battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.BT_Rich_British_Forces このチュートリアルであなたはナポレオンの軍勢を操ります。 False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.BT_Rich_Broken_Shattered_Morale While enemy troops with broken morale can return to fight once they recover their resolve, these British troops have been shattered. Let them flee for their lives. False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.BT_Rich_camera_raising Whilst you are shelling the enemy, practice raising and lowering the camera by rolling the middle mouse button. Alternatively, you can use the Z or X keys. False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.BT_Rich_enemy_unit_routing You have successfully routed an enemy unit. If you rout all enemy units from the battlefield you will be victorious. False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.BT_Rich_Farmhouse_Attack The British have taken cover in the fort. Select your cannons and right-click on the building to shell the enemy. False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.BT_Rich_Farmhouse_Attack_2 Select an infantry unit and right-click on the building to instruct your men to assault and flush out the garrisoned enemy. False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.BT_Rich_fire_at_will Now left-click on the fire at will button on the review panel at the bottom of the screen. False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.BT_Rich_fire_at_will2 This unit will now automatically fire at enemy units within range of their muskets. Left-clicking this button again will cancel the order. Units are set to fire at will by default. False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.BT_Rich_first_wave_routed Well done. You have successfully routed the first wave of enemy units. False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.BT_Rich_Fort Fort walls can be scaled by your infantry units. Mousing over a fort wall with your infantry selected will change your cursor to a ladder, and right-clicking with your mouse will then begin your assault. Once on top of the walls, try holding the gate house. This will allow you to move in and out of the fort freely through the gate. Alternatively, try using your cannon to create a breach by targeting a section of the wall and concentrating all your fire at that single point. False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.BT_Rich_general_abilities Your general also has a set of special abilities, which includes rally (The ability to boost the morale of your units within the generals radius for a short period of time) and inspire (The ability to increase a specific units morale, melee and accuracy abilities for a brief period of time), both of these abilities are clearly indicated on the troops currently being affected by them. False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.BT_Rich_General_Final_Push Napoléon has joined your ranks for the final push. False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.BT_Rich_General_Help Use Napoléon to help see off what remains of the British forces. False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.BT_Rich_General_In_Waiting Napoléon will join the battle in due course, for now he will watch your progress. False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.BT_Rich_General_Protect Use Napoléon wisely and keep him protected. His presence in battle will strengthen the morale of nearby friendly units. False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.BT_Rich_intro Welcome to the Siege of Toulon. Here you will learn the basics of commanding an army on the battlefield. You have been given control of Napoléon's French army. Camped in and around this fort are your British enemies. Your task is to rout the British army from Toulon. False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.BT_Rich_keep_charge Your infantry will now charge into melee. This is a very effective way of routing enemy troops that are already low on morale. False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.BT_Rich_keep_cover A second wave of enemies are approaching. Keep your units behind this cover to give them an advantage over the enemy. False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.BT_Rich_keep_melee You have seriously reduced British numbers. Select one of your infantry units and click on the melee attack button. False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.BT_Rich_kill_other_unit Mouse over the remaining enemy unit and right-click to attack. False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.BT_Rich_line_infantry Please select a line infantry unit False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.BT_Rich_melee_attack Now mouse over an enemy unit and right-click to engeage it in melee. You can double-click to charge into melee. False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.BT_Rich_morale Keep up the pressure by firing your cannons at the enemy. As they take damage their morale will be reduced and this will eventually make them run away. False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.BT_Rich_moving_units Now right-click on the locations indicated to order your units to advance forward. Alternatively you can use the forward and backwards buttons at the bottom of the screen to move your troops. False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.BT_Rich_next_cover Another British attack is imminent! Move your other infantry unit to cover. False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.BT_Rich_next_melee_attack You have seriously reduced British numbers. Click on the melee attack button in the unit panel. False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.BT_Rich_next_melee_attack2 Now mouse over an enemy unit and right-click to engage in melee. You can double-click to charge. False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.BT_Rich_Outgunned The British are outgunned and have suffered heavy losses. They are routing from the field. False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.BT_Rich_pan_on_select Select a Line Infantry unit by left-clicking on the unit or left-clicking the unit card on the review panel at the bottom of the screen. You can double-click here to automatically pan the camera to the unit. False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.BT_Rich_Remain_In_Melee These men will remain in melee mode whilst the button is selected. Click it again to disable melee mode and have your men fire on the enemy when next ordered to attack. False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.BT_Rich_rest_of_army This is the rest of your army. False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.BT_Rich_right_click_attack Now move your cursor over an enemy unit, and right-click your mouse to order your Cannons to attack. False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.BT_Rich_right_click_drag If you right-click and drag at your chosen destination, you can determine the width, depth and orientation that your troops will form up in. You can also use the rotation and increase file and rank buttons at the bottom of the screen to adjust your units shape and orientation. False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.BT_Rich_rotating_camera You can rotate the camera by clicking and holding the middle mouse button. Alternatively you can use the Q and E keys. Try this now. False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.BT_Rich_rout_enemy_army Use the commands you have just learned to rout the rest of the British army! False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.BT_Rich_Routine_Patrol A routine patrol have stumbled upon a pocket of Spanish troops camped out in an abandoned farm. False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.BT_Rich_select_unit Let's start by selecting your Cannons. Left click on the Cannons with your mouse. False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.BT_Rich_select_unit2 Alternatively, you can select a unit by clicking on its unit card on the review panel. False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.BT_Rich_strafing_camera You can use the W and S keys to move the camera backwards and forwards, and the A and D keys to strafe left and right. False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.BT_Rich_Take_Control_Of_Cannon First, let’s take control of the French cannons. False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.BT_Rich_Troops_Being_Used You’ve been given two units of infantry and a powerful cannon to see off this threat. False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.BT_Rich_unit_abilities Each unit has a set of special abilities which can be used during a battle. These abilities can be selected from the bottom of the screen and range from tactical formations to explosive shot types. False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.BT_Rich_units_run To increase the speed of your unit's movement click the run button on the review panel or double right-click when issuing a movement command. False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.BT_Rich_well_done Well done. False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.HB_Arcole_Battle_Lost Defeat! Disaster! My men have failed me. The Austrians have secured their supply lines and will now surely press forward against my scattered forces. Fate has been cruel, and what awaits, I cannot say. What fate awaits us now, I cannot say. False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.HB_Arcole_Battle_Won 栄光ある勝利である!オーストリア人が逃げていくぞ!加えて、我々は奴らの補給路を手に入れた。これで奴らはイタリアから撤退せざるを得まい。私の勝利だ! False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.HB_Arcole_Intro_1 1796年11月15日。オーストリアが我々に対して優勢な数の集中を阻止するために、私はこの地で戦うことを選んだ。 False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.HB_Arcole_Intro_2 私の計画は奴らの補給路を脅かすために、アルコレの街を占拠することだ。 False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.HB_Arcole_Intro_3 オーストリア軍の主力はアルヴィンチの下にあり、ベルフィオレの北西からアルコレを救おうとしている。 False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.HB_Arcole_Intro_4 フランス軍とオーストリア軍の間は沼地帯であり、私に対して派遣できるアルヴィンチの軍の規模は制限されることを知っている。 False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.HB_Arcole_Intro_5 我々は勝利を収めるために東でアルコレを占領し、同時に西からのオーストリア人の圧力に抵抗しなければならない。 False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.HB_Arcole_Narration オーストリアは私の癪に障る。マントヴァの包囲を破ろうとする奴らの試みは止めねばならなかった。野戦でオーストリア人を迎撃せねばならなかったのだ。今、奴らを打ち破ったが、まだだ。もっと、もっと必要だ。ここアルコレで私は軍を率いアルポネ川を渡り、そしてオーストリアの戦線を越える。 False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.HB_Arcole_sfx_1 将軍よ!オーストリア人が沼地を超えようとしている!必ず迎撃しなければならない! False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.HB_Arcole_sfx_2 これは素晴らしい勝利だ。オーストリアは戦場から駆られた!侮り難き我が敵よ、アルコレを占領したことで奴らのイタリア戦役は断絶を余儀なくされよう!さらばだ! False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.HB_Arcole_sfx_3 将軍達よ、素晴らしい働きであった!指揮官のいないオーストリア軍は舵を失い、我々の支配する北イタリアを脅かすことは二度とあるまい! False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.HB_Arcole_sfx_4 オーストリア人が沼地を越えようとしている! False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.HB_Austerlitz_Battle_Lost 敵の勝利であろう。しかし何の意味もない!余は軍を立て直し、アウステルリッツを取り返すのだ!余は勝つ! False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.HB_Austerlitz_Battle_Won 敵は凍ったザッチャン池を渡り撤退している。 余は誇りをもって余の勝利、余の偉業であると呼びたい。今日ここでの余の名声は栄光をフランスへ加えよう!そして余の敵には恐怖を! False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.HB_Austerlitz_Intro_1 1805年12月2日。余の命令を持ってプラツェン高地を放棄した。 False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.HB_Austerlitz_Intro_2 兵はポニェトヴィツェとテルニッツの街で整列している。 False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.HB_Austerlitz_Intro_3 見かけは弱く見えるテルニッツの軍を用い、敵への攻撃を仕向けるつもりだ。 False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.HB_Austerlitz_Intro_4 ロシア人が我が左翼のテルニッツへ押し寄せてくれば、無防備になったプラツェン高地へ進軍できよう。これで同盟軍の戦線を打ち破る。 False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.HB_Austerlitz_Intro_5 鋭い一つの焔が戦いを終わらせるのだ。 False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.HB_Austerlitz_Narration エジプト遠征はパリにいる売国奴のせいで断念せざるを得なかった。しかし銃剣は雄弁に語る!余は第一執政となった。そしてそこにあったので冠を被った。他に誰ができたというのだ?だがオーストリアやロシア、古いヨーロッパは余を恐れ、ここへやってきた。アウステルリッツで奴らを止めるのだ! False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.HB_Austerlitz_sfx_1 Puntowitz is under threat from the enemy. False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.HB_Austerlitz_sfx_2 The Russians are mounting an attack on the town of Tellnitz. False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.HB_Austerlitz_sfx_3 General! The Austrians look to be digging themselves in on the Pratzen Heights! False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.HB_Austerlitz_sfx_4 The enemy have taken the town of Bosenitz from us! False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.HB_Borodino_Battle_Lost Russian soldiers! Amazing! Even when they are lead by fools, they have the heart to win! But my Grand Armée will fight again! False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.HB_Borodino_Battle_Won Russian soldiers - I pity them. They are brave men, but they fight for fools. On to Moscow! False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.HB_Borodino_Intro_1 September 7th, 1812. Mikhail Kutuzov finally made his stand on the east bank of the Kolocha River between the new and old Moscow to Smolensk roads just south of Borodino. False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.HB_Borodino_Intro_2 To fortify the northern section of his right flank, Kutuzov's troops have constructed the Raevski redoubt. This stretches down to Semenovskaia village. False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.HB_Borodino_Intro_3 To the south he has constructed the three Vee-shaped Bagration Fleches. False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.HB_Borodino_Intro_4 Taking the Redoubt and Bagration Fleches will be the stiffest of challenges! False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.HB_Borodino_Narration If you want an Englishman to see sense, take his money! The Russian continued trading. Do they think I wanted to invade? To march on Moscow? And now Kutuzov makes a stand, at Borodino, some speck on the map! No matter, I will dine in Moscow yet! False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.HB_Borodino_sfx_1 Kutuzov has strengthened his left flank; his right flank looks weak; the town Borodino should be taken! False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.HB_Borodino_sfx_2 To fortify the northern section of his right flank, Kutuzov's troops have constructed the Raevski redoubt. This stretches down to Semenovskaia village. False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.HB_Borodino_sfx_3 To the south he has constructed the three Vee-shaped Bagration Fleches. False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.HB_Borodino_sfx_4 Taking the Redoubt and Bagration Fleches will be a challenge, even for me. False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.HB_Dresden_Battle_Lost I swear, upon my honour, that my Grande Armée will not know defeat ever again! False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.HB_Dresden_Battle_Won Outnumbered, outgunned, and I still triumph! This coalition is a band of fools to oppose my will! False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.HB_Dresden_Intro_1 August 26th, 1813. Dresden, on the banks of the River Elbe, has been surrounded by the vast forces of the Allied Coalition. False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.HB_Dresden_Intro_2 The vast Austrian, Prussian and Russian forces, under General Schwarzenberg, believe they have cornered one of my commanders. They expect the city to fall without much resistance. False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.HB_Dresden_Intro_3 Within the city, French infantry man the various redoubts and defensive positions, in the hope of lasting long enough for reinforcements to arrive. False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.HB_Dresden_Intro_4 To the north of the river, my reserves are ready to cross the river and either strike at the enemy or move towards Dresden and reinforce the city's defences. False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.HB_Dresden_Narration Moscow did not agree with my digestion. The Russians burned it rather than leave it to me. And then treachery in Paris. I ordered a withdrawal. And my enemies, the Sixth Coalition, suddenly found courage. I must show them real soldiering again, at Dresden, to save Marshal Saint-Cyr. False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.HB_Dresden_sfx_1 The Prussians continue to shell Dresden! False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.HB_Dresden_sfx_10 We're surrounded! False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.HB_Dresden_sfx_11 Fall back across the river and re-group! False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.HB_Dresden_sfx_2 We have lost one of the redoubts! False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.HB_Dresden_sfx_3 The enemy has captured one of our redoubts! False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.HB_Dresden_sfx_4 Dresden will fall if we cannot rout the enemy! False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.HB_Dresden_sfx_5 The Coalition forces have entered the Grand Gardens! False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.HB_Dresden_sfx_6 Victory will certainly be ours! False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.HB_Dresden_sfx_7 The Austrian cavalry is charging! False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.HB_Dresden_sfx_8 Hold the redoubts! False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.HB_Dresden_sfx_9 Watch the river crossings outside the city! The enemy may move on our flank! False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.HB_Friedland_Battle_Lost I am Emperor of France. I will not kneel to any man, even if he has the armies of the world at his back! I refuse to be defeated! False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.HB_Friedland_Battle_Won Prussia, Russia, Austria, Britain, even Sweden! Let them come! My Grande Armée will prevail! False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.HB_Friedland_Intro_1 June 14th, 1807. General Bennigsen has made a grave error in his judgement. Ordering his entire army across the d'Alle to the west of Friedland, he believes his force vastly outnumbers my deceptively isolated Lannes' V Corps. False