diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_republic_reject_demand_single_payment	We will not pay. The Republic has pride, and I am unconvinced your arguments. 	False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_republic_reject_demand_technology	Your scholars have nothing worthy or ingenious to offer the Republic!	False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_republic_reject_offer_demand_alliance	An alliance you say? We choose our own friends, and they do not include your people!	False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_republic_reject_offer_demand_peace	Why should we put aside our swords? Are you so lacking in courage that you will not see this war to its proper end? 	False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_republic_reject_offer_demand_trade	The Republic will not trade with you. Gold is not the only thing that measures the worth of a man.	False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_republic_reject_offer_regions	God willing, the Republic will grow in extent at a time of our choosing, not when you give up your wastelands.	False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_republic_reject_offer_regular_payment	You offer gold? In the hope of buying our good opinion, perhaps?	False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_republic_reject_offer_single_payment	Our people are not like the lewd women of your land, easily bought for a few coins!	False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_republic_state_gift	God willing, we hope you will accept this token of our Republic’s everlasting appreciation. 	False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_republic_too_many_counters	Shall I summon my physician? Has some sickness brought on this confused babble of so many ideas?	False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_republic_war	The faithful do not shy from battle! God willing, the Republic will spill much of the blood of the faithless!	False
diplomacy_strings_string_mughal_monarchy_acknowledge_accept	Allah, the Merciful, loves those who come to wisdom, even by the most unlikely paths!	False
diplomacy_strings_string_mughal_monarchy_acknowledge_cancel_alliance	Faithless, worthless, oath breakers! This is how trust is repaid, with duplicity!	False
diplomacy_strings_string_mughal_monarchy_acknowledge_war	The faithful do not fear your swords, your guns or your words! We are armoured in virtue, so let war come! We welcome it! 	False
diplomacy_strings_string_mughal_monarchy_generic_reject_angry_1	You are children of unbeliever dogs, and your witless proposal is refused. 	False
diplomacy_strings_string_mughal_monarchy_offer_demand_peace	The Prophet, peace be upon him, smiles on those who seek to avoid bloodshed. Let us consider a peace treaty.	False
diplomacy_strings_string_mughal_monarchy_receive_hostile	You are lucky to be received at all, infidel dog. Speak quickly, and do not delay me from my prayers!	False
diplomacy_strings_string_mughal_monarchy_receive_very_friendly	Peace to you, friend. Let us talk, and let our councils be as Allah, the Merciful, wills them.	False
diplomacy_strings_string_mughal_monarchy_reject_angry_demand_military_access	Why would my prince allow servants of Iblis to march across his lands unhindered? Is he so much of a fool?	False
diplomacy_strings_string_mughal_monarchy_reject_angry_offer_demand_peace	My prince sees no reason to be merciful. The sword was drawn and it is not time to sheathe it. 	False
diplomacy_strings_string_mughal_monarchy_reject_offer_regular_payment	We will not take your money. It has an infidel taint to it. 	False
diplomacy_strings_string_mughal_monarchy_too_many_counters	Enough! Your endless bandying of words would confuse even the wisest fakir!	False
diplomacy_strings_string_mughal_monarchy_war	In the name of all that is holy, my prince will not rest until you are trampled beneath his elephants! This is war!	False
diplomacy_strings_string_mughal_republic_acknowledge_accept	Even the most stubborn of oxen eventually sees the way ahead. God be praised that you have seen wisdom!	False
diplomacy_strings_string_mughal_republic_acknowledge_cancel_alliance	Oath breaking is a sign of weakness: a sign that a snake strangles your heart.	False
diplomacy_strings_string_mughal_republic_acknowledge_war	As God wills! The bite of a rabid dog holds more terror than your warmongering!	False
diplomacy_strings_string_mughal_republic_generic_reject_angry_1	You worthless dog, your proposal is that of a outcast madman!	False
diplomacy_strings_string_mughal_republic_offer_demand_peace	The way of peace is always worthy to those with a faithful and honest heart.	False
diplomacy_strings_string_mughal_republic_receive_hostile	Infidel! You dare treat with our worthy Republic? Even though we listen, we know your words are poison!	False
diplomacy_strings_string_mughal_republic_receive_very_friendly	May the blessings of Allah the merciful, be upon our friendship and our dealings this day.	False
diplomacy_strings_string_mughal_republic_reject_angry_demand_military_access	Do you consider us fools? The servants of Iblis are not permitted to wander the Republic as they will!	False
diplomacy_strings_string_mughal_republic_reject_angry_offer_demand_peace	Show you mercy? The sword was drawn! It is not yet time to sheathe it. 	False
diplomacy_strings_string_mughal_republic_reject_offer_regular_payment	Your money is of no interest to the Mughal Republic.	False
diplomacy_strings_string_mughal_republic_too_many_counters	Hold your tongue! Your ramblings would try the patience of a thousand men! There is no sense to your words.	False
diplomacy_strings_string_mughal_republic_war	By our glorious Republic, I would see you trampled by an elephant! This is war!	False
diplomacy_strings_string_negotiation_temp_generic_accept_1	I believe we can agree to your proposal.	False
diplomacy_strings_string_negotiation_temp_generic_reject_1	I regret that we cannot agree to such terms.	False
diplomacy_strings_string_negotiation_temp_placeholder	placeholder	False
diplomacy_strings_string_offer_or_demand_alliance	軍事同盟	False
diplomacy_strings_string_offer_or_demand_break_alliance	同盟を破棄:	False
diplomacy_strings_string_offer_or_demand_break_trade	通商協定を破棄:	False
diplomacy_strings_string_offer_or_demand_join_war	参戦:	False
diplomacy_strings_string_offer_or_demand_military_access_10_turns	軍事通行権: 10ターン	False
diplomacy_strings_string_offer_or_demand_military_access_20_turns	軍事通行権: 20ターン	False
diplomacy_strings_string_offer_or_demand_military_access_5_turns	軍事通行権: 5ターン	False
diplomacy_strings_string_offer_or_demand_military_access_indefinite	軍事通行権: 無期限	False
diplomacy_strings_string_offer_or_demand_peace	平和条約	False
diplomacy_strings_string_offer_or_demand_protectorate	保護国化	False
diplomacy_strings_string_offer_or_demand_regions	領土を譲渡:	False
diplomacy_strings_string_offer_or_demand_regular_payment	複数回の支払い: %d. ターン: %d	False
diplomacy_strings_string_offer_or_demand_single_payment	一回の支払い: %d	False
diplomacy_strings_string_offer_or_demand_technology	技術を譲渡:	False
diplomacy_strings_string_offer_or_demand_trade_access	通商協定	False
diplomacy_strings_string_ottomans_monarchy_approach_hostile	On your knees, faithless ones, on your knees! How dare you stand in the presence of the Sultan's ambassadors?	False
diplomacy_strings_string_ottomans_monarchy_generic_reject_1	No, we servants of the Porte would rightly be flogged for agreeing to such a proposal.	False
diplomacy_strings_string_ottomans_monarchy_generic_reject_angry_1	In a just world, the Sultan would have you flayed alive for making such an offer!	False
diplomacy_strings_string_ottomans_monarchy_generic_reject_angry_2	A thousand times, no. Be grateful that you will not feel the executioner's blade for uttering such words. 	False
diplomacy_strings_string_ottomans_monarchy_receive_hostile	So you have come to speak a thousand lies and then a thousand more. Speak, but do not expect honest Turks to listen long!	False
diplomacy_strings_string_ottomans_monarchy_reject_angry_demand_regions	Be grateful your insolent tongue is still in your head after uttering such an outrageous demand!	False
diplomacy_strings_string_ottomans_monarchy_reject_angry_offer_demand_peace	So now you add cowardice to your vices of warmongering and whoring, do you? Well, our swords are not yet awash with your blood! 	False
diplomacy_strings_string_ottomans_monarchy_reject_angry_offer_demand_trade	There will be no trade with you. But tell me, unworthy dog, does your mother still sell her - "skills" in the marketplace?	False
diplomacy_strings_string_ottomans_monarchy_reject_demand_military_access	The Sultan sees no reason to let foreigners wander across his lands. You may not pass. 	False
diplomacy_strings_string_ottomans_monarchy_reject_offer_demand_alliance	The offer is well meant and kindly, by your lights, but the Porte has no need of allies such as you. 	False
diplomacy_strings_string_ottomans_monarchy_reject_offer_demand_peace	No! The Sultan's armies do not cease their warmaking because you find it inconvenient. They stop when the Sultan wishes it!	False
diplomacy_strings_string_ottomans_monarchy_war	The Sultan's rage knows no bounds against you, unworthy dogs! This is war! Your generals' skins will be used for our drumheads!	False
diplomacy_strings_string_ottomans_republic_approach_hostile	On your knees, faithless one, on your knees! How dare you stand in the presence of an ambassador from the Republic!	False
diplomacy_strings_string_ottomans_republic_demand_regular_payment	Infidel dogs! God willing, the heads of your generals will decorate the battle standards of the Republic! 	False
diplomacy_strings_string_ottomans_republic_demand_single_payment	Where are the pincers? Any tongue that insults the Ottoman people so should be pulled out!	False
diplomacy_strings_string_ottomans_republic_generic_offer_demand	In the old days of the Sultans, I would have ordered an imaginative death for you. Our Republic is gentler in its refusals. 	False
diplomacy_strings_string_ottomans_republic_offer_demand_trade	Would that I could have you flayed, and your skin sent back to your infidel masters. Then they would appreciate the meaning of “No!”	False
diplomacy_strings_string_ottomans_republic_offer_regular_payment	Your cowardice is sickening. Peace? Never - no true Ottoman ever puts down the sword!	False
diplomacy_strings_string_ottomans_republic_offer_single_payment	Do infidel dogs walk upon their hind legs in the market? I have learned something new this day!	False
diplomacy_strings_string_ottomans_republic_receive_friendly	May I be flayed alive if I agree to such a proposal!	False
diplomacy_strings_string_ottomans_republic_receive_hostile	Ottoman armies are not lighted turned aside by words. The war continues until you lie in the dust!	False
diplomacy_strings_string_ottomans_republic_receive_neutral	No. The Ottoman Republic does not understand why your generals advise you so badly. 	False
diplomacy_strings_string_ottomans_republic_receive_unfriendly	An alliance implies an equivalence between the contracting parties. Do you match in any way the glory of we Ottomans? No. 	False
diplomacy_strings_string_ottomans_republic_receive_very_friendly	Your lies will fill my head with the buzzing of a thousand insects, but speak if you must.	False
diplomacy_strings_string_prussia_monarchy_demand_military_access	我がプロイセン王国は実利を重んじる者達の国だ。故に貴国の領土を進行する権利を求めているのだ。実利的な問題から求めているのであり、それが全てである。 	False
diplomacy_strings_string_prussia_monarchy_generic_reject_1	プロイセン王国は安易に或いは愚かに協定 を結びなどしない! 従って否、否、否だ!	False
diplomacy_strings_string_prussia_monarchy_generic_reject_2	プロイセンの血と犠牲が我が領土を神聖な物としたのだ。進軍によって尊い犠牲を汚させてなるものか。	False
diplomacy_strings_string_prussia_monarchy_offer_demand_alliance	時に大砲では十分でないときもあるだろう。また、時として友を必要とすることもあろう。我らプロイセン人は良き友となれるであろう。 	False
diplomacy_strings_string_prussia_monarchy_receive_unfriendly	プロイセン王国の公使には貴国の戯言を聞くよりすべき仕事があるのだ。だが、まあよい、話せ!	False
diplomacy_strings_string_prussia_monarchy_reject_demand_regular_payment	よろしい。プロイセン王国は戦いを避けたことなど一度もない。国家の名誉をかけた戦場で相見えようではないか!	False
diplomacy_strings_string_prussia_monarchy_reject_demand_single_payment	プロイセン人は敵を全滅させるまで攻撃の手を止めることはない。全滅させるまでだ。 	False
diplomacy_strings_string_prussia_monarchy_reject_offer_demand_trade	否、否!貴国の辞書に誠実と名誉の文字はないのか?	False
diplomacy_strings_string_prussia_monarchy_reject_offer_regions	よろしい。我がプロイセンは唯より長き道を歩むとしよう! 	False
diplomacy_strings_string_prussia_monarchy_reject_offer_regular_payment	プロイセンの名誉にかけて、交戦状態にあると宣言しよう。プロイセン軍は直ぐに貴国を打ち倒すだろう!	False
diplomacy_strings_string_prussia_monarchy_reject_offer_single_payment	王国に仕え、王国を守るプロイセン人は異国の軍隊が自国を行進することをを許しはしない。	False
diplomacy_strings_string_prussia_republic_acknowledge_cancel_military_access	よろしい。良きプロイセン人は他の栄光への道を突き進もう!	False
diplomacy_strings_string_prussia_republic_acknowledge_war	よろしい。プロイセン人はカノン砲の轟きに怯みなどせん!国家の名誉をかけた戦場で相見えようではないか!	False
diplomacy_strings_string_prussia_republic_demand_military_access	我が国家は実利を重んじる者達の国だ。故に貴国の領土を進行する権利を求めている。小規模な実利上の問題から求めているだけなのです。	False
diplomacy_strings_string_prussia_republic_generic_reject_angry_1	貴公は我々を怒らせようとしているのか?だとするなら、おめでとう!任務を達成でき嬉しいだろうな。	False
diplomacy_strings_string_prussia_republic_generic_reject_angry_2	プロイセンは安易に或いは愚かに同意などしない!従って否、否、そして否だ!	False
diplomacy_strings_string_prussia_republic_offer_demand_alliance	友好とは価値あるものだ。特に誠実で、誉れ高いプロイセン共和国との友好は他の何物にも代え難いであろう。	False
diplomacy_strings_string_prussia_republic_receive_hostile	剣で決闘したい位だが、怒りを抑えプロイセン共和国の代表として話しをてやろう!	False
diplomacy_strings_string_prussia_republic_reject_angry_demand_military_access	Tプロイセン共和国は領土を劣った民族が進行することを許しはしない。	False
diplomacy_strings_string_prussia_republic_reject_angry_offer_demand_peace	我が共和国の名誉にかけて、貴国の最後の一人が地獄へ堕ちるまで、プロイセンの砲火は決して途絶える事は無いだろう!	False
diplomacy_strings_string_prussia_republic_reject_demand_military_access	プロイセン人は共和国を守る為に戦い、そして死んだのだ。貴国如きに名誉が汚される事は決してないのだ!	False
diplomacy_strings_string_prussia_republic_too_many_counters	愚か者め。他に熟考すべき深刻の問題があるというのに貴公の空っぽで長ったらしい散漫な演説に付き合わされるとは!	False