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{Prologue_battle_1_move_camera_01_text_01_Title} カメラを動かそう

First you need to learn how to use the camera. To do this start by using your cursor keys on the keyboard. You will see that this moves your view around the battle field.


{Prologue_battle_1_Generals_Speech_01_Text_01_Title} ガイウス・ユリウス:

Men! The hour of battle is almost upon us! Today our duty is to hold that bridge against the Gauls. They are savage fighters, but they are not Romans! Pity them, even as you kill them!


{Prologue_battle_1_Generals_Speech_02_Text_01_Title} ガイウス・ユリウス:

Today may be bloody and hard - all battles are bloody and hard, after all. But we are not frightened of such things! We are Romans, used to hard tasks. The Gods have put iron in us! It is in our spirit, in our blood! It is in our iron discipline, because we will hold this bridge!


{Prologue_battle_1_Generals_Speech_03_Text_01_Title} ガイウス・ユリウス:

That is the first part of what we must do! The army of the Senate is near, and when our enemies have failed, we will help drive the remaining Gauls from the battlefield. When we are done, the Gauls will fear us from this day on.


{Prologue_battle_1_Generals_Speech_04_Text_01_Title} ガイウス・ユリウス:

Now, put all doubts aside. Grasp your swords, your shields and your courage firmly. Listen to your orders. And think of the sweet wine of victory we will drink tonight!


{Prologue_battle_1_battlefield_overview_03_Text_01_Title} Prepare for battle!



{Prologue_battle_1_battlefield_overview_04_Text_01_Title} Prepare for battle!



{Prologue_battle_1_battlefield_overview_05_Text_01_Title} Prepare for battle!

Gaulsは攻撃を開始しています! 戦闘を注意深く見守りましょう。


{Prologue_battle_1_battlefield_overview_06_Text_01_Title} Prepare for battle!



{Prologue_battle_1_senate_overview_01_Text_01_Title} Senate army

これが元老院の軍隊の指揮官代理、Decius大尉です。 \n彼は元老院の派閥の下級議員です。


{Prologue_battle_1_senate_overview_02_Text_01_Title} Senate army



{Prologue_battle_1_gauls_overview_01_Text_01_Title} The invading Gaul army



{Prologue_battle_1_gauls_overview_02_Text_01_Title} Invading Gaul army



{Prologue_battle_1_your_general_01_Text_01_Title} Your general

これが将軍Gaius Julius。 \nキャンペーンマップ上のあなたの派閥指導者で戦場での指揮官です。 \n彼は最も重要なユニットです。 \n彼の知恵と勇気は周囲の兵士に力と士気を与えます。 \nうまく彼を動かしてください。そうすれば勝利は確実です。


{Prologue_battle_1_right_click_02_Text_01_Title} Toggle selected unit movement



{Prologue_battle_1_right_click_03_Text_01_Title} Unit Speed Changed

Good! あなたの将軍 is now moving as quickly as he can to his destination


{Prologue_battle_1_well_done_01_Text_01_Title} Moving Units

あなたの将軍 has reached his destination.


{Prologue_battle_1_zoom_to_unit_01_Text_01_Title} Zoom to Triarii Unit

示されたユニットカードを左ダブルクリックしてください。 \nTriariiはエリートのローマ槍兵です。彼らはローマ軍の主力です!


{Prologue_battle_1_zoom_to_unit_02_Text_01_Title} Selecting units and changing views

あなたがそのユニットカードを左ダブルクリックをすると、カメラが部隊へすぐに移動するでしょう。 \n左シングルクリックを使うと、ユニットカードを選びますが視点を変更しません。


{Prologue_battle_1_archers_default_skirmish_01_Text_01_Title} Archers

Now right-click to attack the indicated enemy archer unit.\nMake sure you don’t march your own archers in to any hand to hand fighting. \nArchers default to skirmish mode and make poor hand to hand soldiers


{Prologue_battle_1_archers_default_skirmish_02_Text_01_Title} Archers

Archers default to skirmish mode


{Prologue_battle_1_archers_default_skirmish_03_Text_01_Title} Archers

Archers default to skirmish mode


{Prologue_battle_1_archers_default_skirmish_04_Text_01_Title} Archers

Archers default to skirmish mode


{Prologue_battle_1_archers_default_skirmish_05_Text_01_Title} Archers

Archers default to skirmish mode


{Prologue_battle_1_drag_box_sel_02_Text_01_Title} Drag Box Select

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{Prologue_battle_1_drag_box_sel_03_Text_01_Title} Drag Box Select

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{Prologue_battle_1_drag_box_sel_04_Text_01_Title} Drag Box Select

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{Prologue_battle_1_drag_box_sel_05_Text_01_Title} Drag Box Select

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{Prologue_battle_1_ctrl_a_01_Text_01_Title} Ctrl A

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{Prologue_battle_1_ctrl_a_02_Text_01_Title} Ctrl A

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{Prologue_battle_1_ctrl_a_03_Text_01_Title} Ctrl A

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{Prologue_battle_1_ctrl_a_04_Text_01_Title} Ctrl A

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{Prologue_battle_1_ctrl_a_05_Text_01_Title} Ctrl A

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{Prologue_battle_1_pause_01_Text_01_Title} Pause

戦況があなたにとってやや早く進んでいるようです。あなたが戦闘をTriariiに命令できるようにゲームを止めました。 \nTriariiを左クリックしてさらに敵ユニットを右クリックしてください。 \nゲームが停止している間でも、ユニットは命令を受け付けます。 \nゲームの停止を解除すると、彼らは敵を攻撃するために移動するでしょう。


{Prologue_battle_1_pause_03_Text_01_Title} Pause

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{Prologue_battle_1_pause_04_Text_01_Title} Pause

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{Prologue_battle_1_pause_05_Text_01_Title} Pause

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{Prologue_battle_1_fight_cav_02_Text_01_Title} Fighting Against Cavalry

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{Prologue_battle_1_fight_cav_03_Text_01_Title} Fighting Against Cavalry

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{Prologue_battle_1_fight_cav_04_Text_01_Title} Fighting Against Cavalry

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{Prologue_battle_1_fight_cav_05_Text_01_Title} Fighting Against Cavalry

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{Prologue_battle_1_fighting_against_archers_01_Text_01_Title} Dealing with the enemy

あなたは敵をほとんど片付けました。 \n敵が逃げ出したら橋を渡って、敵軍の左翼を攻撃する準備をしてください。 \nあなたの兵を疲れさせるので、総崩れしたユニットを追いかけないでください。\n命令停止ボタンでユニットを停止できます。


{Prologue_battle_1_fighting_against_archers_02_Text_01_Title} Fighting Against Archers

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{Prologue_battle_1_fighting_against_archers_03_Text_01_Title} Fighting Against Archers

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{Prologue_battle_1_fighting_against_archers_04_Text_01_Title} Fighting Against Archers

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{Prologue_battle_1_fighting_against_archers_05_Text_01_Title} Fighting Against Archers

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{Prologue_battle_1_fighting_triarii_01_Text_01_Title} Fighting with Triarii

Triarii are heavily armed spear units. \nIts best to walk them until you are very close to the enemy, before starting a charge. \nIf you charge them too often they will become tired and fight less effectively.


{Prologue_battle_1_fighting_triarii_02_Text_01_Title} Fighting with Triarii

The Triarii are a great force to use against cavalry. Their spears shore up a battle-line effectively.


{Prologue_battle_1_fighting_triarii_04_Text_01_Title} Fighting Triarii

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{Prologue_battle_1_fighting_triarii_05_Text_01_Title} Fighting Triarii

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{Prologue_battle_1_grouping_units_01_Text_01_Title} Selecting Multiple Units

複数のユニットに一度に命令を与えるために複数を選択する良い方法があります。集団で行動するユニットは単体より効果的である場合があります。\nユニットをすべて選択するには "Ctrl-A" を押してください。 \n"RETURN" で選択を解除できます。


{Prologue_battle_1_grouping_units_02_Text_01_Title} Selecting Multiple Units

To select all your units at once use "Ctrl-A". \nThis selects all your units on the battlefield.


{Prologue_battle_1_grouping_units_04_Text_01_Title} Grouping Units

Once you have grouped a set of units you can start giving them special formation orders. \nUsing these orders can be less awkward than trying to order units to move individually.


{Prologue_battle_1_grouping_units_05_Text_01_Title} Grouping Units

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{Prologue_battle_1_cam_bookmarks_01_Text_01_Title} Camera Bookmarks

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{Prologue_battle_1_cam_bookmarks_02_Text_01_Title} Camera Bookmarks

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{Prologue_battle_1_cam_bookmarks_03_Text_01_Title} Camera Bookmarks

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{Prologue_battle_1_cam_bookmarks_04_Text_01_Title} Camera Bookmarks

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{Prologue_battle_1_cam_bookmarks_05_Text_01_Title} Camera Bookmarks

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{Prologue_battle_1_army_formations_01_Text_01_Title} Army Formations

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{Prologue_battle_1_army_formations_02_Text_01_Title} Army Formations

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{Prologue_battle_1_army_formations_03_Text_01_Title} Army Formations

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{Prologue_battle_1_army_formations_04_Text_01_Title} Army Formations

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{Prologue_battle_1_army_formations_05_Text_01_Title} Army Formations

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{Prologue_battle_1_army_formations_06_Text_01_Title} Army Formations

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{Prologue_battle_1_army_formations_07_Text_01_Title} Army Formations

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{Prologue_battle_1_army_formations_08_Text_01_Title} Army Formations

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{Prologue_battle_1_army_formations_09_Text_01_Title} Army Formations

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{Prologue_battle_1_army_formations_10_Text_01_Title} Army Formations

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{Prologue_battle_1_engage_barb_army_01_Text_01_Title} Engage the Barbarian Army

敵を攻撃する準備ができているので、Triarii槍兵を敵の左側面へ移動してください。 \n支援攻撃として弓兵と将軍を活用してください。


{Prologue_battle_1_engage_barb_army_02_Text_01_Title} Battle has started

barbarianは総攻撃を始めました! 急いでください!


{Prologue_battle_1_engage_barb_army_03_Text_01_Title} Engage the Barbarian Army

敵を攻撃する準備ができているので、Triarii槍兵を敵の左側面へ移動してください。 \n支援攻撃として弓兵と将軍を活用してください。


{Prologue_battle_1_engage_barb_army_04_Text_01_Title} Engage the Barbarian Army

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{Prologue_battle_1_engage_barb_army_05_Text_01_Title} Engage the Barbarian Army

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{Prologue_battle_1_engage_barb_army_06_Text_01_Title} Engage the Barbarian Army

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{Prologue_battle_1_engage_barb_army_07_Text_01_Title} Engage the Barbarian Army

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{Prologue_battle_1_engage_barb_army_08_Text_01_Title} Engage the Barbarian Army

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{Prologue_battle_1_engage_barb_army_09_Text_01_Title} Engage the Barbarian Army

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{Prologue_battle_1_engage_barb_army_10_Text_01_Title} Engage the Barbarian Army

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{Prologue_battle_1_teach_player_to_fight_01_Text_01_Title} Combat - Cursor feedback

You may have noticed that if you place your cursor over enemy troops you will see information about them. This can be very useful in a battle.


{Prologue_battle_1_teach_player_to_fight_02_Text_01_Title} Combat - Attacking the enemy flank or rear

Attacking the enemy from the flank or rear is very useful for gaining a victory over the enemy. Try to achieve this wherever practical.


{Prologue_battle_1_teach_player_to_fight_03_Text_01_Title} Combat

If you charge your units around the battlefield your troops can become tired and ineffective.\nKeep an eye on your soldiers morale and energy levels by placing your mouse over\ntheir unit cards. This will provide you with useful information. \nIf you place your mouse over enemy units you can sometimes see information about them too.


{Prologue_battle_1_teach_player_to_fight_04_Text_01_Title} Defend the Bridge

barbarianは私たちが橋に移動しているのに気付きました。 \n- 橋の手前でTriariiと共に防御してください。 \n- その後ろに弓兵を配置してください。\n- 早く軍隊を移動させるために右ダブルクリックを使ってください。 \n- 彼らが川を横断するなら、barbarianを滅ぼしてください。


{Prologue_battle_1_teach_player_to_fight_05_Text_01_Title} The bridge is safe!



{Prologue_battle_1_teach_player_to_fight_06_Text_01_Title} Crossing Bridges

戦闘中に橋を渡るとき、ユニットはできるだけ速く橋を渡るのが良いです。 \n軍隊は橋を渡る間、敵の攻撃に弱い場合があります。


{Prologue_battle_1_teach_player_to_fight_07_Text_01_Title} Combat

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{Prologue_battle_1_teach_player_to_fight_08_Text_01_Title} Combat

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{Prologue_battle_1_teach_player_to_fight_09_Text_01_Title} Combat

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{Prologue_battle_1_teach_player_to_fight_10_Text_01_Title} Combat

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{Prologue_battle_1_spare_01_Text_01_Title} Using Triarii

The Triarii unit's spears are one of the best weapons against cavalry. They will make mincemeat of the foolhardy barbarian cavalry. \nNow mouse over the barbarian cavalry unit until the cursor becomes a sword and then right-click to attack the barbarian scum!


{Prologue_battle_1_spare_03_Text_01_Title} Cavalry against Archers

今度はあなたの将軍の騎兵部隊を選択し、次に敵の弓兵を右ダブルクリックで選択して弓兵の数を減らしてください。 \n必ず覚えていてください。弓兵は騎兵の攻撃に弱いです。


{Prologue_battle_1_spare_04_Text_01_Title} Hiding from the enemy?

You appear to be heading in the wrong direction. Turn around head back. Cowards are not looked on kindly in Rome.


{Prologue_battle_1_spare_05_Text_01_Title} Wrong Unit

You appear to have selected the wrong unit. \nDouble left click on あなたの将軍s unit card and then go to the indicated point on the battlefield.


{Prologue_battle_1_spare_06_Text_01_Title} Spare

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{Prologue_battle_1_spare_07_Text_01_Title} Spare

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{Prologue_battle_1_spare_08_Text_01_Title} Spare

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{Prologue_battle_1_spare_09_Text_01_Title} Spare

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{Prologue_battle_1_spare_10_Text_01_Title} Spare

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{Prologue_battle_1_sel_unit_01_Text_01_Title} Double Left Click

You have used a single click on the unit card.\nYou need to double left click to move your view to the unit automatically.


{Prologue_battle_1_sel_unit_02_Text_01_Title} Selecting a Unit

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{Prologue_battle_1_sel_unit_03_Text_01_Title} Selecting a Unit

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{Prologue_battle_1_sel_unit_04_Text_01_Title} Selecting a Unit

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{Prologue_battle_1_sel_unit_05_Text_01_Title} Selecting a Unit

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{Prologue_battle_1_sel_unit_06_Text_01_Title} Selecting a Unit

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{Prologue_battle_1_sel_unit_07_Text_01_Title} Selecting a Unit

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{Prologue_battle_1_sel_unit_08_Text_01_Title} Selecting a Unit

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{Prologue_battle_1_sel_unit_09_Text_01_Title} Selecting a Unit

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{Prologue_battle_1_sel_unit_10_Text_01_Title} Selecting a Unit

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{Prologue_battle_1_move_cam_03_Text_01_Title} Following a unit

あなたはカメラに自動的に選択されたユニットを追従して欲しいかもしれません。 \nそうだとすれば \nDELETE keyを押してください。カメラは選択されたユニットに固定されるでしょう。 \nもう一度DELETE keyを押すとカメラの固定は解除されます。


{Prologue_battle_1_move_cam_04_Text_01_Title} Moving the Camera

Use the mouse wheel to move the camera up and down. \nThe INSERT key zooms you in and out of any action that your camera is focused on.


{Prologue_battle_1_move_cam_05_Text_01_Title} Moving the Camera

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{Prologue_battle_1_move_cam_06_Text_01_Title} Moving the Camera

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{Prologue_battle_1_move_cam_07_Text_01_Title} Moving the Camera

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{Prologue_battle_1_move_cam_08_Text_01_Title} Moving the Camera

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{Prologue_battle_1_move_cam_09_Text_01_Title} Moving the Camera

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{Prologue_battle_1_move_cam_10_Text_01_Title} Moving the Camera

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{Prologue_battle_1_single_right_click_unit_01_Text_01_Title} Don’t tire your troops



{Prologue_battle_1_single_right_click_unit_02_Text_01_Title} Don’t tire your troops

Charging your troops around will tire them out quickly and reduce their effectiveness in combat.


{Prologue_battle_1_single_right_click_unit_03_Text_01_Title} Spare

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{Prologue_battle_1_single_right_click_unit_04_Text_01_Title} Spare

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{Prologue_battle_1_single_right_click_unit_05_Text_01_Title} Spare

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{Prologue_battle_1_single_right_click_unit_06_Text_01_Title} Spare

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{Prologue_battle_1_single_right_click_unit_07_Text_01_Title} Spare

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{Prologue_battle_1_single_right_click_unit_08_Text_01_Title} Spare

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{Prologue_battle_1_single_right_click_unit_09_Text_01_Title} Spare

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{Prologue_battle_1_single_right_click_unit_10_Text_01_Title} Spare

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{Prologue_battle_1_generic_01_Text_01_Title} Unit tracking camera

This is the unit tracking camera. \nYou can lock the camera to follow any of your units like this by pressing 'DELETE' when the unit is selected and then using the cursor to change the viewpoint. Simply press 'DELETE' again to release the camera.


{Prologue_battle_1_generic_02_Text_01_Title} Zoom in and out

Use the mouse wheel to move the camera view up and down


{Prologue_battle_1_generic_03_Text_01_Title} The enemy have spotted us!



{Prologue_battle_1_generic_04_Text_01_Title} Pause

Quickly press the indicated button on the interface to pause the action.


{Prologue_battle_1_generic_06_Text_01_Title} Pause

Remember that you can pause the action at any time during the battle and that any orders you have given while paused will start when the game is no longer paused.


{Prologue_battle_1_generic_07_Text_01_Title} To battle!

Select your archer unit and move the mouse cursor over the approaching enemy cavalry. \nWhen the cursor changes to a bow and arrow, right click to order your archers to fire at the enemy cavalry.


{Prologue_battle_1_generic_08_Text_01_Title} Pause game

Select your archer unit and move the mouse cursor over the approaching enemy cavalry unit. \nWhen the cursor changes to a bow and arrow right-click to order your archers to fire at the enemy cavalry.


{Prologue_battle_1_generic_09_Text_01_Title} Pause game

Remember that you can pause the action at any time during a battle. \nLeft click on the play button with the arrow pointing to it or press "P" to resume the battle.


{Prologue_battle_1_generic_10_Text_01_Title} Archers need protection

弓兵は騎兵の攻撃に弱いです。 \nTriarii槍兵を弓兵の正面に動かして、弓兵を守ってください。 \n\n安全のため、示された地点にTriariiを突進させるために右ダブルクリックを使ってください。 \n有用な情報:右ダブルクリックはあなたの軍隊を敵へ突撃させるのに使うこともできます。


{Historical_Asculum_Your_General_Killed_Text_01_Title} Battle Lost!

あなたの将軍 has been killed and his remaining troops have routed. \nYou have lost the battle.


{Historical_Asculum_Allied_General_Killed_Text_01_Title} Battle Lost!

The Allied General has been killed and his remaining troops have routed. You have lost the battle.


{Historical_Asculum_Enemy_General_Killed_Text_01_Title} Battle Won!

The enemy General has been killed and his remaining troops have routed. You have won the battle.


{Historical_Asculum_Enemy_Cavalry_Routing_Text_01_Title} Enemy Cavalry Routed

The enemy cavalry have routed.


{Historical_Asculum_Protect_Allied_General_Text_01_Title} Allied General Under Attack

The Allied General is under attack. Protect him or the battle will be lost.


{Historical_Asculum_Protect_Your_General_Text_01_Title} あなたの将軍 is Under Attack

あなたの将軍 is under attack. Protect him or the battle will be lost.


{Historical_Asculum_Generals_Conversation_1_Text_01_Title} Battle Instructions from Captain Decius:

Welcome General. Yesterday we harassed the enemy in the woods where they were unable to deploy their elephants or cavalry. Today we shall finish them on this plain.


{Historical_Asculum_Generals_Conversation_2_Text_01_Title} Battle Instructions from Captain Decius:

My troops have been instructed to close with the enemy so I'll be relying on you to guard my right flank. Together we shall conquer these barbarians. If you see any targets of opportunity then engage them at will.


{Historical_Asculum_Generic_1_Text_01_Title} Spare

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{Historical_Asculum_Generic_2_Text_01_Title} Spare

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{Historical_Asculum_Generic_3_Text_01_Title} Spare

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{Historical_Asculum_Generic_4_Text_01_Title} Spare

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{Historical_Asculum_Generic_5_Text_01_Title} Spare

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{Historical_Asculum_Generic_6_Text_01_Title} Spare

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{Historical_Asculum_Generic_7_Text_01_Title} Spare

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{Historical_Asculum_Generic_8_Text_01_Title} Spare

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{Historical_Asculum_Generic_9_Text_01_Title} Spare

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{Historical_Asculum_Generic_10_Text_01_Title} Spare

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{Teutoburgerwald_intro_Text_01_Title} Battle Instructions

The Germans are closing in! Re-group your forces quickly and get at least 100 men to the Fort at Aliso before sunset – or all will be lost!


{ACTI_Misc00_Text_01_Title} Objective

Your objective is to destroy the enemy!


{ACTI_Misc01_Text_01_Title} Objective

Your objective is to destroy the majority of the enemy!


{ACTI_Misc02_Text_01_Title} Objective

Your objective is to return your men to the fort!


{ACTI_Misc03_Text_01_Title} Objective

Your objective is to capture this location!


{ACTI_Misc04_Text_01_Title} Objective

Your objective is to capture this settlement!


{ACTI_Misc05_Text_01_Title} Objective

Your objective is to capture this city!


{ACTI_Misc06_Text_01_Title} Objective

Your objective is to find and kill this man!


{ACTI_Misc07_Text_01_Title} Objective

Your objective is to defend this location!


{ACTI_Misc08_Text_01_Title} Objective

Your objective is to defend the city!


{ACTI_Misc09_Text_01_Title} Objective


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{Prologue_ROME_ITALY_MUST_BE_UNIFIED_Text_01_Text1b_Title} The campaign map

This is the area around Rome. Parts of the map you have not yet explored are shrouded in darkness. As you move your armies further afield, cities, armies and the lay of the land are revealed to you.


{Prologue_This_is_Rome_Text_02_Title} The Sons of Mars

This is Rome, the eternal city of the seven hills. Home of the Senate and the People of Rome. At this stage there is no Empire, just Rome, with the senate ruling and a few great families such as yours vying for power.


{Prologue_This_is_Gaius_Julius_Text_01_Title} The Sons of Mars



{Prologue_Rome_Under_Attack_Text_01_Title} Rome is under threat!

Gaulsの軍隊が北側から接近する予想で、元老院はそれを阻止するために隊長のDeciusの下に軍隊を投入しました。彼はあなたの支援を要請しています。 \n\n通常各勢力は順番に軍隊の動きを決めますが、あなたが戦場に到着出来るように、私があなたの軍隊を動かします。


{Prologue_Barbarians_Destroyed_Text_01_Title} Victory!



{Prologue_Capture_First_Settlement_Text_01_Title} Help our Etruscan friends



{Prologue_First_Turn_Select_Army_Advice_Text_01_Title} Selecting an army



{Prologue_Player_Must_Move_Army_Text_01_Title} Move an army

To move an Army select it by left clicking and then right click on the place you wish it to move to.


{Prologue_Prod_The_Player_To_Select_Text_01_Title} Character selection

Use your left mouse button to select the unit and your right mouse button to move it.


{Prologue_Prod_The_Player_To_Select_02_Text_01_Title} Right Click

Right click here to continue


{Prologue_Prod_The_Player_To_Select_03_Text_01_Title} Double Left Click

Double left click here to continue


{Prologue_Prod_The_Player_To_Select_04_Text_01_Title} Double Right Click

Double right click here to continue


{Prologue_Prod_The_Player_To_Select_05_Text_01_Title} Prod


{Prologue_Army_On_The_Move_Text_01_Title} Army movement

Your army is on the move. \nOnce it finishes its possible movement for the turn the army will show a red circle around its base.


{Prologue_All_Moves_Complete_Text_01_Title} End Turn

You have completed all possible actions for this campaign season. \nIt is now time to move on and allow the other factions to act.


{Prologue_First_Turn_Completed_Text_01_Title} End Turn

When you are ready, click on the 'end turn' button to end your turn.


{Prologue_Prod_Player_First_Turn_Complete_Text_01_Title} End Turn

Click on the 'end turn' button to end your turn. The game will not advance unless you do.


{Prologue_Second_Turn_Text_01_Title} What next?



{Prologue_How_To_Attack_01_Text_01_Title} How to attack a settlement

集落の攻撃または包囲には、攻撃したい軍を左クリックし、それから目標の集落を右クリックします。 \nTarquiniiへの距離次第で、そこに着くために1ターン以上かかるかもしれません。 \n1ターンでそこに着くことができないなら、移動したあとターン終了を押してください。そして目標に到着するまでそれを繰り返してください。


{Prologue_How_To_Attack_02_Text_01_Title} Besieging a settlement

包囲の間、敵の壁を破るために包囲装置を造るのは良い考えです。 \nあなたの軍の活動によって、包囲装置のために使用できるいくつかのビルドポイントを持っているでしょう。\n少なくとも1つの包囲装置を持つまで、集落を襲撃することはできません。 \n集落を襲撃する準備ができたら、攻撃ボタンを使ってください。


{Prologue_Player_Not_Attacking_Tarquinii_Text_01_Title} Take Tarquinii

Occupying a settlement on behalf of Rome will give you an income to pay your troops and win the praise and rewards of a grateful Senate. It will also allow you to increase your power and army strength


{Prologue_Player_Still_Not_Attacking_Tarquinii_Text_01_Title} Stop wasting time

Wandering around the hills and valleys of Italy will not get you very far - and will cause your debts to spiral. Go to the aid of the Tarquinii before the Senate loses patience with you.


{Prologue_Player_Final_Demand_ToAttack_Tarquinii_Text_01_Title} The Senate grows impatient

Your aimless wandering puts the patience of the Senate to the test. Move to Tarquinii now before they ask you to fall on your sword!


{Prologue_Player_Outside_Tarquinii_Text_01_Title} Besieging Tarquinii

You are now standing outside the town of Tarquinii. Move in and remove the Tyrant who oppresses them. With your army selected click on the town.


{Prologue_Siege_Window_Open_Text_01_Title} The siege scroll

This is the siege panel. From here you can order siege equipment to help break the siege.


{Prologue_Prompt_Autoresolve_Seige_Text_01_Title} Besieging Tarquinii

Start a battle by selecting the appropriate button or allow your lieutenants to take charge by selecting the auto-resolve button. \nYou have Onagers which can destroy walls so you dont need to maintain a siege here. \nThere is only a small force to resist you. The enemy will be easily swept away.


{Prologue_Prompt_How_To_Build_Buildings_Text_01_Title} Buildings

In order to get your settlement and budding empire to prosper you will need to start building projects. To start a new construction project left click on a building type. The building will appear in your construction cue.


{Prologue_Notify_New_Troops_Prologue_Text_01_Title} Senate mission rewards

あなたの軍隊を見ると、元老院がいくつかの部隊に報酬を与えたのがわかるでしょう。 \n報酬はしばらくの間勢力を拡大するのに役立つでしょう。 \nその上先程の戦の軍資金を支払うための特別な報酬を受け取りました。


{Prologue_Garrisons_02_Text_01_Title} Moving troops out of Garrisons

To move your troops out of the garrison. Hold down the control key and then left click on the units you want to move out.\n\nWhen you have selected them right click on a square outside the settlement.\n\nTry leaving at least 4 units in any garrison to ensure public order. Seige weapons are not useful for this purpose.


{Prologue_Garrisons_03_Text_01_Title} Garrisons

You have completed the first unit in your garrison for Tarquinii. \nWhen you have four Town watch you will be able to move your other troops out with relative safety from revolt.\n \nThe people of your cities can be fickle and restless. It is always a good idea to keep a small military presence in your cities to ensure loyalty and an income.


{Prologue_Prepare_for_Battle_Text_01_Title} Prepare for battle

戦いが始まろうとしています! 準備をしてBarbarianの群衆からローマを守ってください。


{Prologue_HUD_Intro_Text_01_Title} Controlling your empire



{Prologue_HUD_Radar_Intro_Text_01_Title} Campaign Map Overview

これは世界の全体図です。一目で関係のある派閥が所有している領土を確認することができます。またあなたの領土も示しています。 \n現在ほとんど見えていません。しかし後ほど見えてくると思います…


{Prologue_HUD_Senate_Button_Intro_Text_01_Title} The Senate

As a Roman general you will need to know what the Senate and People of Rome think of you, along with any government posts you control. This button is where you find out.


{Prologue_HUD_Finances_Button_Intro_Text_01_Title} Finances

資金は集落や軍隊を築くために重要です。このボタンは1ターンでの帝国の収入と支出の概要を参照することができます。 \n\n現在あなたは皇帝ではないので、あなたの軍を維持するための継続的な出費以外は見る所があまりありません。


{Prologue_HUD_Construction_Button_Intro_Text_01_Title} Improving Cities

By selecting and constructing the correct buildings you can attract more people to tax, a bigger pool of recruits and gain access to better units.


{Prologue_HUD_Recruitment_Button_Intro_Text_01_Title} Recruiting Troops

これは雇兵ボタンです。派閥は軍隊なしで生きのびることができません。そしてこれは兵を雇うところです。 \nもちろん補強する資金と市民を持っている必要があります。 \n集落の外に敵軍が来たとき、このボタンは傭兵を雇うボタンになります。 \n軍隊がすぐに必要なとき、傭兵は費用がかかりますが非常事態に役立ちます。


{Prologue_HUD_Season_Icon_Intro_Text_01_Title} The Seasons



{Prologue_HUD_End_Turn_Intro_Text_01_Title} End Turn



{Prologue_Get_A_Move_On_Text_01_Title} Move to Tarquinii

You must move to Tarquinii with all haste - the Senate grows impatient with your sloth! Do you wish to be known forever as Julius The Delayer?


{Prologue_You_Can_Move_Further_Text_01_Title} Move to Tarquinii

Although I admire your caution, I think you can move closer to Tarquinii without fear of attack.


{Prologue_Press_End_Turn_Text_01_Title} End Turn

You have moved all the military units at your disposal. Now would be a good time to end your turn to advance the game.


{Prologue_Hurry_Up_Nothing_to_See_Text_01_Title} End Turn

Come on now! With all respect I believe you have achieved all that can be achieved for now. Press the end turn button.


{Prologue_Take_Tarquinii_To_Stop_Losing_Cash_Text_01_Title} Losing Money

You may have noticed that you are losing money.\nYou are supporting your army out of your treasury. \nMove quickly to take Tarquinii and the income received will lighten this financial burden. \nThe more settlements you control the bigger your income.


{Prologue_Go_To_Tarquinii_Text_01_Title} Move to Tarquinii

Move to Tarquinii. Its people are oppressed by a tyrant and the Senate grows impatient.


{Prologue_Take_Tarquinii_You_Outnumber_Enemy_Text_01_Title} Take Tarquinii!

Move against Tarquinii and take out the tyrant before he has time to raise more troops against you. \nMake sure you have Siege weapons before you do this.\nHints and tips: If you don’t want to fight a battle you can autoresolve it with the auto resolve button.


{Prologue_Carrying_Out_A_Seige_Text_01_Title} Seige!

So, you think you are ready to begin siege warfare? Very well, when you are ready dismiss this message. We can learn the basics then.


{Prologue_Start_Samnite_War_Text_01_Title} Tarquinii taken

Well done. You have taken the Etruscan town of Tarquinii. As a reward the Senate has awarded you a bounty and the Governorship of Tarquinii. Now you can begin to build a faction that will rival any in the Senate.


{Prologue_HUD_Diplomacy_Button_Intro_Text_01_Title} Diplomacy

This is the Diplomacy button. From here you can examine the diplomatic standing of your faction and other factions you are aware of.


{Prologue_Test_1_Text_01_Title} Prologue Test Advice 1

This is placeholder advice! If this appears report as a bug


{Prologue_Test_2_Text_01_Title} Prologue Test Advice 2

This is placeholder advice! If this appears report as a bug


{Prologue_Test_3_Text_01_Title} Prologue Test Advice 3

This is placeholder advice! If this appears report as a bug


{Prologue_Test_4_Text_01_Title} Prologue Test Advice 4

This is placeholder advice! If this appears report as a bug


{Prologue_Test_5_Text_01_Title} Prologue Test Advice 5

This is placeholder advice! If this appears report as a bug


{Prologue_Settlement_Construction_2_Text_01_Title} The settlement construction panel

To select a building left click on it. If you double right click on it you can see more information about it. \nLeft click on the building you want to build to make it appear in the construction queue. \nThe construction queue shows which items the selected settlement is constructing. \nYou must have sufficient funds to build anything.


{Prologue_Settlement_Construction_3_Text_01_Title} Construction

Once a building is selected, you will have to wait a few turns for a building to be constructed.\nClose the construction panel when you are ready.\nYou will be informed by an event message when a building is completed. \nFor more information use the help button.


{Prologue_Settlement_Garrisons_1_Text_01_Title} Settlements and Garrisons: Part 1

この集落の安全と軍隊を支援するために、Tarquiniiの社会秩序を向上させて収入を増やす必要があります。これは必ずしなければなりません。: \n\n1) 市民の幸せを維持しておくために、Jupiter神殿を建設してください。\n2) 交易と部隊の移動速度を上げるために、道路を敷設してください。\n3) 駐屯軍の働きをする見張り塔を少なくとも4つ作ってください。\n\n何ターンかを費やす必要があるが、完成するまでターン終了ボタンを押してください。心配ありません。画面とコントロールパネルのボタンを調べるのにこの時間を使うことができます。すぐにより多くの行動ができるでしょう。


{Prologue_Settlement_Garrisons_2_Text_01_Title} Settlements and Garrisons: Part 2



{Prologue_Settlement_Garrisons_4_Text_01_Title} Settlements and Garrisons: Part 4



{Prologue_Settlement_Recruitment_1_Text_01_Title} Building Construction

You are now in the Building construction and selection area of your settlement


{Prologue_Settlement_Recruit_Diplomat_Text_01_Title} Build a Diplomat

Now would be a good time to build a diplomat. You need a diplomat to establish communications with potential friends or allies and to communicate your demands to those hostile to you.


{Prologue_Diplomat_First_Use_Text_01_Title} Diplomats

You have now built your first diplomat. \nYou will find him in the To use a diplomat left click to select the diplomat and right click to move him to a target faction army, character or settlement to begin negotiations. \nYou start negotiations when your diplomat reaches its intended target.


{Prologue_HUD_Diplomacy_Button_Intro_1_Text_01_Title} Diplomacy

Diplomacy explanation 1


{Prologue_HUD_Diplomacy_Button_Intro_2_Text_01_Title} Diplomacy

Diplomacy explanation 2


{Prologue_Diplomacy_1_Text_01_Title} Diplomacy

It might be a good idea to try and talk some sense in to the people of Tarrentum. The Senate is concerned about hostile Greek reactions to our recent conquests.


{Prologue_Diplomacy_2_Text_01_Title} Diplomacy

It might be a good idea to try and talk some sense in to the people of Tarrentum. The Senate is concerned about reactions to our recent conquests.


{Prologue_Diplomacy_3_Text_01_Title} Diplomacy

It might be a good idea to try and talk some sense in to the people of Croton. The Senate is concerned about reactions to our recent conquests.


{Prologue_Diplomacy_4_Text_01_Title} Diplomacy

Use your diplomat to negotiate with the Greek Cities


{Prologue_Diplomacy_5_Text_01_Title} Diplomacy

Use your diplomat to negotiate with the Gauls


{Prologue_Diplomacy_6_Text_01_Title} Diplomacy


{Prologue_Diplomacy_7_Text_01_Title} Diplomacy


{Prologue_Tarentum_Hostile_To_Rome_Text_01_Title} Tarentum

Tarentumの人々は敵対する隣国に対する最近の勝利が侵略行為であると主張しています! \n彼らは我々が占領した都市からローマへすべての軍隊を撤退させるよう要求しました。 \nたった今彼らは我々に対して送り込むための軍隊を編成しています。 \n我々が奴隷でないことをギリシアの馬鹿どもに示さなければなりません!彼らを壊滅させてください!


{Prologue_Pyrrhus_Arrives_Text_01_Title} Pyrrhus

Those week and effete Tarrentines have sent for Pyrrhus, the King of Epirus to fight their war for them. We shall demonstrate that Rome is not to be toyed with.


{Prologue_Pyrrhus_Promote_Player_Text_01_Title} A fantastic opportunity arises!

The joint Consul for this year has died in his bed leaving the Senate with no second Consul to command in the field. Your growing popularity in Rome and the lack of suitable replacements sees you promoted to Tribune with special consular powers. You must command a maniple and help defeat King Pyrrhus of Epirus


{Prologue_Build_More_Troops_Text_01_Title} Build more troops

Your settlement needs more troops to prevent potential rebellion and enemy attacks from succeeding. Leaving your settlements unguarded is a recipe for disaster.


{Prologue_Build_More_Troops_Pyrrhus_About_Text_01_Title} Build more troops

Build more troops to defend your settlements. Pyrrhus has sent such a large force that we may be in need of more troops to maintain our holdings against enemy attack.


{Prologue_Select_Character_To_Move_First_Time_Text_01_Title} Select your army

To select your army left click on the character on the campaign map. Once selected you can move all the units at that location.


{Prologue_Senate_Button_Pressed_Text_01_Title} The Senate

The Senate are the Government of Rome. From this panel you will be able to examine the Missions that they have asked you to complete and examine your standing and any government posts you hold. You must do your best to please both the Senate and People of Rome to succeed.


{Prologue_Finances_Button_Pressed_Text_01_Title} Finances

It's always good to keep an eye on your finances, if you are going to run an empire. After all troops require money.


{Prologue_Faction_Button_Pressed_Text_01_Title} Your Faction

Find out more about your family heirs by examining the contents of this panel


{Prologue_Construction_Button_Pressed_Text_01_Title} Construction

This is your construction panel. It shows you what the currently selected settlement can build. Building availability will depend on what buildings you have constructed and how big your settlement is.


{Prologue_Recruitment_Button_Pressed_Text_01_Title} Recruitment

This is your recruitment panel. It shows you what the currently selected target can recruit. \nIf you have an army selected, you may be able to hire mercenaries. \nIf you have a settlement selected, unit availability will depend on what buildings are present.


{Prologue_Camera_Control_Explained_Text_01_Title} Campaign map basics

キャンペーンマップにおける操作は戦場と同じです。左クリックで軍を選択します、右クリックはそれらを動かします。\n\n 地図を見てまわりたいならば、上下左右のカーソルキーを使うか、マウスカーソルをスクリーンの端の方に移動してください。それをためしてください…


{Prologue_Placeholder_Advice_Text_01_Title} Prologue_Advice_Thread

This needs removing if it appears in the game


{Prologue_First_Turn_Well_Done_Army_Selected_Text_01_Title} Army Selected

あなたは軍隊を選択しました。選択するとすぐに画面下部のパネルがユニットカードで一杯になるのに気付くでしょう。\nGaius Julius将軍は彼自身と彼の護衛のカードを持っています。


{Prologue_First_Turn_Keep_Units_Grouped_Text_01_Title} Army Movement: Strength in numbers

覚えてください: 軍隊を地図の周囲に移動するとき、大挙して移動するのが最も良いです。 \n小さな軍隊または個々のユニットとして周囲を移動するのは、それらを攻撃されると非常に無防備な状態になります。\n部隊が互いに一団となるように保ってください。


{Prologue_ROME_ITALY_MUST_BE_UNIFIED_Text_01_Title} The Sons of Mars



{Prologue_This_is_Rome_Text_01_Text1_Title} The Sons of Mars



{Prologue_This_is_Gaius_Julius_Text_02_Title} The Sons of Mars

ガイウス・ユリウス is the leader of your faction and is newly appointed Military Tribune of Rome. \nYou have been asked to lend your support to a Legion in the field. \nRich rewards come to those who achieve victories for the glory of Rome.


{Prologue_Bovianum_01_Text_01_Title} BOVIANUM

It appears you have taken a wrong turning and are headed to the Samnite city of Bovianum. \nThe Senate will be most displeased if you start a war unbidden with our Samnite friends. \nI strongly urge you turn around and take the city of Tarquinii instead. The Senate and People of Rome do not tolerate failure.


{Prologue_Bovianum_03_Text_01_Title} BOVIANUM

To capture a settlement of any kind you need to occupy the centre of town. Remember this as you breach the settlements defences


{Prologue_Picenum_01_Text_01_Title} Tarquinii is your target

A holiday in the Roman Protectorate of Picenum is an attractive thought. \nHowever, I think it would be better if you concentrated on your mission of capturing Tarquinii.\nRemember you have mounting debts and failure to succeed will bring an eternal shame upon your entire family and an abrupt end to your career.


{Prologue_Picenum_02_Text_01_Title} Prologue_Picenum_02_Thread



{Prologue_Picenum_03_Text_01_Title} Prologue_Picenum_03_Thread



{Prologue_Gallia_Cispadana_01_Text_01_Title} Approaching Ravenna

Although your determination to take the war to the Gauls is most laudable it would be better served if you were to capture Tarquinii first!\nTake Tarquinii and I am sure the Senate will look kindly on any actions against the Gauls


{Prologue_Pass_To_Gallia_Cispadana_01_Text_01_Title} Turn back

My apologies for questioning your strategy but you have been charged by the Senate to take Tarquinii. \nYour objective is south of here. Perhaps you should turn back?


{Prologue_Umbria_01_Text_01_Title} Ariminum

Although your determination to take the war to the Gauls is most laudable it would be better served if you were to capture Tarquinii first!\nTake Tarquinii and I am sure the Senate will look kindly on any actions you take against the Gauls


{Prologue_East_Pass_To_Picenum_01_Text_01_Title} Entering the province of Umbria

Take Tarquinii as requested.\nUmbria is already safely under the protection of Rome. You need not bother with any action in this area.\nThe Senate grows impatient with the delay. \nDo you wish to be known as ガイウス・ユリウス Cuncator?


{Prologue_East_Pass_To_Picenum_02_Text_01_Title} Entering the province of Umbria

You are entering the province of Umbria Umbria and the Town of Picenum are safely under the protection of Rome. You need not bother with any action in this area.


{Prologue_South_Pass_01_Text_01_Title} Prologue_South_Pass_01_Thread



{Prologue_END_Text_01_Title} What 2011-01-08 (土) 01:26:30

派閥を運営するために必要なすべての基本を覚えました。 \n後はあなた自身の能力と運命のいたずら次第です。 \nあなたはこのキャンペーンを続けて、派閥をイタリアの支配へと導いてもいいです。時々アドバイスを受けるでしょう。\nまたはインペリアルキャンペーンに移ってもいいです。 \nどちらを選ぶかはあなた次第です。\n\nローマに栄光あれ!


{Caesar_Campaign_Mission_1_Text_01_Title} The Helvetii Are Coming!

The Helvetii - a Germanic tribe from the Alps - are on the move, out of their mountainous home and into the lands of our allies, the Gallic Aeduii and Sequanii peoples. The Helvetii have already captured the town of Geneva. Fearing that they are going to be completely overwhelmed, these Gauls have asked for Roman help to drive the invaders back. Both tribes are Friends of Rome and thus entitled to Roman aid.\n\nIt is your task to help the Aeduii and Sequanii defend themselves. Drive the Helvetii back into Germania, and capture the town of Geneva.


{Caesar_Campaign_Mission_2_Text_01_Title} The Helvetii Repulsed

Congratulations. The Helvetii have been sent back to their mountain hovels and your army has been brought back up to strength. It may be prudent to spend a few turns recruiting extra troops from among the locals now under your rule. This should prevent the Helvetii from trying any more foolish incursions.


{Caesar_Campaign_Mission_3_Text_01_Title} The Borders of Empire

Aeduii and Sequanii peoples are patently unable to look after their own affairs without calling on Roman Legions to defend them. It is now time to bring them the full benefits of Roman rule, seeing as they rely on Roman armies to keep the peace. Capture the towns of Bibracte and Vesontio and, by doing so, annex the region for the greater glory of Rome! Be prepared for the Gauls to resist their inevitable destiny.


{Caesar_Campaign_Mission_4_Text_01_Title} Trouble Up North

Although you are closer to conquering all of Gaul and bringing it the many benefits of Roman rule, your actions have been like a stone thrown into a pond: the ripples are moving outwards and disturbing existing calm. In the north of Gaul two of the tribes, the Belgae and the Nervii, believe that unless they fight now they will be turned into slaves of Rome. This is, of course, nonsense but they must accept Roman authority or suffer the consequences of their rebellious behaviour. Move to capture Samarbriva and Aduatuca and stop the resistance of the Belgae and the Nervii before it can infect any other parts of Gaul. Your engineers have already constructed superior siege equipment to assist during any assault on Aduatuca, the Nervii's defended and fortified settlement.


{Caesar_Campaign_Mission_5_Text_01_Title} Across the Seas

You now control northern Gaul, but in the west the Venetii tribe have formed an ugly alliance against Rome involving the southern Gauls and the tribes of Britannia to the north. They seem to be planning to bring the nasty little Britons to Gaul to fight alongside the locals. You must now split your forces and send some to crush the western Gallic tribes, while taking the rest across the seas to attack Britannia. The chance to bring this wild island under Roman control is also one for glory, riches and renown!


{Caesar_Campaign_Mission_6_Text_01_Title} A Problem Of Germans

With all that has happened in Gaul recently the Germanic tribes of the Usipetes and the Tencterii have misinterpreted the imposition of Roman law as a chance for them to expand their own influence. They have been tempted to fight as mercenaries in the service of the Nervii but now, perhaps, they will be keen to stay on their own account. Drive these Germans back to their wild forests or kill those who lack the sense to run!\nA limited number of reinforcement units for use in this action are now available.


{Caesar_Campaign_Mission_7_Text_01_Title} Rebellion!

Some friends are good and true, others prove to be enemies behind their false smiles and barbaric moustaches. Vercingetorix, the leader of the Arvernii people, has proven himself to be in the second group. Once a 'Friend of Rome', this traitor has turned on all Romans and rebelled against our authority. Now he leads his misguided people into further trouble. Capture the three key strongholds of Avaricum, Gergovia and Alesia and the resistance under Vercingetorix in central Gaul will be broken once and for all. The Gauls will finally understand who are the masters and who are the servants in this land. Your engineers have prepared some siege equipment that will prove useful in reducing these fortified towns. It has also been possible to hire some Gallic mercenaries and these have been added to your armies.


{Caesar_Campaign_Mission_8_Text_01_Title} The Last Effort

All of Gaul is nearly supressed and under the rule of noble and upright Romans. One more effort is all that is needed to secure the entire province. Complete the conquest of Gaul by eliminating the independent tribes in the south west by taking the settlements at Uxellodunum and Tolosa. Such a victory will surely be worthy of the thanks of a grateful Senate and the approbation of the enthusiastic plebeian Mob in Rome! Roma Victor!

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{Prologue_battle_1_fighting_triarii_03_Text_01_Title} Fighting with Triarii

Triariiユニットの槍は騎兵に対して最も有効な武器の1つです。\n騎兵を攻撃するためには:\n1) マウスを敵の騎兵ユニットの上に動かしてください。 \n2) カーソルが剣のマークになったら右ダブルクリックして、野蛮な人間の屑を攻撃してください!


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{Prologue_battle_1_battlefield_overview_02_Text_01_Title} Prepare for battle!

戦場に参加すると、あなたの視点は軍隊のキャンペーンマップ上での位置に応じて、軍隊が展開した状態で北を向いて始まります。 \nあなたの軍隊は川の東から合戦に参加しました。したがってこの位置から開始です。


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{Prologue_Prod_The_Player_To_Select_01_Text_01_Title} Moving Units and Agents out of a City

都市の外にユニットを動かすには都市を左クリックします。\nそれから都市の外に移動したいユニットかスパイを下のパネルで左クリックします。\n複数の動かしたいユニットを選ぶときは "control" を押したままにしてください。\n必要なユニットすべて選んだら、目的地を右クリックします。


{Prologue_How_To_Attack_03_Text_01_Title} Besieging a settlement

This is the pre-battle screen. This is where you decide how to carry out your attack against an enemy. \n\nA simple way to carry out an attack or defence, if you have superior numbers and forces, is to have the assault calculated automatically.\n\nTo do this hit the auto-resolve button on this scroll.\n


{Prologue_Captured_Tarquinii_Text_01_Title} Congratulations!

Tarquiniiを僭主政治から解放しました! \nローマの元老院はTarquiniiに完全な市民権を許すことを決定しました。 \nあなたは現在この集落を開発して商業を整えなければなりません。 \nあなたが集落を隷属させないか撲滅しないならば、開発は少ない時間で済みます。


{Prologue_Prompt_How_To_Build_Troops_Text_01_Title} Troops

In order to garrison your settlement and guard your budding empire you will need to recruit soldiers. To recruit a new unit left click on a troop type. The unit will appear in your recruitment queue.


{Prologue_Garrisons_01_Text_01_Title} Garrisons

To carry out your next Senate mission you are going to need to move troops out of your settlement. \n\nBefore you do you will need to ensure that you have enough troops to keep order in Tarquinii. \n\nThe simplest way to do this is to move out the troops you require, one unit at a time, and watch the level of public order on your settlement screen.


{Prologue_HUD_Options_Button_Intro_Text_01_Title} Options

This button, at the far left of the panel, allows you to access your game settings and other options. You normally don’t need to look here unless you want to leave the game or change your settings.


{Prologue_Settlement_Garrisons_3_Text_01_Title} Settlements and Garrisons: Part 3

ジュピター神殿を建設しました。これはローマへのTarquiniiの忠誠心を高めます。 \nユニットの補充をするために、兵舎をアップグレードしてください。Tarquiniiから既存の軍隊を移動し、より重要な任務を与えることができます。


{Prologue_Player_Camera_Moves_Completed_Text_01_Title} Campaign map basics



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{Prologue_battle_1_move_camera_02_text_01_Title} Moving the camera

Well done. You have grasped the basics of battlefield camera moves. Left click to dismiss this advice when you're ready.


{Prologue_battle_1_battlefield_overview_01_Text_01_Title} Prepare for battle!

将軍様! 私はMarcusです。あなたの一族に百人隊長と軍隊の顧問を信任されました。\n私は戦場でのあなたの行動を見て、偉大な軍を指揮する方法を教え、ローマの栄光のために敵を壊滅させます! \nそれでは戦場を見ましょう…


{Prologue_battle_1_zoom_to_unit_03_Text_01_Title} Issuing unit orders

Left clicking on unit cards is a quick and easy way of selecting your units and assigning them new orders, in the thick of battle.


{Prologue_battle_1_drag_box_sel_01_Text_01_Title} Drag Box Select

ユニットを選択するもう一つの方法: \nユニットの近くの地面を左クリックし \nドラッグしてユニットのグループの周りを囲み \nボタンを離してください。\nあなたは今これをする必要はありません。


{Prologue_battle_1_pause_02_Text_01_Title} Pause

OK. 一時停止を解除しました。 \n覚えておいて下さい。状況が苦しくなったらいつでもゲームを一時停止できます。 \n戦場で大軍に命令する良い方法です。


{Prologue_battle_1_grouping_units_03_Text_01_Title} Grouping Selected Units

Selected units can be made to act as a group by using the "G" key. \nYou can undefine a group by selecting them and presing "G" again. \nGrouped units will be indicated as such on the unit panel. \nTo select an existing group click on the Group tab above the unit panel. \nYou can still give individual orders to grouped units.


{Prologue_battle_1_spare_02_Text_01_Title} Beware

敵は現在私たちに対して弓兵を送り込んでいます! \nあなたの弓兵ユニットかまたはユニットカードを左クリックして選択してください。 \n今度は示された敵の弓兵ユニットを右クリックして攻撃してください。\n近接戦闘に近接武器を持っていない弓兵を進軍させないでください。 \n弓兵は小戦闘を基本とし、近接戦闘では弱くなります。


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{Prologue_Near_Vesuvius_01_Text_01_Title} Vesuvius

The big mountain near the coast is actually Vesuvius. Home of the god Vulcan and his forge. In other words, a volcano.


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{Prologue_battle_1_fight_cav_01_Text_01_Title} Fleeing Cavalry



{Prologue_battle_1_move_cam_02_Text_01_Title} Moving the Camera

これはカメラ移動の基本です。\nヒント: \nマウスホイールか "* または /" でカメラアングルを変えることが出来ます。 \nマウスのミドルボタンでズームイン・ズームアウト出来ます。\n"+ または -" で視点を変えることが出来ます。\n続けるには助言者を左クリックしてください。


{Prologue_battle_1_generic_05_Text_01_Title} Pause

ゲームは今停止しました。\nあなたは左下の停止ボタンかキーボードの "P" を押すことで戦闘の最中いつでも停止できます。 \n停止中にはユニットへの命令とカメラの移動が行えます。 \n\nもし戦いでの小休止がほしいか、または勝っている戦いを早送りしたいなら、ゲームスピードボタンを使います。 \nこの戦いにはそれらを使用しないでください。さもないとあなたは重要情報を見逃すでしょう。\n\n再開するには再生ボタンを左クリックします。


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{Prologue_Welcome_First_Turn_Text_01_Title} Welcome to Rome Total War!

私はヴィクトリア、あなたのアドバイザーです。私はRome Total Warのゲームを通しての案内役です。私の指示に従ってください。あなたが知っておく必要があるすべてを学べます。続けるには私の画かパネルの助言終了ボタンをクリックしてください。


{Prologue_Welcome_First_Turn_Text_01_2_Title} The campaign map

You are looking at the campaign map, currently pointing at southern Italy. Here you build cities, raise armies, and move them to attack your enemies. At the bottom of the screen is the panel of icons and information you use to help do this. I'll explain these later.


{Prologue_HUD_Faction_Button_Intro_Text_01_Title} Faction Information

Controlling a faction requires more than just a strong sword arm and a treasury full of cash. \nFrom here you can examine the state of your faction, keep track of your heirs and make policy decisions.


{Prologue_HUD_Selected_Item_Button_Intro_Text_01_Title} Selected Item

This button displays your currently selected item. From here you can cycle through your characters, armies and settlements with the arrows to the side. \nYou can examine the selected item by then right clicking on this button


{Prologue_Campaign_First_Use_Right_Click_Move_Text_01_Title} Right Click to Move

緑の領域の端にすべての部隊で移動するには右クリックを押します。矢印が示しているところに移動してみてください。 \n緑の領域の端は1ターンで現在の位置から移動することができる最も遠い地点です。\nこれより遠くの領域を選ぶと、1ターン以上の移動が必要です。


{Prologue_Bovianum_02_Text_01_Title} BOVIANUM

Bovianumの城壁を攻撃する前に、2、3の包囲武器を持っていることを確認しなければなりません。 \nすでに投石器を持っていますが、破城槌は城門を破壊するのに役立ちます。\nこれらは都市の攻撃を開始するとき開く包囲画面で造ることができます。 \n包囲装置を造る時間を稼ぎ、少し敵の士気を奪うためにしばらく包囲を保ってもいいです。


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{Prologue_battle_1_left_click_01_Text_01_Title} Left click selects units



{Prologue_battle_1_right_click_01_Text_01_Title} Right click to move

準備ができたら、示された戦場の場所を右クリックしてください。 \n示された場所を見るためにカメラの操作をする必要があるかもしれません。 \n部隊をそこに移動させるように目的地を右クリックしてください。


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{Prologue_This_Is_An_Event_Message_Text_01_Title} Event Messages



{Prologue_War_Samnites_1_Text_01_Title} War with the Samnites

元老院はあなたを徴用しています。今度は南東のSamniteの都市Bovianumを奪わなければなりません。\nローマに対する反抗でTarquiniiの僭主のEtruscanを援助したことで、Samnitesはローマの権威と尊厳を侮辱しました。 \n彼らは正直で実直なローマの民族よりGaulsやGreeksとの友好を好むようです。


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{Prologue_Prompt_How_To_Build_Recruit_Text_01_Title} Building and Recruitment

In order to get your settlements to prosper you will need to start building projects and the recruitment of troops. \nTo start a new construction project or to recruit new units in a settlement, double left click on it. \nThen left click on the Recruitment tab or Construction tab and select a building or troop type. \nThe selected item will appear in your queue if you have enough money to construct it.\nConstruction or recruitment will begin once you close the settlement scroll and end turn.


{Prologue_HUD_Faction_Button_IntroV2_Text_01_Title} Faction Information

派閥を支配するにはより強い右腕と豊富な資金を必要とします。 \nここからあなたの派閥の状態を調べ、あなたの後継者の動向をおさえ、政策決定をすることができます。\nあなたがこの画面を開くと、元老院、外交、財政状態と他の派閥情報を画面上部のタブを切り替えて調べることができます。


{Prologue_Settlement_Construction_1_Text_01_Title} Construction Basics

集落の開発を管理する方法を学ぶのに丁度良い時です。 \n適切な建物を選んで建設することによって、より多くの人々の税を得ることができて、より大きな兵舎を造ることができて、より良いユニットの交通の便を得られるでしょう。\n建設ボタンを左クリックして集落の改良工事を始めます。


{Prologue_Settlement_Construction_1a_Text_01_Title} Construction and Recruitment Basics

Now would be a good time to learn how to control the development of your settlements. \nBy selecting and constructing the correct buildings you can attract more people to tax, create a bigger pool of recruits and gain access to better units.\nDouble left click on your settlement or left click on the selected settlement button to begin building improvements.


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{Prologue_HUD_Selected_Item_Button_IntroV2_Text_01_Title} Select a Character or Settlement

これは現在選択されたキャラクタか集落を表します。 \nここから横の矢印ですべてのキャラクタ、軍隊、および集落を一巡することができます。 \nキャンペーンマップ上の左ダブルクリックで選択したキャラクタか集落に関連する項目の情報画面が開きます。


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{Prologue_battle_1_move_cam_01_Text_01_Title} Moving the Camera

画面の端にマウスカーソルを移動させると、カメラを回転させることができます。 \nまたは、マウスカーソルを中心に回転するために、地面の上で左クリックを押したまま、左右のカーソルキーを押してください。 \nカーソルキーは前後左右にカメラを動かします。 \n今すぐ試して下さい。


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{Prologue_Options_Button_Pressed_Text_01_Title} Options

This is the options panel, you can use it to adjust some of your game settings or exit the prologue. You cannot save your progress in the Prologue until ten game turns have elapsed.
