range_NewState_Text_60059	射程距離	True
range_Tooltip_1f006e	You can improve the range of your guns by researching rifled cannons.||This can be done in the naval technology panel.	True
range_Tooltip_2a0034	A long range enables you to hit enemies from a distance, but weapons still tend to be more effective at shorter ranges.	True
range_Tooltip_a0034	A long range enables you to hit enemies from a distance, but weapons still tend to be more effective at shorter ranges.	True
rank_label_NewState_Text_230079	Command rating:	True
rank_label_NewState_Text_70004a	Command stars:	True
rank_label_NewState_Tooltip_4d0010	Command stars display a player's ranking. || They are awarded through the accumulation of skill points. || A player's command stars will be displayed in the multiplayer lobby. || Seek out an opponent with a similar ranking, or challenge one with a higher ranking for a challenge and the potential to gain further skill points.	True
rank_label_NewState_Tooltip_70004d	Your skill rating is a way of gauging your battle prowess against other players. || You receive skill points for each ranked or drop-in battle you play. || Your skill rating determines how many command stars you hold and your ranking. || The higher ranked your opponent is, the more points you will be awarded for victory!	True
ranked_Tooltip_19005f	Check this box for a ranked battle. || If a battle is ranked, the victor of the battle will be awarded skill points. || These contribute toward your command stars. || Command stars denote ranking and each player's ranking affects how many skill points can be won. || For example, winning against a higher ranking player than yourself will gain you more skill points than playing against someone closer to your ranking.	True
ranked_Tooltip_4b0053	Check this box for a ranked battle. || If a battle is ranked, the victor of the battle is awarded skill points. || This contributes to your command stars. || Command stars denote ranking, and each player's ranking affects how many skill points can be won. || For example, winning a battle against a higher ranking player than yourself will gain you more skill points than playing against someone closer to your ranking.	True
ranked_tx_NewState_Text_37007d	Ranked Games	True
ranked_tx_NewState_Text_47007d	Rank this battle	True
ranked_tx_Tooltip_4b0053	Check this box for a ranked battle. || If a battle is ranked, the victor of the battle is awarded skill points. || This contributes to your command stars. || Command stars denote ranking, and each player's ranking affects how many skill points can be won. || For example, winning a battle against a higher ranking player than yourself will gain you more skill points than playing against someone closer to your ranking.	True
ranked_tx_Tooltip_5002c	When this box is checked, your battle will be ranked and you will receive points for it.	True
rating_Tooltip_700075	Ship rating	True
recruitment_cost_NewState_Text_460011	雇用費	True
recruitment_cost_Tooltip_250057	維持費とは異なり一度限りの支払いです.	True
recruitment_cost_Tooltip_250077	維持費とは異なり一度限りの支払いです.	True
red_bar_Tooltip_2b007b	Balance of power||This shows the relative strength of each side - larger numbers do not necessarily make a superior force!||Your side are represented by the red, and the enemy is represented by blue.||If the enemies bar is significantly larger than yours, it means they have the advantage and you will have to plan carefully if you want to defeat them!||There is a version of this in battle that will reflect the fortunes of each side as the battle progresses.	True
refused_tx_NewState_Text_620035	これらの同盟国が同盟を破棄しました:	True
refused_tx_Tooltip_10001f	これらの同盟国は参戦を拒否しました	True
region_name_Tooltip_5a007f	Currently selected region.||Use the arrows to the left and right to switch to your next region's details.	True
region_NewState_Text_620060	領土:	True
regions_normal_Tooltip_280078	This column lists your regions. The region's capital is listed underneath each region.||Right-click on each region to jump to its location on the campaign map.||Left-click to bring up the details for the selected region.||You can order your regions in alphabetical order by clicking on this column's title	True
regions_normal_Tooltip_580028	This column lists your regions. The region's capital is listed underneath each region.||Right-click on each region to jump to its location on the campaign map.||Left-click to bring up the details for the selected region.||You can order your regions in alphabetical order by clicking on this column's title.	True
regions_Tooltip_360032	This is your demand and offer regions panel.||Regions can be offered or demanded as part of peace negotiations, or as gifts between friendly nations.||A regions value is assessed according to its income and strategic value in the game.||Select the region or regions you want from the two panels below and click the tick button when you have finished.	True
regions_Tooltip_37004a	All your regions, with the region's capital listed underneath.||Left-click on each region to jump to its location on the campaign map.||Right-click to bring up the details for the selected region.||You can order your regions in alphabetical order by clicking on this column's title.	True
regions_Tooltip_7b0047	Your regions, with the region's capital listed underneath.||Left-click on each region to jump to its location on the campaign map.||Right-click to bring up the details for the selected region.||You can order your regions in alphabetical order by clicking on this column's title.	True
reloading_NewState_Text_270007	再装填能力	True
reloading_Tooltip_3b004c	This is the speed this artillery can reload and the chance it has of misfires.||The higher this skill, the faster your reload speed will become and your guns will be less likely to misfire.||This will be raised by gaining experience in battle.||To reduce the chance of misfires you could research the percussion cap in military technology.	True
reloading_Tooltip_510060	This is the speed this unit can reload and the chance it has of misfires.||The higher this skill, the faster your reload speed will become and your guns will be less likely to misfire.||To reduce the chance of misfires you could research the percussion cap in military technology.||This will be raised by gaining experience in battle.	True
reloading_Tooltip_e005f	This is the speed this unit can reload and the chance it has of misfires.||The higher this skill, the faster your reload speed will become and your guns will be less likely to misfire.||Gaining experience and researching sheet lead cartridges in naval technology will improve this skill.	True
remaining_tx_NewState_Text_40058	残存数	True
repeatedly_tx_NewState_Text_280043	複数回の支払い	True
repeatedly_tx_NewState_Text_580005	要求する資金	True
repeatedly_tx_Tooltip_17001a	Offers of regular payments rather than a one off sum is less likely to be accepted as the payments could be easily revoked.||Demanding smaller regular payments may be more manageable for the other nation, and so have a greater chance of being accepted.||Select the amount of turns below.	True
repeatedly_tx_Tooltip_520013	Payments over a number of turns may be easier to manage.||Once a payment deal has been agreed upon, it can only be cancelled by bankruptcy or a declaration of war.	True
replenish_icon_attrition_Tooltip_6d006e	This unit is not replenishing || They are suffering from attrition and cannot replenish. || The rate of attrition is affected by environments of extreme heat or cold. || To replenish this unit move them out of the area, or shelter them within a settlement.	True
replenish_icon_fast_Tooltip_10051	High replenishment rate || There are recruitable units within this region.	True
replenish_icon_fast_Tooltip_34001f	Fast replenishment rate.	True
replenish_icon_medium_Tooltip_3006f	Moderate replenishment rate	True
replenish_icon_medium_Tooltip_38006e	Moderate replenishment rate || There are recruitable units in the neighbouring regions.	True
replenish_icon_medium_Tooltip_49001e	Moderate replenishment rate || There are recruitable units in the neighbouring regions. || To increase the replenishment rate, move to a region with recruitable units in the region itself.	True
replenish_icon_slow_Tooltip_3b005f	Low replenishment rate || There are no recruitable units in this region or the neighbouring regions. || To increase the replenishment rate, move to one of these regions.	True
replenish_icon_slow_Tooltip_490030	Slow replenishment rate ||  This unit is not recruitable in this region.	True
replenish_icon_slow_Tooltip_50000a	Slow replenishment rate || There are no recruitable units in this region.	True
replenish_NewState_Tooltip_120006	Unit replenishing 部隊補給 	True
research_Tooltip_490067	This agent is a learned man, and can use his education to the advancement of your nation.||Clicking on this button will move your agent into the selected school, college or university and bring up the Research and Technology panel.||A gentlemen in a college or university will help speed up any research undertaken there.||See the Research and Technology panel for more details.	True
reset_tx_NewState_Text_540008	Resetting in:	True
reward_dy_NewState_Text_620005	2000 well trained soldiers and a country house in West Sussex	True
reward_tx_NewState_Text_760066	報酬:	True
rogue_assassinate_Tooltip_18002f	暗殺||The opportunity to dispose of a potential threat or competition can be risky.||Click here to open up the Assassination panel which will provide you with the percentage chance of success.	True
rogue_sabotage_Tooltip_7a0043	破壊活動||A chance to wreak some havoc!||Clicking on this button will bring up your Sabotage panel.||The Sabotage panel will help you decide whether or not this is the course of action you wish to pursue.	True
route_pip_Banditry_Tooltip_4f0018	Bandits are pilfering your transported goods!	True
route_pip_Besieged_Tooltip_1a001c	Your nation's capital is under siege. || All trade has been halted as a result. || Clicking on the under siege icon will move the camera to the aggressor. || You will need to break the siege before trade will resume. || If you lose the capital to the enemy one of your other cities will become your nation's capital and trade will then begin again.	True
route_pip_Besieged_Tooltip_370023	This home port is being blockaded. ||All trade from this port has been halted. || Clicking on the blockading icon will move the camera to the culprit blockading your home port. || To stop them, send a force to destroy them or see them off. || If the enemy fleet is actually in your port, you will need to force them out with a land unit first.	True
route_pip_Blockaded_Tooltip_1c0032	This home port is being blockaded or damaged || All trade from this port has been halted. || Clicking on the blockade icon moves the camera to the culprit who is blockading your home port. || To stop them send a force to attack them. || If the enemy fleet is actually inside your port you will need to force them out with a land unit first.	True
route_pip_Blockaded_Tooltip_370023	This home port is being blockaded. ||All trade from this port has been halted. || Clicking on the blockading icon will move the camera to the culprit blockading your home port. || To stop them, send a force to destroy them or see them off. || If the enemy fleet is actually in your port, you will need to force them out with a land unit first.	True
route_pip_Blockaded_Tooltip_410019	これらの商品を輸送している航路が封鎖されています!	True
route_pip_Land_Tooltip_17002f	Land trade route	True
route_pip_Land_Tooltip_1a0071	These goods are being transported over land.	True
route_pip_Land_Tooltip_340071	これらの商品は陸上輸送されています	True
route_pip_LandRaided_Tooltip_200052	This road trade route is being raided || You are losing a proportion of your goods along this route each turn. || Clicking on the raiding icon moves the camera to the culprit who is raiding your route. || To stop them send an army to attack them.|| Raiding armies stand directly on the road bearing the trade route.	True
route_pip_LandRaided_Tooltip_550034	This road trade route is being raided || You are losing a proportion of your goods along this route every turn. || Clicking on the raiding icon will move the camera to the culprit raiding your route. || To stop them, send an army to destroy them or see them off.|| Raiding armies will be standing directly on the trade route, attacking it.	True
route_pip_LandRaided_Tooltip_560003	The land route these good are being transported over is being raided!	True
route_pip_Piracy_Tooltip_53000b	海賊が貴方の商品を略奪しています!	True
route_pip_Sea_Tooltip_590057	These goods are being transported by sea.	True
route_pip_Sea_Tooltip_590079	これらの商品は海上輸送されています	True
route_pip_Sea_Tooltip_680020	Sea trade route	True
route_pip_SeaRaided_Tooltip_7007e	This sea trade route is being raided || You are losing a proportion of your goods along this route each turn. || Clicking on the raiding icon moves the camera to show the culprit who is raiding your route. || To stop them send a fleet to attack them. || Raiding ships sit directly on the trade route and have a flashing pirate flag.	True
route_pip_SeaRaided_Tooltip_780052	これらの商品を輸送している航路が襲撃されています!	True
route_pip_SeaRaided_Tooltip_7f0050	This sea trade route is being raided || You are losing a proportion of your goods along this route every turn. || Clicking on the raiding icon will move the camera to the culprit raiding your route. || To stop them, send a fleet to destroy them or see them off. || Raiding ships will be sitting directly on the trade route and will display a flashing pirate flag.	True
sabotage_Tooltip_1f000c	You have been given the option of sabotage - a chance to wreak some havoc!||Clicking on this will open up your Sabotage panel.||The Sabotage panel will help you decide whether or not this is the course of action you wish to pursue.	True
savegame_button_Tooltip_9002b	Before entering battle it is wise to save your current game.||Should the battle be a disaster you can always reload it and try again!	True
score_label_NewState_Text_3e005f	プレイヤースコア:	True
score_label_NewState_Text_480004	Skill rating:	True
score_label_NewState_Tooltip_3c	Your skill rating is a way of gauging your battle prowess against that of other players. || You receive skill points for each ranked or drop-in battle you play. || Your skill rating determines how many command stars you hold and your ranking. || The higher ranking your opponent has, the more points you will be awarded for victory!	True
score_label_NewState_Tooltip_70004d	Your skill rating is a way of gauging your battle prowess against other players. || You receive skill points for each ranked or drop-in battle you play. || Your skill rating determines how many command stars you hold and your ranking. || The higher ranked your opponent is, the more points you will be awarded for victory!	True
score_tx_NewState_Text_48001e	Skill Rating	True
sea_battle_Tooltip_f006b	This gives players the option to drop-in on other player's game for a quick battle. || The drop-in player will take on the role of the opposing AI in a single battle, taking an active part in the other's historical campaign.	True
season_icon_summer_Tooltip_d0079	Summer||Each year lasts two turns, one turn for the season of summer and one turn for winter.	True
season_icon_winter_Tooltip_8007e	Winter||Each year lasts two turns, one turn for the season of summer and one turn for winter.	True
season_year_Tooltip_70076	Current year of campaign	True
selector arrow L_Tooltip_410073	Next target||These buttons are context sensitive and the next target will depend on what you have currently selected.||If you have an army currently selected it will move to your next army, if you have a town or city selected it will move to your next town or city and so on.	True
selector arrow L_Tooltip_42006b	Previous region	True
selector arrow L_Tooltip_6b0074	次の領土	True
selector arrow L_Tooltip_770065	Previous target||These buttons are context sensitive and the previous target will depend on what you have currently selected.||If you have an army currently selected it will move to your previous army, if you have a town or city selected it will move to your previous town or city and so on.	True
selector arrow R_click down mouse off_Tooltip_43	C	True
selector arrow R_Tooltip_42006b	前の領土	True
selector arrow R_Tooltip_570065	Previous target||These buttons are context sensitive and the previous target will depend on what you have currently selected.||If you have an army currently selected it will move to your previous army, if you have a town or city selected it will move to your previous town or city and so on.	True
selector arrow R_Tooltip_610073	Next target||These buttons are context sensitive and the next target will depend on what you have currently selected.||If you have an army currently selected it will move to your next army, if you have a town or city selected it will move to your next town or city and so on.	True
selector arrow R_Tooltip_6b0074	Next region	True
selector_Tooltip_52005b	Current selection	True
ship_icon_Tooltip_400053	Your ship's current location	True
ShipDamage_NewState_Tooltip_65004e	損傷	True
ships_captured_tx_NewState_Text_3b006a	Ships Captured	True
ships_Tooltip_28000f	Ships in each fleet.||Left-click to jump to their location on the main map.||Right-click to bring up the details for the admiral or captain in charge of this fleet.||You can re-order your fleets according to size by clicking on this column's title.	True
ships_Tooltip_320032	Ships in each fleet.||Left-click to jump to their location on the main map.||Right-click to bring up the details for the admiral or captain in charge of this fleet.||You can re-order your fleets according to size by clicking on this columns title.	True
ships_tx_NewState_Text_18003a	Ship	True
shooting_Tooltip_26003d	Challenger's shooting skill	True