• 追加された行はこの色です。
  • 削除された行はこの色です。
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Grand_Tourist	Seen one bloody ruin, seen them all, old thing. Is there any more port?	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Grizzled_Old_Sergeant	Men, sir, respond well to the voice of command, even as it orders them to their deaths.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Gunsmith	A good piece, whether for fowling or bringing down a man, requires craftsmanship.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Hack	A lie has power; the truth, clearly written, has more.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Heroic_Saviour	I owe him my life. That is not a debt to be lightly paid.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Highland_Servant	A fierce man, from a bleak land of fierce men, can be useful in a tight corner.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Highlander	"I apologise for calling your wife a bloated warthog and bid you good day!"	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Impoverished_Nephew	A talented young man, but desperately in want of an adequate fortune.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Instrument_Maker	Measuring God's Creation is a matter of precision and good instrumentation, not guesswork!	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Islam_Alchemist	The search for truth requires an inquiring mind, and a steady hand if one is not to be killed.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Islam_Alim	There are many paths to wisdom, but only one destination worthy of the faithful.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Islam_Astronomer	Watching the heavens and thereby keeping the calendar correct are tasks for a faithful man.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Islam_Brahmin	Learning comes in many forms, some older than the words of the Prophet (peace be upon him).	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Islam_Convert	It was the will of Allah, the Merciful.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Islam_Corsair	Piracy? No! I do but fish for the enemies of Allah, according to His mercy and their wealth.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Islam_Darwis	All men must follow the course that God has ordained for them.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Islam_Fighter	The enemies of God are right to fear such a man, guided by righteous anger.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Islam_Heretic	The wise ruler knows when to provide someone else for the people to hate.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Islam_Judge	Man's justice can be nothing but flawed when Allah, the Merciful, is ignored.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Islam_Legal_Scholar_1	There is no higher law than the will of Allah, the Merciful. Remember that, and the rest follows as night does day.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Islam_Legal_Scholar_2	The laws of Islam are firm and fair, but the truth of a matter may be harder to find in a man's words.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Islam_Physician	God willing, the cure will take effect soon.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Islam_Pious_Man	Piety is a sharp sword in the armoury of the faithful.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Islam_Preacher	In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate, hear the words…	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Islam_Protector	A man who protects the faith and the faithful is truly the Sword of the Righteous in the Hand of God!	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Islam_Scholar	Learning is surely the gift of Allah, the Compassionate.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Islam_Sufi	There are many ways to Allah, the Merciful, and a wise man considers them all.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Islam_Sufi_Teacher	Only a few men can truly teach the way of the Sufi.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Islamic_Turncoat	I have not turned my back on Allah, only on those so-called servants of God who played me false!	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Journalist_Honest	Truth cannot be silenced forever, even if the presses are smashed!	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Judge_Bent	The lower orders, sir, are born in guilt. They require nothing but detection and punishment.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Judge_Honest	Guilt, sir, or innocence! All other considerations, from your father's title to size of your damned purse, are as nothing to me.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Justice_of_the_Peace	Law and order require enforcement, sometimes seemingly cruel enforcement, for the common good of all.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Lapdog	Woof?	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Lawyer	Law, sir, is what separates us from savages of wilder climes. It is the highest calling of a gentleman.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Lawyer_Bent	I think, sir, that the law exists for gentlemen, and not for the scum of the streets.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Lawyer_Honest	My coat, sir, may not be of the latest cut, but you will find my arguments as cutting as any tailor's shears.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Macaroni	A gentleman should always be judged by the state of his linen.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Magic_Cucumber	The gift of the Moon People, nourished by their pale illumination, is not lightly cast aside.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Manufacturing_Genius	Aye, 'appen we can make yon contraption in quantity.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Master_Gunner	A broadside, well delivered, is a powerful counter-argument to any whippersnapper demanding that the colours be struck.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Master_of_the_Dockyards	Keeping the works on course demands a strong hand, a clerk's eye for detail, and an admiral's authority.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Master_of_the_Hunt	I say, the little buggers have a scent! View halloo!	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Master_of_the_Stables	The man who knows horseflesh can name his own price.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Military_Engineer	Being able to bridge a river, build a road, or create a fortress are skills much admired by wise generals.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Military_Expert_NOT	A man may become expert in military matters without troubling to attend a battle.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Military_Secretary	For every man in an army, there is at least a dozen pieces of paperwork!	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Mistress_Corrupt	Pillow talk need not always be of love. Sometimes careers can be made or broken by a word.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Mistress_Court_1	To bed a woman is a pleasure; to bed one famed for her skills adds a certain something.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Mistress_Indiscreet	A woman's tongue, even as it pleases, can do immeasurable damage with a word in the wrong place.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Mistress_Minion	He is a great comfort and constant, inseparable companion, you know.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Mistress_Officers_Wife	A general must have some comfort, from time to time.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Mistress_Strumpet	Oooh, sir, are you going to take your boots off this 23:09:16	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Mistress_Waif	She's my niece if I say she's my bloody niece! Now, sir, look to your own domestic arrangements!	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Mohock	What say we slice an oik or two, do for a whore or three and then - a bottle?	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Moonstone	There are baubles aplenty in the world, but this stone shines above them all.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Mother_Abbess	My girls are all initiates at the Temple of Venus, sir, and most willing to please a gentleman of quality!	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Natural_Philosopher	Reason and Science will mark the coming Age. The time of superstition is done.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Naval_Secretary	The wind may blow as it will, but it is paper that moves ships.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Naval_Surveyor	The ship is wanting in every aspect. It is a bucket, pretending to be a ship. I would sooner set sail in a stockpot.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Navigator	A man who can find his way across the trackless seas is valuable indeed.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Navy_Seaman_Able	Aye, aye, sir!	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Nobleman_Debauched	This man's appetite for wine, women and song know few bounds, and he does not care much for singing.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Nobleman_Exile	Having a price on one's head is flattering, certainly, but a trifle wearing when so many are trying to collect it.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Nobleman_Louche	"...and then the bloody chambermaid had a screaming fit, simply because I removed her..."	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Order_Austria	The Austrian state has seen fit to honour this man for his long service.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Order_Denmark	The Danish state has seen fit to honour this man for his services.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Order_England	The British monarch has seen fit to honour this man for his meritorious conduct.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Order_France_1	The Crown has honoured this man for his service to France.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Order_France_2	France has seen fit to publicly honour this man for his long service.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Order_Holland	The Dutch state is pleased to honour the services of this worthy gentleman.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Order_Ottoman	The Porte is pleased to recognise this man's services to the Ottoman state.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Order_Poland	This man's long and worthy services to the Polish state has been rewarded with this honour.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Order_Prussia_1	Prussia is justifiably proud in honouring one of its sons with this noble Order.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Order_Prussia_2	This Prussian has been honoured for his outstanding military service.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Order_Russia	The Tsar's Court is pleased to honour this man for his most excellent service to the Motherland.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Order_Scotland	This North British gentleman has been honoured for his worthy service.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Order_Spain	The Spanish Court is pleased to honour this man for his long and noble service.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Order_Sweden_1	The Swedish state is proud that such a military man can be recognised for his services.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Order_Sweden_2	The Swedish state is honoured to present this gentleman with such a prestigious Order.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Order_Sweden_3	The Swedish state is proud that such a learned man can be recognised for his services.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Order_US	The services of this worthy American are rightly commemorated by this handsome award.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Ottoman_Interpreter	Harken to my voice! My master is far too important to speak your ridiculous gabble!	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Overseer_of_Works	Every building requires a man to keep the labourers at honest toil, and the tradesmen satisfied.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Pet_Dog	Woof!	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Physician_Euro	My advice is direct, sir: settle your account! Your health depends on it. Good day.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Pilot	Long years afloat give a man an eye for the sea and its moods.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Piper	The skirl of the pipes puts iron in a man's stride, and a powerful fear in enemy bowels.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Press_Gang_Captain	A hot press can produce a surprising quantity of seamen.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Priest_Defrocked	Feck! Celibacy! Arse! Bloody nuns!	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Priest_Disgraced	My faith is still strong, although my breeches sometimes weaken!	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Rakehell	There is drinking. And there is whoring, drinking, gambling, and cruel, vicious pleasure in the utter ruination of others for idle sport.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Research_Cabinet	This collection of quirks natural and unnatural, curios, relics and oddities does much to shed light on the wonders of God's Creation.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Research_Library	A mind benefits from the illumination afforded by other thinkers.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Royal_Favourite_Popular	He has the benefit of my confidences, sir, because he is my only true friend at court!	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Royal_Favourite_Unpopular	Dress him how you will, a silk stocking full of shit is never going to pass for a gentleman.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Seaman_Powder_Monkey	A nimble lad, and a cool head on young shoulders.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Servant_Mameluke	This man is uninfected by any tinge of mercy towards his fellow men.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Sharpshooter	One shot, one kill.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Shipwright	A good ship needs a master's hand to give life to the wood.	False