• 追加された行はこの色です。
  • 削除された行はこの色です。
button_tx_alliance_Tooltip_f0063	Click here to request an alliance with the other nation.||In the event of a battle you can call upon your allied nations to aid you.||Don't count on them too much though - they may refuse!	True
button_tx_technology_Text_740052	Technology	True
button_close_naval_Tooltip_4d0010	Confirm and exit || Captured ships not added to your own forces will be automatically exchanged for prize money.	True
title_frame_Tooltip_4d0055	This is your agent options scroll||Whenever one of your agents, be it a rake or gentleman, selects a viable target this will appear.||You will be presented with a selection of actions to perform depending on your agent and your target.||Move your cursor over the options for more details.	True
title_frame_Tooltip_6c0072	This is the steal technologies panel.||Sometimes the advancement of science needs a little helping hand, particularly helping hands with light fingers!||It may not be noble, but stealing another faction's hard earned research can help you keep up with their advancements.||Pick a technology you wish to own and attempt to steal it.||Of course, you can only steal what has actually been researched and there is always the risk of discovery!	True
button_close_Tooltip_5b0000	Click to close panel.	True
TX_Unit_Review_Tooltip_530074	Your surviving men are shown below||Their unit cards are updated to reflect men lost through death or capture and any experience gained.	True
total_Tooltip_c0029	Lowest class public order.||This is based on the factors to the left.	True
army_disband_Tooltip_6f0073	Disband selected units||Occasionally you will have a unit you no longer have use for.||Every unit you have has an upkeep cost, shown on their unit details panel.||There is little point spending money on a unit that is doing nothing.||It may be cheaper to disband them and recruit a new unit when needed instead.	True
army_disband_Tooltip_7b0045	Click here to disband this unit.||Occasionally you will have a unit you have no more use for.||Every unit you have has an upkeep cost, shown on their unit details panel.||There is a little point spending money on a unit that is doing nothing. It may be cheaper to disband them now and recruit a new unit when needed instead.	True
army_embark_Tooltip_30003a	Embark/Disembark||Move units between your docked fleet and the port garrison.	True
army_fort_inactive_Tooltip_1c0073	You are unable to build a fort.||Forts can only be built by an army containing a general.||You either have insufficient funds or your army doesn't contain a general.||You need to either raise the required funds or promote your captain to a general before building a fort.	True
army_fort_inactive_Tooltip_4a	You are unable to build a fort.||Building a fort requires a general and you must be within your own region.||You also need the sufficient funds and enough open ground to build upon.||If you have a general and are in one of your own regions, you need to either raise enough funds or choose a clearer area to build upon.	True
army_fort_Tooltip_12006e	Build fort||Building a fort requires a general and you must be within your own region.||If your army is on the move and vulnerable to attack, it may be wise to build a fort for protection.	True
army_fort_Tooltip_4a002e	Click here to build a fort.||Forts can only be built by an army containing a general.||If you're army is on the move and vulnerable to attack it may be wise to build a fort for protection.||If an army is attacked while inside a fort they will have added defences, and it may prove to be the difference between victory and defeat!	True
army_order_panel_Tooltip_380026	Available units for this battle.||Click on a unit to add them to your setup.||They will be placed in the slots below.||The recruitment cost is shown on each units card.||These units are specific to the time period of the battle.||You can change the time period on the previous screen.||Later periods will have more units to choose from and the battles will be more complex.	True
army_promote_inactive_Tooltip_3a003f	You cannot recruit a general at this time.||You have either insufficient funds or there is no space in your army for the general's bodyguard unit.||You will need to raise the funds or disband a unit to make room for the bodyguard unit.	True
army_promote_Tooltip_25004a	Recruit general||This will recruit a general and add a general's bodyguard unit.||Generals allow you to replenish armies, build forts, add morale bonuses in battle and recruit units on land.	True
army_promote_Tooltip_430044	Recruit general||This will recruit a general and change a unit to a generals bodyguard unit.||Generals can build forts, add morale bonuses in battle, rally and recruit units on land.	True
army_promote_Tooltip_5a0061	Recruit general||This will recruit a general and add a general's bodyguard unit.||Generals can build forts, add morale bonuses in battle, rally and recruit units on land.	True
army_promote_Tooltip_780007	Click here to promote this unit.||This will promote one of your men to a general and that unit to a generals bodyguard unit.||Generals can build forts, add morale bonuses in battle, rally and recruit units on land.	True
army_replenish_Tooltip_300028	Replenish selected units||Each unit can hold a maximum number of men.||If some of these have been lost in battle you can replenish units with fresh recruits.||Fresh recruits will not have the experience of battle hardened men and may reduce the units overall experience as a result.	True
army_replenish_Tooltip_7e0012	You do not need to replenish this army at this time.||None of this armies' units are depleted.||Each unit can only hold a maximum number of men. If you want more of that unit you will have to recruit a whole new unit.	True
arrow L_Tooltip_11006d	Next theatre	True
dy_build-policy_Tooltip_250061	Build policy||When construction is being managed automatically, the buildings constructed will depend on your build policy.||Use the arrows to the left and right to select different build policies.	True
dy_turns_NewState_Text_390039	99	True
effects_icons1_land_upkeep_cost_Tooltip_4b0079	Army upkeep cost	True
heading_txt_Tooltip_e0060	Select sides, invite friends and recruit units here.||Move your cursor over the different sections for more information.	True
heading_Tooltip_270029	Your agent - the defendant in this duel.||Below his portrait you will see his name and his abilities with a sword and pistol.	True
heading_Tooltip_370038	This screen enables you to play a battle immediately without having to play through a campaign.||Here are four different battle types and the saved battle option - choose from one of these and then adjust the settings to your taste! ||Mouse over the five battle options to learn more details about them.	True
AmmoBar_Tooltip_760059	Ammunition	True
status_Tooltip_140041	Here you can find your agents current location.||Left-click to jump to their location on the main map.	True
shooting_Tooltip_2b002b	This is the challengers shooting skill.||This is the challengers shooting skill.	True
amount_tx_Tooltip_640075	This is the amount of money you will be paying out or demanding.||Select the arrow icons on the left or right to increase or decrease the money by 1000 each time.	True
rogue_assassinate_Tooltip_6d003e	You have a chance to use your assassination skills here.||Clicking on this button will bring up the assassination panel.||The opportunity to dispose of a potential threat or competition can be risky.||The assassination panel will provide you with the percentage chance of success.	True
sabotage_Tooltip_1f000c	You have been given the option of sabotage - a chance to wreak some havoc!||Clicking on this will open up your Sabotage panel.||The Sabotage panel will help you decide whether or not this is the course of action you wish to pursue.	True
experience_new_3_Tooltip_680042	Post-battle experience: 3||This is the experience this unit has gained in battle.	True
copy of copy of heading_tx_NewState_Text_570018	Floating Flags	True
joined_tx_NewState_Text_3d003f	joined by:	True
experience_new_2_Tooltip_680043	Post-battle experience: 2||This is the experience this unit has gained in battle.	True
tab_title_NewState_Text_1c003a	Policies	True
label_txt_Tooltip_4c003c	This setting provides you with different time periods to choose from.||Each period has units specific to that time.||Generally, the later periods will provide you with a larger choice of units.||Select a period according to your personal preferences.	True
dy_title_NewState_Text_520035	Capital Lost!	True
experience_new_1_Tooltip_680040	Post-battle experience: 1||This is the experience this unit has gained in battle.	True
level_tx_NewState_Tooltip_300043	This shows how far along the development chain this building is.||The higher up the chain, the more effects a building will provide.||Damaged buildings will cease providing effects until they are repaired.||As a result, the more developed a building, the more disruption your sabotage will cause.	True
tab_title_NewState_Text_560075	Unit Statistics	True
heading_tx_NewState_Text_490003	Battle time limit	True
experience_new_7_Tooltip_680046	Post-battle experience: 7||This is the experience this unit has gained in battle.	True
txt_ownership_Controlled_Text_24000f	Controlled by:	True
tx_Ordnance_Tooltip_f0032	The metal industry tree will help develop factory machinery and improve your trade resources.||As each new technology is gained it will lead you onto the next step up the chain.||Sometimes, technologies are unattainable until other technologies have been gained.||Use this technology tree to plan the path to the technology you want.	True
experience_new_6_Tooltip_680047	Post-battle experience: 6||This is the experience this unit has gained in battle.	True
experience_new_5_Tooltip_680044	Post-battle experience: 5||This is the experience this unit has gained in battle.	True
heading_tx_NewState_Text_300078	Voice Chat	True
button_tx_access_cancel_Text_1c0021	Cancel Military Access	True
experience_new_4_Tooltip_680045	Post-battle experience: 4||This is the experience this unit has gained in battle.	True
heading_tx_NewState_Text_410007	Sound System	True
heading_tx_NewState_Text_1c005d	Music	True
advisor_tx_NewState_Text_570012	Advisor Help	True
heading_tx_NewState_Text_770033	Effects	True
experience_new_9_Tooltip_680048	Post-battle experience: 9||This is the experience this unit has gained in battle.	True
experience_new_8_Tooltip_680049	Post-battle experience: 8||This is the experience this unit has gained in battle.	True
effect2_Tooltip_470036	Trade efficiency	True
head_tx_Tooltip_3e005f	This shows the public order for each region.||The two icons are for the lower and higher classes, as each of them have their own public order.||Green icons means the public are under control, red means they are likely to riot. Yellow means they are somewhere inbetween.||If the public order for a region looks unstable you may want to bring up the region's details scroll to try to find the problems and quell any unrest.||You can order this column according to the best and worst public order by clicking on this column's title.||This will help you quickly pinpoint regions which may give you trouble.	True
positive_bar_Tooltip_b0062	Positive effects||A cultured region is a happy region.||Opera houses and theatres will keep the elite amused.||Improving government control through garrisons will curb some of their more decadent tendencies and help keep order.	True
healed_tx_NewState_Text_6d004c	Healed	True
power_dy_Tooltip_6d007f	Your power is represented by your military strength.||The nations with the largest army and naval presence will be seen as the most powerful in the eyes of the world.||The more powerful you are the less popular you will be with other nations.	True
tab_title_NewState_Text_590076	Battle Settings	True
demand_access_Tooltip_38005d	This is the military access demand panel.||Demand how many turns you want military access granted.||Military access is used when one army needs to move across another faction's region without trespassing and causing a war.||Of course, it can also be abused and used to move armies into good positions for a surprise attack!||Granting access requires a great deal of trust.||The more you demand, the less likely they will accept. It will also depend on their overall relationship with you.||Select the nodes to choose how many turns you want to demand and then click on the tick button.	True
label_txt_NewState_Text_2e001c	Texture Quality	True
heading_txt_NewState_Text_420011	Battle Preparation	True
arrow L_Tooltip_24006f	Click this to scroll to the next theatre view.||As is the case on the campaign map, the world is divided between three theatre views: Europe, America and India.||This map will show you only the theatres where you own regions.	True
arrow L_Tooltip_380048	lick this to cycle to the next theatre.	True
arrow L_Tooltip_420064	Click this arrow to switch between the map context.	True
arrow L_Tooltip_4c007e	Click this arrow to cycle to the next filter option.	True
arrow L_Tooltip_62006b	Previous region	True
arrow L_Tooltip_630049	Next theatre view||The world is divided between three theatre views: Europe, America and India.||This map will only show you the theatres where you own regions.	True
arrow L_Tooltip_6a0056	Previous theatre view||The world is divided between three theatre views: Europe, America and India.||This map will only show you the theatres where you own regions.	True
arrow L_Tooltip_6a005b	Switch map context	True
arrow L_Tooltip_710037	Click to cycle to the theatre view to the left.	True
arrow L_Tooltip_720071	Click this arrow to switch to your next region.	True
arrow R_Tooltip_180072	Previous theatre	True
arrow R_Tooltip_1b002c	Click to cycle to the next theatre to the right.	True
arrow R_Tooltip_420064	Click this arrow to switch between the map context.	True
arrow R_Tooltip_4c007e	Click this arrow to cycle to the next filter option.	True
arrow R_Tooltip_570052	Click this to cycle to the previous theatre.	True
arrow R_Tooltip_60064	Click this to switch to the previous theatre view.||As is the case on the campaign map, the world is divided between three theatre views: Europe, America and India.||This map will show you only the theatres where you own regions.	True
arrow R_Tooltip_630069	Next theatre view||The world is divided between three theatre views: Europe, America and India.||This map will only show you the theatres where you own regions.	True
arrow R_Tooltip_6a005b	Switch map context	True
arrow R_Tooltip_6a0076	Previous theatre view||The world is divided between three theatre views: Europe, America and India.||This map will only show you the theatres where you own regions.	True
arrow R_Tooltip_6b0074	Next region	True
arrow R_Tooltip_6d0078	Click this arrow to switch to your previous region.	True
arrow_down_Tooltip_73006c	Scroll down	True
arrow_L_Tooltip_10050	Next build policy	True
arrow_L_Tooltip_110016	Next	True
arrow_L_Tooltip_1b0076	Cycle to the next build policy.	True
arrow_L_Tooltip_220010	Shuffle unit||Move the selected unit towards front of reinforcement queue.||Units at the front of the reinforcement queue will be the first brought into battle.||There is a maximum of twenty units allowed in battle at one time, so you may want to have the strongest units at the front of the queue.	True
arrow_L_Tooltip_5b0049	Shuffle unit||Move the selected unit towards the front of the reinforcement queue.||Units at the front of the reinforcement queue will be the first brought into battle.||There is a maximum of twenty units allowed in battle at one time, so you may want to have the strongest units at the front of the queue.	True
arrow_L_Tooltip_5d0013	Shuffle army towards front of reinforcement queue	True
arrow_R_Tooltip_180029	Previous	True
arrow_R_Tooltip_1b0076	Cycle to the next build policy.	True
arrow_R_Tooltip_310005	Shuffle unit||Move the selected unit towards back of reinforcement queue.||Units at the back of the reinforcement queue will be the last brought into battle.||There is a maximum of twenty units allowed in battle at once, so you may want to move the weakest units to the end of the queue.	True
arrow_R_Tooltip_60022	Shuffle army towards back of reinforcement queue	True
arrow_R_Tooltip_8004f	Previous build policy	True
arrow_up_Tooltip_15001d	Scroll up	True
art_title_tx_NewState_Text_50045	Artillery	True
assassinate_Tooltip_580079	You have a chance to use your assassination skills here.||Clicking on this will open up the Assassination panel.||The opportunity to dispose of a potential threat or competition can be risky.||The Assassination panel will provide you with the percentage chance of success.	True
assassinate_Tooltip_6d003e	You have a chance to use your assassination skills here.||Clicking on this button will bring up the assassination panel.||The opportunity to dispose of a potential threat or competition can be risky.||The assassination panel will provide you with the percentage chance of success.	True
assassination_entry_Tooltip_c004d	This panel holds information on your potential targets.||Move your cursor over the different areas below for more details.	True
assigned_unit_Tooltip_480047	This shows the character's assigned unit.||If you right click on this, the unit details panel will appear.	True
At War bar_Tooltip_640030	You are at war with these nations.||They may attack you at any time - guard your territory, armies, navies and trade routes with care!||To make peace with your enemies, or to see more information, see your diplomatic details panel.	True
At War bar_Tooltip_7b0047	These nations may attack you at any time - guard your territory, armies, navies and trade routes with care!||To make peace with your enemies, or to see more information, see your diplomatic details panel.	True
Attitude_dy_other_nations_Text_750078	Other nations attitudes towards selected nation	True
Attitude_dy_other_nations_Tooltip_70047	When this is selected your map will show what other nations attitudes are towards the selected faction.||Regions coloured green will be friendly to the selected faction, and red will be unfriendly.||Click the arrows to the left and right to switch between the contexts.	True
Attitude_dy_other_nations_Tooltip_d003a	Regions coloured green will be friendly toward the selected nation, and red will be unfriendly.||Click the arrows to the left and right to switch between the contexts.	True
Attitude_dy_thier_attitude_Text_1b0025	Selected nations attitude towards others	True
Attitude_dy_thier_attitude_Tooltip_160057	When this is selected your map will show what the selected nations attitudes towards other factions are.||Regions coloured green means friendly and red will be unfriendly.||Click the arrows to the left and right to switch between the contexts.	True
Attitude_dy_thier_attitude_Tooltip_30005c	Regions coloured green means the selected nation is friendly towards this region and red means unfriendly.||Click the arrows to the left and right to switch between the contexts.	True
label_txt_NewState_Text_240012	Battle Advice	True
label_txt_NewState_Text_430074	Unit Detail	True
cancel_stategift_Tooltip_180055	Cancel state gift	True
heading_txt_NewState_Text_260074	Player Stats	True
IND_map_Tooltip_1c004a	This shows the regions you control in India.||The regions in green are yours.	True
dy_value_Tooltip_5f001a	You can improve the speed of this unit by researching copper bottoms in the naval technology.	True
heading_txt_NewState_Text_770027	Options	True
cmp_diff_tx_Tooltip_a0043	You can increase or decrease campaign difficulty with the slider.	True
label_txt_NewState_Text_320000	Sound Variation	True
heading_txt_NewState_Text_530004	Warpath Campaign	True
label_txt_NewState_Text_410072	Ship Detail	True
heading_txt_NewState_Text_300065	Battle Tutorials	True
tx_value_Tooltip_130040	Income you receive from each of your exports.	True
army_replenish_Tooltip_300028	Replenish selected units||Each unit can hold a maximum number of men.||If some of these have been lost in battle you can replenish units with fresh recruits.||Fresh recruits will not have the experience of battle hardened men and may reduce the units overall experience as a result.	True
button_close_normal_Tooltip_76005e	Close this panel.	True
button_tick_Tooltip_1f0049	Close	True
StatusIcon_Melee_Tooltip_44	Melee	True
button_close_naval_Tooltip_60042	Accept||Captured ships not added to your own forces will be automatically exchanged for prize money.	True
percentage_Tooltip_76004a	You will have more public order with populations that follow your national religion.||You can use your missionaries to start converting a region by moving them into that area.	True
ffwd_Tooltip_1b0061	Fast Forward.||Click this button to speed up the game by x4.||Click the play button to return to normal speed.||Speeding up the game is useful when you have made a move that requires you to do nothing but sit and wait. For example, chasing down fleeing enemies.||Use this button carefully  - if you are in the middle of a complicated battle something might go wrong and happen to fast for you to correct it!	True
label_txt_NewState_Text_640059	Orders	True
button_counteroffer_Tooltip_1e0018	Counteroffer||This will open up the offers and demands panel for you to make counteroffers.||Sometimes you may not agree with the proposal but still want to negotiate.	True
Blank_EU_Tooltip_1e003b	This shows the regions you control in Europe.||The regions in green are yours.	True
button_txt_ready_Text_1004a	Ready	True
title_NewState_Text_e0026	Episode III	True
Allies bar_Tooltip_80014	You have a military alliance with these nations.||They should come to your aid in war, especially to defend you if attacked.||They may be less willing to join you in attacking others, especially if they have good relations with your target.|| To make or break allies, or to simply see more details, see your diplomatic details panel.	True
button_txt_Tooltip_7e0061	Once saved, you can reload this by selecting the saved battles option from the previous screen.	True
fwd_Tooltip_72000e	Forward.||Click this button to speed up the game by x2.||Click the play button to return to normal speed.||Speeding up the game is useful when you have made a move that requires you to do nothing but sit and wait. For example, chasing down fleeing enemies.||Use this button carefully  - if you are in the middle of a complicated battle something might go wrong and happen to fast for you to correct it!	True
label_txt_NewState_Text_290010	Unit size:	True
bar_Tooltip_6f0058	The amount of ammunition this unit can carry into battle.||Once this has been used up the unit will be forced to switch to melee mode for any more fighting.||After the battle ammunition will be fully replenished.	True
india_Tooltip_2b0075	India.||America, Europe and India are where you can develop cities, recruit armies and wage war.||This is where you build your Empire.	True
heading_NewState_Text_a0059	Defendant	True
handle_Tooltip_59	Move this slider to scroll up and down the panel.	True
button_naval_take_ship_Tooltip_310073	Add captured ship to fleet || Captured ships not added to your own forces will be automatically exchanged for prize money.	True
button_naval_take_ship_Tooltip_110053	Add captured ship to fleet||Captured ships not added to your own forces will be automatically exchanged for prize money.	True
button_unit_upgrade_Tooltip_7c0019	Select to upgrade unit	True
dy_sum_debit_Tooltip_4d0031	The total of your outgoings.||This will be taken from your incomings to create your total income for the next turn.||Your army, naval and town watch upkeep costs make up this total.	True
mp_Tooltip_3e0023	Each army can only travel a certain distance each turn and this column will show you which armies can still be moved.||The coloured bar will empty as more points are used.||All armies movements points will be fully replenished next turn.||Movement points are reset each turn, you can not accumulate them.||If an army still has movement points, have a look to see if there is anywhere you want to move them before ending turn.||Left-click to jump to their location on the main map.||Right-click to bring up the details for the general or colonel in charge of this army.||You can order your armies by movement points by clicking on this column's title.	True
steal_research_unselected_roll_Tooltip_46	F	True
mp_Tooltip_6c0074	Each agent can only travel so far each turn and this column will show you which agents can still be moved.||The coloured bar will empty as more points are used.||All agent's movement points will be fully replenished next turn.||You cannot accumulate movement points.||If an agent still has movement points, have a look to see if there is anywhere you want to move him before ending turn.||You can order each agent according to movement points left by clicking on this column's title.	True
bar_Tooltip_69005a	Firepower level for this unit.||This determines the amount of damage your guns will inflict on an enemy target.	True
tx_other_Tooltip_110002	Income gained from other sources such as payments from diplomatic negotiations and protectorates.	True
tab_title_Tooltip_130068	This is the agents tab.||Select the agent you want to move	True
list_clip_Tooltip_70079	This section lists your games, turns played and date and time of saving.||You can sort them name, turns and date by clicking on the appropriate column title.	True
Attitude_dy_Tooltip_e0009	Here you can select the context of the diplomatic relations map.||You can choose between two views: Other nations attitudes towards selected faction, and selected factions attitude towards others.||This is useful to see where your faction stands at a cursory glance.||It can also help to see what other faction's relationships towards each other are, as you may be able to use this to your advantage!||Click the arrows to the left and right to switch between the contexts.	True
attitude_Tooltip_330041	Click to sort by attitude.	True
attribute_Tooltip_1b0009	This shows the character's command on land or at sea.	True
auto_Tooltip_280020	If this is checked, all battles will be autoresolved on the campaign map.||Battle outcomes will be judged on each side's statistics.||However, if both sides are closely matched you may want to play the battle manually as you have more chance of victory.	True
auto_tx_NewState_Text_7a0039	Autoresolve all battles	True
auto_tx_Tooltip_280020	If this is checked, all battles will be autoresolved on the campaign map.||Battle outcomes will be judged on each side's statistics.||However, if both sides are closely matched you may want to play the battle manually as you have more chance of victory.	True
background_title_NewState_Text_690047	Background	True
background_title_Tooltip_60038	This section provides historical background about this unit.	True
banner 270_Tooltip_180071	This is the currently selected theatre.||The world map is divided into three theatres: Europe, America and India.||You can view the other theatres by clicking on the arrows to the left and right.	True
banner 270_Tooltip_370057	This is the theatre currently on view.	True
banner 270_Tooltip_7f004d	This is your currently selected theatre.||Each theatre has its own tax settings.||Use the arrows to the left and right to switch through the theatres.	True
Banner_1_Tooltip_370070	Men in unit	True
Banner_naval_1_Tooltip_4c0071	Men on board	True
banner_Tooltip_560019	Your government's head of state.||Your head of state adds bonuses to your prestige, diplomacy and economic growth.||These bonuses are dependent on the level of their management skills.||Right-click to bring up their character panel.	True
banner_tx_monarch_Text_6d0039	Monarch	True
BannerNaval_1_Tooltip_36002b	Men onboard	True
bar_back_Tooltip_190053	This is your Urban Growth.||This shows the progress towards the region generating a new town slot. This progress is dependent on your Population Growth.||A full bar represents a population increase of 20%.||When this bar is full, a new town slot will appear in your region. You can use slots to build ports, schools and factories.	True
bar_graph_window_Tooltip_1a006c	This displays the number of prestige points awarded in each area, depending on your filter view.	True
bar_Tooltip_10011	A unit with high morale is less likely to rout in the face of trouble.||Gaining experience on the battlefield will improve morale for this unit.	True
bar_Tooltip_120017	Speed of this unit.||You can improve the speed of this unit by researching copper bottoms in the naval technology.	True
bar_Tooltip_180076	This skill determines the chance of a successful hit on the enemy when the unit is engaged in melee.||Battle hardened troops will gain experience in melee and this skill will increase.||Researching bayonets in military technology will improve melee attack.	True
bar_Tooltip_1f006e	You can improve the range of your guns by researching rifled cannons.||This can be done in the naval technology panel.	True
bar_Tooltip_20066	This increases a unit's melee attack when charging in.||Researching a new model bayonet will improve this bonus.	True
bar_Tooltip_20ff8c	Morale for this unit.||Having a stiff upper lip  may not win any beauty contests, but itメs a better to have than a tail between your legs.||A unit with high morale is less likely to rout in the face of trouble.||Gaining experience on the battlefield will improve morale for this unit.	True
bar_Tooltip_210058	This is the speed this unit can reload and the chance it has of misfires.||The higher this skill, the faster the reloading speed and less likely the chance of misfires.||Gaining experience and researching sheet lead cartridges in naval technology will improve this skill.	True
bar_Tooltip_26002b	Reloading level for this unit.||This is the speed this artillery can reload and the chance it has of misfires.||The higher this skill, the faster the reloading speed and less likely the chance of misfires.||This will be raised by gaining experience in battle.||To reduce the chance of misfires you could research the percussion cap in military technology.	True
bar_Tooltip_280045	Defence for this unit.||This determines the chance of your unit getting hit while in melee.||Unfortunately this is only for melee mode and will provide no protection from a bullet!	True
bar_Tooltip_290074	Charge bonus for this unit.||This increases a unit's melee attack when charging in.||Rather than putting its best foot forward, a unit would fare better with a nice pointy bayonet. Researching a new model bayonet in the military technology will improve this bonus.	True
bar_Tooltip_2a0034	A long range enables you to hit enemies from a distance, but weapons still tend to be more effective at shorter ranges.	True
bar_Tooltip_320065	Morale for this unit.||A unit with high morale is less likely to rout in the face of trouble.||If your artillery routs, they will leave the artillery unmanned and unusable!||Gaining experience on the battlefield will improve morale for this unit.	True
bar_Tooltip_3b004c	This is the speed this artillery can reload and the chance it has of misfires.||The higher this skill, the faster your reload speed will become and your guns will be less likely to misfire.||This will be raised by gaining experience in battle.||To reduce the chance of misfires you could research the percussion cap in military technology.	True
bar_Tooltip_3d004c	Maneuverability of this unit.||This determines the speed this ship can change course.||Different ships have different sailing characteristics.	True
bar_Tooltip_410033	This reflects the likelihood of hitting the enemy by fire.||Gaining experience in battle will improve this value.	True
bar_Tooltip_42004e	The hull strength determines how much damage this unit will receive when hit.||You can strengthen a hull by researching seasoning in naval technology.	True
bar_Tooltip_510060	This is the speed this unit can reload and the chance it has of misfires.||The higher this skill, the faster your reload speed will become and your guns will be less likely to misfire.||To reduce the chance of misfires you could research the percussion cap in military technology.||This will be raised by gaining experience in battle.	True
bar_Tooltip_520001	Reloading level for this unit.||This is the speed this unit can reload and the chance it has of misfires.||The higher this skill, the faster the reloading speed and less likely the chance of misfires.||To reduce the chance of misfires you could research the percussion cap in military technology.||You can also immprove this by gaining experience in battle.||	True
bar_Tooltip_550022	This determines the amount of damage your guns will inflict on an enemy target.	True