dy_value_Tooltip_a0034	A long range enables you to hit enemies from a distance, but weapons still tend to be more effective at shorter ranges.	True
button_tx_trade_Tooltip_e0041	A trade agreement will open up a trade route between the two nations.||The goods you export along trade routes will contribute towards your trade income.	True
army_promote_Tooltip_780007	Click here to promote this unit.||This will promote one of your men to a general and that unit to a generals bodyguard unit.||Generals can build forts, add morale bonuses in battle, rally and recruit units on land.	True
button_txt_land_Text_50054	Kills	True
TX_research_complete_normal_Text_36001c	Research complete:	True
tx_appointees_appointees_Tooltip_39000b	If you fire any of your ministers from the cabinet, their posts will be filled by one of the candidates below.||Candidates will only appear if your nation is an absolute monarchy.	True
txt_building browser_NewState_Text_3b0061	Building Browser	True
ok_end_trade_Tooltip_120057	End trade partnership	True
economy bar1_Tooltip_6f003b	This displays all the factors that contribute to the generation of wealth in this region.||Industry and agriculture are important in advancing your Region Wealth. Build farms, ports and workshops to increase these aspects of your region.||Move your cursor over the pips to display more information.	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_18002d	Graphics	True
button_lists_Unselected_depress_Tooltip_39002d	Lists.||Clicking on this will bring up the lists panel.||The lists panel details all your agents, armed forces, fleets and regions. From this panel you can get a snapshot of your faction.||To see more information click this button to bring up the lists panel.	True
wealth_NewState_Text_610078	Wealth:	True
input_name_label_NewState_Text_80013	Filename:	True
title_tx_team_2_Text_3a0015	Team 2	True
TX_Men Remaining_NewState_Text_40058	Remaining	True
ok_technology_Tooltip_720052	Accept	True
heading_tx_Stealing_Tooltip_2d000a	Sometimes the advancement of science needs a little helping hand, particularly helping hands with light fingers!||It may not be noble, but stealing another nation's hard earned research can help you keep up with their advancements.||Pick a technology you wish to own and attempt to steal it.||Of course, you can only steal what has actually been researched and there is always the risk of discovery!	True
announcement_txt_coming_soon_Text_5d0061	Coming Soon	True
dy_government_Tooltip_510001	There are three types of government: absolute monarchy, constitutional monarchy and a republic.||Each government type has its own distinct effect - happiness, diplomacy and economic factors will all behave differently according to which type is in power.||To find out more about your government see the ministers tab and mouse over your government's type.	True
tx_government_Tooltip_510001	There are three types of government: absolute monarchy, constitutional monarchy and a republic.||Each government type has its own distinct effect - happiness, diplomacy and economic factors will all behave differently according to which type is in power.||To find out more about your government see the ministers tab and mouse over your government's type.	True
route_pip_LandRaided_Tooltip_560003	The land route these good are being transported over is being raided!	True
objective_tx_NewState_Text_3f004a	Objective:	True
button_cancel_Tooltip_690043	Clear offer||Clicking this button will remove any offers or demands you have made from the panel above.||If you don't have any offers or demands to clear, it will cancel all diplomatic talks with the nation and take you back to the diplomatic options panel.	True
replenish_NewState_Tooltip_120006	Unit replenishing	True
button_send_Tooltip_240006	Click this button to send  your proposal.||When you have finished balancing your offers and demands, select this button to send the proposal to the other faction.||If you change your mind about any aspect of your proposal you can either left click on individual offers and demands or press the clear offer button to the right.||Once you have sent the proposal the other faction will respond, either positively, negatively or with a counteroffer.||Their representative will make it clear how they feel about the negotiations and how your relations currently stand.||Just because they accept a proposal it doesn't mean they are necessarily happy about it!	True
Attitude_dy_thier_attitude_Text_1b0025	Selected nations attitude towards others	True
options_bar3_Tooltip_610031	Click this button if you wish to cancel your move.||If you choose this you will not continue your path into the other faction's territory.||This option can be used if you have made a mistake or if you want to wait before choosing one of the other options.	True
title_tx_number_Text_390015	Team 1	True
nav_button_board_Tooltip_1b0008	Board ship||When this button is lit up it means you have the option of boarding an enemies ship.||Board enemy ships as a diversionary tactic or to take them out of the battle.||If you are successful you can choose to capture the ship and use it in your next naval battle.||Before boarding you may want to pepper the crew with the grape shot to reduce their numbers.	True
title_frame_Tooltip_ffca001a	This is your lists panel.||All your faction's armed forces, agents and regions are listed here for quick access.||When you have selected your target you can double left-click to zoom to their position on the campaign map.||This panel is divided into three sections ヨ your armies, fleets, regions and agents.	True
election_turns_Tooltip_2e0071	This is the amount of times unitl your next election.||If you want to keep your current cabinet and your popularity is low, you only have this long to turn public opinion around!||You could try dropping tax to a low rate for a quick fix, but it may be too late.	True
heading_tx_Tooltip_710060	To win the multiplayer campaign you must complete these objectives within the time limit given.	True
txt_function_strat_army_capped_Text_2c001b	Left click to select, right click for further information.	True
full_tx_NewState_Text_70040	Full User Interface	True
label_txt_NewState_Tooltip_4e007a	Anti-aliasing smooths out jagged lines in the graphics.||If your game is running slow you may want to reduce the amount of anti-aliasing.	True
30_tx_NewState_Text_14006a	30 Minutes	True
post_prime_minister_Tooltip_390069	Prime Minister	True
dy_faction_difficulty_NewState_Text_230072	Faction difficulty:	True
tab_military_Tooltip_490074	Military technologies||Military technology helps to manufacture and improve weapons, and devise new battle tactics and formations.||Concentrating on this technology will improve armies and navies.||Move your cursor over the different icons to see more information about them.	True
label_txt_NewState_Tooltip_610057	Check this to turn on vertical synchronisation.||This will reduces the tearing effect that sometimes appears in graphics.||This may cause lowered frame rates.	True
30_tx_NewState_Text_14006b	20 Minutes	True
cotton_NewState_Tooltip_750058	Cotton	True
 button_cancel_Tooltip_6e0048	Cancel	True
tx_banner_NewState_Text_10029	Head	True
checkbox_Tooltip_1a001d	When this box is checked you will ask your allies to join you in war.||Note that this box is always automatically checked when you declare war.||Your allies may turn down your request, so make sure you're ready to fight alone if needs be.||If a nation is the aggressor then an ally can turn down the request without breaking the alliance.||If the request is made by a defending nation then the ally must help or break the alliance with them.	True
army_fort_inactive_Tooltip_1c0073	You are unable to build a fort.||Forts can only be built by an army containing a general.||You either have insufficient funds or your army doesn't contain a general.||You need to either raise the required funds or promote your captain to a general before building a fort.	True
checkbox_Tooltip_660061	When this box is checked you will ask your allies to join you in war.||Note that this box is always automatically checked when you declare war.||Your allies may turn down your request, so make sure you're ready to fight alone if needs be.||||If a nation is the aggressor then an ally can turn down the request without breaking the alliance.||If the request is made by a defending nation then the ally must help or break the alliance with them.	True
kills_tx_land_Text_42001b	Enemy Killed	True
txt_function_strat_recruit_options_Text_770026	Left click to recruit, right click for further information.	True
regions_Tooltip_580028	This column lists your regions. The region's capital is listed underneath each region.||Right-click on each region to jump to its location on the campaign map.||Left-click to bring up the details for the selected region.||You can order your regions in alphabetical order by clicking on this column's title.	True
button_options_Tooltip_8004c	Select this button to take you to the gameplay options panel.||You can change these settings at any time during the campaign.	True
regions_Tooltip_360045	This is your demand and offer regions panel.||Regions can be offered or demanded as part of peace negotiations, or even as gifts between friendly factions.||A region is valued by its income and its strategic value in the game.||Select the region or regions you want from the two panels below and click the tick button when you have finished.	True
nav_UC_button_sails_BattleSail_Tooltip_5b006d	Sails are at battle status||In battle status you only have one sail unfurled.||Your other sails will be protected from damage, but your speed and manoeuvrability will be greatly reduced.||Select the plus and minus buttons to the right and left to increase and decrease speed.	True
banner_Tooltip_560019	Your government's head of state.||Your head of state adds bonuses to your prestige, diplomacy and economic growth.||These bonuses are dependent on the level of their management skills.||Right-click to bring up their character panel.	True
Experience_Tooltip_25003f	Unit experience||This will improve their performance in battle.||You can add upgrade experience by clicking on the upgrade experience button, but it will cost you some of your funds.	True
Minor_nations_bar_Tooltip_410037	Minor, or non-playable, nations.||Click on a flag to select it.||The map view will change to display the selected nation.	True
tx_nations_filter_tx_all_nations_Tooltip_790015	This filter shows results for all major nations.||Click on the arrows to the left and right to switch to a new filter.	True
tx_banner_NewState_Text_b002c	Army	True
button_unit_downgrade_Tooltip_2c0012	Remove unit experience	True
mid_text_NewState_Text_350048	conflicts with:	True
button_america_Tooltip_650004	The Americas||America, Europe and India are where you can develop cities, recruit armies and wage war.||This is where you build your empire.	True
button_lists_Unselected_roll_Tooltip_39002d	Lists.||Clicking on this will bring up the lists panel.||The lists panel details all your agents, armed forces, fleets and regions. From this panel you can get a snapshot of your faction.||To see more information click this button to bring up the lists panel.	True
title_panel_Tooltip_30006b	This panel will appear if your army has remained stationary for a turn on the campaign map.||This has allowed them time to dig in and fashion some defences.||Different units will have different defences available to them.	True
standard_tx_NewState_Text_4a003c	WASD Style	True
button_india_Tooltip_59000e	India.||America, Europe and India are	True
UC_button_move_backwards_Tooltip_730019	Step backwards	True
remaining_tx_NewState_Text_40058	Remaining	True
heading_finances_NewState_Text_5a000d	Projected Income	True
cmp_diff_slider_Tooltip_600008	This is your campaign difficulty setting.||You can increase or decrease the campaign difficulty with the slider.	True
plus_Tooltip_b0062	Positive effects||A cultured region is a happy region.||Opera houses and theatres will keep the elite amused.||Improving government control through garrisons will curb some of their more decadent tendencies and help keep order.	True
dy_alliegence_Opposed_Text_30058	( Enemy )	True
button_ready_Unselected_roll_Tooltip_4e0070	Not Ready	True
descr_tx_they_Text_7b0064	You have elected to declare war on:	True
button_exchange_Tooltip_410056	Exchange||Select a unit, agent or troop and click here to move them to the other army or navy.||If you have a selection from each army or navy, this button will swap them over.||You can also move them by simply dragging and dropping the cards.||Once a panel is full, it means that army or navy has its maximum amount of units and you cannot add any more.	True
heading_tx_NewState_Text_70001	War at Sea	True
copy of button_ok_Tooltip_53002d	Click this button when you have finished on this panel.	True
agents_Tooltip_550015	Your agents, their movement points and their location.||Your agents include your gentlemen, rakes and missionaries.||As your empire expands it can be tough keeping a track on all your agents, particularly if they are undercover in an enemies region.||Use this to pinpoint their location quickly and make the most of your agents!	True
_title_frame_duel_Tooltip_370070	A duel is a gentleman's way of dealing with problems that cannot be solved with words.||This panel will appear when you have the option of a duel challenge.||Move your cursor over the details below for more information.	True
button_tx_regions_Text_620029	Regions	True
effects_icons1_tax_efficiency_Tooltip_30004a	Tax efficiency	True
effects_icons2_tax_efficiency_Tooltip_30004a	Tax efficiency	True
effects_icons3_tax_efficiency_Tooltip_30004a	Tax efficiency	True
load-save_game_NewState_Tooltip_76	v	True
recruitment_cost_Tooltip_250057	Unlike the upkeep cost, this is a one off payment.	True
percentage_NewState_Text_300010	0.5	True
Map panel_Tooltip_61002d	This map displays diplomatic relations according to what you wish to view.||You can choose between two views: Other nations attitudes towards selected faction, and selected factions attitude towards others.||The regions are coloured according to this context. Green means friendly and red is unfriendly.||This is useful to see where your faction stands at a cursory glance.||It can also help to see what other faction's relationships towards each other are, as you may be able to use this to your advantage!	True
label_tx_NewState_Text_3d002c	1 hour	True
card_window_Tooltip_37001a	Your faction and its leader at the time of saving.	True
button_cancel_Tooltip_6e0048	Cancel	True
button_send_chat_Tooltip_1b006c	Send message	True
minus_Tooltip_49000b	These are the negative influences obstructing Population Growth in your region.||High tax rates for the Lowest Classes are likely to be the most detrimental influence on Population Growth.	True
button_movespeed_Tooltip_530076	Toggle move speed||Your men will quickly become exhausted if you make them run all the time.||If they are tired bring them to a halt and let them rest and recover.||You can see the state of each unit by mousing over them.	True
town_wealth_heading_NewState_Text_390034	Growth in this turn	True
line_abreast_Tooltip_4c0071	Line Abrest	True
title_tx_number_Text_3a0015	Team 2	True
button_cancel_Tooltip_48006a	Click here to exit this panel without loading or saving.	True
negative_bar_Tooltip_49000b	These are the negative influences obstructing Population Growth in your region.||High tax rates for the Lowest Classes are likely to be the most detrimental influence on Population Growth.	True
controls_panel_Tooltip_180028	This is the filter panel for the prestige tracker.||Use this to select which details you wish to view on the graph above.	True
copy of button_txt_NewState_Text_330002	Steam Store	True
inf_title_tx_NewState_Text_20033	Infantry	True