radar arrow R_Tooltip_180072 Previous theatre True radar arrow L_Tooltip_180072 Previous theatre True bg_title_frame_Tooltip_320073 This is the Diplomacy scroll.||This is where you create and break pacts with other factions, turning allies into enemies and foes into friends.||Move your cursor over the different sections below for more information. True positive_bar_Tooltip_26002d These are the factors having a positive effect on happiness.||Build government buildings such as a parliament and keep the town well garrisoned to provide a strong guiding hand to help protect the rabble from themselves.||Your lowest classes can't work on an empty stomach - develop your agriculture to provide food and work and improve public order. True StatusIcon_Moving Fast_Tooltip_740060 Moving fast True timer_face_Tooltip_77007f Timer||This shows how much time you have to win the battle. True option1_text_NewState_Text_5a0056 Side with Government True issuer_NewState_Text_3a0006 Issued by: True trade_Tooltip_43001e This is your trade tab.||From here you can examine your imports and exports and the nations you have trade agreements with.||Mouse over the different areas to see more information. True tx_Ordnance_NewState_Text_320059 Metal industry True protectorates_NewState_Text_34005b Protectorates: True title_Tooltip_5e0058 The military tree concentrates on developing guns, drills, tactics and formations.||As each new technology is gained it will lead you onto the next step up the chain.||Sometimes, technologies are unattainable until other technologies have been gained.||Use this technology tree to plan the path to the technology you want. True tab_title_Tooltip_240006 Some units will already have abilities when they are recruited.||The majority of abilities will be gained by researching different technologies.||Move the cursor over the different abilities to see what bonus effects they will have. True tab_title_NewState_Text_16005f Governors True tx_upkeep_army_Tooltip_3a0065 Amount of money per turn to support your armies.||Disband units to reduce this figure.||Armies are made up of units.||Each unit has an upkeep cost in its unit details panel.||Units that are not doing anything are simply wasting money.||Disband them or move them where they are needed. True tab_title_NewState_Text_2c0060 Victory Conditions True coins_Tooltip_b004f Cost of upkeep for this unit.||You will have to pay this amount of money every turn that you have this unit.||If you are not using this unit it may be cheaper to disband it and recruit it again later rather than keep paying for its upkeep. True pip_government_building_Tooltip_41004a This a bonus added by constructing government buildings such as a parliament chamber. True trade_partners_Tooltip_68001b Trade partners are nations with trade routes between them. True heading_tx_NewState_Text_69004c Statistics True effect3_Tooltip_29003a Town Watch costs True slider_Tooltip_79004e Higher class tax slider||Move to the left to decrease and to the right to increase the tax level for the higher classes.||As you move these sliders the tax effects, income and map will update to reflect your changes. True tx_commodities_Tooltip_41006a These depend on the resource slots and industrial buildings you have throughout your regions.||By taking regions with a lot of resource slots and developing industry there, you will improve the commodities you export. True ships_sunk_tx_NewState_Text_260054 Ships sunk True tab_title_NewState_Text_68002a Details True experience_old_8_Tooltip_4c0030 Pre-battle experience: 8 True effect3_Tooltip_7f0061 Economic growth True fleets_Tooltip_65004b This is your fleets tab.||This tab will show all your naval forces, your admirals, all fleets movement points and their status.||Right-clicking on each fleet will bring up the details for the fleet's captain or admiral.||Left-clicking on each fleet will jump to its location on the campaign map. True "Urban Growth:"_NewState_Text_5e003f Urban Growth: True city_management_tx_NewState_Text_45000c Automatic city management True city_management_tx_NewState_Text_65002c Automatic City Management True hrading-condition_NewState_Text_2c0060 Victory Conditions True tx_turns_NewState_Text_1b0075 turns True experience_old_9_Tooltip_4d0030 Pre-battle experience: 9 True heading_tx_NewState_Text_7d0055 Speech True experience_old_0_Tooltip_6e0010 Pre-battle Experience True steal_research_Tooltip_5a0041 Fate has provided you with the chance to steal research - time to use those light fingers of yours!||Clicking on this button will bring up your Research and Technology panel where you can browse potential swag.||Keep in mind that knowledge may come at a price - stealing another nation's work may end with your rake being caught and your nation's dirty dealing exposed! True rogue_assassinate_Tooltip_18002f Assassinate||The opportunity to dispose of a potential threat or competition can be risky.||Click here to open up the Assassination panel which will provide you with the percentage chance of success. True button_flags_right_Tooltip_210039 Scroll through playable nations True button_infantry_heavy_Tooltip_7e002b Infantry heavy army True dy_date_Tooltip_5a0070 The year of your campaign at the time of saving. True accuracy_Tooltip_69003e Accuracy level for this unit.||This is how likely it is fired shots will hit the enemy.||Gaining experience in battle will improve this value. True "Wealth"_NewState_Text_610042 Wealth True Trade bar_Tooltip_3d0078 These are the nations that you are trading with.||Your trade income comes from the resources you export to these nations via trade routes from your home region to their home region.||To find out more information on your trade, see your Trade tab. You can also make more trade relations on your diplomatic details panel. True tx_enables_NewState_Text_6007e Enables research of: True handle_Tooltip_79004e Higher class tax slider||Move to the left to decrease and to the right to increase the tax level for the higher classes.||As you move these sliders the tax effects, income and map will update to reflect your changes. True fill_clip_Tooltip_5f0024 Damage||This building needs repair.||Click the repair button to the right to start repairing.||None of the building's effects will work until it is repaired. True effects_icons1_economic_growth_Tooltip_7f0061 Economic growth True effects_icons1_navy_research_Tooltip_3a0057 Naval research True effects_icons1_policing_costs_Tooltip_6b000a Policing costs True effects_icons1_prestige_Tooltip_d0026 Prestige True effects_icons1_repression_Tooltip_63005b Repression True effects_icons1_tax_efficiency_Tooltip_30004a Tax efficiency True effects_icons1_trade_efficiency_Tooltip_470036 Trade efficiency True effects_icons2_army_research_Tooltip_80016 Army research True effects_icons2_diplomacy_Tooltip_b0043 Diplomacy True effects_icons2_economic_growth_Tooltip_7f0061 Economic growth True effects_icons2_garrison_effect_Tooltip_6e0064 Garrison effect True effects_icons2_land_recruit_cost_Tooltip_69004a Army recruitment costs True effects_icons2_land_upkeep_cost_Tooltip_4b000a Army upkeep costs True effects_icons2_naval_recruit_cost_Tooltip_660045 Naval recruitment cost True effects_icons2_naval_upkeep_cost_Tooltip_260014 Naval upkeep costs True effects_icons2_navy_research_Tooltip_3a0057 Naval research True effects_icons2_policing_costs_Tooltip_6b000a Policing costs True effects_icons2_prestige_Tooltip_d0026 Prestige True effects_icons2_repression_Tooltip_63005b Repression True effects_icons2_tax_efficiency_Tooltip_30004a Tax efficiency True effects_icons2_Tooltip_f002e Minister's effectiveness True effects_icons2_trade_efficiency_Tooltip_470036 Trade efficiency True effects_icons3_army_research_Tooltip_80016 Army research True effects_icons3_diplomacy_Tooltip_b0043 Diplomacy True effects_icons3_economic_growth_Tooltip_7f0061 Economic growth True location_Tooltip_3a0028 This is the character's current location.||Click on the magnifying glass icon to the right to zoom to their position on the map. True heading_exports_Tooltip_7b0061 Exports contribute to your trade income and are delivered along the trade routes you have established with other nations.||Trade routes are established by negotiating trade agreements with other nations on the Diplomacy panel.||Mouse over the different areas to see more information. True button_chat_mode_Tooltip_45006a Toggle chat mode True arrow_R_Tooltip_8004f Previous build policy True mp_Tooltip_500020 These are the movement points for each of your armies.||Each army can only travel so far each turn and this column will show you which armies can still be moved.||The coloured bar will become emptier as more points are used.||All armies movements points will be fully replenished next turn.||Movement points are reset each turn, you can not accumulate them.||If an army still has movement points, have a look to see if there is anywhere you want to move them to before ending turn.||Left-click to jump to their location on the main map.||Right-click to bring up the details for the general or colonel in charge of this army.||You can order your armies by movement points by clicking on this column's title. True TX_Theatre_DY_Tooltip_180071 This is the currently selected theatre.||The world map is divided into three theatres: Europe, America and India.||You can view the other theatres by clicking on the arrows to the left and right. True text_box_normal_Text_60050 Victory is yours! You can choose either to end the battle now or continue playing to run down the routed enemy ! True bar_Tooltip_290074 Charge bonus for this unit.||This increases a unit's melee attack when charging in.||Rather than putting its best foot forward, a unit would fare better with a nice pointy bayonet. Researching a new model bayonet in the military technology will improve this bonus. True level_Tooltip_280036 A gold star here shows the character is a general or admiral, whereas a silver star will mean they are either a colonel or commodore.||The smaller stars to the right denote their command skill.||If they are highly skilled you may want to move them somewhere where their experience can be better used.||Of course, the opposite could prove true, and you may want to place someone else in command! True effects_icons3_garrison_effect_Tooltip_6e0064 Garrison effect True effects_icons3_land_recruit_cost_Tooltip_69004a Army recruitment costs True effects_icons3_land_upkeep_cost_Tooltip_4b000a Army upkeep costs True effects_icons3_ministers_effectiveness_Tooltip_f002e Minister's effectiveness True effects_icons3_naval_recruit_cost_Tooltip_660045 Naval recruitment cost True effects_icons3_naval_upkeep_cost_Tooltip_550014 Naval upkeep cost True effects_icons3_navy_research_Tooltip_3a0057 Naval research True effects_icons3_policing_costs_Tooltip_6b000a Policing costs True effects_icons3_prestige_Tooltip_d0026 Prestige True effects_icons3_repression_Tooltip_63005b Repression True effects_icons3_tax_efficiency_Tooltip_30004a Tax efficiency True effects_icons3_trade_efficiency_Tooltip_470036 Trade efficiency True effects_title_Building_Text_770033 Effects True effects_title_Building_Tooltip_160047 Each building will have different effects once built. For example, they can affect units, wealth, repression or public happiness.||By viewing these effects you can choose buildings that will provide the biggest boosts to the areas you want.||If the building is damaged it will cease to provide the effects until repaired.||Move your cursors over the effects icons for more details. True effects_title_Building_Tooltip_c002e Each building will have different effects once built. For example, they can affect units, wealth, repression or public happiness.||By viewing these effects you can choose buildings that will provide the biggest boosts to the areas you want.||If the building is damaged it will cease to provide the effects until repaired.||Move your cursor over the effects icons for more details. True effects_title_Technology_Text_770033 Effects True effects_title_Technology_Tooltip_6e0022 These are the effects this technology will have if you True spectate_icon_Tooltip_700022 Spectators allowed True tab_industry_selected_Tooltip_20 1 True tx_Enlightenment_tx_Enlightenment_Text_90045 Enlightenment True Turns_Tooltip_570003 Number of turns played in campaign so far.||Keep an eye on this to make sure you reach your objectives within the given time True visit_Tooltip_510010 Click this button to visit this settlement.||A gentleman is a man of the world, visiting different cultures and people and gaining experience from them.||Having a gentleman visiting another faction allows you to see details about that faction. True dy_treasury_Tooltip_190050 Your current available funds. Next turn, your income (detailed below) will be added to this. True age_Tooltip_120073 This is the character's age.||It may be worth keeping an eye on this - no one lives forever, and some may be closer to the grave than others! True bar_Tooltip_320065 Morale for this unit.||A unit with high morale is less likely to rout in the face of trouble.||If your artillery routs, they will leave the artillery unmanned and unusable!||Gaining experience on the battlefield will improve morale for this unit. True tx_treasury_Tooltip_190050 Your current available funds. Next turn, your income (detailed below) will be added to this. True bar_Tooltip_750022 This determines the amount of damage your guns will inflict on an enemy target. True TX_Theatre_DY_Tooltip_370057 This is the theatre currently on view. True active_tab_unselected_Text_560065 Active Missions True tx_income_annual_Tooltip_30005d This will be added to your treasury next turn.||This is calculated from your incomings and outgoings as detailed above. True icon_rel_buddhist_Tooltip_6000b Buddhist||You will have more public order with populations that follow your national religion.||You can use your missionaries to start converting a region by moving them into that area. True bar_Tooltip_710023 This determines the chance of your unit getting hit while in melee.||Unfortunately this is only for melee mode and will provide no protection from a bullet! True election_turns_Tooltip_280024 Next election||If you want to keep your current cabinet and your popularity is low, you only have this long to turn public opinion around!||You could try dropping tax to a low rate for a quick fix, but it may be too late. True election_turns_Tooltip_2e0071 This is the amount of times unitl your next election.||If you want to keep your current cabinet and your popularity is low, you only have this long to turn public opinion around!||You could try dropping tax to a low rate for a quick fix, but it may be too late. True embed_Tooltip_2a004d Your rakes have the ability to infiltrate and spy on armies and settlements.||Through their watchful eyes you can learn details about other nations that may otherwise be hidden from you.||To see these details, simply left-click on the army or settlement your rake has infiltrated.||Discovery is always a risk, and even if your rake evades death or capture, your nation will be looked upon with suspicion.||If your chance of success is low you may want to think twice before an infiltration attempt. True embed_Tooltip_5e0052 This is your infiltrate button.||Your rakes have the ability to inflitrate and spy on armies and settlements.||Through their watchful eyes you can learn details about other factions that may otherwise be hidden from you.||To see these details, simply left-click on the army or settlement you rake has infiltrated - just like if you wanted to see details on your own armies or settlements.||Discovery is always a risk, and even if your rake evades death or capture, your faction will be looked upon with suspicion. True emblem_enl_Tooltip_10060 This is the philosophy technology.||Philosophy technology includes political thought and economic ideas.||These can improve your wealth and cut some recruitment and building costs. True emblem_enl_Tooltip_1a003a Philosophy||This technology includes political thought and economic ideas.||This can improve your wealth and cut some recruitment and building costs.||As each new technology is gained it will lead you onto the next step up the chain.||Sometimes, technologies are unattainable until other technologies have been gained.||Use this technology tree to plan the path to the technology you want. True emblem_ind_Tooltip_78000c This is the industrial technology tab.||This technology tree is divided into three branches - agriculture, metal and textile industry.||This technology will help increase wealth and population growth.||Move your cursor over the different icons to see more information about them. True emblem_mil_Tooltip_42002b This is the military technologies tab.||Military technology helps to manufacture and improve weapons, and devise new battle tactics and formations.||If you wish to improve your armies and navies you will want to steal something from here.||This tab is split between three different trees; military, ordnance and naval technology.||Move your cursor over the different icons to see more information about them. True end_alliance_Tooltip_3c0050 If you cancel an alliance you will lose all the advantages associated with allied nations.||You may wish to do this if your ally has an enemy you want to impress. True end_alliance_Tooltip_77002e This is your cancel alliance panel.||If you cancel an alliance with this faction you will lose all the advantages associated with allied factions.||You may wish to do this if there is an enemy of this faction you want to impress. True end_trade_Tooltip_3b0061 Cancelling a trade partnership will close all trade routes between the two nations.||You will lose any trade income from this nation if you cancel this.||It will also cut them off from your trade exports, this may deprive them of valuable resources. True end_trade_Tooltip_73006a This is your cancel trade panel. It will end any trade agreements with this faction.||This will close all trade routes between the two factions.||You will lose any trade income from this faction if you cancel this.||It will also cut them off from your trade exports, and this may deprive them of valauable resources. True end_trade_tx_NewState_Text_7f000d Do you want to end your trade agreement with this country? True enemies_NewState_Text_5c003a Enemies: True enemies_Tooltip_1002b These are this faction's enemies.||A shared enemy is a sign that you are both on the same page and may prove useful in gaining this faction's trust.||On the other hand, if you are allied with one of their enemies you may be viewed with suspicion. True enemies_Tooltip_1e0023 Making enemies can be unavoidable, but try to choose your enemies as carefully as your friends.||If your share enemies with the nation you are negotiating with, they may see a common ground between you and be more open to your offers. True enemies_Tooltip_56003e These are your faction's enemies.||Making enemies can be unavoidable, but try to choose your enemies as carefully as your friends.||If your enemies are the same as the faction you are negotiating with,they may see a common ground between you and be more open to your offers. True enemies_Tooltip_710051 A shared enemy is a sign that you are both on the same page and may prove useful in gaining this nation's trust.||On the other hand, if you are allied with one of their enemies you may be viewed with suspicion. True enemy_combatants_header_Tooltip_3f0062 Compare your enemies'details to your own to judge your chances of victory and to be fully prepared for the fight ahead. True entities_title_Gentlemen_Text_110046 Gentlemen True entities_title_Gentlemen_Tooltip_6f0043 Your agent assigned to the task.||Right-click on his portrait to open up his details panel. True bar_Tooltip_520001 Reloading level for this unit.||This is the speed this unit can reload and the chance it has of misfires.||The higher this skill, the faster the reloading speed and less likely the chance of misfires.||To reduce the chance of misfires you could research the percussion cap in military technology.||You can also immprove this by gaining experience in battle.|| True Blank_US_Tooltip_67002a This shows the regions you control in America.||The regions in green are yours. True turns_NewState_Text_2a004a Turns until surrender: True Flags_Tooltip_240042 Your nation and its leader at the time of saving. True marble_bar_Tooltip_660016 Recruitment queue||When you have selected a unit to recruit they are displayed in the queue here.||You can queue as many units as your money can manage, but only one of each type of unit can be recruited at the same time.||Once a unit has been recruited they will disappear from the queue and be added to the region's capital.||If the unit has been recruited by a general, they will travel to the general's position. True button_threat_of_force_Tooltip_17003e Click this button to threaten and intimidate the other faction.||Some factions may need a little extra persuasion to accept your generous offers.||Use this to impress upon them the dangers of turning you down, but be aware this may sour relations with them.||Bigger is better. The more powerful you are, the more weight your threats will carry. True dy_value_Tooltip_66004b Range level for this unit.||You can improve the range of your guns by researching rifled cannons. This can be done in the naval technology panel. True Major_nations_bar_Tooltip_b0033 Major, or playable, nations.||Click on a flag to select it.||The map view will change to display the selected nation. True pay_once_down_Tooltip_20 1 True tab_missions_Tooltip_1f001d From time to time you will be assigned missions which will help develop your empire.||All information on those missions will be stored here. True label_txt_NewState_Text_44001a HDR True label_txt_NewState_Text_37006b V-Sync True nav_button_group_Tooltip_7e0051 Toggle Ship Grouping True tx_prestige_NewState_Text_d0026 Prestige True date_Tooltip_260048 Click to sort by date. True navy_repair_Tooltip_240057 Repair selected ships||Ships can become damaged in battle and this will repair broken masts, holes in the hull and replenish its crew!||To repair a ship you must be in a port.||A damaged ship can still be used in battle but its effectiveness will be greatly reduced. True dy_value_Tooltip_6f0044 Cost of recruitment for this unit. True button_kick_Tooltip_580067 Kick this player True button_kick_Tooltip_580067 Kick this player True pause_Tooltip_730056 Pause||Select this button to pause the game.||You can use the pause button to study the battle and plan your strategy.||While the game is paused you can still move the camera around and give orders.||Once the game is unpaused it the orders you have given will be carried out. True button_tx_peace_Tooltip_6e0054 You are currently at war with this nation.||If this nation has strong trade resources it may be advantageous to make peace and become a trade partner rather than an enemy. True arrow_L_Tooltip_5b0049 Shuffle unit||Move the selected unit towards the front of the reinforcement queue.||Units at the front of the reinforcement queue will be the first brought into battle.||There is a maximum of twenty units allowed in battle at one time, so you may want to have the strongest units at the front of the queue. True tx_aggressor_NewState_Text_330042 Aggressor: True title_NewState_Text_520058 Test of Time True entities_title_Universities_Text_4a0068 Educational Buildings True entities_title_Universities_Tooltip_5e0047 You can research one item at a time for every educational building you have.||Your educational buildings are shown below.||If any of your gentlemen are researching in one of the buildings there will be a gentlemen icon next to it.||Gentlemen will speed up any research undertaken there.||Once an item has been researched you can start another. True entity_lists_Tooltip_ffca001a This is your lists panel.||All your faction's armed forces, agents and regions are listed here for quick access.||When you have selected your target you can double left-click to zoom to their position on the campaign map.||This panel is divided into three sections ヨ your armies, fleets, regions and agents. True EU_map_Tooltip_18005e Any green areas on this map show the regions that the selected nation already controls.||This is important to know when choosing which nation to play as, as it will affect how you develop your empire.||Have a look at the other theatres - America and India - to see other regions the selected nation may own. True EU_map_Tooltip_1e003b This shows the regions you control in Europe.||The regions in green are yours. True EU_map_Tooltip_40006e This is the theatre for Europe.||The green areas show the regions that the selected faction already controls.||This is important to know when choosing which faction to play as, as it will effect how you develop your Empire.||Have a look at the other theatres - America and India - to see other regions the selected faction may own. True europe_Tooltip_460045 Europe.||America, Europe and India are where you can develop cities, recruit armies and wage war.||This is where you build your Empire True europe_Tooltip_5c0077 Europe||America, Europe and India are theatres where you can develop cities, recruit armies and wage war.||This is where you build your empire. True Exempt region.._NewState_Text_28005a Exempt region from tax True Exempt region.._Tooltip_66006f Exempting a region from tax will be a massive boost to your population's happiness.||This is an effective way of dealing with an unruly region, and could stop any riots that have started or may be brewing.||Freeing this region from the burden of taxes will also help population growth within the region. True Experience_1_Tooltip_7f0041 Experience True Experience_2_Tooltip_7f0041 Experience True Experience_3_Tooltip_7f0041 Experience True Experience_4_Tooltip_7f0041 Experience True Experience_5_Tooltip_7f0041 Experience True Experience_6_Tooltip_7f0041 Experience True Experience_7_Tooltip_7f0041 Experience True Experience_8_Tooltip_7f0041 Experience True Experience_9_Tooltip_7f0041 Experience True experience_new_0_Tooltip_6a0049 Post-battle experience||This is the experience this unit has gained in battle. True experience_new_0_Tooltip_6a0069 Post-battle experience||This is the experience this unit has gained in battle. True experience_new_1_Tooltip_480040 Post-battle experience: 1||This is the experience this unit has gained in battle. True experience_new_1_Tooltip_680040 Post-battle experience: 1||This is the experience this unit has gained in battle. True experience_new_2_Tooltip_480043 Post-battle experience: 2||This is the experience this unit has gained in battle. True experience_new_2_Tooltip_680043 Post-battle experience: 2||This is the experience this unit has gained in battle. True experience_new_3_Tooltip_480042 Post-battle experience: 3||This is the experience this unit has gained in battle. True experience_new_3_Tooltip_680042 Post-battle experience: 3||This is the experience this unit has gained in battle. True experience_new_4_Tooltip_480045 Post-battle experience: 4||This is the experience this unit has gained in battle. True experience_new_4_Tooltip_680045 Post-battle experience: 4||This is the experience this unit has gained in battle. True experience_new_5_Tooltip_480044 Post-battle experience: 5||This is the experience this unit has gained in battle. True experience_new_5_Tooltip_680044 Post-battle experience: 5||This is the experience this unit has gained in battle. True experience_new_6_Tooltip_480047 Post-battle experience: 6||This is the experience this unit has gained in battle. True experience_new_6_Tooltip_680047 Post-battle experience: 6||This is the experience this unit has gained in battle. True experience_new_7_Tooltip_480046 Post-battle experience: 7||This is the experience this unit has gained in battle. True experience_new_7_Tooltip_680046 Post-battle experience: 7||This is the experience this unit has gained in battle. True experience_new_8_Tooltip_480049 Post-battle experience: 8||This is the experience this unit has gained in battle. True experience_new_8_Tooltip_680049 Post-battle experience: 8||This is the experience this unit has gained in battle. True experience_new_9_Tooltip_480048 Post-battle experience: 9||This is the experience this unit has gained in battle. True