diplomacy_strings_string_european_monarchy_approach_unfriendly 偉大なる我が君の目に留まりたいと願うのなら 我が提案を注意深く聞くのが賢明であろう。 False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_monarchy_approach_very_friendly 高貴なる我が君が友好の手を差し伸べられた。 相互の利益となる議論を交わす事を 望んでおられる。 False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_monarchy_cancel_alliance 人間​が​造​り​し​物​に​は​全​て​寿命​が​あ​る。​我​ら​の​同盟関係​の​終焉​を​お​伝​え​し​に​来​た。 False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_monarchy_cancel_military_access 緑豊​か​で​麗​し​い​我​が​領土​を​外国軍​が​踏​み​荒​す​の​を​許容​す​る​必要性​を、​も​は​や​王家​は​見出​し​て​い​な​い​の​だ。 False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_monarchy_cancel_trade 交易​は​富​を​も​た​ら​す​が、​貴国​と​の​交易​は​不要​な​贅沢​で​あ​っ​た。​協定​は​破棄​さ​せ​て​も​ら​お​う。 False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_monarchy_counter_accept もっと好条件が有るのではと思いますが、 御提案に同意しましょう。 False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_monarchy_counter_reject 高貴なる我が君は私が貴国の提案を不適切 として拒否したと聞いても驚かないであろう。 False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_monarchy_demand_get_off_my_land 一般的​に​良​き​礼儀​と​は、​隣接​す​る​領土​か​ら​粗暴​な​兵士達​を​遠​ざ​け​ろ​と​言​う​意見​を​容認​す​る​事​だ。​そ​れ​も​早急​に​な! False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_monarchy_demand_military_access 貴国​の​軍​が​道​を​譲​り、​我​が​君​の​華々​し​い​軍​が​貴国​の​領土​を​行軍​す​る​と​い​う​良識的​で​良​く​考​え​ら​れ​た​意向​を​御伝​え​す​る​よ​う​指示​さ​れ​て​い​る​の​だ。 False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_monarchy_demand_regions 慈悲深​き​我​が​君​は​貴国​が​我​ら​の​継続的​な​良​き​見解​と​支援​を​確実​な​も​の​と​す​る​た​め​に​領土​を​幾​つ​か​手放​す​賢明​さ​を​見​せ​る​と​確信​し​て​い​る。 False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_monarchy_demand_regular_payment 我​が​君​は​定期的​か​つ​継続的​な​貢物​を​必要​と​し​要求​し​て​い​る。​金​で​も​結構​だ。 False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_monarchy_demand_single_payment 我​が​君​は​貴国​が​我​ら​の​国庫​を​豊​か​に​す​る​で​あ​ろ​う​と​期待​し​て​お​ら​れ​る。​手短​に​言​え​ば​金​が​欲​し​い​の​だ。 False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_monarchy_demand_technology 貴国​の​機械技術​と​そ​の​運用​の​業績​は​注目​に​値​す​る​が、​そ​れ​を​友​と​平等​に​分​か​ち​合​う​聡明​さ​を​併​せ​持​っ​て​い​る​だ​ろ​う​か​? False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_monarchy_end_not_interested 敬意​を​も​っ​て​言​う​が、​こ​の​交渉​か​ら​撤退​し​た​ほ​う​が​賢明​で​あ​る​と​思​う。 False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_monarchy_end_rejection_friendly 今日はここまでにしましょう。 結論に達する事が出来ず残念です! False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_monarchy_end_rejection_hostile もはや何も言う事は無い。 議論は退屈で実に無益だった。 False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_monarchy_end_rejection_indifferent 満足いく議論だったとは言い難いですな。 御機嫌よう。 False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_monarchy_end_rejection_unfriendly 最大限の敬意もって言うのだが、その、 お抱えの仕立て屋との約束に 遅れそうなのだ。議論を終わりにしよう。 False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_monarchy_end_rejection_very_friendly 高貴なる我が君は議論が実を結ばなかった事を 悲しまれるだろう。御機嫌よう。 False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_monarchy_generic_offer_demand お互いの利益になる提案を議論するようにと 我が君より命ぜられたのだ。 False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_monarchy_generic_reject_1 我が政府がこの提案をのまないとは、 真に残念だ。 False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_monarchy_generic_reject_2 貴公のこの提案は我が方にとって 利点が少なすぎる。 したがって拒否する以外ありませんな。 False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_monarchy_generic_reject_angry_1 偉大なる我が国がかように侮辱されるとは! 提案を心から拒否させて頂く! False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_monarchy_generic_reject_angry_2 外交上の微妙さのみが貴公を鞭打ちの刑に 処するの防いでいるのだ! 提案を心から拒否させて頂く! False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_monarchy_offer_demand_alliance 両国の民は偉大だ! もし両者が力を合わせられればどれ程偉大に なるだろうか?どれ程偉大な事だろうか? False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_monarchy_offer_demand_peace この​戦争​は​両国​ど​ち​ら​側​に​も​成功​も​利益​も​も​た​ら​さ​な​い​こ​と​に​注意​を​向​け​な​け​れ​ばな​り​ま​せ​ん。​講和​を​結​び​ま​し​ょ​う​! False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_monarchy_offer_demand_trade Let us discuss matters of trade and "business". I apologise, for such vulgarities should not trouble proper gentlemen. False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_monarchy_offer_regions My sovereign, sensible to the diplomatic and military realities, wishes to offer you control of certain of his territories. False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_monarchy_offer_regular_payment We feel it would be prudent to offer you reasonable sums of money now, and in the future. False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_monarchy_offer_single_payment I am instructed to offer you money at this time, knowing that gold is dear to your hearts. False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_monarchy_offer_technology Sir, I am instructed to offer you access to our nation's knowledge and skills, so that your unfortunate ignorance may be alleviated somewhat. False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_monarchy_receive_friendly 我が臣民と君主の友は何時でも歓迎です。 さあ、重要な問題について 議論を交わしましょう! False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_monarchy_receive_hostile 畏れ多き我が君は貴国の弱々しい泣き言を 聞くための時間など無いに等しいのだ。 さあ簡潔に話すがよい! False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_monarchy_receive_neutral 高貴なる我が君は貴国の提案を忍耐と注意を もって聞く様にと私に命ぜられた。 False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_monarchy_receive_unfriendly 高貴なる我が君は貴国の下劣な請願を 聞いてやるとの事だ! 検討してやろう、話せ。 False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_monarchy_receive_very_friendly 高貴なる我が君の友は何時でも歓迎です。 貴国はこの良き日にどのような問題を 議論する御つもりかな? False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_monarchy_reject_angry_demand_get_off_my_land You are a fine humourist, Sir, but quite foolish. Our armies march where they will, and we pay no mind to your mewlings on the matter. False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_monarchy_reject_angry_demand_last_region Good manners, sir, are all that keep me from adequately expressing our deep contempt for this appalling suggestion. False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_monarchy_reject_angry_demand_military_access Sir, we have no wish to see our land blighted by having your poxed swine march across it. Access is denied to your creatures! False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_monarchy_reject_angry_demand_protectorate Our nation may be on its knees, but we will not bow to your tyranny. Your demands are mad, sir, mad! False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_monarchy_reject_angry_demand_regions We refuse! Not so much as a single stone will be handed over to you, sir, unless it be a headstone! False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_monarchy_reject_angry_demand_regular_payment Sir, your whores may need their trinkets, but the money will not be from our treasury! False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_monarchy_reject_angry_demand_single_payment Sir, what profit is there in paying thieves to stay away? They still have your money. We reject your demands! False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_monarchy_reject_angry_demand_technology Your request is insulting, sir. We do not share what our greatest minds have struggled to obtain with those too stupid to open a book. False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_monarchy_reject_angry_offer_demand_alliance We utterly reject your scheme! An alliance with the beasts of the field would be more congenial! False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_monarchy_reject_angry_offer_demand_peace No. No. A thousand times no. The only time we will cease firing is when the gun barrels are too fouled to continue. False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_monarchy_reject_angry_offer_demand_trade Sir, we are not to be bought and sold in this fashion. Gentlemen of our nation, Sir, do not "trade"! False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_monarchy_reject_angry_offer_regions Sir, we do not want your cast-offs, your discarded nothings. Keep your lands. False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_monarchy_reject_angry_offer_regular_payment Keep your money, sir, to pay for your doctors, that they may bleed you a little and cure your weakness of the brain. False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_monarchy_reject_angry_offer_single_payment Sir, we will not take your money. It has a taint about it that turns strong stomachs! False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_monarchy_reject_demand_get_off_my_land With all respect, Sir, your wishes have been weighed in the balance against military necessity and found to be entirely wanting. False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_monarchy_reject_demand_last_region Our nation, sir, may be weak, but that frailty does not extend to our pride. Our people bow the knee to no man willingly! False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_monarchy_reject_demand_military_access No, sir, No! No infantry boot, cavalry shoe or artillery wheel shall besmirch our lands! False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_monarchy_reject_demand_protectorate I had not realised that your people had a sense of humour, Sir. Your demand is rejected, now and forever! False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_monarchy_reject_demand_regions It is an offence to my sovereign's dignity to give up one tussock - one leaf - one rock of our lands! Your request is rejected. False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_monarchy_reject_demand_regular_payment Sir, one demand is unreasonable! To ask for repeated payments is beyond all reason! We refuse. False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_monarchy_reject_demand_single_payment Your demand, sir, is unreasonable, and your purses will go unfilled from our treasury! False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_monarchy_reject_demand_technology Knowledge given, sir, is not as prized as knowledge won. Regretfully, we will not be sharing our learning with you. False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_monarchy_reject_offer_demand_alliance Alliances, like marriages, are often cause for regret when the wedding breakfast is over. We must decline your generous offer. False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_monarchy_reject_offer_demand_peace A ceasefire you say? Is your position that uncertain? We say, no, then! False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_monarchy_reject_offer_demand_trade I cannot agree that our two nations need to trade, sir, for trade implies some kind of equality of worth. False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_monarchy_reject_offer_regions I am empowered to reject your most generous offer of territory as being inappropriate to my sovereign's dignity. False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_monarchy_reject_offer_regular_payment We are not whores to be cheaply bought. Your money is most unwelcome, sir! False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_monarchy_reject_offer_single_payment Your money, sir, is unwelcome. My sovereign's friendship is not some cheap bauble to be bought in a market! False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_monarchy_state_gift My government has decided to make a gift to your nation, sir, showing the high esteem in which your people are universally held. False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_monarchy_too_many_counters With respect, your indecision as to what you want is unbecoming, burdensome and annoying. Good day. False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_monarchy_war I am instructed to say that we are now at war. I trust, sir, you will understand if I do not wish you well. False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_republic_accept_friendly Most satisfactory, good day to you, sir. False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_republic_accept_hostile Our talks are complete and - well, a success. If you will excuse me, I feel a powerful urge to wash. False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_republic_accept_neutral So our talks have come to an end, and in your favour. Isn’t that wonderful? False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_republic_accept_unfriendly Presumption, sir, is a trait of the foolish. Do not presume that our acceptance changes much. False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_republic_accept_very_friendly Oh glorious day! Your decision will bring great joy and prosperity to our peoples. False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_republic_acknowledge_accept You are wise indeed, good sir. Agreement will bring great benefits to all. False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_republic_acknowledge_cancel_alliance Your actions leave the Republic no choice. We must break all ties with you, and so farewell. False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_republic_acknowledge_cancel_military_access The troops of the Republic march where they please. Your petty concerns matter not a jot or tittle! False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_republic_acknowledge_cancel_trade We weary of your slap-dash merchandise. Our trade is done. False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_republic_acknowledge_counter_accept I bow to your superior reasoning, sir. False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_republic_acknowledge_counter_reject Do not turn our generosity aside so carelessly, sir. False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_republic_acknowledge_reject Our government is deeply disappointed by your decision. Let us all hope you do not live to rue this day. False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_republic_acknowledge_state_gift You are most generous, sir. This gift is received in a spirit of friendship. False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_republic_acknowledge_war I wait with bated breath for your impending doom. Your end will bring me nothing but joy. False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_republic_approach_friendly I pray you: consider our proposal and find it agreeable. False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_republic_approach_hostile I will be brief. I expect nought but lies from you, sir. So, speak - the truth would have novelty! False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_republic_approach_neutral Both our nations could benefit from this meeting. So: let us begin. False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_republic_approach_unfriendly It would be wise to listen carefully to our proposal, if you wish to stay our displeasure. False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_republic_approach_very_friendly In the name of the Republic, I extend the hand of friendship and hope that we may discuss matters of mutual interest. False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_republic_cancel_alliance The bonds between our people are broken, sir. False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_republic_cancel_military_access No longer will the boots of your rampaging hordes sully the good earth of my homeland. False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_republic_cancel_trade Trade between our people may once have had its uses, but no longer, sir, no longer. False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_republic_counter_accept Although it will be greeted with displeasure, I must accept your offer at this time. False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_republic_counter_reject Do you jest, sir? Surely you must? False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_republic_demand_get_off_my_land Do you mind, sir? Remove yourselves, forthwith! False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_republic_demand_military_access I am instructed to demand that your men stand aside and let the glorious forces of the Republic march across your lands. False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_republic_demand_regions Sir, perhaps you would consider ensuring our continued good opinion by gifting the Republic with some of your lesser territories? False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_republic_demand_regular_payment Perhaps we could come to some agreement. A show of your good faith would be prudent. And what is more prudent that gold? False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_republic_demand_single_payment If you wish to remain in the favour of the people perhaps a gift to them and ourselves would raise your profile? False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_republic_demand_technology Our nation boasts the most illustrious minds of the age, yet nature reveals her secrets to others - others who might share their knowledge? False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_republic_end_not_interested I take my leave, sir. I no longer see worth in these discussions. False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_republic_end_rejection_friendly If only the allusive mistress of agreement had been more forthcoming, perhaps another day. False
diplomacy_strings_string_european_republic_end_rejection_hostile You, sir, are a scoundrel rogue and cad! Our conversation has been worthless! False