¬ Lines that begin with the ¬ character are comments
¬ and should not be translated
¬ Items with curly brackets are tags and should not be translated
¬ The text following tags either on the same line, or the next line
¬ should be translated


{actor} Actor

"An Actor?! An Actor? I, sir, am a thespian! I bestride the stage in a manner - nay a fashion, sir, a fashion - like unto Colossus himself!"


{aged_retainer} Aged Retainer

Loyalty cannot be bought in some men, but when earned must be treasured and respected.


{agriculturalist} Agriculturalist

Good land, worked well, is the root of much wealth.


{animal_trader} Animal Trader

The Games demand a constant supply of new animals, and a man who controls such a supply will gain friends...


{architect} Architect

Great architecture can be a statement of power and prestige, designed to awe a subject people into obedience.


{armourer} Armourer

A skilled craftsman, able to oversee repairs and refurbishment of armour.


{artist} Artist

The images of the mighty need to be captured for posterity. Repeatedly.


{astrologer} Astrologer

"The stars are most auspicious for this new venture…"


{barbarian_turncoat} Barbarian Turncoat

Some men are willing to turn against their own kind for all sorts of reasons.


{bard} Bard

A great man's great deeds need to be properly celebrated in epic poetry!


{beastmaster} Beastmaster

A servant who can handle any animal may be useful on campaign.


{biographer} Biographer

A great man's great deeds need to be properly celebrated!


{bodyguard} Bodyguard

Personal security never has too high a price.


{brilliant_inventor} Inventor

Invention is a delicate art, and rushing ahead will only result in a failed idea. Thought is needed.


{cackling_crone} Cackling Crone

"The bones hold many secrets... of the past... of the future!


{carnifex} Carnifex

Law requires punishment, sometimes severe punishment, lest anarchy overwhelm the state.


{carthaginian_turncoat} Carthaginian Turncoat

Some men are willing to turn against their own kind for all sorts of reasons.


{charioteer} Charioteer

A popular hero can be a useful friend to those in public life, for fame tends to rub off…


{chief_eunuch} Chief Eunuch

The safety of one's person must be guaranteed by every means to hand.


{chirugeon} Chirugeon

Good field surgery can save many a life after a battle.


{civilized_slave} Civilized Slave

"Just a little something I bought to remind me of those decadent fools…"


{comedian} Comedian

"Nay, nay and thrice nay! No, mistress, no, listen… oooh, titter ye not, oh no… Oooh! Where was I? The prologue..."


{cook} Cook

Good food is a civilized accomplishment.


{courtesan} Courtesan

The attentions of a courtesan who has skill and refinement are a welcome relief at the end of hard day's brutal conquering.


{crooked_judge} Judge

Justice, however flawed, can help create an empire, as long as the right palms are greased along the way.


{crooked_judge2} Judge

Justice, however flawed, can help create an empire, as long as the right palms are greased along the way.


{dancer} Dancer

Lavish and stimulating amusement after work is important, even for the most dedicated of men.


{dancer2} Dancer

Lavish and stimulating amusement after work is important, even for the most dedicated of men.


{decorated_hero} Decorated Hero

A clever leader knows how to use the fame and bravery of others to his own best advantage.


{desert_scout} Desert Scout

Reading any ground for signs of the enemy is an art learned only by experience.


{doctor} Doctor

Medical care is always a sound investment, at least until the patient dies…


{drillmaster} Drillmaster

Battles are less frightening for new soldiers if they have been cowed by learning drill from a fierce taskmaster.


{drinking_companion} Drinking Companion

Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we'll do it all over again!


{druid} Druid

The gods must be appeased or the sky will fall on our heads!


{druid2} Druid

The gods must be appeased or the sky will fall on our heads!


{drunken_uncle} Drunken "Uncle"

Even in the greatest family, there is always someone who specialises in causing embarrassment.


{easterner_turncoat} Easterner Turncoat

Some men are willing to turn against their own kind for all sorts of reasons.


{editor} Editor

The skilled individual who can organise bread and circuses is not one to be lightly cast aside.


{egyptian_turncoat} Egyptian Turncoat

Some men are willing to turn against their own kind for all sorts of reasons.


{elder_senator} Elder Senator

Political connections to the supremely powerful are more than useful - they can be vital!


{elderly_spinster_aunt} Elderly Spinster "Aunt"

"Now, dear, I am sure your mother wouldn't like that…"


{equestrian} Equestrian

Political connections to the powerful and wealthy are always useful.


{evil_mother-in-law} Evil Mother-in-Law

"And look at the state of you! A disgrace, that's what you are! To think that my daughter ever took up with the likes…"


{exotic_slave} Exotic Slave

Slaves don't have to be useful. Sometimes they are for show.


{famous_courtesan} Famous Courtesan

To retain the services of a famous - or notorious - courtesan brings its own social distinction.


{famous_warrior} Famous Warrior

The leader who can attract great warriors to his cause increases his own stature in the eyes of the people.


{fasces} Lictor

Law and order are two sides of the same coin. Without one, the other would fail.


{floozy} Floozy

Every truly great man deserves the companionship of a cheap floozy at some point in his career!


{foodtaster} Foodtaster

Death can come in many forms, and even the dining table requires a guardsman of sorts.


{freeman_clerk} Freeman Clerk

An able and loyal assistant in the day-to-day business of government.


{freeman_clerk2} Freeman Clerk

An able and loyal assistant in the day-to-day business of government.


{galloper} Galloper

Command and control on the battlefield relies on orders getting through.


{geographer} Geographer

Maps are a key to all great military campaigns, and jolly useful when collecting land taxes!


{geomancer} Geomancer

The auspicious positioning of new buildings is a thing that no governor should ignore.


{geometer} Geometer

An expert in the accurate measurement of distances and angles, and a boon to any construction work.


{gladiator} Gladiator

Life and death in the arena prepares a man for many surprises and dangers.


{goldsmith} Goldsmith

Foreign tastes in goldwork can be so crass, so it's useful to have someone on hand to melt down captured gold and then make something pretty…


{gourmands_chef} Gourmand's Chef

Good food is a civilized accomplishment. Very good food is even better!


{greek_turncoat} Greek Turncoat

Some men are willing to turn against their own kind for all sorts of reasons.


{herbalist} Herbalist

Potions, poultices and preparations for all ailments may be needed at any time.


{heroic_saviour} Heroic Saviour

A true man remembers one who saves his life in battle… and favours him with friendship.


{historian} Historian

If history is to be written, perhaps it should be done under the watchful eyes of those making it…


{honest_man} Honest Man

It's a remarkable thing to find an honest man: remarkable, and sometimes uncomfortable too.


{Herald} Herald

Having someone else blow one's trumpet is infinitely more pleasurable!


{idiot} Pet Idiot

Dribbling can be very unattractive… but funny - well, when it's not a relative!


{idiot_savant} Idiot Savant

Supreme talent in one small area comes at a cost in other abilities.


{inflatable_sheep} Pet Sheep

Being away from home and loved ones… can be a lonely life.


{intrepid_explorer} Intrepid Explorer

A man who knows what's over the next ridge or across the next stream is always useful.


{jeweller} Jeweller

Plunder needs to be properly valued! These people will rob you blind, otherwise…!


{judge} Judge

Justice, while never absolute or perfect, helps mould diverse people into a single empire.


{lanista} Lanista

Slaves and prisoners of war are always needed for the Games.


{librarian} Librarian

Knowledge is power, and finding the correct knowledge is the key to that power.


{magician} Magician

"All the world, all of the afterlife to come, all can be yours! But only through me…"


{magistrate} Magistrate

Justice, however flawed, helps mould a people into an empire.


{master_embalmer} Master Embalmer

"Correct preparation for the afterlife is a wise investment. And now, about the right casket…"


{master_hunter} Master Hunter

The man who can track, find his way across rough country, and bring down his prey can do the same to other men.


{master_of_archers} Master of Archers

An expert in training and leading archers.


{master_of_assassins} Master of Assassins

This man has a knack for spotting talent: the talent to commit murder.


{master_of_horse} Master of Horse

An expert in all aspects of training and leading cavalry.


{master_smith} Master Smith

A highly skilled man, able to look after all the weapons of an army with his assistants.


{mathematician} Mathematician

The esoteric art of mathematics brings practical benefits to the business of government.


{menhir_carver} Menhir Carver

The Gods need to be honoured and sacred sites properly marked.


{mentor} Mentor

An older, wiser man can be a useful guide, and a sounding board in times of trouble.


{merchant} Merchant

Trade is a sure road to wealth, even for the already powerful, as long as trade routes are kept open and safe.


{military_engineer} Military Engineer

Any and all military construction tasks - siege engines, roads, fortifications, benefit from the oversight of an expert.


{military_tribune} Military Tribune

Military experience is a key to political advancement for friends and oneself.


{mining_engineer} Mining Engineer

Muscle may dig out the ore, but without skill mining is just digging holes.


{mistress} Mistress

A man with a mistress is one who has all the appetites of a man - and in abundance!


{musician} Musician

Entertainment at the end of a day's labours is important, even for the busiest general or governor.


{Natural_philosopher} Natural Philosopher

Natural curiosity about the world can often be of great use to a patron.


{Numismatist} Numismatist

Coinage carries the symbols and the names of the powerful. No man can buy or sell without realising who is his overlord.


{oracle} Oracle

"Hear, then, the words of the Oracle..."


{orator} Orator

Oratory can be defined as the skill of getting people to listen in spite of themselves. The message can be whatever the paymaster requires...


{over_protective_nanny} Over-Protective Nanny

"Nanny knows best…"


{overseer} Overseer

Strong backs are useful in working the fields, but proper 'encouragement' is also needed.


{pet_hunting_dog} Pet Hunting Dog



{pet_lion} Pet Lion

Many a happy hour can be spent in teaching a lion to enjoy the pleasures of human flesh…


{philosopher} Philosopher

Regular exercise of the reasoning powers aids any man in good governance.


{physician} Physician

"Prayers, three times a day, and then a thorough examination for elf-shot. All disease is caused by elf-shot…"


{playwright} Playwright

Plundering the classics for good stories is one route for a playwright. The other is to use the life of a great man…


{poet} Poet

The deeds of the great are surely worthy of an epic poem or two…


{poisoner} Poisoner

The wise ruler knows that no resource should be squandered, and that dinner guests should always be left wondering about the fish course…


{pontifex} Pontifex

By Jupiter, asking for the help of the Gods is better when it is done with the voice of authority.


{praetorian_guardsman} Praetorian Guardsman

A visible symbol of Roman authority, and a sign that the one guarded is constantly in the thoughts of the Senate and people of Rome.


{problem_mother} Problem Mother

"Mother isn't quite... Herself... Today."


{procurator} Procurator

Money and legal ways to separate individuals from their money are always of service to the state.


{quartermaster} Quartermaster

No soldier can march or fight for long when his belly is empty.


{roman_turncoat} Roman Turncoat

Some men are willing to turn against their own kind for all sorts of reasons.


{runner} Runner

Command and control on the battlefield relies on orders getting through.


{satirist} Satirist

Mockery, as a rule, is best employed to humble one's rivals rather than make oneself look like a great man.


{sculptor} Sculptor

Glory is pointless without a record of the one who achieved it.


{seamaster} Seamaster

An expert in shiphandling and in reading the sky, the wind and the water.


{senatorial_horse} Senatorial Horse

And why can't my horse be a senator? You'll hurt his feelings denying him the chance to better himself!


{shieldbearer} Shieldbearer

A great general needs supporters and aides on the battlefield.


{siege_engineer} Siege Engineer

Sieges are a tricky business, and demand patience and a good eye for ground - and for the weaknesses of a defender's walls!


{silk_merchant} Silk Merchant

Silks from the east are always profitable, no matter what the market. And power always follows profit.


{slave_trader} Slave Trader

Slaves are a vital trade, for who else will do the work that is needed?


{slubberdegullion} Slubberdegullion

Some people just can't hold their drink, but rarely know when to leave - possibly because they are too far gone to find a door!


{spice_merchant} Spice Merchant

Trade in exotic spices requires long years of experience if it is to turn a profit.


{spymaster} Spymaster

This man is an expert at collating information and persuading others to spy for his superiors.


{surveyor} Surveyor

The accurate laying out of ground plans, roads and even whole towns saves money, time and effort.


{swordbearer} Swordbearer

A true warrior needs aides and guards on the battlefield.


{tax_farmer} Tax Farmer

An expert in the enforced separation of people and their money, but perhaps not so skilled at passing the gains to a government.


{tender_of_the_arse} Tender of the Royal Backside

It's a dirty job, but somebody has to do it.


{torturer} Torturer

A little light torture is often enough to loosen the stubborn tongue, and thereby ease the path to justice.


{treasurer} Treasurer

For some, the pleasure of counting money can be enough…


{tribune_of_the_plebs} Tribune of the Plebs

Political power must be used whatever the source and wherever it is found.


{trusty_steed} Trusty Steed

Such a fine animal makes one never want to plod around on foot again…


{tutor} Tutor

Learning to learn can only be of benefit to a statesman.


{veteran_centurion} Veteran Centurion

A grizzled veteran of many campaigns, loyal and true, constantly alert to dangers around his general…


{veteran_warrior} Veteran Warrior

A grizzled veteran of many campaigns, loyal and true, constantly alert to dangers around his warlord…


{wilderness_prophet} Wilderness Prophet

In a wilderness there is no place to hide from your Gods, but afterwards getting others to listen is the real test.


{wine_steward} Wine Steward

"Hmmm. Fruity, yielding, with just a hint of oak… from the southern valley I think…"


{wise_man} Wise Man

"Wisdom is knowing when to shut up and listen carefully, young man…"


{wise_woman} Wise Woman

"Slap that poultice on and you'll feel better in no time. And yes, it's supposed to smell like that!"


{witch} Witch

"The bones hold many secrets... of the past... of the future!"


{wrestler} Wrestler

A man who can tear arms off is useful, from time to time.


{priest_of_Vahagan} Priest of Vahagan

A priest spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to his god. He can spend the other half putting it to good use…


{priest_of_Anahit} Priest of Anahit

A priest spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to his god. He can spend the other half putting it to good use…


{priest_of_Armazd} Priest of Armazd

A priest spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to his god. He can spend the other half putting it to good use…


{priest_of_Brigantia} Priestess of Brigantia

A priestess spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to her god. She can spend the other half putting it to good use…


{priest_of_Britannia2} Priestess of Britannia

A priestess spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to her god. She can spend the other half putting it to good use…


{priest_of_Andrasta} Priest of Andrasta

A priest spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to his god. He can spend the other half putting it to good use…


{priest_of_Tanit} Priestess of Tanit

A priestess spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to her god. She can spend the other half putting it to good use…


{priest_of_Baal} Priest of Baal

A priest spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to his god. He can spend the other half putting it to good use…


{priest_of_Milqart} Priest of Milqart

A priest spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to his god. He can spend the other half putting it to good use…


{priest_of_Hebeleysis} Priest of Hebeleysis

A priest spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to his god. He can spend the other half putting it to good use…


{priest_of_Bendis} Priestess of Bendis

A priestess spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to her god. She can spend the other half putting it to good use…


{priest_of_Zalmoxis} Priest of Zalmoxis

A priest spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to his god. He can spend the other half putting it to good use…


{priest_of_Isis} Priestess of Isis

A priestess spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to her god. She can spend the other half putting it to good use…


{priest_of_Osiris} Priest of Osiris

A priest spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to his god. He can spend the other half putting it to good use…


{priest_of_Imhotep} Priest of Imhotep

A priest spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to his god. He can spend the other half putting it to good use…


{priest_of_Set} Priest of Set

A priest spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to his god. He can spend the other half putting it to good use…


{priest_of_Horus} Priest of Horus

A priest spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to his god. He can spend the other half putting it to good use…


{priest_of_Teutatis} Priest of Teutatis

A priest spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to his god. He can spend the other half putting it to good use…


{priest_of_Epona} Priest of Epona

A priest spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to his god. He can spend the other half putting it to good use…


{priest_of_Abnoba} Priest of Abnoba

A priest spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to his god. He can spend the other half putting it to good use…


{priest_of_Esus} Priest of Esus

A priest spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to his god. He can spend the other half putting it to good use…


{priest_of_Freyja} Priestess of Freyja

A priestess spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to her god. She can spend the other half putting it to good use…


{priest_of_Donar} Priest of Donar

A priest spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to his god. He can spend the other half putting it to good use…


{priest_of_Woden} Priest of Woden

A priest spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to his god. He can spend the other half putting it to good use…


{priest_of_Athena} Priestess of Athena

A priestess spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to her god. She can spend the other half putting it to good use…


{priest_of_Aphrodite} Priestess of Aphrodite

A priestess spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to her god. She can spend the other half putting it to good use…


{priest_of_Hermes} Priest of Hermes

A priest spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to his god. He can spend the other half putting it to good use…


{priest_of_Nike} Priest of Nike

A priest spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to his god. He can spend the other half putting it to good use…


{priest_of_Ceres} Priest of Ceres

A priest spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to his god. He can spend the other half putting it to good use…


{priest_of_Bacchus} Priest of Bacchus

A priest spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to his god. He can spend the other half putting it to good use…


{priest_of_Jupiter} Priest of Jupiter

A priest spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to his god. He can spend the other half putting it to good use…


{priest_of_Demeter} Priestess of Demeter

A priestess spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to her god. She can spend the other half putting it to good use…


{priest_of_Zeus} Priest of Zeus

A priest spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to his god. He can spend the other half putting it to good use…


{priest_of_Artemis} Priestess of Artemis

A priestess spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to her god. She can spend the other half putting it to good use…


{priest_of_Ares} Priest of Ares

A priest spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to his god. He can spend the other half putting it to good use…


{priest_of_Zoroastra} Priest of Zoroastra

A priest spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to his god. He can spend the other half putting it to good use…


{priest_of_Zeus2} Priest of Zeus

A priest spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to his god. He can spend the other half putting it to good use…


{priest_of_Aphrodite2} Priestess of Aphrodite

A priestess spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to her god. She can spend the other half putting it to good use…


{priest_of_Hercules} Priest of Hercules

A priest spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to his god. He can spend the other half putting it to good use…


{priest_of_Juno} Priestess of Juno

A priestess spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to her god. She can spend the other half putting it to good use…


{priest_of_Mercury} Priest of Mercury

A priest spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to his god. He can spend the other half putting it to good use…


{priest_of_Mars} Priest of Mars

A priest spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to his god. He can spend the other half putting it to good use…


{priest_of_Vulcan} Priest of Vulcan

A priest spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to his god. He can spend the other half putting it to good use…


{priest_of_Saturn} Priest of Saturn

A priest spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to his god. He can spend the other half putting it to good use…


{priest_of_Neptune} Priest of Neptune

A priest spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to his god. He can spend the other half putting it to good use…


{priest_of_Papay} Priest of Papay

A priest spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to his god. He can spend the other half putting it to good use…


{priest_of_Api} Priest of Api

A priest spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to his god. He can spend the other half putting it to good use…


{priest_of_Kolaksay} Priest of Kolaksay

A priest spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to his god. He can spend the other half putting it to good use…


{priest_of_Haphaestus} Priest of Hephaestus

A priest spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to his god. He can spend the other half putting it to good use…


{priest_of_Asklepios} Priest of Asklepios

A priest spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to his god. He can spend the other half putting it to good use…


{priest_of_Dionysus} Priest of Dionysus

A priest spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to his god. He can spend the other half putting it to good use…


{priest_of_Dionysus2} Priest of Dionysus

A priest spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to his god. He can spend the other half putting it to good use…


{priest_of_Ares2} Priest of Ares

A priest spends half a lifetime studying subjects related to his god. He can spend the other half putting it to good use…


{appolonius_of_perge} Appolonius of Perge

An eccentric mathematician and astrologer who believes the planets revolve in epicycles and eccentric orbits around us. Loony.


{appolonius_of_rhodes} Appolonius of Rhodes

Writer of the great epic "The Argonautica". \nUse of this man's skills in writing will help increase your profile.


{archimedes} Archimedes

Some say "the greatest mind alive".\nAn outstanding mathematician, inventor of siege weaponry and devices for everyday use. It's a shame he's so argumentative.


{aristarchus_of_samos} Aristarchus

An astronomer and mathematician who thinks the Earth revolves around the sun! \nHowever mad he is, he can provide accurate measurements of distance and perform complex calculations.


{ariston_of_cyrene} Ariston

Peripatetic Philosopher and Poet. The deeds of the great are surely worthy of critical examination and, perhaps, a poem or an epigram?


{agatharchides_of_cnidus} Agatharchides

Peripatetic philosopher, geographer, historian, traveller and naturalist. This restless individual is working on several books describing the world and all that lives in it. A useful man on campaign.


{callimachus_of_cyrene} Callimachus of Cyrene

Librarian, Poet and Scholar. A learned man can always be of use to a man of power.


{carneades_the_academic} Carneades

"The Academic" can argue the hind legs of a donkey, persuade it to run and then convince onlookers that the donkey did this without encouragement. A useful man to have on your side.


{quintus_lutatius_catulus} Lutatius Catulus

Roman writer, philosopher and tactician.


{gaius_valerius_catullus} Valerius Catullus

Romantic latin poet and writer, of the elite patrician classes, with many powerful connections.


{chrysippus} Chrysippus

Tutor and Stoic philosopher. This man teaches that a knowledge of Physics and Logic are required for a person to know the difference between good and evil.


{ctesibius} Ctesibius

Inventor, mathematician and engineer. Responsible for such contraptions as the Water Clock and "Hydraulis" musical device. Perhaps his knowledge of hydraulic hoists, seige engines and suction pumps may be of some use.


{erasistratus_of_ceos} Erasistratus

Greek anatomist and physician.\nKnown for his studies of the circulatory and nervous systems. Make sure he has a steady supply of condemned men to practice on.


{eratosthenes_of_cyrene} Eratosthenes

Gifted Philosopher and Polymath. A man with broad knowledge that can be applied to many subjects.


{fabius_pictor} Fabius Pictor

Rome's first annalist of note and grandson of the famous Caius Fabius Pictor who painted the Temple of Salus, in Rome. Quintus is well connected with many eminent Roman Senators.


{herodas} Herodas

Poet and author of Mimes. Herodas has a knack of using the language of the common man to liven up his bawdy comedy. A useful skill when writing speeches that appeal to the masses.


{iunius_pennus} Iunius Pennus

"I don’t mind if they fight and die for us. Just don’t allow the foreigners a vote" A true Roman who wishes to keep the citizenship exclusive.


{lucilius} Lucilius

The founder of Roman Satire. An unusual literary artist as he is both rich and of high rank. A friend and a foe of some of the greatest men of our time, Lucilius issues scathing opinions on even the more humble members of Roman society.


{m_porcius_cato} Porcius Cato

Tribune. Publicly austere, humorless, puritanical, incapable of compromise, a fanatic in defense of liberty and the Republic.\n A bitter foe of the Julii. Known to be a legendary drinker with some peculiar habits.


{m_tullius_cicero} M.Tullius Cicero

Philosopher, Orator and Rhetor. Marcus Tullius Cicero's main abilities are his powers of persuasion and political nous. He thinks himself a protector of liberty and of Rome. He believes you may help save Rome from the "Populares".


{gnaeus_naevius} Gnaeus Naevius

This latin dramatist and satirist is well known for his translations of Greek plays in to Latin. He seems to have some talent of his own, perhaps he will develop some original plays in his native Latin?


{nicander} Nicander

A most learned Physician and wise Priest of Apollo. He has great knowledge of the body, poisons and much of the world we inhabit. His poem on "Antidotes to the Bites of Wild Creatures" is rather dull though.


{panaetius} Panaetius

Stoic philosopher and Tutor. His thoughts on ethics are interesting. Very interesting. ZZZZzzzzzzzz. Sorry, where were we?


{titus_maccius_plautus} Titus Maccius Plautus

Comic playwright, soldier and travelling miller. Titus the 'splay-footed clown' is a comic genius. Even the miserable old Senate think he's funny. Mostly. And they've even given him the right to use three names, like a noble Roman.


{polybius_of_megalopolis} Polybius

A biographer and historian of outstanding ability blessed with great insight and a disarming ability to ingratiate himself with anyone.


{posidonius_of_rhodes} Posidonius of Rhodes

Gifted Politician, Stoic, Geographer, Astronomer and Geologist. Always useful to have around.


{publius_clodius} Publius Clodius

This cross dressing pretty boy has many political connections. Just keep an eye on him, and your wife, during the festivals of Bona Dea.


{strato} Strato

Tutor, physicist and philosopher. Knowledge is power and the tool by which men rule.


{terrence} Terrence

Comic dramatist. Making the masses laugh is a good way to divert them from their problems and ease the flow of money from their purse.


{theocritus_of_syracuse} Theocritus of Syracuse

A most talented poet whose prose can ease the worries of the most troubled mind.


{ti_sempronius_gracchus} Sempronius Gracchus

Tribune of the Plebs. This popular young firebrand has the makings of a demagogue. Many conservatives in the Senate feel this young man needs to be taught a lesson. Permanently.


{caius_gracchus} Caius Gracchus

Tribune Of the Plebs. This young man wants to change the way the Republic is run. For ever! Many "Optimates" in the Senate feel he needs to be persuaded otherwise.


{ti_sempronius_gracchus_the_elder} Tiberius Gracchus

A patrician with some liberal values. A rare bird indeed. Many watch his sons with interest.


{timaeus_of_tauromenium} Timaeus

If history is to be written, perhaps it should be done under the watchful eyes of those making it. Especially when some are likely to distort the facts.


{livy} Titus Livius

This scholar is well versed in the history of Rome and warns us of the dangers of avarice and complacency. He may have a point.


{virgilius} Virgilius

"Love conquers all things. Let us surrender unto love" Eclogues.


{zeno_of_cittium} Zeno

An honest and upright man can always be trusted to give sound advice. As long as he gets a steady supply of figs and red wine, in this case.


{t_lucretius_carus} Lucretius Carus

A knowledge of nature and its forms as well as a skill with verse make this Epicurean a likeable companion to the thinking man

¬***** Changes made after 01/03/2004 5:11:34 PM

¬***** Changes made after 21/04/2004 9:00:00 AM


  1. 1影響力


  1. 1内政, +1身辺警護(被暗殺確率の減少)


  1. 1農業収益


  1. 1影響力

10%の建設コスト減少, -1 不​衛​生(治安と人口上昇率の上昇)


  1. 1士気(戦場に居る全自軍に)


  1. 1影響力, 10%の買収コストの低下


  1. 1指​揮, -1内政


{barbarian_slave} Barbarian Slave

"Just a little something I bought up on the frontier… "


  1. 1指​揮(以下の敵と戦闘する時:蛮族), 1%の略奪における金銭略奪ボーナス


  1. 1指​揮(以下の敵と戦闘する時:蛮族)


  1. 1影響力


  1. 1指​揮(騎兵指揮時), 15%の動物系ユニット募兵コスト減少


  1. 1影響力


{body_slave} Body Slave

Great men have better things to do than dress themselves and clean their own armour.


  1. 1影響力, -1身辺警護(被暗殺確率の上昇)


  1. 2身辺警護(被暗殺確率の減少), +2将軍護衛兵


  1. 30建設ポイント(攻城兵器作成に必要), +1農業収益, 20%の鉱山収入へのボーナス


  1. 1影響力, -1士気(戦場に居る全自軍に)


  1. 2治安(敵工作員発見確率の上昇), +2法律(社会秩序の上昇)


  1. 1指​揮(以下の敵と戦闘する時:カルタゴ)


{catamite} Catamite

"Who would suspect such a man...!"


  1. 1工作員技術



  1. 2身辺警護(被暗殺確率の減少), +1将軍護衛兵



  1. 1内政


  1. 1士気(戦場に居る全自軍に)


  1. 1身辺警護(被暗殺確率の減少)


  1. 1工作員技術

20%の工作員​募​兵コストの減少, +1不穏(社会秩序の減少), +2法律(社会秩序の上昇)

20%の工作員​募​兵コストの減少, +1不穏(社会秩序の減少), +2法律(社会秩序の上昇)


  1. 2工作員技術


  1. 2工作員技術



  1. 1指​揮(奇襲時), +1視野(索敵距離の上昇)



  1. 25%の移動距離ボーナス(軍団が強行軍可能に), 10%の募​兵コスト低減


  1. 1影響力, -1指​揮


  1. 1影響力,負傷兵の回復率上昇


  1. 1士気(戦場に居る全自軍に), +1指​揮(攻撃時)


  • 1影響力


  1. 1指​揮(以下の敵と戦闘する時:東方諸国)


  1. 2影響力


  1. 1指​揮(以下の敵と戦闘する時:エジプト)


  1. 1影響力, +1内政,元老院役職を得る確率の上昇, 15%の元老院支持率へのボーナス


  • 1影響力, +1内政



  • 1影響力, -1士気(戦場に居る全自軍に)


  1. 1影響力



  1. 1指​揮, +1士気(戦場に居る全自軍に), 10%の募​兵コスト低減


  1. 1治安(敵工作員発見確率の上昇), +2法律(社会秩序の上昇)


  1. 2工作員技術


  • 2身辺警護(被暗殺確率の上昇)


  1. 1身辺警護(被暗殺確率の減少)


{foreign_dignitary} Foreign Dignitary

Foreigners can be trusted, mostly, to do the right thing - but for their own people. They do understand funny foreign ways, though.


{foreign_hostage} Foreign Hostage

This man is hostage to another's good behaviour, but favoured thanks to his own skills and good conduct.


  1. 1内政, 10%の税収利益の上昇


  1. 1内政, 10%の交易収入ボーナス


  1. 1指​揮(攻撃時)


  1. 15%の移動距離ボーナス(軍団が強行軍可能に), 10%の税収利益の上昇

10%の建設コスト減少, 10%の鉱山収入へのボーナス, +1不衛生(治安と人口上昇率の低下)


  1. 1指​揮(防衛戦にて), 10%の建設コスト減少


  1. 1身辺警護(被暗殺確率の減少), +1将軍護衛兵

10%の交易収入ボーナス, 10%の買収コストの低下


  1. 1影響力


  1. 1指​揮(以下の敵と戦闘する時:ギリシャ)


{haruspex} Haruspex

"I have never seen a liver so troubled…" A diviner of entrails and the omens within.


  1. 1士気(戦場に居る全自軍に)



  1. 1身辺警護(被暗殺確率の減少), +1将軍護衛兵


  1. 1指​揮

200%の買収コスト上昇, +1法律(社会秩序の上昇)


  1. 2影響力


  • 2影響力, -1身辺警護(被暗殺確率の上昇)


  1. 1内政, 10%の税収利益の上昇


  • 2士気(戦場に居る全自軍に), +2指​揮(以下の敵と戦闘する時:蛮族)


  1. 15%の移動距離ボーナス(軍団が強行軍可能に), +1視野(索敵距離の上昇)

10%の交易収入ボーナス, 10%の買収コストの低下


  1. 1治安(敵工作員発見確率の上昇), +2法律(社会秩序の上昇)

10%の募​兵コスト低減, +2指​揮(以下の敵と戦闘する時:反乱軍)


  1. 1影響力, +1内政


{linguist} Linguist

Shouting at foreigners gets a message across, but talking their strangulated language is more use.


  1. 2影響力


  1. 1治安(敵工作員発見確率の上昇), +1法律(社会秩序の上昇)


  1. 1士気(戦場に居る全自軍に), +1指​揮(攻撃時)


  1. 1指​揮(奇襲時), +1視野(索敵距離の上昇)


  1. 1指​揮


  1. 1身辺警護(被暗殺確率の減少), 20%の工作員​募​兵コストの減少


  1. 1指​揮(騎兵指揮時)



  1. 1内政


  1. 1影響力, 10%の建設コスト減少


  1. 1指​揮, +1内政



{grain_merchant} Grain Merchant

This merchant specialises in grain importing. If there's a bushel to be had he'll find two.



  1. 2指​揮(攻城戦にて), +50建設ポイント(攻城兵器作成に必要)


  1. 1指​揮(防戦時),元老院役職を得る確率の上昇, 10%の元老院支持率へのボーナス



  1. 1内政


  1. 1影響力


  1. 1内政, 10%の建設コスト減少


{Navigator} Navigator

To know the seas, the tides and the stars takes years. To know them well can take a lifetime.


  1. 2指​揮(海にて)



  1. 1影響力, +1指​揮, +1内政


  1. 2影響力, +1指​揮


  • 1影響力, +1内政


  • 1影響力, +1農業収益


  1. 1視野(索敵距離の上昇)


  1. 1身辺警護(被暗殺確率の減少), +1指​揮(以下の敵と戦闘する時:反乱軍)


{pet_monkey} Pet Monkey

It's surprising how useful a monkey can be - a cover, a distraction, a trained thief…


  1. 2工作員技術


{pet_white_cat} Pet White Cat

"And when Bast the cat gets angry, people die!"


  1. 2工作員技術


  1. 1内政



  1. 1影響力


  1. 1影響力


  1. 2工作員技術


  1. 1影響力, +1指​揮, 10%の民の支持へのボーナス


  1. 1影響力, +1指​揮, 20%の民の支持へのボーナス


  • 1影響力, +1内政,元老院役職を得る確率の減少



  1. 15%の移動距離ボーナス(軍団が強行軍可能に), 2%の略奪における金銭略奪ボーナス


{rhetorician} Rhetorician

"The point, sir, is not simply to argue, but to make your case with logic and - dare I say it? - a certain panache…"


  1. 1指​揮(以下の敵と戦闘する時:ローマ)


  1. 1指​揮


  1. 2影響力


  1. 1指​揮(奇襲時), +2視野(索敵距離の上昇)


{scribe_ancillary} Scribe

A sure grasp on administrative detail creates paperwork in abundance!


  1. 1内政, 10%の交易収入ボーナス


  1. 1影響力, 10%の建設コスト減少


  1. 2指​揮(海にて)

元老院役職を得る確率の減少, 10%の元老院支持率へのペナルティ, 10%の民の支持へのボーナス


  1. 1将軍護衛兵


  1. 1指​揮(海にて)


  1. 1指​揮(攻城戦にて), +60建設ポイント(攻城兵器作成に必要)




  • 1影響力, -1身辺警護(被暗殺確率の上昇)



  1. 1指​揮, 20%の工作員​募​兵コストの減少

20%の建設コスト減少, +1公的衛生


  1. 1身辺警護(被暗殺確率の減少), +1将軍護衛兵


  • 1影響力, 5%の税収利益の上昇


  1. 1影響力, -1身辺警護(被暗殺確率の上昇)


  1. 2治安(敵工作員発見確率の上昇), +1不穏(社会秩序の減少), +3法律(社会秩序の上昇)


  1. 2内政


  1. 1影響力, 20%の民の支持へのボーナス


  1. 1指​揮(騎兵指揮時), -1指​揮(歩兵指揮時)


  1. 1指​揮(以下の敵と戦闘する時:反乱軍)


  1. 1内政


  1. 1身辺警護(被暗殺確率の減少), +1指​揮(歩兵指揮時)


  1. 1身辺警護(被暗殺確率の減少), +1指​揮(歩兵指揮時)


  1. 1影響力


  1. 1影響力


  1. 1内政




  1. 1影響力, +1身辺警護(被暗殺確率の減少)


  1. 1指​揮, 10%の募​兵コスト低減


  1. 1影響力, +1内政


  1. 1影響力, +1指​揮


  1. 1内政,負傷兵の回復率上昇


  1. 1内政, 10%の交易収入ボーナス


  1. 1指​揮, +15%の移動距離ボーナス(軍団が強行軍可能に)


  1. 1内政, +1農業収益

20%の工作員​募​兵コストの減少, +1法律(社会秩序の上昇)


  1. 1内政, 10%の交易収入ボーナス


  1. 2指​揮(攻撃時)


  1. 1公的衛生,負傷兵の回復率上昇


  1. 1内政, 10%の募​兵コスト低減, 20%の鉱山収入へのボーナス


  1. 1内政, 子供が出来る確率の上昇, +1公的衛生


  1. 1影響力, +1内政


  1. 1内政,負傷兵の回復率上昇


  1. 1内政, 20%の工作員​募​兵コストの減少


  1. 1内政, +1法律(社会秩序の上昇)


  1. 1指​揮, 10%の募​兵コスト低減


  1. 2指​揮(騎兵指揮時)


  1. 1内政, +2指​揮(奇襲時), +1視野(索敵距離の上昇)


  1. 1内政, 10%の工作員​募​兵コストの減少, +1法律(社会秩序の上昇)


  1. 1内政, 子供が出来る確率の上昇, +1公的衛生


  1. 2指​揮(攻撃時)


  1. 2指​揮(歩兵指揮時),負傷兵の回復率上昇


  1. 1指​揮, +1内政


  1. 1内政, 20%の工作員​募​兵コストの減少, +1公的衛生


  1. 1内政, 10%の交易収入ボーナス


  1. 1指​揮, +1内政


  1. 1内政, +1農業収益


  1. 2影響力, +1内政


  1. 1影響力, +1指​揮, +1内政


  1. 1内政, +1農業収益


  1. 1影響力, +1内政, +1指​揮(防衛戦にて)


  1. 1内政, +2指​揮(奇襲時), +1視野(索敵距離の上昇), 20%の動物系ユニット募兵コスト減少


  1. 2指​揮(攻撃時)


  1. 1影響力, +1指​揮, +1内政


  1. 1影響力, +1内政, +1指​揮(防衛戦にて)


  1. 1内政, 10%の工作員​募​兵コストの減少, +1公的衛生


  1. 2指​揮(攻撃時)


  1. 1内政, +1公的衛生,負傷兵の回復率上昇


  1. 1内政, 10%の交易収入ボーナス


  1. 2指​揮(攻撃時)


  1. 1内政, 10%の募​兵コスト低減, 20%の鉱山収入へのボーナス


  1. 1影響力, +1内政, +2治安(敵工作員発見確率の上昇)


  1. 2指​揮(海にて)


  1. 1内政, +2治安(敵工作員発見確率の上昇), +1法律(社会秩序の上昇)


  1. 1内政, 子供が出来る確率の上昇, +1公的衛生


  1. 2指​揮(騎兵指揮時)


  1. 1内政, 10%の募​兵コスト低減, 20%の鉱山収入へのボーナス

子供が出来る確率の上昇, +1公的衛生,負傷兵の回復率上昇


  1. 2影響力, +1内政


  1. 2影響力, +1内政


  1. 2指​揮(攻撃時)


  1. 1内政


  1. 1影響力


  1. 2指​揮(攻城戦にて), +1指​揮(防衛戦にて), +100建設ポイント(攻城兵器作成に必要)


  1. 1指​揮(海にて), 10%の交易収入ボーナス



  1. 1影響力


{aristophanes_of_byzantium} Aristophanes

Librarian and Scholar. A philologist working on the systematized, punctuation, pronunciation, and accentuation of Greek.


  1. 1内政


  1. 20%の移動距離ボーナス(軍団が強行軍可能に), +1指​揮(以下の敵と戦闘する時:Barbarians)


  1. 1内政


  1. 1指​揮


  1. 2指​揮


  1. 1影響力,元老院役職を得る確率の上昇, 10%の元老院支持率へのボーナス


  1. 1内政


  1. 30建設ポイント(攻城兵器作成に必要), +1公的衛生


{quintus_ennius} Quintus Ennius

A great writer of Poetry, comedy, satires and epigrams in Latin. A fluent speaker of Greek and Latin, some say that he wishes to rival Homer. \nA witty turn of phrase will always win votes at the Rostra


  1. 1影響力, 10%の民の支持へのボーナス


  • 1士気(戦場に居る全自軍に), +1公的衛生,負傷兵の回復率上昇


  1. 1指​揮, +1内政


  1. 1影響力,元老院役職を得る確率の上昇, 10%の元老院支持率へのボーナス


{hieronymus_of_cardia} Hieronymus

A rather dull but well regarded old historian. Perhaps this is due to his ability to at least write some semblance of the truth, mostly.


  1. 1内政


  1. 1影響力, +1士気(戦場に居る全自軍に)


  1. 1内政, -2士気(戦場に居る全自軍に),元老院役職を得る確率の上昇


  1. 2影響力, 10%の元老院支持率へのペナルティ, 10%の民衆支持率へのペナルティ


  1. 1内政, +1不穏(社会秩序の減少), +3法律(社会秩序の上昇)


  1. 2影響力,元老院役職を得る確率の上昇


  1. 1影響力, 10%の民の支持へのボーナス

子供が出来る確率の上昇, +2公的衛生,負傷兵の回復率上昇


  1. 2内政


  1. 2士気(戦場に居る全自軍に), 10%の民の支持へのボーナス


  1. 1影響力, +1内政


  1. 1影響力, +1内政, 20%の鉱山収入へのボーナス



  1. 1指​揮, +1内政, +10%の移動距離ボーナス(軍団が強行軍可能に)


  1. 1内政


  1. 1内政

元老院役職を得る確率の減少, 20%の民の支持へのボーナス


  1. 2影響力,元老院役職を得る確率の減少, 20%の元老院支持率へのペナルティ, 20%の民の支持へのボーナス


  1. 1影響力, 10%の元老院支持率へのボーナス


  1. 1影響力, +1内政


  1. 2内政, 50%の買収コスト上昇, 25%の民の支持へのボーナス

子供が出来る確率の上昇, +1公的衛生


  1. 2内政


  1. 1農業収益, 20%の鉱山収入へのボーナス

¬***** Changes made after 16/06/2004 4:50:58 PM


  1. 1影響力(交渉技術の上昇)


  1. 1影響力(交渉技術の上昇)


  1. 2影響力(交渉技術の上昇)


  1. 1指​揮, 10%の募​兵コスト低減, 2%の略奪における金銭略奪ボーナス


  1. 2影響力(交渉技術の上昇)


{shipwright} Shipwright

This man has a talent for seeing the shape of a ship within the wood itself.


{soothsayer} Soothsayer

"Grant me a vision, Oh Gods…"


  1. 2士気(戦場に居る全自軍に)


{translator} Translator

The ability to speak to foreigners in their own babble is useful in one's servants.


  1. 2影響力(交渉技術の上昇)

¬***** Changes made after 17/06/2004 1:01:58 PM

¬***** Changes made after 01/07/2004 9:00:00 AM

¬***** Changes made after 07/07/2004 5:15:00 PM


{mercenary_captain} Mercenary Captain

Years of hard times dealing with hard men make a mercenary captain a wily advisor on tactics, recruitment and pillage.


{scout} Scout

The first step in avoiding a trap is to see there is a trap.


{turncoat_slave} Turncoat Slave

Some men are willing to turn against their own kind for all sorts of reasons.


{ariston_of_chios} Ariston of Chios

A man who dispises the use of logic and refutes the philosophy of nature. He is both a Stoic and somewhat of a Cynic. No fun at a party.

¬***** Changes made after 15/07/2004 5:00:00 PM


{femme_fatale} Skilled Courtesan

Some women are irresistible, but just not safe to have around!

¬***** Changes made after 22/07/2004 9:00:00 AM

¬***** Changes made after 29/07/2004 9:00:00 AM

¬***** Changes made after 05/08/2004 12:00:00 PM

¬***** Changes made after 12/08/2004 9:53:00 AM

¬***** Changes made after 19/08/2004 4:05:00 PM