StatusIcon_Wavering_Tooltip_a003d Wavering True pip_gov_type_absolute_monarchy_Tooltip_24001e Absolute Monarchy True melee_attack_Tooltip_180076 This skill determines the chance of a successful hit on the enemy when the unit is engaged in melee.||Battle hardened troops will gain experience in melee and this skill will increase.||Researching bayonets in military technology will improve melee attack. True button_swap_Tooltip_610014 Swap ministers True tab_military_Tooltip_130050 This is their military technology you can demand.||Military technology helps to manufacture and improve weapons, and devise new battle tactics and formations.||Concentrating on this technology will improve armies and navies.||Move your cursor over the different icons to see more information about them. True panel_heading_tx_army_Tooltip_360072 Army setup panel.||By default the units are balanced and chosen for you, but you can delete and add units to create your own setup.||You can also give or take away experience for your units, depending on your funds. True tx_enables_NewState_Text_72006f Enables recruitment of: True effects_icons3_land_recruit_cost_Tooltip_69004a Army recruitment costs True tx_Ordnance_Tooltip_160044 The ordnance tree concentrates on developing artillery and allows you to advance your cannons and rockets.||As each new technology is gained it will lead you onto the next step up the chain.||Sometimes, technologies are unattainable until other technologies have been gained.||Use this technology tree to plan the path to the technology you want. True effects_icons1_repression_Tooltip_63005b Repression True effects_icons2_repression_Tooltip_63005b Repression True effects_icons3_repression_Tooltip_63005b Repression True label_tx_NewState_Text_c004b Gamma True plus_Tooltip_560048 Positive influences||Build government buildings such as a parliament and keep the town well garrisoned to provide a strong guiding hand to help protect the rabble from themselves.||Your lowest classes can't work on an empty stomach - develop your agriculture to provide food and work and improve public order. True button_open_negotiations_Tooltip_3c0035 Open negotiations||You need to have selected a nation before clicking this.||This will open up the diplomacy panel, which is where the real deals are made. True build_browser_Tooltip_5c000b Building Browser||The Building Browser panel shows all the buildings you have for each region.||Click on this to open up the panel for more details. True button_back_Tooltip_5b004c Return to last screen True button_back_Tooltip_180009 Previous True range_NewState_Text_60059 Range True heading_txt_txt_Text_170027 Host Campaign Game True negative_bar_Tooltip_2d001c These are the factors having a negative effect on public order.||If they become too unhappy public order will break down resulting in riots and revolts.||High taxes will vex the higher classes and cause them to raise their voices in disgust. Lowering taxes will improve their moods and stop any trouble from being stirred up. True label_txt_NewState_Tooltip_640024 This setting selects the amount of detail you will see on your units.||If your game is running slow you may want to reduce this. True plus_Tooltip_7e006f This represents the positive influences affecting Town Wealth Growth.||Developing educational establishments such as colleges, schools and workshops will increase Town Wealth Growth.||Industry also encourages growth - build and upgrade ports in your region to improve this value. True build_repair_Tooltip_160077 This is your building repair button.||Buildings can become damaged through warfare or the actions of a saboteur intent on slowing your factions progress.||A damaged building will cease to provide its effects and bonuses until it is fully repaired.||If you select a building card for a building that needs to be repaired, this button will change to colour and become active. True label_txt_NewState_Tooltip_620026 This setting selects the amount of detail you will see on your ships.||If your game is running slow you may want to reduce this. True minus_Tooltip_2d001c These are the factors having a negative effect on public order.||If they become too unhappy public order will break down resulting in riots and revolts.||High taxes will vex the higher classes and cause them to raise their voices in disgust. Lowering taxes will improve their moods and stop any trouble from being stirred up. True region_NewState_Text_620060 Region: True defenses_NewState_Text_30017 City Defenses: True label_txt_NewState_Tooltip_320077 This setting selects how far away trees are rendered.||If your game is running slow you may want to reduce this. True dy_date_NewState_Text_6b007c Turn: True effect2_Tooltip_b0043 Diplomacy True nav_UC_button_hold_course_Tooltip_48001d Set Sail True demand_access_tx_Tooltip_2d0026 Military access is used when one army needs to move across another nation's region without trespassing and causing a war.||Of course, it can also be abused and used to move armies into good positions for a surprise attack!||Granting access requires a great deal of trust.||The chance of acceptance depends greatly on the weight of your demands.||It will also depend on their overall relationship with you.||Select the nodes to choose how many turns you want to demand and then click on the accept button. True tx_Details_NewState_Text_68002a Details True heading_tx_Tooltip_200045 This section lists your games, turns played, date and time of saving.||You can sort them by name, turns and date by clicking on the column title. True regions_Tooltip_360032 This is your demand and offer regions panel.||Regions can be offered or demanded as part of peace negotiations, or as gifts between friendly nations.||A regions value is assessed according to its income and strategic value in the game.||Select the region or regions you want from the two panels below and click the tick button when you have finished. True finances_Tooltip_730005 This is your nation's projected income panel.||Your regular incomings and outgoings are detailed here.||The total income for the next turn is totalled at the bottom of this panel.||Move your cursor over the details below for more information. True options_bar1_Tooltip_f0034 Do not plunge your nation into war simply because you have the option!||Consider the implications first - there are plenty of battles to be fought, battles you can plan for. True tobacco_NewState_Tooltip_6d003a Tobacco True button_tx_protector_Tooltip_1d0020 Request the other nation come under your protection.||Though it may sound like extra work, becoming a nation's protector can actually have many advantages.||You will receive half of their income and gain unlimited military access to their regions.||When a nation becomes protectorate they must break all previous alliances.||Protectorate nations can still declare war on other nations - if this happens you will be dragged into the conflict. True box_24_Tooltip_1c0039 Your military prestige.||This is based on the strength of your armies, your military research and your military conquests. True score_label_NewState_Text_480004 Skill rating: True tx_allies_NewState_Text_760072 Allies: True faction_selection_container_Tooltip_6006f These flags represent the factions you can choose to play as.||Clicking on any of these flags will select that faction, and change the faction details accordingly. True university_tech_icon_stealing_Tooltip_1b0034 Stealing True building_Tooltip_240035 This column shows all the buildings you have within the selected region.||In the column below you can left click on a building to view its building tree and right click for more information. True TX_save_game_Tooltip_5a0073 This panel helps you to move between theatres quickly and easily.||This is triggered when you move into one of the transition zones between theatres.||Use the map below to select your destination and when you are happy click the tick button.||To cancel a move select the cancel button - this will return you to the map. True Prestige_Tooltip_730015 This is your Prestige panel.||Your prestige depends on how you measure up against the other nations.||It is a reflection of your achievements during your campaign.||Your conquests will improve your prestige, as well as research in military, naval, industrial and philosophy technologies.||Your total prestige points will be calculated at the end of your campaign and you can see where you stand compared to the other nations. True BannerNaval_1_Tooltip_36002b Men onboard True funds_tx_NewState_Text_2b005b Funds: True killometer_clip_Tooltip_5c005b This represents the balance of power between the two sides.||It shows the relative strength of each side - larger numbers do not necessarily mean a superior force!||Your armies are represented by the green, and the enemy is represented by red.||As the battle goes on this meter will change to reflect the losses on both sides, use this to keep an overview of who has the upper hand.||If the enemies red bar is significantly larger than yours, it means they have the advantage and you will have to plan carefully if you want to defeat them! True label_txt_NewStte_Text_410007 Sound System True ranked_Tooltip_320059 This disables custom army options. True unit_id_tx_NewState_Text_470001 Floating unit identifiers True portrait_Tooltip_610056 Their diplomat.||Pay attention to their responses, they will make it clear how they feel about the negotiations and how your relations currently stand.||Just because they accept a proposal doesn't mean they are necessarily happy about it! True UC_button_increase_rank_Tooltip_40016 Increase rank True dy_faction_stance_Tooltip_250050 This is the faction your target belongs to, and your faction's political standing with them.||An assassination attempt can be made on any character, whether you are at war, with them, neutral or allied to their faction.||However, if you are discovered it will effect your relationship. Tread carefully if you have something to lose!||Skilled assassins can get away with a stealthy kill and escape with their identity secret. When this happens, the victim's faction will place the blame at the feet of their most hated enemy, and you're faction will be overlooked.||This is a great way to escalate tension between two factions and play them off against each other. True status_icon_open_locked_Tooltip_380000 Password required True losing_tx_NewState_Text_6c007d Losing Side: True button_txt_tx_Text_c002c Exit True label_tx_NewState_Text_7d001d Volumetric effects True crescent_attack_Tooltip_460075 Crescent Attack True TX_target_faction_NewState_Text_500023 Target Faction: True label_tx_NewState_Text_6d000f Run in Window True no_building_text_NewState_Text_210043 You do not own an educational building at which to conduct research. Educational buildings can be constructed in towns. You can still steal technologies from other nations. True bar_Tooltip_c0016 A unit with high morale is less likely to rout in the face of trouble.||If your artillery routs, they will leave the artillery unmanned and unusable!||Gaining experience on the battlefield will improve morale for this unit. True queue_tx_Tooltip_660016 Recruitment queue||When you have selected a unit to recruit they are displayed in the queue here.||You can queue as many units as your money can manage, but only one of each type of unit can be recruited at the same time.||Once a unit has been recruited they will disappear from the queue and be added to the region's capital.||If the unit has been recruited by a general, they will travel to the general's position. True title_panel_NewState_Text_390002 Victory Tickets True dy_attribute_title_Tooltip_45000e This shows the character's attribute in their chosen field. True label_tx_NewState_Text_3d005c 2 hours True DY_result_normal_victory_Text_4e0023 Victory! True south_america_Tooltip_37003b Coast of Brazil||Trade theatre for South America.||Trade theatres work differently from the normal theatres.||You cannot develop cities or take regions here, these areas are for trade only.||Each trade theatre contains slots for your merchant ships to occupy.||Once you have a merchant ship in that slot you will gain a new trade route.||You must defend these trade stations with your navies.||Trade is a cut-throat business and your competitors will take what is not defended! True _title_frame_sabotage_Tooltip_38005e From here you can see your sabotage options.||An ill-placed spanner or an 'accidental' fire can work wonders.||Damaged buildings will stop providing any income or bonuses until it is fully repaired - which costs money in itself.||There are more subtle motivations for sabotage - if you succeed, the targetted nation will automatically lay blame at the feet at their most hated enemy.||Perfect for playing one side off against another.||Before you do anything, check your chances of success.||If you fail, you may be captured and your nation will not be favourably looked on by your target.||Thatメs if they donメt make an example of you and decide to do some damage of their own. True gentleman_steal_tech_Tooltip_2d0045 Fate has provided you with the chance to steal research - time to use those light fingers of yours!||Clicking on this button will bring up the steal technologuy scroll.||Keep in mind that knowledge may come at a price - stealing another faction's work may end with your gentlemen being caught and your faction's dirty dealing exposed!||See the steal technology scroll for more details. True popularity_percentage_Tooltip_b0005 This is based on your public's happiness.||You can check this by examining their public order.||Public order is made up from happiness and repression.||Though repression can keep your public under control, it won't make you very popular.||The lower your popularity is, the more likely the current cabinet will be voted out come elections.||If they are voted out they will be replaced with the opposition. True mouse_middle_info_NewState_Text_320045 Zoom to Pointer True icon_classic_battle_Tooltip_1b0023 Land battles are fought on land where the only aim is to decimate your enemies!||Try to use each battle's terrain to the best of your advantage.||Gain the higher ground where you can, forcing the enemy to attack uphill, making them tired and vunerable.||If you have troops that can hide in forests, have them lay in wait for the unsuspecting enemy before springing an ambush! True background_title_Tooltip_60038 This section provides historical background about this unit. True button_back_Tooltip_7c0061 Previous screen True protectorates_Tooltip_34001c Protectorates are nations who come under the protection of another nation.||In exchange for protection the protectorate grants full access to its regions, and pays the protecting nation half its income. True build_browser_Tooltip_2d0077 This button opens up the building browser.||The building browser shows all the buildings you have for each region.||Open up the building browser for more details. True tab_military_Tooltip_3e0071 Military technology||Military technology helps to manufacture and improve weapons, and devise new battle tactics and formations.||This technology will improve armies and navies.||This tab is split between three different trees; military, ordnance and naval technology.||Move your cursor over the different icons to see more information about them. True heading_tx_Stealing_Text_600069 Technology stealing True route_pip_Banditry_Tooltip_4f0018 Bandits are pilfering your transported goods! True population_Tooltip_4c0054 If your population is estimated to grow next turn there will be an arrow icon pointing upwards next to the population number.||If the population is not increasing you may want to bring up the region's details panel to see how to help it grow.||As a region's population increases, villages will turn into towns and harbours into ports.|| You can order this column according to the lowest and highest population by clicking on this column's title.||Left-click on each region to jump to its location on the campaign map.||Right-click to bring up the details for the selected region. True tab_industry_Tooltip_6e0002 Industrial technologies||This technology tree is divided into three sections - agriculture, metal industry and textile industry.||This technology will help increase wealth and population growth.||Move your cursor over the different icons to see more information about them. True Blank_IND_Tooltip_1c004a This shows the regions you control in India.||The regions in green are yours. True navy_promote_Tooltip_6b0050 Click here to promote this unit.||This will promote one of your men to an admiral.||Admirals can add morale bonuses in battle, rally and recruit units at sea. True tx_enemy_forces_NewState_Text_5c0008 Enemy Forces True shooting_Tooltip_40062 This is your shooting skill.||You can choose to fight the duel with pistols or a sword.||If you can, pick the duelling method where your skill is greater than your opponents. True button_cancel_Tooltip_65003f Click this to cancel the merge. True ships_Tooltip_5b0012 This column shows how many ships you have in each fleet.||Left-click to jump to their location on the main map.||Right-click to bring up the details for the admiral or captain in charge of this fleet.||You can order your fleets by number of ships by clicking on this column's title. True tx_Naval_Tooltip_240015 Naval prestige.||This is based on the strengths of your navies, your naval research into technology and your naval conquests. True button_cancel_Tooltip_e0044 Refuse offer True ammunition_Tooltip_6f0078 The amount of ammunition this unit can carry into battle.||Once this has been used up the unit will be forced to switch to melee mode for any more fighting.||After the battle ammunition will be fully replenished. True button_txt_NewState_Text_480009 Change Old True tab_enlightenment_Tooltip_1a003a Philosophy||This technology includes political thought and economic ideas.||This can improve your wealth and cut some recruitment and building costs.||As each new technology is gained it will lead you onto the next step up the chain.||Sometimes, technologies are unattainable until other technologies have been gained.||Use this technology tree to plan the path to the technology you want. True icon_rel_orthodox_Tooltip_c000d Orthodox||You will have more public order with populations that follow your national religion.||You can use your missionaries to start converting a region by moving them into that area. True icon_rel_protestant_Tooltip_6a0076 Protestant||You will have more public order with populations that follow your national religion.||You can use your missionaries to start converting a region by moving them into that area. True selector arrow R_click down mouse off_Tooltip_43 C True tab_ministers_Tooltip_270032 Your head of state, ministers and governors are all displayed here, along with your government's popularity.||Move your cursor over the different areas for more information. True tab_ministers_Tooltip_470009 This is your governments head of state.||This could be a monarch or a prime minister, depending on your type of government.||Your head of state adds bonuses to your prestige, diplomacy and economic growth.||These bonuses are dependent on the level of his management skills.||Right-click to bring up his details panel. True tab_missions_Tooltip_1f001d From time to time you will be assigned missions which will help develop your empire.||All information on those missions will be stored here. True tab_nation_rankings_Tooltip_360046 This is your nation's rankings tab.||Here you can see your rankings in four different areas: military, naval, industrial and philosophy. True tab_national_summary_Tooltip_5b0020 Your National Summary tab provides you with an overall picture of your faction, along with specific information about your diplomatic and financial standings.||Move your cursor over the areas below for more details. True tab_national_summary_Tooltip_730071 This provides you with an overall picture of your nation, along with specific information about your diplomatic and financial standings.||Move your cursor over the areas below for more details. True tab_philosophy_Tooltip_30000a Enlightenment technologies||This includes political thought and economic ideas.||Enlightenment can improve your wealth and cut some recruitment and building costs.||This technology will help increase wealth and repression, although it can have negative effects on the lower classes happiness.||Move your cursor over the different technology icons to see more information about them. True tab_philosophy_Tooltip_4e0076 Here you can demand any philosophy technology they have researched.||This technology will help increase wealth and repression, although it can have negative effects on the lower classes happiness.||Move your cursor over the different technology icons to see more information about them. True tab_philosophy_Tooltip_90019 This is their philosophy tab.|| Here you can demand any philosophy technology they have researched.||This technology will help increase wealth and repression, although it can have negative effects on the lower classes happiness.||Move your cursor over the different technology icons to see more information about them. True tab_prestige_Tooltip_4c0054 Your prestige depends on how you measure up against the other nations.||It is a reflection of your achievements during your campaign.||Your conquests will improve your prestige, as well as research in military, naval, industrial and philosophy technologies.||Your total prestige points will be calculated at the end of your campaign and you can see where you stand compared to the other nations. True tab_prestige_tracker_Tooltip_250063 This is the prestige tracker tab.||Use this to compare the other nation's prestige levels with one another.||You can choose to display different views, depending on the filter you select. The two filters categories are factions and type of prestige.||Switch the arrows on the filter section to see your different options. True tab_ships_Tooltip_4f007f This is the ships tab.||Select the ship you want to move and True tab_stats_Tooltip_350039 Information such as recruitment and upkeep costs, experience and the number of men in each unit can be viewed here.||Units that fight on land will have charge bonus, melee attack, defence and morale statistics.||Naval units will include statistics such as speed, hull strength and manoeuvrability. True tab_stats_Tooltip_680000 Select this tab to show the unit statistics.||Information such as recruitment and upkeep costs, experience and the numberof men in each unit will be held here.||Units that fight on land will have charge bonus, melee attack, defence and morale statistics.||Naval units will include statistics such as speed, hull strength and maneuverability. True tab_taxes_Tooltip_410041 Each of your regions are taxed on their wealth and this goes towards your nation's income.||From this tab you can set your tax levels.||Each different theatre has its own tax level.||You can also view details of your taxes and their effects here.||Move your cursor over the sections below for more details. True tab_title_NewState_Text_10042 Sound True tab_title_NewState_Text_10072 Prestige tracker True tab_title_NewState_Text_160028 Campaign True tab_title_NewState_Text_160050 Trade True tab_title_NewState_Text_16005f Governors True tab_title_NewState_Text_18002d Graphics True tab_title_NewState_Text_180049 Ships True tab_title_NewState_Text_1a004f Units True tab_title_NewState_Text_1c003a Policies True tab_title_NewState_Text_1f005b Abilities True tab_title_NewState_Text_2c0060 Victory Conditions True tab_title_NewState_Text_2c007e National Summary True tab_title_NewState_Text_2d0076 Missions Log True tab_title_NewState_Text_35002f Map description True tab_title_NewState_Text_3c007d Brightness/Gamma True tab_title_NewState_Text_400077 Minor Nations True tab_title_NewState_Text_460009 Quick Battle True tab_title_NewState_Text_480073 Major Nations True tab_title_NewState_Text_4a001e User Interface True tab_title_NewState_Text_4e001e Battle Results True tab_title_NewState_Text_4f000c Campaign Games True tab_title_NewState_Text_4f0067 Battle List True tab_title_NewState_Text_530063 Battle Briefing True tab_title_NewState_Text_560065 Active Missions True tab_title_NewState_Text_560075 Unit Statistics True tab_title_NewState_Text_590076 Battle Settings True tab_title_NewState_Text_5c001c Army Setup True tab_title_NewState_Text_60039 Missions True tab_title_NewState_Text_60046 Ministers True tab_title_NewState_Text_68002a Details True tab_title_NewState_Text_69004c Statistics True tab_title_NewState_Text_70005a Battle True tab_title_NewState_Text_70033 Controls True tab_title_NewState_Text_740062 Nation rankings True tab_title_NewState_Text_7a0050 Agents True tab_title_NewState_Text_b0046 Universal True tab_title_NewState_Text_d0004 Characters killed True tab_title_NewState_Text_d0026 Prestige True tab_title_Tooltip_100000 These are your selected ministers for your government.||Like your head of state, they add bonuses to various areas of your faction depending on their management skill.||If a minister's skill is particularly low and you are in an absolute monarchy you can choose to kick them from the cabinet.||If you are not in an absolute monarchy, you may have to be content with swapping them with another minister and hope they do less damage in their new position!||Move your cursor over the ministers for more information. True tab_title_Tooltip_130068 This is the agents tab.||Select the agent you want to move True tab_title_Tooltip_14005c Select this tab to show the unit statistics.||Information such as recruitment and upkeep costs, experience and the number of men in each unit will be held here.||Units that fight on land will have charge bonus, melee attack, defence and morale statistics.||Naval units will include statistics such as speed, hull strength and maneuverability. True tab_title_Tooltip_1b0076 This tab details any current Active Missions.||As you are assigned missions they will be entered here for easy referece.||On completion of the mission, or after the alloted time has run out, the mission will no longer be active and will be added to the Missions Log instead.||Move your cursor over the individual elements in this tab for more information. True tab_title_Tooltip_240006 Some units will already have abilities when they are recruited.||The majority of abilities will be gained by researching different technologies.||Move the cursor over the different abilities to see what bonus effects they will have. True tab_title_Tooltip_250063 This is the prestige tracker tab.||Use this to compare the other nation's prestige levels with one another.||You can choose to display different views, depending on the filter you select. The two filters categories are factions and type of prestige.||Switch the arrows on the filter section to see your different options. True tab_title_Tooltip_360046 This is your nation's rankings tab.||Here you can see your rankings in four different areas: military, naval, industrial and philosophy. True tab_title_Tooltip_39004a Information such as recruitment and upkeep costs, experience and the number of men in each unit can be viewed here.||Units that fight on land will have charge bonus, melee attack, defence and morale statistics.||Naval units will include statistics such as speed, hull strength and manoeuvrability. True tab_title_Tooltip_410041 Each of your regions are taxed on their wealth and this goes towards your nation's income.||From this tab you can set your tax levels.||Each different theatre has its own tax level.||You can also view details of your taxes and their effects here.||Move your cursor over the sections below for more details. True tab_title_Tooltip_43003e This is your trade tab.||From here you can examine your imports and exports and the nations you have trade agreements with.||Mouse over the different areas to see more information. True tab_title_Tooltip_4b007b This is the units tab.||Select the unit you want to move and True tab_title_Tooltip_4f007f This is the ships tab.||Select the ship you want to move and True tab_title_Tooltip_510019 This is your Taxes tab.||Each of your regions are taxed on their wealth and this goes towards tour faction's income.||From this panel you can set your tax levels. Each different theatre has its own tax level.||You can also view details of your taxes and their effects here.||Move your cursor over the sections below for more details. True tab_title_Tooltip_5b0020 Your National Summary tab provides you with an overall picture of your faction, along with specific information about your diplomatic and financial standings.||Move your cursor over the areas below for more details. True tab_title_Tooltip_60003c Select this tab to display any abilities this unit has.||Some units will already have abilities when they are recruited.||The majority of abilities will be gained by researching different technologies.||Move the cursor over the different abilities to see what bonus effects they will have. True tab_title_Tooltip_730071 This provides you with an overall picture of your nation, along with specific information about your diplomatic and financial standings.||Move your cursor over the areas below for more details. True tab_title_Tooltip_76007f This is your Missions Log tab panel.||This shows the missions that have finished, completed or not!||You can track your mission progress from this tab. True tab_trade_Tooltip_590016 From here you can examine your imports and exports and the nations you have trade agreements with.||Mouse over the different areas to see more information. True tab_tx_text_Text_620029 Regions True tab_tx_text_Text_680049 Armies True tab_tx_text_Text_7a0050 Agents True tab_tx_text_Text_7a0057 Fleets True tab_tx_Tooltip_310021 This is the status column for your fleets.||Here you will find a brief description of the fleet's location and what they are currently doing.||Left-click to jump to their location on the main map.||Right-click to bring up the details for the admiral or captain in charge of this army. True tab_tx_Tooltip_36006f This tab displays all your agents, their movement points and their location.||Your agents include your gentlemen, rakes and missionaries.||As your empire expands it can be tough keeping a track on all your agents, particularly if they are undercover in an enemies region.||Use this to pinpoint their location quickly and make the most of your agents! True tab_tx_Tooltip_580028 This column lists your regions. The region's capital is listed underneath each region.||Right-click on each region to jump to its location on the campaign map.||Left-click to bring up the details for the selected region.||You can order your regions in alphabetical order by clicking on this column's title. True tab_tx_Tooltip_7e0014 This is your armies tab.||This tab will show all your armed forces on land, your generals, each armies movement points and their status.||You may even find some armies you have forgotten about, in which case you could disband them and save some money. True tab_units_Tooltip_4b007b This is the units tab.||Select the unit you want to move and True tab_victory_conditions_Tooltip_40073 To win this grand campaign you must complete the victory conditions on this tab within the time limit given.||As you play through the grand campaign you will be given tips on how to achieve these conditions.||As you progress through the game you can refer to this tab to see how you are faring. True target_selection_title_NewState_Text_37000e Select Target True target_selection_title_Tooltip_550020 This section shows your potential targets.||Sometimes you will have more than one choice, and this information in this section will help you to choose the best option.||Move your cursor over the targets below for more information. True tax_icon_Tooltip_c005c Total tax rate percentage.||This tax rate is calculated from the factors on the left.||This is the percentage of the region's wealth you will tax and results in the income you will gain from this region. True tax_rate_tx_NewState_Text_45000a Tax Rate True tax_rate_tx_Tooltip_6e003d You can change the tax rate by clicking the change tax policy button below. True tax_text_Tooltip_c005c Total tax rate percentage.||This tax rate is calculated from the factors on the left.||This is the percentage of the region's wealth you will tax and results in the income you will gain from this region. True tax_tx_NewState_Text_61002c Tax True taxes_checkbox_Tooltip_66006f Exempting a region from tax will be a massive boost to your population's happiness.||This is an effective way of dealing with an unruly region, and could stop any riots that have started or may be brewing.||Freeing this region from the burden of taxes will also help population growth within the region. True taxes_Tooltip_510019 This is your Taxes tab.||Each of your regions are taxed on their wealth and this goes towards tour faction's income.||From this panel you can set your tax levels. Each different theatre has its own tax level.||You can also view details of your taxes and their effects here.||Move your cursor over the sections below for more details. True tea_NewState_Tooltip_650035 Tea True tech_demand_Tooltip_26006d Here you can demand any technology the other nation has researched.||Technology is needed for certain units and buildings, as well as adding various bonuses to your nation.||There are three different types of technology to choose from - military, science and enlightenment. True tech_icon_available_steal_Tooltip_66004b Available for stealing True tech_icon_stealing_Tooltip_1b0034 Stealing True technology_Tooltip_6c0072 This is the steal technologies panel.||Sometimes the advancement of science needs a little helping hand, particularly helping hands with light fingers!||It may not be noble, but stealing another faction's hard earned research can help you keep up with their advancements.||Pick a technology you wish to own and attempt to steal it.||Of course, you can only steal what has actually been researched and there is always the risk of discovery! True terrain_NewState_Text_440029 Terrain: True terrain_Tooltip_30040 Try to use each battle's terrain to the best of your advantage.||Gain the higher ground where you can, forcing the enemy to attack uphill, making them tired and vulnerable.||If you have troops that can hide in forests, have them lay in wait for the unsuspecting enemy before springing an ambush! True text panel_NewState_Text_44007c Game Paused True text_box_access_required_Text_d0061 You do not currently have access rights to this region. Choose an option: True text_box_normal_Text_60050 Victory is yours! You can choose either to end the battle now or continue playing to run down the routed enemy ! True