• 追加された行はこの色です。
  • 削除された行はこの色です。
tx_government_NewState_Text_750040	Government	True
tx_government_NewState_Text_75007a	Government:	True
tx_government_NewState_Text_750040	政府	True
tx_government_NewState_Text_75007a	政体:	True
tx_government_Tooltip_510001	There are three types of government: absolute monarchy, constitutional monarchy and a republic.||Each government type has its own distinct effect - happiness, diplomacy and economic factors will all behave differently according to which type is in power.||To find out more about your government see the ministers tab and mouse over your government's type.	True
tx_government_Tooltip_7f0001	The various aspects of government management are available here.||The panel itself is divided into four different tabs: national summary, policies, ministers and trade.||Each of these tabs focuses on a specific area of government.||You can change settings in some of these, whereas others are purely to provide you with information.||Move your cursor over the different sections below for more information.	True
tx_government_Tooltip_b0055	Each government type has its own distinct effect - happiness, diplomacy and economic factors will all behave differently according to which type is in power.||To find out more about your government see the ministers tab and mouse over your government's type.	True
tx_governor_governor_Text_160016	Governor:	True
tx_governor_governor_Tooltip_a006a	If this is not your home theatre, it will be overseen by a governor rather than a ruler and cabinet.||Mouse over your governor to see the bonuses he adds to this theatre.|| Right-click on this portrait to bring up his character details panel.	True
tx_governor_ruler_and_cabinet_Text_130052	Ruler and cabinet	True
tx_governor_ruler_and_cabinet_Text_130052	君主と内閣	True
tx_governor_ruler_and_cabinet_Tooltip_530004	This is your home theatre and is overseen by your ruler and a cabinet.||You can view details about your government on the ministers tab.	True
tx_governor_ruler_and_cabinet_Tooltip_d0059	Your nation is overseen by your ruler and his cabinet.||You can view details about your government on the ministers tab.	True
tx_header_NewState_Text_76004a	Objectives	True
TX_header_normal_Text_290070	Diplomatic Relations	True
tx_header_NewState_Text_76004a	目標	True
TX_header_normal_Text_290070	外交画面	True
tx_header_Tooltip_110007	Test	True
tx_header_tx_enlist_new_admiral_Text_780053	Enlist New Admiral	True
tx_header_tx_enlist_new_admiral_Tooltip_1d001b	Admirals can be chosen from a number of candidates. || This allows you to balance command skill and traits against recruitment cost and campaign requirements. || Admirals improve a fleet's ability in battle. || Once a candidate has been chosen he will disappear from the pool. || It takes a number of turns before a replacement candidate appears. || Constructing a military academy and a staff college speeds up the candidate replacement time.	True
tx_header_tx_enlist_new_admiral_Tooltip_ffe20059	Admirals can be chosen from a number of candidates. || This allows you to balance command skill and traits against recruitment cost and your campaign requirements. || Admirals improve a fleet's ability in battle. || Once a candidate has been chosen, they will disappear from the pool. || It will take a number of turns before a replacement candidate appears. || Constructing a military academy and a staff college will speed up candidate replacement time.	True
tx_header_tx_enlist_new_general_Text_7d005e	Enlist New General	True
tx_header_tx_enlist_new_general_Tooltip_770079	Generals can be chosen from a number of candidates. || This allows you to balance command skill and traits against recruitment cost and your campaign requirements. || Generals inspire troops on the battlefield and greatly increase their army's campaign map movement speed.|| Once a candidate has been chosen he will disappear from the pool. || It takes a number of turns before a replacement candidate appears. || Constructing a military academy and a staff college speeds up the candidate replacement time.	True
tx_header_tx_enlist_new_general_Tooltip_fff9007b	Generals can be chosen from a number of candidates. || This allows you to balance command skill and traits against recruitment cost and your campaign requirements. || Generals inspire troops on the battlefield and greatly increase their army's campaign map movement speed.|| Once a candidate has been chosen, they will disappear from the pool. || It will take a number of turns before a replacement candidate appears. || Constructing a military academy and a staff college will speed up candidate replacement time.	True
tx_header_tx_settlement_captured_Text_67006b	Settlement Captured!	True
tx_home-region_NewState_Text_53002b	Capital:	True
tx_home-region_Tooltip_7a007c	This is your nation's capital.	True
tx_income_annual_NewState_Text_490070	Income next turn	True
tx_home-region_NewState_Text_53002b	首都:	True
tx_home-region_Tooltip_7a007c	貴方の国の首都	True
tx_income_annual_NewState_Text_490070	次ターンの収入	True
tx_income_annual_Tooltip_30005d	This will be added to your treasury next turn.||This is calculated from your incomings and outgoings as detailed above.	True
tx_income_NewState_Text_25006b	Tax Income	True
tx_income_NewState_Text_25006b	税収	True
tx_income_NewState_Tooltip_3f0066	This is the income you gain from taxing the wealth of all your regions.	True
tx_income_Tooltip_7f0063	Income gained from taxing the wealth of all your regions.||This number is based on your current tax settings.||If you change the tax levels before the next turn this will change accordingly.||To change tax levels, and to see more information on your taxes, see the tax tab of this panel.||To see each region's individual tax details, view the region capital's settlement details panel.	True
tx_info_NewState_Text_15007d	Peaceful occupation will result in minor damage to military buildings within the settlement.	True
tx_info_NewState_Text_1a0050	Resources permitting, a force of conscripts will be granted to the liberating army on behalf of the new protectorate.	True
tx_info_NewState_Text_1b0079	Liberation will give rise to a new protectorate in the region, loyal to your nation whilst diplomatic relations are strong.	True
tx_info_NewState_Text_2d000f	Looting will result in considerable damage to all buildings within the settlement.	True
tx_info_NewState_Text_68	Peaceful occupation will result in minor damage to military buildings within the settlement.	True
tx_leader_NewState_Text_670035	Emperor	True
tx_leader_tx_emperor_Tooltip_760012	The leader of your nation||Their abilities and traits will help shape your nation's future, good or bad.||Right-click on their portrait to bring up the character panel, or find out more on their governing abilities on the ministers tab.	True
tx_leader_tx_monarch_Text_570039	Monarch:	True
tx_leader_tx_monarch_Text_570039	君主:	True
tx_leader_tx_monarch_Tooltip_200019	The leader of your nation||Your leader's abilities and traits will help shape your nation's future, good or bad.||They can add a bonus or penalty to minister management.||Right-click on their portrait to bring up their character panel, or find out more on their governing abilities on the ministers tab.	True
tx_leader_tx_president_Text_31004d	President:	True
tx_leader_tx_president_Tooltip_760012	The leader of your nation||Their abilities and traits will help shape your nation's future, good or bad.||Right-click on their portrait to bring up the character panel, or find out more on their governing abilities on the ministers tab.	True
tx_levels_NewState_Text_32007a	Tax Levels	True
tx_levels_NewState_Text_32007a	税率	True
tx_levels_Tooltip_1e0070	Set tax levels using the sliders below.||These tax levels will be set across all regions.||Each region will use these tax levels along with other factors to calculate its tax income.||Taxes have different effects on the different classes, so the tax levels for the two classes are set separately by the two sliders below.||Move your cursor over the two sliders for more information.	True
tx_levels_Tooltip_80015	Set tax levels for this theatre using the sliders below.||These tax levels will be set across all regions in that theatre.||Each region will use these tax levels along with other factors to calculate its tax income.||Taxes have different effects on the different classes, so the tax levels for the two classes are set separately by the two sliders below.||Move your cursor over the two sliders for more information.	True
TX_location_NewState_Text_9000e	Location:	True
TX_Men Deployed_NewState_Text_14003e	Deployed	True
TX_Men Remaining_NewState_Text_40058	Remaining	True
tx_Military_Tooltip_1c0039	Your military prestige.||This is based on the strength of your armies, your military research and your military conquests.	True
tx_Military_Tooltip_790057	This is based on the strength of your armies, your military research and your military conquests.	True
tx_Military_tx_Military_Text_180027	Military	True
tx_money_NewState_Text_6d0058	Money aquired:	True
TX_nation_name_DY_Tooltip_2f0020	Your nation's diplomatic details.||You can see your protectorates, allies, enemies and your trade partners at a glance here.	True
tx_nation_NewState_Text_46006e	Trade Partner	True
tx_nation_NewState_Text_46006e	交易相手	True
tx_nation_Tooltip_6c	You have made trade agreements with these nations and have established trade routes with them.||Gain more trade partners by broking trade agreements in the Diplomacy panel.	True
tx_nations_filter_tx_all_nations_Tooltip_790015	This filter shows results for all major nations.||Click on the arrows to the left and right to switch to a new filter.	True
tx_nations_filter_tx_allies_Tooltip_6e0066	This filter shows only the prestige results for your allied nations.||Click on the arrows to the left and right to switch to a new filter.	True
tx_nations_filter_tx_enemies_Tooltip_7e0005	This filter shows only the prestige results for your enemy nations.||Click on the arrows to the left and right to switch to a new filter.	True
tx_nations_filter_tx_neighbouring_nations_Tooltip_690027	This filter shows only the prestige results for the neighbouring nations.||Click on the arrows to the left and right to switch to a new filter.	True
tx_nations_filter_tx_neutrals_Tooltip_3c002d	This filter shows only the prestige results for the nations who are neutral towards you.||Click on the arrows to the left and right to switch to a new filter.	True
tx_Naval_NewState_Text_4b002c	Textile industry	True
tx_Naval_NewState_Text_54	Naval	True
tx_Naval_Tooltip_110027	Test	True
tx_Naval_Tooltip_150075	This is based on the strengths of your navies, your naval research into technology and your naval conquests.	True
tx_Naval_Tooltip_230027	The naval tree concentrates on naval weaponry, navigation and improving your ships.	True
tx_Naval_Tooltip_240015	Naval prestige.||This is based on the strengths of your navies, your naval research into technology and your naval conquests.	True
tx_Naval_Tooltip_400007	The textile tree will help develop your textile industry and improve your trade resources.||As each new technology is gained it will lead you onto the next step up the chain.||Sometimes, technologies are unattainable until other technologies have been gained.||Use this technology tree to plan the path to the technology you want.	True
tx_Naval_Tooltip_650016	teststetetestststss	True
tx_Naval_Tooltip_75001d	The naval tree concentrates on naval weaponry, navigation and improving your ships.||As each new technology is gained it will lead you onto the next step up the chain.||Sometimes, technologies are unattainable until other technologies have been gained.||Use this technology tree to plan the path to the technology you want.	True
tx_Naval_Tooltip_b006b	This is based on your research into naval technology, your naval conquests and the strengths of your navies.	True
tx_Naval_tx_Naval_Text_54	Naval	True
TX_new_capital_not_yours_Text_47004d	Their new capital is now:	True
TX_new_capital_yours_Text_13006a	Your new capital is now:	True
tx_Naval_tx_Naval_Text_54	海軍	True
TX_new_capital_not_yours_Text_47004d	他国の新しい首都:	True
TX_new_capital_yours_Text_13006a	新しい首都は:	True
TX_next_technology_normal_Text_720038	Next technology under research:	True
tx_night_attack_NewState_Text_3e0046	Attempt a night attack	True
tx_opponent_found_NewState_Text_79003f	Opponent found!	True
TX_ordered_by_NewState_Text_2b0065	Ordered by:	True
tx_Ordnance_NewState_Text_170029	Ordnance	True
tx_Ordnance_NewState_Text_320059	Metal industry	True
tx_Ordnance_Tooltip_160044	The ordnance tree concentrates on developing artillery and allows you to advance your cannons and rockets.||As each new technology is gained it will lead you onto the next step up the chain.||Sometimes, technologies are unattainable until other technologies have been gained.||Use this technology tree to plan the path to the technology you want.	True
tx_Ordnance_Tooltip_7c0077	The ordnance tree concentrates on developing artillery and help you to advance your cannons and rockets	True
tx_Ordnance_Tooltip_c0067	The metal tree will help develop factory machinery and improve your trade resources.	True
tx_Ordnance_Tooltip_f0032	The metal industry tree will help develop factory machinery and improve your trade resources.||As each new technology is gained it will lead you onto the next step up the chain.||Sometimes, technologies are unattainable until other technologies have been gained.||Use this technology tree to plan the path to the technology you want.	True
tx_other_NewState_Text_110055	Other	True
tx_other_NewState_Text_110055	その他	True
tx_other_Tooltip_110002	Income gained from other sources such as payments from diplomatic negotiations and protectorates.	True
tx_other_Tooltip_610008	Income gained from other sources such as payments from diplomacy negotiations.	True
tx_policing_NewState_Text_4a0001	Town Watch	True
tx_policing_NewState_Text_4a0001	市民哨兵	True
tx_policing_Tooltip_25004a	Amount of money per turn to support your town watch.||To keep the peace, every settlement needs militia (or town watch) to enforce public order. This is known as repression.||Public order is kept by keeping your population happy and repressing any trouble.||The more unhappy a population, the more repression you will need.||Some settlements will need less repression than others and you can disband some units to save money.||Public order details can be found in your settlement details panel.||From this you can judge how much repression is needed.	True
TX_pop_killed_NewState_Text_240016	Population killed:	True
tx_population_NewState_Text_7c006d	Population:	True
tx_population_Tooltip_73001c	This is the population of your nation across all your regions.	True
tx_population_NewState_Text_7c006d	総人口:	True
tx_population_Tooltip_73001c	これは貴方の国の総人口です	True
TX_port_NewState_Text_3b0018	Port:	True
tx_prestige_NewState_Text_b000c	Prestige Rank:	True
tx_prestige_NewState_Text_b000c	名声ランク:	True
tx_prestige_NewState_Text_d0026	Prestige	True
tx_prestige_Tooltip_3f000f	Your prestige depends on how you measure up against other nations.||It is a reflection of your achievements during your campaign.||Your conquests will improve your prestige, as well as research in the technologies.||Your total prestige points will be calculated at the end of your campaign and you can see where you stand compared to the other nations.	True
tx_prestige_Tooltip_730015	This is your Prestige panel.||Your prestige depends on how you measure up against the other nations.||It is a reflection of your achievements during your campaign.||Your conquests will improve your prestige, as well as research in military, naval, industrial and philosophy technologies.||Your total prestige points will be calculated at the end of your campaign and you can see where you stand compared to the other nations.	True
TX_prize_money_NewState_Text_180006	Prize Money:	True
tx_prosperity_NewState_Text_740073	Prosperity:	True
TX_prize_money_NewState_Text_180006	賞金:	True
tx_prosperity_NewState_Text_740073	繁栄度:	True
tx_prosperity_Tooltip_570001	This shows how wealthy your nation is compared to other nations.	True
tx_protectorates_NewState_Text_34005b	Protectorates:	True
TX_Protectorates_Protectorate of_Text_41004e	Protectorate of	True
tx_protectorates_NewState_Text_34005b	保護領:	True
TX_Protectorates_Protectorate of_Text_41004e	保護領	True
TX_Protectorates_Protectorate of_Tooltip_740011	You are under this nation's protection and they receive half of your income.||They also have full military access to your regions.	True
TX_Protectorates_Protectorates_Text_2e007b	Protectorates	True
TX_Protectorates_Protectorates_Tooltip_63002a	These nations are under your protection.||In exchange for your protection you receive half of their income.||You also have full military access to their regions.	True
TX_Protectorates_Protectorates_Text_2e007b	保護領	True
TX_Protectorates_Protectorates_Tooltip_63002a	これ等の国が貴方の保護領です||貴方の保護と引き換えに貴方は彼らの税収の半分を得る||また彼らの領土に対し軍事通行権を得る	True