battle_label_NewState_Text_15004e	Friedland	True
heading_txt_Tooltip_7b0057	These battles can also be played as multiplayer battles.|| You can access these through the multiplayer menu. || Each battle won here opens a path to the next one. || You are awarded a battle honour for each victory, with higher battle honours for harder difficulty settings. || There are four types of battle honour; iron, bronze, silver and gold. || Once you have finished a battle, you can replay it on a harder difficulty setting to try to achieve the highest honour.	True
deal_type_title_left_break_alliance_Text_40062	Break alliance with:	True
heading_txt_Tooltip_5b0072	This screen is where you will find details on network games.||You can host or join a game, or search for a game that suits your preferences.	True
advice_text_setting_button_hover_Text_5a0078	Show advice text	True
total_Tooltip_48007f	Total lower class public order||This is based on the positive and negative factors to the right.||Mouse over the icon to the left to see the public order status for this class.	True
label_txt_NewState_Tooltip_30071	The higher the particle effects setting, the grander the effects will appear in game. || Some particle effects will only appear on the higher settings, giving an even more visceral experience. || However, if your game is running slow, you amy want to switch to a lower setting.	True
UC_button_turn_right_Tooltip_5c0033	Turn right||Hold this button to rotate the selected unit right, single click to rotate a small amount.||The final position will be shown using blue markers.	True
button_group_Selected_rolloff_Tooltip_6e0031	The selected units are grouped. || Click this button to ungroup them.|| When ungrouped they cannot make formations and will not hold their respective positions when moving.	True
button_enlarge_selected_down_Tooltip_13002e	Shrink radar map	True
replenish_icon_attrition_Tooltip_6d006e	This unit is not replenishing || They are suffering from attrition and cannot replenish. || The rate of attrition is affected by environments of extreme heat or cold. || To replenish this unit move them out of the area, or shelter them within a settlement.	True
button_enlarge_selected_Tooltip_13002e	Shrink radar map	True
time_label_Tooltip_3e002a	When this timer runs out, the battle will be fought according to the default setting. || The default setting is the button that is highlighted.	True
defenses_Tooltip_11001d	The longer a settlement is besieged, the more damage is done to its defences.||This will make it easier to capture when an attack is finally launched.	True
button_movespeed_Unselected_rolloff_Tooltip_580027	Run||The selected unit is currently walking, click this button to make them run.||It is best to make them run only when necessary.||Running everywhere in battle will simply exhaust your men and rob them of the energy for when they really need it.||If you simply wish to speed up the battle, it is better to use the fast-forward buttons instead to speed up the battle time.	True
status_Tooltip_15003b	This column shows the current status of each game. || By mousing over the icons in this column you can see if the game is available for you to join or if there is something preventing you.	True
title_Tooltip_200006	Industrial technologies || Research of these technologies can boost your nations wealth and reduce military and naval upkeep costs. || Move your cursor over the different icons to see more information about them.	True
button_voice_setting_selected_hover_Text_6a0070	Turn off voice chat	True
button_melee_Unselected_depress_Tooltip_19000f	Click this to enter melee mode.||The selected units will currently use their firearms in battle.||When melee mode is on, the selected units will engage in hand-to-hand combat instead.	True
button_advice_sound_selected_hover_Text_47004a	Turn off advice sound	True
button_melee_Selected_rolloff_Tooltip_540014	Click this to use firearms.||The selected units will currently engage in melee when in combat.||When firearms mode is on, they will use their guns instead.	True
button_melee_Unselected_Tooltip_5b0053	Engage in melee||The selected units will currently use their firearms in battle.||When melee mode is on, the selected units will engage in hand-to-hand combat instead.	True
button_group_Unselected_Tooltip_38004a	The selected units are not grouped. || Click this button to group them. ||When grouped, the units will keep their respective positions when moving.||You can also put them into formations.	True
button_movespeed_Unselected_rolloff_Tooltip_77000d	Order selected units to run||They are currently walking.||It is best to make them run only when necessary.||Running everywhere in battle will simply exhaust your men and rob them of the energy for when they really need it.||If you simply wish to speed up the battle, it is better to use the fast-forward buttons instead to speed up the battle time.	True
button_chat_mode_all_Tooltip_5b0079	Send chat to all players||The current chat status will send your messages to all players.|| This will appear as white text in the chat window.||To switch chat status to send chat to teammates only, click this button.	True
heading_Tooltip_480038	This screen is where you will find details of online games.||You can host or join a game, or search for a game that suits your preferences.	True
heading_Tooltip_3b004c	These battles can also be played as multiplayer battles.|| You can access these through the multiplayer menu. || Each battle won here opens a path to the next one. || You are awarded a battle honour for each battle you win. || Your performance in battle determines what level of battle honour you receive. || Once you have finished a battle, you can replay it to try and achieve the highest honour available.	True
button_host_campaign_Tooltip_7e0019	As campaign host you get to choose the rules of the campaign.||You can let anyone join, or make it a password only game for friends.	True
button_movespeed_Selected_rolloff_Tooltip_100009	Order selected units to walk||They are currently running.||Your men will quickly become exhausted if you make them run all the time.||If they are tired bring them to a halt and let them rest and recover.||You can see how tired each unit is by mousing over them.	True
total_Tooltip_f0050	Total ruling class public order||This is based on the positive and negative factors to the right.||Mouse over the icon to the left to see the public order status for this class.	True
button_melee_Unselected_roll_Tooltip_7f0057	Engage in melee||The selected units are currently using their firearms.||When melee mode is on, the selected units will engage in hand-to-hand combat.	True
advice_audio_setting_button_down_off_Tooltip_64002c	Activate advice sound||With this on, any advice you receive will be played as audio.||This setting will not affect your text advice settings.	True
battle_label_NewState_Text_64002b	Dresden	True
button_mp_dropin_Tooltip_190032	Find a human opponent online for a drop-in battle.||The human player will take the place of the AI for this battle.	True
deal_type_title_left_embargo_Text_4d002b	Stop trade with:	True
offer_access_tx_Tooltip_190064	Military access is used when one army needs to move across another nation's regions without trespassing and causing a war.||Offering the other nation a high number of turns shows a great deal of trust and good faith.||This will improve relations between you, but also make you vulnerable to their armies if they decide to attack.||Select the nodes to choose how many turns you want to offer and then click on the accept button.	True
title_Tooltip_66004f	Civil technologies||These include developments in political thought, social change and economic ideas.||Civil technologies can have effects on your wealth, research speed, recruitment and building costs and happiness.	True
heading_diplomacy_Tooltip_310027	This section displays your allies, enemies, trade partners and protectorates. || Mouse over the different areas below for more information.	True
name_textbox_Tooltip_1c0004	You can name units by typing in this box.	True
advice_text_setting_button_active_Tooltip_44001a	Activate advice text||With this on, any advice you receive will be shown as text.||This setting will not affect your audio advice settings.	True
button_toggle_chat_display_Tooltip_370061	Toggle chat display	True
button_decrease_selected_Tooltip_66005d	Show radar map	True
button_switch_Tooltip_170077	Switch alliances	True
nav_button_shot_grape_Tooltip_640076	Select Grape Shot|| This fires a cluster of metal slugs. || Grape Shot is most effective when the enemy ship's hull is damaged. It is also likely to cause a fire. || Grape Shot can reduce the number of enemy sailors prior to boarding.	True
TripleLineGrandBattery_Tooltip_63003c	Triple line grand battery||This formation can be used in attack or defence.||Grouping your artillery together means you can concentrate your barrage on one area of the enemy.||You can use this to destroy specific units or cover an advance.||Defensively it can be used to protect a weak area of your army, any enemies attempting an attack will be mown down.	True
map_panel_NewState_Tooltip_3b004c	These battles can also be played as multiplayer battles.|| You can access these through the multiplayer menu. || Each battle won here opens a path to the next one. || You are awarded a battle honour for each battle you win. || Your performance in battle determines what level of battle honour you receive. || Once you have finished a battle, you can replay it to try and achieve the highest honour available.	True
button_melee_Unselected_rolloff_Tooltip_7f0057	Engage in melee||The selected units are currently using their firearms.||When melee mode is on, the selected units will engage in hand-to-hand combat.	True
advice_audio_setting_button_down_Tooltip_64002c	Activate advice sound||With this on, any advice you receive will be played as audio.||This setting will not affect your text advice settings.	True
button_melee_Selected_roll_Tooltip_7f0042	Use firearms||The selected units will currently engage in melee when in combat.||When firearms mode is on, they will use their guns instead.	True
button_decrease_selected_down_Tooltip_66005d	Show radar map	True
button_melee_Selected_roll_Tooltip_2c0014	The selected units will currently only engage in melee combat. || Click this button to make them use firearms as their primary attack.	True
Attitude_dy_other_nations_Text_f0025	Other nation's attitudes towards selected nation	True
 button_cancel_Tooltip_12000d	Cancel delete	True
button_movespeed_Unselected_depress_Tooltip_3f0073	Click this button to make the selected unit run.||They are currently walking.||It is best to make them run only when necessary.||Running everywhere in battle will simply exhaust your men and rob them of the energy for when they really need it.||If you simply wish to speed up the battle, it is better to use the fast-forward buttons instead to speed up the battle time.	True
offers_title_faction_left_Tooltip_750008	This section shows all the offers you are making as part of your diplomatic proposal. || Use the buttons to the left to make offers which will get added here. || Your demands are shown to the right to make it simpler for you to compose a balanced proposal. || Once you have finished, click on the send proposal button. || You can remove offers or demands by clicking on the cross next to them if you have changed your mind.	True
Income_Tooltip_710018	Tax incomes from the lower and ruling classes.||As you move the tax sliders these numbers will reflect the changes.	True
button_movespeed_Selected_roll_Tooltip_100009	Order selected units to walk||They are currently running.||Your men will quickly become exhausted if you make them run all the time.||If they are tired bring them to a halt and let them rest and recover.||You can see how tired each unit is by mousing over them.	True
button_groupforms_Inactive_Tooltip_18001b	To activate this button you must have some units already grouped.	True
ColumnInfantryVanguard_Tooltip_630002	Column infantry vanguard||This formation is useful to move units over bridges with a strong infantry line up front.||Having your units arranged in a long column can leave its flank vunerable to enemy attack.	True
button_group_Selected_depress_Tooltip_38004a	The selected units are not grouped. || Click this button to group them. ||When grouped, the units will keep their respective positions when moving.||You can also put them into formations.	True
dy_income_lower_Tooltip_1d000e	Total lower class tax income.||Changing the lower class tax level sliders will affect this number.	True
tx_Naval_Tooltip_650016	teststetetestststss	True
label_tx_Tooltip_4c0023	Selecting this option keeps sounds in memory for longer, leading to faster performance.	True
Map panel_Tooltip_440022	Taxes map||This provides an overall idea of how taxes are affecting your population's happiness.||Mousing over the map will tell you what the region is called and which nation owns it.||Your regions are shown in red, green or yellow.||If a region is green it means the population's public order is under control; red means that they are close to rioting!||Tax levels affect a population's happiness, and as a result, their public order level.||Lowering tax levels will help calm rioting or unhappy regions.||Instead of lowering tax levels you could add more militia presence in problem regions to increase oppression.	True
tx_treasury_Tooltip_80034	Your treasury is the total sum of money you have available to spend on building and recruitment for this turn.||The projected income section shows how much income will be added to this treasury next turn.	True
button_enlarge_selected_down_off_Tooltip_13002e	Shrink radar map	True
button_groupforms_Tooltip_68002d	Toggle group formations panel||This panel can be used to arrange grouped units into different formations.||It has buttons for each formation, using different icons for infantry, cavalry and artillery.||To activate this button you must have some units already grouped.||Move your cursor over the formations panel for more details.	True
button_toggle_advisor_display_hover_Text_5a0078	Show advice text	True
state_no_Text_6f004e	No	True
button_melee_Unselected_rolloff_Tooltip_50006f	The selected units will currently use their firearms when in combat. || Click this to enter melee mode. || When melee mode is on, the selected units will only engage in melee combat and not use their firearms.	True
button_movespeed_Selected_roll_Tooltip_6d0067	Click this button to make the selected unit walk.||They are currently running.||The selected unit is currently running.|Your men will quickly become exhausted if you make them run all the time.||If they are tired bring them to a halt and let them rest and recover.||You can see how tired each unit is by mousing over them.	True
button_movespeed_Unselected_roll_Tooltip_38000c	The selected unit is currently walking. ||Click this button to make them run. ||It is best to make them run only when necessary. ||Running everywhere in battle will simply exhaust your men and rob them of the energy for when they really need it. ||If you simply wish to speed up the battle, it is better to use the fast-forward buttons instead to speed up the battle time.	True
label_txt_NewState_Tooltip_110007	test	True
advice_text_setting_button_active_Tooltip_510010	Show advice text || Showing advice text will not affect your audio advice settings. || You can choose to hide the advice text at any time.	True
DoubleLineStandard_Tooltip_58003d	Double line standard||In this formation the infantry and artillery can support each other while the cavalry can be held in reserve to provide support in defence or sent in to attack the enemies flanks.	True
button_movespeed_Unselected_Tooltip_3f0073	Click this button to make the selected unit run.||They are currently walking.||It is best to make them run only when necessary.||Running everywhere in battle will simply exhaust your men and rob them of the energy for when they really need it.||If you simply wish to speed up the battle, it is better to use the fast-forward buttons instead to speed up the battle time.	True
banner_tx_emperor_Text_670035	Emperor	True
button_toggle_player_list_display_hover_Tooltip_b002a	Show player list || This displays all the players in the battle, which side they're on and whether or not they have voice chat enabled.	True
Attitude_dy_thier_attitude_Text_180001	Selected nation's attitude towards others	True
label_txt_NewState_Tooltip_45005f	Many sounds in the game have several variations.||A large amount of variation makes for a richer sound experience, fewer variations will mean a faster performance.	True
label_txt_NewState_Tooltip_7d0060	This sets the maximum frame rate for battles.|| Setting a maximum frame rate cap may improve performance in battles considerably.	True
deployment_order_first_Text_40002e	must deploy first	True
gov_type_tx_republic_Tooltip_3e0000	This type of government has the biggest positive effect on your economic growth.||Clamour for reform is greatly reduced, but the repression factor in a republic is low - if you don't keep your population happy riots are likely to happen! ||Maintaining positive diplomatic relations with monarchies may prove difficult.	True
map_Tooltip_e007f	Each battle uses a map template for its location. || You can sort this list by clicking on the column title. || This will help you to find your favourite location for engagements, be it an arid desert or humid jungle.	True
button_movespeed_Selected_depress_Tooltip_6d0067	Click this button to make the selected unit walk.||They are currently running.||The selected unit is currently running.|Your men will quickly become exhausted if you make them run all the time.||If they are tired bring them to a halt and let them rest and recover.||You can see how tired each unit is by mousing over them.	True
button_toggle_chat_display_down_off_Tooltip_370069	Hide chat window || If you receive a message from another player the chat window will open again.	True
lower_class_reaction_icon_Angry_Tooltip_37007c	Lower class: Angry||Your lower classes are currently angry and likely to riot.||Try increasing repression or exempting this region from tax to prevent rioting!||This is based on the factors to the right.	True
button_txt_default_Text_6e0048	Cancel	True
button_melee_Selected_roll_Tooltip_3f002a	Use firearms||They are currently in melee mode.||When melee mode is on, the selected unit will engage in hand-to-hand combat.	True
replenish_icon_slow_Tooltip_490030	Slow replenishment rate ||  This unit is not recruitable in this region.	True
button_movespeed_Unselected_Tooltip_580027	Run||The selected unit is currently walking, click this button to make them run.||It is best to make them run only when necessary.||Running everywhere in battle will simply exhaust your men and rob them of the energy for when they really need it.||If you simply wish to speed up the battle, it is better to use the fast-forward buttons instead to speed up the battle time.	True
tx_taxes_tooltip_amanage_off_Tooltip_1d005b	You are currently controlling the tax rates directly.||Check this box to automanage taxes.||Tax rates will be set for you, aiming for the best balance of healthy tax income, avoiding public unrest, and allowing your region's economies to grow.	True
turn_time_Tooltip_52005b	This shows the set time limit for each player to take their turn.||You can sort this column by clicking on the title to find your preference.	True
button_group_Unselected_rolloff_Tooltip_38004a	The selected units are not grouped. || Click this button to group them. ||When grouped, the units will keep their respective positions when moving.||You can also put them into formations.	True
options_bar2_Tooltip_650027	If this is granted it will allow you access to the other nation's regions without declaring war.||Military access is a risky thing to allow as it can leave a nation open to surprise attack.||As such, it is not guaranteed you will be granted it.||If your request is turned down you can always try using the diplomacy panel to negotiate.||You may fare better if you can offer something in return.	True
button_melee_Selected_Tooltip_540014	Click this to use firearms.||The selected units will currently engage in melee when in combat.||When firearms mode is on, they will use their guns instead.	True
button_melee_Unselected_rolloff_Tooltip_5b0053	Engage in melee||The selected units will currently use their firearms in battle.||When melee mode is on, the selected units will engage in hand-to-hand combat instead.	True
label_txt_NewState_Tooltip_6c004f	Check this for faster rendering shadows. || If your game is running slow you may want to uncheck this.	True
button_movespeed_Selected_Tooltip_100009	Order selected units to walk||They are currently running.||Your men will quickly become exhausted if you make them run all the time.||If they are tired bring them to a halt and let them rest and recover.||You can see how tired each unit is by mousing over them.	True
button_groupforms_Tooltip_630013	Toggle group formations panel||This panel can be used to arrange grouped units into different formations.||It has buttons for each formation, using different icons to represent infantry (crosses), cavalry (triangles), artillery (squares) and generals (stars).||To activate this button you must have some units already grouped.||Move your cursor over the formations panel for more details.	True