subtitles_subtitle_text_NCS_03_Ita_Intro.bik_10 彼は我々兵士に向かって語った。「諸君、私は諸君らを世界でもっとも豊かな平野へ導こう。そこで君たちは名誉や冨、栄光を見い出すだろう」 FALSE
subtitles_subtitle_text_NCS_03_Ita_Intro.bik_11 兵士たちはそれを聞いた。だが容易にはそれに耳を傾けようとはしなかった。 FALSE
subtitles_subtitle_text_NCS_03_Ita_Intro.bik_12 彼らは長い間、栄光や希望といったものとは無縁だったのだ。 FALSE
subtitles_subtitle_text_NCS_04_Ita_Outro.bik_01 我々は彼の名を喝采した。我々はフランスのために喝采した。勝利のために。我々は生きていたのだ。 FALSE
subtitles_subtitle_text_NCS_04_Ita_Outro.bik_02 今や我々は彼に心酔していた。我々の「小伍長」を。 FALSE
subtitles_subtitle_text_NCS_04_Ita_Outro.bik_03 しかしオーストリア人は違っていた。彼らはこのコルシカ人を恐れていた。彼らの誇りは、無骨な男によって打ちのめされたのだ。 FALSE
subtitles_subtitle_text_NCS_04_Ita_Outro.bik_04 傲慢さは痛めつけられ、そのゆえに彼らは和平を結ぶことを余儀なくされた。今しばらくのあいだは。 FALSE
subtitles_subtitle_text_NCS_04_Ita_Outro.bik_05 私には聞こえた。まるでナポレオンが隣にいて話しかけているように。「大地から足が離れ、空に舞い上がったようだ」と。 FALSE
subtitles_subtitle_text_NCS_05_Egy_Intro.bik_01 それはあらゆる場所において、探検の時代であり、征服の時代でもあった。 FALSE
subtitles_subtitle_text_NCS_05_Egy_Intro.bik_02 フランス人は世界を旅した。教えるため、学ぶため、交易のために。 FALSE
subtitles_subtitle_text_NCS_05_Egy_Intro.bik_03 しかし常にイギリスが我らを脅かしていた。英国商人は世界中を抑えており、彼らの船は我々の息を詰まらせるほどだった。英国が富を蓄えるほど、フランスは害を被っていた。 FALSE
subtitles_subtitle_text_NCS_05_Egy_Intro.bik_04 夏の盛り、ナポレオンはエジプトへ上陸した。オリエントの富はいま我々のものになった。 FALSE
subtitles_subtitle_text_NCS_05_Egy_Intro.bik_05 エジプト。ここでは砂が囁き、古代の勝利と栄光を物語る。 FALSE
subtitles_subtitle_text_NCS_05_Egy_Intro.bik_06 ナポレオンは、その肩に四千年の歴史を感じていた。 FALSE
subtitles_subtitle_text_NCS_05_Egy_Intro.bik_07 彼は言った。「私はここに来た。為すべきことを為そう」 FALSE
subtitles_subtitle_text_NCS_05_Egy_Intro.bik_08 しかし砂漠は過酷で人間を受け入れない。勇敢さだけでは生きていくことはできない。 FALSE
subtitles_subtitle_text_NCS_06_Egy_Outro.bik_01 エジプト。この地における勝利で、彼はアレクサンドロスやカエサルと並び立つ存在となった。 FALSE
subtitles_subtitle_text_NCS_06_Egy_Outro.bik_02 1804年12月。私はノートルダムにいた。 FALSE
subtitles_subtitle_text_NCS_06_Egy_Outro.bik_03 誇りとともに、私はナポレオンがフランス皇帝の冠を戴くのを見た。 FALSE
subtitles_subtitle_text_NCS_06_Egy_Outro.bik_04 我々がこの帝冠を捜し出し、そして彼がそれを拾い上げたのだ。人々の歓呼が聞こえる… FALSE
subtitles_subtitle_text_NCS_06_Egy_Outro.bik_05 ヴィヴ・ランペルール!(皇帝万歳!) FALSE
subtitles_subtitle_text_NCS_07_Eur_Intro.bik_01 フランスは戦火に包まれていた。 FALSE
subtitles_subtitle_text_NCS_07_Eur_Intro.bik_02 ナポレオンはフランスに偉大なるものを与えた。彼はフランスに全てを―正義を、法を、栄光を与えた。変革されなかったものは何もない。彼の法典は、正義をあらゆるものの現実とした。 FALSE
subtitles_subtitle_text_NCS_07_Eur_Intro.bik_03 私は皇帝が成し得たことを見た。彼は逆らえぬ嵐のごとく、全てを一新した。 FALSE
subtitles_subtitle_text_NCS_07_Eur_Intro.bik_04 フランスの宿敵は彼に対し陰謀を巡らせた。イギリス、オーストリア、ロシア。そしてその追従者どもだ。 FALSE
subtitles_subtitle_text_NCS_07_Eur_Intro.bik_05 ナポレオンが消え去れば、彼の点した火も消える。 FALSE
subtitles_subtitle_text_NCS_07_Eur_Intro.bik_06 我々の仕事は彼らによって停滞した。1805年、ナポレオンの帝国たるフランス全土は戦争のために備えていた。 FALSE
subtitles_subtitle_text_NCS_08_Eur_Outro.bik_01 我々の敵は、フランスに勝利などありえないと言った。 FALSE
subtitles_subtitle_text_NCS_08_Eur_Outro.bik_02 それは誤りだった。彼らは問うだろう、一人の人間にこんなことが出来るのかと。 FALSE
subtitles_subtitle_text_NCS_08_Eur_Outro.bik_03 私は答えるだろう、その人間がナポレオンならばと。 FALSE
subtitles_subtitle_text_NCS_08_Eur_Outro.bik_04 ナポレオンは彼らの都市が陥落していくのを見た。彼が予期するのは勝利だけだった。いや、勝利が彼の元にやってきたのだ。 FALSE
subtitles_subtitle_text_NCS_08_Eur_Outro.bik_05 ナポレオンの意志、ナポレオンの野心は、世界中を燃え立たせるかのようだった。 FALSE
subtitles_subtitle_text_NCS_09_Waterloo.bik_01 ロシアの冬。未亡人の心よりも凍てついた寒さ。 FALSE
subtitles_subtitle_text_NCS_09_Waterloo.bik_02 兵士たちは鞍上で死に、馬は兵士たちの横で死んだ。大陸軍は壊滅した。 FALSE
subtitles_subtitle_text_NCS_09_Waterloo.bik_03 ハゲタカどもは群れ集った。我らの敵は第六次対仏同盟を結成し、ナポレオン一人を、たった一人を敵とした。 FALSE
subtitles_subtitle_text_NCS_09_Waterloo.bik_04 我々は戦った。だがまだ十分ではなかったのだ。 FALSE
subtitles_subtitle_text_NCS_09_Waterloo.bik_05 1814年4月、ナポレオンは玉座を捨てた。 FALSE
subtitles_subtitle_text_NCS_09_Waterloo.bik_06 時は止まったかのように見えた。 FALSE
subtitles_subtitle_text_NCS_09_Waterloo.bik_07 彼はエルバ島の小領主となり、十ヶ月が過ぎた。 FALSE
subtitles_subtitle_text_NCS_09_Waterloo.bik_08 1815年の春、ナポレオンは帰還した。彼はパリへ行進する以外の道を選ばなかったのだ。役立たずの国王は逃げ、運命は目を開いた! FALSE
subtitles_subtitle_text_NCS_09_Waterloo.bik_09 ヨーロッパは再び我々に立ちはだかった。彼らはナポレオンを「世界の安寧を乱す敵」だとして、我々に戦いを強いた。 FALSE
subtitles_subtitle_text_NCS_09_Waterloo.bik_10 皇帝は計画を練っていた。イギリスとプロイセンが合流する前に北方で各個に撃破せねばならないと。なんとしてもそれは成し遂げられなければならない。 FALSE
subtitles_subtitle_text_NCS_09_Waterloo.bik_11 イギリス軍はブリュッセルへと向かう途上、ワーテルローにあった。フランス軍の大砲と銃剣が、ここで勝利をもたらすだろう。 FALSE
subtitles_subtitle_text_NCS_09_Waterloo.bik_12 前夜から雨が降っていた。ナポレオンは乾いた地面を望んだ。彼の頼みとする大砲が泥で動けなくなるからだ。 FALSE
subtitles_subtitle_text_NCS_09_Waterloo.bik_13 その6月の朝、ナポレオンは我々に語った。「今日、ヨーロッパの運命が決する。この日こそ全てであり、もし敗北するならば、我らにはもう何もない」 FALSE
subtitles_subtitle_text_NCS_09_Waterloo.bik_14 もう一度、大砲に物を言わせる時がやってきたのだ。 FALSE
subtitles_subtitle_text_NCS_10_Win.bik_01 ワーテルローの日暮れまでには、戦場にいるイギリス人は死んでいるか、死にかかっているか、捕虜になっていた。 FALSE
subtitles_subtitle_text_NCS_10_Win.bik_02 フランスは安全になった。皇帝は誇らしげだった。彼のもっとも偉大な勝利だった。 FALSE
subtitles_subtitle_text_NCS_10_Win.bik_03 彼のような男は二度とフランスには現れないだろう。また、その必要がないように祈ろう。このような栄光は一度限りのものだ。 FALSE
subtitles_subtitle_text_NCS_10_Win.bik_04 多くの人間はオリーブの木陰で死に、ほんの一握りの人間だけが世界を変える。 FALSE
subtitles_subtitle_text_NCS_10_Win.bik_05 真実の栄光とは、その名を永遠に留めることなのだ。 FALSE
subtitles_subtitle_text_NCS_11_Lose.bik_01 ワーテルローの日暮れには、老親衛隊でさえ敗走していた。 FALSE
subtitles_subtitle_text_NCS_11_Lose.bik_02 神よ!何ということが起こったのだろう。 FALSE
subtitles_subtitle_text_NCS_11_Lose.bik_03 降伏は苦々しいものだった。セントヘレナ島への流刑は思い出したくもない…これまでに刻んだ栄光でさえ酸味を帯びた。 FALSE
subtitles_subtitle_text_NCS_11_Lose.bik_04 多くの人間の生き死にはオリーブの木陰からはみ出すことはない。ほんの一握りの人間だけが世界を変える。その敗北でさえも。 FALSE
subtitles_subtitle_text_NCS_11_Lose.bik_05 彼は失望と恥辱にまみれたまま生きた。彼にとって何の意味があろう?かれにとって、死よりも下らない余生を送ることが。 FALSE
subtitles_subtitle_text_NHB_01_Arcole.bik_01 オーストリア人は、私の悩みの種だ。 FALSE
subtitles_subtitle_text_NHB_01_Arcole.bik_02 マントヴァの包囲を中断させようとする彼らの企ては止められなければならない。 FALSE
subtitles_subtitle_text_NHB_01_Arcole.bik_03 私は戦場においてオーストラリア軍を迎撃しなければならない。今度こそ徹底的に。 FALSE
subtitles_subtitle_text_NHB_01_Arcole.bik_04 アルコレで、私は我が軍を率いてアルポーネ川を渡り、オーストリア軍の連絡線を遮断するのだ。 FALSE
subtitles_subtitle_text_NHB_02_Pyramids.bik_01 イタリアで勝利し、いま私はエジプトにいる。 FALSE
subtitles_subtitle_text_NHB_02_Pyramids.bik_02 予期していたようにアレクサンドリアは陥落した。私はムーラッド・ベイがカイロで私を足止めするために、マムルークを送るだろうということも知っていた。 FALSE
subtitles_subtitle_text_NHB_02_Pyramids.bik_03 ピラミッドの影の中で戦いは始まった。はるか遠い昔のアレクサンドロスの兵士のように、わが兵士たちは私のために勝つだろう! FALSE
subtitles_subtitle_text_NHB_03_Nile.bik_01 エジプトだけでは不充分だ。その彼方、インドへの道こそイギリスの希望を断ち切ることに他ならない。 FALSE
subtitles_subtitle_text_NHB_03_Nile.bik_02 私は騙し、計略を行った。その結果、私はエジプトに我が軍勢を得た。しかし「不実なアルビオン」たちは他の者よりは賢い。彼らは我が艦隊が、アブキール湾において倒さねばならないだろう。 FALSE
subtitles_subtitle_text_NHB_04_Austerlitz.bik_01 私は、パリにいる売国奴に対処するため、エジプトでの戦いを中断することを余儀なくされた。しかし銃剣が私の強力な代弁者となった! FALSE
subtitles_subtitle_text_NHB_04_Austerlitz.bik_02 私は第一執政に就任し、そのあと私のために用意してあった帝冠を取った。ほかにどのような選択があったろうか? FALSE
subtitles_subtitle_text_NHB_04_Austerlitz.bik_03 私は旧きヨーロッパの具現たるオーストリア、ロシアに脅かされた。そして彼らはやって来たのだ。ここアウステルリッツで、私は彼らを止めねばならない! FALSE
subtitles_subtitle_text_NHB_05_Trafalgar.bik_01 ヴィルヌーヴは何も理解していない!ヴィルヌーヴは何も成し遂げなかった! FALSE
subtitles_subtitle_text_NHB_05_Trafalgar.bik_02 制海権なしで、どうやって英本土に侵攻せよというのか。いまなら、英国陸軍はオーストリアに動かざるを得ないというのに。 FALSE
subtitles_subtitle_text_NHB_05_Trafalgar.bik_03 ヴィルヌーヴは俸給に見合った仕事をするために、地中海へと入らなければならない。彼にでもわかる、単純な仕事なのだ… FALSE
subtitles_subtitle_text_NHB_06_Borodino.bik_01 英国人に物の道理を教えようと思えば、まず彼らから金を取り上げねばならない! FALSE
subtitles_subtitle_text_NHB_06_Borodino.bik_02 しかしロシアは公然と通商を続けた。彼らは、私がモスクワに進軍することなどないと思っていたのだろうか。 FALSE
subtitles_subtitle_text_NHB_06_Borodino.bik_03 そして現在、クトゥーゾフは地図のシミのようなボロジノで待ち受けている。しかし何の問題もなく、私はモスクワで食事を摂ることができるだろう! FALSE
subtitles_subtitle_text_NHB_07_Dresden.bik_01 モスクワは私の勝利を受け入れようとはしなかった。彼らは私に与えるくらいなら焼き払うことを選んだ。そしてパリにおける裏切り! FALSE
subtitles_subtitle_text_NHB_07_Dresden.bik_02 私は撤退を命じた。我が敵たる対仏同盟は、突然勇気を見つけたようだった。 FALSE
subtitles_subtitle_text_NHB_07_Dresden.bik_03 サン=シール元帥を救うために私はドレスデンに行き、兵士たちに真の軍人とは何かを見せてやらねばならないだろう。 FALSE
subtitles_subtitle_text_NHB_08_Ligny.bik_01 軍人として、私はライプツィヒの戦いについて冷静にならねばならない。 FALSE
subtitles_subtitle_text_NHB_08_Ligny.bik_02 よく言っても自己本位でしかないあの裏切り者たちと別れてエルバ島へ流されたのは、ある意味幸運だった。 FALSE
subtitles_subtitle_text_NHB_08_Ligny.bik_03 ナポレオンなしでフランスはどうするというのだろう?今こそ再び我々は行進し、フランス全てが武器を取るのだ! FALSE
subtitles_subtitle_text_NHB_09_Waterloo.bik_01 私はグルーシーにプロイセン軍の追跡を任せねばならない。ネイは敵を北方に追いやり、我々はその後に続いた。そしてここにイギリス軍とウェリントン将軍がいる。 FALSE
subtitles_subtitle_text_NHB_09_Waterloo.bik_02 スペインで彼の噂は聞いていた。優秀な将軍であると。私に匹敵するのか?今に分かる。もうすぐ… FALSE
subtitles_subtitle_text_NHB_SE_01_Lodi.bik_01 トリノが私の視界に入っていた。ピエモンテ人が、我が軍の前を通っていく。ボーリュー指揮下のオーストリア軍はミラノへ向けて退却していた。 FALSE
subtitles_subtitle_text_NHB_SE_01_Lodi.bik_02 私は迅速に動き、ロディ近郊で彼らを捉えた。ゼボッテンドルフは戦場を読むことができ、彼は我が軍がポー川にかかる唯一の橋を渡るのを阻止するため、対岸に兵を配置している。 FALSE
subtitles_subtitle_text_NHB_SE_01_Lodi.bik_03 しかし、彼は次に何が起こるかを知ることができるだろうか? FALSE
subtitles_subtitle_text_NHB_SE_02_Friedland.bik_01 ベルリンを制圧され、プロイセンは承服した。そのあと私はポーランドで、ロシアへと目を向けた。 FALSE
subtitles_subtitle_text_NHB_SE_02_Friedland.bik_02 アイラウで激戦が起こり、我が軍は戦慄した。彼らにも相応の損害はあったろうが、それは問題でない。 FALSE
subtitles_subtitle_text_NHB_SE_02_Friedland.bik_03 私は自律せねばならなかった。フランスの―私の栄光を回復させるために。 FALSE
technologies_long_description_admin1_classical_economics \n\nClassical economics seeks to change the way a nation’s wealth is considered. No longer is the amount of money in a king’s treasury the sole measurement of national wealth. The earnings of the populace are now taken into account. With this step forward people leave feudal society and step forward as individuals seeking their own gains for their own benefit.\n\nClassical economics was eventually superseded. Its influence does still linger however, especially within the modern school of thought known as “new classical economics.”\n\nHistorically, the school of classical economics was originally created by Scottish philosopher Adam Smith, but David Ricardo is leading the school forward in its beliefs and methods. His debates on such topics as the Corn Laws with Thomas Malthus are giving theorists much to consider. One of the key questions the theory seeks to answer is: how can a society be built upon a system where man seeks to further only his own interests FALSE
technologies_long_description_admin1_national_debt \n\nKings have always run up debts, borrowing money (sometimes at sword’s point) from subjects and great banking houses. The debt, however, was the personal responsibility of the king. The concept of national debt allows a nation to borrow to finance expansion and conquest. The nation sells bonds, and agrees to pay interest on those bonds every year. This simple idea increases the growth of national wealth and facilitates expansion by reducing upkeep costs.\n\nScottish economist, gambler, and rake John Law (1671-1729) made several advances in his field, the most notable being the introduction of the French national bank. He also proposed state control over national finances and trade. He manipulated the market by using money from monopoly trading companies to buy government bonds rather than investing in overseas enterprises. Eventually his schemes collapsed, and many Frenchmen were ruined. Law failed, but he gave the idea of government-backed bank notes, and the word “millionaire”, to the West.\n\nNational debt was extensively used by British governments to finance the wars against France and Napoleon. Despite the blockade of Napoleon’s Continental System, British trade was able to flourish and sustain the increasing mountain of debt that the war created. FALSE
technologies_long_description_admin1_public_schooling \n\nEducation is usually the preserve of wealthy and ambitious families: the aristocracy have little need for it, because it adds no lustre to their titles; the poor have little use for it, because it rarely puts bread in their bellies. Education must be bought, and schools are generally run as privately-owned businesses. Public schooling introduces the idea of the state paying for the education of its people, sometimes regardless of their backgrounds: a radical notion in many ways. Public schooling provides a bonus to research, and increases the spawning rate of agents.\n\nGeneral state-funded public education was fiercely resisted in many influential quarters across Europe, as it was feared that teaching the poor to read would only encourage them in seditious thoughts. Britain is an oddity in that its “public” schools are nothing of the sort. They are private business establishments, where money rather than ability secures a place. The name came about because “public” schools would accept anyone who could pay, as opposed to “private” schools that accepted pupils by invitation only. FALSE
technologies_long_description_admin2_national_census \n\nBy counting everyone in the population, a government can tax everyone; possibly taxation will be unfair, but it will be unfair to all. It also becomes possible for a government to monitor the movement of people from the countryside to towns, calculate how fast the population is growing, and even know if there will be enough men for an army. However, the most immediate impact is on tax: a census increases the tax yield.\n\nCounting people and taxation have been linked since at least Biblical times. The Directory, under Napoleon’s Consulate, carried out very successful censuses in post-revolutionary France, allowing them to collect taxes effectively and, just as vitally for Napoleon’s ambitions, know how many men were available for conscription. In Britain, the National Census was the result of work by Thomas Malthus (1766-1834) on population growth. He was convinced that a crisis was looming as the number of people outstripped the available food supply. The 1800 Census Act resulted in the British government knowing that there were nine million people in the country; this probably wasn’t all that satisfactory, as it was just over a third of the number of Frenchmen in France. FALSE
technologies_long_description_admin3_abolition_of_slavery \n\nThe slave trade is hugely profitable for those who engage in it, whether through trade such as that from Africa to the New World, or conquest such as the depredations of European shipping by the Barbary Pirates of North Africa. The morality and necessity of slave owning, however, are disputed. Abolition of the trade has its roots in religious feelings and in radical Enlightenment thought, but its effects are clear: a cessation of slave taking, transportation and exploitation.\n\nHistorically, abolition was far from universally popular. William Wilberforce (1759-1833), the MP for Kingston-upon-Hull in Yorkshire, campaigned for many years in the face of bitter opposition from mercantile interests. His eventual success only outlawed slavery in British possessions and British involvement in any foreign trade. The Royal Navy acted as a “world policeman”, attempting to stop the African trade at source. Oddly, English judges had already decided that slaves could become free by stepping onto English soil in 1772. Wilberforce’s work was the start of a process that continues even today with attempts to stop “people trafficking”. FALSE
technologies_long_description_admin3_code_napoleon \n\nThe Code is a set of laws designed to protect the ideals of the Revolution, but also to protect the rights of people and property in France. Some measures are surprisingly liberal, while others give almost draconian powers to family heads over wives and children. The intention, however, is to create a legal system that everyone can understand, and one that can control the population. The Code Napoleon increases repression, but improves happiness among the lower and middle classes.\n\nNapoleon claimed to prize his Civil Code above all his other works. In 1800 he ordered distinguished lawyers to remake French law in just five months. Although they did not meet the deadline, the code is still the basis of French law today. The clarity of the system has appealed to many other, non-French nations since, and some 70 nations now use a similar, proscriptive system of law. The Anglophone world continues to rely largely on a common law system, where precedent is used to determine legality, for much of its everyday law. FALSE
technologies_long_description_admin3_metric_system \n\nMany measuring systems are age-old, and based on some aspect of human physiognomy: hands for measuring horses and the like. There are quirky relationships within measuring systems: who would set out to design a weight scale that has 16 ounces in a pound, yet 112 pounds in a hundredweight?\n\nA metric system creates arbitrary, but scientifically derived, units for length, volume, area, weight, and so on. One unified system can measure everything, and there is no complicated mathematics required, as only multiples of ten are used. Adopting such a scheme increases research rates and allows further research in a number of areas.\n\nHistorically, the French were not the first people to attempt a codified measuring system, but the work done by the French Academy of Sciences in the 1790s was certainly the most organised approach up to that time. Although officially adopted quite quickly, the public were not required by law to use metric measures until 1840. The metric system is now the de facto standard for all national armies, although many navies still use old “imperial” units like the fathom for depth and knot for speed. FALSE
technologies_long_description_admin3_trade_unions \n\nOnce the ideas of revolution, liberty, and equality are mooted, the poor and downtrodden will want to know why these concepts do not apply equally to them. The growth of combinations and workers’ organisations is inevitable in societies where poverty can mean more than just low pay, but starvation. Trade unions give workers the ability to negotiate with employers from a position of strength: the individual can be dismissed, but not the whole workforce. Trade unions improve the happiness of the lower classes, and enable the construction of higher level law courts.\n\nHistorically, trade unions were declared illegal and widely feared by the landed and moneyed classes in most societies. The idea that the poor would dare to ask for more of anything, except a good horsewhipping, was only one step away from armed insurrection. The British reaction of passing the 1799 and 1825 Combination Acts was typical, as was the deportation to Australia of the “Tolpuddle Martyrs”, a group of agricultural labourers who had dared to form a society with the aim of obtaining better pay and conditions for themselves. FALSE
technologies_long_description_admin4_dialectics \n\nDialectics attempts to resolve the conflict between two opposing arguments without proving, or disproving, either argument. As a method of debate it teaches careful and considered reasoning; the idea can be applied equally to natural philosophy, politics, law, and life generally. Dialectics provide a bonus to diplomatic relations and a bonus to research rates; scientists are armed with a new intellectual tool. It also allows the building of the best available courts and universities.\n\nThe concept, in the West, can be traced back to the Greek scholars of antiquity. However, it was during the explosion of free-thinking during the Enlightenment that the technique of thinking was revisited. Thanks to the enquiring mind of Georg Hegel (1770-1831), dialectics and many other advances in the practice of philosophy were promulgated. He built a comprehensive frame work around philosophical thought that would help others to understand the complexities of the human mind and its connection with nature. FALSE
technologies_long_description_admin4_semaphore_lines \n\nNews can travel along a semaphore system far faster than any postal system. Chains of towers are built across the countryside, so that each is visible to its neighbours. Operators use telescopes to watch their neighbouring towers, and messages are passed by setting the position of the tower’s arms or large moveable boards. Each combination of positions carries a meaning; once copied from a tower, the semaphore operator can repeat the message, sending it further down the line. In this fashion, news, even from distant frontiers, can be sent across a country in a matter of moments. The effect is to increase the line of sight around the borders of a nation’s territory.\n\nThe bonfire or beacon is, possibly, the simplest of message systems. It can carry one pre-arranged message when fired, usually something along the lines of “The enemy are coming!” By having a system that can send multiple messages, semaphore lines reduce the response time in any situation. Napoleon saw the worth of a semaphore system for keeping in touch; the British Admiralty invested much time and effort in constructing a system between all its major operational ports. FALSE
technologies_long_description_admin5_national_propaganda \n\nNewspapers, broadsheets, pamphlets, flyers, and posters can all be used to tell people about the glory won on the battlefield and the evil schemes of other nations. Such carefully crafted messages can also aid agents. A gentleman who is working for a noble, worthwhile cause will find it easier to persuade others to support it if he has a plausible version of the truth on his side. The morale of an army may also be increased in battle if soldiers believe in the righteousness of the national cause.\n\nIn reality, Napoleon was a master of using the press to burnish his own reputation, and to prepare the nation for changes in policy. The “Moniteur” newspaper, and other Parisian journals, harped on the perfidious intentions of Britain at every opportunity. Oddly, however, Napoleon was incensed when British newspapers returned the favour and traduced his reputation, and was considered by some to be angry enough over the matter to declare war. He didn’t seem to notice that the British press were horrid about everyone, and were as rude about “Prinny”, their own lardy, indolent, pie-guzzling, womanizing, booze-sodden, and debauched Prince Regent, as they were about a short Corsican in a funny hat. Some things never change. FALSE
technologies_long_description_admin5_passports \n\nThose without the correct documentation cannot proceed on their way, and governments are not above changing the required documents without notice as a way of controlling their people. Passports and adequate record keeping also allow governments to monitor exactly how many suspicious foreigners may be lurking on their soil at any one time. Such knowledge can be of great use in making life much harder for spies and foreign provocateurs to carry out their foul and nefarious schemes of sabotage and spreading discontent!\n\nA “pass port” was the right to enter or leave by a gate. The invention of the modern idea of a passport is credited to the English king Henry V (1386–1422) and was called a “safe conduct”. This guaranteed that the person carrying it could travel safely to and in foreign lands. Passports have since changed to become a proof of identity and a guarantee that a person will be aided and defended from threats to his well being by his country. Many embassies spend much of their time and resources helping citizens in distress in foreign parts, and the guarantee of support to a passport holder continues to include the use of military force. FALSE