dilemmas_localised_description_d_ambitious_traders 我々の港で働く商人たちが私たち一族と諸外国間の貿易の増加を提案しています。 彼らは海外貿易の機会に投資するための許可を要求しています。 True
dilemmas_localised_description_d_auxiliary_supplies 近隣の州で我々の一族に奉仕する商人たちは、大量の兵糧を調達するための機会を見つけた。 この投資は私たちの戦争への取り組みに有益であることを証明することができた。 True
dilemmas_localised_description_d_better_agent_metsuke 将軍の身分のための望みは、我々が貢物を提供するのをいとわないでいる限り、私たちの目付に特別な自由裁量を授けようという彼らの申し出通りとなった。 True
dilemmas_localised_description_d_better_agent_missionary 日本中でのキリスト教を支援するための私たちの努力に感銘を受けて、教会は、捧げものの見返りに、教皇自身の代理として私たちに力を与える。 True
dilemmas_localised_description_d_better_agent_monk 一向一揆門宗により私たちに密使が派遣されています。 仏教の伝統に対する我々の帰依といくつかの代償を引き換えとすることを承認する間、 同盟がわれらの僧侶の仕事を支援することを申し出ています。 True
dilemmas_localised_description_d_better_agent_ninja 殿、服部の代理人が我々に提案を持って話を持ちかけています。 小規模の貢物の代わりに、彼らは私たちと忍術の専門的知識の一部を共有してくれるはずです。 True
dilemmas_localised_description_d_bountiful_harvest 好天により今年は豊作につながっているので、 一族は農産物の余剰を持っています。 True
dilemmas_localised_description_d_conflict_beliefs_buddhist この州の教化された人たちに、あからさまに彼のキリスト教の信仰で改宗させようとしている男が見つかっています。 我々は、彼の教えがわれらの一族の人々に影響を与え始めているであろう宗教的分裂の危険性に労力を割くのが難しいです。 True
dilemmas_localised_description_d_conflict_beliefs_christian この州のよきキリスト教との間で、あからさまに彼の仏教の新人について話している男が見つかっています。 我々は、彼の教えがわれらの一族の人々に影響を与え始めているであろう宗教的分裂の危険性に労力を割くのが難しいです。 True
dilemmas_localised_description_d_desecration この地域の人々は、仏と神に捧げられた霊場を汚した南蛮宣教師の振る舞いで取り乱しました。 True
dilemmas_localised_description_d_developmental_focus 氏族が技術の習得を促進することを求めて我らの家臣が彼らが注力すべきところに関して指図を要求しています。 True
dilemmas_localised_description_d_disgruntled_vassal この地域の御家人が中央集権がこの地域の彼の権限を減少させたことに不満を表明しています。 True
dilemmas_localised_description_d_francis_xavier The nanban missionary Francis Xavier, having treated with other daimyo to propagate his Christian teachings in their domains, seeks permission for his missionaries to preach in ours. True
dilemmas_localised_description_d_gaijin_trouble 南蛮の厄介な習慣のせいでこの国でややこしく、そして嘆かわしい事件が増加しているようです。 True
dilemmas_localised_description_d_hachiman_flock 殿、首都の周りを飛んでいる鳩が目撃されました。八幡神の使いは我が一族に神の加護をもたらすでしょう! True
dilemmas_localised_description_d_heralding_spring 春が訪れました。一族の勢力を強める為に、そして我等の金庫を満たしたままにしておくために、人々は冬の間中ずっと、懸命に働いたようです。 True
dilemmas_localised_description_d_imperial_new_year 朝廷は帝を称えるために新年の祝宴の準備を進めています。朝廷は、あるべき敬意が払われる様に帝に忠実な恭しき大名に貢物を求めています。 True
dilemmas_localised_description_d_intoxication 戦が激しさを増してきた為、人々は戦がもたらす幾多の苦難から逃れるべく杯に慰めを求め、酒がらみの揉め事が増加しているとの報告がなされています。 True
dilemmas_localised_description_d_jizamurai 多くの国が我等の支配下にある為、我等が支配する地侍の数も増え続けています。この土豪達は優れた武士であり、農業の専門家でもあります。 True
dilemmas_localised_description_d_land_dispute この国の地主は仲間が持っている土地を奪い取ったようです。被害者は正義を求めておりますが、その一方で騒動を起こした当人は、自分なら一族の利益の為に農地をもっと有効に活用できると主張しています。 True
dilemmas_localised_description_d_martial_priorities この戦乱の世において、家臣達の間で攻撃術、或いは防御術の訓練のどちらに一族の軍事的資源を注ぎ込むかで意見が割れております。 True
dilemmas_localised_description_d_master_archer A reputable marksman has approached the clan, offering his services so that we might extend our reputation for skill with the bow. This man's mastery of ranged fighting knows no equal; for a price, he has offered to improve the proficiency of our archers. True
dilemmas_localised_description_d_master_cavalry A renowned horseman has approached the clan, enticed by our reputation for optimum use of cavalry in the field. For a price, this master of horse and mounted combat has offered to help improve the skills of our cavalrymen. True
dilemmas_localised_description_d_master_gunner A gaijin claiming to be a master of matchlock weaponry is offering - for a price - to instruct our clan's warriors in the use of firearms. True
dilemmas_localised_description_d_master_swordsman Our inclination towards the use of close quarters fighters in battle has led to a master of kenjutsu approaching the clan and offering to improve our infantry's swordsmanship - for a price. True
dilemmas_localised_description_d_merchant_accession In spite of their low social status, traders and merchants have gained substantial influence of late as our clan's efforts in this sphere have increased. True
dilemmas_localised_description_d_misfortune_others My lord, word has reached us that a rival clan has suffered following a terrible harvest. Their people are starving and their daimyo seeks aid from other clans. We may be at war, but does that mean that the toiling masses need suffer needlessly? True
dilemmas_localised_description_d_monopoly As trade opportunities grow in this province, merchants and artisans have established trade guilds to secure monopolies over their trades. Independent artisans and traders are being put out of business. True
dilemmas_localised_description_d_nine_tailed_fox Whilst surveying our domain, an astonishing sight was observed outside a shrine to Inari; a nine-tailed fox, sitting sentinel-like beneath a torii. True
dilemmas_localised_description_d_omen_fire My lord! The monks speak of raging fires that cannot be quelled and believe this to be a sign sent by Kagutsuchi. They fear that the fire-god is displeased with our people and beseech you to appease him with a chinka-sai. True
dilemmas_localised_description_d_omen_mountains My lord! The monks speak of a rumbling deep beneath the mountains and believe this to be a sign sent by Oyamatsumi. They fear the wrath of the earth and beseech you to appease the mountain-god. True
dilemmas_localised_description_d_omen_ocean My lord! The monks speak of a gathering of great turtles upon our shores and believe this to be a sign sent by Owatatsumi. They fear ominous tides and beseech you to honour the sea-god. True
dilemmas_localised_description_d_omen_wind My lord! The monks speak of dark skies closing in above our lands and believe this to be an omen sent by Fujin. They fear a coming storm and beseech you to honour the wind-god. True
dilemmas_localised_description_d_ronin_spears Our forces have encountered a ronin band. Having lost their masters to the incessant warfare that has gripped the country, these yari samurai will fight for any daimyo willing to pay for their services. Left to their own devices, there is no telling what they might do. True
dilemmas_localised_description_d_ronin_swords Our forces have encountered a ronin band. Having lost their masters to the incessant warfare that has gripped the country, these katana samurai will fight for any daimyo willing to pay for their services. Left to their own devices, there is no telling what they might do. True
dilemmas_localised_description_d_three_legged_crow As you sit in a secluded shrine to Amaterasu, contemplating matters of Heaven and Earth, a three-legged crow perches upon a branch before you. True
dilemmas_localised_description_d_tribute_emperor The emperor has commissioned the construction of a grand new palace and has requested contributions from all the great clans towards this glorious undertaking. True
dilemmas_localised_description_d_tribute_shogun The shogun has demanded that, as a mark of dedication and of respect towards his supreme power, all great clans should pay tribute to the shogunate. True
dilemmas_localised_description_d_urban_migration The uncertainty of the harvest and the increasing profitability of the life of the artisan is driving people away from the land and into the towns. True
dilemmas_localised_description_d_wako_threat_china An increasing amount of wako activity is compromising our trade with China. As we are operating without the approval of the Ming emperor, we cannot expect China to take any steps towards resolving this issue. True
dilemmas_localised_description_d_wako_threat_korea The amount of wako activity in the vicinity of Tsushima island has increased dramatically. These acts of piracy have compromised our prolific trade links with Korea and should be stopped at the first opportunity. True
dilemmas_localised_description_s_adoption_no_heir My lord, you are without a male heir. Should some misfortune befall you our great clan would be doomed to fall. This man has proved himself capable of great deeds; adopting him as your son will secure the clan's future whilst duly honouring his diligence. True
dilemmas_localised_description_s_adoption_young_heir Your only male heir is young and inexperienced, my lord. Might I be so bold as to suggest adopting this worthy general, that he might lead the clan in your stead should some misfortune befall you before your son comes of age? True
dilemmas_localised_description_s_disloyalty_major If rumours regarding this man's loyalties are to be believed he is nothing but a traitor to the clan. Action must be taken, lest he be allowed to bring further shame upon or cause harm to the people. True
dilemmas_localised_description_s_disloyalty_minor Rumours abound regarding this man's waning loyalty to us. We must be wary of such sedition lest it propagates and compromises the clan. True
dilemmas_localised_description_s_matter_of_honour_major A disgrace to the clan, this man is not worthy to lead our armies in battle. His death is the only means by which the shame and dishonour he has brought upon the clan can be undone. True
dilemmas_localised_description_s_matter_of_honour_minor One of your subjects has been disgraced after repeatedly failing to serve the clan to the best of his ability on the battlefield. As a matter of honour, he beseeches you to allow his immediate suicide. True
dilemmas_localised_description_s_meritorious_action This distinguished warrior has secured many victories for our clan since assuming the mantle of general. Such accomplishments surely deserve recognition? True
dilemmas_localised_description_s_nanban_trade_centre Nanban traders have arrived at one of our ports, seeking permission to establish a trading post. Allowing this will give us access to new firearms. However, by doing so we run the risk of introducing undesirable nanban influences, such as Christianity, to the clan. True
dilemmas_localised_description_s_nanban_trade_east Nanban traders have arrived at one of our ports, seeking permission to establish a trading post. Allowing this will give us access to new firearms. However, by doing so we run the risk of introducing undesirable nanban influences, such as Christianity, to the clan. True
dilemmas_localised_description_s_nanban_trade_west Nanban traders have arrived at one of our ports, seeking permission to establish a trading post. Allowing this will give us access to new firearms. However, by doing so we run the risk of introducing undesirable nanban influences, such as Christianity, to the clan. True
dilemmas_localised_description_s_promotion_post_battle 、勇敢な兵が一族にこの勝利をもたらし、勇気を証明しました。雑兵のままでは彼の才能は無駄になってしまうというのが我等の考えです。合戦で我等の軍勢を指揮させれば、一族にとって大いに役立つ事でしょう。 True
dilemmas_localised_description_s_promotion_turn_start 殿、聞く所によると、殿の忠臣の息子の1人は優れた武人であるようです。その者は殿、延いて一族に自らの価値を御見せしたいと強く望んでいるようです。その為、彼は合戦にて殿の輝かしき軍を率いる機会を求めております。 True
dilemmas_localised_description_s_relief_effort This province has recently been ravaged by the forces of nature. Many of our people have had their livelihoods ruined. The process of rebuilding all that was lost is an arduous affair. True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_label_d_ambitious_traders Increased trade with prosperous nations will in turn boost our clan's economic fortunes. The merchants will be given the proper concessions. True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_label_d_auxiliary_supplies These additional supplies will allow us to effectively equip a considerable number of men. We will invest in this opportunity immediately. True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_label_d_better_agent_metsuke The shogun's authority will enable our metsuke to dispense justice more effectively. We accept his offer. True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_label_d_better_agent_missionary The Pope's divine authority will allow the word of God to be spread more effectively. We accept the Church's offer. True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_label_d_better_agent_monk With the fervent support of the Ikko-Ikki, our monks will be better able to disseminate the Buddha's teachings amongst the people. We accept the league's offer. True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_label_d_better_agent_ninja The Hattori are indeed masters of ninjutsu; their knowledge of the art will help us to improve our own subterfuge capabilities. We accept their offer. True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_label_d_bountiful_harvest We have indeed been blessed! No mouth will go unfed this year; the surplus will be distributed amongst the peasants. True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_label_d_conflict_beliefs_buddhist We cannot allow the hearts and minds of our peasants corrupted by these antithetical beliefs. He must be executed at once. True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_label_d_conflict_beliefs_christian We cannot have the hearts and minds of our peasants corrupted by these antithetical beliefs. He must be executed at once. True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_label_d_desecration We may have embraced Christianity, but we cannot allow such an affront towards those who practice the old beliefs. The nanban will answer for their behaviour. True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_label_d_developmental_focus The clan must have military superiority if we are to secure the shogunate. We will focus on military development. True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_label_d_disgruntled_vassal This man has worked hard and achieved much for his province and his clan. We acknowledge his efforts; he shall be rewarded. True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_label_d_francis_xavier This man must not be allowed to poison the people's spirits and sully ancient traditions with his false nanban teachings. True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_label_d_gaijin_trouble 混乱は、南蛮との交易という恩恵のために支払わなくてらない些細な代償にすぎない。人々は自分自身で問題に対処するべきである。 True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_label_d_hachiman_flock Hachiman favours our war efforts and grants our warriors the blessings of Heaven! True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_label_d_heralding_spring 彼等の努力を称え、そして桜の開花を祝おうではないか。人々の為に祭りの準備をするのだ。 True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_label_d_imperial_new_year 帝、そして帝の天より授かりし威光を称え、我等は今年の祝宴に貢物を贈るつもりである。 True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_label_d_intoxication 過度の飲酒は身勝手な恥ずべき行いである。全ての罪人は罰金を負う事になり、不名誉な振る舞いをした者は誰であれ首を失う事になるだろう。 True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_label_d_jizamurai 彼等が持つ農業に関する専門知識は、経済にとって貴重な存在である。即ち、彼等には一族の農地を管理させておくのが一番である。 True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_label_d_land_dispute 正義は果たされなければならぬ。罪を犯した者を強制的に追い出し、土地を正当な持ち主に返さなければならない。罪人が抵抗するのならば、手打ちにしてしまえばよい。 True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_label_d_martial_priorities 攻勢に打って出たときに、敵に対して遥かに有利な立場に立てるように、攻撃術に集中するつもりである。 True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_label_d_master_archer The chance of further improving our archers cannot be ignored; this man will be employed at once. True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_label_d_master_cavalry A chance to field stronger cavalry cannot be ignored; this man will be employed at once. True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_label_d_master_gunner A chance at improving our newly-recruited gunmen cannot be ignored; this man will be employed at once. True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_label_d_master_swordsman The chance of training finer swordsmen cannot be ignored; this man will be employed at once. True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_label_d_merchant_accession The clan stands to benefit financially from these people. We will allow them to prosper, for now. True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_label_d_misfortune_others Wars are to be won with spears and swords, not with rice. We will send aid to our noble foe and his people. True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_label_d_monopoly As long as we are paid our dues, these trade guilds may continue as they please. True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_label_d_nine_tailed_fox Inari favours our martial efforts and grants our warriors the blessings of heaven! True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_label_d_omen_fire We will arrange a clan-wide chinka-sai at once; see to it that no expense is spared in the preparation of the rites and the festivities. True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_label_d_omen_mountains Deference will be shown to the great kami of the mountains; see to it that no expense is spared in the preparation of the appropriate rites and festivities. True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_label_d_omen_ocean We will arrange shiomatsuri in all provinces that sit upon the Owatatsumi's waters. See to it that no expense is spared in the preparations of the rites and the festivities. True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_label_d_omen_wind We will arrange a clan-wide Fujin-sai at once; see to it that no expense is spared in the preparation of the appropriate rites and festivities. True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_label_d_ronin_spears We can exploit these masterless warriors to our own military ends. We will enlist them at once. True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_label_d_ronin_swords We can exploit these masterless warriors to our own military ends. We will enlist them at once. True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_label_d_three_legged_crow Amaterasu approves of our clan's great undertakings! Yatagarasu has come to lead us to victory! True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_label_d_tribute_emperor The glory of Amaterasu's lineage must be honoured. See to it that the Emperor receives the tribute that he requires. True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_label_d_tribute_shogun We are currently in no position to draw the ire of Kyoto. We will acquiesce to the shogun's request - for now. True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_label_d_urban_migration There will always be peasants to till the land. Our clan will benefit from the increase in trade brought about by such migration. True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_label_d_wako_threat_china We will address this issue, lest our lucrative - if unsanctioned - trade deals suffer at the hands of the pirates. True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_label_d_wako_threat_korea We must ensure that good trade relations with Korea are maintained. We will deal with the pirates at once. True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_label_s_adoption_no_heir We must assure the future of our clan, and this man has proved his dedication to our cause. We will adopt him as heir. True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_label_s_adoption_young_heir We must assure the future of our clan, and this man has proved his dedication to our cause. We will adopt him as heir. True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_label_s_disloyalty_major He will commit seppuku immediately! True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_label_s_disloyalty_minor We will give him a chance to prove his loyalty to the clan and to preserve his honour by committing seppuku at once. True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_label_s_matter_of_honour_major His continued violation of our clan's reputation ends here. Have him commit seppuku at once. True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_label_s_matter_of_honour_minor Honour and tradition must be maintained. He is to commit seppuku at once. True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_label_s_meritorious_action We are grateful for this man's achievements; he shall be granted a fief for his efforts. True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_label_s_nanban_trade_centre We welcome the opportunity to engage in material and cultural exchange with the nanban. We will build them a trading post. True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_label_s_nanban_trade_east We welcome the opportunity to engage in material and cultural exchange with the nanban. We will build them a trading post. True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_label_s_nanban_trade_west We welcome the opportunity to engage in material and cultural exchange with the nanban. We will build them a trading post. True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_label_s_promotion_post_battle 戦を効果的に進めるには、軍に指導者が必要である。我等の軍事目的を成し遂げる為に、その者の武人に相応しい勇猛さを利用いようではないか。 True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_label_s_promotion_turn_start 戦を効果的に進めるには、軍に指導者が必要である。その者に己の価値を証明する機会を与えてやろうではないか。 True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_label_s_relief_effort We cannot stand idle while our people suffer. We shall fully occupy ourselves in the reconstruction effort, for the good of all. True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_title_d_ambitious_traders 外交での優先順位 True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_title_d_auxiliary_supplies 物資への投資 True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_title_d_better_agent_metsuke 申し出を受け入れる True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_title_d_better_agent_missionary 申し出を受け入れる True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_title_d_better_agent_monk 申し出を受け入れる True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_title_d_better_agent_ninja 申し出を受け入れる True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_title_d_bountiful_harvest 剰余の配布 True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_title_d_conflict_beliefs_buddhist 彼を処刑しろ! True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_title_d_conflict_beliefs_christian 彼を処刑しろ! True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_title_d_desecration 介入 True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_title_d_developmental_focus 軍事へ集中する True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_title_d_disgruntled_vassal 彼を認可する True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_title_d_francis_xavier 彼を拒否する True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_title_d_gaijin_trouble 問題を無視する True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_title_d_hachiman_flock 武神の祝福 True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_title_d_heralding_spring 彼らの努力へ報奨を支払う True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_title_d_imperial_new_year 貢ぎ物を送る True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_title_d_intoxication 無情な答え True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_title_d_jizamurai 農業に集中 True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_title_d_land_dispute 正義 True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_title_d_martial_priorities 攻撃に集中 True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_title_d_master_archer 彼を雇用 True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_title_d_master_cavalry 彼を雇用 True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_title_d_master_gunner 彼を雇用 True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_title_d_master_swordsman 彼を雇用 True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_title_d_merchant_accession 後継を許可 True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_title_d_misfortune_others 支援を派遣 True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_title_d_monopoly 悪用する True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_title_d_nine_tailed_fox 戦士の祝福 True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_title_d_omen_fire 火の神を称える True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_title_d_omen_mountains 山の神を称える True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_title_d_omen_ocean 海の神を称える True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_title_d_omen_wind 風神を称える True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_title_d_ronin_spears 彼らを雇用する True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_title_d_ronin_swords 彼らを雇用する True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_title_d_three_legged_crow 天照大神の祝福 True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_title_d_tribute_emperor 朝貢を支払う True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_title_d_tribute_shogun 朝貢を支払う True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_title_d_urban_migration 移民を奨励する True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_title_d_wako_threat_china 彼らに対処する! True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_title_d_wako_threat_korea 彼らに対処する! True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_title_s_adoption_no_heir 彼を養子に迎える True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_title_s_adoption_young_heir 彼を養子に迎える True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_title_s_disloyalty_major 切腹を命じる True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_title_s_disloyalty_minor 切腹を命じる True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_title_s_matter_of_honour_major 切腹を命じる True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_title_s_matter_of_honour_minor 要求を受け入れる True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_title_s_meritorious_action 彼を認可する True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_title_s_nanban_trade_centre 貿易を受け入れる True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_title_s_nanban_trade_east 貿易を受け入れる True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_title_s_nanban_trade_west 貿易を受け入れる True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_title_s_promotion_post_battle 登用する True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_title_s_promotion_turn_start 彼を登用する True
dilemmas_localised_first_choice_title_s_relief_effort 援助を派遣する True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_label_d_ambitious_traders Before looking to trade opportunities in far-away lands, we must concentrate on refining its practice within Japan. True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_label_d_auxiliary_supplies We cannot afford to make such an investment at this time. We must rely on our existing resources to equip the troops. True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_label_d_better_agent_metsuke We need not invest further in the support of our metsuke for the time being. We must decline the shogun's offer. True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_label_d_better_agent_missionary We have no need to further invest in the support of our missionaries for the time being. We decline the Church's offer. True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_label_d_better_agent_monk We have no need to further invest in the support of our monks for the time being. We decline the Ikko-Ikki's offer. True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_label_d_better_agent_ninja We need not invest further in the support of our ninja for the time being. We must decline the Hattori's offer. True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_label_d_bountiful_harvest Stockpiling will allow us to safeguard against crop failure in the near future whilst contributing to our clan's growth. True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_label_d_conflict_beliefs_buddhist There is no need for religious persecution; spiritual harmony can be achieved through discourse and understanding. True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_label_d_conflict_beliefs_christian We will not stoop to persecuting people for holding beliefs different from our own. Were we not once Buddhist ourselves? True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_label_d_desecration The clan has benefited greatly from our relations with the nanban and our embrace of christianity; the concerns of the people pale by comparison. True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_label_d_developmental_focus What good is military might without the infrastructure to support and exploit it? We will focus on administrative development. True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_label_d_disgruntled_vassal Insolence will not be tolerated. I will have his head on a spike! True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_label_d_francis_xavier The benefits of improved relations with the nanban, and, by extension, an increase of trade in goods and knowledge, cannot be ignored. True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_label_d_gaijin_trouble その様な振る舞いは野放しにする事は出来ぬ。我等は問題を起こしている南蛮人を追放し、二度とこのような事が起こらないようにする為に、対策を講じるつもりである。 True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_label_d_hachiman_flock Hachiman sends blessings that our fishermen might better reap the teeming seas! True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_label_d_heralding_spring 努力が足りぬ。一族の利益の為に、自らの限界まで尽くす事が彼等の義務であるのだ。 True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_label_d_imperial_new_year 一族の発展と差し迫った戦争というより急を要する事態を考えるに、我等には金や物を奉ずる余裕などない。 True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_label_d_intoxication 戦乱の世とはまさに試練の時であるのだ。罪を犯さない限りは、人々には幾らかの息抜きが許されてしかるべきだろう。 True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_label_d_jizamurai この戦乱の世、我等の備には1人でも多くの優れた兵が必要である。即ち、彼等を我が敵と戦わせるのが、一族にとって最も有益である。 True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_label_d_land_dispute 一族の最大の関心事こそが最優先である。よって土地を持ち続けることを許し、土地を最大限活用しようではないか。金の為にな。 True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_label_d_martial_priorities 我が領国とその民を守るために、防衛能力を強化するつもりである。 True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_label_d_master_archer He demands too much for his services; our own sensei are more than adequate for the training of archers. True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_label_d_master_cavalry He demands too much for his services; our own sensei are more than adequate for our cavalry training needs. True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_label_d_master_gunner We have no need for this gaijin's extortionate services. Our men need only aim and fire; mastery will surely follow in time. True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_label_d_master_swordsman He demands too much for his services; our own sensei are more than capable of training our swordsmen. True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_label_d_merchant_accession These upstarts should not presume to tamper with the balance of society. They must know their place; as such, their influence will be tempered. True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_label_d_misfortune_others This is war, and there can be only one victor. We must maintain our superiority even if that means exploiting our enemy's misfortunes. True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_label_d_monopoly Economic growth will be stifled as long as only a select few are allowed to hold the reins. Their power will be curbed. True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_label_d_nine_tailed_fox Inari's kitsune has come to bless our crops; a time of prosperity is at hand! True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_label_d_omen_fire We have neither the time nor the money to squander on such superstitious frivolities. True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_label_d_omen_mountains We have neither the time nor the money to squander on such superstitious frivolities. True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_label_d_omen_ocean We have neither the time nor the money to squander on such superstitious frivolities. True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_label_d_omen_wind We have neither the time nor the money to squander on such superstitious frivolities. True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_label_d_ronin_spears We have no need to enlist the bandit remnants of fallen clans. Send them on their way. True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_label_d_ronin_swords We have no need to enlist the bandit remnants of fallen clans. Send them on their way. True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_label_d_three_legged_crow Can Amaterasu be warning us of troubled times to come? We must remain cautious. True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_label_d_tribute_emperor The needs of the clan far outweigh those of the emperor. We will give no tribute. True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_label_d_tribute_shogun Who are we, to be cowed by this petty charlatan? Before long, he will be brought to his knees before the might of our clan. True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_label_d_urban_migration Nothing good may be said for merchants and tinkerers; it is the hard work of the farmer class on which the clan thrives. True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_label_d_wako_threat_china We cannot spare the time nor the necessary resources for dealing with these petty pirates. We will leave them be, for the time being at least. True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_label_d_wako_threat_korea We cannot spare the time nor the necessary resources for dealing with these petty pirates. We will leave them be, for the time being at least. True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_label_s_adoption_no_heir We are not prepared to adopt this man into our family. Heirs will be forthcoming. True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_label_s_adoption_young_heir The clan's future is already assured; our son will come of age and he will lead our people admirably. True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_label_s_disloyalty_major He may yet be of some use to us, so will be given the chance to redeem himself on this occasion. True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_label_s_disloyalty_minor It is too early to tell. In due course we shall see where his true loyalties lie; for now we will make use of his talents. True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_label_s_matter_of_honour_major He will be kept alive to make amends for his repeated failure. The dishonour will be his punishment. True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_label_s_matter_of_honour_minor A samurai cannot serve the clan if he is dead. He will be allowed to atone for his misdeeds through service to his lord. True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_label_s_meritorious_action This man has done no more than carry out his duties; we expect no less from our subjects. True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_label_s_nanban_trade_centre We have no need to engage in trade with the nanban at this time. Perhaps at a later 04:43:02 True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_label_s_nanban_trade_east We have no need to engage in trade with the nanban at this time. Perhaps at a later 04:43:02 True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_label_s_nanban_trade_west We have no need to engage in trade with the nanban at this time. Perhaps at a later 04:43:02 True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_label_s_promotion_post_battle この男の能力は申し分のない物だ。だが、目下のところ彼の奉仕を必要とはしてはおらん。 True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_label_s_promotion_turn_start この男の一族に対する奉仕の意欲はあっぱれである。だが、目下のところ彼の奉仕を必要とはしてはおらん。 True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_label_s_relief_effort There are more pressing issues to attend to than the trivial problems faced by the peasantry. True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_title_d_ambitious_traders 国内を優先 True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_title_d_auxiliary_supplies 自給する True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_title_d_better_agent_metsuke 申し出を辞退する True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_title_d_better_agent_missionary 申し出を辞退する True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_title_d_better_agent_monk 申し出を辞退する True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_title_d_better_agent_ninja 申し出を辞退する True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_title_d_bountiful_harvest 備蓄 True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_title_d_conflict_beliefs_buddhist 彼の布教を許可する True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_title_d_conflict_beliefs_christian 彼の布教を許可する True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_title_d_desecration 無視 True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_title_d_developmental_focus 民事へ集中する True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_title_d_disgruntled_vassal 彼を処刑する! True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_title_d_francis_xavier 許可を与える True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_title_d_gaijin_trouble 南蛮人を処罰する True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_title_d_hachiman_flock 漁師の祝福 True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_title_d_heralding_spring もっと厳しく! True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_title_d_imperial_new_year 献上を拒否 True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_title_d_intoxication 寛大 True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_title_d_jizamurai 軍事に集中 True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_title_d_land_dispute 強要 True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_title_d_martial_priorities 防御に集中 True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_title_d_master_archer 彼を解雇する True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_title_d_master_cavalry 彼を解雇する True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_title_d_master_gunner 彼を解雇する True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_title_d_master_swordsman 彼を解雇する True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_title_d_merchant_accession 彼らを抑圧する True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_title_d_misfortune_others 彼らの窮状を無視する True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_title_d_monopoly 介入する True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_title_d_nine_tailed_fox 農夫の祝福 True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_title_d_omen_fire 前兆を無視する True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_title_d_omen_mountains 前兆を無視する True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_title_d_omen_ocean 前兆を無視する True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_title_d_omen_wind 前兆を無視する True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_title_d_ronin_spears それらを無視する True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_title_d_ronin_swords それらを無視する True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_title_d_three_legged_crow 天の警告 True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_title_d_tribute_emperor 支払いを拒否する True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_title_d_tribute_shogun 支払いを拒否する True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_title_d_urban_migration 移民の防止 True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_title_d_wako_threat_china それらを無視する True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_title_d_wako_threat_korea それらを無視する True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_title_s_adoption_no_heir 養子にしない True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_title_s_adoption_young_heir 養子にしない True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_title_s_disloyalty_major 償いの機会 True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_title_s_disloyalty_minor 成り行きを見守る True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_title_s_matter_of_honour_major 償いの機会 True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_title_s_matter_of_honour_minor 要求の拒否 True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_title_s_meritorious_action 何もしない True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_title_s_nanban_trade_centre 貿易の拒否 True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_title_s_nanban_trade_east 貿易の拒否 True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_title_s_nanban_trade_west 貿易の拒否 True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_title_s_promotion_post_battle 登用しない True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_title_s_promotion_turn_start 登用しない True
dilemmas_localised_second_choice_title_s_relief_effort 彼らの窮状を無視する True
dilemmas_localised_title_d_ambitious_traders 野心的な証人 True
dilemmas_localised_title_d_auxiliary_supplies 予備物資 True
dilemmas_localised_title_d_better_agent_metsuke 将軍の権威 True
dilemmas_localised_title_d_better_agent_missionary 朝廷の権威 True
dilemmas_localised_title_d_better_agent_monk 熱心な仏教徒 True
dilemmas_localised_title_d_better_agent_ninja 言い逃れの名人 True
dilemmas_localised_title_d_bountiful_harvest 豊作 True
dilemmas_localised_title_d_conflict_beliefs_buddhist 宗教の問題 True
dilemmas_localised_title_d_conflict_beliefs_christian 宗教の問題 True
dilemmas_localised_title_d_desecration 冒涜 True
dilemmas_localised_title_d_developmental_focus 発達の焦点 True
dilemmas_localised_title_d_disgruntled_vassal 不機嫌そうな臣下 True
dilemmas_localised_title_d_francis_xavier フランシスコ・ザビエル True
dilemmas_localised_title_d_gaijin_trouble 南蛮人の問題 True
dilemmas_localised_title_d_hachiman_flock 八幡神の使い True
dilemmas_localised_title_d_heralding_spring 春の先触れ True
dilemmas_localised_title_d_imperial_new_year 皇紀の新年 True
dilemmas_localised_title_d_intoxication 彼等の杯を True
dilemmas_localised_title_d_jizamurai 地侍 True
dilemmas_localised_title_d_land_dispute 土地問題 True
dilemmas_localised_title_d_martial_priorities 武道の優先順位 True
dilemmas_localised_title_d_master_archer 射撃の心得 True
dilemmas_localised_title_d_master_cavalry 優れた馬術 True
dilemmas_localised_title_d_master_gunner 南蛮の銃器専門家 True
dilemmas_localised_title_d_master_swordsman 剣聖 True
dilemmas_localised_title_d_merchant_accession 商人の認可 True
dilemmas_localised_title_d_misfortune_others 他人の不幸 True
dilemmas_localised_title_d_monopoly 独占 True
dilemmas_localised_title_d_nine_tailed_fox 九尾狐 True
dilemmas_localised_title_d_omen_fire 軻遇突智(カグツチ)の警告 True
dilemmas_localised_title_d_omen_mountains 大山津見(オオヤマツミ)の警告 True
dilemmas_localised_title_d_omen_ocean 大綿津見(オオワタツミ)の警告 True
dilemmas_localised_title_d_omen_wind 風神の警告 True
dilemmas_localised_title_d_ronin_spears 浪人 True
dilemmas_localised_title_d_ronin_swords 浪人 True
dilemmas_localised_title_d_three_legged_crow 三足烏 True
dilemmas_localised_title_d_tribute_emperor 朝廷への朝貢 True
dilemmas_localised_title_d_tribute_shogun 将軍への朝貢 True
dilemmas_localised_title_d_urban_migration 都市への移民 True
dilemmas_localised_title_d_wako_threat_china 倭寇の脅威 True
dilemmas_localised_title_d_wako_threat_korea 倭寇の脅威 True
dilemmas_localised_title_s_adoption_no_heir 養子縁組の機会 True
dilemmas_localised_title_s_adoption_young_heir 養子縁組の機会 True
dilemmas_localised_title_s_disloyalty_major 反逆の噂 True
dilemmas_localised_title_s_disloyalty_minor 不忠の噂 True
dilemmas_localised_title_s_matter_of_honour_major 死か不名誉か True
dilemmas_localised_title_s_matter_of_honour_minor 名誉の問題 True
dilemmas_localised_title_s_meritorious_action 称賛に値する行動 True
dilemmas_localised_title_s_nanban_trade_centre 南蛮貿易 True
dilemmas_localised_title_s_nanban_trade_east 南蛮貿易 True
dilemmas_localised_title_s_nanban_trade_west 南蛮貿易 True
dilemmas_localised_title_s_promotion_post_battle 指揮に適した True
dilemmas_localised_title_s_promotion_turn_start 任官を望む True
dilemmas_localised_title_s_relief_effort 救済への取り組み True