diplomacy_strings_string_indian_republic_offer_demand_alliance When tigers prowl, wise men seek friends. We of the Republic are wise indeed and our friendship is highly prized! False diplomacy_strings_string_indian_republic_offer_demand_peace This war brings only suffering and misery, to both our peoples. It is time to set aside the blade and the gun. False diplomacy_strings_string_indian_republic_offer_demand_trade Trade between peoples can lead to many places; may it take us to the lands of peace and prosperity. False diplomacy_strings_string_indian_republic_offer_regions It is clear that some of our people would be better off with different masters. This has been a difficult matter for our Republic. False diplomacy_strings_string_indian_republic_offer_regular_payment Government sometimes requires distasteful acts, and so I am here before you, to offer payment. False diplomacy_strings_string_indian_republic_offer_single_payment Although the consequences cannot be foreseen, we feel it prudent to offer you a modest gift at this time. False diplomacy_strings_string_indian_republic_offer_technology Our scholars have much knowledge that may be of interest to you. False diplomacy_strings_string_indian_republic_receive_friendly Friends of the Republic, be welcome! Your words are always a great comfort to us. False diplomacy_strings_string_indian_republic_receive_hostile You crawl at the feet of the mighty Republic like a dog! Speak, we have little time for your people. False diplomacy_strings_string_indian_republic_receive_neutral You have been received, but this does not mean that your requests will be accepted by our Republic. False diplomacy_strings_string_indian_republic_receive_unfriendly You preen and fuss like a peacock; do you also have the brain of a bird, sir? False diplomacy_strings_string_indian_republic_receive_very_friendly Welcome friend! Let us talk to our mutual profit, and thereby renew our friendship! False diplomacy_strings_string_indian_republic_reject_angry_demand_get_off_my_land We are as strong as we are steadfast! We see no reason wear our soldiers by listening to the demands of overweening monkeys like you! False diplomacy_strings_string_indian_republic_reject_angry_demand_last_region Will our demise really bring you joy? If so you are truly worthy of your vile reputation as destroyers! False diplomacy_strings_string_indian_republic_reject_angry_demand_military_access Your men are scurrying rodents, not soldiers! And like all rats, they are a plague - so, no! False diplomacy_strings_string_indian_republic_reject_angry_demand_protectorate We have strength yet to repel any creeping things that come against us, even you! False diplomacy_strings_string_indian_republic_reject_angry_demand_regions The land belongs to our people. The Republic does not go against the interests of its people, no matter what their birth. False diplomacy_strings_string_indian_republic_reject_angry_demand_regular_payment Our gold will never fill your coffers! We are not goats, staked out for the tiger to eat! False diplomacy_strings_string_indian_republic_reject_angry_demand_single_payment We would sooner cast our gold into a cesspit than see it in your hands. Look to it there, but never from us! False diplomacy_strings_string_indian_republic_reject_angry_demand_technology Knowledge is not for the ignorant and foolish. Why would we ever raise you from the dust of failure? False diplomacy_strings_string_indian_republic_reject_angry_offer_demand_alliance Wise men do not trust snakes, especially deadly ones. False diplomacy_strings_string_indian_republic_reject_angry_offer_demand_peace Our swords are hungry! Are we to deny them further blood? I think not! False diplomacy_strings_string_indian_republic_reject_angry_offer_demand_trade You have nothing that the Republic would value, not even your plain and unwashed women! False diplomacy_strings_string_indian_republic_reject_angry_offer_regions Your lands are plagued by your foolish people - they are of no use to civilised men such as us! False diplomacy_strings_string_indian_republic_reject_angry_offer_regular_payment Your money is worthless to us. The Republic will not be bought like a goat! False diplomacy_strings_string_indian_republic_reject_angry_offer_single_payment Even a beggar of the lowest caste would not take your money! He would sooner his begging bowl was empty! False diplomacy_strings_string_indian_republic_reject_demand_get_off_my_land Our armies march where they must. The concerns of lesser nations do not weigh heavily in the balance. False diplomacy_strings_string_indian_republic_reject_demand_last_region The rivers have run red with the blood of our people, and now you expect the living to bow down in the dust! The answer is no. False diplomacy_strings_string_indian_republic_reject_demand_military_access We must refuse your request. Your soldiers would cause congestion upon the highways. False diplomacy_strings_string_indian_republic_reject_demand_protectorate The protection of the Republic has always been our chief concern, but we refuse your offer. False diplomacy_strings_string_indian_republic_reject_demand_regions Our lands were paid for by toil and blood. They are not to be given away to satisfy your whim! False diplomacy_strings_string_indian_republic_reject_demand_regular_payment Our people have money for themselves, not for thieves and brigands! False diplomacy_strings_string_indian_republic_reject_demand_single_payment No. You cannot simply invite yourselves into our treasury. Do you think us fools? False diplomacy_strings_string_indian_republic_reject_demand_technology Our scholars, like myself, are men of dignity, and will not have their labours picked over by vultures. False diplomacy_strings_string_indian_republic_reject_offer_demand_alliance Our Republic walks another road for now, and without the company of many. False diplomacy_strings_string_indian_republic_reject_offer_demand_peace The Republic sees no reason to cease hostilities against your people - no, not a one. False diplomacy_strings_string_indian_republic_reject_offer_demand_trade Your offer is generous, but we must decline. I am certain our people would not welcome your goods. False diplomacy_strings_string_indian_republic_reject_offer_regions The lands of the Republic are quite sufficient, although our thanks to you for this offer. False diplomacy_strings_string_indian_republic_reject_offer_regular_payment We cannot accept your money. Surely your pride should be worth more than your treasury? False diplomacy_strings_string_indian_republic_reject_offer_single_payment Whilst your gesture is appreciated we doubt its sincerity. False diplomacy_strings_string_indian_republic_state_gift Please accept this trifling gift, as a token of the Republic’s admiration, with my sincere compliments. False diplomacy_strings_string_indian_republic_too_many_counters Have your brains been addled by the heat? Was your father a holy madman? False diplomacy_strings_string_indian_republic_war War! Doom to you! And death to all those unfortunate enough to find themselves among your people! False diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_monarchy_accept_friendly And so we have finished our negotiations with an agreement, as God willed it. My Lord will be pleased that our friendship is strong. False diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_monarchy_accept_hostile Do not think, servants of falsehood, that this agreement is more than a convenience. You were born dishonourable, and so you remain in my Lord's eyes. False diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_monarchy_accept_neutral And so we are done. My Lord will, I suppose, be pleased with this successful outcome. False diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_monarchy_accept_unfriendly Think, unworthy ones, on your unworthiness - and on how my Lord's virtue is so great that he uses you with kindness in making this agreement. False diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_monarchy_accept_very_friendly My Lord will be well pleased that an agreement has been struck with you, his valued friend. False diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_monarchy_acknowledge_accept So, long, hard haggling is a forgotten art among your people! Still, my Lord offers a good bargain. False diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_monarchy_acknowledge_cancel_alliance Faithless servant of Iblis! Your friendship was like the desert wind - full of grit. False diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_monarchy_acknowledge_cancel_military_access Your decision to bar your lands to my Lord's armies is, of course, yours to make. Short-sighted and ill-advised, but yours nonetheless. We will not forget. False diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_monarchy_acknowledge_cancel_trade Very well, we did not like your trade goods anyway. Now that we have chance to think on it they were, for the most part, unfit for the faithful to possess. False diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_monarchy_acknowledge_counter_accept A little haggling in the marketplace is a good thing, and brings a good bargain for all. My Lord will be pleased. False diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_monarchy_acknowledge_counter_reject God grant me strength! Truly, you are more trouble than a herd of startled goats. False diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_monarchy_acknowledge_reject My Lord will not be pleased to hear of his offer being cast aside. False diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_monarchy_acknowledge_state_gift My Lord will be most pleased by your tribute, and the recognition of his greatness that it entails will gladden his heart! False diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_monarchy_acknowledge_war We do not fear your guns and swords. But when the will of Allah, the All-Mighty, prevails - then you shall truly fear us! False diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_monarchy_approach_friendly It is good that we meet and talk as friends. My Lord wishes to express his admiration for you, and his hopes for a successful outcome. False diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_monarchy_approach_hostile Faithless ones! Bow down in abject terror and listen to the words of my Lord! False diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_monarchy_approach_neutral Greetings! My Lord has sent his unworthy servant in the hope - not the expectation - that these talks will be successful. False diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_monarchy_approach_unfriendly My Lord commands me to speak to you on matters of import. For myself, I would sooner talk to my camels. False diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_monarchy_approach_very_friendly Let us talk as friends and, God willing, reach an agreement that is pleasing to my Lord! Now, to begin… False diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_monarchy_cancel_alliance Sometimes the will of God is not as all men would wish. The time has come for our alliance to end. False diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_monarchy_cancel_military_access Your men may no longer march across our lands. The smell disturbs our camels and horses. False diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_monarchy_cancel_trade Trade between our peoples must now, regretfully, cease. My Lord has decided that your goods befoul his lands and his people. False diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_monarchy_counter_accept Let us be done with haggling like goatherds. Your offer is acceptable at this time. False diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_monarchy_counter_reject My Lord will shower his praises upon me for rejecting your proposal as unworthy. False diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_monarchy_demand_get_off_my_land Your armies seem untroubled by the ability to understand maps! Remove them from our lands right now! False diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_monarchy_demand_military_access Our armies, being both mighty and swift, would benefit if they could march across your lands. This benefit, I am instructed to seek here. False diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_monarchy_demand_regions My Lord is willing to ease your burdens by taking control of some of your lands. God willing, you will see the wisdom in what we suggest. False diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_monarchy_demand_regular_payment Ever the soul of reason, my Lord feels that his good will towards you would be guaranteed if you were to make many payments into his coffers. False diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_monarchy_demand_single_payment My Lord feels that his friendship would be well served, perhaps guaranteed, if you were to make a contribution to his wealth. False diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_monarchy_demand_technology While your educated men are no better than the donkeys of my Lord's domains, he feels that their discovery would be properly exploited under his guidance. False diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_monarchy_end_not_interested The sun sinks. It is time for the faithful to be about matters of import rather than this jabbering. False diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_monarchy_end_rejection_friendly And so our talk must end without agreement. But be assured, friends, that my Lord will bear you no ill-will. False diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_monarchy_end_rejection_hostile Begone, worthless servants of a worthless people! This talk was a sham, a waste - chattering to donkeys would have been more profitable! False diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_monarchy_end_rejection_indifferent We are finished. Would that these talks had been useful to my Lord's cause… False diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_monarchy_end_rejection_unfriendly We are finished and nothing worthwhile has been said. God willing, it will be a lifetime before we meet again. False diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_monarchy_end_rejection_very_friendly And so we must end these talks without agreement. But, friends of my Lord, this does not alter the love he bears for you. False diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_monarchy_generic_offer_demand God willing, we can reach agreement on this proposal. False diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_monarchy_generic_reject_1 No, we are not simple desert fools who will agree to any scheme, no matter how far-fetched or mad. False diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_monarchy_generic_reject_2 No. We are not the wives of desert goatherds, who can be bought with a handful of shiny trinkets. False diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_monarchy_generic_reject_angry_1 You are brave to make such a suggestion. In another place, you would feel the scimitar's edge for less! False diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_monarchy_generic_reject_angry_2 Your proposal befouls the very air we breathe, dark servant of Iblis! False diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_monarchy_offer_demand_alliance A wise man, under the guidance of God, seeks friends everywhere. And so my Lord offers you friendship and an alliance. False diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_monarchy_offer_demand_peace Let us consider a peace treaty! Allah, the Merciful, loves those who seek the ways of peace! False diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_monarchy_offer_demand_trade Trade is the lifeblood of our people! We love it more than the sword! Let us trade together then, and have much profit by it! False diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_monarchy_offer_regions I am instructed to offer you, as a token of our support and admiration, new lands for your burgeoning empire. God willing, you will rule them well! False diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_monarchy_offer_regular_payment I have been instructed, worthy ones, to offer you a subsidy to aid you in your efforts. God willing, you will accept. False diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_monarchy_offer_single_payment God willing, you will accept this token of respect: a small gift from my Lord's coffers. False diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_monarchy_offer_technology Our scholars are the envy of the world, subtle and deep in their thoughts! My Lord feels that you may appreciate the knowledge that he offers. False diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_monarchy_receive_friendly Welcome! God willing, our friendship will blossom as a result of this meeting. False diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_monarchy_receive_hostile So you have come to spill out more of your lies upon an honest man's ears? Speak, but do not expect us to listen with respect. False diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_monarchy_receive_neutral Greetings. Courtesy demands that you are made welcome, but nothing more. False diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_monarchy_receive_unfriendly Be welcome, strangers. So, let us talk then. But understand: my Lord would dislike you and yours if he ever bothered to think of you. False diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_monarchy_receive_very_friendly Welcome! Let us take coffee together, and discuss the business of our Lords and masters in a civilized fashion. False diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_monarchy_reject_angry_demand_get_off_my_land God willing, you will not be struck down for insolence! We are not a herd of camels to come and go at your bidding! Our armies march to our designs, not yours! False diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_monarchy_reject_angry_demand_last_region Shaitan fathered thee upon a scorpion! Even now, in his moment of weakness, My Lord will not bow his head to such as you! False diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_monarchy_reject_angry_demand_military_access No! Do we invite brigands into our houses and let them make free with our wives and daughters? Are we touched by the sun? Again: no! False diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_monarchy_reject_angry_demand_protectorate By the beard of the Prophet - peace be upon him - you are insolent, infidel dogs. Your demand is madness, and we reject it. False