radar arrow L_Tooltip_18005c	Previous theatre.	True
title_Tooltip_6a004e	This is where you create and break pacts with other nations, turning allies into enemies and foes into friends.||Move your cursor over the different sections below for more information.	True
power_Tooltip_6d007f	Your power is represented by your military strength.||The nations with the largest army and naval presence will be seen as the most powerful in the eyes of the world.||The more powerful you are the less popular you will be with other nations.	True
tab_tx_text_Text_7a0050	Agents	True
upper_class_reaction_icon_Neutral_Tooltip_74000b	Feeling neutral||This is the higher class public order.||Your higher class are currently neither angry nor happy.||Applying a little extra repression will improve their public order.||This is based on the positive and negative factors to the right.	True
bar_Tooltip_5f001a	You can improve the speed of this unit by researching copper bottoms in the naval technology.	True
button_rapier_Tooltip_6e002b	Rapier||Before deciding on a weapon check your fencing skills against your challengers.||There is courage and then there is recklessness!||Unless you like living dangerously it is best to chose the weapon with the highest skill level.	True
tab_title_Tooltip_76007f	This is your Missions Log tab panel.||This shows the missions that have finished, completed or not!||You can track your mission progress from this tab.	True
tab_tx_text_Text_7a0057	Fleets	True
heading_tx_NewState_Text_79004a	Difficulty	True
heading_tx_NewState_Text_7d0055	Speech	True
heading_tx_NewState_Text_b0010	Advanced settings	True
heading_tx_NewState_Text_c0038	Achievements	True
heading_tx_NewState_Text_d006f	War on Land	True
heading_tx_NewState_Tooltip_35004b	This panel displays the difficulty settings for each nation.||Each has its own overall difficulty and then separate difficulties for the battle and campaign maps.	True
heading_tx_Research_Text_4d0039	Research and Technology	True
heading_tx_Research_Tooltip_790015	Technology is important for the development of your nation.||It can help you develop new buildings, weapons, tactics and philosophies.||There are three different  branches of technology to choose from - military, industrial and philosophy.||You can also gain technology through diplomatic exchange with other nations or opt for the more underhand approach and steal the technology from them instead.||Move your gentlemen agents into your own educational buildings to speed up research.||If they are sent toward another nation's educational building they will get the option of stealing research.	True
heading_tx_Stealing_Text_400069	Technology Stealing	True
heading_tx_Stealing_Text_600069	Technology stealing	True
heading_tx_Stealing_Tooltip_2d000a	Sometimes the advancement of science needs a little helping hand, particularly helping hands with light fingers!||It may not be noble, but stealing another nation's hard earned research can help you keep up with their advancements.||Pick a technology you wish to own and attempt to steal it.||Of course, you can only steal what has actually been researched and there is always the risk of discovery!	True
heading_tx_Tooltip_200045	This section lists your games, turns played, date and time of saving.||You can sort them by name, turns and date by clicking on the column title.	True
heading_tx_Tooltip_2d006b	This panel gives you a historic context for your campaign and offers hints and tips on how to proceed.||Each nation will have its own advice to offer according to its tactical location and its potential for expansion.	True
heading_tx_Tooltip_3e000a	This section details your nation, territories, campaign year and season at the time of saving.||Move your cursor over the different areas for more information.	True
heading_tx_Tooltip_6c0072	This is the steal technologies panel.||Sometimes the advancement of science needs a little helping hand, particularly helping hands with light fingers!||It may not be noble, but stealing another faction's hard earned research can help you keep up with their advancements.||Pick a technology you wish to own and attempt to steal it.||Of course, you can only steal what has actually been researched and there is always the risk of discovery!	True
heading_tx_Tooltip_710060	To win the multiplayer campaign you must complete these objectives within the time limit given.	True
heading_tx_Tooltip_d003e	Here you can see the overall difficulty of your nation and set the individual difficulty settings for your campaign and battle maps.	True
heading_txt_0_Text_19006c	Searching for Players	True
timer_face_Tooltip_4b006f	This represents how much time you have to play the battle.||Where you can you set the game to no time limit.	True
button_cavalry_heavy_Tooltip_6a005c	Cavalry heavy army	True
TX_Diplomatic relations_Tooltip_260041	This is your diplomatic relations scroll.||From here you can quickly see which factions are neutral towards you and who your enemies and allies are.||You can also open up diplomatic talks from  here.||Move your cursor over the areas below to see more information.	True
Level_Tooltip_100014	Fencing skill||You can choose to fight the duel with pistols or a sword.||If you can, pick the duelling method where your skill is greater than your opponents.	True
button_lists_Unselected_rolloff_Tooltip_39002d	Lists.||Clicking on this will bring up the lists panel.||The lists panel details all your agents, armed forces, fleets and regions. From this panel you can get a snapshot of your faction.||To see more information click this button to bring up the lists panel.	True
string_NewState_Text_2f001c	Resume Battle	True
name_Tooltip_350048	Click to sort by name.	True
button_europe_Tooltip_5d007e	Europe||America, Europe and India are where you can develop cities, recruit armies and wage war.||This is where you build your empire.	True
heading_txt_0_Text_7b0025	New Screen Resolution	True
heading_txt_1_Text_28001b	Battle Deployment	True
heading_txt_1_Text_2f0079	End Deployment	True
heading_txt_1_Text_750030	Waiting ...	True
heading_txt_default_Text_700018	Invite friends	True
heading_txt_defeat_Text_740043	Defeat	True
heading_txt_heading_Text_2b0000	Keyboard shortcut conflict	True
heading_txt_heading_Text_b0020	Keyboard Shortcut Conflict	True
heading_txt_load_army_Text_170051	Load Army Setup	True
heading_txt_load_Text_61002a	Load Battle Setup	True
heading_txt_NewState_Text_210009	Load Game	True
heading_txt_NewState_Text_260074	Player Stats	True
heading_txt_NewState_Text_2a006a	Grand Campaign	True
heading_txt_NewState_Text_300065	Battle Tutorials	True
heading_txt_NewState_Text_41006b	Host Battle	True
button_kick_Tooltip_700057	Kick player from this game	True
label_txt_NewState_Text_5b0014	Distortion Effects	True
heading_txt_NewState_Text_420011	Battle Preparation	True
heading_txt_NewState_Text_430007	Multiplayer Campaign	True
heading_txt_NewState_Text_4e007d	Local Network	True
heading_txt_NewState_Text_4f0061	Play Battle	True
heading_txt_NewState_Text_530004	Warpath Campaign	True
heading_txt_NewState_Text_5c001c	Army Setup	True
heading_txt_NewState_Text_5e0049	Road to Independence	True
heading_txt_NewState_Text_62003c	Credits	True
heading_txt_NewState_Text_70058	Native American Nations	True
heading_txt_NewState_Text_770027	Options	True
heading_txt_NewState_Text_d0024	Total War Online	True
heading_txt_save_army_Text_180059	Save Army Setup	True
heading_txt_save_Text_6e0022	Save Battle Setup	True
heading_txt_Tooltip_170000	This screen provides you with the battle map options for your chosen type of battle.||You can select a map, view its description, and set the finer details of the battle environment here.	True
heading_txt_Tooltip_360027	Here are four different battle types and the saved battles option - choose from one of these and then adjust the settings to your taste!||Mouse over the five battle options to learn more details about them.	True
heading_txt_Tooltip_370038	This screen enables you to play a battle immediately without having to play through a campaign.||Here are four different battle types and the saved battle option - choose from one of these and then adjust the settings to your taste! ||Mouse over the five battle options to learn more details about them.	True
heading_txt_Tooltip_3d007f	On this screen you can select the type of campaign, your battle and campaign difficulty and see victory conditions vital to winning.||Move your cursor over the different areas below to see more information.	True
heading_txt_Tooltip_77001e	Pick friends from your friend list below by checking the box to the right of their name.||When you have invited all the friends you want click the tick button.	True
heading_txt_Tooltip_e0060	Select sides, invite friends and recruit units here.||Move your cursor over the different sections for more information.	True
heading_txt_txt_Text_170027	Host Campaign Game	True
heading_txt_txt_Text_320065	Enter Password	True
heading_txt_victory_Text_6f0023	Victory	True
healed_tx_NewState_Text_6d004c	Healed	True
hrading-condition_NewState_Text_2c0060	Victory Conditions	True
hrading-condition_Tooltip_400058	You will need to complete these to win the game.	True
hull_strength_NewState_Text_22001a	Hull Strength	True
hull_strength_NewState_Text_270073	Hulll Strength	True
hull_strength_Tooltip_42004e	The hull strength determines how much damage this unit will receive when hit.||You can strengthen a hull by researching seasoning in naval technology.	True
hull_strength_Tooltip_610068	The amount of hull strength determines how much damage this unit will receive when hit.||You can strengthen a hull by researching seasoning in naval technology.	True
human_Tooltip_3e0050	If this is checked only battles between human players will be played on the battle map.||Battles between human players and the AI will be autoresolved.	True
human_tx_NewState_Text_4e0055	Play human vs. human only	True
human_tx_Tooltip_3e0050	If this is checked only battles between human players will be played on the battle map.||Battles between human players and the AI will be autoresolved.	True
hyphen_NewState_Text_3a	:	True
icon_capture_point_Tooltip_4a0050	You can replay a saved battle time and time again to hone your strategy and tactics.	True
icon_classic_battle_Tooltip_1b0023	Land battles are fought on land where the only aim is to decimate your enemies!||Try to use each battle's terrain to the best of your advantage.||Gain the higher ground where you can, forcing the enemy to attack uphill, making them tired and vunerable.||If you have troops that can hide in forests, have them lay in wait for the unsuspecting enemy before springing an ambush!	True
icon_classic_battle_Tooltip_3b0023	Land battles are fought on land where the only aim is to decimate your enemies!||Try to use each battle's terrain to the best of your advantage.||Gain the higher ground where you can, forcing the enemy to attack uphill, making them tired and vunerable.||If you have troops that can hide in forests, have them lay in wait for the unsuspecting enemy before springing an ambush!	True
icon_historical_Tooltip_640054	These are battles with specific set ups and unique challenges.	True
icon_prize_NewState_Tooltip_300046	Prize ship	True
icon_rel_animist_Tooltip_46003f	Animist||You will have more public order with populations that follow your national religion.||You can use your missionaries to start converting a region by moving them into that area.	True
icon_rel_buddhist_Tooltip_6000b	Buddhist||You will have more public order with populations that follow your national religion.||You can use your missionaries to start converting a region by moving them into that area.	True
icon_rel_catholic_Tooltip_c0007	Catholic||You will have more public order with populations that follow your national religion.||You can use your missionaries to start converting a region by moving them into that area.	True
icon_rel_hindu_Tooltip_150059	Hindu||You will have more public order with populations that follow your national religion.||You can use your missionaries to start converting a region by moving them into that area	True
icon_rel_islamic_Tooltip_4d0021	Islamic||You will have more public order with populations that follow your national religion.||You can use your missionaries to start converting a region by moving them into that area.	True
icon_rel_nonconformist_Tooltip_25004c	Nonconformist||You will have more public order with populations that follow your national religion.||You can use your missionaries to start converting a region by moving them into that area.	True
icon_rel_orthodox_Tooltip_c000d	Orthodox||You will have more public order with populations that follow your national religion.||You can use your missionaries to start converting a region by moving them into that area.	True
icon_rel_protestant_Tooltip_6a0076	Protestant||You will have more public order with populations that follow your national religion.||You can use your missionaries to start converting a region by moving them into that area.	True
icon_rel_sikh_Tooltip_b000e	Sikh||You will have more public order with populations that follow your national religion.||You can use your missionaries to start converting a region by moving them into that area.	True
icon_scupper_NewState_Tooltip_760024	Scupper	True
icon_sea_battle_Tooltip_55001b	Wage war on the high seas, sinking your enemies into the briny depths.||The wind can be a friend or foe in these battles, try to sail in the same direction as the wind when you can to give your ships the advantage.||Sinking ships isn't the only way to remove them from the battle, try boarding an enemy ship and killing its crew!	True
icon_siege_Tooltip_20008	In these battles you will play as either the defender or the attacker.||Attackers will need to siege and capture a settlement to achieve victory, whereas defenders will have to hold the attacker off until the time limit expires.	True
icon_voicechat_off_Text_200058	Voice Chat disabled	True
icon_voicechat_on_Text_3c0031	Voice Chat enabled	True
imports_list_Tooltip_12001d	This panel details the supplies you receive through all your trade routes.||These depend on the resource slots and industrial buildings you have throughout your faction.||Move your cursor over the areas below for more information.	True
imports_Tooltip_12003d	This panel details the supplies you receive through all your trade routes.||These depend on the resource slots and industrial buildings you have throughout your faction.||Move your cursor over the areas below for more information.	True
income_Tooltip_1f0053	This shows the income from each region and whether it is increasing or not.||Underneath the regions income there is a percentage, this is the region income tax.||Each region's income has an effect on your faction's income and as such you will want this to increase as much as possible.||If the region's income is not increasing you may want to bring up the region's details panel to see how to help it grow.||Right-click on each region to jump to its location on the campaign map.||Left-click to bring up the details for the selected region.||You can order this column according to the richest and poorest regions by clicking on this column's title.	True
income_Tooltip_210022	This shows the income from each region and whether it is increasing or not.||Underneath the regions income there is a percentage, this is the region income tax.||Each region's income has an affect on your nation's income and as such you will want this to increase as much as possible.||If the region's income is not increasing you may want to bring up the region's details panel to see how to help it grow.||Left-click on each region to jump to its location on the campaign map.||Right-click to bring up the details for the selected region.||You can order this column according to the richest and poorest regions by clicking on this column's title.	True
income_tx_NewState_Text_640047	Income	True
IND_map_Tooltip_1c004a	This shows the regions you control in India.||The regions in green are yours.	True
IND_map_Tooltip_5c0072	This is the theatre for India.||The green areas show the regions that the selected faction already controls.||This is important to know when choosing which faction to play as, as it will effect how you develop your Empire.||Have a look at the other theatres - America and Europe - to see other regions the selected faction may own.	True
turns_corner_greyed_Tooltip_58	You cannot build this at this time.||You either have insufficient funds or need to research a technology before building.	True
label_txt_NewState_Text_6d0020	Quality	True
label_txt_NewState_Text_2f0064	Hardware Shadows	True
heading_txt_NewState_Text_4f0061	Play Battle	True
call_help_tx_Tooltip_660061	When this box is checked you will ask your allies to join you in war.||Note that this box is always automatically checked when you declare war.||Your allies may turn down your request, so make sure you're ready to fight alone if needs be.||||If a nation is the aggressor then an ally can turn down the request without breaking the alliance.||If the request is made by a defending nation then the ally must help or break the alliance with them.	True
tax_rate_tx_NewState_Text_45000a	Tax Rate	True
enemies_NewState_Text_5c003a	Enemies:	True
button_tick_Tooltip_720052	Accept	True
label_txt_NewState_Text_3e0074	Advice Level	True
call_help_tx_Tooltip_1a001d	When this box is checked you will ask your allies to join you in war.||Note that this box is always automatically checked when you declare war.||Your allies may turn down your request, so make sure you're ready to fight alone if needs be.||If a nation is the aggressor then an ally can turn down the request without breaking the alliance.||If the request is made by a defending nation then the ally must help or break the alliance with them.	True
army_replenish_Tooltip_7e0012	You do not need to replenish this army at this time.||None of this armies' units are depleted.||Each unit can only hold a maximum number of men. If you want more of that unit you will have to recruit a whole new unit.	True
route_pip_Sea_Tooltip_590057	These goods are being transported by sea.	True
assassinate_Tooltip_6d003e	You have a chance to use your assassination skills here.||Clicking on this button will bring up the assassination panel.||The opportunity to dispose of a potential threat or competition can be risky.||The assassination panel will provide you with the percentage chance of success.	True
dy_value_Tooltip_6f0058	The amount of ammunition this unit can carry into battle.||Once this has been used up the unit will be forced to switch to melee mode for any more fighting.||After the battle ammunition will be fully replenished.	True
tx_value_Tooltip_48006f	This column displays the income you receive from each of your exports to your different trade partners.	True
public_order_title_NewState_Text_20001b	Region Wealth	True
dy_miniflag_Tooltip_250050	This is the faction your target belongs to, and your faction's political standing with them.||An assassination attempt can be made on any character, whether you are at war, with them, neutral or allied to their faction.||However, if you are discovered it will effect your relationship. Tread carefully if you have something to lose!||Skilled assassins can get away with a stealthy kill and escape with their identity secret. When this happens, the victim's faction will place the blame at the feet of their most hated enemy, and you're faction will be overlooked.||This is a great way to escalate tension between two factions and play them off against each other.	True
leader_name_tx_Tooltip_30013	This is the leader of the nation you are negotiating with.||Their diplomatic skills may affect negotiations and the deals you are able to make.	True
popularity_arrow_Tooltip_a0001	Popularity state||This shows whether your popularity is on the rise or dropping!	True
dy_value_Tooltip_69005a	Firepower level for this unit.||This determines the amount of damage your guns will inflict on an enemy target.	True
tx_Military_tx_Military_Text_180027	Military	True
string_NewState_Text_10042	Sound	True
public_order_title_NewState_Tooltip_80052	This section shows the public order details for the different sections of your populace.||Keeping public order is essential to running a successful prosperous region.||This is influenced by both the population's happiness and the government's level of control over the region.||The highest and lowest classes have different levels of public order - if either class becomes unruly it can escalate into rebellion or even revolution.||Move your cursor over the icons below to see the positive and negative effects on the highest and lowest classes.	True
title_dy_NewState_Text_700029	Battles	True
faction_neutral_Tooltip_700025	Neutral	True
nav_UC_button_turn_left_Tooltip_690077	Rotate left||Hold down this button to choose how far to rotate left.||Your final position will be indicated with green markers.||Single-click to rotate left a little.	True
title_frame_Tooltip_67000b	Your currently selected unit.	True
tx_tradepartners_NewState_Text_350054	Trade Partners:	True
title_frame_Tooltip_2b0044	On this panel you can view a character's personal details, traits and entourage.||All of this is useful for judging a character and where best to use them.||Move your cursor over the different areas for more detail.	True
1_Tooltip_580034	Finest china||Present some of your finest china to show goodwill.	True
heading_Tooltip_740003	This man has thrown down the gauntlet.||He obviously believes you have wronged him somehow!||Below his portrait you will see his name and his abilities with a sword and pistol.	True
heading_finances_Tooltip_730005	This is your nation's projected income panel.||Your regular incomings and outgoings are detailed here.||The total income for the next turn is totalled at the bottom of this panel.||Move your cursor over the details below for more information.	True
button_close_Tooltip_76005e	Close this panel.	True
title_tx_NewState_Text_790036	End Trade Agreement	True
Trade bar_Tooltip_540008	The nations that you are trading with.||Your trade income comes from the resources you export to these nations via trade routes from your home region to their home region.||To find out more information on your trade, see your Trade tab. You can also make more trade relations on your diplomatic details panel.	True
"Income"_Tooltip_7c005a	Tax incomes from the lower and upper classes for this theatre.||As you move the tax sliders these numbers will reflect the changes.	True
gentleman_duel_Tooltip_600008	Duel||Duelling is the proper way to resolve disagreements and disputes.||Click this to open up the Duel panel and see more information.	True
selector arrow L_Tooltip_6b0074	Next region	True
selector arrow R_Tooltip_6b0074	Next region	True
traits_title_Tooltip_40007d	Every man in service is trained the same way, but that doesn't prevent them from having their own quirks and abilities.||Traits are earnt and created by the character's actions and experience over the game.||They can provide additional bonuses on the campaign and battle map and give a strategic use to specific characters.||Some may be economically minded and suited to running a city,whereas others have are more at home on the battlefield.||Not all traits are desirable, some traits are effectively penalties!||If this happens some damage control may be in order - move the character into a position where they can play to their strengths rather than fall prey to their weaknesses!||Move the cursor over the traits to see their effects.	True
checkbox_selected_roll_Tooltip_ffb50020	The tax rates in this theatre are currently being auto-managed for you, aiming for the best balance between healthy tax income, avoiding public unrest, and allowing your regionsメ economies to grow. Check this box to set tax rates yourself (manually)	True
handle_Tooltip_560074	Player 1	True
handle2_Tooltip_550074	Player 2	True
button_end_turn_Tooltip_100018	End Turn||After you have finished all your moves for this turn click here to advance the game.||Once you have ended turn, the other nations will do the same.||They will assess their options and make their moves.	True
DoubleLineScreened_Tooltip_57005b	Double line screened||This arranges your grouped units into two lines.||The first line will be made up of light infantry and light cavalry.||Any line infantry, line cavalry and artillery will make up the second line.||The first line will be used to look for hidden enemies ahead of the main group.||If you are ambushed then the first line will take most of the attack while your stronger units will be safe and ready to counter-attack.	True
button_flags_right_Tooltip_7e0070	Scroll through playable nations.||Each nation has its own individual characteristics and occupies different areas on the map.||As you scroll through the national flags the information below will change.||You can browse each nation and their details before deciding upon which one to use.	True
arrow L_Tooltip_62006b	Previous region	True
button_tx_technology_Tooltip_2a0076	Click here to open up the negotiation panel for technologies.||Technology is important for the development of your nation's buildings and armies, among other things.||You must research a technology before it can be offered or demanded.||Clicking this button will bring up another panel that has more details.	True
reloading_Tooltip_510060	This is the speed this unit can reload and the chance it has of misfires.||The higher this skill, the faster your reload speed will become and your guns will be less likely to misfire.||To reduce the chance of misfires you could research the percussion cap in military technology.||This will be raised by gaining experience in battle.	True
post_justice_Tooltip_f0013	Your minister for justice.||He affects your public order by adding bonuses to repression, garrisons effect and town watch costs.||The level of these bonuses are dependent on his management skill.||His will still carry his incompetence to his new post, but perhaps he will do less damage!||Right-click on his portrait to bring up his details panel.	True
tab_title_NewState_Text_4e001e	Battle Results	True
TX_Unit_Review_NewState_Text_5b0067	Unit Review	True
tab_title_NewState_Text_180049	Ships	True
your_allies_list_Tooltip_6f002a	These are the factions allied to you.||You can call on these in the event of a war, though they may turn you down.||It is possible for both sides to have allies in common.|| If this is the case, and war is declared the allies will have no choice but to pick sides.	True
tx_public-order_lowest_Tooltip_600017	This is the region with the lowest public order in this theatre.||If you click this button it will bring up the region's settlement details.||The region settlement panel has details on what is causing the low public order in the bottom section of the panel.||Many things can cause low public order, but lowering the tax can help.||If the tax seems low enough already you might want to try increasing repression by recruiting some more town watch in the area instead.||Clicking on this button again will dismiss the region settlement panel.	True
joined_tx_Tooltip_7f007a	This panel details which allies of both factions have joined in the war.||At the bottom of the panel it also shows which allies of yours have refused to join.	True
label_txt_NewState_Text_44	Radar	True
ancillaries_title_NewState_Text_140040	Entourage	True
missions_Tooltip_690068	This is your Missions details panel.||From time to time you will be assigned missions which will help develop your empire. All information on those missions will be stored here.||The panel is split between two tabs - your Active Missions and Missions Log. Click on these tabs to switch between the two.||Move your cursor over the different areas below for more information.	True
year_txt_Tooltip_420037	Your selected nation and the start year of the grand campaign.||To select another nation select one of the other flags above.	True
tx_nations_filter_tx_allies_Tooltip_6e0066	This filter shows only the prestige results for your allied nations.||Click on the arrows to the left and right to switch to a new filter.	True
heading_txt_defeat_Text_740043	Defeat	True
tab_title_NewState_Text_4a001e	User Interface	True
players_Tooltip_2a001d	This is the maximum number of players available for this map.||Each player will control a different army.||Some maps have more than two players.||As these battles are in single player mode, any other players will be controlled by the game.||To play against human adversaries select the multiplayer option from the front end.	True
label_txt_Tooltip_340032	Increasing the available funds means you can buy more units.||The other players will have the same funds as you, so you can't gain the advantage this way!	True
nav_UC_button_turn_right_Tooltip_760013	Rotate right||Hold down this button to choose how far to rotate right.||Your final position will be indicated with green markers.||Single-click to rotate right a little.	True
button_chat_new_message_Tooltip_4b005e	Send new chat message	True
tab_title_NewState_Text_2c007e	National Summary	True
"Region Economy"_Tooltip_6f003b	This displays all the factors that contribute to the generation of wealth in this region.||Industry and agriculture are important in advancing your Region Wealth. Build farms, ports and workshops to increase these aspects of your region.||Move your cursor over the pips to display more information.	True
cartouche_Tooltip_420037	Your selected nation and the start year of the grand campaign.||To select another nation select one of the other flags above.	True
label_tx_NewState_Tooltip_4f000a	Check this to turn on vertical synchronisation.||This will reduce the tearing effect that sometimes appears in graphics.||This may cause lowered frame rates.	True
tab_title_NewState_Text_1a004f	Units	True
button_chevaux_Tooltip_370031	Protect your troops from cavalry charges by deploying these fences in front of them.||Made up of sabres blades and spikes, these barbed barriers will cut any horses into ribbons if they are foolish enough to charge through them!||Using these can free up troops to be used elsewhere, as they can be used to protect otherwise unguarded areas!||You must put these in position during the deployment phase.	True
button_options_Tooltip_650040	As host, you set the gameplay conditions for the multiplayer campaign.||This opens up your Host Options panel with settings for the battles.	True
upper_class_reaction_icon_Angry_Tooltip_10005	Total upper class public order.||Your upper class are angry and are likely to cause trouble!||Try to placate the protesting populace by exempting the region from tax or increasing repression!	True
At War bar_Tooltip_7b0047	These nations may attack you at any time - guard your territory, armies, navies and trade routes with care!||To make peace with your enemies, or to see more information, see your diplomatic details panel.	True
label_txt_NewState_Text_50042	Cards	True
dy_title_NewState_Text_700068	Assassination Success!	True
IND_map_Tooltip_640051	Any green areas on this map show the regions that the selected nation already controls.||This is important to know when choosing which nation to play as, as it will affect how you develop your empire.||Have a look at the other theatres - America and Europe - to see other regions the selected nation may own.	True
indefinite_tx_NewState_Text_6e0051	Indefinite	True
india_Tooltip_2b0075	India.||America, Europe and India are where you can develop cities, recruit armies and wage war.||This is where you build your Empire.	True
india_Tooltip_37004f	India||America, Europe and India are theatres where you can develop cities, recruit armies and wage war.||This is where you build your empire.	True
inf_title_tx_NewState_Text_20033	Infantry	True
input_name_label_NewState_Text_80013	Filename:	True
issuer_NewState_Text_3a0006	Issued by:	True
issuer_Tooltip_7c0075	This is who issued you the mission.	True