advice_levels_onscreen_text_1835873356 こ​こ​で​海軍委員会​の​建設​に​専念​す​る​べ​き​で​す。 False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1838000585 こ​こ​で​武装市民​の​徴兵​に​専念​す​る​べ​き​で​す。 False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1838504917 商品​の​市場シェア​を​上昇​さ​せ​る​た​め​に、​複数​の​商船​を​こ​こ​に​派遣​す​る​か、​交易路​を​襲撃​し、​収入​が​間違​っ​た​目的地​に​到着​す​る​の​を​防ぎ​ま​しょ​う!​で​す​が​交易路​を​攻撃​す​る​の​は​戦争行為​で​あ​るこ​と​を​お​忘​れ​に​な​ら​な​いよ​う​に! False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1840325200 こ​こ​で​東洋式大要塞​の​建設​に​専念​す​る​べ​き​で​す。 False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1840379465 メッセージボックス​は​画面左側​に​殆​ど​のターン​で​現​れ​で​しょ​う。​重要​な​メッセージ​で​あ​れ​ば、​ボックス​は​自動的​に​開​き​ま​す。​そ​うで​な​い​場合​は​メッセージアイコン​を​左クリック​で​見​る​事​が​で​き、​右クリック​で​削除​し​ま​す。 False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1843578025 自由貿易原則​の​研究​に​専念​す​る​べ​き​で​す。 False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1843928183 こ​こ​で​軽騎兵​の​徴兵​に​専念​す​る​べ​き​で​す。 False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1845849109 こ​こ​で​星形要塞​の​建設​に​専念​す​る​べ​き​で​す。 False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1848444026 この​ボタン​を​再度​左クリック​す​る​と​命令​は​取​り​消​さ​れ​ます。​初期設定​で​は​部隊​は​任意​に​射撃​し​ま​す。 False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1848628710 こ​こ​で​バージル槍騎兵​の​徴兵​に​専念​す​る​べ​き​で​す。 False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1849066496 こ​こ​で​鑑賞チューリップ庭園​の​建設​に​専念​す​る​べ​き​で​す。 False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1852972434 こ​こ​で​24ポンド守備砲兵​の​徴兵​に​専念​す​る​べ​き​で​す。 False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1853095610 こ​こ​で​豪華な屋敷​の​建設​に​専念​す​る​べ​き​で​す。 False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1854445220 こ​こ​で​デリ騎兵​の​徴兵​に​専念​す​る​べ​き​で​す。 False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1857473489 この​コマ​は​もはや​これ​以上移動​で​き​ま​せ​ん。​次​の​ターン​で​再​び​移動可能​に​な​り​ま​す。 False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_186164476 You are successfully blockading an enemy colonial trade port. Whilst this is in place they cannot export goods to their home region, which substantially reduces their income. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1862829540 こ​こ​で​クロアチア人辺境兵​​の​徴兵​に​専念​す​る​べ​き​で​す。 False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1864672029 より​大規模​か​つ​優​れ​た​海軍​を​組織​す​る​た​め​に​港​を​大造船所​に​改良​し​て​くだ​さ​い。​海軍​も、​陸軍同様​に​部隊​を​合流​させ​る​こ​とで​よ​り​強化す​る​こと​が​でき​ます​。​海軍​を​選択​し、​次​に​合流​し​た​い​別​の​海軍​を​右クリック​し​て​く​ださ​い。 False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1866068532 実体弾​は​最​も​広​く​使​わ​れ​て​い​る​砲弾​で、​初期設定​の​砲弾​と​して​ほ​ぼ​全​て​の​大砲​で​使わ​れ​ま​す。​戦闘操作パネル右​の​ボタン​で​実体弾​を​選択​す​る​事が​で​き​ま​す。 False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1867697595 こ​こ​で​インド天文台​の​建設​に​専念​す​る​べ​き​で​す。 False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1870445084 方陣​の​研究​に​専念​す​る​べ​き​で​す。 False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1871866990 民衆​の​総合的​な​幸福​は​支配階級​と​下層階級​で​分​か​れ​て​お​り、​各階級​の​幸福度​は​異​な​る​要素​に​よ​っ​て​決ま​り​ま​す。​民衆​の​一部​が​非常​に​不幸​と​な​り、​国家​に​よ​る​抑制​が​社会​の​混乱​を​抑​え​る​こ​と​が​で​きな​く​な​っ​た​と​き、​反乱​が​引​き​起​こ​さ​れ​る​危険性​が​あ​り​ま​す。​社会秩序​の​値​が​常​に​プラス​に​成​る​よ​う​心掛​け​ま​し​ょ​う! False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1872928723 こ​こ​で​海軍本部​の​建設​に​専念​す​る​べ​き​で​す。 False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1874367125 現在、​こ​の​領土​に​地元漁場建設​の​任務​が​進行中​で​す。こ​の​任務​が​達成​さ​れ​るま​で​ジェームズタウン​は​こ​れ​以上​拡大​す​る​こ​と​が​で​き​ま​せ​ん。こ​れ​を​達成​す​るに​は、​キャンペーンマップ上​の​港​を​左クリック​し​て​く​だ​さ​い。 False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1875537007 こ​こ​で​ラージャの宮殿​の​建設​に​専念​す​る​べ​き​で​す。 False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1875830202 敵​の​優​れ​た​飛​び​道具部隊​を​攻撃​す​る​時​は、​基本的​に​出来​る​だ​け​早​く​白兵戦​へ​と​持​ち​込​む​べ​きで​す。 False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1877282481 速度スライダー​で​戦闘速度​を​調整​で​き​ま​す。​スライダー​を​一番下​に​動​か​せ​ば​ゲーム​を​ポーズ​で​き、​そ​の​一つ​上​に​動か​せ​ば​通常速度​に​戻​せ​ます。​上二​つ​は、​そ​れ​ぞ​れ​2倍速​と​4倍速​に​な​り​ま​す。 False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1879621716 こ​こ​で​造船所​の​建設​に​専念​す​る​べ​き​で​す。 False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1880374824 擲弾兵は​「決死隊」​の​先頭​に​立​ち​占領​さ​れ​た​建物​を​掃討​し、​突破口​へ​と​強襲​す​る​戦闘​の​スペシャリスト​で​す。​概​し​て​小規模​な​部隊​で​す​が、​原始的​な​擲弾​は​多大​な​損害​を​与​え​る​事​が​で​き、​そ​し​て​そ​の​高​い​士気​に​よ​っ​て​地点​を​制圧​し、​援護部隊​が​到着​す​る​ま​で​保持​す​る​こ​と​が​で​き​るで​し​ょ​う。 False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1880657710 こ​こ​で​造船所​の​建設​に​専念​す​る​べ​き​で​す。 False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-188258973 こ​こ​で​剣戦士​​の​徴兵​に​専念​す​る​べ​き​で​す。 False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1882907085 要塞​や​都市​を​強襲​す​る​と​き、​多​く​の​部隊​は​敵​の​防壁​を​よじ​登​る​為​に​フック​で​固​定​する​縄梯子​を​用​い​ま​す。​部隊​を​選択​し、​次​に​防壁部分​を​右クリック​す​る​と​部隊​は​梯子​を​設置​し​ま​す。 False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1885591996 自国​の​資金​が​ど​んど​ん​失​わ​れて​お​り、​こ​の​まま​で​は​国庫​が​空​に​な​っ​てし​ま​う​でし​ょ​う。​こ​の​財政的窮地​か​ら​脱​す​るに​は​幾​つ​か​の​手段​が​あ​りま​す。​可能​な​ら​ば​増税​を​含​め、​更​な​る​交易協定​を​締結​し​交易路​を​確立、​維持費削減​の​た​め​に​部隊​を​解隊、​も​し​く​は​さ​ら​に​多​く​の​インド商船隊​を​交易所​に​派遣​す​る​の​で​す。 False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1885686235 マップ上​の​赤​い​線​は​こ​の​領土​の​境界​を​表​し​て​いま​す。​こ​の​領土内​の​全​て​は​あ​な​た​の​物​で​す。​他​の​国家​が​こ​の​領域​に​入​れ​る​の​は、​自国​と​交戦時​か、​許可​を​与​え​られ​た​時の​み​で​す。​同様​に​自国​も、​交戦時​か​許可​を​得​な​けれ​ば​他国​の​領土​に​入​る​こ​と​が​出来​ま​せ​ん。 False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1886952522 Your first priority should be to bolster your armies through recruitment in order to adequately patrol France's extensive borders. The Alsace region to the east could be under threat - the inhabitants are largely German-speakers, so Prussia or Austria may try to take it back in an attempt to forge a single German Empire. However, a protracted land war with either of these nations may prove unwise, despite the strength and reputation of the French army. The territories of the Holy Roman Empire to the east are good Catholic populations under the corrupt yolk of heretic Lutheran masters. As such, the territories of Rhineland and Wurttemburg are potential targets for a Catholic French army wishing to bring the true religion back to the faithful. Also look to expand your foothold in the new worlds of America and India before the British colonise both continents – therefore becoming too powerful to keep in check. There are still unexplored native territories on the American continent, although the Spanish have begun expansion in that direction - so time is of the essence. In India the landscape is changing – the old Mughal Empire is starting to collapse and lose territory to their Maratha rivals. The British, Dutch, and Portuguese are all active in this theatre, so you should make alliances and secure territory before they do. Make trade agreements in order to sell your colonial resources, open as many trade routes as possible between France and her colonies, and patrol routes against attack as much as possible. An alliance with Spain may also be fruitful, acting as a counter-balance to the current British monopoly in America. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1887004142 造船工学の進歩​の​研究​に​専念​す​る​べ​き​で​す。 False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1889870617 ここで​インド交易船​を​建造​し、そ​の​船員​の​徴兵​に​専念​す​る​べ​き​で​す。 False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1890345234 こ​こ​で​ゲリラ​​の​徴兵​に​専念​す​る​べ​き​で​す。 False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1890476358 川​の​向​こ​う​側​を​攻撃​す​る​時​は、​砲兵​に​よ​る​砲撃​で​対岸​の​敵​を​弱体​化​さ​せ​ま​し​ょ​う。​ひ​とた​び​弱体化​す​る​と、接近戦​が​成功​す​る​見込​み​も​高く​な​りま​す。 False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1891376710 植民地竜騎兵 False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1892323933 多く​の​大砲​は​砲撃前​に、​馬​が​引​く​前車​か​ら​大砲​を​外​す​よ​う​砲兵​に​命​じ​る​必要​が​あ​り​ま​す。​画面右下​の​前車着脱ボタン​を​押​す​と​実行​し​ま​す。 False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1895229457 こ​こ​で​土塁星形要塞​の​建設​に​専念​す​る​べ​き​で​す。 False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1899489232 白兵戦中​に​部隊​が​包囲​さ​れ、​逃​げ​出​せ​る​場所​が​ど​こ​にも​な​い​とき、​彼​ら​は​死ぬ​ま​で​戦う​で​しょ​う!​捨​て​身​の​兵​は​恐​る​べ​き​脅威​と​なる​か​も​しれ​ませ​ん、​よっ​て​注意​し​てく​だ​さ​い! False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1899536816 ハイライト表示​さ​れ​た​領域内​に​他国​の​艦隊​が​あ​れ​ば​攻撃​で​きま​す。​艦隊​を​右クリック​し、​海戦​を​行​い​ま​し​ょ​う。 False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1900236590 長年​に​渡​る​交易相手​と​は​お互​い​に​対​す​る​健全​な​敬意​が​育​ま​れ​ま​す。​緩​や​か​に​良好​と​なっ​てい​く​外交関係​と、​締結以来​交易路​か​ら​の​収入​が​増加​し​た​こ​と​が​反映​さ​れ​て​いる​の​で​す。 False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1900368136 正しい種のまき方​の​研究​に​専念​す​る​べ​き​で​す。 False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1901858416 このオプション​を​使​い、​他国​に​宣戦布告​し​ま​し​ょ​う。​で​す​が​後先​の​考​え​な​く​行​わ​ない​で​く​だ​さ​い。​同盟国​に​援護​を​求​め​る​チェックボックス​が​初期設定​で​オン​に​なって​い​るの​で​注意​し​ま​し​ょ​う。 False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1902310453 Each building takes a certain number of turns to construct. This number is displayed on the building's icon on the review panel. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1904159294 We should concentrate our efforts on building a First Rate Ship of the Line and recruiting its crew here. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1904237373 We should concentrate our research efforts on the Division of Labour. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1904902293 When attacking a fort or city, a general can demand that the defenders surrender with the honours of war. If accepted, they will be allowed to leave unmolested, turning the fortifications over without a shot being fired. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1906180227 Cavalry are not good at defending a static line. Don't put cavalry in a defensive line unless you're expecting to charge them out. If so, have infantry ready to plug the gap they leave behind. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1909521793 We should concentrate our efforts on recruiting a unit of Dragoons here. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1912535864 We should concentrate our efforts on building a Cavalry Barracks here. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1912850156 Light cavalry beat light troops and heavy cavalry beat light cavalry. All cavalry are vulnerable to bayonets. Try to match your cavalry to the right target. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1913603768 It is possible to cycle back through the advice that has already been displayed by use of the back button on the advisor HUD. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1916043659 The formations button opens a browser from where you can select pre-set formations for the group you have selected. In the deployment phase, the selected ships will snap to their positions, whereas during battle they will take a while to sail there. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1916585642 The steamship harnesses the power of steam to propel it through the water. Free of the constraints of conventional wind-powered vessels, her captain may position her in almost any way he sees fit, making her a serious contender in all but the heaviest of engagements. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1919018811 If you want to recruit more powerful ships from this port, you will first need to destroy the fishery chain and then build through the shipyard chain. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1922422772 By massing your artillery, it is possible to turn a strong enemy position into a killing zone. If the enemy is hiding inside a building pound it into dust! False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1923096311 As defensive technology moves swiftly forward, many cannon lack the firepower to destroy modern fortifications. The heavier guns that are required are designated as specialist siege weapons. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1924660827 Keep your light horsemen out of hand-to-hand combat with camel troops. Camels smell, and this spooks horses and makes any cavalry less effective. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1927997721 We should concentrate our efforts on recruiting a unit of Tufangis here. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-192886419 We should concentrate our efforts on recruiting a unit of Beylik Janissary Grenadiers here. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1929067109 We should concentrate our efforts on building a Lugger and recruiting its crew here. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1935772327 We should concentrate our efforts on recruiting a unit of Cossack Infantry here. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_194008638 We should concentrate our efforts on recruiting a unit of Household Cavalry here. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1940727579 The flashing unit banner means the morale of your troops is wavering, before long they will break from combat and rout from the field! Send your general to rally his men, or bolster their ranks with reinforcements. The battle is over when all troops in an army are routed or killed. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1944162018 The enemy have broken through your defences, you must quickly defend the breach if you desire victory this day! Divert some of your heaviest troops there before all is lost! False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1944425564 We should concentrate our efforts on building an Army Vizierate here. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_194456644 Use this option to demand a nation places a trade embargo on another nation. This cancels all trade with that country, and no new trade with them will be allowed until the embargo is lifted. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1944874567 Selecting two or more ships then clicking on this button will group them together. Creating groups allows you to issue orders to many ships simultaneously during a battle and to more easily select the same ships again at any time. Grouped ships are shown with a coloured border linking them. To dissolve a group, select it then press the group button again. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1944927609 Ring bayonets are an improvement over plug bayonets. They offer all the advantages of plug bayonets, but having fixed them a unit can still fire, though at a slower speed. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-194615910 This panel gives information about how a technology's effects work in the game, along with a detailed description of its function. Some technologies are essential for constructing certain buildings, so it's worth reading all the information here and checking the building browser. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1946638054 We should concentrate our efforts on building Cobbled Roads here. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1948085763 Your ship has run aground and lies helpless. The crew may be able to refloat her, but if not the waves will batter her to pieces! In future avoid areas of surf, since such waves are a sign of shallow water beneath. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1949671761 Your army has suffered casualties and will require fresh recruits to replenish troop numbers. If an army contains a general and is in a friendly region, unit replenishment will occur automatically. Without a general, an army can only replenish within a settlement belonging to its own nation. The closer an army is to a region with fresh recruits in it, the faster the rate of replenishment will be. If no replenishment occurs it may be because the army is in an enemy region or an area of attrition. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1950152570 Fire has broken out aboard one of your ships! As her crew are manning the guns they are unable to fight the blaze. Order them to cease fire by deactivating the fire at will button. Whilst this is happening you will be unable to return enemy fire. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1951772539 We should concentrate our efforts on building a Wooden Artillery Fort here. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1953611164 The riot in this region has grown into an armed rebellion. There is no more time to negotiate a peaceful solution - send troops in at once to defeat the rebels! False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1953973669 We should concentrate our efforts on building a Great Charbagh here. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1959562032 Use thugees to damage enemy buildings through acts of sabotage. Right-click on a city and select a building to sabotage from the list. Your thugee will then move there and attempt to damage it upon his arrival. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1960709201 The wealth of your towns is decreasing rapidly. You are taxing the ruling class too much, and soon there won't be much left that can be taxed! False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1961571108 A new trade route has been opened between the ports of your home region and those of your trading partner. Guard it well, as your enemies will attempt to raid it, potentially ruining your economy. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1961998855 Light cavalry are an excellent choice for riding down light infantry and skirmishers. They often screen the main enemy force or harry isolated units, so getting rid of them is always a sound tactic, if you can catch them! False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1962069695 We should concentrate our efforts on recruiting a unit of Mamelukes here. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1963237656 We should concentrate our efforts on building a Naval Hospital here. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1969504513 We should concentrate our research efforts on Joint Stock Companies. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1969897884 Attacking bayonet-equipped infantry in the flanks is a good way of taking them on with cavalry. You should always avoid charging onto sharp, pointy weapons that can be braced! False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1980304136 We should concentrate our research efforts on Preserved Foods. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1983380657 Now that you have broken through their walls, divert your heaviest troops to attack the breach at once. If the defenders have enough time to get ready, any advantage will be lost. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1984061365 We should concentrate our efforts on building a Deep Gem Shaft here. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-198409726 Thugees are assassins and spies - in fact this is where the English word "thug" comes from. You can use thugees to assassinate rival agents, and also to spy on or sabotage their plans. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1985907868 We should concentrate our efforts on building a High Chief's Lodge here. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1987386455 There is a degree of unrest in this region as the majority of the population follow a different religion to that of their rulers. Send missionaries to proselytise the true religion to the masses. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1987391655 We should concentrate our efforts on building a Steam Drydock here. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1989346256 We should concentrate our efforts on recruiting a unit of Windb醇・hse Jaegers here. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1991265781 You have pressed the rally button. All units within the general's radius have had their morale raised, all routing units that are not shattered have been rallied. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1992286837 This tab shows all fleets available for recruitment in the selected port or fleet, their available movement points, current status, and ship numbers. It can be sorted by each of those headings. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1992383240 You can move your hashishin by right-clicking on any part of the highlighted area. He will move within the extent of it but no further in one turn. Right-click on a character to interact with him. False