TX_Casualties_NewState_Text_1b003f	Lost	True
demand_tech_tx_NewState_Text_320013	Demand Technology	True
label_tx_NewState_Text_58000c	Show Subtitles	True
winning_tx_NewState_Text_45003a	Winning Side:	True
icon_rel_animist_Tooltip_46003f	Animist||You will have more public order with populations that follow your national religion.||You can use your missionaries to start converting a region by moving them into that area.	True
label_tx_NewState_Text_20007c	Path Markers	True
dy_faction_stance_Tooltip_3b0079	This is the target's nationality and your nation's political standing with them.||You can perform this action on any character, whether you are at war, neutral or allied to their nation.	True
label_tx_NewState_Text_44001a	HDR	True
label_tx_NewState_Text_34006a	30 minutes	True
label_tx_NewState_Text_37006b	V-Sync	True
label_tx_NewState_Text_6c0036	Middle Mouse Button	True
heading_txt_NewState_Text_d0024	Total War Online	True
icon_rel_sikh_Tooltip_b000e	Sikh||You will have more public order with populations that follow your national religion.||You can use your missionaries to start converting a region by moving them into that area.	True
human_tx_NewState_Text_4e0055	Play human vs. human only	True
pay_once_Tooltip_6c0079	Offering money in this way is more likely to be accepted than smaller regular payments, as these could be easily revoked.||If you demand a one off sum you will want it to be a substantial amount of money.||However, if it is too large it may be beyond the other nation's means.	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_a0040	Request Military Access	True
america_Tooltip_44002d	The Americas||America, Europe and India are theatres where you can develop cities, recruit armies and wage war.||This is where you build your empire.	True
regions_Tooltip_7b0047	Your regions, with the region's capital listed underneath.||Left-click on each region to jump to its location on the campaign map.||Right-click to bring up the details for the selected region.||You can order your regions in alphabetical order by clicking on this column's title.	True
upkeep_cost_Tooltip_b004f	Cost of upkeep for this unit.||You will have to pay this amount of money every turn that you have this unit.||If you are not using this unit it may be cheaper to disband it and recruit it again later rather than keep paying for its upkeep.	True
tx_taxes_tooltip_amanage_off_Tooltip_150009	You are currently controlling the tax rates in this theatre directly.||Check this box to automanage taxes.||Tax rates will be set for you, aiming for the best balance of healthy tax income, avoiding public unrest, and allowing your region's economies to grow.	True
button_lists_Tooltip_340057	Lists||The Lists panel details all your agents, armed forces, fleets and regions.||From this panel you can get a snapshot of your nation.||To see more information click this button to bring up the Lists panel.	True
r_arrow_amount_Tooltip_6d0007	Increase turns	True
description_txt_NewState_Text_4f005e	... Being a Practical Accounting for Military Officers of the Rudimentary Arts of GENERALSHIP. In the main Comprising INSTRUCTION in the  Methods of  Drill,  Formation and the Corrective Purposes of  Discipline upon formed Bodies of Men.	True
turns_Tooltip_70079	This section lists your games, turns played and date and time of saving.||You can sort them name, turns and date by clicking on the appropriate column title.	True
tx_total_NewState_Text_67006b	Total income from taxes	True
pay_repeatedly_Tooltip_17001a	Offers of regular payments rather than a one off sum is less likely to be accepted as the payments could be easily revoked.||Demanding smaller regular payments may be more manageable for the other nation, and so have a greater chance of being accepted.||Select the amount of turns below.	True
war_declared_tx_Tooltip_54006a	Now you have declared war you can see which nations have joined and which have refused.||This may have caused changes to allies for both sides, which you can check on each nation's diplomacy information.	True
tab_title_NewState_Text_d0026	Prestige	True
button_lists_Unselected_Tooltip_4c	L	True
wealth_Tooltip_4e0060	Wealth is based on a nation's income after costs.||Wealth is relative, and each nation's position is measured against all other nation's riches.||If they are a wealthy nation they should be able to offer more, make sure you are not short-changed!	True
nav_button_ram_Tooltip_41003f	Ram	True
tx_turns_until..._NewState_Text_53004d	Next town developing:	True
cancel_end_trade_Tooltip_19007a	Cancel end trade partnership	True
allies_Tooltip_6f0013	These are this faction's allies.||Military alliances can help or hinder diplomatic negotiations.||If some of their allies are also your allies, they will have common ground with you, earning you a little more trust.||This works the other way though - if their allies are your enemies they may have to work harder in negotiations.	True
city_management_tx_Tooltip_d0066	If this box is checked, taxes and construction will be automatically managed.||This will free you up to concentrate on other areas of the game.	True
effects_icons1_policing_costs_Tooltip_6b000a	Policing costs	True
effects_icons2_policing_costs_Tooltip_6b000a	Policing costs	True
effects_icons3_policing_costs_Tooltip_6b000a	Policing costs	True
region_name_Tooltip_100038	This is your currently selected region.||Use the arrows to the left and right to switch to your next region's details.	True
cancel_end_alliance_Tooltip_600028	Cancel end alliance	True
txt_allies_ownership_NewState_Text_760048	Allies	True
zoom+_Tooltip_6b007b	Zoom in	True
admin_cost_tx_default_Text_660063	Administration cost	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_45003e	Map name	True
coins_Tooltip_250057	Unlike the upkeep cost, this is a one off payment.	True
dy_total_Tooltip_70004b	This money will be added to your funds next turn.||When added to the total tax incomes for the other theatres you will get the total tax income for your nation.||Changing any of the tax level sliders will affect this number.	True
entities_title_Universities_Text_4a0068	Educational Buildings	True
tx_Military_Tooltip_790057	This is based on the strength of your armies, your military research and your military conquests.	True
button_switch_Tooltip_640077	Switch alliance	True
post_governor_europe_Tooltip_420003	Governor for Europe||This man looks after your nation's interests for your regions in Europe.||He affects your tax income, repression and army upkeep cost for this theatre by adding bonuses.||Right-click on his portrait to bring up his details panel.	True
button_accept_Tooltip_720072	Accept	True
Turns_queued_Tooltip_460054	Recruitment turns	True
enemy_combatants_header_Tooltip_3f0062	Compare your enemies'details to your own to judge your chances of victory and to be fully prepared for the fight ahead.	True
panel_heading_tx_navy_Tooltip_250066	Navy setup panel.||By default the units are balanced and chosen for you, but you can delete and add units to create your own setup.||You can also give or take away experience for your units, depending on your funds.	True
region_name_Tooltip_5a007f	Currently selected region.||Use the arrows to the left and right to switch to your next region's details.	True
button_ok_declared_Tooltip_720052	Accept	True
post_governor_america_Tooltip_2b006a	Governor for America||This man looks after your nation's interests for your regions in America.||He affects your tax income, repression and army upkeep cost for this theatre by adding bonuses.||Right-click on his portrait to bring up his details panel.	True
gov_type_tx_republic_Tooltip_5b000e	This type of government has the biggest positive effect on your economic growth and technological research.||The repression factor for a republic is low - if you don't keep your population happy riots are likely to happen!	True
nav_button_board_Tooltip_1d0047	Board	True
label_tx_NewState_Text_50074	SSAO (ambient shadow)	True
cmp_diff_tx_Tooltip_600008	This is your campaign difficulty setting.||You can increase or decrease the campaign difficulty with the slider.	True
minus_Tooltip_5c005a	Negative growth||The factors affecting the rate at which your region wealth will grow per turn.||Move your cursor over the icons to see what is hindering growth.	True
button_attack_Tooltip_3a007b	Attack||Fight the battle on the battlemap.||You can choose to autoresolve the battle if you think the odds are in your favour.||However, you have a better chance at victory if you fight the battle manually.	True
tx_sap_points_NewState_Text_410052	Sap Points  constructed:	True
_title_frame_sabotage_Tooltip_2c007e	This is your sabotage panel, and from here you can see your sabotage options.||An ill-placed spanner or an 'accidental' fire can work wonders!||Damaged buildings will stop providing any income or bonuses until it is fully repaired - which costs money in itself!||There are more subtle motivations for sabotage - if you succeed, the targetted faction will automatically lay blame at the feet at their most hated enemy.||Perfect for playing one side off against another!||Before you do anything, check your chances of success.||If you fail, you may be captured and your faction will not be favourably looked on by your target.||Thatメs if they donメt make an example of you and decide to do some damage of their own!	True
nav_button_shot_grape_Tooltip_3e005f	Grape shot	True
TripleLineGrandBattery_Tooltip_3e0015	Triple Line Grand Battery	True
button_dagger_Tooltip_3e001d	Sabotage||Click here once you have chosen your target.||You will then receive the result of the sabotage attempt.||Skilled rakes can perform sabotage and escape with their identity secret.||If this happens, the victim's nation will place the blame at the feet of their most hated enemy, and your nation will be overlooked.||This is a great way to escalate tension between two nations and play them off against each other.||However, if you are discovered it will affect your diplomatic relationship.	True
effects_icons1_prestige_Tooltip_d0026	Prestige	True
effects_icons2_prestige_Tooltip_d0026	Prestige	True
effects_icons3_prestige_Tooltip_d0026	Prestige	True
heading_Tooltip_e0060	Select sides, invite friends and recruit units here.||Move your cursor over the different sections for more information.	True
negative_bar_Tooltip_5c005a	Negative growth||The factors affecting the rate at which your region wealth will grow per turn.||Move your cursor over the icons to see what is hindering growth.	True
button_diplomacy_Tooltip_56001c	Diplomatic Relations||War among nations is unavoidable when attempting to build an empire, but there is still something to be said for a persuasive word in the right ear.||The art of diplomacy can provide you with valuable information about the map, profitable trade partnerships and an ally to call on when things get rough.||To engage in diplomacy click this button to bring up the Diplomatic Relations panel.	True
label_txt_NewState_Tooltip_5b002d	Check this to simulate ambient lighting and shadows around the edges of objects.	True
tx_unit-type_Tooltip_67000b	Your currently selected unit.	True
tx_unit-type_Tooltip_2b0044	On this panel you can view a character's personal details, traits and entourage.||All of this is useful for judging a character and where best to use them.||Move your cursor over the different areas for more detail.	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_10042	Sound	True
offer_regions_tx_Tooltip_320021	Your regions for the selected theatre are listed below and in green on the region map above.||Select regions to offer by checking the box to the right of the region's name.||Selected regions will be highlighted on the map to give you an idea of their strategic value.||Switch theatre views on the region map to list the regions for that theatre.||When you return to the offers and demands panel the selected regions will be listed in your offers.	True
enemies_Tooltip_710051	A shared enemy is a sign that you are both on the same page and may prove useful in gaining this nation's trust.||On the other hand, if you are allied with one of their enemies you may be viewed with suspicion.	True
friendly_tx_NewState_Text_590008	Unranked Games	True
lower_class_reaction_icon_Happy_Tooltip_430020	Under control||This is the lowest class public order.||Your lowest class are currently under control.||They are either very happy, very repressed or a little of both!||This is based on the factors to the right.	True
dy_leader_Tooltip_470017	Your faction leader.||This man is your head of state, and his abilities and traits will help shape your faction's future, good or bad.||Right-click on this portrait to bring up his character scroll, or find out more on his governing abilities on the Ministers tab.	True
tx_leader_Tooltip_470017	Your faction leader.||This man is your head of state, and his abilities and traits will help shape your faction's future, good or bad.||Right-click on this portrait to bring up his character scroll, or find out more on his governing abilities on the Ministers tab.	True
auto_tx_Tooltip_280020	If this is checked, all battles will be autoresolved on the campaign map.||Battle outcomes will be judged on each side's statistics.||However, if both sides are closely matched you may want to play the battle manually as you have more chance of victory.	True
faction_leader_Tooltip_260038	This is the leader for this nation.	True
button_spectate_Tooltip_300012	This allows you to watch a multiplayer battle.	True
dy_building_title_NewState_Text_410056	Governor's Mansion	True
major_nations_bar_Tooltip_710003	These buttons are the filters for the major nations.||Click on a nation's button to toggle it's prestige results on or off.	True
tx_governor_NewState_Text_160016	Governor:	True
ammunition_NewState_Text_760059	Ammunition	True
tab_tx_Tooltip_310021	This is the status column for your fleets.||Here you will find a brief description of the fleet's location and what they are currently doing.||Left-click to jump to their location on the main map.||Right-click to bring up the details for the admiral or captain in charge of this army.	True
turn_time_tx_NewState_Text_38000a	Turn time:	True
label_tx_NewState_Text_700029	Battles	True
TripleLineStandard_Tooltip_7a0059	Triple Line Standard	True
range_Tooltip_a0034	A long range enables you to hit enemies from a distance, but weapons still tend to be more effective at shorter ranges.	True
reset_tx_NewState_Text_540008	Resetting in:	True
duel challenge received_Tooltip_430066	Your agent has been challenged to a duel!||This man has called his honour into question and he must answer it.||Move your cursor over the areas below to see more information.	True
dy_number_Tooltip_50062	The enemies' reinforcements for this battle.||Reinforcements are taken from any armies or navies nearby when the battle is declared.||Reinforcements will be brought in to replace any units or fleets you rout or destroy.	True
label_tx_NewState_Text_350069	Target Zones	True
head_tx_Tooltip_10069	This column shows the population for each region.||If your population is estimated to grow next turn there will be an arrow icon pointing upwards next to the population number.||If the population is not increasing you may want to bring up the region's details panel to see how to help it grow.||As a region's population increases, villages will turn into towns and harbours into ports.|| You can order this column according to the lowest and highest population by clicking on this column's title.||Right-click on each region to jump to its location on the campaign map.||Left-click to bring up the details for the selected region.	True
tx_defender_NewState_Text_160013	Defender:	True
map_label_NewState_Text_7c002c	America	True
Exempt region.._Tooltip_66006f	Exempting a region from tax will be a massive boost to your population's happiness.||This is an effective way of dealing with an unruly region, and could stop any riots that have started or may be brewing.||Freeing this region from the burden of taxes will also help population growth within the region.	True
UC_button_turn_right_Tooltip_a0073	Rotate right	True
label_tx_NewState_Text_3a006e	No Limit	True
regions_normal_Tooltip_280078	This column lists your regions. The region's capital is listed underneath each region.||Right-click on each region to jump to its location on the campaign map.||Left-click to bring up the details for the selected region.||You can order your regions in alphabetical order by clicking on this column's title	True
head_tx_tx_Tooltip_4b0010	This column shows where this building is found within the selected region.||For example it could be within your region capital, a port or it could be a region resource.	True
Map panel_Tooltip_1a0015	Taxes map||This provides an overall idea of how taxes are affecting your population's happiness.||Mousing over the map will tell you what the region is called and which nation owns it.||Your regions are shown in either red or green.||If a region is green it means the population's public order is under control; red means that they are close to rioting!||Tax levels affect a population's happiness, and as a result, their public order level.||Lowering tax levels will help calm rioting or unhappy regions.||However, as tax levels have one setting per theatre you may also be reducing tax levels for regions you don't need to, thus losing money.||Instead of reducing tax levels overall for a theatre, you could try other solutions.||For example, increasing militia presence in problem regions to increase oppression.	True
demand_tech_tx_Tooltip_630028	Technology is needed for certain units and buildings, as well as adding various bonuses to your nation.||There are three different types of technology to choose from - military, science and enlightenment.	True
offers_title_faction_right_Text_410077	Their Demands	True
details_title_NewState_Text_68002a	Details	True
button_naval_revert_to_prize_Tooltip_55000e	Remove captured ship from fleet||Selected ship is returned to the captured units panel.||Any captured ships can be exchanged for prize money.	True
ok_technology_Tooltip_1c0072	Click on this once you are happy with your choices.	True
pip_status_at war_Tooltip_710000	At war	True
button_trade_s_america_Tooltip_570063	South America trade theatre||Trade theatres work differently from the normal theatres.||You cannot develop cities or take regions here, these areas are for trade only.||Each trade theatre contains slots for your merchant ships to occupy.||Once you have a merchant ship in that slot you will gain a new trade route.||You must defend these trade stations with your navies.||Trade is a cut-throat business and your competitors will take what is not defended!	True
button_advisor_strat_Tooltip_b	Repeat advice	True
navy_promote_Tooltip_6a0069	Recruit an admiral||Admirals can add morale bonuses in battle, rally and recruit units at sea.	True
navy_demote_Tooltip_67006c	Click here to demote your admiral for this ship.||Not all men are born to lead, and sometimes your ship may be helmed by an incompetent admiral.||Demoting an admiral will stop any negative effects he may be having on the fleet, and leave room to promote a more suitable replacement.||You may also want to do this to save on upkeep costs without scuppering the ship.	True
turns_center_Tooltip_40004a	Construction turns left||You are currently building this item.	True
"Region Economy"_NewState_Text_20001b	Region Wealth	True
button_advisor_Tooltip_b	Repeat advice	True
TX_sabotaged_by_NewState_Text_53001e	Sabotaged by:	True
map_overlay_Tooltip_47004c	America||Any regions in green are already owned by your nation.||Any regions in red are not owned, but are needed to complete your victory conditions.||The regions you need are detailed in the bottom right of the panel.	True
button_attack_Tooltip_7e0033	Assault	True
auto_tx_NewState_Text_7a0039	Autoresolve all battles	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_4a003c	WASD Style	True
button_autoresolve_Tooltip_6e0030	Autoresolve assault||If you have a clear advantage over the enemy it is likely an autoresolve will win you the assault and you can gain a quick victory.||You can choose to manually fight the assault on the battle map if you wish, and your chances at victory are better.	True
tech_demand_Tooltip_26006d	Here you can demand any technology the other nation has researched.||Technology is needed for certain units and buildings, as well as adding various bonuses to your nation.||There are three different types of technology to choose from - military, science and enlightenment.	True
tx_Military_Tooltip_1c0039	Your military prestige.||This is based on the strength of your armies, your military research and your military conquests.	True
zoom-_Tooltip_7e0063	Zoom out||Use these buttons to zoom in and out of your radar map view.	True
post_navy_Tooltip_80037	Navy minister||He affects your naval costs by adding bonuses to ship recruitment and upkeep costs.||The level of these bonuses are dependent on his management skill.||Right-click on his portrait to bring up his details panel.	True
army_promote_Tooltip_5a0061	Recruit general||This will recruit a general and add a general's bodyguard unit.||Generals can build forts, add morale bonuses in battle, rally and recruit units on land.	True
tx_Naval_Tooltip_230027	The naval tree concentrates on naval weaponry, navigation and improving your ships.	True
nav_button_shot_chain_Tooltip_3d0050	Chain shot	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_590023	Add AI Player	True
txt_header_requires_Text_110015	Requires:	True
label_tx_NewState_Tooltip_d006e	Check this to turn on fog lighting effects.||If your game is running slow you may want to uncheck this.	True
button_ready_Selected_depress_Tooltip_4e0050	Not ready	True
popularity_percentage_Tooltip_19000d	Your current government's popularity.||This is based on your public's happiness.||You can check this by examining their public order.||Public order is made up from happiness and repression.||Though repression can keep your public under control, it won't make you very popular.||The lower your popularity is, the more likely your current cabinet will be voted out come elections.||If they are voted out they will be replace with the opposition.	True
ships_captured_tx_NewState_Text_3b006a	Ships Captured	True
population_Tooltip_10069	This column shows the population for each region.||If your population is estimated to grow next turn there will be an arrow icon pointing upwards next to the population number.||If the population is not increasing you may want to bring up the region's details panel to see how to help it grow.||As a region's population increases, villages will turn into towns and harbours into ports.|| You can order this column according to the lowest and highest population by clicking on this column's title.||Right-click on each region to jump to its location on the campaign map.||Left-click to bring up the details for the selected region.	True
queue_tx_NewState_Text_51	Queue	True
button_save_Tooltip_28000e	Save Army	True
TX_new_capital_not_yours_Text_47004d	Their new capital is now:	True