¬ Text file containing all the strings for scripted historic events

¬ Events from the original Rome
{ESPIONAGE_IN_CARTHAGE_TITLE}				Espionage in Carthage
{A_NEW_RELIGION_TITLE}					A New Religion
{ERUPTION_AT_ETNA_TITLE}					Eruption at Etna
{PLAGUE_IN_MACEDONIA_TITLE}				Plague in Macedonia
{STOIC_PHILOSOPHY_TITLE}					Stoic Philosophy
{HAND_PUMP_INVENTED_TITLE}					Hand Pump Invented
{LIBRARIAN_AT_ALEXANDRIA_TITLE}				Librarian at Alexandria
{GREAT_LIBRARY_COMPLETED_TITLE}				Great Library Completed
{THROUGH_A_GLASS_CLEARLY_TITLE}				Through a Glass Clearly
{ARCHIMEDES_SCREW_TITLE}					Archimedes Screw
{GREEK_LOGIC_TITLE}						Greek Logic
{STAR_CATALOGUE_TITLE}					Star Catalogue
{PLAGUE_IN_ALEXANDRIA_TITLE}				Plague in Alexandria
{RITES_OF_BACCHUS_BANNED_TITLE}				Rites of Bacchus Banned
{EARTHQUAKE_IN_PONTUS_TITLE}				Earthquake in Pontus
{CONCRETE_INVENTED_TITLE}					Concrete Invented
{ERUPTION_AT_VESUVIUS_TITLE}				Eruption at Vesuvius
{PHILOSOPHY_IS_FOPPISH_TITLE}				Philosophy is for Fops!
{ASTRONOMY_ADVANCES_TITLE}				Astronomy Advances
{LEX_AEBUTIA_TITLE}						Lex Aebutia
{ROMAN_STOICISM_TITLE}					Roman Stoicism
{LEX_PAPIRA_TITLE}						Lex Papira
{PLAGUE_IN_ITALY_TITLE}					Plague in Italy
{VESTAL_VIRGIN_STRUCK_DOWN_TITLE}				Vestal Virgin Struck Down
{A_NEW_MAN_GAIUS_MARIUS_TITLE}				A New Man: Gaius Marius
{DE_RERUM_NATURA_TITLE}					De Rerum Natura
{PLAGUE_IN_ASIA_MINOR_TITLE}				Plague in Asia Minor
{LEX_POMPEIA_TITLE}						Lex Pompeia
{DE_MATERIA_MEDICA_TITLE}					De Materia Medica
{JULIAN_CALENDAR_TITLE}					Julian Calendar
{EARTHQUAKE_IN_IBERIA_TITLE}				Earthquake in Iberia
{THE_AENEID_TITLE}						The Aeneid
{LEX_ADULTERIIS_COERCENDIS_TITLE}				Lex Adulteriis Coercendis
{TROUBLE_IN_JUDEA_TITLE}					Trouble in Judea
{LEX_FUFIA_CANINIA_TITLE}					Lex Fufia Caninia
{ESPIONAGE_IN_CARTHAGE_BODY}				The Romans deny that they sent spies to Carthage to steal the secrets of the highly sought-after purple dye. They point out that the Carthaginians' refusal to share their discovery with the world is bound to lead to spying. The Carthaginians have apprehended two wretched individuals who confessed under only the lightest of torture. Both men have been crucified.
{A_NEW_RELIGION_BODY}					King Asoka of Mauryan has sent a missionary to the Hellenistic kingdoms, proclaiming His Serene Highness' new state of "Enlightenment" through the teachings of "the Buddha". The missionary is to spread this blissful realisation to those that live in ignorance. Many in Greek lands scratch their heads and wonder what this means...
{ERUPTION_AT_ETNA_BODY}					The God Vulcan has destroyed the Greek town of Naxos by causing Mount Etna to erupt! Thousands have died beneath the fiery lava.
{PLAGUE_IN_MACEDONIA_BODY}				A great and terrible plague in Macedonia is threatening to spread southwards into Greece. It is almost certainly caused by the Celts and other barbarians.
{STOIC_PHILOSOPHY_BODY}					Ariston of Chios begins his teaching of the Stoic way of life. This philosophy derives its name from the from the porch of the Athenian Agora (stoa poikilê). It is here that Stoics first met and propounded their ideas: that emotions like envy or passion arise from false judgements. A person who has attained moral and intellectual perfection will avoid these feelings.
{HAND_PUMP_INVENTED_BODY}					Archimedes has invented the world's first water pump, that allows water to be raised quickly and easily to where it is needed.
{LIBRARIAN_AT_ALEXANDRIA_BODY}				Eratosthenes becomes head of the Library in Alexandria. He is a literary scholar and geographer of some talent. Among his other achievements, Eratosthenes will calculate the circumference of the Earth to a high degree of accuracy and be the first to propose using the latitude and longitude system of global positioning.
{GREAT_LIBRARY_COMPLETED_BODY}				The home to a collection of what will become 800,000 books, the Great Library of Alexandria is at last complete. This is surely the greatest centre of learning in the world, and the works of Plato, Homer, Socrates and Aristotle can be found in the stacks along with works from the greatest Babylonian, Jewish, and Egyptian scholars.
{THROUGH_A_GLASS_CLEARLY_BODY}				While the Egyptians have made coloured glass for many years, the Carthaginians have perfected a method for making clear glass! The new clear goblets are much prized across the world by people of taste and discernment.
{ARCHIMEDES_SCREW_BODY}					Archimedes has invented a cunning pump that uses a spiral inside a pipe to lift water. This device enables mines to be drained and irrigation to be carried out efficiently.
{GREEK_LOGIC_BODY}						The theories of Plato and Aristotle have been synthesised into a new system of thought called 'logic', a philosophy concerned with the principle of reasoning in arguments. As a tool of rational thought, logic allows philosophers to discuss and test ideas with a new and revolutionary thoroughness.
{STAR_CATALOGUE_BODY}					Eratosthenes completes his catalogue of 675 stars in the heavens and uses an elegant shadow-measuring technique to calculate the size of the Earth (and quite accurately, too).
{PLAGUE_IN_ALEXANDRIA_BODY}				The Curse of Set strikes Alexandria, and the dead are numberless. The Egyptians are returning to the worship of the Old Gods in the hope that Isis will protect them from the pestilence - something that the Greek Gods imported by the Ptolemaic dynasty have obviously failed to do!
{RITES_OF_BACCHUS_BANNED_BODY}				The Senate of Rome has decided that the drunken orgies of the Baccanalia have finally gone too far. The depravity and lewdness have shocked the patricians into action. Performing the Rites of Bacchus from now on will result in exile and loss of Roman citizenship.
{EARTHQUAKE_IN_PONTUS_BODY}				Pontus has been shaken by massive earthquakes - surely a sign of Poseidon's disfavour - and many have perished.
{CONCRETE_INVENTED_BODY}					The Porticus Aemilia, a market near the Tiber, is the first building made from concrete. This 'liquid stone' is a mixture of rubble, mortar, volcanic ash and water poured into wooden moulds. Some in the Senate maintain this new material is not as safe as marble and are taking steps to have its use banned. The Roman recipe for concrete is, in some respects, actually better than that in common use over 2000 years later.
{ERUPTION_AT_VESUVIUS_BODY}				The town of Herculaneum has vanished beneath the ash of Vesuvius, while a massive tidal wave in the bay has caused extensive damage to Messina. This is certainly a sign of anger from both Neptune and Vulcan.
{PHILOSOPHY_IS_FOPPISH_BODY}				Rome expels Greek philosophers after the Lex Fannia law is passed. This bans the effete and nasty Greek practice of 'philosophy' in favour of more manly, properly Roman pursuits that don't involve quite so much thinking.
{ASTRONOMY_ADVANCES_BODY}				Hipparchus of Nicae has calculated the length of a solar year, charted 1080 stars and discovered the precession of the equinoxes. Some of this is thanks to his marvellous invention, the astrolabe, which also has uses in navigation.
{LEX_AEBUTIA_BODY}						This code formally organises the common practice of law into a coherent system. Until now, Roman law has been a rather ad hoc affair.
{ROMAN_STOICISM_BODY}					A visit to Rome by the leading Greek Stoic Panaetius impresses the Roman elite. His ideas are taken up, mostly because Stoicism is seen as being in tune with the natural and correct Roman way of life.
{LEX_PAPIRA_BODY}						In an effort to prevent corruption and malpractice, this new law requires legislation to be voted into force by secret ballot to prevent vote rigging scandals.
{PLAGUE_IN_ITALY_BODY}					All across Italy many thousands have fallen victim to another pestilence brought by the foul barbarians. The Roman Senate has decreed that all cities will be closed for 40 days, fires will be kept burning to purify the air and a proper schedule of sacrifices will be carried out in the temples.
{VESTAL_VIRGIN_STRUCK_DOWN_BODY}				In Rome superstition rules the hearts and minds of the common people, the plebs, following a thunderbolt that killed the young daughter of an equestrian. A judicial review has already determined that three of the Vestals were unchaste and they have been condemned to death. The Cybelline Oracles have also advised that, to appease the Gods, Greek and Gallic couples should be buried alive. So far, this seems to have worked.
{A_NEW_MAN_GAIUS_MARIUS_BODY}				Gaius Marius has proposed a series of laws that allow the proletariat to join his reorganised Roman army. In return for many years of military service every soldier will be given land as a kind of pension. This reform is passed in the people's assembly without the approval of the Senate. It's a certainty that such popular - and populist - appeal will do Marius no favours in the long run!\n\nThe troop types available for recruitment now reflect the structure of this new professional army. Check the recruitment scroll to view the details.
{DE_RERUM_NATURA_BODY}					Until now Titus Lucretius Carus has been best known as a poet and philosopher, but in the book De Rerum Natura or 'On the Nature of the Universe' he shows himself to be a master of Epicurean thought. He also claims that matter is composed of miniscule particles called 'atoms'.
{PLAGUE_IN_ASIA_MINOR_BODY}				Plague has swept through the towns and cities of Asia Minor, leaving many dead. Already the prudent citizens of Greek, Italian and Egyptian cities have closed their gates and ports to anyone from the region.
{LEX_POMPEIA_BODY}						This new law grants rights to certain foreigners, allowing them to marry and trade with Roman citizens. It even allows them the chance to obtain Roman citizenship!
{DE_MATERIA_MEDICA_BODY}					Pedanius Dioscorides of Cilicia has published his great work cataloguing all the plants he knows with healing properties. He has also listed all the poisonous ones, along with antidotes, making the book the major medical work to date.
{JULIAN_CALENDAR_BODY}					After much careful thought a new calendar has been approved for use in Roman lands. The old calendar had become hopelessly out of step with the seasons. This new calendar resets the year to what it should be, and then cleverly keeps harmony in the lunar and solar years by adding an extra day to the calendar every four years.
{EARTHQUAKE_IN_IBERIA_BODY}				The Iberian city of Saguntum has been struck by a great earthquake, undoubtedly visited upon the people by Neptune. Many have been killed and the temple has collapsed.
{THE_AENEID_BODY}						Virgil has completed his epic retelling of Roman history in the style of Homer. It is a work of genius, and much appreciated by the Romans for its poetic accuracy.
{LEX_ADULTERIIS_COERCENDIS_BODY}				The Roman Senate have passed a new law making marital unfaithfulness a public crime. To commit adultery now carries the sentence of death or, in some cases, banishment from Rome for the lovers.
{TROUBLE_IN_JUDEA_BODY}					The client ruler of Judea appears to have gone slightly mad. He has ordered the slaughter of all new-born infants within his lands. His disturbing order was promulagated after a visit by three Zoroastrian philosophers that caused him many sleepless nights.
{LEX_FUFIA_CANINIA_BODY}					The Roman Senate have passed a law to deal with the problem of slaves being freed in the wills of their now-dead masters. Mass manumission is no longer allowed, and only a fraction of someone's slaves can be declared free in his will.

¬ Events for Barbarian Invasion

{NEW_TESTAMENT_FORMULATED_TITLE}						New Testament Formulated 
{THE_SASSANID_MARTYRDOM_TITLE}						The Sassanid Martyrdoms
{THE_MARTYRDOM_OF_SAINT_EUSEBIUS_TITLE}				The Martyrdom Of Saint Eusebius
{FIRST_COUNCIL_OF_CONSTANTINOPLE_TITLE}				First Council of Constantinople
{THE_SERAPEUM_DESTROYED_TITLE}						The Serapeum Destroyed
{FINAL_OLYMPIC_GAMES_HELD_TITLE}						Final Olympic Games Held
{COUNCIL_OF_CARTHAGE_TITLE}							Council of Carthage
{THE_NOTITIA_DIGNITARUM_TITLE}						The Notitia Dignitarum
{THE_VULGATE_TITLE}									The Vulgate
{COUNCIL_OF_EPHESUS_TITLE}							Council of Ephesus
{LEGAL_CODE_REVISED_TITLE}							Legal Code Revised
{COUNCIL_OF_CHALCEDON_TITLE}							Council of Chalcedon
{PAPAL_PRIMACY_TITLE}									Papal Primacy
{THE_SLAVS_EMERGE_TITLE}								The Slavs Emerge
{PAGAN_PHILOSOPHER_MURDERED_TITLE}					Pagan Philosopher Murdered

{NEW_TESTAMENT_FORMULATED_BODY}						Athanasius has finished collating his New Testament, presenting the canon in a twenty-seven book form (the omitted books become known as the Apocrypha). There are whispers that the decision as to what to include and what to omit had more to do with the political interests of Church leaders than true doctrine.
{THE_SASSANID_MARTYRDOM_BODY}							In an effort to drive Christianity out of his Armenian lands, the Sassanid ruler has martyred many Christians, including Joseph of Persia and the 80-year-old Bishop of Hnaita. It is thought that his actions are intended to taunt the Roman Empire as to its powerlessness to intervene. The men were tortured and then beaten to death.
{THE_MARTYRDOM_OF_SAINT_EUSEBIUS_BODY}				Eusebius, the Bishop of Samosata in Syria, has been martyred by a roof tile that was hurled at him during a Church ceremony. Eusebius had defied the Arian Emperor Constantius in 361 by refusing to hand over the records of the Synod of Antioch, despite the threat of losing a hand. His resolution was so impressive that Constantius let him go unharmed.
{FIRST_COUNCIL_OF_CONSTANTINOPLE_BODY}				The Christian Church has held a Council in Constantinople to mark the final defeat of Arianism, the heretical teachings of Arius, the third century mystic. All his books were ordered destroyed and Arianism was made a crime in 326, but his teachings about the nature of Christ were appealing to many, including the Goths. Now, however, such wrong thinking has been entirely suppressed.
{THE_SERAPEUM_DESTROYED_BODY}							In an effort to destroy pagan influences in Alexandria, the Bishop of Alexandria has stripped the treasures from pagan temples and displayed them in his churches. In the troubles that followed the pagans barricaded themselves inside the Serapeum, a most impressive temple dedicated to the sacred bull Apis. They were given safe passage but promises to leave the temple alone were conveniently ignored when a Christian mob was allowed to tear down the structure stone by stone.
{FINAL_OLYMPIC_GAMES_HELD_BODY}						The Olympic Games, having been held every fourth year for at least a thousand years, are now at an end, as the Emperor has decreed them to be a pagan festival.
{COUNCIL_OF_CARTHAGE_BODY}							A Church Council held in the city of Carthage has extended the doctrine and practices of the Christian Church. After careful argument it has been decided firstly that prayers for the dead will have an effect in making sure that they reach Heaven; secondly, some sins can be atoned for by the dead soul spending time in Purgatory, paying off bad behaviour by suffering the torments of damnation for a given time.
{THE_NOTITIA_DIGNITARUM_BODY}							This huge list of dignitaries, the state offices they hold, and the position and composition of the armed forces is at last complete. The Notitia Dignitatum lists every government job in both halves of the Empire, and gives the authority and responsibilities of each.
{THE_VULGATE_BODY}									Jerome has completed his translation of the Old and New Testaments from Hebrew and Aramaic into Latin. This massive work - the versio vulgata, or Vulgate Bible - soon becomes the standard catholic, or universal, biblical version of the book. Unfortunately, Jerome's translation is marred in some particulars by the speed at which he worked, which resulted in errors and misconceptions.
{HERETICAL_BRITISH_MONK_DISAPPPEARS_BODY}				Pelagius, a Romano-British monk and scholar - may have been murdered because of his heretical teachings. He had made the mistake of arguing against Augustine's teachings, proposing ideas of living and sin that had much in common with pagan Stoic thought. He had also managed to avoid condemnation for heresy once, but the combined authority of Augustine and Jerome lead to his excommunication at the Council of Carthage. Shortly after his excommunication, Pelagius disappeared. Foul play has been suspected.
{PATRICK_INTRODUCES_CHRISTIANITY_TO_IRELAND_BODY}		Patricius - or Patrick - has returned to Ireland with the gospel of Christianity. Formerly a slave there until the age of 16, Maewyn Succat escaped, studied in monasteries across the mainland of Europe and changed his name to Patricius. He went back to Ireland as a result of a command that he received in a dream.
{COUNCIL_OF_EPHESUS_BODY}								A Church Council convened in Ephesus has denounced the teachings of the Christian scholar Nestorius as heretical and against the true beliefs of the Church. Nestorius had argued - a little too loudly - that Christ had completely separate human and divine aspects to his nature.
{LEGAL_CODE_REVISED_BODY}								The entire edifice of Roman law has been put on a sensible footing as all the laws, statutes and decrees from 1000 years have been organised, codified and ordered. Laws have been ordered so older laws that were superceeded are listed in date order, allowing a more sensible interpretation of the law in both halves of the Empire, and making all parts of the Roman world feel part of a greater whole.
{COUNCIL_OF_CHALCEDON_BODY}							The Ecumenical Council has met in Chalcedon and refined the Church's creed concerning the person and work of Christ by voting that, after all the arguments had been considered, he was 'truly man and truly God'. The Council also decided to raise the status of the patriarchy of Constantinople, by giving it authority over Pontus, Asia and Thrace.
{PAPAL_PRIMACY_BODY}									The Patricarch of Rome, the Pope, has declared a new doctrine that gives him absolute authority over the Christian Church. He argues that his authority is divine, directly from God even though it is exercised by man. Many outside the Pope's immediate court have expressed concerns about this move.
{THE_SLAVS_EMERGE_BODY}								A new faction has arisen in the far north. The Slavs are a tribal people who, having found new power as a unified faction, are now migrating southwards. They will almost certainly seek easy prey in the warmer climes of Europe...oh, and displace whoever happens to be living there at the time…
{PAGAN_PHILOSOPHER_MURDERED_BODY}						Hypatia of Alexandria, the Platonic philospher, mathematician and astronomer has been murdered thanks to being a pagan, too clever by half,  and a woman. Her suspected involvement in a religious dispute between the Church and government authorities in Alexandria was enough for a group of monks to beat her to death, mutilate the corpse with broken tiles, and then burn her. Hypatia's sad death marks a sea-change in religious attitudes and toleration.

¬*			Only changes made after 18/04/2005 12:45:00

¬*			Only changes made after 27/06/2005 11:59:00

¬*			Only changes made after 08/07/2005 17:43:00

¬*			Only changes made after 20/07/2005 12:25:00

¬*			Only changes made after 05/08/2005 16:25:00