battle_setting_default_Text_76004e	Default: Autoresolve, Don't Play as AI	True
icon_siege_Tooltip_20008	In these battles you will play as either the defender or the attacker.||Attackers will need to siege and capture a settlement to achieve victory, whereas defenders will have to hold the attacker off until the time limit expires.	True
CampaignCharacterCard_Tooltip_49000e	One of your potential targets.||You may have the option of more than one target - if so try picking the most important target with the highest chance of a success.	True
title_tx_team_1_Text_390015	Team 1	True
TX_Battle deployment_Opportunity to intercept_Text_600064	Opportunity to Intercept	True
button_pay_ransom_unselected_rolloff_Tooltip_54000c	Click to agree to pay demanded ransom	True
dy_prestige_Tooltip_18004f	This is your nation's prestige.||Your prestige depends on how you measure up against the other nations.||It is a reflection of your achievements during your campaign.||Your conquests will improve your prestige, as well as research in military, naval, industrial and philosophy technologies.||Your total prestige points will be calculated at the end of your campaign and you can see where you stand compared to the other nations.	True
label_txt_NewState_Tooltip_1f0024	This setting selects the amount of detail for water.||The highest settings will have both reflection and refraction effects.||If your game is running slow you may want to reduce this.	True
tx_prestige_Tooltip_18004f	This is your nation's prestige.||Your prestige depends on how you measure up against the other nations.||It is a reflection of your achievements during your campaign.||Your conquests will improve your prestige, as well as research in military, naval, industrial and philosophy technologies.||Your total prestige points will be calculated at the end of your campaign and you can see where you stand compared to the other nations.	True
heading_tx_Tooltip_6c0072	This is the steal technologies panel.||Sometimes the advancement of science needs a little helping hand, particularly helping hands with light fingers!||It may not be noble, but stealing another faction's hard earned research can help you keep up with their advancements.||Pick a technology you wish to own and attempt to steal it.||Of course, you can only steal what has actually been researched and there is always the risk of discovery!	True
options_bar2_Tooltip_43001e	Select this option if you want to request military access.||If granted, this will allow you access to the other faction's region without declaring war.||Military access is a risky thing to allow as it can leave a faction open to surprise attack. As such, it is not guaranteed you will be successful.||If your request is turned down you can always try to using the diplomacy panel to negotiate. You may fare better if you can offer something in return.	True
refused_tx_Tooltip_10001f	These allies have refused a call to war.	True
repeatedly_tx_Tooltip_17001a	Offers of regular payments rather than a one off sum is less likely to be accepted as the payments could be easily revoked.||Demanding smaller regular payments may be more manageable for the other nation, and so have a greater chance of being accepted.||Select the amount of turns below.	True
negative_bar_Tooltip_7c0032	These are the factors having a  negative effect on public order.||If they become too unhappy public order will break down resulting in riots and revolts.||The lowest class are not particularly well off, and taxes add another burden for them to bear. Reduce that burden by lowering the lowest class tax rate and lessen the likelihood of transforming them into an angry mob!	True
button_diplomacy_Tooltip_330037	Diplomatic relations.||Clicking this will bring up the diplomatic relations panel.||War among nations is unavoidable when attempting to build an empire, but there is still something to be said for a persuasive word in the right ear.||The art of diplomacy can provide you with valuable information about the map, profitable trade partnerships and an ally to call on when things get rough.||To engage in diplomacy click this button to bring up the diplomatic relations scroll.	True
agent_embark_Tooltip_2f0014	Embark/Disembark||Move agent between your docked fleet and the port.	True
university_tech_icon_available_steal_Tooltip_66004b	Available for stealing	True
latency_2_Tooltip_260053	Average connection	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_770045	Infiltrate	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_3a000c	Historical Battle	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_4e007d	Local Network	True
soldiers_Tooltip_110072	Soldiers in each army.||Left-click to jump to their location on the main map.||Right-click to bring up the details for the general or colonel in charge of this army.||You can re-order your armies according to size by clicking on this column's title.	True
soldiers_Tooltip_71001b	This column shows how many soldiers you have in each army.||Left-click to jump to their location on the main map.||Right-click to bring up the details for the general or colonel in charge of this army.||You can order your armies by amount of soldiers by clicking on this column's title.	True
sortable_list_Tooltip_70079	This section lists your games, turns played and date and time of saving.||You can sort them name, turns and date by clicking on the appropriate column title.	True
south_america_Tooltip_37003b	Coast of Brazil||Trade theatre for South America.||Trade theatres work differently from the normal theatres.||You cannot develop cities or take regions here, these areas are for trade only.||Each trade theatre contains slots for your merchant ships to occupy.||Once you have a merchant ship in that slot you will gain a new trade route.||You must defend these trade stations with your navies.||Trade is a cut-throat business and your competitors will take what is not defended!	True
south_america_Tooltip_3e007a	Coast of Brazil || This is the trade theatre for South America.||Trade theatres work differently from the normal theatres.||You cannot develop cities or take regions here,these areas are for trade only.||Each trade theatre contains slots for your merchant ships to occupy.Once you have a merchant ship in that slot you will gain a new trade route.||You must defend these trade stations with your navies.Trade is a cutthroat business and your competitors will take what is not defended!	True
spectate_icon_Tooltip_700002	Spectators allowed	True
spectate_icon_Tooltip_700022	Spectators allowed	True
speed_NewState_Text_150052	Speed	True
speed_slider_button_Tooltip_280061	Play||This will unpause the game or return it to normal speed.	True
speed_slider_button_Tooltip_310022	Press this button to unpause the game, or return to normal speed.||You can also slide this up and down to increase the speed of the game as you see fit.	True
speed_Tooltip_120017	Speed of this unit.||You can improve the speed of this unit by researching copper bottoms in the naval technology.	True
speed_Tooltip_5f001a	You can improve the speed of this unit by researching copper bottoms in the naval technology.	True
spices_NewState_Tooltip_60005f	Spices	True
standard_tx_NewState_Text_430061	Standard Camera	True
standard_tx_NewState_Text_4a003c	WASD Style	True
state_gift_Tooltip_38002d	This is your present State Gift panel.||From here you can send the other faction a gift from the state.||This is helpful to improve relations between your factions. If their public opinion of you is poor this gift may help turn things around.||Giving a gift is not part of diplomatic bartering - although they can help smooth the way.||There are three types of gifts to offer - each ascending in value.||When offering a gift, take your own wealth into account. If you are rich it won't look sincere if you skimp on the gift!	True
state_gift_tx_NewState_Text_720052	Present State Gift	True
state_gift_tx_Tooltip_1c0027	Presenting a gift helps to improve relations between nations.||If their public opinion of you is poor this gift may help turn things around.||Giving a gift is not part of diplomatic bartering - although they can help smooth the way for precisely that.||There are three types of gifts to offer - each ascending in value.||When offering a gift, take your own wealth into account.||If you are wealthy it won't look sincere if you skimp on the gift!	True
map_panel_Tooltip_70064	This section details your territories, the date you last saved and your faction.||Move your cursor over the different areas for more information.	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_550062	Cancel Move	True
button_pay_ransom_selected_Tooltip_71005b	Click to cancel payment of demanded ransom	True
zoom+_Tooltip_22007e	Zoom in.||Use these buttons to zoom in (+) and out (-) of your Radar Map view.	True
tx_atwar_Tooltip_640030	You are at war with these nations.||They may attack you at any time - guard your territory, armies, navies and trade routes with care!||To make peace with your enemies, or to see more information, see your diplomatic details panel.	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_200016	Game Type	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_330005	Very High	True
tab_taxes_Tooltip_410041	Each of your regions are taxed on their wealth and this goes towards your nation's income.||From this tab you can set your tax levels.||Each different theatre has its own tax level.||You can also view details of your taxes and their effects here.||Move your cursor over the sections below for more details.	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_650053	Connection	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_110027	Test	True
banner 270_Tooltip_180071	This is the currently selected theatre.||The world map is divided into three theatres: Europe, America and India.||You can view the other theatres by clicking on the arrows to the left and right.	True
card_window2_Tooltip_43007f	This is your selected finance minister.||He affects your tax and trade efficiency and your economic growth.||The level of these are dependent on his management competence.||If he is incompetent you may wish to swap him with another minister.||His will still carry his incompetence to his new post, but perhaps he will do less damage!||Right-click on his portrait to bring up his details panel.	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_6c005f	Custom	True
tx_Naval_Tooltip_400007	The textile tree will help develop your textile industry and improve your trade resources.||As each new technology is gained it will lead you onto the next step up the chain.||Sometimes, technologies are unattainable until other technologies have been gained.||Use this technology tree to plan the path to the technology you want.	True
copy of tx_Details_NewState_Text_350002	Siege Equipment	True
end_alliance_Tooltip_3c0050	If you cancel an alliance you will lose all the advantages associated with allied nations.||You may wish to do this if your ally has an enemy you want to impress.	True
button_tx_alliance_Text_4d001d	Request Alliance	True
button_autoresolve_Tooltip_38002e	Autoresolve assault	True
target_selection_title_Tooltip_550020	This section shows your potential targets.||Sometimes you will have more than one choice, and this information in this section will help you to choose the best option.||Move your cursor over the targets below for more information.	True
dy_trade_Tooltip_20009	This is the income you gain from exporting your nation's resources to your trade partners via trade routes.||Throughout your regions you will have trade resources such as sugar, coffee and tobacco. These are shipped in to your region's capital.||If the trade supply exceeds the demand, the surplus is exported through international trade routes to your trade partners.||To increase this income develop trade resources and make more trade partners.||You can see a breakdown of your supply and exports in the trade tab of this panel.	True
ns_details_Tooltip_5b0020	Your National Summary tab provides you with an overall picture of your faction, along with specific information about your diplomatic and financial standings.||Move your cursor over the areas below for more details.	True
description_window_Tooltip_4f0024	Historical detail for this item.	True
txt_header_recruitment_unlock_Text_71007d	Unlocks recruitment of:	True
button_txt_default_Tooltip_40036	Continue to the Battle Preparation screen.	True
tx_trade_Tooltip_20009	This is the income you gain from exporting your nation's resources to your trade partners via trade routes.||Throughout your regions you will have trade resources such as sugar, coffee and tobacco. These are shipped in to your region's capital.||If the trade supply exceeds the demand, the surplus is exported through international trade routes to your trade partners.||To increase this income develop trade resources and make more trade partners.||You can see a breakdown of your supply and exports in the trade tab of this panel.	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_190021	Duel	True
their_allies_tx_NewState_Text_57000b	Their Allies	True
button_trade_w_africa_Tooltip_51006b	West Africa trade theatre||Trade theatres work differently from the normal theatres.||You cannot develop cities or take regions here, these areas are for trade only.||Each trade theatre contains slots for your merchant ships to occupy.||Once you have a merchant ship in that slot you will gain a new trade route.||You must defend these trade stations with your navies.||Trade is a cut-throat business and your competitors will take what is not defended!	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_380007	Continue Campaign	True
globe_Tooltip_4b0012	PLACEHOLDER:??	True
banner 270_Tooltip_370057	This is the theatre currently on view.	True
terrain_Tooltip_30040	Try to use each battle's terrain to the best of your advantage.||Gain the higher ground where you can, forcing the enemy to attack uphill, making them tired and vulnerable.||If you have troops that can hide in forests, have them lay in wait for the unsuspecting enemy before springing an ambush!	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_540068	Saved Battles	True
"Population Growth"_Tooltip_750071	The pips below show the positive and negative influences that effect the growth of your population.||If the positive influences outweigh the negative ones, then your population will increase.||Mouse over individual influence icons to find out more about them.	True
tab_ministers_Tooltip_470009	This is your governments head of state.||This could be a monarch or a prime minister, depending on your type of government.||Your head of state adds bonuses to your prestige, diplomacy and economic growth.||These bonuses are dependent on the level of his management skills.||Right-click to bring up his details panel.	True
heading_txt_heading_Text_b0020	Keyboard Shortcut Conflict	True
title_panel_NewState_Text_5e0066	Deployable Defences	True
bar_Tooltip_10011	A unit with high morale is less likely to rout in the face of trouble.||Gaining experience on the battlefield will improve morale for this unit.	True
their_allies_tx_Tooltip_5007b	The nation you're about to declare war on may call upon their allies to bear arms against you.||If their allies are also allies of yours, or just very powerful, you may want to cancel your declaration of war.||However, keep in mind their allies may refuse the call to arms.||You will find out which allies have joined them once you have declared war.	True
recruitment_cost_Tooltip_6f0064	Cost of recruitment for this unit.	True
tx_governor_ruler_and_cabinet_Tooltip_530004	This is your home theatre and is overseen by your ruler and a cabinet.||You can view details about your government on the ministers tab.	True
copy of button_ok_Tooltip_3b003b	Close panel	True
UC_button_increase_rank_Tooltip_30001c	Increase rank||Increases the rank, or width of the selected unit.	True
head_tx_Tooltip_e0055	These are the movement points for each of your agents.||Each agent can only travel so far each turn and this column will show you which agents can still be moved.||The coloured bar will become emptier as more points are used.||All agent's movements points will be fully replenished next turn.||You cannot accumulate movement points.||If an agent still has movement points, have a look to see if there is anywhere you want to move him before ending turn.||You can order each agent according to movement points left by clicking on this column's title.	True
ranked_tx_NewState_Text_37007d	Ranked Games	True
europe_Tooltip_5c0077	Europe||America, Europe and India are theatres where you can develop cities, recruit armies and wage war.||This is where you build your empire.	True
ranked_tx_NewState_Text_26006d	Allow custom armies	True
heading_txt_save_army_Text_180059	Save Army Setup	True
effects_title_Technology_Text_770033	Effects	True
faction_title_Tooltip_60064	This panel contains all the diplomatic options open to you, along with relevant information on your nation.||Move your cursor over the different sections for more information.	True
tx_income_NewState_Text_25006b	Tax Income	True
arrow_up_Tooltip_15001d	Scroll up	True
map_placeholder_Tooltip_62007d	Regions map||This depicts the regions owned by your nation and the nation you are negotiating with.||Your nation's regions are coloured in green, whereas theirs are coloured red.||Using this map you can see strategic positions more clearly.||Mousing over the regions marked on the map will tell you their names so you can choose them from the two panels below.||Switch to another theatre view by using the scrolling buttons below.	True
wealth_Tooltip_5a0047	This is their faction's wealth.||Wealth is based on a faction's income after costs. Wealth is relative, and each faction's position is measured against all other nations riches.||If they are a wealthy faction they should be able to offer more, make sure you are not short-changed!	True
tx_choose_NewState_Text_35001a	Choose your Weapon!	True
tx_commodities_NewState_Text_770032	Commodities	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_1a0052	Brightness & Gamma	True
button_trade_w_africa_Tooltip_300079	This is the trade theatre for West Africa.||Trade theatres work	True
button_demand_surrender_Tooltip_12006b	Demand surrender	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_22006c	Start Game	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_67002f	Latency	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_61002a	Load Battle Setup	True
army_promote_Tooltip_430044	Recruit general||This will recruit a general and change a unit to a generals bodyguard unit.||Generals can build forts, add morale bonuses in battle, rally and recruit units on land.	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_1b0055	Turns	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_2e0063	View Replays	True
button_save_Tooltip_750062	Save Map and Armies	True
status_AI_Tooltip_3d0006	AI player	True
status_icon_closed_Tooltip_36003e	Closed	True
status_icon_closed_Tooltip_600050	Game closed||You cannot join this game as it has already started.	True
status_icon_no save_Tooltip_28000e	Save game required	True
status_icon_open_locked_Tooltip_380000	Password required	True
status_icon_open_locked_Tooltip_f0064	Password required||You can join this game if you have the password for it.	True
status_icon_open_Tooltip_1e002a	Open	True
status_icon_open_Tooltip_4f005e	Game open||You can join this game.	True
status_icon_saved_Tooltip_75006c	Save game	True
status_not_ready_Tooltip_17003a	Player not ready	True
status_not_ready_Tooltip_450014	Player not ready||Waiting for player to click the ready button.	True
status_ready_Tooltip_7e000b	Ready to play!	True
status_ready_Tooltip_d0075	Player ready	True
status_slow_Tooltip_27004a	This player has got a slow connection.	True
status_slow_Tooltip_680079	Slow connection	True
status_Tooltip_140041	Here you can find your agents current location.||Left-click to jump to their location on the main map.	True
status_Tooltip_1c0063	This is the status column of your armies.||Here you will find a brief description of the armies location and what they are currently doing.||Left-click here to jump to their location on the main map.||Right-click to bring up the details for the general or colonel in charge of this army.	True
status_Tooltip_29003b	This shows the status of the mission. Whether it is ongoing, completed or uncompleted.	True
status_Tooltip_4c0059	Here you will find a brief description of the armies location and what they are currently doing.||Left-click to jump to their location on the main map.||Right-click to bring up the details for the general or colonel in charge of this army.	True
status_Tooltip_64000d	This is the status column for your fleets.||Here you will find a brief description of the fleet's location and what they are currently doing.||Left-click to jump to their location on the main map.||Right-click to bring up the details for the admiral or captain in charge of this fleet.	True
status_Tooltip_6e002e	Here you will find a brief description of the fleets location and what they are currently doing.||Left-click to jump to their location on the main map.||Right-click to bring up the details for the admiral or captain in charge of this fleet.	True
status_tx_final_Text_130017	Opponent found. Arranging battle ...	True
status_tx_Tooltip_29003b	This shows the status of the mission. Whether it is ongoing, completed or uncompleted.	True
status_tx_tx_Text_730047	Status	True
status_tx_wait_Text_780073	Please wait ...	True
StatusIcon_Firing_Tooltip_67005a	Firing	True
button_public-order lowest_Tooltip_600017	This is the region with the lowest public order in this theatre.||If you click this button it will bring up the region's settlement details.||The region settlement panel has details on what is causing the low public order in the bottom section of the panel.||Many things can cause low public order, but lowering the tax can help.||If the tax seems low enough already you might want to try increasing repression by recruiting some more town watch in the area instead.||Clicking on this button again will dismiss the region settlement panel.	True
pay_tx_NewState_Text_110038	Payments	True
ranked_tx_NewState_Tooltip_320059	This disables custom army options.	True
tab_nation_rankings_Tooltip_360046	This is your nation's rankings tab.||Here you can see your rankings in four different areas: military, naval, industrial and philosophy.	True
status_AI_Tooltip_3d0006	AI player	True
government_building_tx_default_Text_540077	Government Building	True
"Urban Growth:"_Tooltip_190053	This is your Urban Growth.||This shows the progress towards the region generating a new town slot. This progress is dependent on your Population Growth.||A full bar represents a population increase of 20%.||When this bar is full, a new town slot will appear in your region. You can use slots to build ports, schools and factories.	True
ok_regions_Tooltip_720072	Accept	True
button_tx_war_Tooltip_120007	This will bring up a declare war panel where you can see potential allies for both sides.	True
button_delete_Tooltip_750045	Click to delete selected files	True
copy of plus_Tooltip_740064	Positive population growth||The most important influence for a healthy population growth is farming.||Constructing fishing ports will also have a positive effect.||Maintaining a low tax rate for the lowest classes will also promote population growth.	True
StatusIcon_Garrisoned_Tooltip_6a0056	Garrisoned	True
StatusIcon_Hidden_Tooltip_630049	Hidden	True
StatusIcon_Melee_Tooltip_44	Melee	True
StatusIcon_Moving Fast_Tooltip_740060	Moving fast	True
StatusIcon_Moving_Tooltip_610055	Moving	True
StatusIcon_Obstructed_Tooltip_730048	Obstructed	True
StatusIcon_on Fire_Tooltip_7a0063	On fire	True
StatusIcon_Routing_Tooltip_750029	Routing	True
StatusIcon_Sinking_Tooltip_6c0033	Sinking	True
StatusIcon_Taking fire_Tooltip_270057	Under fire	True
StatusIcon_Wavering_Tooltip_a003d	Wavering	True
steal_research_Tooltip_240079	Fate has provided you with the chance to steal research - time to use those light fingers of yours!||Clicking on this button will bring up your steal research panel.||Keep in mind that knowledge may come at a price - stealing another faction's work may end with your gentlemen being caught and your faction's dirty dealing exposed!	True
steal_research_Tooltip_5a0041	Fate has provided you with the chance to steal research - time to use those light fingers of yours!||Clicking on this button will bring up your Research and Technology panel where you can browse potential swag.||Keep in mind that knowledge may come at a price - stealing another nation's work may end with your rake being caught and your nation's dirty dealing exposed!	True
steal_research_unselected_roll_Tooltip_46	F	True
string_NewState_Text_10042	Sound	True
string_NewState_Text_18002d	Graphics	True
string_NewState_Text_220046	Exit to Windows	True
string_NewState_Text_2d0006	Game Settings	True
string_NewState_Text_2f001c	Resume Battle	True
string_NewState_Text_39003c	Brightness and Gamma	True
string_NewState_Text_40025	Save	True
string_NewState_Text_4a001e	User Interface	True
string_NewState_Text_5b0068	Quit Battle	True
string_NewState_Text_5f0068	Resume Game	True
string_NewState_Text_70033	Controls	True
string_NewState_Text_740077	Exit to Main Menu	True
string_NewState_Text_770027	Options	True
string_NewState_Text_a0021	Back	True
string_NewState_Text_b002d	Load	True
string_NewState_Text_c0029	Settings	True
sugar_NewState_Tooltip_140046	Sugar	True
sum_tx_default_Text_30034	Total tax percentage	True
swordfighting_Tooltip_100014	Fencing skill||You can choose to fight the duel with pistols or a sword.||If you can, pick the duelling method where your skill is greater than your opponents.	True
swordfighting_Tooltip_30024	Fencing skill||Check this before choosing your duelling weapon.||If you can, pick the weapon you are more proficient in to increase your chances of winning.	True
swordfighting_Tooltip_57002f	This is the challengers fencing skill level.||Check this before choosing your duelling weapon. If you can, pick the weapon you are more proficient in to increase your chances of winning.	True
swordfighting_Tooltip_600067	This is your fencing skill.||You can choose to fight the duel with pistols or a sword.||If you can, pick the duelling method where your skill is greater than your opponents.	True
swords_Tooltip_2b007b	Balance of power||This shows the relative strength of each side - larger numbers do not necessarily make a superior force!||Your side are represented by the red, and the enemy is represented by blue.||If the enemies bar is significantly larger than yours, it means they have the advantage and you will have to plan carefully if you want to defeat them!||There is a version of this in battle that will reflect the fortunes of each side as the battle progresses.	True
swords_Tooltip_5c005b	This represents the balance of power between the two sides.||It shows the relative strength of each side - larger numbers do not necessarily mean a superior force!||Your armies are represented by the green, and the enemy is represented by red.||As the battle goes on this meter will change to reflect the losses on both sides, use this to keep an overview of who has the upper hand.||If the enemies red bar is significantly larger than yours, it means they have the advantage and you will have to plan carefully if you want to defeat them!	True
tab_abilities_Tooltip_240006	Some units will already have abilities when they are recruited.||The majority of abilities will be gained by researching different technologies.||Move the cursor over the different abilities to see what bonus effects they will have.	True
tab_abilities_Tooltip_60003c	Select this tab to display any abilities this unit has.||Some units will already have abilities when they are recruited.||The majority of abilities will be gained by researching different technologies.||Move the cursor over the different abilities to see what bonus effects they will have.	True
tab_agents_Tooltip_130068	This is the agents tab.||Select the agent you want to move	True
tab_enlightenment_Tooltip_10060	This is the philosophy technology.||Philosophy technology includes political thought and economic ideas.||These can improve your wealth and cut some recruitment and building costs.	True
tab_enlightenment_Tooltip_1a003a	Philosophy||This technology includes political thought and economic ideas.||This can improve your wealth and cut some recruitment and building costs.||As each new technology is gained it will lead you onto the next step up the chain.||Sometimes, technologies are unattainable until other technologies have been gained.||Use this technology tree to plan the path to the technology you want.	True
tab_industry_selected_Tooltip_20	1	True
tab_industry_Tooltip_4006f	This technology tree is divided into three sections - agriculture, metal industry and textile industry.||This technology will help increase wealth and population growth.||Move your cursor over the different icons to see more information about them.	True
tab_industry_Tooltip_44000c	Industrial technology||This technology tree is divided into three branches - agriculture, metal and textile industry.||This technology will help increase wealth and population growth.||Move your cursor over the different icons to see more information about them.	True
tab_industry_Tooltip_6e0002	Industrial technologies||This technology tree is divided into three sections - agriculture, metal industry and textile industry.||This technology will help increase wealth and population growth.||Move your cursor over the different icons to see more information about them.	True
tab_industry_Tooltip_77007e	This is their industry technology you can demand.||This technology will help increase wealth and population growth.||This technology tree is divided into three sections - agriculture, metal industry and textile industry.||Move your cursor over the different technology icons to see more information about them.	True
tab_industry_Tooltip_78000c	This is the industrial technology tab.||This technology tree is divided into three branches - agriculture, metal and textile industry.||This technology will help increase wealth and population growth.||Move your cursor over the different icons to see more information about them.	True
tab_industry_unselected_Tooltip_20	1	True
tab_military_Tooltip_130050	This is their military  technology you can demand.||Military technology helps to manufacture and improve weapons, and devise new battle tactics and formations.||Concentrating on this technology will improve armies and navies.||Move your cursor over the different icons to see more information about them.	True
tab_military_Tooltip_3e0071	Military technology||Military technology helps to manufacture and improve weapons, and devise new battle tactics and formations.||This technology will improve armies and navies.||This tab is split between three different trees; military, ordnance and naval technology.||Move your cursor over the different icons to see more information about them.	True
tab_military_Tooltip_42002b	This is the military technologies tab.||Military technology helps to manufacture and improve weapons, and devise new battle tactics and formations.||If you wish to improve your armies and navies you will want to steal something from here.||This tab is split between three different trees; military, ordnance and naval technology.||Move your cursor over the different icons to see more information about them.	True
tab_military_Tooltip_490074	Military technologies||Military technology helps to manufacture and improve weapons, and devise new battle tactics and formations.||Concentrating on this technology will improve armies and navies.||Move your cursor over the different icons to see more information about them.	True
tab_military_Tooltip_570079	Military technologies||This helps to manufacture and improve weapons and devise new battle tactics and formations.||Concentrating on this technology will improve armies and navies.||Move your cursor over the different icons to see more information about them.	True
tab_ministers_Tooltip_100020	These are your selected ministers for your government.||Like your head of state, they add bonuses to various areas of your faction depending on their management skill.||If a minister's skill is particularly low and you are in an absolute monarchy you can choose to kick them from the cabinet.||If you are not in an absolute monarchy, you may have to be content with swapping them with another minister and hope they do less damage in their new position!||Move your cursor over the ministers for more information.	True