• 追加された行はこの色です。
  • 削除された行はこの色です。
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Gent_Research_Industry_2	There may be trouble at t'mill but, for the right man, there's much to be learned as well.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Gent_Research_Industry_3	To start with nothing, and build anything: that teaches a man much.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Gent_Research_Industry_4	A lifetime spent amidst the grime of industry gives a certain solidity to a man's opinions and expertise.  	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Gent_Research_Military_1	This scholar is definitely more ink- than blood-stained, yet can hold forth sensibly on military affairs.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Gent_Research_Military_2	This man's scholarly works have attracted the favourable opinion of many generals; his thinking advances the art of war.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Gent_Research_Military_3	This man has made a deep study of classical  wars, and applied his learning to contemporary strategy.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Gent_Research_Military_4	This man's works are used as text books by aspiring officers in many lands - even among his nation's enemies!	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Gent_Research_Navy_1	While this man may only command ships in his bath, his thinking on naval matters is acute.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Gent_Research_Navy_2	A love of the sea has informed this man's scholarship, making him an authority on naval matters.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Gent_Research_Navy_3	This man's writings are required reading in many naval schools, and even foreigners read his books!	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Gent_Research_Navy_4	This man's grasp of all things nautical is deep and profound; his writings are influential and respected.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Gent_Research_Philosophy_1	This man has read until his eyes have grown dim - and his mind exceptionally sharp.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Gent_Research_Philosophy_2	A disputatious nature and access to a large library can do much for a man's mind.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Gent_Research_Philosophy_3	To some, a lifetime of gazing at clouds seems wasteful, but answers are found in surprising places!	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Gent_Research_Philosophy_4	Even this man's eructations are a profound discourse upon the meaning of life.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Gent_Science_Club_1	This man funds his own experiments, studying for the love of learning as much as the end result.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Gent_Science_Club_2	Well-respected amongst the scientific community, he attends monthly dinners to discuss new theories with his peers.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Gent_Science_Club_3	He is driven by a need to discover the workings of the world, and to unravel the mysteries of creation.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Honourable_Service_1	The King's favour is a splendid thing, and an encouragement to great future efforts.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Honourable_Service_2	"The title does help when dealing with the lower orders, it's true."	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Honourable_Service_3	The pre-requisites of high position give a man a large stake in his nation's continued success.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Honourable_Service_4	This man has been of constant and successful service to his monarch and his nation.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Honourable_Service_5	It is almost impossible to imagine how this man could have brought extra honour to his nation.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Infected_Cholera_1	This minor stomach infection will surely be gone by morning. Or possibly the afternoon.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Infected_Cholera_2	There are good grounds for believing that this is cholera, not "something he ate."	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Infected_Dengue_Fever	This unfortunate has caught breakbone fever, and will feel terrible for some time.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Infected_Dysentry_1	In other men, this might be called cowardice; in this man, it is called pitiable.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Infected_Influenza_1	This man has a sickness called "influenza" by Italian doctors, and cannot work.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Infected_Leprosy_1	This man is marked by his injured extremities.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Infected_Leprosy_2	This man is crippled by his disease, and is feared by many.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Infected_Malaria_1	This man can barely lift his head, let alone a pen or a weapon to carry out his appointed tasks.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Infected_Malaria_2	This poor fellow is regularly laid low by bouts of ague.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Infected_Measles_1	This man is covered in small, red pustules. Is it a rash, or something far worse?	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Infected_Plague_1	"It's the end of the world, the end of the world, you're suffering from life withdrawal!"	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Infected_Scurvy_1	This man is showing all the symptoms of scurvy, from bad breath to aching limbs.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Infected_Smallpox_1	This man has dreadful pustules over his entire body.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Infected_Smallpox_2	The smallpox has done its terrible work on this poor fellow.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Infected_TB_1	This poor chap can never quite throw off a cold, as he has a weak chest.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Infected_TB_2	Coughing up blood is never a good sign, as any doctor will confirm.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Infected_Typhus_1	This man has typhus, and is unable to carry out any of his normal duties.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Infected_Typhus_2	This man is bedridden, and his servants fear for his life.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Infected_Yellow_Fever_1	This man's fever comes and goes, but his pains remain constant.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Infected_Yellow_Fever_2	This poor fellow is very ill: puking blood the colour of midnight is never really a good sign.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Agent_99_1	"There are spies everywhere, you know! Everywhere!"	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Agent_99_2	"I do not trust that doorman. Or that one. Or that maid. Or you."	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Army_Buff_1	As a child he was awoken with the sound of cannons, followed by rigorous drill before breakfast.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Army_Buff_2	This man is happiest dressed in full ceremonial garb, medals glittering at his breast.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Army_Buff_3	Insisting all his attendants and ministers salute and stand to attention is possibly taking things too far.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Clever_Stick_1	This man's ready wits show up lesser men as dullards.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Clever_Stick_2	This man has an exceptional intellect, and can be applied to almost any matter.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Clever_Stick_3	True cleverness sometimes involves not correcting everyone else's mistakes.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Debauched_1	A little smut may be considered witty, but not to an ambassador's wife!	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Debauched_2	This man's behaviour is boorish and nationally embarrassing, even if the ambassador's wife did have a fantastic arse!	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Debauched_3	This man's appalling behaviour would shame any bawd or panderer, let alone a lady of quality... with few scruples.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Debauched_4	"My John Thomas is a disaster area!"	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Dullard_1	This man benefits from an amusing lack of intellect.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Dullard_2	Difficult ideas are difficult, you know. One has to make allowances.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Dullard_3	There are small bedding plants with a greater understanding of life than this man.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Enlightened_Despot_1	An advocate of rationality, reason, toleration, and freedom of ideas - although not at the expense of authority.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Favourites_1	Proof, if ever any was needed, that it is not what you know, but who, that matters when it comes to personal success.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Fertile_1	Blessings upon the royal household! An heir has been born, and the line continues!	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Fertile_2	An heir and a spare! Surely the succession is now safe, and the future of the royal line assured?	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Fertile_3	The royal family have been blessed with so many children, their continuance is guaranteed.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Foreign_Tastes_1	This man delights in the new, the unusual, and the different.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Foreign_Tastes_2	This man shows a marked preference for foreigners, much to the annoyance of his countrymen.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Foreign_Tastes_3	Having redecorated his private chambers seventeen times in various foreign styles, this man cannot get enough of the unusual!	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Harsh_Ruler_1	"There are only two ways: my way, and the way to the gibbet at the crossroads. Am I making myself understood?"	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Harsh_Ruler_2	Right of rebellion? Traitors don't have rights, but they do make attractive drapes when hanging from the fortifications.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Harsh_Ruler_3	'Neath the velvet glove lies an iron hand. There has been occasion to bring it down upon the ungrateful populace.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Humanist_1	This man understands religion, but it does not have a hold over him.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Humanist_2	This man is openly irreligious, to the intense irritation of some, and the joy of others.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Humanist_3	This man looks beyond the tradition teachings of religion for solutions to mankind's problems.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Huntin_Shootin_Fishin_1	Born in the saddle, and with a hunter's keen eye, this man merely follows his natural inclinations.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Huntin_Shootin_Fishin_2	A healthy interest in bloodsports makes this man popular with his wealthier landowners.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Huntin_Shootin_Fishin_3	Is there anything else worth doing in life? Exactly. Of course not.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Inbred_1	This man is not the sharpest tool in the drawer, and his twitching is a tad disheartening to say the least.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Inbred_2	Hereditary weaknesses have revealed themselves, due entirely to ancestors being far, far too close as a family.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Inbred_3	Wall-eyed cousins should not be allowed to marry, except amongst royalty, and then only rarely.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Infertile_1	Children have so far been unforthcoming, despite the best efforts of his spouse.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Infertile_2	The royal couple have not been blessed with heirs that lived.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Infertile_3	Providence has not seen fit to bless the royal couple with offspring. Perhaps it is God's will?	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Insane_1	An "unusual" child, his natural strangeness has only increased with age.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Insane_2	"What, What! Tiddly-pom! A lovely day for oysters, Mother..."	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Insane_3	The monarch is clearly unwell. The slightest excitement can turn him into a dribbling wreck.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Intellectual_Pretensions_1	Intellectual debate is encouraged, and the educational welfare of the people is high on the list of priorities.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Intellectual_Pretensions_2	Correspondence flows freely between the ruler and his learned friends, such is his hunger for knowledge.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Intellectual_Pretensions_3	Intelligentsia have been gathered, so their knowledge and insight are at hand whenever the mood catches.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_M_1	There is much worth in the practice of reading the letters of other men.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_M_2	Spies and agents of influence in foreign parts help the delberations of government.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_M_3	A spy sent into the world is merely a true patriot who labours without public honour.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Merit_1	Military promotions are based on aptitude and ability for the job in hand. Personal connections are of little value.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Mr_Waverley_1	It is good to know other men's secrets.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Mr_Waverley_2	There is something glamorous and dangerous about the shadow world.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Mr_Waverley_3	A man can know many secrets, if he has the right servants in the right shadows.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Natural_King_1	Along with the poise and manner of royalty, the monarch is blessed with many princely virtues.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Natural_King_2	"I am your Prince, appointed by God. I am accountable to Him and only Him."	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Natural_President_1	He has contempt for the tyranny of kings, and how their whims and fancies bring misery to the lives of their subjects.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Natural_President_2	That people should live in thrall and ignorance in this age of enlightenment is the real treachery.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Navy_Buff_1	In childhood he could only sleep if his bedtime stories were tales of dashing maritime adventure.	False
character_trait_levels_colour_text_C_Leader_Navy_Buff_2	He has taken to wearing ceremonial uniforms at all times, which makes bathing a difficult business.	False