encyclopedia_template_strings_text_actions Actions True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_base_unit_stats Basic Unit Statistics (can be modified by difficulty level, arts, skills, traits and retainers) True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_basic_building_stats Basic Building Statistics (can be modified by difficulty level, arts, skills, traits and retainers) True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_boshin_arts_title Fall of the Samurai Arts True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_boshin_buildings_title Fall of the Samurai Buildings True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_boshin_characters_title Fall of the Samurai Characters True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_boshin_clans_title Fall of the Samurai Clans True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_boshin_regions_title Fall of the Samurai Provinces True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_boshin_specialities_title Fall of the Samurai Specialities True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_boshin_units_title Fall of the Samurai Units True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_buildings Buildings True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_buildings_intro Buildings are used for the recruitment of military units and also subterfuge and religious agents. They also have a range of effects, either on a clan’s economy or on the units and agents they produce. See each chain for details of how it can be used. True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_campaign_selection_title Campaign Selection True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_characters Characters True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_clan_effects Clan Effects True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_clans Clans True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_effects Effects True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_enables Enables True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_first_to_build_effects If you are first to construct True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_gempei_arts_title Rise of the Samurai Arts True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_gempei_buildings_title Rise of the Samurai Buildings True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_gempei_characters_title Rise of the Samurai Characters True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_gempei_clans_title Rise of the Samurai Clans True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_gempei_units_title Rise of the Samurai Units True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_arts Arts are important technological and cultural developments that, when mastered, can give your clan the advantage over its rivals. They are divided into two categories: military and government. True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_archery All bow-armed units can be recruited from this chain of buildings. Those buildings higher up the chain improve the quality of archers and enable the recruitment of bow heroes. In combination with a temple, it is possible to recruit bow warrior monks from the archery chain. Archers are excellent for skirmishing but poor in melee. True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_archery_label Archery Chain True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_artillery This chain of buildings enables the production of artillery pieces and the recruitment of their crews. True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_artillery_label Artillery Chain True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_boshin_farm This chain of buildings increases both wealth and town growth within a province. True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_boshin_farm_label Farming Chain True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_boshin_gold_mining This chain of province speciality buildings is enabled when gold resources are present. Gold increases the wealth produced within a province, but the progression to advanced refining techniques causes reduced happiness due to modernisation. True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_boshin_gold_mining_label Gold Mining Chain True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_boshin_holy_site This chain of province speciality buildings increases the charge bonus of all traditional units recruited within a province. True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_boshin_holy_site_label Holy Site Chain True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_boshin_iron_mining This chain of province speciality buildings is enabled when iron resources are present. Iron reduces the cost of artillery recruited within a province, but the progression to advanced refining techniques causes reduced happiness due to modernisation. True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_boshin_iron_mining_label Iron Mining Chain True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_boshin_port This chain of buildings enables the construction of ships and the recruitment of their crews, as well as the recruitment of foreign veteran agents. You can branch out and specialise in trade or military ports further up the chain. True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_boshin_port_label Port Chain True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_boshin_region_specialtea This chain of province speciality buildings is enabled when tea resources are present in a province, providing a trade good that will always be in demand. True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_boshin_region_specialtea_label Tea Chain True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_boshin_region_specialty_clay This chain of province speciality buildings is enabled when clay resources are present in a province. Clay is used for the mass production of bricks and items of pottery, reducing the cost of building construction within a province. True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_boshin_region_specialty_clay_label Clay Chain True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_boshin_region_specialty_coal_mining This chain of province speciality buildings is enabled when coal resources are present. Coal extraction and refining produces a useful trade good, but also reduces happiness due to modernisation. True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_boshin_region_specialty_coal_mining_label Coal Mining Chain True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_boshin_region_specialty_copper_mining This chain of province speciality buildings is enabled when copper resources are present. Copper reduces the cost of and time required for the construction of copper-plated ships within a province. True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_boshin_region_specialty_copper_mining_label Copper Mining Chain True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_boshin_region_specialty_railroad This chain of province speciality buildings is enabled when the topography of a province is suitable for railway construction. Town growth is also increased as a result of railways. True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_boshin_region_specialty_railroad_label Railway Chain True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_boshin_region_specialty_silver_mining This chain of province speciality buildings is enabled when silver resources are present. Silver increases the wealth produced within a province, but the progression to advanced refining techniques causes reduced happiness due to modernisation. True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_boshin_region_specialty_silver_mining_label Silver Mining Chain True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_boshin_region_specialty_smugglers This chain of province speciality buildings improves the quality of geisha agents recruited in a province. Town growth is also increased. True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_boshin_region_specialty_smugglers_label Smuggling Chain True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_boshin_silk This chain of province speciality buildings is enabled when silk resources are present. Silk production is increased by each building in the chain. True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_boshin_silk_label Silk Chain True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_boshin_smith This chain of province speciality buildings is available in those provinces known for their smithing skills. The armour and missile accuracy of troops recruited here is improved, but the progression to advanced techniques causes reduced happiness due to modernisation. True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_boshin_smith_label Smith Chain True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_buddhist This chain of buildings enables the recruitment of both monk agents and, in combination with a yari or bow dojo, warrior monk units. As places of study, Buddhist buildings contribute to your mastery of the arts. Those buildings higher up the chain increase the happiness of the Buddhist population of a province, and can even convert non-Buddhists living there. True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_buddhist_label Buddhist Chain True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_buff This chain of buildings improves your recruitment and replenishment capabilities, and can be specialised to improve the statistics of specific units. True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_buff_chain Improvement Chain True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_castle This chain of buildings increases the movement speed and rate of replenishment of armies in its province. It also increases the line of sight of your agents and their chances of detecting hidden enemy agents. True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_castle_label Castle Chain True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_cavalry All cavalry units can be recruited from this chain of buildings. Better cavalry types require the warhorse commodity and corresponding weapon dojos. True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_cavalry_label Cavalry Chain True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_christian This chain of buildings enables the recruitment of missionary agents. The rigidly organised structure of Catholicism enables swifter mastery of the arts and much quicker conversion to their religion than their Buddhist counterparts can manage. The Christian chain promotes a more fluid society with the effect of increased economic growth. True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_christian_label Christian Chain True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_craftwork This chain of province speciality buildings produce the craftwork commodity that can be traded and is required for the construction of certain other buildings. The craftwork chain can also be used to improve the quality of bows, giving a bonus to all bow units recruited in the same province. True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_craftwork_label Craftwork Chain True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_criminal This chain of buildings, the result of a general population surge as society moves away from agriculture to industry and city life, increases wealth and happiness. It also enables the recruitment of geisha agents and increases their chances of success. True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_criminal_label Business Chain True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_defences This chain of buildings allows you to upgrade the tower defences of your castles independently from the castles themselves. All castles contain archer towers by default. True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_defences_label Tower Defences Chain True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_farm This chain of buildings provides food and is the principle source of income across your entire empire. Farms should be upgraded early in a campaign and often after that. True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_farm_label Farming Chain True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_foundation This chain of buildings provides the foundations for the expansion of your settlements. Each level of settlement opens up one extra building slot and improves tax income, but also reduces happiness due to modernisation. True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_foundation_label Settlement Chain True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_gempei_buddhist This chain of buildings enables the recruitment of sou agents and, in combination with a koryu dojo, warrior monk units. Those buildings higher up the chain provide warrior monks with greater experience and increase the happiness of a province’s population. True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_gempei_buddhist_label Buddhist Chain True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_gempei_buff This chain of buildings improves your recruitment and replenishment capabilities, and can be specialised to improve the statistics of specific units. True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_gempei_buff_label Improvement Chain True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_gempei_bushi This chain of buildings enables recruitment of the new samurai troop types, including samurai heroes, also producing samurai cavalry when used in combination with pastures. True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_gempei_bushi_label Bushi Chain True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_gempei_castle Each level of castle unlocks a new construction slot and fortification. It also increases the line of sight of your agents and their chances of detecting hidden enemy agents. True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_gempei_castle_label Castle Chain True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_gempei_clan The clan chain of buildings enables recruitment of shirabyoshi agents, increases taxation within its province, and spreads your family’s influence to nearby provinces. True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_gempei_clan_label Clan Chain True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_gempei_farm This chain of buildings provides food and is the principle source of income across your entire empire. Farms should be upgraded early in a campaign and often after that. Farms enable cavalry recruitment in the province when there are appropriate koryu or bushi buildings present. True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_gempei_farm_label Farming Chain True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_gempei_government This chain of buildings is the centre of government within a province. A government building cannot be demolished. There are two sub-chains within it: one focuses on public order and siege defence, the other recruitment and replenishment of armies. True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_gempei_government_label Government Chain True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_gempei_intellectual This chain of province speciality buildings reduces the time required to master arts. It is the provincial version of the state academy. True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_gempei_intellectual_label Intellectual Chain True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_gempei_koryu This chain of buildings enables recruitment of the old-style, mostly naginata-armed troop types, also producing warrior monks when used in combination with Buddhist buildings and naginata cavalry when combined with pastures. The highest level koryu buildings can also produce naginata hero, onna bushi, and tetsubo warrior monks. True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_gempei_koryu_label Koryu Chain True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_gempei_market This chain of buildings enables the recruitment of junsatsushi and provides a major contribution to province wealth. There are two sub-chains within it: one facilitates long-term growth, the other short to mid-term wealth. True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_gempei_market_label Barter Chain True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_gempei_silk This chain of buildings facilitates silk production within a province, also generating wealth. True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_gempei_silk_label Silk Chain True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_gempei_state_academy The state academy only exists within Kyoto. The centre of Chinese learning within Japan, the state academy reduces the time required to master arts. It cannot be upgraded or destroyed outright, but can be damaged. True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_gempei_state_academy_label State Academy True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_gold This chain of province speciality buildings improves your clan’s income. True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_gold_label Gold Mining Chain True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_holy This chain of province speciality buildings improves the quality of all monk agents and warrior monk units recruited here, and is therefore of limited use to Christian clans. True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_holy_label Holy Site Chain True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_horse This chain of province speciality buildings provides the warhorse commodity required for better cavalry units, also improving all cavalry recruited in the same province. True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_horse_label Warhorse Chain True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_ikko_temple This chain of buildings enables the recruitment of both Ikko monk agents and, in combination with a yari dojo, bow dojo, and warhorse stables, both warrior monk infantry and cavalry. As places of study, Ikko Ikki buildings contribute to your mastery of the arts. Those buildings higher up the chain increase the happiness of the Ikko population of a province, can convert non-Ikko members of the population, and even spread the faith to neighbouring provinces. True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_ikko_temple_label Ikko Ikki Chain True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_industry This chain of buildings allows the specialisation in the cotton, crafts or silk industries, providing increases to both wealth and growth within a province. True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_industry_label Industrial Chain True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_infrastructure The castle is the heart of the population and public order's main controlling factor. Each level of castle building increases the size of its castle town: providing an additional slot on which to build, enabling the recruitment of basic ashigaru units and determining how many units can be recruited there in each turn. Larger castles are more difficult to assault and spawn a larger defence force of samurai retainers and women. They are also the chief consumer of food in a province, so if farm building levels are not in step with castle size there will be food shortages. True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_infrastructure_label Infrastructure Chain True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_intellectual This chain of province speciality buildings reduces the time required to master arts. The intellectual centre chain can also be used to produce improved metsuke, thereby reducing corruption and increasing income in a province. True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_intellectual_label Intellectual Chain True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_iron This chain of province speciality buildings produces income and reduces the cost of recruitment in the same province, also providing the iron commodity that can be traded. True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_iron_label Iron Chain True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_market This chain of buildings enables the recruitment of metsuke agents and is a major contributor to long-term wealth across your empire. True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_market_label Market Chain True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_modern This chain of buildings enables the development of modern, western methods of military training and units. True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_modern_label Modern Military Chain True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_naval This chain of province speciality buildings can be developed to either improve overseas trade income or increase the experience of locally-recruited ship crews. True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_naval_label Naval Chain True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_port This chain of buildings enables the recruitment of ships. Those buildings higher up the chain facilitate overseas trading, increase economic growth, and can allow foreign powers to negotiate the export of their new weapons and ideas to Japan. True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_port_label Port Chain True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_propaganda This chain of buildings allows you to set up a network for the spreading of Imperial or Shogunal influence throughout your territory. Shinsengumi and ishin shishi agents can be recruited here. True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_propaganda_label Propaganda Chain True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_region_specialty_ninja This chain of province speciality buildings either improves the quality of ninja or monomi agents recruited there and increases income, or increases the experience of kisho ninja units recruited there (not Rise of the Samurai). True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_region_specialty_ninja_label Assassin Chain True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_siege This chain of buildings enables the recruitment of matchlock gun-armed units and siege weapons. True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_siege_label Siege Chain True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_smith This chain of province speciality buildings either improves the armour or melee attack statistics of certain locally-recruited units. The higher the level of building, the greater the number of troop types that can be improved. True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_smith_label Smith Chain True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_stealth This chain of buildings enables the recruitment of ninja agents and also kisho ninja units and also keeps your population happy through the many pleasures they offer. Some of the profits made here are skimmed-off and added to your treasury. True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_stealth_label Stealth Chain True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_stone This chain of province speciality buildings reduces the cost of buildings constructed in the same province, also providing the stone commodity required for some high level buildings. True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_stone_label Stone Chain True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_sword All katana-armed units can be recruited from this chain of buildings. Those buildings higher up the chain improve the quality of the swordsmen and enable the recruitment of katana heroes. All swordsmen are excellent attackers. True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_sword_label Sword Chain True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_timber This chain of province speciality buildings reduces the cost of locally-constructed ships and produces an income, also providing the lumber commodity that can be traded. True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_timber_label Timber Chain True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_traditional This chain of buildings enables the development of traditional Japanese methods of military training and units. True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_traditional_label Traditional Military Chain True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_yari All yari and naginata-armed units can be recruited from this chain of buildings. Those buildings higher up the chain improve the quality of yari and naginata troops and enable the recruitment of heroes. In combination with a temple, it is possible to recruit naginata warrior monks from the yari chain. Pole-armed units such as these are good defenders, especially against cavalry. True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_buildings_chain_yari_label Yari Chain True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_clans Clans are the noble families and associated retainers of feudal Japan. Each clan has a unique starting position, traits and military specialities for maximum variety of game-play. True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_skills Skills can be chosen for characters as they acquire experience points from performing their various functions, enabling you to fashion and enhance a character’s capabilities. True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_skills_ikko_general Skill tree variant for generals of the Ikko Ikki: True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_units_chain_cavalry_general The general gives a large boost to the morale of nearby friendly units, but a huge penalty to it if he is killed. He is best kept close to the frontlines and protected at all times - remember that your general can also be your daimyo or even the shogun himself! True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_units_chain_cavalry_missile These units are excellent for harassing enemies from a distance but are poor in melee. As they are able to fire and re-position they are difficult to pin down but should always be kept away from concentrated enemy missile units. True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_units_chain_cavalry_sword These units are extremely effective melee cavalry and are strong against all infantry except yari-armed units. They are vulnerable to missiles and yari cavalry. True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_units_chain_cavalry_yari These units have a deadly charge but are vulnerable in prolonged melee. They are good in combat against other cavalry but generally weak when fighting yari infantry. True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_units_chain_infantry_bow These units are fast-firing, long range missile units that are extremely vulnerable to cavalry and weak when in melee. On impact, arrows are more accurate but less damaging overall than matchlock balls. True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_units_chain_infantry_heavy These units are highly versatile as they are excellent in melee and able to withstand cavalry attacks, although they are not as strong in melee as katana infantry or as good against cavalry as yari infantry. True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_units_chain_infantry_matchlock These units are armed with slow-firing but deadly matchlock guns. They are vulnerable to cavalry charges and are generally weak in melee. True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_units_chain_infantry_special These units perform very specialised tasks on the battlefield and are vulnerable to units who perform broader roles. True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_units_chain_infantry_sword These units excel in close-quarters melee and are vulnerable to cavalry and bow or matchlock-armed units. True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_units_chain_infantry_yari These units are excellent when fighting cavalry, due to the angle at which their weapons are held. They are vulnerable to attack by katana units and weak against bow or matchlock-armed units. True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_units_chain_multiplayer All the units available in multiplayer are listed here by recruitment dojo. True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_units_chain_multiplayer_title Multiplayer Units True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_units_chain_siege_artillery These crews operate advanced weapons designed for attacking castles and buildings. They are vulnerable to cavalry charges and are generally weak in melee. True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_index_units_chain_siege_weapons These crews operate large engines designed for attacking castles and buildings. They are vulnerable to cavalry charges and are generally weak in melee. True
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encyclopedia_template_strings_text_units_abilities (Click here to learn more about unit abilities) True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_units_intro Units are the constituent parts of armies and fleets, with the various types used in combination to achieve victory in battle. Their statistics are modified by difficulty level, arts, skills, traits and retainers. True
encyclopedia_template_strings_text_video_not_loaded Could not load video file, perhaps you do not have Fall of the Samurai installed? True