• 追加された行はこの色です。
  • 削除された行はこの色です。
arrow L_Tooltip_6a005b	Switch map context	True
arrow R_Tooltip_6a005b	Switch map context	True
txt_function_strat_tech_required_Text_230009	Requires the following technology:	True
option2_text_tx_decline_Text_67002b	Decline	True
spectate_icon_Tooltip_700002	Spectators allowed	True
positive_bar_Tooltip_560048	Positive influences||Build government buildings such as a parliament and keep the town well garrisoned to provide a strong guiding hand to help protect the rabble from themselves.||Your lowest classes can't work on an empty stomach - develop your agriculture to provide food and work and improve public order.	True
bar_Tooltip_210058	This is the speed this unit can reload and the chance it has of misfires.||The higher this skill, the faster the reloading speed and less likely the chance of misfires.||Gaining experience and researching sheet lead cartridges in naval technology will improve this skill.	True
positive_bar_Tooltip_7e006f	This represents the positive influences affecting Town Wealth Growth.||Developing educational establishments such as colleges, schools and workshops will increase Town Wealth Growth.||Industry also encourages growth - build and upgrade ports in your region to improve this value.	True
bar_Tooltip_3d004c	Maneuverability of this unit.||This determines the speed this ship can change course.||Different ships have different sailing characteristics.	True
string_NewState_Text_740077	Exit to Main Menu	True
bar_Tooltip_550022	This determines the amount of damage your guns will inflict on an enemy target.	True
radar arrow L_Tooltip_11006d	Next theatre	True
dropdown_spectators_Tooltip_260048	Set the number of spectators of your battles here.	True
radar arrow R_Tooltip_11006d	Next theatre	True
TX_Theatre_DY_Tooltip_360076	The map above depicts the regions owned by your nation and the nation you are negotiating with.||Your nation's regions are coloured in green, whereas theirs are coloured red.||Mousing over the regions marked on the map will tell you their names so you can choose them from the two panels below.||Switch to another theatre view by using the scrolling buttons to the left and right.	True
positive_bar_Tooltip_740064	Positive population growth||The most important influence for a healthy population growth is farming.||Constructing fishing ports will also have a positive effect.||Maintaining a low tax rate for the lowest classes will also promote population growth.	True
tx_total_regions_held_NewState_Text_220078	Total victory regions held:	True
bar_Tooltip_410033	This reflects the likelihood of hitting the enemy by fire.||Gaining experience in battle will improve this value.	True
marble_bar_Tooltip_450017	This is your options panel.||From here you can view the units that are available to recruit, their cost and the amount of times it will take to recruit them.||Right click on a unit card to see detailed information on that unit. Left click to add it to the queue, and left click on it again to remove it from the queue.||As your town grows and your resources develop more units will become available to you.||If a building enables you to recruit a unit it is listed in it's building details panel.	True
bar_Tooltip_1f006e	You can improve the range of your guns by researching rifled cannons.||This can be done in the naval technology panel.	True
total_Tooltip_600073	Total population growth rate||This is based on the preceding positive and negative influences.||This region's total population will increase by this percentage every turn.	True
option2_text_NewState_Text_5c004a	Side with Rebels	True
title_frame_AccessDenied_Tooltip_5d0020	You have attempted to move one of your armies into another nation's territory without permission.||This action could be an act of war or a simple mistake.||This panel will make your intentions clear and stop any unwanted bloodshed.||You now have several options to choose from.||Move your cursor over the options for more information.	True
speed_Tooltip_120017	Speed of this unit.||You can improve the speed of this unit by researching copper bottoms in the naval technology.	True
speed_NewState_Text_150052	Speed	True
bar_Tooltip_3b004c	This is the speed this artillery can reload and the chance it has of misfires.||The higher this skill, the faster your reload speed will become and your guns will be less likely to misfire.||This will be raised by gaining experience in battle.||To reduce the chance of misfires you could research the percussion cap in military technology.	True
dy_value_Tooltip_26002b	Reloading level for this unit.||This is the speed this artillery can reload and the chance it has of misfires.||The higher this skill, the faster the reloading speed and less likely the chance of misfires.||This will be raised by gaining experience in battle.||To reduce the chance of misfires you could research the percussion cap in military technology.	True
label_txt_NewState_Text_6d0013	Unit scale	True
dy_value_Tooltip_42004e	The hull strength determines how much damage this unit will receive when hit.||You can strengthen a hull by researching seasoning in naval technology.	True
button_save_replay_Tooltip_670075	Save replay	True
auto_Tooltip_280020	If this is checked, all battles will be autoresolved on the campaign map.||Battle outcomes will be judged on each side's statistics.||However, if both sides are closely matched you may want to play the battle manually as you have more chance of victory.	True
heading_txt_Tooltip_370038	This screen enables you to play a battle immediately without having to play through a campaign.||Here are four different battle types and the saved battle option - choose from one of these and then adjust the settings to your taste! ||Mouse over the five battle options to learn more details about them.	True
dy_value_Tooltip_7f0077	Melee attack skill for this unit||This skill determines the chance of a successful hit on the enemy when the unit is engaged in melee.||Battle hardened troops will gain experience in melee and this skill will increase.||Researching bayonets in military technology will improve melee attack.	True
button_family_Tooltip_520026	Set heir	True
TX_Protectorates_Protectorates_Text_2e007b	Protectorates	True
button_zoom_Tooltip_260058	Toggle zoom||Once the map view is zoomed you can left-click and drag on the map to move the view.	True
line_astern_Tooltip_4b007a	Line Astern	True
dy_value_Tooltip_6f0064	Cost of recruitment for this unit.	True
button_txt_tx_Text_670023	Rematch	True
tx_appointees_opposition_Tooltip_45004e	These are the opposition.||If there is an election they could replace your current cabinet.||This may be for the better,  as they could prove to have stronger managerial skills and could add more bonuses to their various areas.||Right-click to bring up their detail panels.	True
button_tx_peace_Tooltip_4e0054	You are currently at war with this nation.||If this nation has strong trade resources it may be advantageous to make peace and become a trade partner rather than an enemy.	True
icon_voicechat_on_Text_3c0031	Voice Chat enabled	True
button_txt_Tooltip_610031	Click this button if you wish to cancel your move.||If you choose this you will not continue your path into the other faction's territory.||This option can be used if you have made a mistake or if you want to wait before choosing one of the other options.	True
missionary_mission_Tooltip_460073	Found Mission||Send your missionary out to convert the masses to your nation's religion.||Use this to improve public order in your regions or to stir things up in another nation's region.	True
label_txt_NewState_Text_1d0069	Building details	True
button_ready_Unselected_Tooltip_4e0070	Not Ready	True
title_NewState_Text_e006f	Episode II	True
label_txt_NewState_Text_6a0018	Land units	True
heading_txt_NewState_Text_5e0049	Road to Independence	True
header_NewState_Text_5d001b	World Market	True
button_withdraw_Tooltip_120023	Withdraw||If defeat looks inevitable it may be better to withdraw your ships and regroup than to lost them in a battle you can't win.||You can cancel this at any time by giving new orders to the selected ships.	True
tx_upkeep_navy_Tooltip_540018	This is the amount of money it costs each turn to support your naval fleets. Disband ships to reduce this figure.||Fleets are made up from ships. Each ship has its upkeep costs in its ship details panel.||Ships that are not doing anything are wasting money. Disband them or move them where they wil be useful.	True
selector arrow L_Tooltip_1e0039	Click on this button to switch the review panel and map view to the next target.||These buttons are context sensitive and the next target will depend on what you have currently selected.||If you have an army currently selected it will move to your next army, if you have a town or city selected it will move to your next town or city and so on.	True
button_tx_trade_cancel_Text_79005f	Cancel Trade Agreement	True
card_window3_Tooltip_f0013	Your minister for justice.||He affects your public order by adding bonuses to repression, garrisons effect and town watch costs.||The level of these bonuses are dependent on his management skill.||His will still carry his incompetence to his new post, but perhaps he will do less damage!||Right-click on his portrait to bring up his details panel.	True
heading_Tooltip_3d007f	On this screen you can select the type of campaign, your battle and campaign difficulty and see victory conditions vital to winning.||Move your cursor over the different areas below to see more information.	True
pip_gov+_Tooltip_2c001c	This is a bonus received by your government ministers who have positive money and management traits.||You can effect this bonus by selecting skilled ministers.	True
button_tx_alliance_cancel_Tooltip_600041	Click this button to cancel any alliance you currently hold with the other faction.||If you cancel an alliance with a faction you will lose all the advantages associated with allied factions.||You may wish to do this if there is an enemy of this faction you want to impress.	True
arrow L_Tooltip_6a0056	Previous theatre view||The world is divided between three theatre views: Europe, America and India.||This map will only show you the theatres where you own regions.	True
red_bar_Tooltip_2b007b	Balance of power||This shows the relative strength of each side - larger numbers do not necessarily make a superior force!||Your side are represented by the red, and the enemy is represented by blue.||If the enemies bar is significantly larger than yours, it means they have the advantage and you will have to plan carefully if you want to defeat them!||There is a version of this in battle that will reflect the fortunes of each side as the battle progresses.	True
nav_UC_button_turn_left_Tooltip_410063	Rotate Left	True
accuracy_Tooltip_410033	This reflects the likelihood of hitting the enemy by fire.||Gaining experience in battle will improve this value.	True
selector arrow R_Tooltip_42006b	Previous region	True
selector arrow L_Tooltip_42006b	Previous region	True
research_Tooltip_490067	This agent is a learned man, and can use his education to the advancement of your nation.||Clicking on this button will move your agent into the selected school, college or university and bring up the Research and Technology panel.||A gentlemen in a college or university will help speed up any research undertaken there.||See the Research and Technology panel for more details.	True
txt_header_generic_Text_7a002c	Provides the following effects:	True
effects_icons3_navy_research_Tooltip_3a0057	Naval research	True
tx_deployed army_NewState_Text_220035	Deployed army:	True
year_tx_tx_Text_170038	Year	True
heading_tx_NewState_Text_1e001c	Screen resolution	True
dy_title_NewState_Text_480067	Technology Advances	True
button_options_Tooltip_230035	Change settings such as advisor help and battle time limit here.||You can change these settings at any time during the campaign on the Game Settings panel.	True
UC_button_move_forwards_Tooltip_470049	Move forwards||Hold this button to move the selected units forwards, single click to move forward a small amount.||The final position will be shown using green markers.	True
option2_text_tx_decline(breaks_alliance)_Text_50045	Decline (breaks alliance)	True
upkeep_cost_NewState_Text_550060	Upkeep Cost	True
head_tx_tx_Text_660055	Nation	True
demands_title_faction_right_Text_510018	Their Offers	True
head_tx_tx_Text_730047	Status	True
UC_button_increase_file_Tooltip_3c001b	Increase file||Increases the file, or depth of the selected unit.	True
head_tx_tx_Text_170021	Building	True
upper_class_reaction_icon_Happy_Tooltip_5d001b	Total upper class public order.||Your upper class are currently under control.||This is based on the positive and negative factors to the left.	True
button_prestige_Tooltip_410078	Prestige.||Clicking on this will bring up the prestige details panel.||If your faction has high prestige it will have a stronger diplomatic presence.||To see more information click on this button to bring up the prestige details panel.	True
checkbox_selected_down_off_Tooltip_63001d	Automanaging taxes||Click to manually manage taxes.	True
effect3_Tooltip_650057	Land Upkeep Cost	True
options_tx_NewState_Text_770027	Options	True
dy_value_Tooltip_120017	Speed of this unit.||You can improve the speed of this unit by researching copper bottoms in the naval technology.	True
title_NewState_Text_47006f	Episode I	True
arrow_L_Tooltip_220010	Shuffle unit||Move the selected unit towards front of reinforcement queue.||Units at the front of the reinforcement queue will be the first brought into battle.||There is a maximum of twenty units allowed in battle at one time, so you may want to have the strongest units at the front of the queue.	True
dy_value_Tooltip_5d005a	This determines the speed this ship can change course.||Different ships have different sailing characteristics.	True
title_NewState_Text_4f0067	Battle List	True
button_tx_war_Text_3a0026	Declare war	True
title_NewState_Text_2d0006	Game Settings	True
tx_income_NewState_Tooltip_3f0066	This is the income you gain from taxing the wealth of all your regions.	True
arrow_R_Tooltip_180029	Previous	True
title_NewState_Text_7e0051	Philosophy	True
head_tx_tx_Text_90050	Agent	True
arrow_R_Tooltip_310005	Shuffle unit||Move the selected unit towards back of reinforcement queue.||Units at the back of the reinforcement queue will be the last brought into battle.||There is a maximum of twenty units allowed in battle at once, so you may want to move the weakest units to the end of the queue.	True
label_txt_NewState_Text_2b005b	Funds:	True
label_txt_NewState_Text_530023	Battle Time Limit:	True
heading_txt_save_Text_6e0022	Save Battle Setup	True