Level_5_Tooltip_30003a Attribute level True
Level_6_Tooltip_30003a Attribute level True
Level_7_Tooltip_30003a Attribute level True
Level_8_Tooltip_30003a Attribute level True
Level_9_Tooltip_30003a Attribute level True
Level_Tooltip_100014 Fencing skill||You can choose to fight the duel with pistols or a sword.||If you can, pick the duelling method where your skill is greater than your opponents. True
Level_Tooltip_26003d Challenger's shooting skill True
level_Tooltip_26005b This column shows the level of development each building has reached.||The highlighted pip represents how far along the building tree each building is. You can also see how many levels there are to each building.||To see what levels there are left to develop you can left click on a building to see its building tree. True
level_Tooltip_280036 A gold star here shows the character is a general or admiral, whereas a silver star will mean they are either a colonel or commodore.||The smaller stars to the right denote their command skill.||If they are highly skilled you may want to move them somewhere where their experience can be better used.||Of course, the opposite could prove true, and you may want to place someone else in command! True
Level_Tooltip_2b0017 Challengers shooting skill True
Level_Tooltip_30003a Attribute level True
level_Tooltip_30003a Attribute level True
Level_Tooltip_30024 Fencing skill||Check this before choosing your duelling weapon.||If you can, pick the weapon you are more proficient in to increase your chances of winning. True
Level_Tooltip_3b005e Shooting skill||You can choose to fight the duel with pistols or a sword.||If you can, pick the duelling method where your skill is greater than your opponents. True
level_Tooltip_74002a Level of development each building has reached.||The highlighted pip represents how far along the building tree each building is.||To see what levels there are left to develop you can left-click on a building to see its building tree. True
level_tx_NewState_Text_41003b Building Level: True
level_tx_NewState_Tooltip_300043 This shows how far along the development chain this building is.||The higher up the chain, the more effects a building will provide.||Damaged buildings will cease providing effects until they are repaired.||As a result, the more developed a building, the more disruption your sabotage will cause. True
line_abreast_Tooltip_4c0071 Line Abrest True
line_abreast_Tooltip_520077 Line abreast||This arranges your grouped ships into a single line abreast of each other.||Using this formation will deny the enemy any room to manoeuvre as they would have to run through your field of fire.||This formation particularly suits ships with guns in their noses, such as galleys.||This formation will still work with ships that fire broadside, but you will have to move them into position to fire. True
line_astern_Tooltip_2a0023 Line astern||This arranges your grouped ships one behind the other.||As the ships sail past the enemy they will fire off a broadside one by one.||If any of the ships' sails are damaged in this formation that ship will be dropped rather than slow the formation down. True
line_astern_Tooltip_4b007a Line Astern True
line_graph_window_Tooltip_1a006c This displays the number of prestige points awarded in each area, depending on your filter view. True
list_box_Tooltip_70079 This section lists your games, turns played and date and time of saving.||You can sort them name, turns and date by clicking on the appropriate column title. True
list_clip_Tooltip_70079 This section lists your games, turns played and date and time of saving.||You can sort them name, turns and date by clicking on the appropriate column title. True
list_losing_teams_Tooltip_4f0068 The losing teams True
list_panel_Tooltip_70079 This section lists your games, turns played and date and time of saving.||You can sort them name, turns and date by clicking on the appropriate column title. True
list_winning_teams_Tooltip_90040 The winning teams True
load-save_game_NewState_Tooltip_76 v True
load-save_game_Tooltip_560054 This panel is where you load or save your campaign games. True
location_NewState_Text_40002e Current Location: True
location_NewState_Text_9000e Location: True
location_Tooltip_3a0028 This is the character's current location.||Click on the magnifying glass icon to the right to zoom to their position on the map. True
log_tab_Tooltip_76007f This is your Missions Log tab panel.||This shows the missions that have finished, completed or not!||You can track your mission progress from this tab. True
losing_tx_NewState_Text_6c007d Losing Side: True
losses_tx_NewState_Text_6f005a Losses True
lost_tx_NewState_Text_1b003f Lost True
lower_class_reaction_icon_Angry_Tooltip_3c0077 Lowest class public order.||Your lower class are currently angry and likely to riot.||Try increasing repression or exempting this region from tax to prevent rioting!||This is based on the factors to the left. True
lower_class_reaction_icon_Angry_Tooltip_79003a Angry||This is the lowest class public order.||Your lowest class are currently angry and likely to riot.||Try increasing repression or exempting this region from tax to prevent rioting!||This is based on the factors to the right. True
lower_class_reaction_icon_Happy_Tooltip_3e0019 Lowest class public order.||Your lower class are currently under control.||They are either very happy, very repressed or a little of both!||This is based on the factors to the left. True
lower_class_reaction_icon_Happy_Tooltip_430020 Under control||This is the lowest class public order.||Your lowest class are currently under control.||They are either very happy, very repressed or a little of both!||This is based on the factors to the right. True
lower_class_reaction_icon_Neutral_Tooltip_520005 Lowest class public order.||Your lower class are currently neither angry or happy.||They could go either way at the moment - improving repression a little will improve their public order.||This is based on the factors to the left. True
lower_class_reaction_icon_Neutral_Tooltip_5b0036 Feeling neutral||This is the lowest class public order.||Your lowest class are currently neither angry nor happy.||They could go either way at the moment - improving repression a little will improve their public order.||This is based on the factors to the right. True
lower_class_tx_default_Text_740034 Lower class tax True
lower_classes_txt_Tooltip_41003a The lowest classes are the workers and the salt of the earth, the foundation on which your Empire is built.||Move your cursor over the pips below to see the positive and negative effects on the lowest class public order. True
Major_nations_bar_Tooltip_5e0068 These flags represent the major, or playable, factions.||Click on a flag to select it.||The map view will change in context with the selected faction. True
major_nations_bar_Tooltip_710003 These buttons are the filters for the major nations.||Click on a nation's button to toggle it's prestige results on or off. True
Major_nations_bar_Tooltip_b0033 Major, or playable, nations.||Click on a flag to select it.||The map view will change to display the selected nation. True
maneuverability_NewState_Text_5a002b Maneuverability True
maneuverability_NewState_Text_730028 Manoeuvrability True
maneuverability_Tooltip_3d004c Maneuverability of this unit.||This determines the speed this ship can change course.||Different ships have different sailing characteristics. True
maneuverability_Tooltip_5d005a This determines the speed this ship can change course.||Different ships have different sailing characteristics. True
Map frame_Tooltip_120015 This is your travel destinations map.||The three large rectangled True
Map panel_Tooltip_1a0015 Taxes map||This provides an overall idea of how taxes are affecting your population's happiness.||Mousing over the map will tell you what the region is called and which nation owns it.||Your regions are shown in either red or green.||If a region is green it means the population's public order is under control; red means that they are close to rioting!||Tax levels affect a population's happiness, and as a result, their public order level.||Lowering tax levels will help calm rioting or unhappy regions.||However, as tax levels have one setting per theatre you may also be reducing tax levels for regions you don't need to, thus losing money.||Instead of reducing tax levels overall for a theatre, you could try other solutions.||For example, increasing militia presence in problem regions to increase oppression. True
Map panel_Tooltip_61002d This map displays diplomatic relations according to what you wish to view.||You can choose between two views: Other nations attitudes towards selected faction, and selected factions attitude towards others.||The regions are coloured according to this context. Green means friendly and red is unfriendly.||This is useful to see where your faction stands at a cursory glance.||It can also help to see what other faction's relationships towards each other are, as you may be able to use this to your advantage! True
Map panel_Tooltip_6d0072 This is your taxes map and provides an overall idea of how taxes are affecting your population's happiness.||Mousing over the map will tell you what the region is called and which faction owns it.||Your regions are shown in either red or green.||If a region is green it means the population's public order is under control; red means that they are close to rioting!||Tax levels affect a population's happiness, and as a result, their public order level.||Lowering tax levels will help calm rioting or unhappy regions. However, as tax levels have one setting per theatre you may also be reducing tax levels for regions you don't need to, and thus losing potential money.||Instead of reducing tax levels overall for a theatre, you could try other solutions. For example, increasing militia presence in problem regions to increase oppression. True
map_description_Tooltip_f001e This tab contains an overview of your selected map.||Here you can see a snapshot of the map and learn about any tactical advantages the land might have that you can exploit.||To see details for another map, select one from the panel on the left. True
map_globe_Tooltip_120015 This is your travel destinations map.||The three large rectangled True
map_globe_Tooltip_70018 Travel destinations map||The three large rectangled areas are the different theatres you can visit.||The circled areas are the trade theatres you can occupy.||Both these areas are linked by grey lines. These are your travel routes.||Sometimes you will need to travel through more than one theatre to get to your destination.||Select your destination and click on the tick button at the bottom of the map to move.||Each move will take one turn. True
map_label_NewState_Text_7004c India True
map_label_NewState_Text_7c002c America True
map_label_NewState_Text_7f0047 Europe True
map_overlay_Tooltip_1f007c Europe||Any regions in green are already owned by your nation.||Any regions in red are not owned, but are needed to complete your victory conditions.||The regions you need are detailed in the bottom right of the panel. True
map_overlay_Tooltip_3c002c India||Any regions in green are already owned by your nation.||Any regions in red are not owned, but are needed to complete your victory conditions.||The regions you need are detailed in the bottom right of the panel. True
map_overlay_Tooltip_47004c America||Any regions in green are already owned by your nation.||Any regions in red are not owned, but are needed to complete your victory conditions.||The regions you need are detailed in the bottom right of the panel. True
map_panel_Tooltip_70064 This section details your territories, the date you last saved and your faction.||Move your cursor over the different areas for more information. True
map_placeholder_Tooltip_2b0063 This is a map depicting the regions owned by your faction and the faction you are negotiating with.||Your faction's regions are coloured in green, whereas theirs are coloured red.||Using this map you can see strategic positions more clearly.||Mousing over the regions marked on the map will tell you their names so you can choose them from the two panels below.||Scroll to another theatre view by using the scrolling buttons below. True
map_placeholder_Tooltip_62007d Regions map||This depicts the regions owned by your nation and the nation you are negotiating with.||Your nation's regions are coloured in green, whereas theirs are coloured red.||Using this map you can see strategic positions more clearly.||Mousing over the regions marked on the map will tell you their names so you can choose them from the two panels below.||Switch to another theatre view by using the scrolling buttons below. True
map_Tooltip_1a0015 Taxes map||This provides an overall idea of how taxes are affecting your population's happiness.||Mousing over the map will tell you what the region is called and which nation owns it.||Your regions are shown in either red or green.||If a region is green it means the population's public order is under control; red means that they are close to rioting!||Tax levels affect a population's happiness, and as a result, their public order level.||Lowering tax levels will help calm rioting or unhappy regions.||However, as tax levels have one setting per theatre you may also be reducing tax levels for regions you don't need to, thus losing money.||Instead of reducing tax levels overall for a theatre, you could try other solutions.||For example, increasing militia presence in problem regions to increase oppression. True
map_Tooltip_3f0068 This is a map depicting the regions owned by your faction and the faction you are negotiating with.||Your faction's regions are coloured in green, whereas theirs are coloured red.||Using this map you can see strategic positions more clearly.||Mousing over the regions marked on the map will tell you their names so you can choose them from the two panels below.||Switch to another theatre view by using the scrolling buttons below. True
map_Tooltip_61002d This map displays diplomatic relations according to what you wish to view.||You can choose between two views: Other nations attitudes towards selected faction, and selected factions attitude towards others.||The regions are coloured according to this context. Green means friendly and red is unfriendly.||This is useful to see where your faction stands at a cursory glance.||It can also help to see what other faction's relationships towards each other are, as you may be able to use this to your advantage! True
map_Tooltip_680012 Diplomatic relations map.||You can choose between two views: Other nation's attitudes towards selected nation, and selected nation's attitude towards others.||The regions are coloured according to this context. Green means friendly and red is unfriendly.||This is useful to see where your nation stands at a cursory glance.||It can also help to see what other nation's relationships towards each other are, as you may be able to use this to your advantage! True
map_Tooltip_6d0072 This is your taxes map and provides an overall idea of how taxes are affecting your population's happiness.||Mousing over the map will tell you what the region is called and which faction owns it.||Your regions are shown in either red or green.||If a region is green it means the population's public order is under control; red means that they are close to rioting!||Tax levels affect a population's happiness, and as a result, their public order level.||Lowering tax levels will help calm rioting or unhappy regions. However, as tax levels have one setting per theatre you may also be reducing tax levels for regions you don't need to, and thus losing potential money.||Instead of reducing tax levels overall for a theatre, you could try other solutions. For example, increasing militia presence in problem regions to increase oppression. True
map_tx_NewState_Text_5b003d Map: True
marble_bar_Tooltip_450017 This is your options panel.||From here you can view the units that are available to recruit, their cost and the amount of times it will take to recruit them.||Right click on a unit card to see detailed information on that unit. Left click to add it to the queue, and left click on it again to remove it from the queue.||As your town grows and your resources develop more units will become available to you.||If a building enables you to recruit a unit it is listed in it's building details panel. True
marble_bar_Tooltip_4e0045 Recruitment queue||When you have selected a unit to recruit they are displayed in the queue here.||Once a unit has been recruited they will disappear from the queue and be added to the region's capital.||If the unit has been recruited by a general, they will travel to the general's position. True
marble_bar_Tooltip_5d0028 This is the recruitment queue panel.||When you have selected a unit to recruit they are displayed in the queue here.||You can queue as many units as your money can manage, but only one of each type of unit can be recruited at the same time.||Once a unit has been recruited they will disappear from the queue and be added to the region's capital. True
marble_bar_Tooltip_660016 Recruitment queue||When you have selected a unit to recruit they are displayed in the queue here.||You can queue as many units as your money can manage, but only one of each type of unit can be recruited at the same time.||Once a unit has been recruited they will disappear from the queue and be added to the region's capital.||If the unit has been recruited by a general, they will travel to the general's position. True
marble_bar_Tooltip_6e0041 Options||From here you can view the units that are available to recruit, their cost and the amount of turns it will take to recruit them.||Right click on a unit card to see detailed information on that unit.||Left click to add it to the queue, and left click on it again to remove it from the queue.||As your town grows and your resources develop more units will become available to you.||If a building enables you to recruit a unit it is listed in it's building details panel. True
markers_tx_NewState_Text_780029 Markers True
melee_attack_NewState_Text_5e0012 Melee Attack True
melee_attack_Tooltip_180076 This skill determines the chance of a successful hit on the enemy when the unit is engaged in melee.||Battle hardened troops will gain experience in melee and this skill will increase.||Researching bayonets in military technology will improve melee attack. True
melee_attack_Tooltip_7f0077 Melee attack skill for this unit||This skill determines the chance of a successful hit on the enemy when the unit is engaged in melee.||Battle hardened troops will gain experience in melee and this skill will increase.||Researching bayonets in military technology will improve melee attack. True
men_tx_NewState_Text_14003e Deployed True
men_tx_NewState_Text_5f0023 Men: True
men_tx_Tooltip_14005d Number of men in this unit.||The maximum number of men you can have in this unit is shown in brackets.||If the unit is missing men you can use the replenish button to maximise the numbers again.||Fresh units will dilute the overall experience of a unit. True
men_tx_Tooltip_b003a Number of men in the unit.||PLACEHOLDER:To see the maximum number of men you can have in this unit see ??||PLACEHOLDER: If the unit is missing men you can use the replenish button to maximise the numbers again.||PLACEHOLDER: Fresh units will dilute the overall experience of a unit. True
mid_text_NewState_Text_350048 conflicts with: True
mini_flag_Tooltip_e007c This player's nation True
minimised_tx_NewState_Text_660047 Minimised User Interface True
Minor_nations_bar_Tooltip_14004c These flags represent the minor, or non-playable, factions.||Click on a flag to select it.||The map view will change in context with the selected faction. True
Minor_nations_bar_Tooltip_410037 Minor, or non-playable, nations.||Click on a flag to select it.||The map view will change to display the selected nation. True
minus_Tooltip_2d001c These are the factors having a negative effect on public order.||If they become too unhappy public order will break down resulting in riots and revolts.||High taxes will vex the higher classes and cause them to raise their voices in disgust. Lowering taxes will improve their moods and stop any trouble from being stirred up. True
minus_Tooltip_3d0043 Negative population growth||High tax rates for the lowest classes are likely to be the most detrimental influence on population growth. True
minus_Tooltip_49000b These are the negative influences obstructing Population Growth in your region.||High tax rates for the Lowest Classes are likely to be the most detrimental influence on Population Growth. True
minus_Tooltip_5c005a Negative growth||The factors affecting the rate at which your region wealth will grow per turn.||Move your cursor over the icons to see what is hindering growth. True
minus_Tooltip_680017 Negative influences||If they become too unhappy public order will break down resulting in riots and revolts.||The lowest class are not particularly well off, and taxes add another burden for them to bear.||Reduce that burden by lowering the lowest class tax rate and lessen the likelihood of transforming them into an angry mob! True
minus_Tooltip_720050 Negative influences||If the higher class become too unhappy, public order will break down resulting in riots and revolts.||High taxes will vex the higher classes and cause them to raise their voices in disgust.||Lowering taxes will improve their moods and stop any trouble from being stirred up. True
minus_Tooltip_790018 These are the factors having a negative effect on your Town Wealth Growth.||Upper Class tax has a negative effect on your town wealth growth. Reducing the Upper Class tax level can counter this. True
minus2_Tooltip_46002a These are the negative factors on your tax rate. True
mission_Tooltip_30063 The mission you were issued. True