• 追加された行はこの色です。
  • 削除された行はこの色です。
subtitles_subtitle_text_DAI_SHO_CHO_1	風は変わった。これより我らは龍が如く舞い上がる! 	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_DAI_SHO_CHO_2	もはやこれ以上程度の低いものに頭を下げることはない。すべては私の下に跪くのだ。	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_DAI_SHO_CHO_3	しかし我らの敵は未だ進軍を続けている。それがどうした?勝利はわが手にある!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_DAI_SHO_CHO_4	全ての人間は長宗我部を恐怖するだろう!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_DAI_SHO_CHO_5	全ての人間が私を恐れるだろう!何故なら私は将軍だからだ!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_DAI_SHO_DAT_1	風は変わった。これより我らは龍が如く舞い上がる! 	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_DAI_SHO_DAT_2	もはやこれ以上程度の低いものに頭を下げることはない。すべては私の下に跪くのだ。	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_DAI_SHO_DAT_3	しかし我らの敵は未だ進軍を続けている。それがどうした?勝利はわが手にある!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_DAI_SHO_DAT_4	全ての人間は伊達を恐怖するだろう!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_DAI_SHO_DAT_5	全ての人間が私を恐れるだろう!何故なら私は将軍だからだ!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_DAI_SHO_HOJ_1	風は変わった。これより我らは龍が如く舞い上がる! 	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_DAI_SHO_HOJ_2	もはやこれ以上程度の低いものに頭を下げることはない。すべては私の下に跪くのだ。	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_DAI_SHO_HOJ_3	しかし我らの敵は未だ進軍を続けている。それがどうした?勝利はわが手にある!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_DAI_SHO_HOJ_4	全ての人間は北条を恐怖するだろう!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_DAI_SHO_HOJ_5	全ての人間が私を恐れるだろう!何故なら私は将軍だからだ!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_DAI_SHO_IGA_1	風は変わった。これより我らは龍が如く舞い上がる! 	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_DAI_SHO_IGA_2	もはやこれ以上程度の低いものに頭を下げることはない。すべては私の下に跪くのだ。	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_DAI_SHO_IGA_3	しかし我らの敵は未だ進軍を続けている。それがどうした?勝利はわが手にある!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_DAI_SHO_IGA_4	全ての人間は服部を恐怖するだろう!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_DAI_SHO_IGA_5	全ての人間が私を恐れるだろう!何故なら私は将軍だからだ!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_DAI_SHO_MOR_1	風は変わった。これより我らは龍が如く舞い上がる! 	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_DAI_SHO_MOR_2	もはやこれ以上程度の低いものに頭を下げることはない。すべては私の下に跪くのだ。	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_DAI_SHO_MOR_3	しかし我らの敵は未だ進軍を続けている。それがどうした?勝利はわが手にある!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_DAI_SHO_MOR_4	全ての人間は森を恐怖するだろう!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_DAI_SHO_MOR_5	全ての人間が私を恐れるだろう!何故なら私は将軍だからだ!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_DAI_SHO_ODA_1	風は変わった。これより我らは龍が如く舞い上がる! 	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_DAI_SHO_ODA_2	もはやこれ以上程度の低いものに頭を下げることはない。すべては私の下に跪くのだ。	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_DAI_SHO_ODA_3	しかし我らの敵は未だ進軍を続けている。それがどうした?勝利はわが手にある!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_DAI_SHO_ODA_4	全ての人間は織田を恐怖するだろう!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_DAI_SHO_ODA_5	全ての人間が私を恐れるだろう!何故なら私は将軍だからだ!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_DAI_SHO_SHI_1	風は変わった。これより我らは龍が如く舞い上がる! 	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_DAI_SHO_SHI_2	もはやこれ以上程度の低いものに頭を下げることはない。すべては私の下に跪くのだ。	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_DAI_SHO_SHI_3	しかし我らの敵は未だ進軍を続けている。それがどうした?勝利はわが手にある!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_DAI_SHO_SHI_4	全ての人間は島津を恐怖するだろう!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_DAI_SHO_SHI_5	全ての人間が私を恐れるだろう!何故なら私は将軍だからだ!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_DAI_SHO_TAK_1	風は変わった。これより我らは龍が如く舞い上がる! 	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_DAI_SHO_TAK_2	もはやこれ以上程度の低いものに頭を下げることはない。すべては私の下に跪くのだ。	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_DAI_SHO_TAK_3	しかし我らの敵は未だ進軍を続けている。それがどうした?勝利はわが手にある!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_DAI_SHO_TAK_4	全ての人間は武田を恐怖するだろう!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_DAI_SHO_TAK_5	全ての人間が私を恐れるだろう!何故なら私は将軍だからだ!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_DAI_SHO_TOK_1	風は変わった。これより我らは龍が如く舞い上がる! 	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_DAI_SHO_TOK_2	もはやこれ以上程度の低いものに頭を下げることはない。すべては私の下に跪くのだ。	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_DAI_SHO_TOK_3	しかし我らの敵は未だ進軍を続けている。それがどうした?勝利はわが手にある!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_DAI_SHO_TOK_4	全ての人間は徳川を恐怖するだろう!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_DAI_SHO_TOK_5	全ての人間が私を恐れるだろう!何故なら私は将軍だからだ!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_DAI_SHO_UES_1	風は変わった。これより我らは龍が如く舞い上がる! 	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_DAI_SHO_UES_2	もはやこれ以上程度の低いものに頭を下げることはない。すべては私の下に跪くのだ。	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_DAI_SHO_UES_3	しかし我らの敵は未だ進軍を続けている。それがどうした?勝利はわが手にある!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_DAI_SHO_UES_4	全ての人間は上杉を恐怖するだろう!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_DAI_SHO_UES_5	全ての人間が私を恐れるだろう!何故なら私は将軍だからだ!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_DAI_SHO_CHO_1	The wind has changed. Now, we fly like dragons! No longer will I bow to lesser men.  All bow to me.	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_DAI_SHO_CHO_2	But our enemies still march. So what? Victory is within my grasp!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_DAI_SHO_CHO_3	All will fear the Chosokabe! All will fear me! For I am shogun!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_DAI_SHO_DAT_1	The wind has changed. Now, we fly like dragons! No longer will I bow to lesser men.  All bow to me!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_DAI_SHO_DAT_2	But our enemies still march. So what? Victory is within my grasp!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_DAI_SHO_DAT_3	All will fear the Date! All will fear me! For I am shogun! 	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_DAI_SHO_HOJ_1	The wind has changed. Now, we fly like dragons! No longer will I bow to lesser men.  All bow to me!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_DAI_SHO_HOJ_2	But our enemies still march. So what? Victory is within my grasp!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_DAI_SHO_HOJ_3	All will fear the Hojo! All will fear me! For I am shogun!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_DAI_SHO_IGA_1	The wind has changed. Now, we fly like dragons! No longer will I bow to lesser men.  All bow to me!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_DAI_SHO_IGA_2	But our enemies still march. So what? Victory is within my grasp!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_DAI_SHO_IGA_3	All will fear the Hattori! All will fear me! For I am shogun!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_DAI_SHO_MOR_1	The wind has changed. Now, we fly like dragons! No longer will I bow to lesser men.  All bow to me!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_DAI_SHO_MOR_2	But our enemies still march. So what? Victory is within my grasp!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_DAI_SHO_MOR_3	All will fear the Mori! All will fear me! For I am shogun!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_DAI_SHO_ODA_1	The wind has changed. Now, we fly like dragons! No longer will I bow to lesser men.  All bow to me!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_DAI_SHO_ODA_2	But our enemies still march. So what? Victory is within my grasp!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_DAI_SHO_ODA_3	All will fear the Oda! All will fear me! For I am shogun!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_DAI_SHO_SHI_1	The wind has changed. Now, we fly like dragons! No longer will I bow to lesser men.  All bow to me!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_DAI_SHO_SHI_2	But our enemies still march. So what? Victory is within my grasp!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_DAI_SHO_SHI_3	All will fear the Shimazu! All will fear me! For I am shogun!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_DAI_SHO_TAK_1	The wind has changed. Now, we fly like dragons! No longer will I bow to lesser men.  All bow to me!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_DAI_SHO_TAK_2	But our enemies still march. So what? Victory is within my grasp!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_DAI_SHO_TAK_3	All will fear the Takeda! All will fear me! For I am shogun!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_DAI_SHO_TOK_1	The wind has changed. Now, we fly like dragons! No longer will I bow to lesser men.  All bow to me!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_DAI_SHO_TOK_2	But our enemies still march. So what? Victory is within my grasp!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_DAI_SHO_TOK_3	All will fear the Tokugawa! All will fear me! For I am shogun!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_DAI_SHO_UES_1	The wind has changed. Now, we fly like dragons! No longer will I bow to lesser men.  All bow to me!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_DAI_SHO_UES_2	But our enemies still march. So what? Victory is within my grasp!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_DAI_SHO_UES_3	All will fear the Uesugi! All will fear me! For I am shogun!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_ENE_STA_CHO_1	一番高い木は、最初に斧を入れられるから危険なのです。	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_ENE_STA_CHO_2	我々は謀略の被害者です!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_ENE_STA_CHO_3	私は国の敵と呼ばれています!我々は警戒しなければなりません!戦争の準備をしなければ!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_ENE_STA_DAT_1	一番高い木は、最初に斧を入れられるから危険なのです。	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_ENE_STA_DAT_2	我々は謀略の被害者です!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_ENE_STA_DAT_3	私は国の敵と呼ばれています!我々は警戒しなければなりません!戦争の準備をしなければ!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_ENE_STA_HOJ_1	一番高い木は、最初に斧を入れられるから危険なのです。	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_ENE_STA_HOJ_2	我々は謀略の被害者です!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_ENE_STA_HOJ_3	私は国の敵と呼ばれています!我々は警戒しなければなりません!戦争の準備をしなければ!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_ENE_STA_IGA_1	一番高い木は、最初に斧を入れられるから危険なのです。	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_ENE_STA_IGA_2	我々は謀略の被害者です!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_ENE_STA_IGA_3	私は国の敵と呼ばれています!我々は警戒しなければなりません!戦争の準備をしなければ!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_ENE_STA_MOR_1	一番高い木は、最初に斧を入れられるから危険なのです。	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_ENE_STA_MOR_2	我々は謀略の被害者です!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_ENE_STA_MOR_3	私は国の敵と呼ばれています!我々は警戒しなければなりません!戦争の準備をしなければ!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_ENE_STA_ODA_1	一番高い木は、最初に斧を入れられるから危険なのです。	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_ENE_STA_ODA_2	我々は謀略の被害者です!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_ENE_STA_ODA_3	私は国の敵と呼ばれています!我々は警戒しなければなりません!戦争の準備をしなければ!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_ENE_STA_SHI_1	一番高い木は、最初に斧を入れられるから危険なのです。	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_ENE_STA_SHI_2	我々は謀略の被害者です!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_ENE_STA_SHI_3	私は国の敵と呼ばれています!我々は警戒しなければなりません!戦争の準備をしなければ!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_ENE_STA_TAK_1	一番高い木は、最初に斧を入れられるから危険なのです。	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_ENE_STA_TAK_2	我々は謀略の被害者です!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_ENE_STA_TAK_3	私は国の敵と呼ばれています!我々は警戒しなければなりません!戦争の準備をしなければ!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_ENE_STA_TOK_1	一番高い木は、最初に斧を入れられるから危険なのです。	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_ENE_STA_TOK_2	我々は謀略の被害者です!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_ENE_STA_TOK_3	私は国の敵と呼ばれています!我々は警戒しなければなりません!戦争の準備をしなければ!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_ENE_STA_UES_1	一番高い木は、最初に斧を入れられるから危険なのです。	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_ENE_STA_UES_2	我々は謀略の被害者です!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_ENE_STA_UES_3	私は国の敵と呼ばれています!我々は警戒しなければなりません!戦争の準備をしなければ!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_ENV_AUTUMN_1	変化の季節:\n木々の葉が陽気に風に逆らっています。\n秋が来ました。	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_ENV_CHERRY_1	ぞくぞくする美しさ\n私の気持ちをより高く持ち上げて行け: \n春の使者。\n	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_ENV_HARVST_1	金色の秋の野原。\n労苦が水に反映されている。\n収穫が集められている。 	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_ENV_SNOW_1	いつになったら春は来るの?\n冷たく白い死の支配の中,\n大地は雪に覆われた。\n	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_CHO_1	1545年。戦国時代。: 国中が戦争の只中にある時代。	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_CHO_10	しかし我らは歴戦の武士でもある。我らの弓兵は皆から誉め称えられている。 	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_CHO_11	長宗我部の矢より真っ直ぐ飛ぶ矢はない。	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_CHO_12	軍神毘沙門天が目覚めた!今、敵を打ち破る時が来た!  	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_CHO_13	全ては長宗我部一族の下に跪くだろう。我々はもはや待つことはない。 	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_CHO_14	運命が呼んでいる!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_CHO_2	200年もの間、足利将軍家が京都を支配してきた。	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_CHO_3	偉大な権力と壮麗な芸術が彼らの下にあった。 	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_CHO_4	今、力を付け過ぎた一族はもはや彼らに従ってはいない。	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_CHO_5	新たに将軍となる者が現れる時が来たのだ。	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_CHO_6	しかし、誰が勝利を得るのだろうか?  	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_CHO_7	長宗我部の土地は我々にずっと恵みを与えてきてくれた。	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_CHO_8	我らの敵は数多く、妬み深い。彼らは我らの国境を脅かし、どんな弱点でも見つけようとしてきた。	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_CHO_9	ここは我らの土地である。我らはその在り方に敬意を払っている。我らの農夫は懸命に働き、他の人々よりも大きく育ててきた。	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_DAT_1	1545年。戦国時代。: 国中が戦争の只中にある時代。	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_DAT_10	我らの武士は恐れられている。彼らの野太刀の腕は比類なきものだ。戦いでは彼らは敵を怯えさせるだろう!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_DAT_11	今、敵を打ち破る時が来た!  	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_DAT_12	全ては伊達一族の下に跪くだろう。我々はもはや待つことはない。 	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_DAT_13	運命が呼んでいる!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_DAT_2	200年もの間、足利将軍家が京都を支配してきた。	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_DAT_3	偉大な権力と壮麗な芸術が彼らの下にあった。 	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_DAT_4	今、力を付け過ぎた一族はもはや彼らに従ってはいない。	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_DAT_5	新たに将軍となる者が現れる時が来たのだ。	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_DAT_6	しかし、誰が勝利を得るのだろうか?  	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_DAT_7	伊達の土地は我々にずっと恵みを与えてきてくれた。	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_DAT_8	我らの敵は数多く、妬み深い。彼らは我らの国境を脅かし、どんな弱点でも見つけようとしてきた。	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_DAT_9	我らは他の一族と同じ道を歩むことはない。我らは戦いにおいて強く、依存せず、そして勇敢であると崇められている。	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_HOJ_1	1545年。戦国時代。: 国中が戦争の只中にある時代。	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_HOJ_10	強き壁: 強き魂。	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_HOJ_11	我らの包囲攻撃は等しく力強い!何者もそれの前に立っていることはできない!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_HOJ_12	今、敵を打ち破る時が来た!  	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_HOJ_13	全ては北条一族の下に跪くだろう。我々はもはや待つことはない。 	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_HOJ_14	運命が呼んでいる!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_HOJ_2	200年もの間、足利将軍家が京都を支配してきた。	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_HOJ_3	偉大な権力と壮麗な芸術が彼らの下にあった。 	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_HOJ_4	今、力を付け過ぎた一族はもはや彼らに従ってはいない。	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_HOJ_5	新たに将軍となる者が現れる時が来たのだ。	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_HOJ_6	しかし、誰が勝利を得るのだろうか?  	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_HOJ_7	北条の土地は我々にずっと恵みを与えてきてくれた。	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_HOJ_8	我らの敵は数多く、妬み深い。彼らは我らの国境を脅かし、どんな弱点でも見つけようとしてきた。	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_HOJ_9	我らの城は強大で、日本中の妬みの元だ。我らは建築の達人として正しく称賛されている。	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_IGA_1	1545年。戦国時代。: 国中が戦争の只中にある時代。	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_IGA_2	他の一族は戦っている。	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_IGA_3	しかし、全ての一族が同じ規則に基づいて戦っているわけではない。	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_IGA_4	一つは闇を含んでいる。	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_IGA_5	一つは影を含んでいる。	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_IGA_6	服部のそれは静寂と致命である。	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_IGA_7	足利将軍家には恐れているものが数多くある。	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_IGA_8	今、服部が自身を世に明らかにし、正当な平和を手にする時が来た。 	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_MOR_1	1545年。戦国時代。: 国中が戦争の只中にある時代。	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_MOR_10	波は厳しい: 森の水夫たちは力強く、偉大な技術を持っている!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_MOR_11	技術は父親から息子へと受け継がれ、彼らは戦争で我らの力になってくれる!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_MOR_12	今、敵を打ち破る時が来た!  	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_MOR_13	全ては森一族の下に跪くだろう。我々はもはや待つことはない。 	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_MOR_14	運命が呼んでいる!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_MOR_2	200年もの間、足利将軍家が京都を支配してきた。	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_MOR_3	偉大な権力と壮麗な芸術が彼らの下にあった。 	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_MOR_4	今、力を付け過ぎた一族はもはや彼らに従ってはいない。	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_MOR_5	新たに将軍となる者が現れる時が来たのだ。	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_MOR_6	しかし、誰が勝利を得るのだろうか?  	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_MOR_7	森の土地は我々にずっと恵みを与えてきてくれた。	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_MOR_8	我らの敵は数多く、妬み深い。彼らは我らの国境を脅かし、どんな弱点でも見つけようとしてきた。	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_MOR_9	他の人々は陸で働く。我らは海の支配者であり、我らの船は皆が羨む!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_ODA_1	1545年。戦国時代。: 国中が戦争の只中にある時代。	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_ODA_10	全てのものが我らを知っており、千の槍の将がいる。その様な者どもを支配するのは名誉である。 	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_ODA_11	我らの将軍は正しき強さを持った戦傷のある老練の将である。	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_ODA_12	今、敵を打ち破る時が来た!  	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_ODA_13	全ては織田一族の下に跪くだろう。我々はもはや待つことはない。 	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_ODA_14	運命が呼んでいる!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_ODA_2	200年もの間、足利将軍家が京都を支配してきた。	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_ODA_3	偉大な権力と壮麗な芸術が彼らの下にあった。 	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_ODA_4	今、力を付け過ぎた一族はもはや彼らに従ってはいない。	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_ODA_5	新たに将軍となる者が現れる時が来たのだ。	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_ODA_6	しかし、誰が勝利を得るのだろうか?  	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_ODA_7	織田の土地は我々にずっと恵みを与えてきてくれた。	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_ODA_8	我らの敵は数多く、妬み深い。彼らは我らの国境を脅かし、どんな弱点でも見つけようとしてきた。	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_ODA_9	他の人間は肩書を熱望するが、一般の槍兵である足軽は織田の強さの基礎である。	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_SHI_1	1545年。戦国時代。: 国中が戦争の只中にある時代。	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_SHI_10	それは我らの血であり、我らの伝統である。	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_SHI_11	そして戦いにおいては、我らの侍は日本中から羨まれている。我らの侍よりも剣が素早い者はおらず、我らよりも恐れられている者もいない。	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_SHI_12	今、敵を打ち破る時が来た!  	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_SHI_13	全ては島津一族の下に跪くだろう。我々はもはや待つことはない。 	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_SHI_14	運命が呼んでいる!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_SHI_2	200年もの間、足利将軍家が京都を支配してきた。	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_SHI_3	偉大な権力と壮麗な芸術が彼らの下にあった。 	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_SHI_4	今、力を付け過ぎた一族はもはや彼らに従ってはいない。	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_SHI_5	新たに将軍となる者が現れる時が来たのだ。	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_SHI_6	しかし、誰が勝利を得るのだろうか?  	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_SHI_7	島津の土地は我々にずっと恵みを与えてきてくれた。	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_SHI_8	我らの敵は数多く、妬み深い。彼らは我らの国境を脅かし、どんな弱点でも見つけようとしてきた。	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_SHI_9	我らは初めての将軍である頼朝が通ってきた道を遡ってゆく。忠義が島津の中深くに刻まれている。 	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_TAK_1	1545年。戦国時代。: 国中が戦争の只中にある時代。	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_TAK_10	他の奴らを進軍させろ!我らは馬で駆ける!我らは空を飛ぶ!山の中の嵐の如く、我らは戦場で鳴り響く!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_TAK_11	今、敵を打ち破る時が来た!  	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_TAK_12	全ては武田一族の下に跪くだろう。我々はもはや待つことはない。 	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_TAK_13	運命が呼んでいる!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_TAK_2	200年もの間、足利将軍家が京都を支配してきた。	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_TAK_3	偉大な権力と壮麗な芸術が彼らの下にあった。 	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_TAK_4	今、力を付け過ぎた一族はもはや彼らに従ってはいない。	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_TAK_5	新たに将軍となる者が現れる時が来たのだ。	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_TAK_6	しかし、誰が勝利を得るのだろうか?  	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_TAK_7	武田の土地は我々にずっと恵みを与えてきてくれた。	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_TAK_8	我らの敵は数多く、妬み深い。彼らは我らの国境を脅かし、どんな弱点でも見つけようとしてきた。	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_TAK_9	武田の者は鞍の上に生まれてきた!我らは騎馬の達人である:我らの騎兵はすべてを驚かせる!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_TOK_1	1545年。戦国時代。: 国中が戦争の只中にある時代。	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_TOK_10	But if words fail, in shadows, in silence: our ninja.	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_TOK_11	To know deception is to be on guard against its use. Few can hide from our metsuke.	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_TOK_12	We have Imagawa friends. Diplomacy does much. Our allegiance gives us security. But we must stand alone.	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_TOK_13	今、敵を打ち破る時が来た!  	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_TOK_14	全ては徳川の下に跪くだろう。我々はもはや待つことはない。 	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_TOK_15	運命が呼んでいる!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_TOK_2	200年もの間、足利将軍家が京都を支配してきた。	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_TOK_3	偉大な権力と壮麗な芸術が彼らの下にあった。 	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_TOK_4	今、力を付け過ぎた一族はもはや彼らに従ってはいない。	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_TOK_5	新たに将軍となる者が現れる時が来たのだ。	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_TOK_6	しかし、誰が勝利を得るのだろうか?  	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_TOK_7	徳川の土地は我々にずっと恵みを与えてきてくれた。	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_TOK_8	我らの敵は数多く、妬み深い。彼らは我らの国境を脅かし、どんな弱点でも見つけようとしてきた。	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_TOK_9	Our words have a power beyond the sword.	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_UES_1	1545年。戦国時代。: 国中が戦争の只中にある時代。	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_UES_10	Our monks pray, but they also fight: and fight well!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_UES_11	But weapons alone do not win wars. Our merchants are cunning. Wealth buys many victories!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_UES_12	今、敵を打ち破る時が来た!  	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_UES_13	全ては上杉一族の下に跪くだろう。我々はもはや待つことはない。 	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_UES_14	運命が呼んでいる!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_UES_2	200年もの間、足利将軍家が京都を支配してきた。	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_UES_3	偉大な権力と壮麗な芸術が彼らの下にあった。 	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_UES_4	今、力を付け過ぎた一族はもはや彼らに従ってはいない。	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_UES_5	新たに将軍となる者が現れる時が来たのだ。	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_UES_6	しかし、誰が勝利を得るのだろうか?  	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_UES_7	上杉の土地は我々にずっと恵みを与えてきてくれた。	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_UES_8	我らの敵は数多く、妬み深い。彼らは我らの国境を脅かし、どんな弱点でも見つけようとしてきた。	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_FSM_UES_9	Faith is our strength, our wellspring. Let others be corrupted. We have the guidance of heaven!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_HIS_CHRIST_1	The old gods have had their time. 	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_HIS_CHRIST_2	Truth has come with the foreigners, and souls can be saved by following the Church’s teachings. 	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_HIS_CHRIST_3	Heathens who cling to the old ways will be compelled by the power of Christ to kneel before God... 	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_HIS_EURO_1	Strangers have come to our shores.	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_HIS_EURO_2	They bring weapons of smoke and fire, weapons that kill without honour, without skill. 	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_HIS_EURO_3	But even so these foreigners and their guns could give a man power and victory. And victory wipes away dishonour. 	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_INTRO_1	Beauty and harmony, governed by one eternal law.  All that begins must end, the reign of the old shogunate is over.	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_LOS_CHO_1	Like blossom on the breeze\nWill the wind carry my name?\nWho will remember?\n	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_LOS_CHO_1	Like blossom on the breeze\nWill the wind carry my name?\nWho will remember?	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_LOS_DAT_1	Blood stains my hands:\nNot just my own, others too.\nWinter in my soul.	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_LOS_HOJ_1	I have sipped my last\nFrom the porcelain chawan:\nThe rain storm blown out. 	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_LOS_IGA_1	I dwelt in shadow.\nForever running from light.\nNow, at last, I fall.	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_LOS_MOR_1	I was restless water\nBut I shall flow and crash no more.\nNow I shall be still. 	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_LOS_ODA_1	Brave warriors, all:\nWhat will become of them 2011-02-27 (日) 05:32:32\nA harvest gathered.	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_LOS_ODA_1	Brave warriors, all:\nWhat will become of them 2011-03-29 (火) 08:34:28\nA harvest gathered.	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_LOS_SHI_1	Red as autumn leaves\nI go to my ancestors.\nWill they welcome me? 	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_LOS_TAK_1	Even now I hear them:\nPounding hooves like spring thunder.\nMy sword grows heavy. 	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_LOS_TOK_1	Although I greet death\nI do not fear the icy grip.\nMy soul, at peace, sleeps.	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_LOS_UES_1	I do not fear death.\nLike the beautiful cherry tree,\nLife shall bloom again. 	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_TRN_ATKBUN_1	This ship carries a huge crew for boarding attacks. It is, however, hard to manoeuvre and vulnerable to enemy fire.	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_TRN_BOWASH_1	Ideal for witling down the enemy before battle is joined; these troops are best kept at range and will suffer heavy losses if engaged in melee.	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_TRN_BOWASH_1	Ideal for whittling down the enemy before battle is joined; these troops are best kept at range and will suffer heavy losses if engaged in melee.	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_TRN_BOWMON_1	Boasting incredible killing range with their bows, these warrior monks are best used to pick off high-value enemies.	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_TRN_BOWSAM_1	Unlike bow ashigaru, bow samurai can defend themselves in melee and fire burning arrows into the enemy!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_TRN_BOWSEN_1	Arrows as fleet as the wind; eyes as keen as the hawk. 	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_TRN_BOWSEN_2	These archers have devoted their lives to the mastery of the bow. No target lives long when their arrows take flight.	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_TRN_BOWSHP_1	Fast moving, this small ship carries archers armed with deadly fire arrows capable of reducing enemy ships to dust.	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_TRN_CANBUN_1	This small, fast-moving ship is armed with cannon, but does not carry enough crew to ward off a boarding attempt. 	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_TRN_CANON_1	Deadly and terrible these huge cannons cause significant damage to buildings when placed at range.	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_TRN_CAVBOW_1	Bow cavalry can fire whilst mounted and on foot.	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_TRN_CAVBOW_2	Versatility comes at a cost however; they are less accurate than foot archers and weak against spearmen. 	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_TRN_CAVGSPR_1	The balled fist of the shogun, used to smash through enemy infantry and inspire fellow warriors.	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_TRN_CAVKAT_1	Shock troops, katana cavalry excel against enemy cavalry but are vulnerable to the spear and the bow.	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_TRN_CAVKAT_1	Katana cavalry excel against enemy cavalry but are vulnerable to the spear and the bow.	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_TRN_CAVLIG_1	Ideal for riding down fleeing enemies or driving off missile troops.	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_TRN_CAVLIG_2	This fast light cavalry are vulnerable against well-trained infantry.	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_TRN_CAVTAI_1	The men of the taisho are skilled in melee combat but vulnerable to spear and missile troops.	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_TRN_CAVTAI_2	They are best reserved for the protection of the general, who increases the morale of nearby units. 	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_TRN_CAVYAR_1	Yari cavalry excel at chasing down a fleeing enemy but suffer heavy losses when confronted by spearmen or missile troops.	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_TRN_FIREPT_1	Raining fire upon the enemy has a devastating effect on their morale and the structural integrity of their buildings!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_TRN_FIRESH_1	This small, fast-moving vessel can attack with exploding projectiles that can set fire to enemy ships.	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_TRN_HEVBUN_1	This ship carries many musketeers, and can be used to board enemy vessels. 	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_TRN_HEVBUN_2	It is strong, but slow and can be sunk by cannon fire. 	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_TRN_KATASH_1	These swordsmen are the heart of your army, used primarily for melee attacks their main weaknesses are missile troops and cavalry.	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_TRN_KATSAM_1	Skilled swordsmen with excellent morale; these warriors are the body and soul of any army.	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_TRN_KATSEN_1	When man and sword are as one, mastery is meaningless. 	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_TRN_KATSEN_2	The sword wields the man, and makes him unbeatable, a living legend. 	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_TRN_KSHNIN_1	Virtually undetectable on the battlefield this small group of highly trained ninjas can kill a man and be safely home before anyone even realises they were there!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_TRN_MANGNL_1	Even the most heavily fortified castle is no match for these flaming balls! When kept at range these projectiles are incredibly effective.	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_TRN_MATASH_1	These men are great at range and have a substantial effect on enemy moral but they must be withdrawn before engaging in melee or they will be massacred!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_TRN_MATASH_1	These men are great at range and have a substantial effect on enemy morale but they must be withdrawn before engaging in melee or they will be massacred!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_TRN_MATMON_1	A line of matchlock armed warrior monks will strike fear into the heart of the enemy. 	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_TRN_MATMON_2	However, their lengthy reload times leave them vulnerable to cavalry charges. 	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_TRN_MATSAM_1	More accurate than the ashigaru, matchlock samurai are capable of rank fire and possess excellent morale. 	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_TRN_MATSHP_1	This swift ship carries musketeers to engage larger ships at range and will suffer heavy casualties if boarded. 	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_TRN_MEDBUN_1	With speed, manoeuvrability and strength this ship has many uses. 	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_TRN_MEDBUN_2	However, its versatility makes it less effective than more specialised ships. 	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_TRN_MPKATAS_1	These swordsmen are the heart of your army, used primarily for melee attacks their main weaknesses are missile troops and cavalry.	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_TRN_MPTAC_1	More powerful than the katana ashigaru, tachi samurai excel in melee combat and are vulnerable to cavalry and missile troops.	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_TRN_MPTAIS_1	The men of the taisho are skilled in melee combat but vulnerable to spear and missile troops.	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_TRN_MPTAIS_2	They are best reserved for the protection of the general, who increases the morale of nearby units. 	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_TRN_NAGCAV	Immovable as stone, Naginata warrior monk cavalry are excellent against enemy cavalry but weak against spear and missile troops.	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_TRN_NAGMON_1	A life of reflection and dedication to their art has moulded these men into powerful warriors!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_TRN_NAGMON_2	Only elite cavalry and missile troops are a match for them! 	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_TRN_NAGSAM_1	Armed with the deadly naginata these samurai are lethal to infantry and cavalry units but weak against missile troops.	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_TRN_NAGSEN_1	Calm, poised and deadly, these warrior monks have transcended mere skill and operate on a different plane, far above their peers and enemies. 	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_TRN_NDASAM_1	The no-dachi requires great skill from its master; its size makes the barer vulnerable in melee defence but on the charge, it is deadly!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_TRN_NIHMAR_1	This flagship of the fleet is the command of a general.	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_TRN_NDASAM_1	The no-dachi requires great skill from its master; its size makes the bearer vulnerable in melee defence but on the charge, it is deadly!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_TRN_NIHMAR_1	This flagship of the fleet is under the command of a general.	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_TRN_NIHMAR_2	It inspires nearby ships, but its size and slow speed make it an easy target for enemy cannons. 	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_TRN_RDSSHP_1	A large ocean going trade ship, the Red Seal increases trade income by opening trade possibilities in foreign lands.	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_TRN_RDSSHP_2	With no fighting crew to speak of this ship should be kept out of battle at all costs.	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_TRN_ROCKET_1	Ideal as a long range siege weapon, these rockets are inaccurate but devastating should they reach their target.	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_TRN_SENBUN_1	Sengoku Bune are primarily used for chasing down smaller ships, 	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_TRN_SENBUN_2	their sails make them much faster than other vessels of their size but a small crew leaves them vulnerable to boarding attacks.	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_TRN_TRDSHP_1	This unarmed ship should be used solely for trade, if caught up in battle its best plan of attack is flight!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_TRN_TWRBUN_1	The raised tower on this vessel lets the crew rain arrows on enemy ships. 	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_TRN_TWRBUN_2	Boarding attacks by larger ships can be difficult to fight off. 	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_TRN_YARASH_1	Yari Ashigaru provide excellent defence against enemy cavalry charges but their tight formations leave them vulnerable to missile troops and skilled infantry units.	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_TRN_YARSAM_1	Unlike the yari ashigaru, samurai ashigaru possess the ability to defend themselves in melee combat and are more effective against enemy cavalry. 	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_TRN_YARSAM_1	Unlike the yari ashigaru, yari samurai possess the ability to defend themselves in melee combat and are more effective against enemy cavalry. 	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_TRN_YARSEN_1	Masters of defence, these men could hold against a charging horde of demons! 	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_TRN_YARSEN_2	Their spear wall is nigh impenetrable and enemy cavalry fall like leaves in a storm! 	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_TUT_OUT_1	With our conquest secured, the Chosokabe can take their rightful place alongside the other great clans. 	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_TUT_OUT_2	Each clan has their own skills and challenges, but all strive toward the same goal.	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_TUT_OUT_3	All dream of a united Japan ruled by a single Shogun, their clan leader.	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_TUT_OUT_4	But who will triumph? Who has the power to unite Japan and end this age of total war?	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_UNL-XXX-UNLO-GEI-XXX-XXX_1	Beautiful as cherry blossom and as deadly as the habu snake.	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_UNL-XXX-UNLO-GEI-XXX-XXX_2	Much is hidden, and truth is seen too late as the blade slides home.	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_UNL-XXX-UNLO-MET-XXX-XXX_1	He who can see the shadows has power in the light.	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_UNL-XXX-UNLO-MET-XXX-XXX_2	Metsuke deal in bribery and corruption, keep order, and watch for assassins and spies.	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_UNL-XXX-UNLO-MON-XXX-XXX_1	A life of enlightenment is bliss, but to share this with the people is a greater gift. 	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_UNL-XXX-UNLO-MON-XXX-XXX_2	Monks inspire armies and generals, and can inspire a repressed Buddhist population to rebel! 	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_UNL-XXX-UNLO-NIN-XXX-XXX_1	Where darkness meets the shadow, there dwells the ninja: 	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_UNL-XXX-UNLO-NIN-XXX-XXX_2	saboteurs and assassins, happy to do their lord’s bidding.	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_UNL-XXX-UNLO-PRI-XXX-XXX_1	The Word of God is a great comfort to the people. 	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_UNL-XXX-UNLO-PRI-XXX-XXX_2	But it can also incite unrest, for not everyone has seen the light of Truth, and some may never believe.	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_WIN_CHO_1	My ancestors would be proud. We drew the sword and went to war.	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_WIN_CHO_2	Our enemies are scattered! Their cities burn. All who opposed us are crushed! Their dead are silent.	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_WIN_CHO_3	We Chosokabe are triumphant!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_WIN_CHO_4	From the northern mountains, to the depths of the southern seas, we rule! I rule!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_WIN_CHO_5	The true master of Japan has been revealed. All men bow to me, their mighty shogun.	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_WIN_CHO_6	Our clan's greatness will be remembered. Its glory, its power…	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_WIN_CHO_7	...A legacy to last ten thousand years!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_WIN_DAT_1	My ancestors would be proud. We drew the sword and went to war.	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_WIN_DAT_2	Our enemies are scattered! Their cities burn. All who opposed us are crushed! Their dead are silent.	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_WIN_DAT_3	We Date are triumphant!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_WIN_DAT_4	From the northern mountains, to the depths of the southern seas, we rule! I rule!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_WIN_DAT_5	The true master of Japan has been revealed. All men bow to me, their mighty shogun.	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_WIN_DAT_6	Our clan's greatness will be remembered. Its glory, its power…	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_WIN_DAT_7	...A legacy to last ten thousand years!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_WIN_HOJ_1	My ancestors would be proud. We drew the sword and went to war.	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_WIN_HOJ_2	Our enemies are scattered! Their cities burn. All who opposed us are crushed! Their dead are silent.	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_WIN_HOJ_3	We Hojo are triumphant!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_WIN_HOJ_4	From the northern mountains, to the depths of the southern seas, we rule! I rule!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_WIN_HOJ_5	The true master of Japan has been revealed. All men bow to me, their mighty shogun.	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_WIN_HOJ_6	Our clan's greatness will be remembered. Its glory, its power…	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_WIN_HOJ_7	...A legacy to last ten thousand years!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_WIN_IGA_1	My ancestors would be proud. We drew the sword and went to war.	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_WIN_IGA_2	Our enemies are scattered! Their cities burn. All who opposed us are crushed! Their dead are silent.	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_WIN_IGA_3	We Hattori are triumphant!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_WIN_IGA_4	From the northern mountains, to the depths of the southern seas, we rule! I rule!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_WIN_IGA_5	The true master of Japan has been revealed. All men bow to me, their mighty shogun.	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_WIN_IGA_6	Our clan's greatness will be remembered. Its glory, its power…	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_WIN_IGA_7	...A legacy to last ten thousand years!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_WIN_MOR_1	My ancestors would be proud. We drew the sword and went to war.	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_WIN_MOR_2	Our enemies are scattered! Their cities burn. All who opposed us are crushed! Their dead are silent.	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_WIN_MOR_3	We Mori are triumphant!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_WIN_MOR_4	From the northern mountains, to the depths of the southern seas, we rule! I rule!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_WIN_MOR_5	The true master of Japan has been revealed. All men bow to me, their mighty shogun.	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_WIN_MOR_6	Our clan's greatness will be remembered. Its glory, its power…	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_WIN_MOR_7	...A legacy to last ten thousand years!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_WIN_ODA_1	My ancestors would be proud. We drew the sword and went to war.	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_WIN_ODA_2	Our enemies are scattered! Their cities burn. All who opposed us are crushed! Their dead are silent.	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_WIN_ODA_3	We Oda are triumphant!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_WIN_ODA_4	From the northern mountains, to the depths of the southern seas, we rule! I rule!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_WIN_ODA_5	The true master of Japan has been revealed. All men bow to me, their mighty shogun.	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_WIN_ODA_6	Our clan's greatness will be remembered. Its glory, its power…	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_WIN_ODA_7	...A legacy to last ten thousand years!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_WIN_SHI_1	My ancestors would be proud. We drew the sword and went to war.	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_WIN_SHI_2	Our enemies are scattered! Their cities burn. All who opposed us are crushed! Their dead are silent.	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_WIN_SHI_3	We Shimazu are triumphant!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_WIN_SHI_4	From the northern mountains, to the depths of the southern seas, we rule! I rule!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_WIN_SHI_5	The true master of Japan has been revealed. All men bow to me, their mighty shogun.	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_WIN_SHI_6	Our clan's greatness will be remembered. Its glory, its power…	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_WIN_SHI_7	...A legacy to last ten thousand years!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_WIN_TAK_1	My ancestors would be proud. We drew the sword and went to war.	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_WIN_TAK_2	Our enemies are scattered! Their cities burn. All who opposed us are crushed! Their dead are silent.	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_WIN_TAK_3	We Takeda are triumphant!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_WIN_TAK_4	From the northern mountains, to the depths of the southern seas, we rule! I rule!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_WIN_TAK_5	The true master of Japan has been revealed. All men bow to me, their mighty shogun.	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_WIN_TAK_6	Our clan's greatness will be remembered. Its glory, its power…	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_WIN_TAK_7	...A legacy to last ten thousand years!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_WIN_TOK_1	My ancestors would be proud. We drew the sword and went to war.	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_WIN_TOK_2	Our enemies are scattered! Their cities burn. All who opposed us are crushed! Their dead are silent.	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_WIN_TOK_3	We Tokugawa are triumphant!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_WIN_TOK_4	From the northern mountains, to the depths of the southern seas, we rule! I rule!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_WIN_TOK_5	The true master of Japan has been revealed. All men bow to me, their mighty shogun.	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_WIN_TOK_6	Our clan's greatness will be remembered. Its glory, its power…	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_WIN_TOK_7	...A legacy to last ten thousand years!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_WIN_UES_1	My ancestors would be proud. We drew the sword and went to war.	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_WIN_UES_2	Our enemies are scattered! Their cities burn. All who opposed us are crushed! Their dead are silent.	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_WIN_UES_3	We Uesugi are triumphant!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_WIN_UES_4	From the northern mountains, to the depths of the southern seas, we rule! I rule!	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_WIN_UES_5	The true master of Japan has been revealed. All men bow to me, their mighty shogun.	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_WIN_UES_6	Our clan's greatness will be remembered. Its glory, its power…	True
subtitles_subtitle_text_WIN_UES_7	...A legacy to last ten thousand years!	True