• 追加された行はこの色です。
  • 削除された行はこの色です。
total_title_Tooltip_7f000d	Your total income from trade exports.||You can increase this number by gaining more trade partners.||Negotitating a trade agreement with a faction will open up a trade route between you. You can do this in the diplomacy panel.||Trade income will contribute to your overall faction income.	True
cancel_payments_Tooltip_6e0048	Cancel	True
button_automanage_Tooltip_a0069	Automanage all||Automates crew distribution and captured ship management.	True
_title_frame_Tooltip_80064	After every battle this panel will appear.||It concentrates on the forces from both sides and how they stand after the dust has cleared.||Sometimes you will have captives to ransom, or a ransom yourself to pay!||Move your cursor over the different sections below for more information.	True
r_arrow_amount_Tooltip_5a0064	Increase by 1000	True
txt_function_strat_army_in_transit_Text_2a0040	Left click to select, right click for further information.This unit is on route to your army	True
tx_classes_lower_NewState_Text_50006b	Lower Classes	True
Level_Tooltip_30024	Fencing skill||Check this before choosing your duelling weapon.||If you can, pick the weapon you are more proficient in to increase your chances of winning.	True
bg_title_frame_Tooltip_60067	Here you can quickly see which nations are neutral towards you and who your enemies and allies are.||You can also open up diplomatic talks.||Move your cursor over the areas below to see more information.	True
details_Tooltip_59003f	These are the character's personal details.||Here you can see their age, their command level and also find their current location and zoom to it on the map.||Mouse over each of the details for more information.	True
lower_class_reaction_icon_Angry_Tooltip_79003a	Angry||This is the lowest class public order.||Your lowest class are currently angry and likely to riot.||Try increasing repression or exempting this region from tax to prevent rioting!||This is based on the factors to the right.	True
morale_Tooltip_20ff8c	Morale for this unit.||Having a stiff upper lip  may not win any beauty contests, but itメs a better to have than a tail between your legs.||A unit with high morale is less likely to rout in the face of trouble.||Gaining experience on the battlefield will improve morale for this unit.	True
details_title_Tooltip_10076	Here you can see a character's age, the level of their abilities and find their current location on the campaign map.||Mouse over each of the details for more information.	True
slow_mo_Tooltip_4e0035	Slow motion.||Clicking this button will put the game into slow motion mode.||Slow motion mode gives you the chance to really revel in the ravages of war.||Watch a devastating charge send soldiers flying, or see a cannonball reduce a ships mast to splinters!	True
allies_Tooltip_41006d	These are the factions that you are allied with.||It is worth noting if your allies are enemies of the faction you are dealing with, as this could affect negotiations.||Your choice of friends may mean you have to try harder to gain the trust of the other faction.||You might even go as far as breaking one alliance to gain another - decide which faction is will help you attain your goals!	True
income_Tooltip_1f0053	This shows the income from each region and whether it is increasing or not.||Underneath the regions income there is a percentage, this is the region income tax.||Each region's income has an effect on your faction's income and as such you will want this to increase as much as possible.||If the region's income is not increasing you may want to bring up the region's details panel to see how to help it grow.||Right-click on each region to jump to its location on the campaign map.||Left-click to bring up the details for the selected region.||You can order this column according to the richest and poorest regions by clicking on this column's title.	True
penalty_dy_NewState_Text_64003e	no penalty	True
button_txt_default_Text_41006b	Host Battle	True
tx_total_Tooltip_1c0062	This is the sum of the Upper and Lower Class tax income for his theatre.||This money will be added to your next turn.||When added to the other total tax incomes for the other theatres you will get your total tax income for your faction.||Changing any of the tax level sliders will affect this number.	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_41006b	Host Battle	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_22000a	Turn Time	True
emblem_enl_Tooltip_1a003a	Philosophy||This technology includes political thought and economic ideas.||This can improve your wealth and cut some recruitment and building costs.||As each new technology is gained it will lead you onto the next step up the chain.||Sometimes, technologies are unattainable until other technologies have been gained.||Use this technology tree to plan the path to the technology you want.	True
experience_tx_Tooltip_c003b	Experience of this unit.||Units gain experience through fighting battles and both inflicting and gaining casualties.||Experience will improve certain statistics for units, so battle hardened units will be more skilled than a fresh unit of the same type.||If a unit is replenished with fresh recruits the experience of that unit will be reduced .||This reduction will reflect the ratio of inexperienced to experienced troops.	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_52007c	Save battle settings	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_5b0073	Join Battle	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_14003e	Deployed	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_72005c	Save Battle Settings	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_3f0016	Single Player	True
TX_location_NewState_Text_9000e	Location:	True
button_trade_e_indies_Tooltip_410064	This is the trade theatre for the East Indies.||Trade theatres	True
tx_trade_Tooltip_7a0056	Income gained from exporting your nation's resources to your trade partners via trade routes.||Throughout your regions you will have trade resources such as sugar, coffee and tobacco.||These are shipped in to your region's capital.||If the trade supply exceeds the demand, the surplus is exported through international trade routes to your trade partners.||To increase this income develop trade resources and make more trade partners.||You can see a breakdown of your supply and exports in the trade tab of this panel.	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_4f0061	Play Battle	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_31001f	Host Game	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_7f0051	Search	True
offers_title_faction_right_Tooltip_1e004f	Balance their demands against their offers to make sure you're getting a good deal.||Think about your relations with this nation before accepting or refusing any proposals.||If you want them as a friend, try to find an acceptable agreement for you both.||However, if you have no use for them, you can be more demanding without worrying about angering them.	True
button_trade_e_africa_Tooltip_550079	East Africa trade theatre||Trade theatres work differently from the normal theatres.||You cannot develop cities or take regions here, these areas are for trade only.||Each trade theatre contains slots for your merchant ships to occupy.||Once you have a merchant ship in that slot you will gain a new trade route.||You must defend these trade stations with your navies.||Trade is a cut-throat business and your competitors will take what is not defended!	True
button_cancel_Tooltip_a002e	Click this button if you wish to cancel.	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_6e0040	Counterspy	True
button_lists_Unselected_Tooltip_39002d	Lists.||Clicking on this will bring up the lists panel.||The lists panel details all your agents, armed forces, fleets and regions. From this panel you can get a snapshot of your faction.||To see more information click this button to bring up the lists panel.	True
status_slow_Tooltip_680079	Slow connection	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_10003e	Scenario	True
Turns_in_between_turn_Tooltip_750025	In between turn	True
route_pip_Piracy_Tooltip_53000b	Pirates are pilfering your transported goods!	True
nav_button_broadside_R_Tooltip_69005a	Toggle Broadside Right	True
pip_admin_Tooltip_3e0050	This represents the administrative costs of your region.||As your number of regions grow, the level of bureacracy and red tape will increase and will cost you more to run your regions.||Compensate for this by strengthening your government or raising your tax levels.	True
university_tech_icon_not_available_Tooltip_280046	Not available for research	True
label_tx_NewState_Tooltip_4003c	Screen-space ambient occlusion||Check this to simulate ambient lighting and shadows around the edges of objects.||If your game is running slow you may want to uncheck this.	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_28000e	Save Army	True
button_txt_NewState_Text_6e0048	Cancel	True
building_information_Tooltip_390062	This is the information panel for the selected item.||You can learn about its effects and background here.||Once built or researched, more effects may appear here.||Move your cursor over the sections below for more details.	True
heading_txt_txt_Text_320065	Enter Password	True
demand_access_tx_Tooltip_38005d	This is the military access demand panel.||Demand how many turns you want military access granted.||Military access is used when one army needs to move across another faction's region without trespassing and causing a war.||Of course, it can also be abused and used to move armies into good positions for a surprise attack!||Granting access requires a great deal of trust.||The more you demand, the less likely they will accept. It will also depend on their overall relationship with you.||Select the nodes to choose how many turns you want to demand and then click on the tick button.	True
traits_title_NewState_Text_540004	Character Traits	True
button_chat_new_message_unselected_Tooltip_340023	New message	True
tx_government_Tooltip_2b006b	This is your Government details scroll.||All the various aspects of government management are available here.||The scroll itself is divided into four different tabs: National Summary, Taxes, Ministers and Trade.||Each of these tabs focuses on a specific area of government. You can change settings in some of these, whereas others are purely to provide you with information.||Move your cursor over the different sections below for more information.	True
tx_theatre_NewState_Text_7b0020	Theatre	True
line_abreast_Tooltip_520077	Line abreast||This arranges your grouped ships into a single line abreast of each other.||Using this formation will deny the enemy any room to manoeuvre as they would have to run through your field of fire.||This formation particularly suits ships with guns in their noses, such as galleys.||This formation will still work with ships that fire broadside, but you will have to move them into position to fire.	True
time_limit_tx_Tooltip_450043	Check this box to impose a time limit on battles played on the battlemap.||Once checked, the time limit choices will appear below.	True
dy_income_lower_Tooltip_6c0059	Total lowest class tax income for this theatre.||Changing the lowest class tax level sliders will affect this number.	True
TripleLineIntegratedArtillery_Tooltip_360074	Triple line intergrated artillery||This arranges your grouped units into three lines.||The first line will be made up of light infantry and used to look out for ambushes.||Missile cavalry, line infantry and artillery will make up the second line.||Non-missile cavalry will be held in reserve in the third line.||This is a defensive formation as your infantry and artillery are arranged to support each other.||Artillery can not move with the same speed as other units, so using this formation to attack will leave vunerable holes for the enemy to exploit.	True
TripleLineIntegratedArtillery_Tooltip_490006	Triple Line Integrated Artillery	True
120_tx_NewState_Text_14006f	60 Minutes	True
effect1_Tooltip_d0026	Prestige	True
tab_military_Tooltip_570079	Military technologies||This helps to manufacture and improve weapons and devise new battle tactics and formations.||Concentrating on this technology will improve armies and navies.||Move your cursor over the different icons to see more information about them.	True
options_bar1_Tooltip_620026	Click this button to declare war on the faction blocking your path.||Choose this option if you want to go to war with this faction.||Do not plunge your faction into war simply because you have the option!||Consider the implications first - there are plenty of battles to be fought, battles you can plan for.||If you only meant to move through this region, you should request military access.||Of course, you could request military access and then spring a surprise attack! This will affect your faction's prestige though.	True
TX_At War_Tooltip_6d0054	These are the factions you are at war with.||Diplomatic proposals will be tougher work with these factions.||You could take this opportunity to make peace with these nations and open up trade negotiations or trade technology.	True
TX_At War_Tooltip_7c0043	Diplomatic negotiations will be tougher with these nations.||You could take this opportunity to make peace with these nations and open up trade negotiations or trade technology.	True
button_naval_optimize_crew_Tooltip_20003e	Add crew ||  Makes selected ship seaworthy by drawing surplus men from other ships in the fleet.	True
button_tx_state_gift_Tooltip_76005b	Do this as a sign of goodwill - particularly if your relations with this nation are a little strained.	True
demand_regions_tx_NewState_Text_490005	Demand Regions	True
crescent_envelop_Tooltip_580008	Crescent envelop||This arranges your grouped ships into a crescent shape.||As you move in to attack the enemy the ends of the crescent will flank them.||Once have engaged the enemy you can close in the ends of the crescent to trap them.	True
dy_army-upkeep_Tooltip_390016	This is the amount of money it costs each turn to support your standing armies. Disband units to reduce this figure.||Armies are made up from units. Each unit has its upkeep costs in its unit details panel.||Units that are not doing anything are simply eating money. Disband them or move them where they will be useful.	True
active_tab_selected_Text_560065	Active Missions	True
tab_title_NewState_Text_10072	Prestige tracker	True
button_missions_Tooltip_2c002a	Objectives||The Objectives panel will help guide you in your campaign.||It contains the Missions and the Victory Conditions tab.||The Missions tab collects all details of your assigned missions throughout the game.||To see more information open up the Objectives panel by clicking here.	True
firepower_NewState_Text_60041	Firepower	True
button_lists_Tooltip_19002d	Lists.||Clicking on this will bring up the lists panel.||The lists panel details all your agents, armed forces, fleets and regions. From this panel you can get a snapshot of your faction.||To see more information click this button to bring up the lists panel.	True
wealth_Tooltip_520023	Your wealth is based on your nation's income after costs.||Wealth is relative, and your position is measured against all other nation's riches.||If you are a wealthy nation you will be expected to be more generous in your offers.||Meagre offerings will not be looked on fondly and may ruin any negotiations.	True
rogue_sabotage_Tooltip_1007b	You have been giving the option of sabotage - a chance to wreak some havoc!||Clicking on this button will bring up your sabotage options panel.||The sabotage panel will help you decide whether or not this is the course of action you wish to pursue.	True
button_exchange_Tooltip_500050	Click this button to exchange selections.||Select a unit,	True
button_ok_Tooltip_170012	Click here to load or save the selected game.	True
game_type_tx_NewState_Text_1a0016	Game Type:	True
ship_icon_Tooltip_400053	Your ship's current location	True
button_ok_Tooltip_460046	This is the accept button.||Select this when you are happy with	True
protectorates_Tooltip_1007c	These are the protectorates for this faction.||Protectorates are factions who come under the protection of another faction.||In exchange for protection the protectorate grants full access to its regions, and pays the protecting faction half its income.	True
background_title_NewState_Text_690047	Background	True
tx_state-religion_NewState_Text_2b005b	State Religion:	True
button_ok_Tooltip_3b003b	Close panel	True
button_ok_Tooltip_720072	Accept	True
l_arrow_amount_Tooltip_510069	Decrease by 1000	True
dy_alliegence_Allied_Text_680040	( Allied )	True
faction_title_Tooltip_39001f	This panel contains all the diplomatic information of the nation you are negotiating with.||These details can help inform your diplomatic decisions.||Mouse over the areas below for more information.	True
TX_Protectorates_Protectorate of_Text_41004e	Protectorate of	True
button_save_Tooltip_8000e	Save army	True
battles_tx_NewState_Text_630076	Battle Settings:	True
blue_bar_Tooltip_2b007b	Balance of power||This shows the relative strength of each side - larger numbers do not necessarily make a superior force!||Your side are represented by the red, and the enemy is represented by blue.||If the enemies bar is significantly larger than yours, it means they have the advantage and you will have to plan carefully if you want to defeat them!||There is a version of this in battle that will reflect the fortunes of each side as the battle progresses.	True
button_earthworks_Tooltip_190078	Dig in, dig deep! Use these trenches to keep your soldiers out of the way of whizzing bullets.||You must put these in position during the deployment phase.	True
no_growth_tx_negative_growth_Tooltip_63000c	You need to increase population growth.||Move your cursor over the positive and negative factors above to see how you can help population growth.	True
entity_lists_Tooltip_ffca001a	This is your lists panel.||All your faction's armed forces, agents and regions are listed here for quick access.||When you have selected your target you can double left-click to zoom to their position on the campaign map.||This panel is divided into three sections ヨ your armies, fleets, regions and agents.	True
refused_tx_NewState_Text_620035	Some of your allies have refused to join your side:	True