• 追加された行はこの色です。
  • 削除された行はこの色です。
effects_icons2_land_recruit_cost_Tooltip_69004a	Army recruitment costs	True
pip_tax_rate_Tooltip_460011	This is the base tax level you have set for this theatre.||You can change this in the Tax scroll.||Click the Set Tax Rate button below to bring up the Taxes scroll.	True
dy_prestige_Tooltip_3f000f	Your prestige depends on how you measure up against other nations.||It is a reflection of your achievements during your campaign.||Your conquests will improve your prestige, as well as research in the technologies.||Your total prestige points will be calculated at the end of your campaign and you can see where you stand compared to the other nations.	True
effect1_Tooltip_9005c	Ship recruitment cost	True
checkbox_inactive_Tooltip_b0073	If this box is checked construction will be managed automatically.||Construction will be managed for you according to your build policy.	True
tx_prestige_Tooltip_3f000f	Your prestige depends on how you measure up against other nations.||It is a reflection of your achievements during your campaign.||Your conquests will improve your prestige, as well as research in the technologies.||Your total prestige points will be calculated at the end of your campaign and you can see where you stand compared to the other nations.	True
dy_income_upper_Tooltip_6c0059	Total higher class tax income for this theatre.||Changing the higher class tax level sliders will affect this number.	True
panel right_Tooltip_5a0021	This panel is seperated into three tabs: Units, agents and	True
checkbox_roll_Tooltip_18ff86	You are currently controlling the tax rates in this theatre directly. Check this box to auto-manage taxes: tax rates will be set for you, aiming for the best balance of healthy tax income, avoiding public unrest, and allowing your regionsメ economies to grow	True
minus_Tooltip_720050	Negative influences||If the higher class become too unhappy, public order will break down resulting in riots and revolts.||High taxes will vex the higher classes and cause them to raise their voices in disgust.||Lowering taxes will improve their moods and stop any trouble from being stirred up.	True
label_txt_NewState_Tooltip_790029	This setting selects the amount of detail you will see on your buildings.||If your game is running slow you may want to reduce this.	True
town_wealth_heading_NewState_Text_390034	Growth in this turn	True
town_wealth_icon_Tooltip_5d0014	This is your Total Town Wealth Growth.||This is the amount that your Total Region Wealth will increase next turn.||This number is the result of the negative and positive factors on your Town Wealth Growth.||Move your cursor over the  pips to the left for more information.	True
Trade bar_Tooltip_3d0078	These are the nations that you are trading with.||Your trade income comes from the resources you export to these nations via trade routes from your home region to their home region.||To find out more information on your trade, see your Trade tab. You can also make more trade relations on your diplomatic details panel.	True
Trade bar_Tooltip_540008	The nations that you are trading with.||Your trade income comes from the resources you export to these nations via trade routes from your home region to their home region.||To find out more information on your trade, see your Trade tab. You can also make more trade relations on your diplomatic details panel.	True
trade_partners_NewState_Text_350074	Trade partners:	True
trade_partners_Tooltip_68001b	Trade partners are nations with trade routes between them.	True
trade_partners_Tooltip_6d0025	These are this faction's trade partners	True
trade_partners_Tooltip_7c007c	These are the factions that you are trade partners with.||These are the factions that you are trade partners with.	True
trade_partners_Tooltip_c003d	You have a trade partnership with these nations.	True
trade_Tooltip_43001e	This is your trade tab.||From here you can examine your imports and exports and the nations you have trade agreements with.||Mouse over the different areas to see more information.	True
trait_list_Tooltip_40007d	Every man in service is trained the same way, but that doesn't prevent them from having their own quirks and abilities.||Traits are earnt and created by the character's actions and experience over the game.||They can provide additional bonuses on the campaign and battle map and give a strategic use to specific characters.||Some may be economically minded and suited to running a city,whereas others have are more at home on the battlefield.||Not all traits are desirable, some traits are effectively penalties!||If this happens some damage control may be in order - move the character into a position where they can play to their strengths rather than fall prey to their weaknesses!||Move the cursor over the traits to see their effects.	True
traits_title_NewState_Text_540004	Character Traits	True
traits_title_Tooltip_20051	Traits are earned and created by the character's actions and experience over the game.||They can provide additional bonuses on the campaign and battle map and give a strategic use to specific characters.||Some may be economically minded and suited to running a city, whereas others are more at home on the battlefield.||Move your cursor over the traits to see their effects.||Not all traits are desirable, some traits are effectively penalties!||If this happens some damage control may be in order - move the character into a position where they can play to their strengths rather than fall prey to their weaknesses!||Move the cursor over the traits to see their effects.	True
traits_title_Tooltip_40007d	Every man in service is trained the same way, but that doesn't prevent them from having their own quirks and abilities.||Traits are earnt and created by the character's actions and experience over the game.||They can provide additional bonuses on the campaign and battle map and give a strategic use to specific characters.||Some may be economically minded and suited to running a city,whereas others have are more at home on the battlefield.||Not all traits are desirable, some traits are effectively penalties!||If this happens some damage control may be in order - move the character into a position where they can play to their strengths rather than fall prey to their weaknesses!||Move the cursor over the traits to see their effects.	True
travel_destinations_Tooltip_570029	Travel destinations panel.||This panel helps you to move between	True
treasury_icon_Tooltip_6e0076	This is your total Treasury Income.||This value is the amount that your region contributes to your funds every year.||It is calculated using your Region Wealth and your total tax rate.||Increase this number by raising taxes or increasing region wealth.	True
treasury_text_Tooltip_24007f	Total treasury income||The amount that this region contributes to your funds every year.||It is calculated using your region wealth and your total tax rate.||Increase this number by raising taxes or increasing region wealth.	True
treasury_text_Tooltip_6e0076	This is your total Treasury Income.||This value is the amount that your region contributes to your funds every year.||It is calculated using your Region Wealth and your total tax rate.||Increase this number by raising taxes or increasing region wealth.	True
treaties_title_NewState_Text_400000	Current Treaties	True
treaties_title_Tooltip_3f0073	These are the current treaties you have with their faction.||Before making any offers or demands, you may want to check this section.||If you already hold treaties with this faction it may affect your choices in negotiations.||For example, if they have granted you military access you do not want to do anything that would cause them to distrust you, or you could lose it.	True
treaties_title_Tooltip_57003f	Before making any offers or demands, you may want to check this section.||If you already hold treaties with this nation it may affect your choices in negotiations.||For example, if they have granted you military access you do not want to do anything that would cause them to distrust you, or you could lose it.	True
treaties_Tooltip_3f0073	These are the current treaties you have with their faction.||Before making any offers or demands, you may want to check this section.||If you already hold treaties with this faction it may affect your choices in negotiations.||For example, if they have granted you military access you do not want to do anything that would cause them to distrust you, or you could lose it.	True
treaties_Tooltip_530070	Before making any offers or demands, you may want to check this section.||If you already hold treaties with this faction it may affect your choices in negotiations.||For example, if they have granted you military access you do not want to do anything that would cause them to distrust you, or you could lose it.	True
TripleLineGrandBattery_Tooltip_12004e	Triple line grand battery||This arranges your grouped units into three lines.||The first line will be made up of light infantry and used to look out for ambushes.||The second line will put all artillery in the centre and any infantry on its flank to protect it.||Cavalry will be held in reserve in the third line.||This formation can be used in attack or defence.||Grouping your artillery together means you can concentrate your barrage on one area of the enemy.||You can use this to destroy specific units or cover an advance.||Defensively it can be used to protect a weak area of your army, any enemies attempting an attack will be mown down.	True
TripleLineGrandBattery_Tooltip_3e0015	Triple Line Grand Battery	True
TripleLineIntegratedArtillery_Tooltip_360074	Triple line intergrated artillery||This arranges your grouped units into three lines.||The first line will be made up of light infantry and used to look out for ambushes.||Missile cavalry, line infantry and artillery will make up the second line.||Non-missile cavalry will be held in reserve in the third line.||This is a defensive formation as your infantry and artillery are arranged to support each other.||Artillery can not move with the same speed as other units, so using this formation to attack will leave vunerable holes for the enemy to exploit.	True
TripleLineIntegratedArtillery_Tooltip_490006	Triple Line Integrated Artillery	True
TripleLineStandard_Tooltip_7a0059	Triple Line Standard	True
TripleLineStandard_Tooltip_f0064	Triple line standard||This arranges your grouped units into three lines.||The first line will be made up of light infantry and used to look out for hidden enemies.||Any line infantry and artillery will be placed in the second line along with missile cavalry.||Non-missile cavalry will be held in reserve in the third line to provide defence or launch an attack on the flanks.||If you are ambushed then the first line will take most of the attack while your stronger units will be safe and ready to counter-attack.	True
turn_time_tx_NewState_Text_38000a	Turn time:	True
turns_center_Tooltip_40004a	Construction turns left||You are currently building this item.	True
turns_corner_greyed_Tooltip_58	You cannot build this at this time.||You either have insufficient funds or need to research a technology before building.	True
turns_corner_normal_Tooltip_6f0027	Construction turns||This shows how many turns it will take to build this item.	True
Turns_in_between_turn_Tooltip_750025	In between turn	True
turns_NewState_Text_2a004a	Turns until surrender:	True
Turns_not queued_Tooltip_310033	Recruitment turns||This shows how many turns it will take to recruit this unit.	True
Turns_queued_Tooltip_21004d	Turns||Turns||This is the amount of turns it will take to steal this technology.	True
Turns_queued_Tooltip_310039	Turns||This is the amount of turns it will take to steal or research this technology	True
Turns_queued_Tooltip_460054	Recruitment turns	True
Turns_queued_Tooltip_4d0070	Recruiting||This shows how many turns left to recruit this unit.	True
Turns_start_of_turn_Tooltip_460012	Start of turn	True
turns_Tooltip_550071	Rather than trying to take this city by force, you could try waiting them out.||If you can besiege them for this many turns they will surrender.||However, you could also be attacked while waiting, either by them or by another army.	True
Turns_Tooltip_570003	Number of turns played in campaign so far.||Keep an eye on this to make sure you reach your objectives within the given time	True
turns_Tooltip_6d0079	Click to sort by turns.	True
turns_Tooltip_70079	This section lists your games, turns played and date and time of saving.||You can sort them name, turns and date by clicking on the appropriate column title.	True
turns_Tooltip_7c004b	If you have chosen regular payments, this is where you select the number of turns they will be paid over.	True
turns_tx_NewState_Text_210055	Turns:	True
turns_tx_NewState_Text_2a0065	Turns left:	True
turns_tx_Tooltip_3a0037	If you have chosen regular payments, this is where you select the number of turns they will be paid over.||Be realistic if you are demanding payment - the larger the sum, the more time the other faction will want to pay it off.	True
tw_tx_NewState_Text_18006c	TW Style	True
tw_tx_NewState_Text_42006c	Old Total War Cam	True
tw_tx_NewState_Text_5c0007	Classic Total War Camera	True
tx_aggressor_NewState_Text_330042	Aggressor:	True
TX_Allies_NewState_Text_560048	Allies	True
tx_allies_NewState_Text_760072	Allies:	True
TX_Allies_Tooltip_100054	Your allies can be called upon in times of war, but may not necessarily join you.||Diplomatic negotiations will be easier with allied nations.	True
TX_Allies_Tooltip_1b0076	These are the allies to your faction.||They can be called upon in war, but may not necessarily join you.||Diplomatic negotiations will be easier with allied factions.	True
tx_allies_Tooltip_80014	You have a military alliance with these nations.||They should come to your aid in war, especially to defend you if attacked.||They may be less willing to join you in attacking others, especially if they have good relations with your target.|| To make or break allies, or to simply see more details, see your diplomatic details panel.	True
tx_allies1_NewState_Text_760048	Allies	True
tx_allies2_NewState_Text_760048	Allies	True
tx_appointees_appointees_Text_660040	Candidates	True
tx_appointees_appointees_Text_670049	Appointees	True
tx_appointees_appointees_Tooltip_39000b	If you fire any of your ministers from the cabinet, their posts will be filled by one of the candidates below.||Candidates will only appear if your nation is an absolute monarchy.	True
tx_appointees_opposition_Text_710057	Opposition	True
tx_appointees_opposition_Tooltip_45004e	These are the opposition.||If there is an election they could replace your current cabinet.||This may be for the better,  as they could prove to have stronger managerial skills and could add more bonuses to their various areas.||Right-click to bring up their detail panels.	True
tx_appointees_opposition_Tooltip_78	If there is an election the opposition could replace your current cabinet.||This could be beneficial, as they may have stronger managerial skills and add more bonuses to their various areas.||Elections are held regularly, or you can click on the hold instant election button in the top-right.	True
TX_At War_NewState_Text_710000	At War	True
TX_At War_Tooltip_6d0054	These are the factions you are at war with.||Diplomatic proposals will be tougher work with these factions.||You could take this opportunity to make peace with these nations and open up trade negotiations or trade technology.	True
TX_At War_Tooltip_7c0043	Diplomatic negotiations will be tougher with these nations.||You could take this opportunity to make peace with these nations and open up trade negotiations or trade technology.	True
tx_atwar_NewState_Text_51003a	At War:	True
tx_atwar_Tooltip_640030	You are at war with these nations.||They may attack you at any time - guard your territory, armies, navies and trade routes with care!||To make peace with your enemies, or to see more information, see your diplomatic details panel.	True
tx_atwar_Tooltip_7b0047	These nations may attack you at any time - guard your territory, armies, navies and trade routes with care!||To make peace with your enemies, or to see more information, see your diplomatic details panel.	True
tx_automanage_NewState_Text_7f006b	Automanage:	True
tx_banner_NewState_Text_10029	Head	True
tx_banner_NewState_Text_180038	Navy	True
tx_banner_NewState_Text_1f0030	Treasury	True
tx_banner_NewState_Text_620035	Justice	True
tx_banner_NewState_Text_b002c	Army	True
TX_Battle deployment_Intercepted_Text_5c003a	Intercepted!	True
TX_Battle deployment_NewState_Text_28001b	Battle Deployment	True
TX_Battle deployment_Opportunity to intercept_Text_600064	Opportunity to Intercept	True
TX_Battle deployment_Opportunity_Text_610018	Attack of opportunity!	True
TX_Battle deployment_Regular_Text_28001b	Battle Deployment	True
effects_icons1_ministers_effectiveness_Tooltip_f002e	Minister's effectiveness	True
effects_icons3_ministers_effectiveness_Tooltip_f002e	Minister's effectiveness	True
sabotage_Tooltip_1007b	You have been giving the option of sabotage - a chance to wreak some havoc!||Clicking on this button will bring up your sabotage options panel.||The sabotage panel will help you decide whether or not this is the course of action you wish to pursue.	True
txt_next_election_Tooltip_2e0071	This is the amount of times unitl your next election.||If you want to keep your current cabinet and your popularity is low, you only have this long to turn public opinion around!||You could try dropping tax to a low rate for a quick fix, but it may be too late.	True
tx_prosperity_NewState_Text_740073	Prosperity:	True
navy_demote_Tooltip_2e000a	Demote admiral||Not all men are born to lead, and sometimes your ship may be helmed by an incompetent admiral.||Demoting an admiral will stop any negative effects he may be having on the fleet, and leave room to promote a more suitable replacement.||You may also want to do this to save on upkeep costs without scuppering the ship.	True
upkeep_cost_Tooltip_5b006d	You will have to pay this amount of money every turn that you have this unit.||If you are not using this unit it may be cheaper to disband it and recruit it again later rather than paying for its upkeep.	True
tax_rate_tx_Tooltip_6e003d	You can change the tax rate by clicking the change tax policy button below.	True
label_tx_NewState_Text_7c	Path markers	True
ColumnInfantryVanguard_Tooltip_64005f	Column Infantry Vanguard	True
university_tech_icon_available_Tooltip_90052	Available for researching	True
type_Tooltip_200072	Slot type for each building.||Slot types determines the building chain you can develop your building along.||For example it could be a capital, port, town or resource slot.	True
experience_Tooltip_620014	Experience is gained through battle.||The more experienced your units are, the better they will perform in battle.	True
negative_bar_Tooltip_720050	Negative influences||If the higher class become too unhappy, public order will break down resulting in riots and revolts.||High taxes will vex the higher classes and cause them to raise their voices in disgust.||Lowering taxes will improve their moods and stop any trouble from being stirred up.	True
options_bar2_Tooltip_6c005d	If this is granted it will allow you access to the other nation's region without declaring war.||Military access is a risky thing to allow as it can leave a nation open to surprise attack.||As such, it is not guaranteed you will be granted it.||If your request is turned down you can always try using the diplomacy panel to negotiate.||You may fare better if you can offer something in return.	True
tab_national_summary_Tooltip_730071	This provides you with an overall picture of your nation, along with specific information about your diplomatic and financial standings.||Move your cursor over the areas below for more details.	True
dropdown_time_of_day_Tooltip_a005d	Choose what time of day you can start the battle in.||On the battle map time will pass - a battle starting in the morning can pass into evening if it lasts long enough!	True
title_frame_normal_Text_4e0023	Victory!	True
btl_diff_slider_Tooltip_6c007f	Increase the battle difficulty by moving the slider to the right, or decrease it by moving the slider to the left.||Player one is represented by the top slider, player two by the bottom.	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_51	Visit	True
public_opinion_Tooltip_220049	This is this faction's public opinion towards you.||Successful negotiations rely on many factors, but this is a useful hint as to how this faction may react to your offers.||The friendlier they are toward you, the more likely your proposals will be well met.||Try getting the people on your side by offering a state gift, or a one of payment.||Public opinion will change according to your actions.	True
button_groupforms_Tooltip_430040	Toggle group formations panel	True
defence_Tooltip_280045	Defence for this unit.||This determines the chance of your unit getting hit while in melee.||Unfortunately this is only for melee mode and will provide no protection from a bullet!	True
button_spectate_Tooltip_460046	This allows you to sit in and watch a multiplayer battle.	True
tx_home-region_Tooltip_7a007c	This is your nation's capital.	True
demands_title_Tooltip_6e0004	This is where all your demands are placed.||Any diplomatic demands you make will appear in this panel. You can then choose to select another action or make the proposal.||To remove an demand simply left click on it.	True
button_groupforms_Tooltip_350038	Toggle group formations panel||This panel can be used to arrange grouped units into different formations.||It has buttons for each formation, using different icons for infantry, cavalry and artillery.||Icons with a small line underneath them are line units, while icons with a small chevron underneath them are light units.||To activate this button you must have some units already grouped.||Move your cursor over the formations panel for more details.	True
Attitude_dy_other_nations_Text_750078	Other nations attitudes towards selected nation	True
status_tx_tx_Text_730047	Status	True
ivory_NewState_Tooltip_4005f	Ivory	True
TX_Battle deployment_Tooltip_2003f	This panel contains details on the battle about to take place.||It shows the size of both armies or navies, information on the location of the battle and any reinforcements either side may have.||Move your cursor over the areas below for more information.	True
TX_Battle Results_NewState_Text_4e001e	Battle Results	True
TX_buildings_damaged_NewState_Text_680058	Buildings damaged:	True
tx_button_taxes_normal_Text_2d	Set tax rate	True
tx_button_taxes_Tooltip_7c006e	Sets tax rate across all your regions.||Selecting this will bring up the Government scroll taxes tab.	True
tx_cabinet_Tooltip_90031	These ministers add bonuses to various areas of your nation depending on their management skill.||You can swap posts between ministers by dragging and dropping one portrait over another in the cabinet.||You may wish to do this if one of them is incompetent in their current post.||On the other hand it may be because they are better suited to another post.||A minister's competency will not change when re-assigned, so this is more moving the problem where it will cause the least damage.	True
tx_cabinet_txt_Text_6d003b	Cabinet	True
TX_Captured Units_NewState_Text_4c0019	Captured Units	True
TX_Captured_NewState_Text_30023	Captured	True
TX_Casualties_NewState_Text_1b003f	Lost	True
tx_choose_NewState_Text_35001a	Choose your Weapon!	True
tx_choose_Tooltip_410063	A true gentleman cannot walk away from a duel challenge without being branded a coward, but he can at least choose the weapon he is most proficient in.||Your agent's abilities with a sword and pistol are shown underneath his portrait.||Pick the weapon most likely to give you an advantage over your challenger.	True
tx_choose_Tooltip_670064	Here are your weapon options.||A true gentleman cannot walk away from a duel challenge without being branded a coward, but he can at least choose the weapon he is most proficient in.||Your agent's abilities with a sword and pistol are shown underneath his portrait. Pick the weapon most likely to give you an advantage over your challenger.	True
tx_classes_lower_NewState_Text_50006b	Lower Classes	True
tx_classes_upper_NewState_Text_4f0075	Upper Classes	True
tx_classes_upper_Tooltip_5f0048	The higher classes represent the very top of society.	True
tx_commodities_NewState_Text_1d0044	Resources	True
button_ok_Tooltip_640011	Accept changes	True
soldiers_Tooltip_110072	Soldiers in each army.||Left-click to jump to their location on the main map.||Right-click to bring up the details for the general or colonel in charge of this army.||You can re-order your armies according to size by clicking on this column's title.	True
dy_faction_name_Tooltip_250050	This is the faction your target belongs to, and your faction's political standing with them.||An assassination attempt can be made on any character, whether you are at war, with them, neutral or allied to their faction.||However, if you are discovered it will effect your relationship. Tread carefully if you have something to lose!||Skilled assassins can get away with a stealthy kill and escape with their identity secret. When this happens, the victim's faction will place the blame at the feet of their most hated enemy, and you're faction will be overlooked.||This is a great way to escalate tension between two factions and play them off against each other.	True
button_ok_Tooltip_2e005b	Overwrite file	True
label_tx_NewState_Text_150069	Target zones	True
plus_Tooltip_b0002	These are the factors having a  positive effect on public order.||A cultured region is a happy region. Opera houses and theatres will keep the elite amused.||No matter what they think, the higher class are not above the law. Improving government control through garrisons will curb some of their more decadent tendencies and help keep order.	True
urban_growth_bar_Tooltip_190053	This is your Urban Growth.||This shows the progress towards the region generating a new town slot. This progress is dependent on your Population Growth.||A full bar represents a population increase of 20%.||When this bar is full, a new town slot will appear in your region. You can use slots to build ports, schools and factories.	True
faction_right_Tooltip_5c0037	This is the panel for the faction you are negotiating with.||This panel contains all their diplomatic information.||These details can help inform you diplomatic decisions.||Mouse over the areas below for more information.	True
TX_Enemy Killed_NewState_Text_42001b	Enemy Killed	True
dy_home-region_Tooltip_7a007c	This is your nation's capital.	True
label_tx_NewState_Text_1a006e	No limit	True
heading_tx_NewState_Text_d006f	War on Land	True
button_balanced_Tooltip_270014	Preset Army || This will fill the army with the default balanced unit set.	True
button_instant_election_Tooltip_750033	Click here to select an instant election.||If your current government isn't popular with the public, you may find them getting replaced with the opposition.	True
tab_industry_Tooltip_78000c	This is the industrial technology tab.||This technology tree is divided into three branches - agriculture, metal and textile industry.||This technology will help increase wealth and population growth.||Move your cursor over the different icons to see more information about them.	True
button_movespeed_Tooltip_430007	Toggle move speed	True
txt_function_technology_Text_6c0064	Left click to research, right click for further information	True
repeatedly_tx_Tooltip_7a0019	Select this option if you wish the payment to be paid in regular installments.||Offers of regular payments rather than a one off sum is less likely to be accepted as the payments could easily be redrawn any turn.||Demanding smaller regular payments may be more manageable for the other faction, and so have a greater chance of being accepted.	True
TX_Allies_NewState_Text_560048	Allies	True
button_open_negotiations_inactive_Text_250001	Open Negotiations	True
state_gift_Tooltip_38002d	This is your present State Gift panel.||From here you can send the other faction a gift from the state.||This is helpful to improve relations between your factions. If their public opinion of you is poor this gift may help turn things around.||Giving a gift is not part of diplomatic bartering - although they can help smooth the way.||There are three types of gifts to offer - each ascending in value.||When offering a gift, take your own wealth into account. If you are rich it won't look sincere if you skimp on the gift!	True
men_tx_NewState_Text_5f0023	Men:	True
button_open_negotiations_Tooltip_750061	Once you have selected a faction, you can click on this button to open negotiations with them.||This will open up the diplomacy panel, which is where the real deals are made.	True
dy_title_NewState_Text_d0002	Flooding!	True
dy_government_Tooltip_2e0019	This is the your faction's type of government.||There are three types of government: absolute monarchy, constitutional monarchy and a republic.||Each government type has its own distinct effect - happiness, diplomacy and economic factors will all behave differently according to which type is in power.||Moving your cursor over your government type will provide you with more information.	True
tx_government_Tooltip_2e0019	This is the your faction's type of government.||There are three types of government: absolute monarchy, constitutional monarchy and a republic.||Each government type has its own distinct effect - happiness, diplomacy and economic factors will all behave differently according to which type is in power.||Moving your cursor over your government type will provide you with more information.	True
dy_tax-income_Tooltip_7f0063	Income gained from taxing the wealth of all your regions.||This number is based on your current tax settings.||If you change the tax levels before the next turn this will change accordingly.||To change tax levels, and to see more information on your taxes, see the tax tab of this panel.||To see each region's individual tax details, view the region capital's settlement details panel.	True
button_send_Tooltip_75003d	Send proposal||When you have finished balancing your offers and demands, select this button to send the proposal to the other nation.||If you change your mind about any aspect of your proposal you can either left-click on individual offers and demands or press the clear offer button to the right.||Once you have sent the proposal the other nation will respond, either positively, negatively or with a counteroffer.||Their representative will make it clear how they feel about the negotiations and how your relations currently stand.||Just because they accept a proposal doesn't mean they are necessarily happy about it!	True
effect1_Tooltip_b005a	Unit recruitment cost	True
60_tx_NewState_Text_530017	one hour	True
pip_gov_type_republic_Tooltip_1f0029	Republic	True
type_Tooltip_4b0010	This column shows where this building is found within the selected region.||For example it could be within your region capital, a port or it could be a region resource.	True
tx_Naval_tx_Naval_Text_54	Naval	True
gentleman_steal_tech_Tooltip_3d0049	Steal technology||Fate has provided you with the chance to steal research - time to use those light fingers of yours!||Clicking on this button will bring up the steal technology panel.||Keep in mind that knowledge may come at a price - stealing another faction's work may end with your gentlemen being caught and your faction's dirty dealing exposed!||See the steal technology panel for more details.	True
button_tx_state_gift_Text_720052	Present State Gift	True
label_txt_NewState_Tooltip_5d0002	This setting selects how many units are rendered from a distance on the battle map.||If your game is running slow you may want to reduce this.	True
button_assassinate_Tooltip_30042	This is your assassinate button.||When you have chosen your target click on this button to attempt an assassination.	True
post_prime_minister_Tooltip_14002e	Head of government||He adds bonuses to your prestige, diplomacy and economic growth.||The level of these are dependent on his management competence.||Right-click on his portrait to bring up his details panel.	True
txt_function_cancel_construction_Text_5d0008	Left click to cancel construction	True
status_slow_Tooltip_27004a	This player has got a slow connection.	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_260074	Player Stats	True
leader_name_banner_Tooltip_45003d	This is your faction's leader.||Right clicking on his portrait will bring up his character scroll, which will provide you with more specific details about him.||A faction leader with skills in diplomacy will improve the chances of your proposals being accepted.	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_770026	Total War Style	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_7b002c	Assassinate	True
leader_name_banner_Tooltip_57002e	This is the leader of the nation you are negotiating with.||Right-clicking on their portrait will bring up their details panel, which will provide you with more specific details about them.||Much like your leader, their diplomatic skills may affect negotiations and the deals you are able to make.	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_770027	Options	True
coins_Tooltip_6e0037	You can change the available funds on the previous screen.||Funds are used for recruitment and adding experience.||Each unit has their recruitment cost displayed on their cards.	True
latency_1_Tooltip_680079	Slow connection	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_650032	Sea	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_530004	Warpath Campaign	True
accuracy_NewState_Text_e0033	Accuracy	True
move_options_Tooltip_27001e	Access has been denied!||This panel will appear if you attempt to move one of your armies into another faction's territory without permission.||This action could be an act of war or just amistake. This panel will make your intentions clear and stop any unwanted bloodshed.||You now have several options to choose from.||Move your cursor over the options for more information.	True
dy_wind-gauge_Tooltip_150032	This shows whether the wind is in your favour or not.||This will depend upon the wind direction and whether you are sailing against it or with it.||Try to sail with the wind where possible as this will increase your speed.	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_300065	Battle Tutorials	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_4a001e	User Interface	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_6f003b	Low	True
map_Tooltip_6d0072	This is your taxes map and provides an overall idea of how taxes are affecting your population's happiness.||Mousing over the map will tell you what the region is called and which faction owns it.||Your regions are shown in either red or green.||If a region is green it means the population's public order is under control; red means that they are close to rioting!||Tax levels affect a population's happiness, and as a result, their public order level.||Lowering tax levels will help calm rioting or unhappy regions. However, as tax levels have one setting per theatre you may also be reducing tax levels for regions you don't need to, and thus losing potential money.||Instead of reducing tax levels overall for a theatre, you could try other solutions. For example, increasing militia presence in problem regions to increase oppression.	True