	True
diplomacy_strings_string_japanese_generic_monarchy_receive_neutral	Welcome! I am here to listen and to seek a worthy outcome to our discussions.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_japanese_generic_monarchy_receive_unfriendly	Time and honour are both being wasted. What do you want?	True
diplomacy_strings_string_japanese_generic_monarchy_receive_very_friendly	Welcome indeed, my honourable friend! What shall we discuss, in the hope of mutual profit?	True
diplomacy_strings_string_japanese_generic_monarchy_reject_angry_demand_hostage	Our flesh and blood are not traded like cattle! There will be no hostage!	True
diplomacy_strings_string_japanese_generic_monarchy_reject_angry_demand_marriage	I must tell you that our clan would sooner have the lowest leatherworker as a marriage partner! So: no.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_japanese_generic_monarchy_reject_angry_demand_military_access	You must think we are stupid, or blind. Your armies will never pollute our lands!	True
diplomacy_strings_string_japanese_generic_monarchy_reject_angry_demand_protectorate	There is no honour in your offer. There is little honour in you. We will never be your slaves!	True
diplomacy_strings_string_japanese_generic_monarchy_reject_angry_demand_regular_payment	Do you think us simple, or under the rule of moon rabbits? Why would we fill your treasury? No.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_japanese_generic_monarchy_reject_angry_demand_single_payment	Stuffing a pig's mouth once only makes it return for another meal. You will have no gold.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_japanese_generic_monarchy_reject_angry_offer_demand_alliance	An alliance! I see foaming madness has not entirely left your clan, then! But, no.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_japanese_generic_monarchy_reject_angry_offer_demand_peace	Peace? Are you so tired and womanly that you need peace? Bah! No!	True
diplomacy_strings_string_japanese_generic_monarchy_reject_angry_offer_demand_trade	No. We will not trade. I doubt that even foreign devils would willingly trade with your kind. 	True
diplomacy_strings_string_japanese_generic_monarchy_reject_angry_offer_regular_payment	So! You think us whores, then, to be bought by your gold. No, that is not the way of things. 	True
diplomacy_strings_string_japanese_generic_monarchy_reject_angry_offer_single_payment	Do not presume so much! Your gold is dishonourable, and we will not take it.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_japanese_generic_monarchy_reject_demand_hostage	A hostage? No. Some arrangements are not acceptable.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_japanese_generic_monarchy_reject_demand_marriage	Unfortunately, marriage to one of your, ah, brood would not be appropriate.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_japanese_generic_monarchy_reject_demand_military_access	No. Our lands would be dishonoured by your heavy tread. The spirits would be much disturbed.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_japanese_generic_monarchy_reject_demand_protectorate	The open hand of friendship can quickly grasp the sword of oppression: we must refuse your offer.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_japanese_generic_monarchy_reject_demand_regular_payment	You are mistaken: we are not cheap merchants to be taxed by you!	True
diplomacy_strings_string_japanese_generic_monarchy_reject_demand_single_payment	Gold given dishonourably would not bring you honour. We cannot do this.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_japanese_generic_monarchy_reject_offer_demand_alliance	An alliance would not bring honour to you or us at this time.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_japanese_generic_monarchy_reject_offer_demand_hostage	No. Our children are not bred so that they may be sent away to learn common manners from strangers.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_japanese_generic_monarchy_reject_offer_demand_peace	Peace? You talk of peace? This is not a time of peace, but of war!	True
diplomacy_strings_string_japanese_generic_monarchy_reject_offer_demand_trade	We cannot do this: you have nothing that our people could possibly desire.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_japanese_generic_monarchy_reject_offer_hostage	You offer a hostage? Have you anything of true value instead?	True
diplomacy_strings_string_japanese_generic_monarchy_reject_offer_marriage	A generous and sincere offer, but matters must be otherwise.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_japanese_generic_monarchy_reject_offer_regular_payment	We are not merchants or tradesmen, to be bought in this fashion. We are warriors!	True
diplomacy_strings_string_japanese_generic_monarchy_reject_offer_single_payment	Gold does not buy our honour.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_japanese_generic_monarchy_too_many_counters	You have offered much, but with little sense to your proposals. We have no more time now.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_japanese_generic_monarchy_war	War it is, then. Now you will feel the tiger's claws!	True
diplomacy_strings_string_mori_acknowledge_cancel_alliance	Very well, our clans will be blown by different winds. 	True
diplomacy_strings_string_mori_acknowledge_war	Good. War is a worthy pursuit for Mori men, even against such as you.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_mori_cancel_alliance	The tide and winds have changed. We can no longer be allies.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_mori_offer_demand_alliance	At sea, all men learn the value of friends.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_mori_receive_hostile	Speak, but with care. Mori tolerance is not famous.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_mori_receive_unfriendly	I would prefer to feed you to crabs, but speak.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_mori_reject_angry_demand_protectorate	You must think us simple fisherfolk, to ask such a thing. We Mori are not noted for our even tempers.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_mori_reject_angry_offer_demand_trade	We Mori have better things to do than act as your shipping agents! 	True
diplomacy_strings_string_mori_reject_angry_offer_regular_payment	And fools call us pirates! We will not do this!	True
diplomacy_strings_string_mori_reject_angry_offer_single_payment	Ha! Mori gold is not surrendered to passing bandits! Do not expect riches here.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_mori_reject_offer_demand_peace	You are wise to seek peace, but unfortunate in seeking it from us. We Mori see no need for peace.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_mori_reject_offer_marriage	That particular ship will remain unlaunched.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_mori_reject_offer_regular_payment	We are not pirates, who can be bought off with gold and shiny gifts.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_mori_war	You will wish you had drowned rather than have a war against the Mori!	True
diplomacy_strings_string_negotiation_temp_generic_accept_1	I believe we can agree to your proposal.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_negotiation_temp_generic_reject_1	I regret that we cannot agree to such terms.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_negotiation_temp_placeholder	placeholder	True
diplomacy_strings_string_oda_accept_unfriendly	Very well. Do you want the door opening, or will you slither under it?	True
diplomacy_strings_string_oda_acknowledge_cancel_alliance	The alliance is ended. In future, we will rely on Oda generals!	True
diplomacy_strings_string_oda_acknowledge_reject	So, a "no", then, even to us, the famed Oda. Interesting…	True
diplomacy_strings_string_oda_approach_hostile	You would be wise to listen, for our generals ache to send you a different message!	True
diplomacy_strings_string_oda_cancel_military_access	We must ask you not to send your armies across Oda lands. Their presence interferes in the work of our own glorious generals.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_oda_counter_accept	Our ancestors are undoubted concerned, but we agree.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_oda_demand_player_must_become_vassal	The Oda offer you strength, and protection. You need do only one thing: bow your head and become a vassal.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_oda_demand_regular_payment	Consider this a guarantee of the good will of the Oda clan, nothing more.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_oda_offer_marriage	We honour you with the offer of marriage. It is a great thing, to be part of the Oda family.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_oda_reject_angry_demand_military_access	Our forebears took these lands with their courage and blood. You do not get to stroll around in them!	True
diplomacy_strings_string_oda_reject_angry_offer_demand_alliance	The Oda clan has not fallen so low as to need you as allies!	True
diplomacy_strings_string_oda_reject_demand_protectorate	Our warriors are not yet so weak that we must give in to your demands.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_oda_reject_offer_demand_alliance	Our generals would rightly question such a state of affairs.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_oda_reject_offer_demand_hostage	No, we do not send Oda sons and daughters into captivity.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_offer_or_demand_alliance	軍事同盟	True
diplomacy_strings_string_offer_or_demand_break_alliance	同盟を破棄:	True
diplomacy_strings_string_offer_or_demand_break_trade	通商協定を破棄:	True
diplomacy_strings_string_offer_or_demand_hostage	人質:	True
diplomacy_strings_string_offer_or_demand_join_war	参戦:	True
diplomacy_strings_string_offer_or_demand_marriage	結婚:	True
diplomacy_strings_string_offer_or_demand_military_access_10_turns	軍事通行権: 10ターン	True
diplomacy_strings_string_offer_or_demand_military_access_20_turns	軍事通行権: 20ターン	True
diplomacy_strings_string_offer_or_demand_military_access_5_turns	軍事通行権: 5ターン	True
diplomacy_strings_string_offer_or_demand_military_access_indefinite	軍事通行権: 無期限	True
diplomacy_strings_string_offer_or_demand_peace	平和条約	True
diplomacy_strings_string_offer_or_demand_protectorate	従属化	True
diplomacy_strings_string_offer_or_demand_regular_payment	複数回の支払い: %d. ターン: %d	True
diplomacy_strings_string_offer_or_demand_single_payment	一回の支払い: %d	True
diplomacy_strings_string_offer_or_demand_trade_access	通商協定	True
diplomacy_strings_string_relationship_friendly	友好的	True
diplomacy_strings_string_relationship_hostile	敵対的	True
diplomacy_strings_string_relationship_neutral	中立的	True
diplomacy_strings_string_relationship_unfriendly	非友好的	True
diplomacy_strings_string_relationship_very_friendly	非常に友好的	True
diplomacy_strings_string_shimazu_acknowledge_cancel_military_access	That is a pity. Your lands were honoured by the mere presence of Shimazu armies.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_shimazu_acknowledge_war	Very well. I will drink to a Shimazu victory, then!	True
diplomacy_strings_string_shimazu_cancel_alliance	It is time for our alliance to end. You must recognise that you were never the equals of the Shimazu in honour or blood.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_shimazu_demand_military_access	What clan would not be honoured to have Shimazu warriors in their lands?	True
diplomacy_strings_string_shimazu_generic_reject_angry_1	You insult Shimazu honour!	True
diplomacy_strings_string_shimazu_not_interested_in_further_discussion	Your clan may encourage mindless gossip, but we Shimazu have better things to do.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_shimazu_offer_demand_alliance	We offer you an alliance, a great honour for any lesser clan. 	True
diplomacy_strings_string_shimazu_reject_angry_demand_hostage	A single Shimazu hostage? Not even so much as a single drop of Shimazu blood! No!	True
diplomacy_strings_string_shimazu_reject_angry_demand_protectorate	Never! The very suggestion is enough to bring the wrath of the Shimazu down upon your head! 	True
diplomacy_strings_string_shimazu_reject_angry_offer_regular_payment	Shimazu blood and honour are not bought and sold. Be careful what you say next!	True
diplomacy_strings_string_shimazu_reject_demand_marriage	For centuries, the Shimazu have married appropriately. Why would that change 2011-03-16 (水) 13:02:37	True
diplomacy_strings_string_shimazu_reject_demand_protectorate	You ask that the Shimazu prostrate themselves? Begone! 	True
diplomacy_strings_string_shimazu_reject_demand_single_payment	We Shimazu are not merchants or peasants. Take your greed elsewhere.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_shimazu_reject_offer_hostage	We Shimazu are choosy about our guests. We do not want your whelps.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_state_gift	May this gift strengthen relations between us.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_takeda_acknowledge_cancel_alliance	So we have come to a parting of the ways, as all men do.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_takeda_acknowledge_reject	This is a sad turn of events. We Takeda do not like failure.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_takeda_acknowledge_war	Excellent! Our warriors have long prepared for the day when they would ride you down!	True
diplomacy_strings_string_takeda_cancel_alliance	It is time for us to ride along our own roads, and leave you to your path.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_takeda_cancel_trade	Trade is not an honourable way to live. Therefore our arrangements must come to an end.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_takeda_demand_military_access	Perhaps our warriors can be allowed free passage. You may keep the manure from our cavalry.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_takeda_generic_reject_2	The Takeda must say no to such a thing.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_takeda_generic_reject_angry_1	You think us simple then? Idiots, because we are from the mountains? Ha!	True
diplomacy_strings_string_takeda_generic_reject_angry_2	I would sooner live in a stables than agree to such a thing.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_takeda_receive_unfriendly	My horse needs exercise, so be quick about your business here!	True
diplomacy_strings_string_takeda_reject_angry_offer_demand_alliance	Why should the Takeda clan lose strength and honour by shackling themselves to you?	True
diplomacy_strings_string_takeda_reject_demand_military_access	Sadly, we must refuse. The presence of your men, strangers, would frighten our horses.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_takeda_reject_offer_demand_peace	Horse dung. My profound apologies! Surprise makes me too honest on occasion!	True
diplomacy_strings_string_takeda_war	We will have war. You will soon be trampled into the dust.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_tokugawa_acknowledge_cancel_trade	Your wisdom is deep indeed, if you cast aside any link with the Tokugawa clan.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_tokugawa_acknowledge_counter_reject	We Tokugawa can talk all day, if needs must. But this is pointless. I will withdraw.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_tokugawa_acknowledge_marriage	Marriage and links of blood are the surest ways to improve understanding.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_tokugawa_acknowledge_war	So, diplomacy has failed. Very well, swords will make our arguments most eloquently!	True
diplomacy_strings_string_tokugawa_generic_reject_2	On behalf of the Tokugawa, I must regretfully decline.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_tokugawa_generic_reject_angry_2	Diplomacy does not mean agreeing to every outrageous proposal! No!	True
diplomacy_strings_string_tokugawa_offer_demand_alliance	There is much honour in recognising friendship and trust when it is offered.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_tokugawa_offer_demand_peace	The sword must be sheathed. The voices of reasonable men should be heard.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_tokugawa_receive_neutral	Let us speak, then, as near-equals. This pleasing fiction will ease our talks!	True
diplomacy_strings_string_tokugawa_reject_angry_demand_military_access	The needs of diplomacy prevent me from expressing my disdain for this idea with the proper force.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_tokugawa_reject_angry_offer_demand_peace	The warriors of the Tokugawa see no need to stop slaughtering you now or in the near future.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_tokugawa_reject_offer_hostage	A guest, no matter how gracious, would not be welcome at the moment.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_tokugawa_reject_offer_marriage	A traditional way of improving relations between two families, to be sure, but in this case inappropriate.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_tokugawa_too_many_counters	I am ashamed that I have been unable to comprehend your intentions, as you have been so confused in your diplomacy.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_uesugi_acknowledge_accept	Our prayers have been answered. This is good.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_uesugi_acknowledge_reject	Our prayers go unanswered then. Such is the will of heaven.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_uesugi_acknowledge_war	We will pray for your dead. For your many dead.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_uesugi_approach_hostile	We have long prayed for your overthrow, but we will talk to you.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_uesugi_approach_very_friendly	Greetings, friend. Long have you been in our prayers.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_uesugi_cancel_military_access	The spirits cry out and we can no longer silence them. Your armies are no longer welcome in our lands.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_uesugi_not_interested_in_further_discussion	If you will forgive me, I must withdraw. It is time to pray, not bandy further words with you.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_uesugi_offer_demand_alliance	The deepest roots are the strongest. An alliance would surely strengthen us both.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_uesugi_reject_angry_demand_military_access	The spirits would be most displeased by such an intrusion.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_uesugi_reject_angry_demand_protectorate	The spirits of our lands would die of shame if such a thing came to pass. We cannot agree.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_uesugi_reject_angry_offer_regular_payment	You insult us! We are not merchants, or peasants to be paid in scraps from your bowl!	True
diplomacy_strings_string_uesugi_reject_offer_demand_alliance	Such an thing would be built on insecure and weak foundations. It would not stand long against the wind.	True
diplomacy_strings_string_uesugi_reject_offer_regular_payment	Piety and honour are not bought and sold at the marketplace!	True
diplomacy_strings_string_uesugi_war	Many will have cause to rue this day. We will pray for your souls for what you have done.	True