• 追加された行はこの色です。
  • 削除された行はこの色です。
battle_label_NewState_Text_6003a	Borodino	True
button_toggle_player_list_display_down_Tooltip_b002a	Show player list || This displays all the players in the battle, which side they're on and whether or not they have voice chat enabled.	True
status_Tooltip_18007f	Here you will find a brief description of the fleet's location and what they are currently doing.||Left-click to jump to their location on the main map.||Right-click to bring up the details for the admiral or captain in charge of this fleet.	True
tx_Enlightenment_Tooltip_54002d	This is based on your research into philosophy technologies.	True
advice_audio_setting_button_hover_Tooltip_64002c	Activate advice sound||With this on, any advice you receive will be played as audio.||This setting will not affect your text advice settings.	True
turns_NewState_Text_100023	Turns until starved out:	True
advice_audio_setting_button_selected_down_Tooltip_64002c	Activate advice sound||With this on, any advice you receive will be played as audio.||This setting will not affect your text advice settings.	True
heading_txt_Tooltip_480038	This screen is where you will find details of online games.||You can host or join a game, or search for a game that suits your preferences.	True
heading_txt_Tooltip_3b004c	These battles can also be played as multiplayer battles.|| You can access these through the multiplayer menu. || Each battle won here opens a path to the next one. || You are awarded a battle honour for each battle you win. || Your performance in battle determines what level of battle honour you receive. || Once you have finished a battle, you can replay it to try and achieve the highest honour available.	True
icon_voicechat_off_Tooltip_39001e	Voice chat off	True
button_movespeed_Selected_rolloff_Tooltip_250072	The selected unit is currently running. ||Click this button to make them walk. ||Your men will quickly become exhausted if you make them run all the time. ||If they are tired bring them to a halt and let them rest and recover. ||You can see how tired each unit is by mousing over them.	True
button_movespeed_Unselected_rolloff_Tooltip_38000c	The selected unit is currently walking. ||Click this button to make them run. ||It is best to make them run only when necessary. ||Running everywhere in battle will simply exhaust your men and rob them of the energy for when they really need it. ||If you simply wish to speed up the battle, it is better to use the fast-forward buttons instead to speed up the battle time.	True
button_toggle_player_list_display_selected_down_Tooltip_b002a	Show player list || This displays all the players in the battle, which side they're on and whether or not they have voice chat enabled.	True
button_movespeed_Selected_rolloff_Tooltip_780027	Run||The selected unit is currently walking, click this button to make them run.||It is best to make them run only when necessary.||Running everywhere in battle will simply exhaust your men and rob them of the energy for when they really need it.||If you simply wish to speed up the battle, it is better to use the fast-forward buttons instead to speed up the battle time.	True
button_toggle_chat_display_selected_down_off_Tooltip_23004a	Show chat window || The chat window allows you to send messages to other players during the game.	True
not_available_tx_NewState_Text_490023	No suitable commanders available	True
text1_NewState_Text_1b0001	Host:	True
demands_title_faction_right_Tooltip_41007d	Select from the options below to add them to the demands section of your diplomatic proposal. || Once you have picked all your demands click the accept button. || You can then choose to add more offers or demands or send your proposal.	True
upper_class_reaction_icon_Neutral_Tooltip_690055	Ruling class: Indifferent||Your ruling class are currently neither angry nor happy.||Applying a little extra repression will improve their public order.||This is based on the positive and negative factors to the right.	True
gov_type_tx_absolute_monarchy_Tooltip_7a0004	The ruling classes thrive in this type of government - they will be happier and their public order will be easier to maintain.||Repression is high in an absolute monarchy.||This will be useful to help control the lower classes who are unhappier under this government.||Town wealth will grow more slowly under this rule and technological research will be more expensive, but recruitment of troops is cheaper.	True
positive_bar_Tooltip_48002d	Positive population growth||The most important influence for a healthy population growth is farming.||Constructing fishing ports will also have a positive effect.||Maintaining a low tax rate for the lower classes will also promote population growth.	True
votes_Tooltip_64000f	Before swapping sides, each player must agree to it.||This shows the votes for swapping sides.	True
advice_audio_setting_button_active_Tooltip_64002c	Activate advice sound||With this on, any advice you receive will be played as audio.||This setting will not affect your text advice settings.	True
gov_type_tx_constitutional_monarchy_Tooltip_2e0026	Both classes gain a small boost to happiness in a constitutional monarchy.||Clamour for reform is less than in an absolute monarchy, but certain elements will always crave a Republic.	True
status_icon_closed_Tooltip_17002d	Closed || This game is not available for you to join. || It is already full and may have started.	True
slider_Tooltip_73006a	Lower class tax slider.||Move to the left to decrease and to the right to increase the tax level for the lower classes.||As you move these sliders the tax effects, income and map will update to reflect your changes.	True
deployment_order_second_Tooltip_1c0032	This general being of higher rank than his opponent gets to see the enemy deploy first	True
button_toggle_player_list_display_hover_Text_560064	Show player list	True
handle_Tooltip_73006a	Lower class tax slider.||Move to the left to decrease and to the right to increase the tax level for the lower classes.||As you move these sliders the tax effects, income and map will update to reflect your changes.	True
button_kick_inactive_Tooltip_50009	Fire minister || You must select a minister to access this button.	True
icon_ellipse_Tooltip_f006b	This gives players the option to drop-in on other player's game for a quick battle. || The drop-in player will take on the role of the opposing AI in a single battle, taking an active part in the other's historical campaign.	True
button_melee_Unselected_depress_Tooltip_7f0057	Engage in melee||The selected units are currently using their firearms.||When melee mode is on, the selected units will engage in hand-to-hand combat.	True
title_Tooltip_170007	Military technologies. || These will help in the manufacture and improvement of weapons and new battle tactics. || Concentrating on this technology will improve your armies and navies. || Move your cursor over the different icons to see more information about them.	True
campaign_games_Tooltip_54003f	View the current online campaigns here.	True
button_add_AI_inactive_Tooltip_7f0012	You cannot add an AI player at this time.||You either have enough players already, or the match is ranked.||Ranked matches can only be played between real opponents.	True
lower_class_reaction_icon_Neutral_Tooltip_5e0066	Lower class: Indifferent||Your lower classes are currently neither angry nor happy.||They could go either way at the moment - improving repression a little will improve their public order.||This is based on the factors to the right.	True
button_melee_Unselected_Tooltip_50006f	The selected units will currently use their firearms when in combat. || Click this to enter melee mode. || When melee mode is on, the selected units will only engage in melee combat and not use their firearms.	True
label_txt_NewState_Text_5e0025	Number of players:	True
heading_txt_Tooltip_4e004f	Select sides, invite friends and see details of your force here.||Move your cursor over the different sections for more information.	True
button_chat_mode_all_down_off_Tooltip_5b0079	Send chat to all players||The current chat status will send your messages to all players.|| This will appear as white text in the chat window.||To switch chat status to send chat to teammates only, click this button.	True
button_movespeed_Unselected_rolloff_Tooltip_3f0073	Click this button to make the selected unit run.||They are currently walking.||It is best to make them run only when necessary.||Running everywhere in battle will simply exhaust your men and rob them of the energy for when they really need it.||If you simply wish to speed up the battle, it is better to use the fast-forward buttons instead to speed up the battle time.	True
not_available_tx_admiral_Text_21004d	No suitable admirals available	True
advice_text_setting_button_selected_hover_Text_570024	Turn off advice text	True
button_cancel_normal_Tooltip_6e0048	Cancel	True
button_melee_Unselected_roll_Tooltip_19000f	Click this to enter melee mode.||The selected units will currently use their firearms in battle.||When melee mode is on, the selected units will engage in hand-to-hand combat instead.	True
advice_text_setting_button_down_off_Tooltip_44001a	Activate advice text||With this on, any advice you receive will be shown as text.||This setting will not affect your audio advice settings.	True
tx_turns_admiral_Text_30007d	Turns until new admiral available:	True
heading_txt_NewState_Text_5f004a	Napoleon's Battles	True
label_txt_NewState_Text_770007	Number of players:	True
heading_txt_Tooltip_31003d	These battles can also be played as multiplayer battles.|| You can access these through the multiplayer menu. || Each battle won here opens a path to the next one. || You are awarded a battle honour for each victory, with higher battle honours for harder difficulty settings. || There are four types of battle honour ; iron, bronze, silver and gold. || Once you have finished a battle, you can replay it on a harder difficulty setting to try to achieve the highest honour.	True
advice_text_setting_button_selected_down_off_Tooltip_44001a	Activate advice text||With this on, any advice you receive will be shown as text.||This setting will not affect your audio advice settings.	True
tx_theatre_Tooltip_6b0035	Currently selected theatre||Each theatre has its own tax settings.	True
friendly_tx_Tooltip_3c0015	Check this box for a friendly battle. || Friendly battles are not ranked and will not earn the victor skill points. || For skill points you will need to win a ranked battle.	True
button_mp_dropin_Inactive_Tooltip_1c0042	This battle can not be played as a drop-in battle.||Only evenly balanced battles of a sufficient size can be played as drop-in battles.	True
Effects_Tooltip_5f0077	The icons below show the effects your current tax level settings are having on the two classes. || High taxes will reduce economic growth for both classes and make them unhappier.||As you move the tax level sliders you will notice that the effects change accordingly.|| Move your cursor over the icons to see the specific values of each effect.	True
advice_audio_setting_button_hover_Tooltip_3c0017	Turn on advice sound || Turning on advice sound will not affect your advice text settings. || You can turn this back off at any time.	True
button_melee_Unselected_depress_Tooltip_50006f	The selected units will currently use their firearms when in combat. || Click this to enter melee mode. || When melee mode is on, the selected units will only engage in melee combat and not use their firearms.	True
button_decrease_selected_down_off_Tooltip_46005d	SHow radar map	True
deployment_order_first_Tooltip_6a0048	This general being of lower rank than his opponent is forced to deploy first	True
button_toggle_player_list_display_selected_hover_Text_450074	Hide player list	True
tx_theatre_Tooltip_9006b	Develop trade resources to increase the flow of trade.||You can do this by taking regions with plentiful resource slots and developing your industry.	True
advice_audio_setting_button_selected_down_Tooltip_3c0017	Turn on advice sound || Turning on advice sound will not affect your advice text settings. || You can turn this back off at any time.	True
button_melee_Unselected_Tooltip_7f0057	Engage in melee||The selected units are currently using their firearms.||When melee mode is on, the selected units will engage in hand-to-hand combat.	True
heading_txt_Tooltip_390023	These battles can also be played in multiplayer.|| Each battle won here opens a path to the next one. || You are awarded a battle honour for each battle you win. || Your performance in battle determines what level of battle honour you receive. || Once you have finished a battle, you can replay it to try and achieve the highest honour available.	True
advice_text_setting_button_down_off_Tooltip_510010	Show advice text || Showing advice text will not affect your audio advice settings. || You can choose to hide the advice text at any time.	True
advice_text_setting_button_selected_down_off_Tooltip_510010	Show advice text || Showing advice text will not affect your audio advice settings. || You can choose to hide the advice text at any time.	True
Title_NewState_Text_680054	Advice	True
deployment_order_second_Tooltip_170029	This general being of higher rank than his opponent gets to see the enemy deploy first	True
button_melee_Unselected_roll_Tooltip_5b0053	Engage in melee||The selected units will currently use their firearms in battle.||When melee mode is on, the selected units will engage in hand-to-hand combat instead.	True
battle_label_NewState_Text_70052	Ligny	True
turn_Tooltip_18000d	This shows the current turn of the campaign game.	True
positive_bar_Tooltip_6f0064	Positive influences||A cultured region is a happy region.||Opera houses and theatres will keep the elite amused.||Improving government control through garrisons will curb some of their more decadent tendencies and help keep order.	True
replenish_icon_medium_Tooltip_3006f	Moderate replenishment rate	True
advice_audio_setting_button_active_Tooltip_3c0017	Turn on advice sound || Turning on advice sound will not affect your advice text settings. || You can turn this back off at any time.	True
tx_governor_ruler_and_cabinet_Tooltip_d0059	Your nation is overseen by your ruler and his cabinet.||You can view details about your government on the ministers tab.	True
mp_Tooltip_4f0009	Each fleet can only travel a certain distance each turn and this column will show you which fleets can still be moved.||The coloured bar will empty as more points are used.||A fleet's movement points will be fully replenished next turn.||Movement points are reset each turn, you do not accumulate them.||If a fleet still has movement points, have a look to see if there is anywhere you want to move them before ending turn.||You can re-order your fleets according to movement points by clicking on this column's title.	True
button_movespeed_Unselected_roll_Tooltip_d0057	Order selected units to run||They are currently walking.||It is best to make them run only when necessary.||Running everywhere in battle will simply exhaust your men and rob them of the energy for when they really need it.||If you simply wish to speed up the battle, it is better to use the fast-forward buttons instead to speed up the battle time.	True
tx_leader_tx_emperor_Tooltip_760012	The leader of your nation||Their abilities and traits will help shape your nation's future, good or bad.||Right-click on their portrait to bring up the character panel, or find out more on their governing abilities on the ministers tab.	True
battle_settings_Tooltip_23000d	This column shows the default settings for battles.||In instances where players can't agree on whether to autoresolve or manually fight a battle, the game will default to this setting.||You can sort this column by clicking on the title to find your battle preference.	True
advice_audio_setting_button_selected_Tooltip_230064	Turn off advice audio||With advice audio off, any advice you receive will not play as audio.||This setting will not affect your text advice settings.	True
button_movespeed_Selected_rolloff_Tooltip_6d0067	Click this button to make the selected unit walk.||They are currently running.||The selected unit is currently running.|Your men will quickly become exhausted if you make them run all the time.||If they are tired bring them to a halt and let them rest and recover.||You can see how tired each unit is by mousing over them.	True
button_group_Unselected_roll_Tooltip_680061	Group selected units.||When grouped, the units will keep their respective positions when moving.||You can also put them into formations.	True
positive_bar_Tooltip_290013	Positive population growth||The most important influence for a healthy population growth is farming.||Constructing fishing ports will also have a positive effect.	True
button_melee_Unselected_depress_Tooltip_5b0053	Engage in melee||The selected units will currently use their firearms in battle.||When melee mode is on, the selected units will engage in hand-to-hand combat instead.	True
button_group_Unselected_depress_Tooltip_38004a	The selected units are not grouped. || Click this button to group them. ||When grouped, the units will keep their respective positions when moving.||You can also put them into formations.	True
heading_txt_save_replay_Text_470075	Save Replay	True
battle_label_NewState_Text_7b002f	Battle of the Nile	True
dy_defenses_NewState_Text_a0020	None	True
battle_label_NewState_Text_4a001a	The Pyramids	True
button_toggle_chat_display_down_Tooltip_23004a	Show chat window || The chat window allows you to send messages to other players during the game.	True
button_melee_Unselected_Tooltip_19000f	Click this to enter melee mode.||The selected units will currently use their firearms in battle.||When melee mode is on, the selected units will engage in hand-to-hand combat instead.	True
battle_label_NewState_Text_190041	Trafalgar	True
status_Tooltip_350004	Here you will find a brief description of each army's location and what they are currently doing.||Left-click to jump to their location on the main map.||Right-click to bring up the details for the general or colonel in charge of this army.	True
button_movespeed_Unselected_rolloff_Tooltip_58003c	Walk||The selected unit is currently running, click this button to make them walk.||Your men will quickly become exhausted if you make them run all the time.||If they are tired bring them to a halt and let them rest and recover.||You can see how tired each unit is by mousing over them.	True
handle_Tooltip_6b005c	Ruling class tax slider||Move to the left to decrease and to the right to increase the tax level for the ruling classes.||As you move these sliders the tax effects, income and map will update to reflect your changes.	True
button_group_Selected_roll_Tooltip_11003a	Ungroup selected units.||The selected units are currently grouped together and will keep their respective positions when moving.||When they are ungrouped they cannot make formations.	True
button_melee_Unselected_roll_Tooltip_50006f	The selected units will currently use their firearms when in combat. || Click this to enter melee mode. || When melee mode is on, the selected units will only engage in melee combat and not use their firearms.	True
kill_ratio_PH_Tooltip_26007e	Balance of power||This shows the relative strength of each army - larger numbers do not necessarily make a superior force!||Your armies are represented by the red, and the enemy is represented by red.||As the battle goes on this meter will change to reflect the losses on both sides, use as an overview of who has the upper hand.||If the enemies red bar is significantly larger than yours, it means they have the advantage and you will have to plan carefully if you want to defeat them!	True
slider_Tooltip_6b005c	Ruling class tax slider||Move to the left to decrease and to the right to increase the tax level for the ruling classes.||As you move these sliders the tax effects, income and map will update to reflect your changes.	True
experience_old_0_Tooltip_440030	Pre-battle experience: 0	True