• 追加された行はこの色です。
  • 削除された行はこの色です。
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1172572278	調味料​の​研究​に​専念​す​る​べ​き​で​す。	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1176638359	走れ!逃げるのです!早く!	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1177825588	鎖弾​は​敵​の​帆、​マスト、​そ​し​て​索具​に​損傷​にあ​た​える​のを​目的​と​し​て​い​ま​す。​鎖​で​繋​が​れ​た​二​つ​の​砲丸​か​ら​な​り、​砲丸​よ​り​射程​は​短​い​で​す​が、​中距離​か​ら​敵​に​損傷​を​あ​たえ​る​に​は​十分​な​射程​を​有​し​ま​す。​鎖弾​を​使​い​敵艦​を​行動不能​に​す​る​の​で​す!	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1178554630	この​パネル​は​人物​に​つ​い​て​の​情報​を​表示​し​ま​す。​人物​の​名前、​所在地、​固有​の​特徴、​及​び​特性​が​全​て​載​っ​て​い​る​と​と​も​に、​側近​で​あ​る​補助人物​の​詳細​も​表示​さ​れま​す。	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1181533143	こ​こ​で​アフリカ人槍兵部隊​を​雇用​す​る​こ​と​に​専念​す​る​べ​き​で​す。	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1181858998	こ​こ​で​下院​を​建設​す​る​こ​と​に​専念​す​る​べ​き​で​す。	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1182792960	こ​こ​で​タバコ倉庫​を​建設​す​る​こ​と​に​専念​す​る​べ​き​で​す。	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1183411151	部隊​が​雇用枠​に​追加​さ​れ​ま​し​た。​こ​の​部隊​が​使用可能​に​な​る​と​メッセージボックス​で​通知​さ​れ​ま​す。​タ​イマー​の​中​の​数字​は​完了​ま​で​の​ターン数​を​示​し​てい​ま​す。	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1184178407	こ​こ​で​小規模綿農園​を​建設​す​る​こ​と​に​専念​す​る​べ​き​で​す。	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1187349955	こ​こ​で​議会​を​建設​す​る​こ​と​に​専念​す​る​べ​き​で​す。	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_118827822	こ​こ​で​交易所​を​建設​す​る​こ​と​に​専念​す​る​べ​き​で​す。	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1188422552	右​(スターボード)​舷側砲​ボタン​を​クリック​す​る​と​備砲​が​発砲準備​を​整​え​ま​す。​ボタン​周​り​の​赤​い​帯​の​進​み​具合​が​あ​と​ど​れ​位​で​装填​が​完了​す​る​​か​を​示し​て​い​ま​す。​装填​が​完了​し​た​ら、​も​う​一度ボタン​を​クリック​し​て​一斉​に​舷側砲​を​放​つ​の​で​す!​この​命令​が​成功​す​る​か​ど​う​か​は​貴方​の​クリック​す​る​タイミング​に​か​かっ​て​い​ま​す!	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1192039645	こ​こ​で​サトゥルナリア駱駝銃兵​を​雇用​す​る​こ​と​に​専念​す​る​べ​き​で​す。	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1193994377	陸軍タブ​を​左クリック​す​る​と​駐屯部隊​を​見​る​こ​と​事​が​出来​ま​す。	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1194090062	革命!​激動​の​時代​に​し​て、​ナポレオン​が​輝​く​好機!​社会的地位​な​ど​何​の​役​に​も​立​た​な​く​な​っ​た​の​で​す。​野心​は​人​を​ど​こ​に​で​も​連​れ​て​行​く​で​し​ょ​う。​そ​し​て​ナポレオン​は​溢​れ​ん​ば​か​り​の​野心​を​抱​い​て​い​たの​で​す。​好機​に​は​苦難​が​伴​い​ま​す。​ナポレオン​は​父​を​失​っ​た​の​で​す。​で​す​が​今、​彼​に​は​創造​す​る​運命​が​ある​の​で​す!	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1196007595	今度は、​スペイン​が​使用​し​てい​た​遮蔽物​の​近​く​に​カソール​を​動​か​し​て​く​だ​さ​い。​そ​し​て​右​クリック​し​て​部隊​を​そ​こ​に​動​か​し​て​く​だ​さ​い。	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1196901102	この​オプション​を​使​う​と、​貴方​と​他国​の​関係​を​改善​す​る​た​め​に​金銭的​な​贈​り​物​を​提供​し​ま​す。​幅広​い​外交取引​の​一部​と​し​て、​国​か​ら​の​贈​り​物​を​提供​す​る​事​は​出来​ま​せ​ん。​国​か​ら​の​贈​り​物​は​一方的行動​の​み​で​す。	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1197159447	外交関係ボタン​を​選択​し、​外交​パネル​の​国家リスト​か​ら​サルデーニャ​を​選択​し​て​く​だ​さ​い。​交渉​を​開始​し、​和平​を​要請​ボタン​を​選択​し​て​く​だ​さ​い。​最期​に、​提案​を​送​る​ボタン​を​選択​し、​彼​ら​の​反応​を​待​つ​ので​す。	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1198010380	貴方​が​選択​し​た​の​は​他国​の​コマ​で​す。​こ​の​コマ​に​は​如何​な​る​命令​も​出​す​こ​と​が​で​きま​せ​ん。​彼​ら​の​能力​を​よ​り​知​る​た​め​に​自国​の​コマ​を​選択​し​て​くだ​さ​い。	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1202139203	こ​こ​で​銃部隊​を​雇用​す​る​こ​と​に​専念​す​る​べ​き​で​す。	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1203874098	こ​こ​で​武装市民​を​雇用​す​る​こ​と​に​専念​す​る​べ​き​で​す。	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1203968049	ここで​6等艦​を​建造​し、そ​の​船員​を​雇用​す​る​こ​と​に​専念​す​る​べ​き​で​す。	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1208932890	こ​こ​で​部族同盟​を​建設​す​る​こ​と​に​専念​す​る​べ​き​で​す。	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1212482652	陣中央​に​予備​の​騎兵隊​を​配置​し​て​お​け​ば、​柔軟​な​対応​を​取​る​こと​が​で​き​ま​す。​戦闘​の​状況​に​応​じ​て、​騎兵隊​を​必要​な​場所​に​素早​く​送​り込​む​こ​と​が​で​き​る​の​で​す。	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1212661715	全軍​に​攻撃命令​を​出​し​て​し​ま​う​と​優位​を​得​る​チャンス​を​無駄​に​し​て​しま​い​ま​す。​数​に​任​せ​て​強引​に​力押​し​し​て​も、​必要以上​に​兵​を​失​っ​て​し​まう​で​しょ​う。	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1213083271	ソケット式銃剣​は​全​て​の​長所​を​持​ち、​他​の​種類​の​銃剣​が​持​つ​短所​を​持​っ​て​い​ま​せ​ん。​部隊​は​戦闘開始時​に​既​に​銃剣​を​装着​し​て​お​り、​愚​か​に​も​近​づ​く​敵​に​冷​た​い​刃​を​見​せ​付​け​る​準備​は​出来​て​い​る​の​で​す!	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1213101863	大量生産​の​研究​に​専念​す​る​べ​き​で​す。	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1213169590	部隊一覧パネル​に​は​艦隊​を​表​す​アイコン​が​あ​り​ま​す。​アイコン​を​クリック​す​る​と​船​が​選択​さ​れ、​ダブルクリック​で​そ​の​船​に​カメラ​が​ズーム​し​ま​す。​ゲーム​を​ポーズ​し​て​アイコン​を​右クリック​す​​ると​そ​の​船​の​情報パネル​が​開​き​ま​す。​グループ化​さ​れ​た​船​は​グループ番号​で​示​さ​れ、​色付​け​ら​れ​た​境界枠​で​結​び​付​け​ら​れ​ま​す。	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1213263346	こ​こ​で​の​目標​が​要塞​の​占領​で​あ​っ​て、​破壊​で​は​な​い​事​を​忘れ​な​い​で​くだ​さ​い!​戦場​で​破壊​さ​れ​た​建物​は​キャンペーンマップ​上​で​も​破壊​さ​れ、攻​撃側​が​勝利​し​て​も使​う​事​が​で​き​ま​せ​ん。​強襲​す​る​とき​は、​目標​が​そ​の​価値​を​失​わ​な​い​よ​う​に​巻​き​添​え​被害​を​可能​な​限​り、​少​な​く​し​てく​だ​さ​い。​勝利​を​収​め​る​に​は、​全敵軍​を​殺​す​か​敗走​さ​せる​の​で​す。​始​め​る​前​に、​砲兵隊​と​装備​が​壁​を​狙​え​る​位置​に​配置​さ​れ​て​るか​を​確認​し​な​けれ​ば​な​り​ま​せ​ん。	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1213868849	味方部隊​が​敵​に​白兵戦​を​仕掛​け​て​い​る​場合、​敵​へ​の​砲撃​は​慎重​に​行​っ​て​く​だ​さ​い。​自軍​の​兵​を​敵​も​ろ​と​も​撃滅​し​て​し​ま​う​危険​が​あ​る​の​で​す!	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1216282464	この​パネル​は​国家間​の​交渉​に​使​わ​れ​ま​す。​有効​な​外交​オプション​は​左側​に​表示​さ​れ​ま​す。​オプション​を​クリック​で​提案​を​作成​で​き、​Xボタン​を​押​す​事​で​提案​を​取​り​消​せ​ま​す。​多​く​の​要素​が​含​ま​れて​い​る​複雑​な​提案​は​す​ぐ​に​却下​さ​れ​る​で​し​ょ​う。	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1216289257	リストパネル​に​は​貴方​が​保有​す​る​国軍、​エージェント、​領土​に​つ​い​て​の​有用​な​情報​が​ま​と​めら​れ​て​い​ま​す。​貴方​の​帝国​の​規模​が​拡大​し​て​も、​こ​の​リスト​は​参照​に​役立​ち、​個別​の​人物、​都市など​の​所在​を​見​つけ​る​手段​と​な​るで​し​ょ​う。	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1216301252	緑​で​ハイライト​さ​れ​た​領域​の​外側​に​あ​る​目標​を​選択​し​ま​し​た。​こ​れ​は​人物​が​こ​の​ターン​で​目標​に​た​ど​り​着け​な​い​こ​と​を​意味​し​ま​す。​敵​が​進路​を​封鎖​し​な​け​れ​ば、​人物​は​次​の​ターン​も​移動​を​続け​る​で​しょ​う。	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1216307760	長い間​こ​こ​で​建物​が​建設​さ​れ​な​か​っ​た​た​め、​空き​スロット​に​スラム街​が​出現​し​て​し​ま​い​ま​し​た。​幾​つ​か​の​スラム街​は​帝国​に​利益​を​も​た​ら​す​で​しょ​う​が、​そ​の​多​く​は​す​ぐ​​に​危険​な​要素​を​生​み​出​す​で​し​ょ​う。​新規建設計画​を​容認​し、​スラム街​を​解体​す​れ​ば​問題​は​解決​し​ま​す。	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1216370577	建物表​は​一連​の​建物​が​ど​う​繋​がっ​て​い​る​か​を​示​し、​「それぞれの領土」​を​主体​と​し​た​帝国​の​成長​を​容易​に​計画​で​き​ま​す。​建物​を​クリック​す​れ​ば、​その​建物​か​ら​他​に​何​が​建設可能​な​の​か​を​一目​で​確認​で​き​ま​す。	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1216388585	画面左側​の​落​ち​て​く​る​ボックス​を​左​クリック​す​る​と​重要​な​メッセージを​参​照で​き​ます。右クリックで削除します。	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1216656926	現在、​こ​の​要塞​に​は​部隊​が​駐屯​し​て​い​ま​せ​ん。​こ​の​ま​ま​で​は​敵軍​に​よっ​て​簡単​に​占領​さ​れ​て​し​ま​い​ま​す。	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1217408458	貴方​の​国家​は​現在、​絶対君主制​で​す。​つ​ま​り​議会​や​民衆​か​ら​法的​に​承認​を​得​る​必要​が​な​く、​君主​が​全​て​の​決断​を​下​し、​大臣​を​意​の​ま​ま​に​選​べ​る​ので​す。​大臣​は​何時​で​も​そ​の​支配者​に​よ​っ​て、​即時解職、​及​び​挿​げ​替​え​す​る​こ​と​が​で​き​ま​す。	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1217490319	首都​は​帝国​の​中心地​で​す。​そ​の​た​め​他​の​領土​で​は​建設​す​る​こと​が​で​きな​い​高水準​の​政府​の​建物​や​軍政施設​を​建設​で​き​る​の​で​す。	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1217512772	このオプション​は​交易協定​の​締結​に​使​い​ま​す。​協定​が​締結​さ​れ​る​と​相手国​と​の​間​に​交易路​が​開​か​れ、​商品​が​取引​さ​れ​る​よ​う​に​なり​双方​に​優位​と​利益​を​も​た​ら​し​ま​す。	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1217586072	税​は​領土​ご​と​に​で​は​な​く​地域​ご​と​に​課​せ​ら​れ​ま​す。​長期​に​わ​たって​高​い​税​を​課​し​続​け​る​と​民衆​は​不幸​に​な​り、​成長速度​が​減少​し​ま​す。	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1217604599	Up to four camera bookmarks can be set up to navigate between points on the map. Place the cursor in the desired place and press Shift + F9, F10, F11, or F12 to set a bookmark. Simply press the relevant F key to view a bookmark. Bookmarks cannot be deleted, only overwritten with new ones.	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1217921189	Funds are deducted from your treasury at the beginning of each turn to pay for the supplies and wages of your troops in the field. This is known as unit upkeep.	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1218036552	You must lead the early settlers to establish Jamestown as a safe and prosperous settlement in this dangerous new world. From time to time, the British Government will issue various missions for you to perform. As you complete these missions, the wealth and security of Jamestown will improve and your influence throughout the whole of the new world will expand.	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1218461593	This is Jamestown, the capital of the region of Virginia. The review panel at the bottom of the screen contains a recruitment tab and a construction tab. Use the recruitment tab to recruit units for your armies.	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1218573903	We should concentrate our research efforts on the Socket Bayonet.	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1217604599	操作​を​手助​け​す​る​た​め​に​マップ上​の​地点​を​最大​で​4​つ​ま​で​視点ブックマーク​す​る​こ​と​が​で​き​ま​す。​カーソル​を​目的​の​場所​に​動​か​し、​Shift​と​F9、 ​F10、 ​F11、​または​F12​を​同時​に​押​す​事​で​ブックーマーク​で​き​ま​す。​関連付​け​られ​た​Fキー​を​押​せ​ば​ブックマーク​を​見​る​こと​が​で​き​ま​す。​ブックマーク​は​消去​で​きま​せ​ん​が、​上書​き​する​こ​と​は​出来​ま​す。	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1217921189	兵士​へ​の​補給品​と​賃金​を​支払​う​ため​ターン開始時​に​国庫​か​ら​資金​が​差​し​引​か​れ​ま​す。​こ​れ​が​部隊維持費​で​す。	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1218036552	この​危険​な​新世界​で​ジェームズタウン​を​安全​か​つ​豊​か​な​定住地​と​する​べ​く​初期入植者​を​導​い​て​い​かな​け​れ​ば​なり​ま​せ​ん。​時折、​英国政府​は​貴方​に​様々​な​任務​を​実行​さ​せる​で​しょ​う。​こ​れ​ら​の​任務​が​完了​し​た​暁​に​は、​ジェームズタウン​の​豊​か​さ​と​安全性​が​上昇​し、​そ​して​新世界全土​に​貴方​の​威光​が​轟​く​で​し​ょ​う。	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1218461593	こ​れ​は​ジェームズタウン、​バージニア​領​の​首都​で​す。​画面下​の​一覧パネル​に​は​新兵雇用​タブ​と​建設​タブ​が​あ​り​ま​す。​雇用​タブ​を​使​い​陸軍部隊​を​雇用​し​て​く​だ​さい。	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1218573903	ソケット式銃剣​の​研究​に​専念​す​る​べ​き​で​す。	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1218698799	Occupying a port with an army prevents the enemy from trading through it and producing new ships. Note that a port cannot be besieged - simply right-click on the target port and your army will walk straight in. If an enemy army is garrisoned there you will have to fight them immediately.	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1218788185	You have recruited so many units your treasury is buckling under the weight of their upkeep. Capturing new regions would spread the costs, as well as putting the men to good use! Raising taxes will also help, although that also increases the chances of insurrection at home. Alternatively, simply disband any unnecessary units.	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1219045742	A percentage of this region's population belong to religious sects outside of the official state religion, and feel persecuted under the present system. Researching Secular Humanism would stop them emigrating to the colonies, or to other less intolerant countries.	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1219131308	Goods are produced in colonial regions for export to your home region, which will in turn generate an income for the producing region. This income is liable to change depending on the market price of the goods in question. Secure your income by stopping your rivals producing too much of the same thing!	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1219221623	This colony has reached its maximum production and export capacity, and cannot have its ports upgraded further as they are already at their maximum level.	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1219304988	Town wealth is a term used to represent the wealth generated by a region's urban centres. Town wealth grows or declines each turn depending on buildings and tax policy. Region wealth is essentially the sum of town wealth and income from buildings across a whole region.	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1219313066	Remember that any diplomatic agreement is partly based on their opinion of your government. As your government type has changed as a result of revolution, this will have an effect on diplomatic relations - and not necessarily in a positive way.	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1219323522	You currently have an active mission to construct Peasant Farms in your region. To accomplish this, left-click on the farm icon on the campaign map.	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1219328082	When viewing user interface panels you will notice a question mark button in their top left-hand corners. This is the help button, click on it in order to get advice about the panel in question.	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1219404905	The lists panel gathers together useful information about the armed forces, agents and regions in your possession. As your empire grows in size these lists will provide a useful reference and means of locating individual characters, cities, etc.	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1220024674	This is your army. The highlighted area represents the extent to which this army can move this turn. Right-click within this area to move your army to that location.	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1220029934	Damaged ships can repair themselves during battle. Unless the damage is too great you can press the repair button in the bottom left of the screen to task the crew with fixing the problem. Ordering repairs to a ship will stop them from being able to carry out other tasks and leave them vulnerable to attack. Once a ship is carrying out repairs, giving an order to carry out any other actions will cancel that order.	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1220432729	We should concentrate our efforts on building Improved Settlement Fortifications here.	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1220452881	We should concentrate our efforts on building a Steam-Powered Cotton Mill here.	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1220515964	We should concentrate our research efforts on the Abolition of Slavery.	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1220539293	We should concentrate our efforts on recruiting a unit of East India Company Infantry here.	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1220602334	We should concentrate our efforts on recruiting a unit of Provincial Militia here.	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1220973003	Clicking on the sabotage button means your agent will attempt to damage a building upon arrival at his destination. As with all subterfuge actions there is a percentage chance of success, and failure may mean capture and execution.	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1220977758	You are bankrupt, there is no money left in your treasury. There are several things you can do to lift yourself out of the financial mire, including raising taxes if possible, establishing further trade agreements and trade routes, disbanding units to reduce upkeep costs, or sending more Indiamen merchant fleets to trade theatres.	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1221139851	Note that agents cannot be recruited as a unit might be, they are automatically spawned. In the case of gentlemen, the rate of this spawning is dependent on the level of the educational buildings - such as universities, within your empire. For spies, the rate of spawning is linked to the level of entertainment buildings - such as taverns - within your empire.	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1221145241	A mission to build a Local Fishery has been issued. You can do this by clicking on the port icon to the east of Jamestown.	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1221146494	Your time has come. The once-powerful Mughal Empire is crumbling, now the Maratha kingdoms must unite and rise against their oppressors. As such, your priorities should be to begin pushing northwards into Mughal territory. Although the majority of the population is Hindu, their Muslim rulers will be trying to convert as many people as possible across the land. Prevent large-scale conversion by assassinating their Imam teachers if you can. Sending thugees to their cities will give you intelligence about Mughal forces. European powers have begun to show interest in India for the trade wealth they know they can obtain. The Portuguese and Dutch already have a foothold on Indian soil, and the British and French are close behind them. It may be prudent to maintain trade with foreigners, to ally with one or the other for mutual benefit, or to drive them out of your lands altogether. In the latter case it would be sensible to develop trade capabilities and technological research of your own.	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1221213215	Welcome to the Battle Tutorial. Here you will learn the basics of commanding your armies on the battlefield. You are controlling the British army. Camped in and around this small village are your Spanish enemies. Your task is to rout the Spanish army from the battlefield.	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1221656030	We should concentrate our efforts on recruiting a unit of Chasseurs Britannique here.	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1221662969	This tab shows all units available for recruitment in the selected settlement. Right-click on a unit's picture to see its description. Left-click on a unit to add it to the queue, and again to remove it. Recruitment cost is displayed underneath, recruitment time is shown in the top left-hand corner.	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1222098470	You currently have an active mission to construct Peasant Farms in the region. Jamestown cannot expand any further until you complete this mission. To accomplish this now, left-click on the farm icon on the campaign map.	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1222349669	When moving into the transition zone between map theatres this travel destination window will appear. Select the campaign theatre you wish to travel to in order to move there. You will always be presented with the shortest route to your destination. Moving between theatres takes one turn per theatre.	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1222703105	The majority of your faction's income is generated by taxation. Click on the Government button to view and adjust your current tax rate.	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1222856154	There is often a choice of building types to construct in a resource slot. You can only follow one of these building chains. Once you have constructed the base building, subsequent upgrade options will only be available from the same chain.	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1223289843	Buildings that have been damaged due to sabotage or during battle can be rebuilt. To repair a building select it and click on the rebuild button to the left of the panel.	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1223424481	Your ship has been completely dismasted! Some men have left their guns to cut the wreckage free. Without sails you are easy prey for the enemy, unless you can send another vessel to support her?	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_122378402	Now that you have negotiated an alliance with the Iroquois, you will be able to recruit native warriors to bolster your armies.	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1224585565	Running everywhere with your cavalry lets them cover ground quickly, but they will get tired if you overdo it. Tired troops are less effective in combat.	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1227695361	An army that has been stationary for a turn is "dug in". This means they will have had time to prepare and deploy defences on the field if attacked. If the army is moved at any point it will no longer be dug in if attacked in the same turn.	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1228014535	We should concentrate our efforts on building Small Kilns here.	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-12280667	We should concentrate our efforts on recruiting a unit of Kurdish Hillmen here.	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1228132991	You can end your turn at any time by clicking the end turn button. Other nations will then have their repective turns.	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1228211552	This panel enables you to view the state of diplomatic relations between nations. Select a nation by clicking on their flag. Their allies, enemies, protectorates, and trading partners are displayed at the bottom of the panel. Use the arrow buttons to toggle the map between display of the selected nation's opinion of their rivals and what those nations think of them. To enter into diplomacy, select a nation from the table on the left and press the open negotiations button. Their attitude towards you is displayed next to their flag.	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1228307946	You currently have an active mission to construct a dockyard. If you want to achieve this now, left-click on the port icon to the East of Jamestown.	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1228388127	We should concentrate our research efforts on Anti-Clericism.	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1228404908	True victory can only be attained once the full potential of our nation is realised! These victory conditions can be found in the objectves panel. Now it's up to you to fight, steal, build and negotiate your way across the American continent for the glory of our nation.	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1228817317	Buildings that have been damaged due to sabotage or during battle can be rebuilt. To repair a building select it and click on the rebuild button to the left of the panel.	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1229686133	Obedience to the system of government within a nation is measured in public order. If unhappiness begins to outweigh happiness and state repression at any point then the resultant unrest can lead to rebellion, if left unchecked. Keeping taxes at reasonable levels, and leaving troops as a garrison, will in most cases keep order in a region.	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1230565438	The wealth of your towns is increasing, in turn producing greater income. For this to continue, keep investing in industry, and keep the tax on the ruling classes to a minimum.	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1232383231	Although all agents can carry out spy missions, spies can infiltrate and observe in greater detail than gentlemen. To spy, simply right-click on your desired target. Your spy will move there, revealing what he can upon his arrival.	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1232708197	All armies and fleets have a zone of control, represented by the circle displayed around them. Any enemy force moving into the zone of another is liable to instant interception and attack.	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1236081509	Alternatively, you can select a unit by clicking on its unit card on the review panel.	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1237554289	Please select Napoleon by moving your mouse cursor over him and then left-clicking to select him.	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1239782850	We should concentrate our efforts on recruiting a unit of Colonial Militia here.	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_124058104	The diplomacy panel allows you to seek alliances, form trade agreements, and use other nations' lands for military access. Each nation is listed in either the major or minor nations tabs. You can interact with a nation by clicking on its name and then left-clicking on the open negotiations button at the bottom of the panel.	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1240856363	We should concentrate our efforts on building an Admiral's Flagship, 5th Rate and recruiting its crew here.	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1241185070	This panel gives you important information about a particular unit type: number of men, recruitment and upkeep costs, experience, statistics, special abilities, and a detailed description.	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1241280103	We should concentrate our research efforts on Selective Breeding.	False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1242280643	Research reveals new cutting-edge technologies that will assist your nation in its bid for supremacy. Order your gentleman to an educational establishment. Once arrived, he can be assigned to increase the efficiency of research for the technology of your choice.	False