encyclopedia_blocks_content_enc_text_manual_hud	The following is a tour of the campaign interface that you must use to make strategic decisions during each turn of your journey to the [[url="encyclopedia/how_to_play/002b_enc_glossary.html#enc_glossary_shogunate"]]shogunate[[/url]]:	True
encyclopedia_blocks_content_enc_text_manual_hud_arts	This panel enables selection of the arts that, when mastered, may give you a technological or cultural advantage over your rivals. To begin, simply select the item you wish to master. Mouse over an art for a short description, details of effects, and the length of time needed to master it. Longer descriptions for each of the arts can be found [[url="encyclopedia/arts.html"]]here[[/url]].	True
encyclopedia_blocks_content_enc_text_manual_hud_date	Each turn represents one of the four seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter - so there are four turns per year. To check the season or the date, mouse over the [[url="encyclopedia/how_to_play/017_enc_manual_hud_end_turn.html"]]end turn[[/url]] button in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen.	True
encyclopedia_blocks_content_enc_text_manual_hud_diplomacy	Diplomacy is the art of negotiation between [[url="encyclopedia/how_to_play/002b_enc_glossary.html#enc_glossary_clan"]]clans[[/url]]. Use this panel to construct a deal with another clan for increased [[url="encyclopedia/how_to_play/019_enc_manual_trade.html"]]trade[[/url]], formal [[url="encyclopedia/how_to_play/015f_enc_manual_hud_diplomacy_options_war.html"]]declarations of war[[/url]] and [[url="encyclopedia/how_to_play/015f1_enc_manual_hud_diplomacy_options_peace.html"]]peace treaties [[/url]], [[url="encyclopedia/how_to_play/015c_enc_manual_hud_diplomacy_options_alliance.html"]]military alliances[[/url]] and [[url="encyclopedia/how_to_play/015c1_enc_manual_hud_diplomacy_access.html"]]access[[/url]] through territory, [[url="encyclopedia/how_to_play/015h_enc_manual_hud_diplomacy_options_marriage.html"]]marriage[[/url]] between your offspring, and [[url="encyclopedia/how_to_play/015g_enc_manual_hud_diplomacy_options_hostages.html"]]hostages[[/url]] or [[url="encyclopedia/how_to_play/015d_enc_manual_hud_diplomacy_options_money.html"]]payments[[/url]] to secure an agreement, amongst other things.	True
encyclopedia_blocks_content_enc_text_manual_hud_diplomacy_clans	The factions in this game are split into two types: major and minor [[url="encyclopedia/how_to_play/002b_enc_glossary.html#enc_glossary_clan"]]clans[[/url]]. A major clan is playable based on their geographical position and importance during the [[url="encyclopedia/how_to_play/002b_enc_glossary.html#enc_glossary_sengoku_jidai"]]Sengoku Jidai[[/url]]. A minor clan is unplayable, but will still make conquests and attempt to obtain the [[url="encyclopedia/how_to_play/002b_enc_glossary.html#enc_glossary_shogunate"]]shogunate[[/url]]. 	True
encyclopedia_blocks_content_enc_text_manual_hud_diplomacy_options_access	Military access allows armies to pass through each other's territory without declaring war. If you are invited to join a war you will be automatically granted access to your ally's territory for the duration of that war.	True
encyclopedia_blocks_content_enc_text_manual_hud_diplomacy_options_alliance	A military alliance between two [[url="encyclopedia/how_to_play/002b_enc_glossary.html#enc_glossary_clan"]]clans[[/url]] allows you to call on an ally to provide assistance when at war, and likewise. Note that a refusal to provide support when an ally is under attack will instantly cancel the alliance between you.	True
encyclopedia_blocks_content_enc_text_manual_hud_diplomacy_options_counteroffer	If a clan’s initial offer or demand isn’t quite what you had in mind you can use the counter-offer option to enable further negotiation to take place, rather than simply rejecting it.	True
encyclopedia_blocks_content_enc_text_manual_hud_diplomacy_options_hostages	If a [[url="encyclopedia/how_to_play/002b_enc_glossary.html#enc_glossary_clan"]]clan[[/url]] continually rejects your [[url="encyclopedia/how_to_play/015a_enc_manual_hud_ui_diplomacy.html"]]diplomatic offers[[/url]] you can barter with the life of a hostage as the bargaining chip. A hostage is a randomly chosen member of that clan's [[url="encyclopedia/how_to_play/016_enc_manual_hud_management.html"]]family[[/url]], older than five years of age but never a general. Once taken as a hostage no action can be performed on or by the character until they are released. Hostage-taking has a time restriction on it of eight turns, and if the deal has been upheld up to that point the character is returned alive and the diplomatic agreement between your two clans continues. If the agreement is broken during that time the hostage is killed. A hostage can only be included as part of a deal, never as a deal in itself.	True
encyclopedia_blocks_content_enc_text_manual_hud_diplomacy_options_marriage	Although marriages within your clan between daughters and retainers is possible, the female members of your family are also useful diplomatic tools when dealing with other [[url="encyclopedia/how_to_play/002b_enc_glossary.html#enc_glossary_clan"]]clans[[/url]]. The offering of an unmarried daughter by one clan to another in order to seal good relations between the two can greatly strengthen a [[url="encyclopedia/how_to_play/015_enc_manual_hud_diplomacy.html"]]diplomatic relationship[[/url]] and produce heirs to the leadership of the husband's clan. When a daughter is offered and accepted she is immediately removed from your [[url="encyclopedia/how_to_play/016_enc_manual_hud_management.html"]]family tree[[/url]]. Only clans with a neutral diplomatic relationship or better can inter-marry, and of course other clans may disapprove of the match, negatively affecting your relations with them. If marriage is offered to you when you have no suitable family members available, another clan member may be accepted as a suitor.	True
encyclopedia_blocks_content_enc_text_manual_hud_diplomacy_options_money	It is possible to offer or demand money as part of a diplomatic deal. Unsolicited gifts of cash can help to improve diplomatic relations too, which is useful if you want to keep a rival [[url="encyclopedia/how_to_play/002b_enc_glossary.html#enc_glossary_clan"]]clan[[/url]] happy just long enough to prepare your stab in the back! 	True
encyclopedia_blocks_content_enc_text_manual_hud_diplomacy_options_peace	Use this option to broker peace with a [[url="encyclopedia/how_to_play/002b_enc_glossary.html#enc_glossary_clan"]]clan[[/url]] you are at war with. Note that it will often be necessary to "sweeten" a peace treaty with other concessions such as a [[url="encyclopedia/how_to_play/015d_enc_manual_hud_diplomacy_options_money.html"]]payment[[/url]] or [[url="encyclopedia/how_to_play/015g_enc_manual_hud_diplomacy_options_hostages.html"]]hostage[[/url]], especially if your clan was the aggressor of the conflict.	True
encyclopedia_blocks_content_enc_text_manual_hud_diplomacy_options_threaten	The threaten option is a diplomatic tool to help you get your own way in certain situations. The effectiveness of a threat greatly depends on the military strength of the [[url="encyclopedia/how_to_play/002b_enc_glossary.html#enc_glossary_clan"]]clan[[/url]] you are threatening relative to your own, so you must not use the option without fully considering what it means to do so - making threats you cannot or choose not to back up will result in them becoming less effective each time you use them. It must also be borne in mind when making threats that the threatened party will not look kindly upon those who like to throw their military weight around - your [[url="encyclopedia/how_to_play/015_enc_manual_hud_diplomacy.html"]]diplomatic relations[[/url]] will suffer drastically, eventually leading to war between you. If you are threatened by another clan, refusal to comply with their wishes may mean they instantly declare war on you, so you must be sure of your military strength before doing so.	True
encyclopedia_blocks_content_enc_text_manual_hud_diplomacy_options_trade_agreement	A trade agreement is a deal between two [[url="encyclopedia/how_to_play/002b_enc_glossary.html#enc_glossary_clan"]]clans[[/url]] agreeing the type and price of commodities to be traded. The details of such an agreement are not visible to the player, you simply set it up - the rest of the negotiation is implied by the other party's acceptance. Once agreed, a trade route is opened between the territory of your clan and that of your trade partner, enabling goods to be traded straight away for mutual advantage and profit. A trade agreement can be both offered and demanded.	True
encyclopedia_blocks_content_enc_text_manual_hud_diplomacy_options_trade_embargo	A trade embargo is an agreement between two or more [[url="encyclopedia/how_to_play/002b_enc_glossary.html#enc_glossary_clan"]]clans[[/url]] not to trade with a specified third clan. A trade embargo can be both offered and demanded.	True
encyclopedia_blocks_content_enc_text_manual_hud_diplomacy_options_vassals	Vassals are [[url="encyclopedia/how_to_play/002b_enc_glossary.html#enc_glossary_clan"]]clans[[/url]] who agree to exchange 50% of their income and unlimited [[url="encyclopedia/how_to_play/015c1_enc_manual_hud_diplomacy_access.html"]]military access[[/url]] in return for the protection the military might of their overlord affords. The net result of this is that vassals may find themselves dragged into conflicts not of their own design, and unlike regular [[url="encyclopedia/how_to_play/015c_enc_manual_hud_diplomacy_options_alliance.html"]]allies[[/url]], cannot decline a request to fight for their overlord without automatically declaring war on them. Clans do not usually offer themselves as vassals, the situation is generally forced upon them as part of a diplomatic deal that is more of a thinly-veiled threat than a fair and balanced offer. 	True
encyclopedia_blocks_content_enc_text_manual_hud_diplomacy_options_war_declare	The declare war option is used to officially open armed hostilities with another [[url="encyclopedia/how_to_play/002b_enc_glossary.html#enc_glossary_clan"]]clan[[/url]], as opposed to simply marching into their territory to stake your claim. Never declare war without first considering the consequences, as an ill-prepared assault could have consequences resulting in your reduction to [[url="encyclopedia/how_to_play/015e_enc_manual_hud_diplomacy_options_vassals.html"]]vassal[[/url]] status or worse, the annihilation of your clan. Note that when making your declaration the check box asking [[url="encyclopedia/how_to_play/015c_enc_manual_hud_diplomacy_options_alliance.html"]]allies[[/url]] to join you is defaulted to yes. Your allies will assess the situation and may agree to declare war, but might just as easily break off your alliance, leaving you to fend for yourself.	True
encyclopedia_blocks_content_enc_text_manual_hud_diplomacy_options_war_join	At any time during a conflict, the join war option can be used to request that an ally declares war on a [[url="encyclopedia/how_to_play/002b_enc_glossary.html#enc_glossary_clan"]]clan[[/url]] you are already fighting against. This means you can look for new [[url="encyclopedia/how_to_play/015c_enc_manual_hud_diplomacy_options_alliance.html"]]allies[[/url]] to help if the war is not necessarily going your way.	True
encyclopedia_blocks_content_enc_text_manual_hud_diplomacy_relations	What one [[url="encyclopedia/how_to_play/002b_enc_glossary.html#enc_glossary_clan"]]clan[[/url]] thinks of another is characterised by diplomatic relations - friendly, indifferent, unfriendly, hostile. The conduct of your clan during diplomacy, military situations involving other clans and espionage all have an effect on diplomatic relations.	True
encyclopedia_blocks_content_enc_text_manual_hud_end_turn	When you have completed every action you can and want to during a turn, press the end turn button to advance to the next season. Before it is your turn again the AI-controlled [[url="encyclopedia/how_to_play/002b_enc_glossary.html#enc_glossary_clan"]]clans[[/url]] will all take theirs. This may mean you are attacked and must [[url="encyclopedia/how_to_play/032_enc_manual_ui_battle.html"]]fight[[/url]] before you can consolidate or move your forces again.	True
encyclopedia_blocks_content_enc_text_manual_hud_events	All important messages are stored in the events list underneath the [[url="encyclopedia/how_to_play/008_enc_manual_hud_radar.html"]]radar map[[/url]]. The events button will flash when an event has arrived, and when an important event occurs the panel will open automatically. Important events are logged and stored on the [[url="encyclopedia/how_to_play/016_enc_manual_hud_management.html#enc_text_manual_hud_management_records"]]records tab[[/url]] of the [[url="encyclopedia/how_to_play/016_enc_manual_hud_management.html"]]clan management panel[[/url]].	True
encyclopedia_blocks_content_enc_text_manual_hud_events_dilemmas	From time to time you will be presented with dilemmas - events that require you to make a choice. The result of this choice will have either positive or negative implications for your [[url="encyclopedia/how_to_play/002b_enc_glossary.html#enc_glossary_clan"]]clan[[/url]], depending on the choice you have made.	True
encyclopedia_blocks_content_enc_text_manual_hud_events_dilemmas_religion	Periodically, European traders – the nanban - will try to instigate trade with you. If you accept their overtures and construct a nanban trade port it will eventually be possible to change your clan’s official religion to Christianity. Conversion will give you access to cheaper teppo ashigaru that will take less time to recruit, but may alienate you from own people and, to some extent, traditional Buddhist clans. However, it is possible to keep Buddhist buildings in your provinces to appease the more traditional elements of your population. Christianity will also enable you to construct a nanban quarter at your port, giving you access to European cannon and ships. Convert religion by going to the family & council tab on the [[url="encyclopedia/how_to_play/016_enc_manual_hud_management.html"]]clan management panel[[/url]] and clicking on the dedicated button in the top left-hand corner.	True
encyclopedia_blocks_content_enc_text_manual_hud_events_missions	From time to time missions are issued, either by your [[url="encyclopedia/how_to_play/002b_enc_glossary.html#enc_glossary_clan"]]clan[[/url]], the shogun or, if appropriate, your European trade partners. Mission objectives may be reviewed from the objectives list beneath the radar map or from the summary tab on the clan management panel. Although there is no penalty for failure, successful completion of a mission results in a reward, often in the form of bonus effects for your clan. If a mission becomes unachievable due to factors outside your control it will be cancelled automatically.	True
encyclopedia_blocks_content_enc_text_manual_hud_events_victory	Each [[url="encyclopedia/how_to_play/002b_enc_glossary.html#enc_glossary_clan"]]clan[[/url]] has a set of predetermined territorial conquests that it must complete in order to attain overall victory during a campaign. These are displayed on the objectives list underneath the radar map and also on the [[url="encyclopedia/how_to_play/016_enc_manual_hud_management.html#enc_text_manual_hud_management_summary"]]summary tab[[/url]] on the [[url="encyclopedia/how_to_play/016_enc_manual_hud_management.html"]]clan management panel[[/url]].	True
encyclopedia_blocks_content_enc_text_manual_hud_finance_management	A financial summary is issued each turn. It can be accessed via the summary tab on the finance panel.	True
encyclopedia_blocks_content_enc_text_manual_hud_finances	Taxation is managed via the finance panel. Its taxes tab shows a summary of your projected income, maps the effect that the current tax rate is having on [[url="encyclopedia/how_to_play/020_enc_manual_public_order.html"]]public order[[/url]] and [[url="encyclopedia/how_to_play/021_enc_manual_ui_province.html"]]wealth[[/url]], and allows the adjustment of tax levels globally for every [[url="encyclopedia/how_to_play/002b_enc_glossary.html#enc_glossary_province"]]province[[/url]] under your control. AI management of taxation (auto-management) can be specified here. Click on the button at the bottom of the panel to go straight to the [[url="encyclopedia/how_to_play/021_enc_manual_ui_province.html"]]province details panel[[/url]] of the province with the lowest public order. In most cases, adjusting tax levels should fix the problem, although it is also possible to exempt a province from taxation there.	True
encyclopedia_blocks_content_enc_text_manual_hud_lists	Lists of your [[url="encyclopedia/how_to_play/002b_enc_glossary.html#enc_glossary_clan"]]clan's[[/url]] current armies, fleets, agents and [[url="encyclopedia/how_to_play/002b_enc_glossary.html#enc_glossary_province"]]provinces[[/url]], as well as a list of neighbouring clans, can be viewed by clicking on the buttons at the bottom of the radar map. Lists are useful for locating characters, fleets and armies in the field, centring the camera on a province or instigating [[url="encyclopedia/how_to_play/015_enc_manual_hud_diplomacy.html"]]diplomacy[[/url]] with a neighbouring clan. Double-click on a clan's mon to begin the diplomatic process.	True
encyclopedia_blocks_content_enc_text_manual_hud_management	The clan's family tree, details of the daimyo's heir and the offices of his commissioners are displayed via the clan management panel - accessed via the dedicated button in the bottom right-hand corner of the campaign map. Under [[url="encyclopedia/how_to_play/012a_enc_manual_hud_events_dilemmas.html#enc_text_manual_hud_events_convert religion"]]certain conditions[[/url]] it is also possible to change your clan's religion from the family & council tab on this panel.	True
encyclopedia_blocks_content_enc_text_manual_hud_management_adoptions	All male family members automatically become generals as soon as they come of age. In addition, new generals will be periodically offered for adoption into your clan as individuals distinguish themselves in battle or volunteer to lead your armies.	True
encyclopedia_blocks_content_enc_text_manual_hud_management_commissioners	There are commissioner positions that can be allocated to family members and other [[url="encyclopedia/how_to_play/002b_enc_glossary.html#enc_glossary_clan"]]clan[[/url]] members such as generals. Commissions are divided into two military and two civic positions. The military positions are warfare - the [[url="encyclopedia/how_to_play/002b_enc_glossary.html#enc_glossary_daimyo"]]daimyo's[[/url]] chief of staff, who reduces recruitment costs; supply - in charge of equipping and supplying the army in the field, who increases replenishment rate of depleted units. The civic ones are: development - in charge of construction, who reduces construction costs, and finance - in charge of the clan's coffers, who increases the tax rate across your territory. The effects of the commissions are increased depending on the rank of the men holding them, so a four star general makes a more powerful commissioner than one with a single star.	True
encyclopedia_blocks_content_enc_text_manual_hud_management_commissions	Giving a commission to a character is easy - simply select his portrait within the family tree or from the list of non-family member generals and press one of the commission buttons on the panel at the bottom of the screen. His loyalty rating will be updated automatically and will take effect from the beginning of the next turn.	True
encyclopedia_blocks_content_enc_text_manual_hud_management_family	The family tree depicts the growth of your [[url="encyclopedia/how_to_play/002b_enc_glossary.html#enc_glossary_clan"]]clan's[[/url]] ruling family across three generations. The first generation always comprises of the daimyo and his wife, the second his children and the third their children. When a daimyo dies, his chosen heir replaces him; the new daimyo's siblings are removed from the family tree but remain in play if they are generals. Children of the new daimyo's brothers never become generals or daughters and are removed from the game. The third generation of a family cannot become generals or marriageable daughters until the current incumbent daimyo has died. Under [[url="encyclopedia/how_to_play/012a_enc_manual_hud_events_dilemmas.html#enc_text_manual_hud_events_convert religion"]]certain conditions[[/url]] it is also possible to change your clan's religion from this panel.	True
encyclopedia_blocks_content_enc_text_manual_hud_management_records	The records tab is used to log important information about [[url="encyclopedia/how_to_play/012_enc_manual_hud_events.html"]]events[[/url]] that have occurred and statistics that have been gathered during a campaign.	True
encyclopedia_blocks_content_enc_text_manual_hud_management_summary	The summary tab is used to display important information and statistics about the state of our [[url="encyclopedia/how_to_play/002b_enc_glossary.html#enc_glossary_clan"]]clan[[/url]], such as bonus [[url="encyclopedia/how_to_play/023_enc_manual_clan_effects.html"]]effects[[/url]], [[url="encyclopedia/how_to_play/022_enc_manual_clan_traits.html"]]clan traits[[/url]] and [[url="encyclopedia/how_to_play/024_enc_manual_clan_fame.html"]]clan fame[[/url]] levels, the state of [[url="encyclopedia/how_to_play/015_enc_manual_hud_diplomacy.html"]]diplomacy[[/url]] and your [[url="encyclopedia/how_to_play/012b_enc_manual_hud_events_victory.html"]]victory conditions[[/url]], all in one place for ease of reference.	True
encyclopedia_blocks_content_enc_text_manual_hud_radar	The radar map shows Japan divided into provinces, with your own territory picked out in your [[url="encyclopedia/how_to_play/002b_enc_glossary.html#enc_glossary_clan"]]clan's[[/url]] colours. Click on a [[url="encyclopedia/how_to_play/002b_enc_glossary.html#enc_glossary_province"]]province[[/url]] to zoom the campaign map to it and centre the camera there. The radar map can be made larger or smaller with the plus and minus buttons in the corners.	True
encyclopedia_blocks_content_enc_text_manual_hud_treasury	The treasury indicates the amount of money in the [[url="encyclopedia/how_to_play/002b_enc_glossary.html#enc_glossary_clan"]]clan's[[/url]] coffers above the projected income for the next turn. This information is displayed underneath the [[url="encyclopedia/how_to_play/017_enc_manual_hud_end_turn.html"]]end turn[[/url]] button in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen.	True
encyclopedia_blocks_content_enc_text_manual_hud_ui_diplomacy_negotiation	Select a diplomatic option from the left in order to construct a proposal and press the X button to cancel it. Remember that a complicated proposal involving too many elements may be rejected out of hand. It is not possible to initiate diplomacy with a [[url="encyclopedia/how_to_play/002b_enc_glossary.html#enc_glossary_clan"]]clan[[/url]] that does not border your own, one that you have not visited with an army or agent or has not visited your territory with an army or agent.	True
encyclopedia_blocks_content_enc_text_manual_hud_ui_diplomacy_throne	In the centre of the negotiations panel is the throne room. This is a window onto the inner workings of the court of a [[url="encyclopedia/how_to_play/002b_enc_glossary.html#enc_glossary_daimyo"]]daimyo[[/url]]. When brokering a new deal you will be able to tell how well negotiations are going by the reactions of the opposing daimyo or those of his emissary.	True