diplomacy_strings_string_european_republic_end_rejection_indifferent	より友好的に会談を終わらす事も 出来ただろうが、どうでもよい。	False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_republic_end_rejection_unfriendly	I must away, sir, I have other pressing and more worthwhile business at hand. 	False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_republic_end_rejection_very_friendly	It is a sad day indeed, sir. If only our talks had been more fruitful.	False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_republic_generic_offer_demand	I am here on behalf of my government, to discuss a proposal of mutual gain.	False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_republic_generic_reject_1	遺憾ながら、 この提案は現時点では受け入れかねる。	False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_republic_generic_reject_2	この提案では我が共和国の利益を 見出すことができないですな。 提案を再考して頂きたい。	False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_republic_generic_reject_angry_1	信じられない、この・・・ この屈辱を如何様に説明すればいいのか。	False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_republic_generic_reject_angry_2	貴国はいつの日かこの日の事を 後悔するだろう!	False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_republic_offer_demand_alliance	Power, sir, is a wondrous thing. When two nations stand as one who can say what power they may wield!	False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_republic_offer_demand_peace	Peace sir! I say again, peace! When a war is no longer profitable to either party why, pray, continue?	False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_republic_offer_demand_trade	Trade is the backbone of any strong Republic, let us discuss these matters now.	False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_republic_offer_regions	We recognise your nation’s great power and offer a gift of land, thus showing our continuing respect.	False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_republic_offer_regular_payment	Wisdom suggests that now is the time to open the Republic’s treasury for you.	False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_republic_offer_single_payment	Knowing your penchant for gold, we offer it in a gesture of friendship between two great nations.	False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_republic_offer_technology	The great philosophers and sages of the Republic are available to you, sir, pray, ask of them what you will!	False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_republic_receive_friendly	御会いできて光栄です。 さあ貴国と我が共和国のこれからの繁栄に ついて議論を交わしましょう!	False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_republic_receive_hostile	最早堪忍袋の緒が切れそうだ! 一刻も早く憎らしい貴国との対面が 終わるよう、手短に話せ!	False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_republic_receive_neutral	辛抱強く貴国の提案を聞くが 少しも留意はしないだろう。 	False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_republic_receive_unfriendly	貴国は蛇だ。貴国の提案を貴国の真価に 見合うよう検討をしてやる。話せ	False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_republic_receive_very_friendly	良き友は何事にも代えがたい。 さて、議論に入りませんか?	False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_republic_reject_angry_demand_get_off_my_land	Gripe all you like, sir, it matters not! The armies of the Republic march forward where we, not you, determine.	False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_republic_reject_angry_demand_last_region	If I were a lesser man, sir, ruled by base passions, I would rend your head from your shoulders!	False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_republic_reject_angry_demand_military_access	If your swine march across our lands then they will be penned, in a manner befitting beasts.	False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_republic_reject_angry_demand_protectorate	Even now we will not become a puppet in your interest! Away with you, you cad!	False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_republic_reject_angry_demand_regions	Are the free people of our Republic to meekly handed to foreign tyranny? No, sir, we will stand united!	False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_republic_reject_angry_demand_regular_payment	Your leaders may seek to fill their purses by robbery, sir, but they should look elsewhere to further their ambitions as footpads!	False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_republic_reject_angry_demand_single_payment	If you were a gentleman, sir, I would consider your words, but as you are clearly no more than a brigand: good day!	False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_republic_reject_angry_demand_technology	Our knowledge, is exactly that, sir - ours! Why would we share with those unable to grasp the simplest of theorems!?	False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_republic_reject_angry_offer_demand_alliance	How could you possibly be considered proper and honourable allies of the Republic, sir? How? 	False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_republic_reject_angry_offer_demand_peace	When our final soldier gasps his last on a sword’s point, then, perhaps, we may consider this odious proposition!	False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_republic_reject_angry_offer_demand_trade	To put it bluntly, sir: no, a thousand times no. These matters are beneath the gentlemen of our Republic.	False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_republic_reject_angry_offer_regions	You can keep your wastelands, sir. Our Republic does not need your dungheaps!	False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_republic_reject_angry_offer_regular_payment	Do you believe we can be bought, sir? Do you think us the common whores of your land?	False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_republic_reject_angry_offer_single_payment	There is a distinct stench upon your currency, sir! I fear it may offend the noses of proper gentlemen!	False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_republic_reject_demand_get_off_my_land	With respect, sir, your concerns, valid and eloquently delivered as they may be, will be ignored. Good day!	False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_republic_reject_demand_last_region	Unlike the willow, sir, we will not bend according to your windy demands!	False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_republic_reject_demand_military_access	I am flabbergasted, sir! We will have no part in your relentless warmongering!	False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_republic_reject_demand_protectorate	Live beneath the heel of a tyrant, sir? Your tyranny, sir? I think not!	False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_republic_reject_demand_regions	It is an offence to the dignity of our people to even consider this ludicrous proposal!	False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_republic_reject_demand_regular_payment	Sir, one demand is unreasonable! Anything further is rank lunacy!	False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_republic_reject_demand_single_payment	How dare you!? The purse strings of the Republic are tied tight against you, sir!	False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_republic_reject_demand_technology	Our intellectuals have laboured long to advance the Republic’s knowledge. Their achievements are not baubles to be traded away.	False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_republic_reject_offer_demand_alliance	The principles of the Republic prevent a union with creatures such as you.	False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_republic_reject_offer_demand_peace	Are you so unsure of your strength, sir? Away with you then, there shall be no respite for you!	False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_republic_reject_offer_demand_trade	In order to trade, sir, you must first have something to offer.	False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_republic_reject_offer_regions	I am empowered to reject your most generous offer of territory. 	False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_republic_reject_offer_regular_payment	Your money may be good enough for the whores of your homeland, sir, but not for us! No, indeed!	False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_republic_reject_offer_single_payment	Our government and people can not be bought with your dirty money, sir. 	False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_republic_state_gift	My government has decided to make a gift to your nation. Let this illustrate the esteem in which your people bask!	False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_republic_too_many_counters	The confused manner with which you make this offer troubles me, sir. I must withdraw until the confusion of brain that troubles you is gone. 	False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_republic_war	I am instructed to inform you that our nations are now at war. I trust you will understand if I take my leave, sir. Good day. 	False
diplomacy_strings_string_france_monarchy_acknowledge_counter_accept	Monsieur, diplomacy with you has been as pleasurable as talking with a fellow Frenchman!	False
diplomacy_strings_string_france_monarchy_acknowledge_war	Monsieur, this is a pity. French soldiers always find burying the enemy dead quite wearisome. 	False
diplomacy_strings_string_france_monarchy_demand_regular_payment	Ah, monsieur, this is a delicate matter. We expect you to pay us a regular tribute. Cruder minds might say that this buys you peace. 	False
diplomacy_strings_string_france_monarchy_end_rejection_hostile	Monsieur, I have grown weary listening to your perfidious rubbish. Only an English fool would remain here any longer. 	False
diplomacy_strings_string_france_monarchy_generic_reject_1	Monsieur, your proposals have wasted valuable time that I could have spent with a charming young lady…	False
diplomacy_strings_string_france_monarchy_generic_reject_angry_2	ムッシュ 我等の君を敬っている名誉ある フランス人は、こんな馬鹿げた事に 同意などできない!	False
diplomacy_strings_string_france_monarchy_receive_very_friendly	Let us open a bottle, monsieur - not the muck we send to England - and consider matters that touch on our mutual benefit!	False
diplomacy_strings_string_france_monarchy_reject_angry_demand_technology	Sir, French savants are geniuses and - at the command of the highest in our land - do not share their work with lesser, foreign minds! 	False
diplomacy_strings_string_france_monarchy_reject_angry_offer_regular_payment	Are we Englishmen to be bought in such a fashion? No, monsieur, we are French, with French honour and French sensibilities. 	False
diplomacy_strings_string_france_monarchy_reject_demand_military_access	No, monsieur. No true Frenchman would let our precious land be crushed beneath the boots of your army.	False
diplomacy_strings_string_france_monarchy_reject_offer_demand_trade	No, monsieur, we Frenchmen are not Englishmen to waste our lives haggling like common grocers. 	False
diplomacy_strings_string_france_monarchy_reject_offer_regular_payment	The French royal court is not a den of moral harlotry, monsieur. Not at those prices!	False
diplomacy_strings_string_france_republic_acknowledge_counter_accept	Are you of French descent, monsieur? You conduct yourself with the dignity of a true Frenchman!	False
diplomacy_strings_string_france_republic_acknowledge_war	Such a pity that the soldiers of our Republic will get dirty uniforms when they vanquish your men. 	False
diplomacy_strings_string_france_republic_demand_regular_payment	The people of our glorious Republic expect a few simple trinkets now and then, sir.	False
diplomacy_strings_string_france_republic_end_rejection_hostile	Monsieur, I weary of your inane posturing. I sincerely hope that it is a lifetime before our paths cross again. 	False
diplomacy_strings_string_france_republic_generic_reject_1	Do you think my time worthless, monsieur? Surely you do, to have frittered it away with these jabberings!	False
diplomacy_strings_string_france_republic_generic_reject_angry_1	Monsieur, no Frenchman of honour could possibly agree to such nonsense!	False
diplomacy_strings_string_france_republic_receive_very_friendly	Let us raise a glass of French wine to the prosperity of our peoples - and all they may achieve together!	False
diplomacy_strings_string_france_republic_reject_angry_demand_technology	Frenchmen are the greatest thinkers in Europe, monsieur. That - correctly - implies that they do not think thoughts for lesser people. 	False
diplomacy_strings_string_france_republic_reject_angry_offer_regular_payment	Am I dressed like a harlot, monsieur? Do I cavort like one? No, sir, no! Do not presume to treat me so!	False
diplomacy_strings_string_france_republic_reject_demand_military_access	Our land is far too beautiful to wither under the heavy and ridiculous boots of your army!	False
diplomacy_strings_string_france_republic_reject_offer_demand_trade	I care little for your turnips, or what ever it is you deem valuable in your pigsties!	False
diplomacy_strings_string_france_republic_reject_offer_regular_payment	The French are not harlots to be bought at your whim, monsieur. Never at those prices!	False
diplomacy_strings_string_indian_monarchy_accept_friendly	I wish you joy of the day. Our business is done and other matters of weight must require your attention.	False
diplomacy_strings_string_indian_monarchy_accept_hostile	I would as soon kiss a thousand snakes as treat with you, but this treaty was required. My - undying gratitude. 	False
diplomacy_strings_string_indian_monarchy_accept_neutral	And so an agreement is reached. We are content in that. 	False
diplomacy_strings_string_indian_monarchy_accept_unfriendly	There are evils that are necessary, like this agreement is an evil. Our rajah does not willingly deal with low creatures such as you.	False
diplomacy_strings_string_indian_monarchy_accept_very_friendly	And so our business here is concluded most successfully, and with good fellowship. This is good karma!	False
diplomacy_strings_string_indian_monarchy_acknowledge_accept	All men will bless your good sense in this matter!	False
diplomacy_strings_string_indian_monarchy_acknowledge_cancel_alliance	Your are not a nation, but a nest of cobras: dangerous, unpredictable and full of venom!	False
diplomacy_strings_string_indian_monarchy_acknowledge_cancel_military_access	Our warriors' ways are not to be dictated by you, but your objections are noted and will be remembered. 	False
diplomacy_strings_string_indian_monarchy_acknowledge_cancel_trade	Very well. Your merchants were uncouth, unwashed vagabonds anyway, and we will be glad of an end to the unpleasant odour.	False
diplomacy_strings_string_indian_monarchy_acknowledge_counter_accept	Your acceptance shows wisdom. It is good that this marketplace haggling can be ended.	False
diplomacy_strings_string_indian_monarchy_acknowledge_counter_reject	Your rejection of generous terms wounds me deeply; it will wound my noble rajah equally. 	False
diplomacy_strings_string_indian_monarchy_acknowledge_reject	Disappointment is the natural condition of man. You have added to my burden of disappointment. 	False
diplomacy_strings_string_indian_monarchy_acknowledge_state_gift	A gift sincerely given is a blessing to the giver, as well as the recipients. 	False
diplomacy_strings_string_indian_monarchy_acknowledge_war	Your bones will become one with the dust. Your blood will be washed away by the monsoon rains. War it is. 	False
diplomacy_strings_string_indian_monarchy_approach_friendly	Greetings. I come in friendship, so that we may profit by talking of great matters. 	False
diplomacy_strings_string_indian_monarchy_approach_hostile	Greetings from my noble rajah. You are utterly unworthy to hear his words and it is my profound misfortune to deliver them.	False
diplomacy_strings_string_indian_monarchy_approach_neutral	I am here to talk. Karma will determine the outcome. 	False
diplomacy_strings_string_indian_monarchy_approach_unfriendly	My rajah would send his greetings, unworthy one, if he set any value at present on your friendship.  	False
diplomacy_strings_string_indian_monarchy_approach_very_friendly	Greetings from my lord. He sends good wishes for your prosperity and fertility. It is time to talk of matters of great import!	False
diplomacy_strings_string_indian_monarchy_cancel_alliance	In the affairs of our two nations, the time has come for a parting of the ways. All things pass. 	False
diplomacy_strings_string_indian_monarchy_cancel_military_access	Sometimes it is not wise to invite armed men into your house. Sometimes it is wise to ask them to leave.	False
diplomacy_strings_string_indian_monarchy_cancel_trade	通商協定を破棄させて頂く。 貴国の商品は粗悪なうえ金も不純物が 混じっている。 貴国は貿易商人を浄化するべきだろう。 	False
diplomacy_strings_string_indian_monarchy_counter_accept	Your suggestions are good, and there is much wisdom in our agreement here today.	False
diplomacy_strings_string_indian_monarchy_counter_reject	I must reject your most generous offer. It would wound my noble ruler's honour too deeply to accept. 	False
diplomacy_strings_string_indian_monarchy_demand_get_off_my_land	Perhaps you imagine that my Lord is too busy debauching himself to notice the armies that trespass on his lands? Remove them, now!	False