quotes_quote_onscreen_246 導くか、続くか、もしくは失せろ False
quotes_quote_onscreen_247 このような始まり方の政府で、戦争と疲弊以外何が望めるのというのか? False
quotes_quote_onscreen_248 狐の狡猾さは狼の牙並に致命的だ False
quotes_quote_onscreen_249 英国王ノ行ヒヲ論ズレバ不仁惨酷ノ他ニ記スベキモノナク、専ラ暴政ヲ以テ我諸州ヲ抑圧セリ。今其事実ヲ枚挙シ之ヲ世界ニ布告シテ其明論ヲ待ツベシ。 False
quotes_quote_onscreen_25 人柄というものは彼らが見つけざる時に取る行動にて決まる False
quotes_quote_onscreen_250 Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum. (平和を望むものには、戦争の準備をさせよ) False
quotes_quote_onscreen_251 すべての問題は継続された思考の攻勢に耐えられない False
quotes_quote_onscreen_252 あなたに理不尽を信じさせることができる人は、あなたに残虐を行わせることが可能でしょう。 False
quotes_quote_onscreen_253 神は大軍に味方するのであらず。神は最も銃がうまい者に味方するのである False
quotes_quote_onscreen_254 いくつかの国が軍を所持するように、プロイセン軍は国を所持する False
quotes_quote_onscreen_255 この国では、時々提督を殺すことで士気を上げることが理論的な行為となる False
quotes_quote_onscreen_256 あなたが言う事はすべて認めないが、あなたが言う権利だけは死んでも守る False
quotes_quote_onscreen_258 恐怖は不確定であるから生まれるものだ。死が確実なら、価値があろうともなかろうとも、恐怖は生まれない False
quotes_quote_onscreen_259 提督は、不動たる事、もしくはなにもしないだけで褒め称えられる。 False
quotes_quote_onscreen_26 私は、過去にも、未来にも、良い戦争もしくは悪い平和がないと考えがちだ False
quotes_quote_onscreen_260 戦争はゲームだ、王の臣民が賢ければ、王は遊ばないタイプの。 False
quotes_quote_onscreen_261 うるさい男はいつも右にいる False
quotes_quote_onscreen_262 There is one certain means by which I can be sure never to see my country's ruin: I will die in the last ditch. False
quotes_quote_onscreen_263 The air of England is too pure for a slave to breathe, and so everyone who breathes it becomes free. Everyone who comes to this island is entitled to the protection of English law, whatever oppression he may have suffered and whatever may be the colour of his skin. False
quotes_quote_onscreen_264 Where a goat can go, a man can go, where a man can go, he can drag a gun. False
quotes_quote_onscreen_265 If I were an American, as I am an Englishman, while a foreign troop was landed in my country, I would never lay down my arms - never - never - never! False
quotes_quote_onscreen_266 法が終わるとき、圧政が始まる。 False
quotes_quote_onscreen_267 祖国よ!私が去る我が祖国よ! False
quotes_quote_onscreen_268 明日出来ることは今日やるな。 False
quotes_quote_onscreen_269 私に戦争を与えよ、と私はいう。それは昼が夜を超えるように平和を超越する。それは精霊のように歩き、聞こえ、そして強風のように襲いかかります。 False
quotes_quote_onscreen_27 They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety. False
quotes_quote_onscreen_270 Cry 'Havoc!', and let slip the dogs of war! False
quotes_quote_onscreen_271 Those entrusted with arms should be persons of some substance and stake in the country. False
quotes_quote_onscreen_272 見込みがなくはない私たちは苦しみ、私たちは嘆く。 False
quotes_quote_onscreen_273 最強の精神は騒々しい世界にて、一番気変えることが少ないです。 False
quotes_quote_onscreen_274 The good die first, and they whose hearts are dry as summer burn to the socket. False
quotes_quote_onscreen_275 敗北した軍のように雪は溶けていった False
quotes_quote_onscreen_276 ルイ十六世: 「反乱か?」 公爵: 「いえ、革命でございます。」 False
quotes_quote_onscreen_277 There are so few who can grow old with a good grace. False
quotes_quote_onscreen_278 No one can guarantee success in war, but only deserve it. False
quotes_quote_onscreen_279 No truly great man ever thought himself so. False
quotes_quote_onscreen_28 He that would live in peace and at ease, must not speak all he knows or all he sees. False
quotes_quote_onscreen_280 Remorse, the fatal egg by pleasure laid. False
quotes_quote_onscreen_281 Glory built on selfish principles is shame and guilt. False
quotes_quote_onscreen_282 Never esteem men on account of their riches or their station. Respect goodness, find it where you may. False
quotes_quote_onscreen_283 There is no mistake so great as the mistake of not going on. False
quotes_quote_onscreen_284 A truth that's told with bad intent beats all the lies you can invent. False
quotes_quote_onscreen_285 I love fun, but too much is abominable. False
quotes_quote_onscreen_286 It is easier to forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend. False
quotes_quote_onscreen_287 Fable convenue (Fable agreed upon) False
quotes_quote_onscreen_288 When we are planning for posterity, we ought to remember that virtue is not hereditary. False
quotes_quote_onscreen_289 The first duty of man is that of subduing fear. False
quotes_quote_onscreen_29 Even peace may be purchased at too high a price. False
quotes_quote_onscreen_290 Surtout, pas de zele (Above all, no zeal) False
quotes_quote_onscreen_291 I am more afraid of an army of a hundred sheep led by a lion than an army of a hundred lions led by a sheep. False
quotes_quote_onscreen_292 The love of glory can only create a great hero; the contempt of it creates a great man. False
quotes_quote_onscreen_293 La parole nous a ete donnee pour deguiser notre pensee (We were given speech to hide our thoughts) False
quotes_quote_onscreen_294 Celui qui n'a pas vecu au dix-huitieme siecle avant la Revolution ne connait pas la douceur de vivre (Those who haven't lived in the eighteenth century before the Revolution do not know the sweetness of living) False
quotes_quote_onscreen_295 I always fear that creation will expire before teatime. False
quotes_quote_onscreen_296 Whatever you are by nature, keep to it; never desert your line of talent. Be what nature intended you for and you will succeed. False
quotes_quote_onscreen_297 Never try to reason the prejudice out of a man. It was not reasoned into him, and cannot be reasoned out. False
quotes_quote_onscreen_298 Self-confidence is the first requisite to great undertakings. False
quotes_quote_onscreen_299 Hope is necessary in every condition. False
quotes_quote_onscreen_3 Why has government been instituted at all? Because the passions of men will not conform to the dictates of reason and justice, without constraint. False
quotes_quote_onscreen_30 'Tis a common observation here that our cause is the cause of all mankind, and that we are fighting for their liberty in defending our own. False
quotes_quote_onscreen_300 Haste is good only for catching flies. False
quotes_quote_onscreen_301 A wet man does not fear rain. False
quotes_quote_onscreen_302 I am absolutely undone. False
quotes_quote_onscreen_303 La garde meurt et ne se rend pas (親衛隊は死すとも降伏せず) False
quotes_quote_onscreen_304 Man is a military animal; glories in gunpowder and loves parades. False
quotes_quote_onscreen_305 An economist is a surgeon with an excellent scalpel and a rough-edged lancet, who operates beautifully on the dead and tortures the living. False
quotes_quote_onscreen_306 That man made me miss my destiny. False
quotes_quote_onscreen_307 It is cowardly to commit suicide. The English often kill themselves. It is a malady caused by the humid climate. False
quotes_quote_onscreen_308 There are only two forces that unite men: fear and interest. False
quotes_quote_onscreen_309 Nothing is more difficult, and therefore more precious, than to be able to decide. False
quotes_quote_onscreen_31 You may delay, but time will not. False
quotes_quote_onscreen_310 In victory, you deserve champagne; in defeat, you need it. False
quotes_quote_onscreen_311 Impossible is a word to be found only in the dictionary of fools. False
quotes_quote_onscreen_313 When soldiers brave death, they drive him into the enemy's ranks. False
quotes_quote_onscreen_314 Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich. False
quotes_quote_onscreen_315 What my enemies call a general peace is my destruction. What I call peace is merely the disarmament of my enemies. Am I not more moderate than they? False
quotes_quote_onscreen_316 War justifies everything. False
quotes_quote_onscreen_317 War is cruel to the people, and terrible to the conquered. False
quotes_quote_onscreen_318 Victory and disaster establish indestructible bonds between armies and their commanders. False
quotes_quote_onscreen_319 To extraordinary circumstance we must apply extraordinary remedies. False
quotes_quote_onscreen_32 Words may show a man's wit, but actions his meaning. False
quotes_quote_onscreen_320 There are no bad regiments; there are only bad colonels. False
quotes_quote_onscreen_321 Prussia was hatched from a cannon ball. False
quotes_quote_onscreen_322 A victorious general must know how to employ severity, justness, and mildness by turns, if he would allay sedition or prevent it. False
quotes_quote_onscreen_323 When defending itself against another country, a nation never lacks men, but too often, soldiers. False
quotes_quote_onscreen_324 You cannot stop me; I spend thirty thousand men a month. False
quotes_quote_onscreen_325 Man, not men, is the most important consideration. False
quotes_quote_onscreen_326 The mind of a general ought to resemble and be as clear as the field-glass of a telescope. False
quotes_quote_onscreen_327 The best way to keep one's word is not to give it. False
quotes_quote_onscreen_328 The art of land warfare is an art of genius, of inspiration. On the sea nothing is genius or inspiration; everything is positive or empiric. False
quotes_quote_onscreen_329 The allies we gain by victory will turn against us upon the bare whisper of our defeat. False
quotes_quote_onscreen_33 There is no kind of dishonesty into which otherwise good people more easily and frequently fall than that of defrauding the government. False
quotes_quote_onscreen_330 The admiral needs only one science, that of navigation. The general needs all the sciences. False
quotes_quote_onscreen_331 Power is my mistress. I have worked too hard at her conquest to allow anyone to take her away from me. False
quotes_quote_onscreen_332 Nothing is so important in war as an undivided command. False
quotes_quote_onscreen_333 Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake. False
quotes_quote_onscreen_334 It is with artillery that war is made. False
quotes_quote_onscreen_335 It is not set speeches at the moment of battle that render soldiers brave. False
quotes_quote_onscreen_336 It is exceptional and difficult to find in one man all the qualities necessary for a great general. False
quotes_quote_onscreen_337 Insubordination may only be the evidence of a strong mind. False