dy_title_NewState_Text_2c0046 Sabotage Success! True speed_slider_button_Tooltip_280061 Play||This will unpause the game or return it to normal speed. True tab_title_NewState_Text_4f0067 Battle List True tab_title_NewState_Text_70005a Battle True tab_title_NewState_Text_7a0050 Agents True button_pay_ransom_unselected_roll_Tooltip_54000c Click to agree to pay demanded ransom True agents_selected_Tooltip_36006f This tab displays all your agents, their movement points and their location.||Your agents include your gentlemen, rakes and missionaries.||As your empire expands it can be tough keeping a track on all your agents, particularly if they are undercover in an enemies region.||Use this to pinpoint their location quickly and make the most of your agents! True ok_stategift_Tooltip_720052 Present state gift True experience_new_0_Tooltip_6a0049 Post-battle experience||This is the experience this unit has gained in battle. True nav_UC_button_turn_right_Tooltip_1c0000 Rotate right||Hold down to choose how far to rotate right.||Your final position will be indicated with a marker.||Single-click to rotate right a little. True label_tx_NewState_Tooltip_3f0004 High dynamic range effect||Check this to turn on light bloom effects.||Bloom recreates the effect of strong light sources bleeding around objects.||If your game is running slow you may want to uncheck this. True tx_EconomicsIndustry_Tooltip_100048 Your economics and industry prestige is based on your industry and research and the level of development within your regions and cities and your wealth. True demands_title_faction_left_Text_29006c Your Demands True Map frame_Tooltip_120015 This is your travel destinations map.||The three large rectangled True nav_button_fire_at_will_Tooltip_48007b Fire at will True tx_enemy_forces_Tooltip_4f0032 Compare your enemies' details to your own to judge your chances of victory and to be fully prepared for the fight ahead. True dy_title_NewState_Text_4e0026 Unit Routs! True character_Tooltip_49000f Gentleman researchers||If there is a gentlemen in a university, all research undertaken there will be greatly sped up. True copy of copy of heading_tx_NewState_Text_3b0074 Battle Interface True effects_icons3_trade_efficiency_Tooltip_470036 Trade efficiency True heading_tx_NewState_Text_3b0074 Battle Interface True tx_income_Tooltip_c0063 his is the income you gain from taxing the wealth of all your regions.||This number is based on your current tax settings. If you change the tax levels before the next turn this will change accordingly.||To change tax levels, and to see more information on your taxes, see the tax tab of this panel.||To see each region's individual tax details, view the region capital's settlement details panel. True dy_state-religion_Tooltip_66000e This is your state's religion.||State religion is determined by the state (or faction) leader.||Individual regions have their own religion and their happiness may be affected if it differs from the states.||Factions with the same religion will find common ground together and are more likely to get on. This is an important factor when engaging in diplomacy. True tx_state-religion_Tooltip_66000e This is your state's religion.||State religion is determined by the state (or faction) leader.||Individual regions have their own religion and their happiness may be affected if it differs from the states.||Factions with the same religion will find common ground together and are more likely to get on. This is an important factor when engaging in diplomacy. True heading_tx_NewState_Text_25006b Advanced Options True effects_icons2_trade_efficiency_Tooltip_470036 Trade efficiency True tab_title_NewState_Text_69004c Statistics True heading_tx_NewState_Text_6d0020 Quality True effects_icons1_trade_efficiency_Tooltip_470036 Trade efficiency True TX_Enemy Killed_land_Text_42001b Enemy Killed True heading_tx_NewState_Text_74003a Territories True SingleLineCavalryRightFlank_Tooltip_500034 Single line cavalry right flank||All cavalry will be placed on the right flank of your selected units.||This can be used in attack or defence.||Use this formation to strengthen your right flank and use that flank to lead an attack.||If being attacked on the right flank use this formation to concentrate your cavalry there for defence. True effect1_Tooltip_30004a Tax efficiency True heading_tx_NewState_Text_2c0060 Victory Conditions True head_tx_Tooltip_12007b This column shows how many ships you have in each fleet.||Left-click to jump to their location on the main map.||Right-click to bring up the details for the admiral or captain in charge of this fleet.||You can order your fleets by number of ships by clicking on this column's title. True charge_bonus_Tooltip_20066 This increases a unit's melee attack when charging in.||Researching a new model bayonet will improve this bonus. True issuer_tx_NewState_Text_3a0006 Issued by: True once_tx_Tooltip_6c0079 Offering money in this way is more likely to be accepted than smaller regular payments, as these could be easily revoked.||If you demand a one off sum you will want it to be a substantial amount of money.||However, if it is too large it may be beyond the other nation's means. True nav_UC_button_turn_left_Tooltip_68000f Rotate left||Hold down to choose how far to rotate left.||Your final position will be indicated with a marker.||Single-click to rotate left a little. True season_year_Tooltip_70076 Current year of campaign True status_ready_Tooltip_7e000b Ready to play! True dy_tax-income_NewState_Tooltip_3f0066 This is the income you gain from taxing the wealth of all your regions. True button_america_Tooltip_50043 The Americas.||America, Europe and India are True button_end_turn_Tooltip_5c0025 End turn <Enter>|| After you have finished all your moves for this turn click here to advance the game. || Once you have ended turn it will be the turn of all the other factions. They will assess their options and make their moves. || During this time you can watch all the other factions make their moves. || As the end turn progresses you may receive diplomatic offers and even have to ward off attacks! True demand_regions_tx_Tooltip_26007d These are the regions they own and you can ask for.||Click the box next to the name of the region to check it.||When you return to the offers and demands panel the selected regions will be placed on the table. True button_withdraw_Tooltip_40003d Toggle withdraw||Use this to withdraw selected units temporarily from an encounter, or retreat from a battle to fight another day.||When using this your troops are simply withdrawing rather than routing, so toggling the button on will stop the withdraw order.||You can also stop the withdraw order by giving them new orders. True map_label_NewState_Text_7004c India True button_tx_NewState_Text_2e0001 Save Game True gentleman_duel_Tooltip_2a0039 Duelling is the proper way to resolve disagreements and disputes. Click this to bring up the Duel panel.||Bringing up the Duel panel will give you more about duelling and its use. True top_Tooltip_59 Move this slider to scroll up and down the panel. True fac arrow R_Tooltip_f002f Scroll through the minor nation buttons. True spices_NewState_Tooltip_60005f Spices True button_cancel_Tooltip_1f006a Cancel overwrite True button_cancel_Tooltip_6e0048 Cancel True button_kick_Tooltip_580067 Kick this player True "Effects"_NewState_Text_770033 Effects True "Effects"_Tooltip_360064 The icons below show the effects your current tax level settings are having on the two classes.||You will notice that the two classes are affected differently by tax levels.||High taxes for the lowest class reduce population growth as they make up the majority of the populace.||The upper classes are responsible for much of the wealth of a region, so taxing them at high rates will reduce town wealth and town wealth growth||Rich or poor, all are alike in one aspect - a shared dislike of taxes.||The higher tax levels are set, the unhappier both classes will be.||If you move the tax level sliders you will notice that these effects will change accordingly.||Move your cursor over the icons below to see the specific values of each effect. True "Effects"_Tooltip_480069 The icons below show the effects your current tax level settings are having on the two classes. True "Income"_NewState_Text_640047 Income True "Income"_Tooltip_5c005a Tax incomes from the Lower and Upper classes for this theatre.||As you move the tax sliders these numbers will reflect the changes. True "Income"_Tooltip_7c005a Tax incomes from the lower and upper classes for this theatre.||As you move the tax sliders these numbers will reflect the changes. True "Population Growth"_NewState_Text_20001a Population Growth True "Population Growth"_Tooltip_750071 The pips below show the positive and negative influences that effect the growth of your population.||If the positive influences outweigh the negative ones, then your population will increase.||Mouse over individual influence icons to find out more about them. True "Population"_NewState_Text_7c0057 Population True "Population"_Tooltip_220013 This section provides details on the population of this region.||You should aim to increase the population in a region as much as possible.||It is also beneficial to encourage your population to be the same religion as your faction.||Move your cursor over the different areas below for more details. True "Public Order"_NewState_Text_23006c Public Order True "Public Order"_Tooltip_1d006c This section shows the public order details for the different sections of your populace.||Keeping public order is essential to running a successful prosperous region, and this is influenced by both the population's happiness and the government's level of control over the region.||The highest and lowest classes have different levels of public order - if either class becomes unruly it can escalate into rebellion or even revolution.||Move your cursor over the pips below to see the positive and negative effects on the higher and lower classes. True "Region Economy"_NewState_Text_20001b Region Wealth True "Region Economy"_Tooltip_6f003b This displays all the factors that contribute to the generation of wealth in this region.||Industry and agriculture are important in advancing your Region Wealth. Build farms, ports and workshops to increase these aspects of your region.||Move your cursor over the pips to display more information. True "Town Wealth Growth"_NewState_Text_e003e Town Wealth Growth True "Town Wealth Growth"_Tooltip_190029 This displays the factors affecting the rate at which your Region Wealth will grow per turn.||Move your cursor over the pips below to see what is helping and hindering growth. True "Urban Growth:"_NewState_Text_5e003f Urban Growth: True "Urban Growth:"_Tooltip_190053 This is your Urban Growth.||This shows the progress towards the region generating a new town slot. This progress is dependent on your Population Growth.||A full bar represents a population increase of 20%.||When this bar is full, a new town slot will appear in your region. You can use slots to build ports, schools and factories. True "Wealth"_NewState_Text_610042 Wealth True "Wealth"_Tooltip_500013 In this section you can monitor the factors influencing your wealth for this region.||The wealth for this region, along with the wealth from your other regions, will contribute towards your overall income for your Empire. True _title_frame_assassinate_Text_14004e Assassination True _title_frame_assassinate_Tooltip_630058 Despite the niceties of diplomacy and the notion of fair play you have decided the answer to your problems lies in assassination.||Before you start disposing of unwanted 'obstacles', you have to consider the potential risks and political ramifications of murder.||This panel will help you to decide whether this the right course of action - and if so who is the best target.||Move your cursor over the different areas below for more details. True _title_frame_duel_Text_190021 Duel True _title_frame_duel_Tooltip_1d007a This is your duel panel.||This is a civilised time, and brawls are left to the uneducated. A duel is a gentleman's way of dealing with problems that cannot be solved with words.||This panel will appear when you have the option of a duel challenge.||Move your cursor over the details below for more information. True _title_frame_duel_Tooltip_370070 A duel is a gentleman's way of dealing with problems that cannot be solved with words.||This panel will appear when you have the option of a duel challenge.||Move your cursor over the details below for more information. True _title_frame_sabotage_Text_a0022 Sabotage True _title_frame_sabotage_Tooltip_2c007e This is your sabotage panel, and from here you can see your sabotage options.||An ill-placed spanner or an 'accidental' fire can work wonders!||Damaged buildings will stop providing any income or bonuses until it is fully repaired - which costs money in itself!||There are more subtle motivations for sabotage - if you succeed, the targetted faction will automatically lay blame at the feet at their most hated enemy.||Perfect for playing one side off against another!||Before you do anything, check your chances of success.||If you fail, you may be captured and your faction will not be favourably looked on by your target.||Thatメs if they donメt make an example of you and decide to do some damage of their own! True _title_frame_sabotage_Tooltip_38005e From here you can see your sabotage options.||An ill-placed spanner or an 'accidental' fire can work wonders.||Damaged buildings will stop providing any income or bonuses until it is fully repaired - which costs money in itself.||There are more subtle motivations for sabotage - if you succeed, the targetted nation will automatically lay blame at the feet at their most hated enemy.||Perfect for playing one side off against another.||Before you do anything, check your chances of success.||If you fail, you may be captured and your nation will not be favourably looked on by your target.||Thatメs if they donメt make an example of you and decide to do some damage of their own. True _title_frame_Tooltip_80064 After every battle this panel will appear.||It concentrates on the forces from both sides and how they stand after the dust has cleared.||Sometimes you will have captives to ransom, or a ransom yourself to pay!||Move your cursor over the different sections below for more information. True 1_Tooltip_580034 Finest china||Present some of your finest china to show goodwill. True 120_Tooltip_380043 If this is checked, a human player will substitute for the AI on the battle map. True 120_tx_NewState_Text_14006f 60 Minutes True 120_tx_NewState_Text_3d007c 2 Hours True 120_tx_NewState_Text_4a0075 two hours True 120_tx_NewState_Text_50022 Human player takes place of the AI True 120_tx_Tooltip_380043 If this is checked, a human player will substitute for the AI on the battle map. True 2_Tooltip_6b0056 Thoroughbred||Offer one of your thoroughbreds, a racing horse and a fine prize. True 3_Tooltip_48004a Jewellery||Send a gift of jewellery to demonstrate the worth you place on your friendship. True 30_tx_NewState_Text_14006a 30 Minutes True 30_tx_NewState_Text_14006b 20 Minutes True 60_tx_NewState_Text_14006d 40 Minutes True 60_tx_NewState_Text_3d000c 1 Hour True 60_tx_NewState_Text_530017 one hour True accuracy_NewState_Text_e0033 Accuracy True accuracy_Tooltip_410033 This reflects the likelihood of hitting the enemy by fire.||Gaining experience in battle will improve this value. True accuracy_Tooltip_69001e Accuracy level for this unit.||This is how likely it is fired shots will hit the enemy.||Gaining experience in battle will improve this value. True accuracy_Tooltip_69003e Accuracy level for this unit.||This is how likely it is fired shots will hit the enemy.||Gaining experience in battle will improve this value. True achievements_tx_NewState_Text_c0038 Achievements True active_tab_selected_Text_560065 Active Missions True active_tab_Tooltip_1b0076 This tab details any current Active Missions.||As you are assigned missions they will be entered here for easy referece.||On completion of the mission, or after the alloted time has run out, the mission will no longer be active and will be added to the Missions Log instead.||Move your cursor over the individual elements in this tab for more information. True active_tab_unselected_Text_560065 Active Missions True admin_cost_tx_default_Text_660063 Administration cost True admiral_Tooltip_2e0030 Admirals have their own individual traits and abilities depending on their experiences.||Some admirals will be better than others and you may want to move the best of them where they are needed most.||If a fleet has no admiral, the captain of the fleet will be displayed here instead.||Right-click to bring up the details for the selected admiral or captain.||Left-click to jump to his location on the main map. True admiral_Tooltip_5f0076 This is your admirals column.||Admirals each have their own individual traits and abilities depending on their experiences.||Some admirals will be better than others and you may want to move the best of them where they are needed most.||If a fleet has no admiral, the captain of the fleet will be displayed here instead.||Right-click to bring up the details for the selected admiral or captain.||Left-click to jump to his location on the main map. True button_tx_technology_Tooltip_300013 Clicking this button will bring up the negotiation panel for technologies.||Technology is important for the development of your faction's buildings and armies, among other things.||The technology must have been researched to be offered or demanded.||Clicking this button will bring up another panel that has more details. True effects_title_Building_Text_770033 Effects True selector_Tooltip_52005b Current selection True arrow L_Tooltip_380048 lick this to cycle to the next theatre. True gov_type_tx_republic_Text_1f0029 Republic True tx_income_Tooltip_7f0063 Income gained from taxing the wealth of all your regions.||This number is based on your current tax settings.||If you change the tax levels before the next turn this will change accordingly.||To change tax levels, and to see more information on your taxes, see the tax tab of this panel.||To see each region's individual tax details, view the region capital's settlement details panel. True TX_Diplomatic relations_NewState_Text_290070 Diplomatic Relations True tx_value_NewState_Text_14005f Value True turns_Tooltip_7c004b If you have chosen regular payments, this is where you select the number of turns they will be paid over. True dy_experience_3_Tooltip_5f0048 Experience: 3 True checkbox_selected_Tooltip_b0073 If this box is checked construction will be managed automatically.||Construction will be managed for you according to your build policy. True dy_experience_2_Tooltip_5f0049 Experience: 2 True tab_title_Tooltip_39004a Information such as recruitment and upkeep costs, experience and the number of men in each unit can be viewed here.||Units that fight on land will have charge bonus, melee attack, defence and morale statistics.||Naval units will include statistics such as speed, hull strength and manoeuvrability. True pip_Tooltip_280036 A gold star here shows the character is a general or admiral, whereas a silver star will mean they are either a colonel or commodore.||The smaller stars to the right denote their command skill.||If they are highly skilled you may want to move them somewhere where their experience can be better used.||Of course, the opposite could prove true, and you may want to place someone else in command! True dy_experience_9_Tooltip_5f0042 Experience: 9 True governor_effect_tx_default_Text_5005c Governor's effect True dy_experience_8_Tooltip_5f0043 Experience: 8 True tab_title_Tooltip_43003e This is your trade tab.||From here you can examine your imports and exports and the nations you have trade agreements with.||Mouse over the different areas to see more information. True button_rapier_Tooltip_130025 Click this button if you wish to clash swords as well as wits with this wretch!|| Before deciding on a weapon check your fencing skills against your challengers.||There is courage and there is recklessness. Unless you like living dangerously it is best to pick the weapon you are strongest in. True votes_Tooltip_350065 To play a rematch, all players must agree to it.||This shows the votes for a rematch. True button_advisor_land_battle_Tooltip_b Repeat advice True tx_appointees_opposition_Text_710057 Opposition True speed_Tooltip_5f001a You can improve the speed of this unit by researching copper bottoms in the naval technology. True UC_button_turn_right_Tooltip_580052 Turn right||Hold this button to rotate the selected unit right, single click to rotate a small amount.||The final position will be shown using green markers. True tab_title_Tooltip_5b0020 Your National Summary tab provides you with an overall picture of your faction, along with specific information about your diplomatic and financial standings.||Move your cursor over the areas below for more details. True tx_taxes_tooltip_amanage_off_Text_4005f Taxes True positive_bar_Tooltip_6f003b This displays all the factors that contribute to the generation of wealth in this region.||Industry and agriculture are important in advancing your Region Wealth. Build farms, ports and workshops to increase these aspects of your region.||Move your cursor over the pips to display more information. True bar_Tooltip_510060 This is the speed this unit can reload and the chance it has of misfires.||The higher this skill, the faster your reload speed will become and your guns will be less likely to misfire.||To reduce the chance of misfires you could research the percussion cap in military technology.||This will be raised by gaining experience in battle. True label_txt_NewState_Text_42007d Texture Filtering True gentleman_research_Tooltip_720049 Research||This agent is a learned man, and can use his education to the advancement of your nation.||Click this to open up the Research and Technology panel and see your options. True heading_txt_NewState_Text_62003c Credits True button_kick_Tooltip_440011 Fire minister||Use this to fire a useless minister from his position on the cabinet.||Be warned however - he may be replaced by someone even worse!||If you are in an absolute monarchy the minister will be placed by one the candidates at the bottom of this tab. True men_tx_Tooltip_b003a Number of men in the unit.||PLACEHOLDER:To see the maximum number of men you can have in this unit see ??||PLACEHOLDER: If the unit is missing men you can use the replenish button to maximise the numbers again.||PLACEHOLDER: Fresh units will dilute the overall experience of a unit. True defence_NewState_Text_630029 Defence True string_NewState_Text_70033 Controls True label_txt_NewState_Text_48007f AI Strength: True button_zoom_Tooltip_5f006e Zoom to location True heading_tx_Research_Text_4d0039 Research and Technology True button_tx_trade_Tooltip_74002b Click this button to request a trade agreement.||A trade agreement will open up a trade route between the two factions.||The goods you export along trade routes will contribute towards your trade income. True txt_header_technology_Text_6007e Enables research of: True public_order_title_NewState_Text_23006c Public Order True assassinate_Tooltip_580079 You have a chance to use your assassination skills here.||Clicking on this will open up the Assassination panel.||The opportunity to dispose of a potential threat or competition can be risky.||The Assassination panel will provide you with the percentage chance of success. True icon_rel_catholic_Tooltip_c0007 Catholic||You will have more public order with populations that follow your national religion.||You can use your missionaries to start converting a region by moving them into that area. True cpu_moves_tx_Tooltip_130000 If this is checked, visible CPU player's moves will be shown during the end turn phase.||This can help to keep a track on some of the CPU's locations and movements, but the end turn phase will also take longer. True tx_reinforcing armies_NewState_Text_10072 Reinforcing armies: True tab_prestige_tracker_Tooltip_250063 This is the prestige tracker tab.||Use this to compare the other nation's prestige levels with one another.||You can choose to display different views, depending on the filter you select. The two filters categories are factions and type of prestige.||Switch the arrows on the filter section to see your different options. True heading_txt_Tooltip_3d007f On this screen you can select the type of campaign, your battle and campaign difficulty and see victory conditions vital to winning.||Move your cursor over the different areas below to see more information. True advanced_options_Tooltip_4f0006 Select settings for your grand campaign here.||You can change these settings at any time during the campaign on the Game Settings panel. True advisor_portrait_Tooltip_b Repeat advice True advisor_Tooltip_5a0048 Check this box to receive gameplay tips from the in-game advisor.||The advisor will appear in the top left-hand of the screen.||If this is your first time playing the game, it is probably a good idea to have the advisor on. True advisor_tx_NewState_Text_570012 Advisor Help True advisor_tx_NewState_Text_570032 Advisor help True advisor_tx_Tooltip_5a0048 Check this box to receive gameplay tips from the in-game advisor.||The advisor will appear in the top left-hand of the screen.||If this is your first time playing the game, it is probably a good idea to have the advisor on. True age_NewState_Text_5d0024 Age: True age_Tooltip_120073 This is the character's age.||It may be worth keeping an eye on this - no one lives forever, and some may be closer to the grave than others! True agent_embark_Tooltip_2f0014 Embark/Disembark||Move agent between your docked fleet and the port. True agent_options_Tooltip_4d0055 This is your agent options scroll||Whenever one of your agents, be it a rake or gentleman, selects a viable target this will appear.||You will be presented with a selection of actions to perform depending on your agent and your target.||Move your cursor over the options for more details. True agent_Tooltip_35001d This column shows the agents names. The type of agent they are is shown underneath.||Right-click on each agent to jump to their location on the campaign map.||Left-clicking on an agent will bring up their details panel. True agent_Tooltip_66005c Your agents with their type shown underneath their name.||Left-click on each agent to jump to their location on the campaign map.||Right-clicking on an agent will bring up their details panel. True agents_selected_Tooltip_36006f This tab displays all your agents, their movement points and their location.||Your agents include your gentlemen, rakes and missionaries.||As your empire expands it can be tough keeping a track on all your agents, particularly if they are undercover in an enemies region.||Use this to pinpoint their location quickly and make the most of your agents! True agents_Tooltip_550015 Your agents, their movement points and their location.||Your agents include your gentlemen, rakes and missionaries.||As your empire expands it can be tough keeping a track on all your agents, particularly if they are undercover in an enemies region.||Use this to pinpoint their location quickly and make the most of your agents! True agents_Tooltip_6f0016 This tab displays all your agents, their movement points and their location.||Your agents include your gentlemen, rakes and missionaries.||As your empire expands it can be tough keeping a track on all your agents, particularly if they are undercover in an enemies region.||Use this to pinpoint their location quickly and make the most of your agents! True ai_moves_tx_NewState_Text_4e003d Show AI moves: True Alliance1_NewState_Text_3f000f Alliance 1 True Alliance2_NewState_Text_3c000f Alliance 2 True allied_combatants_header_Tooltip_3e0032 Compare your details to your enemies to judge your chances of victory and to be fully prepared for the fight ahead. True Allies bar_Tooltip_80014 You have a military alliance with these nations.||They should come to your aid in war, especially to defend you if attacked.||They may be less willing to join you in attacking others, especially if they have good relations with your target.|| To make or break allies, or to simply see more details, see your diplomatic details panel. True allies_NewState_Text_760072 Allies: True allies_Tooltip_340037 Military alliances can help or hinder diplomatic negotiations.||If some of their allies are also your allies, they will have common ground with you, earning you a little more trust.||This can work the other way though - if their allies are your enemies you may have to work harder in negotiations. True allies_Tooltip_41006d These are the factions that you are allied with.||It is worth noting if your allies are enemies of the faction you are dealing with, as this could affect negotiations.||Your choice of friends may mean you have to try harder to gain the trust of the other faction.||You might even go as far as breaking one alliance to gain another - decide which faction is will help you attain your goals! True allies_Tooltip_6f0013 These are this faction's allies.||Military alliances can help or hinder diplomatic negotiations.||If some of their allies are also your allies, they will have common ground with you, earning you a little more trust.||This works the other way though - if their allies are your enemies they may have to work harder in negotiations. True allies_Tooltip_e0035 You can ask for support from these nations in the event of a war.||It is worth noting if your allies are enemies of the nation you are dealing with, as this could affect negotiations.||Your choice of allies may mean you have to try harder to gain the trust of the other nation.||You might even go as far as breaking one alliance to gain another - decide which nation will help you attain your goals! True america_Tooltip_44002d The Americas||America, Europe and India are theatres where you can develop cities, recruit armies and wage war.||This is where you build your empire. True america_Tooltip_7e0031 The Americas.||America, Europe and India are where you can develop cities, recruit armies and wage war.||This is where you build your Empire. True Ammo_Tooltip_760059 Ammunition True AmmoBar_Tooltip_760059 Ammunition True ammunition_NewState_Text_760059 Ammunition True ammunition_Tooltip_6f0058 The amount of ammunition this unit can carry into battle.||Once this has been used up the unit will be forced to switch to melee mode for any more fighting.||After the battle ammunition will be fully replenished. True ammunition_Tooltip_6f0078 The amount of ammunition this unit can carry into battle.||Once this has been used up the unit will be forced to switch to melee mode for any more fighting.||After the battle ammunition will be fully replenished. True Ammunition_Tooltip_760059 Ammunition True amount_tx_NewState_Text_6c007a Amount: True amount_tx_Tooltip_640075 This is the amount of money you will be paying out or demanding.||Select the arrow icons on the left or right to increase or decrease the money by 1000 each time. True ancillaries_title_NewState_Text_140040 Entourage True ancillaries_title_NewState_Text_60053 Followers True ancillaries_title_Tooltip_580047 As one travels through life they may pick up friends, acquaintances and hangers-on.||The places a character frequents and their actions will determine the kind of followers they pick up. True ancillaries_Tooltip_210056 Character's entourage. True announcement_txt_coming_soon_Text_5d0061 Coming Soon True announcement_txt_NewState_Text_330002 New Content available. True armies_Tooltip_66000f Your armed forces on land, your generals, movement points for each of your armies and their status.||You may find some armies you have forgotten about, in which case you could disband them and save some money. True armies_Tooltip_7e0014 This is your armies tab.||This tab will show all your armed forces on land, your generals, each armies movement points and their status.||You may even find some armies you have forgotten about, in which case you could disband them and save some money. True