mp_down_Tooltip_580028 このコラムは地域をリストします。地域の首都は地域名の下に明記されます。||右クリックでキャンペーンマップ上の地域の場所へと飛びます||左クリックで地域の情報を呼び出します||コラムのタイトルをクリックすることでアルファベット順に地域名をソートすることができます True
mp_Tooltip_10002a 各々の軍はターン毎に移動可能距離が設定されており、このコラムはどの軍がまだどれだけ動けるかを示します。||色のついたバーは行動をすれば減ります||行動可能距離は次のターンになれば全開になります||次のターンに未使用の行動距離を持ち越すことはできません||ターンを終える前に行動していない軍がないか探してみましょう||左クリックでキャンペーンマップ上の位置へと動きます||右クリックに彼らに関しての情報を呼び出せます||コラムのタイトルをクリックする事で軍を行動力順に揃えることができます True
mp_Tooltip_1e0027 各々の艦隊はターン毎に移動可能距離が設定されており、このコラムはどの艦隊がまだどれだけ動けるかを示します。||色のついたバーは行動をすれば減ります||行動可能距離は次のターンになれば全開になります||次のターンに未使用の行動距離を持ち越すことはできません||ターンを終える前に行動していない艦隊がないか探してみましょう||左クリックでキャンペーンマップ上の位置へと動きます||右クリックに彼らに関しての情報を呼び出せます||コラムのタイトルをクリックする事で艦隊を行動力順に揃えることができます True
mp_Tooltip_380020 各々の工作員はターン毎に移動可能距離が設定されており、このコラムはどの工作員がまだどれだけ動けるかを示します。||色のついたバーは行動をすれば減ります||行動可能距離は次のターンになれば全開になります||次のターンに未使用の行動距離を持ち越すことはできません||ターンを終える前に行動していない軍がないか探してみましょう||コラムのタイトルをクリックする事で工作員を行動力順に揃えることができます True
mp_Tooltip_390023 各々の軍はターン毎に移動可能距離が設定されており、このコラムはどの軍がまだどれだけ動けるかを示します。||色のついたバーは行動をすれば減ります||行動可能距離は次のターンになれば全開になります||次のターンに未使用の行動距離を持ち越すことはできません||ターンを終える前に行動していない軍がないか探してみましょう||左クリックでキャンペーンマップ上の位置へと動きます||右クリックに彼らに関しての情報を呼び出せます||コラムのタイトルをクリックする事で軍を行動力順に揃えることができます True
mp_Tooltip_3e0023 各々の軍はターン毎に移動可能距離が設定されており、このコラムはどの軍がまだどれだけ動けるかを示します。||色のついたバーは行動をすれば減ります||行動可能距離は次のターンになれば全開になります||次のターンに未使用の行動距離を持ち越すことはできません||ターンを終える前に行動していない軍がないか探してみましょう||左クリックでキャンペーンマップ上の位置へと動きます||右クリックに彼らに関しての情報を呼び出せます||コラムのタイトルをクリックする事で軍を行動力順に揃えることができます True
mp_Tooltip_4f0009 各々の艦隊はターン毎に移動可能距離が設定されており、このコラムはどの艦隊がまだどれだけ動けるかを示します。||色のついたバーは行動をすれば減ります||行動可能距離は次のターンになれば全開になります||次のターンに未使用の行動距離を持ち越すことはできません||ターンを終える前に行動していない艦隊がないか探してみましょう||コラムのタイトルをクリックする事で艦隊を行動力順に揃えることができます True
mp_Tooltip_6c0074 各々の工作員はターン毎に移動可能距離が設定されており、このコラムはどの工作員がまだどれだけ動けるかを示します。||色のついたバーは行動をすれば減ります||行動可能距離は次のターンになれば全開になります||次のターンに未使用の行動距離を持ち越すことはできません||ターンを終える前に行動していない軍がないか探してみましょう||コラムのタイトルをクリックする事で工作員を行動力順に揃えることができます True
name_textbox_Tooltip_1c0004 このボックス内にタイプすることで部隊に命名することができます True
name_textbox_Tooltip_2b0044 このパネルの上では、あなたは個人の詳細、特徴と従者を見ることができます。||これは人物を審査することに役立ち、彼らの利用価値を見出すために重要です。||詳細はカーソルを上に載せると表示されます True
name_Tooltip_350048 名前でソートする. True
name_Tooltip_77003d あなたが下からマップを選ぶとその詳細が右に表示されます。 True
Nation details_Tooltip_2f0020 あなたの国の外交詳細||あなたの保護国、同盟国、敵と通商相手がここに表示されます True
nation_Tooltip_43002a クリックで国でソートする。 True
nav_button_board_Tooltip_1b0008 乗船攻撃||When this button is lit up it means you have the option of boarding an enemies ship.||Board enemy ships as a diversionary tactic or to take them out of the battle.||If you are successful you can choose to capture the ship and use it in your next naval battle.||Before boarding you may want to pepper the crew with the grape shot to reduce their numbers. True
nav_button_broadside_L_Tooltip_710078 左舷艦砲を発射||クリックでリロードされ、リロードが終わったあとのクリックで砲撃します||Loading progress is shown by the ring around the button.||When the ring is fully red all cannons will be loaded and ready for firing.||If you click on the button before the ring is fully red it will cancel loading the cannons.||You can load and fire different shots for various effects. True
nav_button_broadside_R_Tooltip_710003 右舷艦砲を発射||クリックでリロードされ、リロードが終わったあとのクリックで砲撃します||Loading progress is shown by the ring around the button.||When the ring is fully red all cannons will be loaded and ready for firing.||If you click on the button before the ring is fully red it will cancel loading the cannons.||You can load and fire different shots for various effects. True
nav_button_groupforms_Tooltip_280036 グループ陣形パネル||This panel can be used to arrange grouped ships into different formations.||To activate this button you must have some ships already grouped.||Move your cursor over the formations panel for more details. True
nav_button_ram_Tooltip_41003f ラム True
nav_button_shot_chain_Tooltip_7b005d 鎖弾を選択||This shot is used to wreck an enemy ship's sails.||Destroying a ships' sails will slow it to a halt.||You can then manoeuvre to its rear and bombard it with round shots or attempt to board and capture.||Use chain shots to slow a ship down if you want to capture it without doing much damage or to quickly take it out of the battle. True
nav_button_shot_grape_Tooltip_37000c ぶどう弾を選択||This is a shrapnel shot used to fire at enemy crews.||Fire some of these shots at an enemies ship before boarding.||This will reduce the amount of crew you will need to fight hand-to-hand and increase your chances of a successful capture. True
nav_button_shot_grape_Tooltip_580056 Select Grape Shot.This fires a cluster of metal slugs. || Grape Shot is most effective when the enemy ship's hull is damaged. It is also likely to cause a fire. || Grape Shot can reduce the number of enemy sailors prior to boarding. True
nav_button_shot_grape_Tooltip_640076 ぶどう弾を選択|| This fires a cluster of metal slugs. || Grape Shot is most effective when the enemy ship's hull is damaged. It is also likely to cause a fire. || Grape Shot can reduce the number of enemy sailors prior to boarding. True
nav_button_shot_standard_Tooltip_2e0029 球弾を選択||Use these cannonballs to wreak maximum damage upon an enemy ship's hull.||Use them when you want to destroy a ship or damage it badly.||If you want to capture a ship for yourself, use another type of shot to avoid having to repair any damage later. True
nav_UC_button_hold_course_Tooltip_48003d 帆を張る True
nav_UC_button_sails_BattleSail_Tooltip_5b006d Sails are at battle status||In battle status you only have one sail unfurled.||Your other sails will be protected from damage, but your speed and manoeuvrability will be greatly reduced.||Select the plus and minus buttons to the right and left to increase and decrease speed. True
nav_UC_button_sails_FullSail_Tooltip_4a001a Sails are at full sail||Full sails means your ship is moving at full speed.||Select the minus button to the left to decrease speed. True
nav_UC_button_sails_HalfSail_Tooltip_220016 Sails are at half sail||At half sail your ship is moving at half speed.||Select the plus and minus buttons to the right and left to increase and decrease speed. True
nav_UC_button_sails_Stationary_Tooltip_2d0044 帆をたたむ||When sails are furled the ship will slow to a stop.||If you have not reached your last destination you will continue towards it again once you have unfurled the sails.||Dropping anchor or selecting a new destination point will clear the last one.||Select the plus button to the right to increase speed. True
nav_UC_button_sails_Stationary_Tooltip_490021 たたまれた帆||When sails are furled the ship will slow to a stop.||If you have not reached your last destination you will continue towards it again once you have unfurled the sails.||Dropping anchor or selecting a new destination point will clear the last one.||Select the plus button to the right to increase speed. True
nav_UC_button_speed-_Tooltip_1e004c 帆を上げる||This will slow your speed. True
nav_UC_button_speed+_Tooltip_150042 帆を下げる||This will increase your speed. True
nav_UC_button_turn_left_Tooltip_68000f 取舵||Hold down to choose how far to rotate left.||Your final position will be indicated with a marker.||Single-click to rotate left a little. True
nav_UC_button_turn_left_Tooltip_690077 取舵||Hold down this button to choose how far to rotate left.||Your final position will be indicated with green markers.||Single-click to rotate left a little. True
nav_UC_button_turn_right_Tooltip_1c0000 面舵||Hold down to choose how far to rotate right.||Your final position will be indicated with a marker.||Single-click to rotate right a little. True
nav_UC_button_turn_right_Tooltip_760013 面舵||Hold down this button to choose how far to rotate right.||Your final position will be indicated with green markers.||Single-click to rotate right a little. True
NAV_wind_pointer_Tooltip_1e002d これはあなたのコンパスで必ず北を示します||You can use this to pinpoint where you are in position to the wind direction.||Sailing with the wind will increase the speed of your ships. True
navy_demote_Tooltip_2e000a 提督を解雇||Not all men are born to lead, and sometimes your ship may be helmed by an incompetent admiral.||Demoting an admiral will stop any negative effects he may be having on the fleet, and leave room to promote a more suitable replacement.||You may also want to do this to save on upkeep costs without scuppering the ship. True
navy_embark_Tooltip_30003a Embark/Disembark||Move units between your docked fleet and the port garrison. True
navy_promote_inactive_Tooltip_47004f You cannot promote an admiral at this time.||This may be because you have insufficient funds.||You can raise funds by raising taxes or disbanding unwanted units. True
navy_promote_Tooltip_2d 提督を登用 || This button opens up the Enlist New Admiral panel where admirals can be recruited for your fleet. || Admirals improve a fleet's ability in battle. True
navy_promote_Tooltip_4c00fd 提督を登用 || This button opens up the Enlist New Admiral panel where you can recruit an admiral for your fleet. || Admirals will improve a fleetメs ability in battle True
navy_promote_Tooltip_6a0069 提督を雇用||提督は戦闘時に士気ボーナスを得るだけでなく海上で部隊の雇用と集結することが出来ます True
navy_repair_Tooltip_240057 選択肢した船を修理||Ships can become damaged in battle and this will repair broken masts, holes in the hull and replenish its crew!||To repair a ship you must be in a port.||A damaged ship can still be used in battle but its effectiveness will be greatly reduced. True
navy_repair_Tooltip_6e005c 選択肢した船を修理||Ships can become damaged in battle and this will repair broken masts, holes in the hull and replenish its crew!||To repair a ship you must be in a working port.||A damaged ship can still be used in battle but its effectiveness will be greatly reduced. True
navy_scupper_Tooltip_1e0059 選択肢した船を解体||This will dismantle the selected ships and distribute the crew among your other ships, saving you money on upkeep costs! True
negative_bar_Tooltip_32000b マイナスの人口成長 True
negative_bar_Tooltip_3d0043 マイナスの人口成長||High tax rates for the lowest classes are likely to be the most detrimental influence on population growth. True
negative_bar_Tooltip_4f0044 悪影響||If the lower classes become too unhappy, public order will break down, resulting in riots and revolts.||The lower classes are not particularly well off, and taxes add another burden for them to bear.||Reduce that burden by lowering the lower class tax rate and lessen the likelihood of transforming them into an angry mob! True
negative_bar_Tooltip_5c005a マイナスの成長||The factors affecting the rate at which your region wealth will grow per turn.||Move your cursor over the icons to see what is hindering growth. True
negative_bar_Tooltip_600042 悪影響||If the ruling class become too unhappy, public order will break down resulting in riots and revolts.||High taxes will vex the ruling classes and cause them to raise their voices in disgust.||Lowering taxes will improve their moods and stop any trouble from being stirred up. True
negative_bar_Tooltip_680017 悪影響||If they become too unhappy public order will break down resulting in riots and revolts.||The lowest class are not particularly well off, and taxes add another burden for them to bear.||Reduce that burden by lowering the lowest class tax rate and lessen the likelihood of transforming them into an angry mob! True
negative_bar_Tooltip_720050 悪影響||If the higher class become too unhappy, public order will break down resulting in riots and revolts.||High taxes will vex the higher classes and cause them to raise their voices in disgust.||Lowering taxes will improve their moods and stop any trouble from being stirred up. True
negative_bar_Tooltip_7d0076 マイナスの人口成長||High tax rates for the lower classes are likely to be the most detrimental influence on population growth. True
no_building_text_NewState_Text_210043 You do not own an educational building at which to conduct research. Educational buildings can be constructed in towns. You can still steal technologies from other nations. True
no_growth_tx_negative_growth_Text_90068 Villages are not growing True
no_growth_tx_negative_growth_Tooltip_63000c You need to increase population growth.||Move your cursor over the positive and negative factors above to see how you can help population growth. True
no_growth_tx_no_villages_Text_400075 村が残っていない True
no_growth_tx_no_villages_Tooltip_5a0056 All villages have already appeared in this region.||You may want to increase the population in other regions where there are still villages to develop. True
no_time_limit_tx_NewState_Text_560017 無時間制限 True
not_available_tx_admiral_Text_21004d 雇用可能な提督の不在 True
not_available_tx_NewState_Text_490023 雇用可能な指揮官の不在 True
not_available_tx_NewState_Text_4a0017 雇用可能な将軍の不在 True
offer_access_tx_NewState_Text_56000a 提供する通行権 True
offer_access_tx_Tooltip_190064 Military access is used when one army needs to move across another nation's regions without trespassing and causing a war.||Offering the other nation a high number of turns shows a great deal of trust and good faith.||This will improve relations between you, but also make you vulnerable to their armies if they decide to attack.||Select the nodes to choose how many turns you want to offer and then click on the accept button. True
offer_access_tx_Tooltip_520074 Military access is used when one army needs to move across another nation's region without trespassing and causing a war.||Offering the other nation a high number of turns shows a great deal of trust and good faith.||This will improve relations between you, but also make you vulnerable to their armies if they decide to attack.||Once you have granted military access you can still cancel it at anytime.||However, backing out of an offer will not reflect well on your nation and you could gain a reputation as unreliable and untrustworthy.||Select the nodes to choose how many turns you want to offer and then click on the accept button. True
offer_regions_tx_NewState_Text_410072 提供する領土 True
offer_regions_tx_Tooltip_320021 Your regions for the selected theatre are listed below and in green on the region map above.||Select regions to offer by checking the box to the right of the region's name.||Selected regions will be highlighted on the map to give you an idea of their strategic value.||Switch theatre views on the region map to list the regions for that theatre.||When you return to the offers and demands panel the selected regions will be listed in your offers. True
offer_tech_tx_NewState_Text_570009 提供する技術 True
offer_tech_tx_Tooltip_15005d New technology can be used to improve your armies, navies and regions and as such is a valuable and useful bargaining tool.||You can only offer technology you have already researched.||All available technology is shown in this panel.||There are three different branches of technology to choose from - military, industry and enlightenment. True
offers_title_faction_left_Text_46007c 貴方の提案 True
offers_title_faction_left_Tooltip_120075 You can add offers by selecting the options to the left and remove them by left-clicking on them.||You can make as many offers as you wish before making the proposal.||Your demands are displayed on the right to make it simpler to balance your offers and demands. True
offers_title_faction_left_Tooltip_750008 This section shows all the offers you are making as part of your diplomatic proposal. || Use the buttons to the left to make offers which will get added here. || Your demands are shown to the right to make it simpler for you to compose a balanced proposal. || Once you have finished, click on the send proposal button. || You can remove offers or demands by clicking on the cross next to them if you have changed your mind. True
offers_title_faction_right_Text_410077 相手の要求 True
offers_title_faction_right_Tooltip_1e004f Balance their demands against their offers to make sure you're getting a good deal.||Think about your relations with this nation before accepting or refusing any proposals.||If you want them as a friend, try to find an acceptable agreement for you both.||However, if you have no use for them, you can be more demanding without worrying about angering them. True
offers_title_faction_right_Tooltip_b0037 Select from the options below to add them to the offers section of your diplomatic proposal. || Once you have picked all your offers click the accept button. || You can then choose to add more offers or demands or send your proposal. True
ok_access_Tooltip_720052 承諾 True
ok_end_alliance_Tooltip_40002e 同盟を破棄 True
ok_end_trade_Tooltip_120057 通商協定を破棄 True
ok_payments_Tooltip_720052 承諾 True
ok_regions_Tooltip_720072 承諾 True
ok_stategift_Tooltip_720052 贈り物を贈る True
ok_technology_Tooltip_720052 承諾 True
once_tx_NewState_Text_410063 提供する資金 True
once_tx_NewState_Text_4a0025 一回の支払い True
once_tx_Tooltip_2d0035 One off payments don't have the risk of being cancelled through bankruptcy or war.||However, it may also be harder to offer a sufficient amount in one payment rather than a number of smaller, regular payments. True
once_tx_Tooltip_6c0079 Offering money in this way is more likely to be accepted than smaller regular payments, as these could be easily revoked.||If you demand a one off sum you will want it to be a substantial amount of money.||However, if it is too large it may be beyond the other nation's means. True
Opponent_found_NewState_Text_79003f 見つかる敵! True
option1_text_NewState_Text_5a0056 政府側につく True
option1_text_normal_Text_78005f 同盟国側として参戦 True
option2_text_NewState_Text_5c004a 反乱勢力側につく True
option2_text_normal_Text_260075 %S の側で参戦: True
option2_text_tx_decline(breaks_alliance)_Text_50045 参戦拒否 (同盟を破棄) True
option2_text_tx_decline_Text_67002b 拒否 True
options_bar1_Tooltip_f0034 Do not plunge your nation into war simply because you have the option!||Consider the implications first - there are plenty of battles to be fought, battles you can plan for. True
options_bar2_Tooltip_650027 If this is granted it will allow you access to the other nation's regions without declaring war.||Military access is a risky thing to allow as it can leave a nation open to surprise attack.||As such, it is not guaranteed you will be granted it.||If your request is turned down you can always try using the diplomacy panel to negotiate.||You may fare better if you can offer something in return. True
options_bar2_Tooltip_6c005d If this is granted it will allow you access to the other nation's region without declaring war.||Military access is a risky thing to allow as it can leave a nation open to surprise attack.||As such, it is not guaranteed you will be granted it.||If your request is turned down you can always try using the diplomacy panel to negotiate.||You may fare better if you can offer something in return. True
options_tx_NewState_Text_770027 オプション True
options_tx_Tooltip_6e0041 オプション||From here you can view the units that are available to recruit, their cost and the amount of turns it will take to recruit them.||Right click on a unit card to see detailed information on that unit.||Left click to add it to the queue, and left click on it again to remove it from the queue.||As your town grows and your resources develop more units will become available to you.||If a building enables you to recruit a unit it is listed in it's building details panel. True
panel_heading_tx_army_Text_b0016 軍事: True