tx_prestige_NewState_Text_b000c Prestige Rank: True button_kick_Tooltip_76006f Kick player True title_NewState_Text_29000a United States True pip_status_allied_Tooltip_610048 Allied True treasury_icon_Tooltip_6e0076 This is your total Treasury Income.||This value is the amount that your region contributes to your funds every year.||It is calculated using your Region Wealth and your total tax rate.||Increase this number by raising taxes or increasing region wealth. True their_allies_tx_Tooltip_390037 These are the allies for this faction.||These are potential enemies if they answer the call to arms.||It is possible for both sides to have allies in common.|| If this is the case, and war is declared the allies will have no choice but to pick sides. True victory_conditions_Tooltip_6a0038 These are the victory conditions for your selected faction.||To win the Grand Campaign you must complete these objectives within the time limit given.||As you play through the Grand Campaign you will be given tips on how to achieve these conditions. True dy_value_Tooltip_610068 The amount of hull strength determines how much damage this unit will receive when hit.||You can strengthen a hull by researching seasoning in naval technology. True tab_stats_Tooltip_680000 Select this tab to show the unit statistics.||Information such as recruitment and upkeep costs, experience and the numberof men in each unit will be held here.||Units that fight on land will have charge bonus, melee attack, defence and morale statistics.||Naval units will include statistics such as speed, hull strength and maneuverability. True button_txt_Tooltip_43001e Select this option if you want to request military access.||If granted, this will allow you access to the other faction's region without declaring war.||Military access is a risky thing to allow as it can leave a faction open to surprise attack. As such, it is not guaranteed you will be successful.||If your request is turned down you can always try to using the diplomacy panel to negotiate. You may fare better if you can offer something in return. True label_txt_NewState_Text_590023 Time Limit: True dy_population_Tooltip_73001c This is the population of your nation across all your regions. True tx_population_Tooltip_73001c This is the population of your nation across all your regions. True exports_list_Tooltip_7e0077 This section shows all exports from your faction.||Exports contribute to your trade income and are delivered along the trade routes you have established with other nations.||Trade routes are established by negotiating trade agreements with other factions on the diplomacy panel.||Mouse over the different areas to see more information. True plus2_Tooltip_26002d These are the factors having a positive effect on happiness.||Build government buildings such as a parliament and keep the town well garrisoned to provide a strong guiding hand to help protect the rabble from themselves.||Your lowest classes can't work on an empty stomach - develop your agriculture to provide food and work and improve public order. True string_NewState_Text_39003c Brightness and Gamma True button_fougasse_improved_Tooltip_460075 These are improved fougasse. Added grenades provide a secondary explosion for even more carnage!||Sweep the enemy off their feet, along with anything else in the vicinity by using this defence.||Bury these mines under the ground and detonate them when the enemy is over them or nearby.||You must put these in position during the deployment phase. True heading_txt_1_Text_750030 Waiting ... True TX_faction_NewState_Text_400022 Faction: True name_Tooltip_77003d As you select a map from below, the map description tab to the right will provide details about it. True pop_growth_heading_NewState_Text_390034 Growth in this turn True bar_Tooltip_69001e Accuracy level for this unit.||This is how likely it is fired shots will hit the enemy.||Gaining experience in battle will improve this value. True your_allies_tx_Tooltip_6f002a These are the factions allied to you.||You can call on these in the event of a war, though they may turn you down.||It is possible for both sides to have allies in common.|| If this is the case, and war is declared the allies will have no choice but to pick sides. True nav_button_shot_standard_Tooltip_120042 Toggle round shot True frame_Tooltip_67002c This panel will appear if your army has remained stationary for a turn on the campaign map.||This has allowed them time to dig in and fashion some defences. True positive_bar_Tooltip_38002e This displays all the factors that contribute to the generation of wealth in this region.||Industry and agriculture are important in advancing your region wealth.||Build farms, ports and workshops to increase these aspects of your region.||Move your cursor over the icons to display more information. True map_description_Tooltip_f001e This tab contains an overview of your selected map.||Here you can see a snapshot of the map and learn about any tactical advantages the land might have that you can exploit.||To see details for another map, select one from the panel on the left. True TX_target_NewState_Text_520079 Target: True tab_title_Tooltip_4b007b This is the units tab.||Select the unit you want to move and True tab_title_Tooltip_4f007f This is the ships tab.||Select the ship you want to move and True name_textbox_Tooltip_2b0006 Selected character's name. True bar_Tooltip_60001c Range level for this unit. True arrow R_Tooltip_60064 Click this to switch to the previous theatre view.||As is the case on the campaign map, the world is divided between three theatre views: Europe, America and India.||This map will show you only the theatres where you own regions. True effects_icons1_naval_recruit_cost_Tooltip_660045 Naval recruitment cost True effects_icons2_naval_recruit_cost_Tooltip_660045 Naval recruitment cost True effects_icons3_naval_recruit_cost_Tooltip_660045 Naval recruitment cost True radar_Tooltip_5c0042 This is your radar map.||Use this to keep track of movements on the battlefield.||Each unit will be displayed using their own icon and faction colour.||All units, friendly or enemies, will be displayed unless they are in hiding on the main map.||If you have a unit selected you can right click on the radar map to move the unit to that position.||You can zoom in and out of the radar map using the zoom buttons. True year_Tooltip_4e0044 This is the year you were issued the mission. True Level_Tooltip_2b0017 Challengers shooting skill True dy_terrain_Tooltip_30040 Try to use each battle's terrain to the best of your advantage.||Gain the higher ground where you can, forcing the enemy to attack uphill, making them tired and vulnerable.||If you have troops that can hide in forests, have them lay in wait for the unsuspecting enemy before springing an ambush! True button_txt_not ready_Text_4e0050 Not ready True dy_player_no_Tooltip_420077 This shows the number of players in the alliance and the maximum number allowed. True total_title_NewState_Text_1b0061 Total income from exports to trade partners: True mouse_wheel_info_NewState_Text_20035 Zoom True rank_label_NewState_Text_70004a Command stars: True UC_button_move_forwards_Tooltip_15000f Step forwards True panel_heading_tx_navy_Text_180002 Navy: True age_NewState_Text_5d0024 Age: True title_dy_Tooltip_7d0053 Choose a battle map from the options below.||The map description tab to the right will give you details on the selected map to help you make your choice. True speed_slider_button_Tooltip_310022 Press this button to unpause the game, or return to normal speed.||You can also slide this up and down to increase the speed of the game as you see fit. True button_load_Tooltip_70006 Load army True tx_protectorates_NewState_Text_34005b Protectorates: True head_tx_Tooltip_57006b This is your generals column.||Generals each have their own individual traits and abilities depending on their experiences.||Some generals will be better than others and you may want to move your best generals where they are needed most.||If an army has no general, the colonel of the army will be displayed here instead.||Right-click on their portrait to bring up their character panel and more details on them.||Left-click to jump to his location on the main map. True lower_classes_txt_Tooltip_41003a The lowest classes are the workers and the salt of the earth, the foundation on which your Empire is built.||Move your cursor over the pips below to see the positive and negative effects on the lowest class public order. True turns_tx_NewState_Text_2a0065 Turns left: True StatusIcon_Obstructed_Tooltip_730048 Obstructed True head_tx_tx_Text_7c0057 Population True heading_tx_NewState_Text_1a0003 Battle difficulty True heading_tx_NewState_Text_1f0004 Campaign settings True public_opinion_NewState_Text_520065 Public opinion towards them: True cancel_technology_Tooltip_6e0048 Cancel True Flags_Tooltip_40042 Your nation and its leader at the time of saving. True trade_partners_Tooltip_6d0025 These are this faction's trade partners True option2_text_normal_Text_260075 Enter war on side of: %S True panel_heading_tx_NewState_Text_53001a Game Setup True button_close_Tooltip_560050 Close this panel True button_sea_battle_Tooltip_55001b Wage war on the high seas, sinking your enemies into the briny depths.||The wind can be a friend or foe in these battles, try to sail in the same direction as the wind when you can to give your ships the advantage.||Sinking ships isn't the only way to remove them from the battle, try boarding an enemy ship and killing its crew! True button_close_list_Tooltip_1f0049 Close True tab_victory_conditions_Tooltip_40073 To win this grand campaign you must complete the victory conditions on this tab within the time limit given.||As you play through the grand campaign you will be given tips on how to achieve these conditions.||As you progress through the game you can refer to this tab to see how you are faring. True panel_heading_tx_NewState_Text_1a0052 Brightness & Gamma True bottom_Tooltip_11001a Use this slider to scroll up and down the panel. True tx_route_NewState_Text_1b0042 Route True public_order_Tooltip_3e005f This shows the public order for each region.||The two icons are for the lower and higher classes, as each of them have their own public order.||Green icons means the public are under control, red means they are likely to riot. Yellow means they are somewhere inbetween.||If the public order for a region looks unstable you may want to bring up the region's details scroll to try to find the problems and quell any unrest.||You can order this column according to the best and worst public order by clicking on this column's title.||This will help you quickly pinpoint regions which may give you trouble. True dy_attribute_title_Tooltip_1b0009 This shows the character's command on land or at sea. True dy_attribute_title_Tooltip_45000e This shows the character's attribute in their chosen field. True dy_banner_Tooltip_36002b Men onboard True dy_building_title_NewState_Text_410056 Governor's Mansion True dy_building_title_NewState_Text_60039 Missions True dy_building_title_Tooltip_690068 This is your Missions details panel.||From time to time you will be assigned missions which will help develop your empire. All information on those missions will be stored here.||The panel is split between two tabs - your Active Missions and Missions Log. Click on these tabs to switch between the two.||Move your cursor over the different areas below for more information. True dy_building_title_Tooltip_7b001b You can learn about the building's effects and background here.||Once constructed, more building effects may appear here.||Move your cursor over the sections below for more details. True dy_build-policy_Tooltip_250061 Build policy||When construction is being managed automatically, the buildings constructed will depend on your build policy.||Use the arrows to the left and right to select different build policies. True dy_build-policy_Tooltip_f0048 This is your build policy.||When construction is being managed automatically, the buildings cosntructed will depend on your build policy.||Use the arrows to the left and right to select different build policies. True dy_chance_Tooltip_340069 Your chance of success.||If this is too low it may be prudent to either pick another target or cancel the action altogether. True dy_chance_Tooltip_370007 This shows the chance of successfully killing your target as a percentage.||If this is too low it may be prudent to either pick another target or cancel the assassination altogether.||Failure can result in discovery, capture or death. If it is discovered that your faction is behind an assassination attempt it could serious consequences - possibly war! True dy_chapter_NewState_Text_5d006d Chapter I True dy_char_name_Tooltip_2d004e One of your potential targets!||You may have an option of more than one target - if so try picking the most important target with the highest chance of a successful kill.||To see more information on this character right click on the portrait. True dy_condition_Tooltip_60074 These are your victory conditions.||You will need to complete these to win the game. True nav_UC_button_sails_FullSail_Tooltip_4a001a Sails are at full sail||Full sails means your ship is moving at full speed.||Select the minus button to the left to decrease speed. True arrow L_Tooltip_630049 Next theatre view||The world is divided between three theatre views: Europe, America and India.||This map will only show you the theatres where you own regions. True button_close_Tooltip_3b003b Close panel True damaged_Tooltip_5f0024 Damage||This building needs repair.||Click the repair button to the right to start repairing.||None of the building's effects will work until it is repaired. True pip_pop_Tooltip_6d0027 This is the total population of this region.||As the population increases, more expansion slots appear. These slots can be built upon to develop your region.||The Population Growth section below will help guide you on how to increase this number. True heading_exports_Tooltip_5e0077 This section shows all exports from your faction.||Exports contribute to your trade income and are delivered along the trade routes you have established with other nations.||Trade routes are established by negotiating trade agreements with other factions on the diplomacy panel.||Mouse over the different areas to see more information. True arrow L_Tooltip_420064 Click this arrow to switch between the map context. True arrow R_Tooltip_420064 Click this arrow to switch between the map context. True handle_Tooltip_11001a Use this slider to scroll up and down the panel. True dy_countdown_NewState_Text_300031 10 True dy_date_NewState_Text_6b007c Turn: True dy_date_Tooltip_5a0070 The year of your campaign at the time of saving. True dy_description_Tooltip_2003f This panel contains details on the battle about to take place.||It shows the size of both armies or navies, information on the location of the battle and any reinforcements either side may have.||Move your cursor over the areas below for more information. True dy_experience_1_Tooltip_5f004a Experience: 1 True dy_experience_2_Tooltip_5f0049 Experience: 2 True dy_experience_3_Tooltip_5f0048 Experience: 3 True dy_experience_4_Tooltip_5f004f Experience: 4 True dy_experience_5_Tooltip_5f004e Experience: 5 True dy_experience_6_Tooltip_5f004d Experience: 6 True dy_experience_7_Tooltip_5f004c Experience: 7 True dy_experience_8_Tooltip_5f0043 Experience: 8 True dy_experience_9_Tooltip_5f0042 Experience: 9 True dy_experience_Tooltip_c003b Experience of this unit.||Units gain experience through fighting battles and both inflicting and gaining casualties.||Experience will improve certain statistics for units, so battle hardened units will be more skilled than a fresh unit of the same type.||If a unit is replenished with fresh recruits the experience of that unit will be reduced .||This reduction will reflect the ratio of inexperienced to experienced troops. True dy_faction_difficulty_NewState_Text_210050 Starting Regions: True dy_faction_difficulty_NewState_Text_230072 Faction difficulty: True dy_faction_difficulty_Tooltip_3f0062 This is the selected faction's difficulty. True dy_faction_name_Tooltip_250050 This is the faction your target belongs to, and your faction's political standing with them.||An assassination attempt can be made on any character, whether you are at war, with them, neutral or allied to their faction.||However, if you are discovered it will effect your relationship. Tread carefully if you have something to lose!||Skilled assassins can get away with a stealthy kill and escape with their identity secret. When this happens, the victim's faction will place the blame at the feet of their most hated enemy, and you're faction will be overlooked.||This is a great way to escalate tension between two factions and play them off against each other. True dy_faction_name_Tooltip_3b0079 This is the target's nationality and your nation's political standing with them.||You can perform this action on any character, whether you are at war, neutral or allied to their nation. True dy_faction_stance_Tooltip_250050 This is the faction your target belongs to, and your faction's political standing with them.||An assassination attempt can be made on any character, whether you are at war, with them, neutral or allied to their faction.||However, if you are discovered it will effect your relationship. Tread carefully if you have something to lose!||Skilled assassins can get away with a stealthy kill and escape with their identity secret. When this happens, the victim's faction will place the blame at the feet of their most hated enemy, and you're faction will be overlooked.||This is a great way to escalate tension between two factions and play them off against each other. True dy_faction_stance_Tooltip_3b0079 This is the target's nationality and your nation's political standing with them.||You can perform this action on any character, whether you are at war, neutral or allied to their nation. True dy_funds_Tooltip_6e0037 You can change the available funds on the previous screen.||Funds are used for recruitment and adding experience.||Each unit has their recruitment cost displayed on their cards. True dy_general_Tooltip_53002a The enemy leader for this battle.||Their presence can help boost the morale of the other men and their own experiences and traits can affect the outcome of the battle. True dy_general_Tooltip_7f0034 Your leader for this battle.||Their presence can help boost the morale of the other men and their own experiences and traits can affect the outcome of the battle. True dy_government_Tooltip_2e0019 This is the your faction's type of government.||There are three types of government: absolute monarchy, constitutional monarchy and a republic.||Each government type has its own distinct effect - happiness, diplomacy and economic factors will all behave differently according to which type is in power.||Moving your cursor over your government type will provide you with more information. True dy_government_Tooltip_510001 There are three types of government: absolute monarchy, constitutional monarchy and a republic.||Each government type has its own distinct effect - happiness, diplomacy and economic factors will all behave differently according to which type is in power.||To find out more about your government see the ministers tab and mouse over your government's type. True dy_governor_Tooltip_510044 This is your governor for the currently selected theatre.||Right-click on this portrait to bring up his character scroll, or find out more on his governing abilities on the Ministers tab.||Right-click on this portrait to bring up his character scroll, or find out more on his governing abilities on the Ministers tab. True dy_home-region_Tooltip_4d0024 This is the capital of your faction. True dy_home-region_Tooltip_7a007c This is your nation's capital. True dy_income_lower_Tooltip_670017 This is the total Lower Class tax income for this theatre.||Changing the Lower Class tax level sliders will affect this number. True dy_income_lower_Tooltip_6c0059 Total lowest class tax income for this theatre.||Changing the lowest class tax level sliders will affect this number. True dy_income_upper_Tooltip_660016 This is the total Upper Class tax income for this theatre.||Changing the Upper Class tax level sliders will affect this number. True dy_income_upper_Tooltip_6c0059 Total higher class tax income for this theatre.||Changing the higher class tax level sliders will affect this number. True dy_leader_Tooltip_470017 Your faction leader.||This man is your head of state, and his abilities and traits will help shape your faction's future, good or bad.||Right-click on this portrait to bring up his character scroll, or find out more on his governing abilities on the Ministers tab. True dy_men_Tooltip_14005d Number of men in this unit.||The maximum number of men you can have in this unit is shown in brackets.||If the unit is missing men you can use the replenish button to maximise the numbers again.||Fresh units will dilute the overall experience of a unit. True dy_men_Tooltip_b001a Number of men in the unit.||PLACEHOLDER:To see the maximum number of men you can have in this unit see ??||PLACEHOLDER: If the unit is missing men you can use the replenish button to maximise the numbers again.||PLACEHOLDER: Fresh units will dilute the overall experience of a unit. True dy_miniflag_Tooltip_250050 This is the faction your target belongs to, and your faction's political standing with them.||An assassination attempt can be made on any character, whether you are at war, with them, neutral or allied to their faction.||However, if you are discovered it will effect your relationship. Tread carefully if you have something to lose!||Skilled assassins can get away with a stealthy kill and escape with their identity secret. When this happens, the victim's faction will place the blame at the feet of their most hated enemy, and you're faction will be overlooked.||This is a great way to escalate tension between two factions and play them off against each other. True dy_miniflag1_Tooltip_560074 Player 1 True selector arrow L_Tooltip_410073 Next target||These buttons are context sensitive and the next target will depend on what you have currently selected.||If you have an army currently selected it will move to your next army, if you have a town or city selected it will move to your next town or city and so on. True selector arrow R_Tooltip_570065 Previous target||These buttons are context sensitive and the previous target will depend on what you have currently selected.||If you have an army currently selected it will move to your previous army, if you have a town or city selected it will move to your previous town or city and so on. True dy_miniflag2_Tooltip_550074 Player 2 True bar_Tooltip_180076 This skill determines the chance of a successful hit on the enemy when the unit is engaged in melee.||Battle hardened troops will gain experience in melee and this skill will increase.||Researching bayonets in military technology will improve melee attack. True heading_tx_Research_Tooltip_790015 Technology is important for the development of your nation.||It can help you develop new buildings, weapons, tactics and philosophies.||There are three different branches of technology to choose from - military, industrial and philosophy.||You can also gain technology through diplomatic exchange with other nations or opt for the more underhand approach and steal the technology from them instead.||Move your gentlemen agents into your own educational buildings to speed up research.||If they are sent toward another nation's educational building they will get the option of stealing research. True button_tx_access_Tooltip_62003e Click here to negotiate military access requests or demands.||If one nation wants to move their army into another nation's territory they have two choices: either declare war or ask for military access.||Military access is not a permission given lightly.||A good diplomatic relationship between the two nations is a necessity.||Allowing another nation's army into your region could leave you vulnerable to an attack by them.||It also exposes your region to their scrutiny.||Click this button to see the military access panel and more details. True button_classic_battle_Tooltip_550021 Land battles are fought on land where the only aim is to decimate your enemies!||Try to use each battle's terrain to the best of your advantage.||Gain the higher ground where you can, forcing the enemy to attack uphill, making them tired and vulnerable.||If you have troops that can hide in forests, have them lay in wait for the unsuspecting enemy before springing an ambush! True button_pay_ransom_selected_roll_Tooltip_71005b Click to cancel payment of demanded ransom True button_unit_downgrade_Tooltip_d007f Select to downgrade unit True cpu_moves_tx_NewState_Text_610066 Show CPU moves True bar_Tooltip_280045 Defence for this unit.||This determines the chance of your unit getting hit while in melee.||Unfortunately this is only for melee mode and will provide no protection from a bullet! True heading_txt_0_Text_7b0025 New Screen Resolution True tx_taxes_tooltip_amanage_on_Tooltip_5aff9e The tax rates in this theatre are currently being auto-managed for you, aiming for the best balance between healthy tax income, avoiding public unrest, and allowing your regions￯ᄒメ economies to grow. Check this box to set tax rates yourself (manually) True dy_navy-upkeep_Tooltip_540018 This is the amount of money it costs each turn to support your naval fleets. Disband ships to reduce this figure.||Fleets are made up from ships. Each ship has its upkeep costs in its ship details panel.||Ships that are not doing anything are wasting money. Disband them or move them where they wil be useful. True dy_navy-upkeep_Tooltip_710014 Amount of money per turn to support your naval fleets.||Disband ships to reduce this figure.||Fleets are made up of ships.||Each ship has an upkeep cost in its ship details panel.||Ships that are not doing anything are wasting money.||Disband them or move them where they will be useful. True dy_number_Tooltip_50062 The enemies' reinforcements for this battle.||Reinforcements are taken from any armies or navies nearby when the battle is declared.||Reinforcements will be brought in to replace any units or fleets you rout or destroy. True dy_number_Tooltip_d0011 Reinforcements are taken from any armies or navies nearby when the battle is declared.||If your force is not at full capacity you can augment it with reinforcements.||If you have a routing unit or fleet you can bring on a replacement.||Once brought on you can control a reinforcing unit much like any other unit.||There is a maximum of twenty units allowed in battle at one time. True dy_other_Tooltip_110002 Income gained from other sources such as payments from diplomatic negotiations and protectorates. True dy_other_Tooltip_50015 This is your faction's income from other sources. True dy_other_Tooltip_610008 Income gained from other sources such as payments from diplomacy negotiations. True dy_player_no_Tooltip_420077 This shows the number of players in the alliance and the maximum number allowed. True dy_policing_Tooltip_25004a Amount of money per turn to support your town watch.||To keep the peace, every settlement needs militia (or town watch) to enforce public order. This is known as repression.||Public order is kept by keeping your population happy and repressing any trouble.||The more unhappy a population, the more repression you will need.||Some settlements will need less repression than others and you can disband some units to save money.||Public order details can be found in your settlement details panel.||From this you can judge how much repression is needed. True dy_policing_Tooltip_780020 This is the amount of money it costs each turn to support your town watch.||To keep the peace, every settlement needs militia (or town watch) to enforce public order. This is known as repression.||Public order is kept by keeping your population happy and repressing any trouble. The less happy a population, the more repression you will need.||Some settlements will need less repression than others and you can disband some units to save money.||Public order details can be found in your settlement details panel. From this you can judge how much repression you need. True dy_Population_NewState_Text_640005 1.2 million True end_trade_Tooltip_73006a This is your cancel trade panel. It will end any trade agreements with this faction.||This will close all trade routes between the two factions.||You will lose any trade income from this faction if you cancel this.||It will also cut them off from your trade exports, and this may deprive them of valauable resources. True west_africa_Tooltip_170049 Ivory Coast||Trade theatre for West Africa.||Trade theatres work differently from the normal theatres.||You cannot develop cities or take regions here, these areas are for trade only.||Each trade theatre contains slots for your merchant ships to occupy.||Once you have a merchant ship in that slot you will gain a new trade route.||You must defend these trade stations with your navies.||Trade is a cut-throat business and your competitors will take what is not defended! True dy_Population_Tooltip_16001a Population||As the population increases, more slots appear.||These slots can be built upon to develop your region.||The growth section to the left will help guide you on how to increase this number. True dy_population_Tooltip_280013 This is the population of your nation across all the regions that you own. True dy_Population_Tooltip_6d0027 This is the total population of this region.||As the population increases, more expansion slots appear. These slots can be built upon to develop your region.||The Population Growth section below will help guide you on how to increase this number. True dy_population_Tooltip_73001c This is the population of your nation across all your regions. True dy_prestige_Tooltip_18004f This is your nation's prestige.||Your prestige depends on how you measure up against the other nations.||It is a reflection of your achievements during your campaign.||Your conquests will improve your prestige, as well as research in military, naval, industrial and philosophy technologies.||Your total prestige points will be calculated at the end of your campaign and you can see where you stand compared to the other nations. True dy_prestige_Tooltip_3f000f Your prestige depends on how you measure up against other nations.||It is a reflection of your achievements during your campaign.||Your conquests will improve your prestige, as well as research in the technologies.||Your total prestige points will be calculated at the end of your campaign and you can see where you stand compared to the other nations. True dy_region_Tooltip_6a007b Selected region True DY_result_normal_defeat_Text_740062 Defeat! True DY_result_normal_victory_Text_4e0023 Victory! True dy_sap_points_NewState_Text_30 0 True dy_season_Tooltip_360064 The season of your campaign at the time for saving. True dy_state-religion_Tooltip_60023 State religion is determined by your nation's leader.||Individual regions have their own religion and their happiness may be affected if it differs from the state's.||Nations with the same religion will find common ground together and are more likely to get on.||This is an important factor when engaging in diplomacy. True dy_state-religion_Tooltip_66000e This is your state's religion.||State religion is determined by the state (or faction) leader.||Individual regions have their own religion and their happiness may be affected if it differs from the states.||Factions with the same religion will find common ground together and are more likely to get on. This is an important factor when engaging in diplomacy. True dy_sum_credit_Tooltip_56005e The total of your incomings.||Your upkeep costs will be deducted from this to create your total income for the next turn.||Your tax, trade and other incomes (as detailed above) make up this sum. True dy_sum_credit_Tooltip_780014 This is the sum that will be added to your treasury next turn.||This is calculated from your incomings and outgoings as detailed above. True dy_sum_debit_Tooltip_4d0031 The total of your outgoings.||This will be taken from your incomings to create your total income for the next turn.||Your army, naval and town watch upkeep costs make up this total. True dy_sum_debit_Tooltip_670027 This is the total of your outgoings. This will be taken from your incomings to create your total income for the next turn.||Your army, naval and town watch upkeep costs make up this total. True dy_tax-income_NewState_Tooltip_3f0066 This is the income you gain from taxing the wealth of all your regions. True dy_tax-income_Tooltip_7f0063 Income gained from taxing the wealth of all your regions.||This number is based on your current tax settings.||If you change the tax levels before the next turn this will change accordingly.||To change tax levels, and to see more information on your taxes, see the tax tab of this panel.||To see each region's individual tax details, view the region capital's settlement details panel. True dy_tax-income_Tooltip_c0063 his is the income you gain from taxing the wealth of all your regions.||This number is based on your current tax settings. If you change the tax levels before the next turn this will change accordingly.||To change tax levels, and to see more information on your taxes, see the tax tab of this panel.||To see each region's individual tax details, view the region capital's settlement details panel. True dy_terrain_Tooltip_30040 Try to use each battle's terrain to the best of your advantage.||Gain the higher ground where you can, forcing the enemy to attack uphill, making them tired and vulnerable.||If you have troops that can hide in forests, have them lay in wait for the unsuspecting enemy before springing an ambush! True DY_text_Defeat!_Text_740062 Defeat! True DY_text_Victory!_Text_4e0023 Victory! True dy_theatre_Tooltip_3b0037 Currently selected theatre||Each theatre has its own tax settings.||Use the arrows to the left and right of the theatre banner to switch theatres. True dy_theatre_Tooltip_7f004d This is your currently selected theatre.||Each theatre has its own tax settings.||Use the arrows to the left and right to switch through the theatres. True dy_time_Tooltip_19005c You can change the time period of the battle on the previous screen.||The available units for recruitment are dependant on the time period.||Late period battles will make more units available to you. True dy_title_buildings_Text_5f006e Buildings Constructed True dy_title_NewState_Text_240062 Heroic Death True dy_title_NewState_Text_2b0069 Building Constructed True dy_title_NewState_Text_2b0076 Naval Blockade True dy_title_NewState_Text_2c0046 Sabotage Success! True dy_title_NewState_Text_300076 Traits & Ancillaries Gained True dy_title_NewState_Text_320004 Agent Recruited True dy_title_NewState_Text_36007f Election Results True dy_title_NewState_Text_390076 Royal Marriage True dy_title_NewState_Text_3c004e Riots! True