• 追加された行はこの色です。
  • 削除された行はこの色です。
level_tx_NewState_Text_41003b	Building Level:	True
turns_tx_NewState_Text_2a0065	Turns left:	True
tab_title_NewState_Text_2d0076	Missions Log	True
tab_title_NewState_Text_560065	Active Missions	True
percentage_NewState_Text_300010	0.5	True
tx_enables_NewState_Text_72006f	Enables recruitment of:	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_36006c	Gameplay Options	True
heading_txt_NewState_Text_2a006a	Grand Campaign	True
heading_txt_NewState_Text_62003c	Credits	True
dy_building_title_Tooltip_690068	This is your Missions details panel.||From time to time you will be assigned missions which will help develop your empire. All information on those missions will be stored here.||The panel is split between two tabs - your Active Missions and Missions Log. Click on these tabs to switch between the two.||Move your cursor over the different areas below for more information.	True
default_text_NewState_Text_2a0018	No active missions	True
dy_building_title_NewState_Text_60039	Missions	True
tx_governor_ruler_and_cabinet_Text_130052	Ruler and cabinet	True
demands_title_faction_left_Tooltip_310052	You can add demands by selecting the options to the left and remove them by left-clicking on them.||You can make as many demands as you wish before making the proposal.||Your offers are displayed on the left to make it simpler to balance your offers and demands.	True
faction_selection_container_Tooltip_7e0026	These flags represent the playable nations.||Clicking on any of these flags will select that nation, and change the faction details accordingly.	True
checkbox_selected_down_off_Tooltip_63001d	Automanaging taxes||Click to manually manage taxes.	True
post_governor_north_america_Tooltip_2b006a	Governor for America||This man looks after your nation's interests for your regions in America.||He affects your tax income, repression and army upkeep cost for this theatre by adding bonuses.||Right-click on his portrait to bring up his details panel.	True
TripleLineIntegratedArtillery_Tooltip_360074	Triple line intergrated artillery||This arranges your grouped units into three lines.||The first line will be made up of light infantry and used to look out for ambushes.||Missile cavalry, line infantry and artillery will make up the second line.||Non-missile cavalry will be held in reserve in the third line.||This is a defensive formation as your infantry and artillery are arranged to support each other.||Artillery can not move with the same speed as other units, so using this formation to attack will leave vunerable holes for the enemy to exploit.	True
Attitude_dy_other_nations_Tooltip_d003a	Regions coloured green will be friendly toward the selected nation, and red will be unfriendly.||Click the arrows to the left and right to switch between the contexts.	True
button_ready_Selected_roll_Tooltip_20004a	Ready!	True
government_building_tx_default_Text_540077	Government Building	True
button_ready_Selected_roll_Tooltip_6f0070	Not Ready!	True
button_tx_protector_cancel_Tooltip_160031	You are currently a protectorate of this nation, but is the relative security worth the loss of your independence?||At the moment half of your nation's income is paid out in exchange for their protection.||They also have unlimited military access across all your regions.||If you choose to stand alone they will need military access to travel within your regions.	True
txt_header_recruitment_enable_Text_72006f	Enables recruitment of:	True
entities_title_Universities_Tooltip_5e0047	You can research one item at a time for every educational building you have.||Your educational buildings are shown below.||If any of your gentlemen are researching in one of the buildings there will be a gentlemen icon next to it.||Gentlemen will speed up any research undertaken there.||Once an item has been researched you can start another.	True
Attitude_dy_thier_attitude_Tooltip_30005c	Regions coloured green means the selected nation is friendly towards this region and red means unfriendly.||Click the arrows to the left and right to switch between the contexts.	True
demands_title_faction_right_Tooltip_3d001f	Balance their offers against their demands to make sure you're getting a good deal.||If they are a rich nation any money offers should be generous.||If you are not happy with the offers you can make a counteroffer.	True
txt_header_recruitment_unlock_Text_71007d	Unlocks recruitment of:	True
tx_taxes_tooltip_amanage_off_Tooltip_150009	You are currently controlling the tax rates in this theatre directly.||Check this box to automanage taxes.||Tax rates will be set for you, aiming for the best balance of healthy tax income, avoiding public unrest, and allowing your region's economies to grow.	True
effects_icons1_army_research_Tooltip_80016	Army research	True
effects_icons2_army_research_Tooltip_80016	Army research	True
effects_icons3_army_research_Tooltip_80016	Army research	True
nav_UC_button_sails_HalfSail_Tooltip_220016	Sails are at half sail||At half sail your ship is moving at half speed.||Select the plus and minus buttons to the right and left to increase and decrease speed.	True
offers_title_faction_right_Tooltip_1e004f	Balance their demands against their offers to make sure you're getting a good deal.||Think about your relations with this nation before accepting or refusing any proposals.||If you want them as a friend, try to find an acceptable agreement for you both.||However, if you have no use for them, you can be more demanding without worrying about angering them.	True
gov_type_tx_absolute_monarchy_Text_24001e	Absolute Monarchy	True
button_ready_Selected_depress_Tooltip_20004a	Ready!	True
casualties_inflicted_tx_NewState_Text_140064	Casualties inflicted	True
copy of copy of heading_tx_NewState_Text_570018	Floating Flags	True
effects_icons1_tax_efficiency_Tooltip_30004a	Tax efficiency	True
effects_icons2_tax_efficiency_Tooltip_30004a	Tax efficiency	True
effects_icons3_tax_efficiency_Tooltip_30004a	Tax efficiency	True
university_tech_icon_stealing_Tooltip_1b0034	Stealing	True
TX_Battle deployment_Opportunity_Text_610018	Attack of opportunity!	True
effects_icons1_policing_costs_Tooltip_6b000a	Policing costs	True
effects_icons2_policing_costs_Tooltip_6b000a	Policing costs	True
effects_icons3_policing_costs_Tooltip_6b000a	Policing costs	True
button_ready_Unselected_roll_Tooltip_20004a	Ready!	True
tx_governor_ruler_and_cabinet_Tooltip_530004	This is your home theatre and is overseen by your ruler and a cabinet.||You can view details about your government on the ministers tab.	True
button_ready_Unselected_roll_Tooltip_4e0070	Not Ready	True
tx_Enlightenment_tx_Enlightenment_Text_90045	Enlightenment	True
button_naval_revert_to_prize_Tooltip_55000e	Remove captured ship from fleet||Selected ship is returned to the captured units panel.||Any captured ships can be exchanged for prize money.	True
gov_type_tx_absolute_monarchy_Tooltip_240073	The higher classes thrive in this type of government - they will be happier and their public order will be easier to maintain.||Repression is high in an absolute monarchy.||This will be useful to help control the lower classes who are unhappier under this government.||Because he is the absolute power, the monarch's traits will have double the effect in this government.||Town wealth will grow slower under this rule and technological research will be more expensive, but early buildings will be cheaper.	True
no_growth_tx_negative_growth_Tooltip_63000c	You need to increase population growth.||Move your cursor over the positive and negative factors above to see how you can help population growth.	True
effects_icons1_navy_research_Tooltip_3a0057	Naval research	True
effects_icons2_navy_research_Tooltip_3a0057	Naval research	True
effects_icons3_navy_research_Tooltip_3a0057	Naval research	True
nav_UC_button_sails_FullSail_Tooltip_4a001a	Sails are at full sail||Full sails means your ship is moving at full speed.||Select the minus button to the left to decrease speed.	True
university_tech_icon_available_Tooltip_90052	Available for researching	True
button_open_negotiations_inactive_Text_250001	Open Negotiations	True
button_open_negotiations_unselect_Text_250001	Open Negotiations	True
upper_class_reaction_icon_Angry_Tooltip_69000d	Angry||This is the higher class public order.||Your higher class are angry and are likely to cause trouble!||Try to placate the protesting populace by exempting the region from tax or increasing repression!||This is based on the positive and negative factors to the right.	True
effects_icons2_land_upkeep_cost_Tooltip_4b000a	Army upkeep costs	True
effects_icons3_land_upkeep_cost_Tooltip_4b000a	Army upkeep costs	True
lower_class_reaction_icon_Angry_Tooltip_79003a	Angry||This is the lowest class public order.||Your lowest class are currently angry and likely to riot.||Try increasing repression or exempting this region from tax to prevent rioting!||This is based on the factors to the right.	True
university_tech_icon_researched_Tooltip_7e0046	Researched	True
effects_icons1_land_upkeep_cost_Tooltip_4b0079	Army upkeep cost	True
government_screen_button_close_Tooltip_560070	Close this panel	True
effects_icons1_trade_efficiency_Tooltip_470036	Trade efficiency	True
effects_icons2_trade_efficiency_Tooltip_470036	Trade efficiency	True
effects_icons3_trade_efficiency_Tooltip_470036	Trade efficiency	True
lower_class_reaction_icon_Happy_Tooltip_430020	Under control||This is the lowest class public order.||Your lowest class are currently under control.||They are either very happy, very repressed or a little of both!||This is based on the factors to the right.	True
upper_class_reaction_icon_Happy_Tooltip_49007c	Under control||This is the higher class public order.||Your higher class are currently under control.||This is based on the positive and negative factors to the right.	True
effects_icons1_garrison_effect_Tooltip_6e0064	Garrison effect	True
effects_icons2_garrison_effect_Tooltip_6e0064	Garrison effect	True
effects_icons3_garrison_effect_Tooltip_6e0064	Garrison effect	True
effects_icons1_economic_growth_Tooltip_7f0061	Economic growth	True
effects_icons2_economic_growth_Tooltip_7f0061	Economic growth	True
effects_icons3_economic_growth_Tooltip_7f0061	Economic growth	True
nav_UC_button_sails_Stationary_Tooltip_2d0044	Furl sails||When sails are furled the ship will slow to a stop.||If you have not reached your last destination you will continue towards it again once you have unfurled the sails.||Dropping anchor or selecting a new destination point will clear the last one.||Select the plus button to the right to increase speed.	True
government_screen_button_close_Tooltip_1f0049	Close	True
TX_Protectorates_Protectorate of_Tooltip_740011	You are under this nation's protection and they receive half of your income.||They also have full military access to your regions.	True
nav_UC_button_sails_BattleSail_Tooltip_5b006d	Sails are at battle status||In battle status you only have one sail unfurled.||Your other sails will be protected from damage, but your speed and manoeuvrability will be greatly reduced.||Select the plus and minus buttons to the right and left to increase and decrease speed.	True
effects_icons1_naval_upkeep_cost_Tooltip_550014	Naval upkeep cost	True
effects_icons3_naval_upkeep_cost_Tooltip_550014	Naval upkeep cost	True
effects_icons2_naval_upkeep_cost_Tooltip_260014	Naval upkeep costs	True
pip_gov_type_absolute_monarchy_Tooltip_24001e	Absolute Monarchy	True
effects_icons1_naval_recruit_cost_Tooltip_660045	Naval recruitment cost	True
effects_icons2_naval_recruit_cost_Tooltip_660045	Naval recruitment cost	True
effects_icons3_naval_recruit_cost_Tooltip_660045	Naval recruitment cost	True
lower_class_reaction_icon_Neutral_Tooltip_5b0036	Feeling neutral||This is the lowest class public order.||Your lowest class are currently neither angry nor happy.||They could go either way at the moment - improving repression a little will improve their public order.||This is based on the factors to the right.	True
upper_class_reaction_icon_Neutral_Tooltip_74000b	Feeling neutral||This is the higher class public order.||Your higher class are currently neither angry nor happy.||Applying a little extra repression will improve their public order.||This is based on the positive and negative factors to the right.	True
gov_type_tx_constitutional_monarchy_Text_520063	Constitutional Monarchy	True
university_tech_icon_researching_Tooltip_74002d	Researching	True
effects_icons2_land_recruit_cost_Tooltip_69004a	Army recruitment costs	True
effects_icons3_land_recruit_cost_Tooltip_69004a	Army recruitment costs	True
effects_icons1_land_recruit_cost_Tooltip_1a004a	Army recruitment cost	True
university_tech_icon_not_available_Tooltip_280046	Not available for research	True
button_open_negotiations_unselect_roll_Text_250001	Open Negotiations	True
gov_type_tx_constitutional_monarchy_Tooltip_3a0035	The higher classes gain a small boost to happiness in a constitutional monarchy.||This government does not affect the lower classes happiness negatively like an absolute monarchy, but it doesn't affect them positively either.||Economic growth and technological research is not affected by this government.	True
university_tech_icon_available_steal_Tooltip_66004b	Available for stealing	True
button_tx_forces_Text_7f0051	軍勢	True
button_tx_NewState_Text_2e0001	ゲームを保存	True
button_tx_payments_Text_110038	資金	True
button_tx_payments_Tooltip_30011	ここをクリックすると資金の要求、もしくは提供ができます。||資金は外交において重要な役割を演じます。||自由に振舞うための架け橋として、好意を示す資金提供。もしくは報酬の対価としての賄賂。||金額が大きければ大きいほど、あなたが求めることができる要求は増えます。もちろん、あなたが代わりに技術か領土を求めることも。||ここをクリックするとより詳しい資金パネルが開きます。	True
button_tx_peace_Text_450046	和平を要請	True
button_tx_peace_Text_450066	和平を要請	True
button_tx_peace_Tooltip_4e0054	あなたは現在この国と戦争中です。||もしこの国が貿易資源を多く持っているなら、敵対よりも和平して貿易パートナーとなったほうが得になるでしょう。	True
button_tx_peace_Tooltip_6e0054	あなたは現在この国と戦争中です。||もしこの国が貿易資源を多く持っているなら、敵対よりも和平して貿易パートナーとなったほうが得になるでしょう。	True
button_tx_protector_cancel_Text_4a001f	自由を要求	True
button_tx_protector_cancel_Tooltip_160031	あなたは現在この国の保護下にありますが、この安全保障は独立より価値がありますか?||今のところ、あなたの国の収入の半分は宗主国に取られています。||また、彼らはこの国の全領土への通行権を保持しています。||あなたが独り立ちを選んだ場合、彼らはあなたの国の領土を旅するために軍事通行権を必要とするでしょう。	True
button_tx_protector_Text_330066	保護国化を提案	True
button_tx_protector_Tooltip_1d0020	他国があなたの保護化に入るように要請します。||残業のように聞こえるかも知れませんが、保護国を持つことには実際、多くの利点があります。||あなたは保護国の収入の半分を受け取り、また保護国の領土への無制限の軍事通行権を得るでしょう。||国が保護国になると、保護国は以前の同盟を全て破棄することになります。||保護国は他国に対して宣戦布告する権利が残されています。この場合、あなたは闘争へ引きずられる事になるでしょう。	True
button_tx_protector_Tooltip_3d0020	他国があなたの保護化に入るように要請します。||残業のように聞こえるかも知れませんが、保護国を持つことには実際、多くの利点があります。||あなたは保護国の収入の半分を受け取り、また保護国の領土への無制限の軍事通行権を得るでしょう。||国が保護国になると、保護国は以前の同盟を全て破棄することになります。||保護国は他国に対して宣戦布告する権利が残されています。この場合、あなたは闘争へ引きずられる事になるでしょう。	True
button_tx_regions_Text_620029	地域	True
button_tx_regions_Tooltip_11007b	ここをクリックすると領土の提供、もしくは要求ができます。||和平交渉の一部として、または友邦間の贈り物として領土は提供、要求できます。||領土の価値は収入と戦略的な価値によって決まります。||このボタンをクリックすると領土交渉パネルが開きます。	True
button_tx_request_join_war_Text_5d0008	参戦	True
button_tx_request_join_war_Text_670050	参戦を要求	True
button_tx_request_join_war_Tooltip_430072	同盟国と共に戦争へ臨む、もしくは支援を要請します。||ここをクリックするとそれぞれの国が敵を選ぶパネルが開きます。||要請が受諾されれば、その国との関係が良くなります。ただし、拒否された場合には同盟が破棄されることになるでしょう。	True
button_tx_request_join_war_Tooltip_43ffe7	同盟国と共に戦争へ臨む、もしくは支援を要請します。||ここをクリックするとそれぞれの国が敵を選ぶパネルが開きます。||要請が受諾されれば、その国との関係が良くなります。ただし、拒否された場合には同盟が破棄されることになるでしょう。	True
button_tx_state_gift_Text_720052	贈り物を贈呈	True
button_tx_state_gift_Tooltip_3a003f	贈り物を送ることは、好意を示すことになります。とりわけ、この国と軽い緊張関係にある場合には。	True
button_tx_state_gift_Tooltip_76005b	この行為は相手に好意を示すことになります。とりわけ、この国と軽い緊張関係にある場合には。	True
button_tx_technology_Text_740052	技術	True
button_tx_technology_Tooltip_2a0076	ここをクリックすると、技術の交渉パネルが開きます。||技術は我が国の建築物や軍隊、その他全てにおける発展に重要です。||提供するか要求する前に、まず技術を研究しなくてはなりません。||このボタンをクリックすると、詳細パネルが開きます。	True
button_tx_third_party_Text_780018	政策を変更 ...	True
button_tx_trade_cancel_Text_79005f	通商協定を破棄	True
button_tx_trade_cancel_Tooltip_4d0025	二国間の全ての交易路を閉鎖します。||協定を破棄した場合、この国からもたらされる全ての貿易収入を失うでしょう。	True
button_tx_trade_Text_740025	通商協定を要求	True
button_tx_trade_Tooltip_2e0041	通商協定は二国間に交易路を開拓します。||交易路に沿って輸出する商品は、やがて貿易収入に寄与するでしょう。	True
button_tx_trade_Tooltip_e0041	通商協定は二国間に交易路を開拓します。||交易路に沿って輸出する商品は、やがて貿易収入に寄与するでしょう。	True
button_tx_war_Text_3a0006	宣戦布告	True
button_tx_war_Text_3a0026	宣戦布告	True
button_tx_war_Tooltip_120007	これは双方の参戦する可能性がある潜在的な同盟国を見ることができる宣戦布告画面を表示します。	True
button_tx_war_Tooltip_320007	これは双方の参戦する可能性がある潜在的な同盟国を見ることができる宣戦布告画面を表示します。	True
button_txt_default_Text_3e0031	続ける...	True
button_txt_default_Text_41006b	ゲームをホスト	True
button_txt_default_Text_56001c	戦闘開始	True
button_txt_default_Text_6e0048	キャンセル	True
button_txt_default_Text_c002c	終了	True
button_txt_default_Tooltip_40036	戦闘準備画面を継続。	True
button_txt_land_Text_14003e	配置数	True
button_txt_land_Text_1b003f	損失	True
button_txt_land_Text_50054	殺害数	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_100011	コンティニュー	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_10003e	シナリオ	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_10023	参加	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_1002f	High	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_10038	やめる	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_10042	音声	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_110027	テスト	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_12004f	自動	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_140001	保存した日時	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_14001a	陸戦にドロップイン	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_150031	プレイ	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_170036	観戦	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_18002d	グラフィックス	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_190021	決闘	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_1a0023	研究	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_1a003c	部隊	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_1a0052	ブライトネス&ガンマ	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_1b0006	宣戦布告!	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_1b0023	略奪	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_1b0026	ターン	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_1b003b	ホスト	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_1b0055	ターン	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_1d0026	練習	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_1f0040	チュートリアル	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_200003	あとで	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_200016	ゲームタイプ	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_200023	あとで	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_210009	ゲームを読み込み	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_220000	陸軍サイズ	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_22000a	ターンタイム	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_22006c	ゲームを開始	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_23007d	ゲームオプション	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_23007e	クレジットを表示	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_260009	軍に妨害工作	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_260074	プレイヤーの統計	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_290002	平和的占領	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_2a006a	グランドキャンペーン	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_2d002c	ナポレオンキャンペーン	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_2e0063	リプレイを見る	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_2f0024	ホストとして再開	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_2f0079	技術を盗む	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_300065	バトルチュートリアル	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_30018	フレンドを招待	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_3003b	クイック海戦	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_330005	Very High	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_33000d	キャンペーンをホスト	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_36006c	ゲームプレイオプション	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_380007	キャンペーンを続ける	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_390010	ヨーロッパキャンペーン	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_3e005b	戦闘を終了	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_3f0016	シングルプレイ	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_40023	ネーム	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_41006b	戦闘をホスト	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_45003e	マップ名	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_470004	部屋を新設	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_480009	昔に変更	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_4a001e	ユーザーインターフェース	True