• 追加された行はこの色です。
  • 削除された行はこの色です。
negative_bar_Tooltip_600042	Negative influences||If the ruling class become too unhappy, public order will break down resulting in riots and revolts.||High taxes will vex the ruling classes and cause them to raise their voices in disgust.||Lowering taxes will improve their moods and stop any trouble from being stirred up.	True
button_melee_Locked_Tooltip_34003e	This unit can only engage in melee combat at this time.	True
button_toggle_advisor_display_hover_Tooltip_51006a	Show previous advice || Click this button to show the advisor panel, along with the the last piece of advice you received. || You can choose to receive advice as text, audio or both by using the buttons to the right.	True
button_toggle_advisor_display_selected_down_Tooltip_51006a	Show previous advice || Click this button to show the advisor panel, along with the the last piece of advice you received. || You can choose to receive advice as text, audio or both by using the buttons to the right.	True
willingness_NewState_Text_760057	Willing to surrender:	True
gov_type_tx_empire_Text_610047	Empire	True
willingness_Tooltip_29005b	If a settlement is ready to surrender it can be captured without any bloodshed by clicking on the Demand Surrender button.||You will gain control of the settlement and in return the enemy forces inside will be allowed to leave unharmed.||However, you may not wish them to escape unharmed, so you can still choose to continue the siege or launch an attack instead.	True
button_group_Selected_depress_Tooltip_11003a	Ungroup selected units.||The selected units are currently grouped together and will keep their respective positions when moving.||When they are ungrouped they cannot make formations.	True
button_group_Unselected_rolloff_Tooltip_680061	Group selected units.||When grouped, the units will keep their respective positions when moving.||You can also put them into formations.	True
button_melee_Unselected_rolloff_Tooltip_510024	Click this to engage in melee.||The selected units will currently use their firearms in battle.||When melee mode is on, the selected units will engage in hand-to-hand combat instead.	True
plus_Tooltip_6f0064	Positive influences||A cultured region is a happy region.||Opera houses and theatres will keep the elite amused.||Improving government control through garrisons will curb some of their more decadent tendencies and help keep order.	True
SingleLineCavalryRightFlank_Tooltip_3006e	Single line cavalry right flank||This can be used in attack or defence.||Use this formation to strengthen your right flank and use that flank to lead an attack.||If being attacked on the right flank use this formation to concentrate your cavalry there for defence.	True
dy_income_upper_Tooltip_360005	Total ruling class tax income. ||Changing the ruling class tax level sliders will affect this number.	True
button_melee_Selected_Tooltip_2c0014	The selected units will currently only engage in melee combat. || Click this button to make them use firearms as their primary attack.	True
button_melee_Selected_Tooltip_7f0042	Use firearms||The selected units will currently engage in melee when in combat.||When firearms mode is on, they will use their guns instead.	True
advice_audio_setting_button_selected_Tooltip_10044	Turn off advice sound || Turning off advice sound will not affect your advice text settings. || You can turn this back on at any time.	True
lower_class_reaction_icon_Happy_Tooltip_32004f	Lower class: Under control||Your lower class are currently under control.||They are either very happy, very repressed or a little of both!||This is based on the factors to the right.	True
button_voice_setting_selected_down_off_Tooltip_4b0062	Turn off voice chat || This will stop you from receiving and sending voice chat to other players. || You can turn this back on at any time.	True
UC_button_move_forwards_Tooltip_6006d	Move forwards||Hold this button to move the selected units forwards, single click to move forward a small amount.||The final position will be shown using blue markers.	True
copy of plus_Tooltip_290013	Positive population growth||The most important influence for a healthy population growth is farming.||Constructing fishing ports will also have a positive effect.	True
public_order_title_NewState_Tooltip_570060	This section shows the details of this region's wealth.||These details will help to show you how to improve region wealth.	True
button_melee_Selected_depress_Tooltip_3f002a	Use firearms||They are currently in melee mode.||When melee mode is on, the selected unit will engage in hand-to-hand combat.	True
button_chat_mode_team_down_off_Tooltip_6c0051	Send chat to teammates only || The current chat status will send your messages to teammates only. ||This will appear as blue text in the chat window. || To switch chat status to send chat to all players, click this button.	True
map_panel_NewState_Tooltip_390023	These battles can also be played in multiplayer.|| Each battle won here opens a path to the next one. || You are awarded a battle honour for each battle you win. || Your performance in battle determines what level of battle honour you receive. || Once you have finished a battle, you can replay it to try and achieve the highest honour available.	True
minus_Tooltip_280035	Negative influences||If the lower classes become too unhappy, public order will break down, resulting in riots and revolts.||The lowest class are not particularly well off, and taxes add another burden for them to bear.||Reduce that burden by lowering the lowest class tax rate and lessen the likelihood of transforming them into an angry mob!	True
advice_audio_setting_button_down_Tooltip_3c0017	Turn on advice sound || Turning on advice sound will not affect your advice text settings. || You can turn this back off at any time.	True
button_movespeed_Unselected_Tooltip_38000c	The selected unit is currently walking. ||Click this button to make them run. ||It is best to make them run only when necessary. ||Running everywhere in battle will simply exhaust your men and rob them of the energy for when they really need it. ||If you simply wish to speed up the battle, it is better to use the fast-forward buttons instead to speed up the battle time.	True
button_melee_Locked_Tooltip_53006f	This unit can only engage in melee at this time.	True
target_tx_NewState_Text_720079	Target:	True
sea_battle_Tooltip_f006b	This gives players the option to drop-in on other player's game for a quick battle. || The drop-in player will take on the role of the opposing AI in a single battle, taking an active part in the other's historical campaign.	True
button_movespeed_Selected_Tooltip_780027	Run||The selected unit is currently walking, click this button to make them run.||It is best to make them run only when necessary.||Running everywhere in battle will simply exhaust your men and rob them of the energy for when they really need it.||If you simply wish to speed up the battle, it is better to use the fast-forward buttons instead to speed up the battle time.	True
button_movespeed_Selected_Tooltip_250072	The selected unit is currently running. ||Click this button to make them walk. ||Your men will quickly become exhausted if you make them run all the time. ||If they are tired bring them to a halt and let them rest and recover. ||You can see how tired each unit is by mousing over them.	True
button_tx_access_Tooltip_a005f	Click here to negotiate military access. || If one nation wants to move their army into another's territory they have two choices: declare war or ask for military access. || Military access is not a permission given lightly, and once offered it can only be cancelled by declaring war. || If indefinite access has been offered a nation must wait twenty-five turns before cancelling it. || Allowing military access to your territories could leave you vulnerable to attack. || It also exposes your territories to scrutiny. || Click this button to see the military access panel and further details.	True
tx_Naval_Tooltip_b006b	This is based on your research into naval technology, your naval conquests and the strengths of your navies.	True
damaged_NewState_Text_5d0054	Partially damaged	True
heading_tx_Tooltip_4f0006	Select settings for your grand campaign here.||You can change these settings at any time during the campaign on the Game Settings panel.	True
button_auto_Tooltip_4e0033	Selecting this means that audio settings are calculated and set according to your hardware.	True
button_melee_Selected_depress_Tooltip_75006e	Click this to enter firearm mode.||The selected units will currently engage in melee when in combat.||When firearms mode is on, they will use their guns instead.	True
map_panel_Tooltip_390023	These battles can also be played in multiplayer.|| Each battle won here opens a path to the next one. || You are awarded a battle honour for each battle you win. || Your performance in battle determines what level of battle honour you receive. || Once you have finished a battle, you can replay it to try and achieve the highest honour available.	True
pay_once_Tooltip_2d0035	One off payments don't have the risk of being cancelled through bankruptcy or war.||However, it may also be harder to offer a sufficient amount in one payment rather than a number of smaller, regular payments.	True
Map panel_Tooltip_4e004e	Taxes map||This provides an overall idea of how taxes are affecting your population's happiness.||Mousing over the map will tell you what the region is called and which nation owns it.||Your regions are shown in red, green or yellow.||If a region is green it means the population's public order is under control; red means that they are close to rioting!||Tax levels affect a population's happiness, and as a result, their public order level.||Lowering tax levels will help calm rioting or unhappy regions.||However, as tax levels have one setting per theatre you may also be reducing tax levels for regions you don't need to, thus losing money.||Instead of reducing tax levels overall for a theatre, you could try other solutions.||For example, increasing militia presence in problem regions to increase oppression.	True
wall_damage_NewState_Text_4b0041	Willingness to surrender:	True
button_melee_Selected_roll_Tooltip_540014	Click this to use firearms.||The selected units will currently engage in melee when in combat.||When firearms mode is on, they will use their guns instead.	True
button_toggle_advisor_display_selected_Tooltip_40004d	Hide advice panel || This dismisses the advice panel until new advice appears.|| You can stop or change the level of advice you receive by pressing the escape key, then Game Menu/Options/Game Settings.	True
button_voice_setting_down_Tooltip_4b0062	Turn off voice chat || This will stop you from receiving and sending voice chat to other players. || You can turn this back on at any time.	True
status_icon_closed_locked_Tooltip_28007c	Closed || This game is not available for you to join. || It is already full and requires a password.	True
button_menu_Tooltip_210048	Game menu (ESC)	True
button_movespeed_Selected_roll_Tooltip_58003c	Walk||The selected unit is currently running, click this button to make them walk.||Your men will quickly become exhausted if you make them run all the time.||If they are tired bring them to a halt and let them rest and recover.||You can see how tired each unit is by mousing over them.	True
repeatedly_tx_Tooltip_520013	Payments over a number of turns may be easier to manage.||Once a payment deal has been agreed upon, it can only be cancelled by bankruptcy or a declaration of war.	True
button_melee_Selected_Tooltip_3f002a	Use firearms||They are currently in melee mode.||When melee mode is on, the selected unit will engage in hand-to-hand combat.	True
button_decrease_selected_hover_Tooltip_66005d	Show radar map	True
label_txt_NewState_Tooltip_440033	This determines the number of sounds that can be played simultaneously.||With fewer channels, some sounds are given priority over others to help speed up performance.	True
advice_audio_setting_button_selected_hover_Tooltip_10044	Turn off advice sound || Turning off advice sound will not affect your advice text settings. || You can turn this back on at any time.	True
deployment_order_second_Tooltip_f005f	This general, being of higher rank than his opponent, gets to see the enemy deploy first.	True
button_movespeed_Selected_depress_Tooltip_780027	Run||The selected unit is currently walking, click this button to make them run.||It is best to make them run only when necessary.||Running everywhere in battle will simply exhaust your men and rob them of the energy for when they really need it.||If you simply wish to speed up the battle, it is better to use the fast-forward buttons instead to speed up the battle time.	True
button_toggle_advisor_display_selected_hover_Text_570024	Turn off advice text	True
button_movespeed_Unselected_depress_Tooltip_38000c	The selected unit is currently walking. ||Click this button to make them run. ||It is best to make them run only when necessary. ||Running everywhere in battle will simply exhaust your men and rob them of the energy for when they really need it. ||If you simply wish to speed up the battle, it is better to use the fast-forward buttons instead to speed up the battle time.	True
button_movespeed_Selected_depress_Tooltip_250072	The selected unit is currently running. ||Click this button to make them walk. ||Your men will quickly become exhausted if you make them run all the time. ||If they are tired bring them to a halt and let them rest and recover. ||You can see how tired each unit is by mousing over them.	True
Exempt region.._Tooltip_1d0010	Exempting a region from tax will be a massive boost to your population's happiness.||This is an effective way of dealing with an unruly region, and could stop any riots that have started or may be brewing.||Freeing this region from the burden of taxes will also help economic growth within the region.	True
breaches_NewState_Text_8001b	Breaches:	True
button_movespeed_Unselected_roll_Tooltip_270078	Run||The selected unit is currently walking, click this button to make them run.||It is best to make them run only when necessary.||Running everywhere in battle will simply exhaust your men and rob them of the energy for when they really need it.||If you simply wish to speed up the battle, it is better to use the fast-forward buttons instead to speed up the battle time.	True
button_toggle_chat_display_selected_down_Tooltip_370069	Hide chat window || If you receive a message from another player the chat window will open again.	True
minus_Tooltip_7d0076	Negative population growth||High tax rates for the lower classes are likely to be the most detrimental influence on population growth.	True
button_melee_Selected_Tooltip_75006e	Click this to enter firearm mode.||The selected units will currently engage in melee when in combat.||When firearms mode is on, they will use their guns instead.	True
negative_bar_Tooltip_4f0044	Negative influences||If the lower classes become too unhappy, public order will break down, resulting in riots and revolts.||The lower classes are not particularly well off, and taxes add another burden for them to bear.||Reduce that burden by lowering the lower class tax rate and lessen the likelihood of transforming them into an angry mob!	True
negative_bar_Tooltip_7d0076	Negative population growth||High tax rates for the lower classes are likely to be the most detrimental influence on population growth.	True
dy_total_Tooltip_5a006a	This money will be added to your funds next turn.||It is the total tax income for your nation.||Changing any of the tax level sliders will affect this number.	True
tab_taxes_Tooltip_650023	Each of your regions are taxed on their wealth and this goes towards your nation's income.||From this tab you can set your tax levels.||You can also view details of your taxes and their effects here.||Move your cursor over the sections below for more details.	True
map_panel_Tooltip_4d004d	Each battle won here opens a path to the next one. || You are awarded a battle honour for each battle you win. || Your performance in battle determines what level of battle honour you receive. || Once you have finished a battle, you can replay it to try and achieve the highest honour available.	True
tx_info_NewState_Text_1b0079	Liberation will give rise to a new protectorate in the region, loyal to your nation whilst diplomatic relations are strong.	True
campaign_games_Tooltip_4c0044	You can view the current LAN campaigns here.	True
navy_repair_Tooltip_6e005c	Repair selected ships||Ships can become damaged in battle and this will repair broken masts, holes in the hull and replenish its crew!||To repair a ship you must be in a working port.||A damaged ship can still be used in battle but its effectiveness will be greatly reduced.	True
tx_info_NewState_Text_1a0050	Resources permitting, a force of conscripts will be granted to the liberating army on behalf of the new protectorate.	True
dy_defenses_Tooltip_11001d	The longer a settlement is besieged, the more damage is done to its defences.||This will make it easier to capture when an attack is finally launched.	True
cancel_stategift_Tooltip_6e0048	Cancel	True
willingness_NewState_Tooltip_29005b	If a settlement is ready to surrender it can be captured without any bloodshed by clicking on the Demand Surrender button.||You will gain control of the settlement and in return the enemy forces inside will be allowed to leave unharmed.||However, you may not wish them to escape unharmed, so you can still choose to continue the siege or launch an attack instead.	True
tx_turns_NewState_Text_580023	Turns until new commander available:	True
tx_recruitment_cost_NewState_Text_46000b	Recruitment cost:	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_14001a	Drop-in Land Battle	True
label_tx_NewState_Text_20005	Picture in Picture	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_80028	Liberate	True
button_auto_Tooltip_56005c	Set to default values	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_680072	Max. Players	True
army_promote_inactive_Tooltip_400032	You cannot recruit a general at this time.||You have either insufficient funds, there is no space in your army for the general's bodyguard unit or you are a rebel army.|| Rebel armies cannot recruit generals. || If you are not a rebel army you will need to raise the funds or disband a unit to make room for the bodyguard unit.	True
tx_wealth_NewState_Text_370018	Serbia-Montenegro	True
enemy_combatants_header_Tooltip_4f0032	Compare your enemies' details to your own to judge your chances of victory and to be fully prepared for the fight ahead.	True
dy_faction_name_NewState_Tooltip_7b006f	Emergent nation	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_7e0000	Drop-in Sea Battle	True
TripleLineIntegratedArtillery_Tooltip_45001c	Triple line integrated artillery||This is a defensive formation as your infantry and artillery are arranged to support each other.||Artillery can not move with the same speed as other units, so using this formation to attack will leave vunerable holes for the enemy to exploit.	True
ai_battles_tx_NewState_Text_66004f	Players can play battles for AI factions	True
human_tx_NewState_Text_51002f	Fight Battle	True
battle_mode_tx_NewState_Text_4e0001	Default battle resolution	True
auto_tx_NewState_Text_360047	Autoresolve Battle	True