battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.HB_Waterloo_Well_Battle_Lost	This is a dark day for England and Europe. Bonparte does war honour, but he must be stopped!	False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.HB_Waterloo_Well_Battle_Won	I Say! That'll do men, that'll do. They came on in the same old way, and we beat them in the same old way	False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.HB_Waterloo_Well_Intro_1	I have decided to make our stand here, on the Brussels road, south of Waterloo. Despite yesterday's rain, that fellow just keeps coming on.	False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.HB_Waterloo_Well_Intro_2	The main body of my army is on the reverse slope, to protect them from the Corsican’s artillery.	False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.HB_Waterloo_Well_Intro_3	The remainder are positioned at Hougoumont on my right, with a unit of Jaegers hidden in the orchard,	False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.HB_Waterloo_Well_Intro_4	La Haye Saint in the centre and …	False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.HB_Waterloo_Well_Intro_5	Papellotte on my left. These we must hold!	False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.HB_Waterloo_Well_Intro_6	As always, that man has his artillery. His guns are strong on the right and …	False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.HB_Waterloo_Well_Intro_7	He has placed those dashed Imperial Guard, behind La Belle Alliance. They are tough, fighting men.	False
battle_script_strings_string_CreativeAssembly.HB_Waterloo_Well_Intro_8	I know that Blucher will keep his promise. He will be here, but until then my gin-sodden wretches, bless them, will have to hold the high ground.	False
battles_description_NHB_Waterloo_Well	The Battle of Waterloo (18 June, 1815) Napoleon had the feeling he had won the war as he advanced towards the Anglo-Dutch army at Waterloo. The Prussians were retreating, pursued by a French corps, and only Wellington remained. French arms would be victorious once again, and the Empire would be reborn in fire. But the history book on the shelf would not be repeating itself…	False  
battles_localised_name_NHB_Waterloo_Well	Battle of Waterloo (Great Britain)	False
pdlc_description_pdlc_imperial_guard_pack	A brand new pack featuring 6 elite units from the Napoleonic Wars and an alternative Battle of Waterloo, fought from Wellington’s perspective. Each unit comes with their own unique combination of statistics and abilities, and can be used in both single and multiplayer.	False
subtitles_subtitle_text_WEL_Waterloo.bik_01	Napoleon seems unstoppable. His armies pushed us aside with ease.	False  
subtitles_subtitle_text_WEL_Waterloo.bik_02	There has been little rest on the retreat.	False  
subtitles_subtitle_text_WEL_Waterloo.bik_03	But here we will make a stand.	False  
subtitles_subtitle_text_WEL_Waterloo.bik_04	Napoleon has pushed. He goes no further.	False  
subtitles_subtitle_text_WEL_Waterloo.bik_05	Gentlemen in London will envy anyone here, today, who faces the Emperor and his army.	False  
subtitles_subtitle_text_WEL_Waterloo.bik_06	At Waterloo.	False  
unit_description_texts_description_text_Cav_Heavy_French_Empress_Dragoons	The Empress Dragoons are an elite unit within the elite Imperial Guard, an exceptionally effective heavy cavalry force.	False
unit_description_texts_description_text_Cav_Lancer_French_Dutch_Guard_Lancers	Proud horsemen, Dutch Guard Lancers are fast moving and powerful when charging.	False
unit_description_texts_description_text_Cav_Lancer_French_Polish_Guard_Lancers	Polish Guard Lancers are fearsome and lightning fast at the charge.	False
unit_description_texts_description_text_Cav_Light_French_Guard_Chasseurs_a_Cheval	The Guard Chasseurs a Cheval are fine horsemen, skilled in melee combat and harassing the enemy.	False
unit_description_texts_description_text_Inf_Elite_French_Dutch_Grenadiers	訓練された精鋭部隊であるオランダ人擲弾兵は マスケット銃と接近戦での銃剣の扱いに熟達しています。	False
unit_description_texts_description_text_Inf_Elite_French_Guard_Seamen	訓練されており、どんな事にも準備ができている親衛海兵隊は、あらゆる意味で精鋭部隊です。	False
unit_description_texts_long_description_text_Cav_Heavy_French_Empress_Dragoons	\n\nTheir charge is almost irresistible, and they can fight effectively in melee with their heavy cavalry swords, but they should not be thrown away against infantry squares. Even against other cavalry, they can give a very good account of themselves. They are, however, relatively slow moving and should not be used to pursue fleeing foes. The Empress Dragoons can fight on foot, if needed, using their carbines, but they are not particularly effective as an infantry unit.\n\nUnder Napoleon the Imperial Guard gradually became an almost separate army; it had infantry, artillery, and cavalry components, and even its own elite units within the already-elite Guard. By any standards, the Empress Dragoons, named to honour Josaphine de Beauharnais, were an elite force. All the officers were appointed personally by Napoleon, and the rankers had to have served at least 10 years in the saddle before they were allowed to join. Every chasseur and dragoon regiment of the line in the French army had its best non-commissioned officers taken. While this undoubtedly made sure the Empress Dragoons was composed of the best of the best, it almost certainly damaged the rest of the army by removing those same veterans from their original units.	False
unit_description_texts_long_description_text_Cav_Lancer_French_Dutch_Guard_Lancers	\n\nTrained to ride hard into battle with their lances down, these superb horsemen are ideal shock troops: the moment of impact is the moment of truth for their attack. They either break enemies, or should withdraw to charge again. Their steeds are fast moving and carry them to key points on the battlefield very quickly. Their morale is superb, but they are not suitably equipped for prolonged melee. A lancer is at a disadvantage in a close-in fight. Used against elite infantry in square their skills and lances will, of course, count for very little.\n\nOriginally formed as a hussar regiment, these men were transformed into lancers by a decree issued on the 23rd September 1810. Their first challenge was to learn how to handle the apparently unwieldy, but deadly lance. Several officers were sent to the Polish Lancers’ Chantilly barracks where they were drilled in the much-needed skills of the lance. These men then passed their new found wisdom to the rest of their regiment in Versailles. The reorganisation of the new Guard Lancers resulted in a number of uniform changes that proved extremely costly. The Minister of War had to ask Napoleon himself to provide them with more money to pay for new uniforms for the men!	False
unit_description_texts_long_description_text_Cav_Lancer_French_Polish_Guard_Lancers	\n\nTrained to ride hard into battle with their lances couched, these superb horsemen are ideal shock troops. Their steeds are fast and carry them to key points on the battlefield in what seems like a heartbeat. The morale of these brave men is unrivalled, but should they become caught in a prolonged melee their weakness in close combat will become apparent. Employed against elite infantry formed in square their charge and lance skills will be largely wasted.\n\nThe Polish Guard were originally raised from among a party of exiled Polish noblemen who accompanied Napoleon into Warsaw in 1807. He was so impressed with the loyalty of these men that he insisted the new regiment be attached to his own Imperial Guard. From that moment on candidates for the regiment had to be Polish landowners between the ages of 18 and 40; they were expected to provide their own horses and equipment. It wasn’t until after the Battle of Wagram in 1809 that these men were issued with the lance as standard equipment. When Napoleon was forced exiled on Elba in 1814, 150 loyalists of the Polish Guard Lancers followed their Emperor to prison.	False
unit_description_texts_long_description_text_Cav_Light_French_Guard_Chasseurs_a_Cheval	\n\nThese light cavalrymen carry swords and carbines, but they are not expected to charge home, instead they are a superb force to disrupt enemy plans and pursue the routing foes. They are, for example, incredibly effective against skirmishers and artillery. Their horses have good endurance and are fast: a cavalryman without his horse is, after all, fairly useless. They are vulnerable when facing heavier cavalry and well-trained infantry in square, but they can fire their carbines when mounted.\n\nThe Guard Chasseurs a Cheval, Napoleon’s closest guards, had their origins on the battlefields of northern Italy and the “Guides” that Napoleon raised there. When the regiment was officially constituted in 1800 it had four officers and 113 men, all chosen from among the Guides and other veterans of the Italian campaign. Napoleon’s respect for his regiment was obvious and he was often seen wearing the green undress uniform of the chasseurs. These men followed Napoleon from Arcola to Waterloo, and remained loyal to him even in his exile. Few Chasseurs consented to serve under the restored Bourbons when the Emperor finally abdicated.	False
unit_description_texts_long_description_text_Inf_Elite_French_Dutch_Grenadiers	\n\nオランダ人擲弾兵は自分たちを精鋭と見なしており、 パレードでは名誉な隊列の右側を占めます。 彼らの本来備わっている価値観は、他の兵士達を鼓舞したり、 徐々に誇りを教え込むのに役立ちます。 彼らは驚く程訓練されており、息を呑むような速さで武器を装填し、 比較的良い精度で発射することができます。 広範囲にわたる訓練により彼らは他の歩兵部隊を組織するよりもより高価ですが、 全ての歩兵と同じように、重騎兵と散兵と対するときは細心の注意を払わねばなりません。\n\n1810年のオランダ併合に続いて、オランダ人擲弾兵はナポレオン軍に加わりました。 その当時は彼らはオランダ王室擲弾兵で、 この連隊の兵士達は1810年8月にパリに入りました。 ナポレオンは自身でこの兵士達を閲兵し、彼らの素晴らしい容貌に感嘆しました。 彼らは他の古参連隊が着用していた伝統的な暗い青色のかわりに、 赤いへりをつけた白いコートを着ていました。(後に他の部隊も白いコートを着ましたが、 これはイギリス軍の封鎖が染料の補給に影響したためでした。) しかし近衛擲弾兵は彼らに感心しませんでした。 この2つの連隊の最初の会合は暴動に近い状態で終わりました。 彼らの行動はとても恐ろしいものだったので、 彼らは自分たちの乱暴さと酒乱について公衆の面前で謝罪させられました。	False
unit_description_texts_long_description_text_Inf_Elite_French_Guard_Seamen	\n\n親衛海兵隊の隊列はフランス軍が保有している最も良い兵士達で埋まっています。 とても高い身長と品行方正さと忠誠心で選抜されたこれらの兵士達は 素晴らしい士気を持ち、近くの味方部隊の士気に良い影響を与えます。 彼らの規律は模範的で、マスケット銃の装填速度と精度は多く兵士達の羨望の的です。 しかし彼らも幾つか弱点を持っており、広範囲にわたる訓練と修練によりほとんどの 歩兵部隊よりも高価で、マスケット銃の射程外に居る砲兵と散兵に対しては分が悪いです。\n\n歴史的には、親衛海兵隊はナポレオンの勅令により組織されました。 元々彼らは計画されていたイギリス侵攻に参加するはずだったのですが、 その作戦が中止されると、彼らは皇帝親衛隊に加わりました。 わずか数年でこれらの兵士達は広範囲にわたる技術を身につけたので、 彼らは皇帝にとって不可欠な存在になりました。 ”彼らが水兵、歩兵、砲兵または工兵としての価値を同様に証明することが 求められた時でも、彼らが引き受けることが出来ない任務はなかっただろう。” とナポレオンは述べています。	False
units_on_screen_name_Cav_Heavy_French_Empress_Dragoons	Empress Dragoons	False
units_on_screen_name_Cav_Lancer_French_Dutch_Guard_Lancers	Dutch Guard Lancers	False
units_on_screen_name_Cav_Lancer_French_Polish_Guard_Lancers	Polish Guard Lancers	False
units_on_screen_name_Cav_Light_French_Guard_Chasseurs_a_Cheval	Guard Chasseurs a Cheval	False
units_on_screen_name_Inf_Elite_French_Dutch_Grenadiers	オランダ人擲弾兵	False
units_on_screen_name_Inf_Elite_French_Guard_Seamen	親衛海兵隊	False