diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_monarchy_reject_angry_demand_regions 信心無きさそりの息子め! 左様なことをのたまう汝に千の呪いあれ!ただ一つの宝石もお前には渡さんぞ! False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_monarchy_reject_angry_demand_regular_payment 駄目だ!やぎ泥棒に物を与えれば、次にはらくだ、絨毯、あるいは妻を要求してくるぞ!我々の金は宝物庫にしまっておかねばならぬ! False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_monarchy_reject_angry_demand_single_payment あなたの要求は却下された。 あなたの馬鹿げた要求を我が主君に持って帰るくらいなら、らくだの尻に接吻したほうがましですな! False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_monarchy_reject_angry_demand_technology あなたの学者達が馬鹿な羊並みの知恵しかもってなかったとしても、我々には関係ありませんな。 存分に無知のなかでのたうつがいい。 False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_monarchy_reject_angry_offer_demand_alliance 同盟?畜生の息子達とか?慈悲深きアッラーの神よ、このらくだ面の愚か者に罰を与えたもうな、この男は本当に愉快ですから! False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_monarchy_reject_angry_offer_demand_peace お前の内臓が砂漠に撒き散らされ、犬とさそりにむさぼられるのを待っているというのに、なぜ我々が休んでいる必要があるのだ? 存分に慈悲を請うがいい、だが戦争こそ我々の歩む道だ! False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_monarchy_reject_angry_offer_demand_trade 我々は交易を望まない。 我々の商人達はお前の扱う商品が信心深き者達にとってもっとも冒涜的であると主張しておる、私も同意見だ。 False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_monarchy_reject_angry_offer_regions おお! この素晴らしい申し出に対して千の感謝を申し上げよう! 我が主君はあなたの土地を奪う積もりは無い。 彼の地は信心無き、下品で有害なお前の存在によって汚されるであろう。 False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_monarchy_reject_angry_offer_regular_payment 駄目だ。我々はお前の気まぐれと楽しみの為に安く買い叩かれた下女ではないと信じておる、お前の母親と姉妹と違ってな。 False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_monarchy_reject_angry_offer_single_payment 信心深き我々は、異教徒の金などお断りだ。 それを持って帰れ。 False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_monarchy_reject_demand_get_off_my_land あなたの提案は道理に適っておるが、時期が適切ではなかったな。我々の軍隊は油を売ることなく必要な所に進軍する。 False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_monarchy_reject_demand_last_region 駄目だ。我々はお前の要求に屈する気はないぞ。 神は望みたもう、我々は再び立ち上がる、そして我が主君は今一度その鉄の意志に匹敵する力を刀を持つ手に宿すであろう! False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_monarchy_reject_demand_military_access 実際、お前は戦争の地に住んでおる。 わが主、イスラムの民は、彼の地におまえの軍隊が通ることを許さないであろう。 False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_monarchy_reject_demand_protectorate で、それがあなたの提案ですかな? 我が主君は誰のしもべにもなりはしない! あなたの提案は馬鹿げている、理性ある人間なら誰でもそう思うでしょう。 False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_monarchy_reject_demand_regions ご冗談を、まったく愉快ですな! あなたの提案がどれほど寛大であろうと、我が主君は最もみすぼらしい領土すら渡すまい。 False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_monarchy_reject_demand_regular_payment 駄目だ、 我々はあなたに金銭を与えはしない、過去にもそして未来にもだ。 この課題を我が主君に持ち帰る必要さえ感じません。わが主君は金に御執心ですからな。 False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_monarchy_reject_demand_single_payment 駄目だ、我々は払わない。 残念ながら、我が主君はあなたの乏しい知恵から出た金銭要求を受け入れはしないでしょう。 False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_monarchy_reject_demand_technology あなたの学者達がいかに阿呆であるかを表明したところで、我々の関心を引くことはできませんぞ。あなたの提案は却下する。 False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_monarchy_reject_offer_demand_alliance 同盟といいましたか? 我が主君は彼の利益を守るに充分な友としもべをもっておられる、新たな友人を加える必要はありません。 False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_monarchy_reject_offer_demand_peace 戦いを終わらせる? そんなに自分の命が惜しくなったか? そうであろうな、神は信心深き者のみを愛する! False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_monarchy_reject_offer_demand_trade 我々はあなたと交易しない。 あなたの不名誉な国では金だけを崇拝するのか? False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_monarchy_reject_offer_regions 感謝はするが、辞退させて頂く。 我が君は貴国の下心を満たす為に新しい領土を 我が国に追加する事を御望みではない。 False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_monarchy_reject_offer_regular_payment 侮辱しないでいただきたい。 わが主君はあなたの下僕となるようなごろつき傭兵や小役人ではないぞ。ましてや下僕の給料にさえ足り無いような小額ではな! False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_monarchy_reject_offer_single_payment 我が主君はコインの山で雇えるようなあなたのふしだらな娼婦達とは違いますぞ! False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_monarchy_state_gift わが主君は望んでおられる、神はそれを欲したもう、あなたがこの友好と感謝の証を受け取ることを。 False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_monarchy_too_many_counters この会話は終わりだ! そなたの口から出る言葉を聴けば、らくだでさえ退屈で死ぬであろう! False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_monarchy_war 貴国の破滅を宣言しよう! 一度目覚めたら、アラーの徒はどんな 剣や大砲よりも千倍偉大なのだ! False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_republic_accept_friendly 価値ある友人との合意は常にもっとも喜ばしいことです。 False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_republic_accept_hostile これが便宜上の合意以上のものであるとは思わないでいただきたい、偽りの君主に仕えるものよ、 あなたは不名誉に生まれて、死ぬ時も同様だ。 False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_republic_accept_neutral ようやく合意できましたな! 神は望んでおられる、次回には我々はもう少し真心をもってお互いに接することを。 False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_republic_accept_unfriendly 考えるのだ、価値無きものよ、お前の無価値さについて - そしていかに我々の共和国がこの合意に達するにあたって高貴さを再証明したか。 False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_republic_accept_very_friendly 神は望んでおられる、この合意がさらなる有益な交易の始まりとなることを! あなたに平和と繁栄あれ! False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_republic_acknowledge_accept Good, a bargain offered and accepted is a welcome end in itself. You have shown wisdom. False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_republic_acknowledge_cancel_alliance So be it, sons of Iblis! We now see your friendship for the Republic was base and vile! False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_republic_acknowledge_cancel_military_access God willing, you will see that your request was imprudent and lacking in true friendship. Were your roads really too busy for our army to pass? False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_republic_acknowledge_cancel_trade Our people will weep at the thought that they will no longer receive your fine trade goods. False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_republic_acknowledge_counter_accept A little haggling in the marketplace is a good thing! God willing, this agreement will please all parties. False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_republic_acknowledge_counter_reject You would surely try the patience of the Prophet, peace be upon him! False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_republic_acknowledge_reject To cast aside proposals made in the name of our Republic is an insult. False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_republic_acknowledge_state_gift Your tribute is both fitting and welcome. The Republic does not forget friends such as you. False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_republic_acknowledge_war War! Very well, war to the knife! The scorn of your people will fall on your unworthy head when their children are fatherless! False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_republic_approach_friendly It is good that we meet as friends. We wish to express our admiration for you, and our hope for a successful outcome. False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_republic_approach_hostile Faithless ones! Bow down in abject terror and listen to my words! False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_republic_approach_neutral Greetings! There are ways in which our two nations may assist each other. Let us talk of these now. False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_republic_approach_unfriendly I have been commanded to speak with you on matters of import. For my own part, I would sooner talk to camels. False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_republic_approach_very_friendly Let us talk as friends and, God willing, reach an agreement that is pleasing! Now, let us begin. False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_republic_cancel_alliance There is a time and a season to all things. God willing, you too will see that our alliance must come to an end. False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_republic_cancel_military_access Please stop your troops marching in our lands. They disturb the camels and molest the goats. False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_republic_cancel_trade Trade is ended. The hideous goods you have foisted upon us will no longer be allowed to cross our borders. False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_republic_counter_accept The Republic accepts your terms and, God willing, all will be well as a result. False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_republic_counter_reject I cannot agree to such a proposal. My good name would be forfeit! False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_republic_demand_get_off_my_land How dare you unleash your dogs of war in our lands? Remove your armies, now! False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_republic_demand_military_access The armies of the Republic are swift of foot, and you would barely notice their presence. So, may they cross your lands? False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_republic_demand_regions A true friend can ease your burdens by taking on the duty of rulership. God willing, you will see there is wisdom here. False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_republic_demand_regular_payment Let no man say I am not the soul of reason. All I ask is that you add gold to our coffers, now and in days to come. False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_republic_demand_single_payment Our friendship would be well served - perhaps guaranteed - if you were to show some golden evidence of your good faith. False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_republic_demand_technology Our scholars, subtle and deep in their thoughts, seek wisdom everywhere. God willing, you will share your learning with us! False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_republic_end_not_interested The moon has now risen! This day’s talk wearies me. We are done! The blessings of the Prophet, peace be upon him, on you. False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_republic_end_rejection_friendly And so we must part as friends, but without agreement. God willing, we will meet again, and with more profit of the day. False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_republic_end_rejection_hostile Be gone, worthless servant of a worthless people! This talk was worth less than a fart from Iblis! False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_republic_end_rejection_indifferent Our talks are done, and without agreement. It is as God wills, then. False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_republic_end_rejection_unfriendly I pray that we do not meet again for many moons. Now that we part, tell me this: were you fathered by a camel? False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_republic_end_rejection_very_friendly And so we part but, God willing, our friendship remains firm and true. We will meet again, and in the name of friendship, reach agreement. False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_republic_generic_offer_demand In the name of the Republic, let us talk of matters of great import. False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_republic_generic_reject_1 God did not curse the men of our Republic with stupidity. We cannot agree to your proposal. False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_republic_generic_reject_2 The Republic cannot agree to such terms. God willing, some better bargain can be struck. False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_republic_generic_reject_angry_1 Beard of the Prophet - peace be upon him - give thanks that I do not answer your insults to the Republic with a sword! False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_republic_generic_reject_angry_2 That you live is testament to my good manners, not to the wisdom of your utterances! False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_republic_offer_demand_alliance A wise man, under the guidance of God, seeks friends everywhere. And so: we seek an alliance. False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_republic_offer_demand_peace Allah, the wise, the merciful, smiles on those who end bloodshed! Let us fight no more! False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_republic_offer_demand_trade Trade! Our people are masters of this art! May their skill bring great wealth to our nations. False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_republic_offer_regions I present to you, in a spirit of friendship, lands in need of good government. False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_republic_offer_regular_payment In respect of your worthiness, accept this tribute - and more in years to come. False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_republic_offer_single_payment God willing, you will accept this token of respect: a small gift from our coffers. False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_republic_offer_technology Our scholars, subtle and deep in their thoughts, are the envy of all! God willing, you will see the benefits of their wisdom! False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_republic_receive_friendly Salutations, I hope our friendship may blossom like the beauty of the lotus. False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_republic_receive_hostile I believe you are here to pour poison in our ears. Speak, but remember we are rightly suspicious of your words. False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_republic_receive_neutral I bid you welcome; expect nothing more cordial. False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_republic_receive_unfriendly Be welcome, strangers. So, let us talk then. But understand: you trouble my thoughts. False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_republic_receive_very_friendly Welcome! Let us take coffee together, and discuss matters of business in a civilized fashion. False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_republic_reject_angry_demand_get_off_my_land The Republic sends its men where it will. We do not listen to the orders of stinking goatherds! False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_republic_reject_angry_demand_last_region Surely a scorpion lay with thy mother! Your words are a sting that we will resist to the last! False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_republic_reject_angry_demand_military_access Your brigands must remove themselves. Their stench and infidel ways make them doubly unwelcome. False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_republic_reject_angry_demand_protectorate Surely Iblis has placed a madness in your soul! The Republic will protect its own people. False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_republic_reject_angry_demand_regions Our people are not goats, to be handed over to satisfy your gluttony. The Republic will not give one grain of sand to you. False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_republic_reject_angry_demand_regular_payment Your greed is most impressive! God willing, your guts will be stuffed with something other than our gold. You will have nothing from us! False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_republic_reject_angry_demand_single_payment You speak, but I hear the sound of a camel breaking wind. False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_republic_reject_angry_demand_technology No. Our sages tell me that your people are too stupid to understand even the simplest of ideas. False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_republic_reject_angry_offer_demand_alliance Our Republic does not need the friendship of the infidels and unwashed goatherds found in your nation. False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_republic_reject_angry_offer_demand_peace Peace will come when dogs have fed upon your faithless guts, and only the winds remember your mewling cries for mercy. False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_republic_reject_angry_offer_demand_trade Your goods annoy even the camels that carry them, let alone our merchants. We'll have none of them. False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_republic_reject_angry_offer_regions The land have been fouled by your presence and your wicked, faithless ways. The honest people of the Republic do not want it. False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_republic_reject_angry_offer_regular_payment I am sure your mother was for sale, and at a good price, but our people are not! False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_republic_reject_angry_offer_single_payment Your infidel money reeks of dishonesty and lies! Not one coin of it will sully the treasury of our Republic. False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_republic_reject_demand_get_off_my_land Your lands lie between our armies and our enemies. We will not argue with the will of God in arranging the world so. False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_republic_reject_demand_last_region The Republic is in a perilous state, it is true. But, God willing, we will never bow down to you. False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_republic_reject_demand_military_access Truly, you live in the abode of war. We who dwell in the house of submission, see no reason to let your men walk in our lands. False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_republic_reject_demand_protectorate The people of the Republic, God willing, will remain free! We will not dwell in your house of discontent. False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_republic_reject_demand_regions God willing, the Republic will stand united for many years to come! We do not give up our lands because someone asks for them. False
diplomacy_strings_string_middle_east_republic_reject_demand_regular_payment You ask for gold? Are you so lacking in pride that you will sell your fellowship for money? False