• 追加された行はこの色です。
  • 削除された行はこの色です。
*緊急 [#rc9cff00]
その後、Rome Total Warを起動し
 Local network

てすと [#k5ffdefe]
|ローマ弓兵|40|7|1|長射程 火矢可能|30|3|1||0|2|0|4|中|190|森に隠れる|
|補助軍弓兵|40|8|1|極長射程 火矢可能|30|3|1||3|3|0|4|高|190|森に隠れる|
|ウェリテス投槍兵|40|7|2|短射程 対象ボーナス+6 対戦車ボーナス+6|6|5|2||2|3|2|4|中|270|濃い草むらに隠れる|
|補助軍投槍兵|40|7|2|短射程 対象ボーナス+6 対戦車ボーナス+6|6|5|2||2|3|2|6|高|290|頑強 森林に隠れる 濃い草むらに隠れる|
|ハスタティ|40|11|2|極短射程 ap|2|7|2||5|4|5|6|中|440|森林に隠れる|
|プリンキペス|40|11|2|極短射程 ap|2|7|2||7|4|5|6|高|490|森林に隠れる|
|補助軍槍兵|40|5|2|槍ボーナス+8|||||7|4|5|6|高|430|頑強 森林に隠れる|
|前期軍団兵|40|13|3|極短射程 ap|2|9|3||7|5|5|10|高|610|頑強 森林に隠れる テストゥード|
|前期軍団兵第一大隊|60|13|3|極短射程 ap|2|9|3||7|5|5|10|高|1010|頑強 森林に隠れる テストゥード 鼓舞|
|軍団兵|40|13|3|極短射程 ap|2|9|3||12|5|5|10|高|740|頑強 森林に隠れる テストゥード|
|軍団兵第一大隊|60|13|3|極短射程 ap|2|9|3||12|5|5|10|高|1220|頑強 森林に隠れる テストゥード 鼓舞|
|近衛兵|40|16|3|短射程 ap|2|12|3||12|6|5|10|高|810|森林に隠れる テストゥード|
|都市近衛兵|40|18|3|短射程 ap|2|14|3||12|7|5|12|高|860|頑強 森林に隠れる テストゥード|
|アルカニ|16|12|3||||||7|6|2|10|中|900|とても頑強 どこでも隠れる HP2|
|ウェリテス剣闘士|20|12|3|槍ボーナス+4|||||2|7|5|14|熱狂|620|すごく頑強 森林に隠れる HP2 ブルータス専用|
|サムニウム剣闘士|20|14|3||||||7|7|0|14|熱狂|720|すごく頑強 森林に隠れる HP2 ユリウス・元老院専用|
|ムルミッロ剣闘士|20|12|3|槍ボーナス+4|||||7|7|0|14|熱狂|700|すごく頑強 森林に隠れる HP2 スキピオ専用|

*SENGOKU語録 [#e1937]

C.I.F. CA公式見解
 We can asure you that as much effort as we could afford was made to ensure that the quality of translation and acting was of a very high standard. 
 As far as we are aware, all the wriiten translations were carried out by Japanese people working for SEGA of Japan. All spoken Japanese was recorded using voice actors who were Japanese by birth or family. For example we called on the services of Togo Igawa, the orginal voice actor for the first Shogun and also a voice actor for both English speaking and Japanese speaking parts in Shogun 2 to help ensure the greatest level of authenticity and also ensure we didn't offend Japanese language, culture or heritage. 
 Sega of Japan, our owners, took great interest in our project and also helped point out any idioms of language that should not be used in the Japanse translations.
 Characters on a battlefield saying the the wrong thing, at the wrong time, as the result of file naming errors, is quite different to not caring "about history or realism", disregard for another nation's language, or somehow being guilty of racism, all of which we have had levelled at us at various times. All are far from the truth about a game that is both great fun, geopolitically aware and to an extent historically enlightening.
*Total War プレイヤーがハマるかもしれない別ゲー [#e1936ed7]


*Total Warの世界観がスキ! [#t55dcd63]

**Mount and Bladeシリーズ [#rbe111bd]

**Strong Holdシリーズ [#b0c56c52]

**アサシンクリードシリーズ [#d53b85c9]
|&htmlinsert(amazon,transitional,"asins=B003FYEP18");&htmlinsert(amazon,transitional,"asins=B0017LF4XO");|Medieval2 Total Warの世界観で暗殺者として都市観光と楽しみながら暗殺するゲーム。&br;|

*歴史を自分の手で作るのが面白いんだよ [#lcc050eb]

**Europe Universalisシリーズ [#m1f1a020]
|&htmlinsert(amazon,transitional,"asins=B000K9KX0I");&htmlinsert(amazon,transitional,"asins=B0039MHO6E");&htmlinsert(amazon,transitional,"asins=B003RWTM6Q");|EU2とEU3はだいぶ別ゲームとなっている。&br;EU2はある程度歴史上のイベントに合わせて動くのだが、EU3ではTotalWarみたいに架空の歴史を創造するといった形になる。&br;ついでに、EU3は開発によると、Empire:Total Warのライバルらしい&br;|

**Hearts of Ironシリーズ [#occb5a00]

**信長の野望シリーズ [#ge844b2b]

**三国志シリーズ [#y6ca7294]

**ランペルール [#vfaa1833]

**チンギスハーン・蒼き狼と白き牝鹿 [#d5f9a6d9]

*やっぱ醍醐味は戦闘時の駆け引きでしょ! [#c58bfd77]

**Age of Empireシリーズ [#y31240fe]

**Praetorian [#f618a8ee]

**Men of War [#fb44a6f8]

**Ruse [#kbb800a7]

**Company of Heroesシリーズ [#l698e8bf]
|&htmlinsert(amazon,transitional,"asins=B002YGSFF0");|第二次世界大戦西部戦線が舞台のRTS。&br;Total WarやMen of Warのように、戦略・内政を簡略化して、戦闘要素に重きを置いたゲーム&br;Men of Warよりはカジュアルだが、より戦略要素が重要になっている。&br;|

**コサックスシリーズ [#y04ec83f]

*その他 [#i00d4140]

**XIIIサーティーンス センチュリー デス オア グローリー [#m0bd260b]

**キング・アーサー [#h217d366]

**ナポレオン [#fda14bd7]

**TAKEDA [#l9ccf2b3]

**Civilizationシリーズ [#l8b5d80a]

* [#sb98d1c1]
\n\n Like all ships-of-the-line, HMS Elephant is not a handy ship, being slow and unresponsive to the helm. 
Good sailing qualities, however, are secondary to the weight of broadside that she can both deliver and withstand. 
\n\n 全ての戦列艦のように、HMSエレファント号は手軽な船などではない。この船は遅く、舵は機敏でない。

This is important in a warship that is intended to form the centrepiece of any squadron and possibly act as an admiral’s flagship.

\n\n Built on the River Hamble in Hampshire, an estuary with a centuries-old shipbuilding industry, HMS Elephant was one of a class of 12 third-rate, 74-gun warships.
\n\n ハンブル川のハンプシャー、一世紀の歴史を持つ造船所、にて造船されたHMSエレファント号は12ある74門の砲門を持つ軍艦、三等戦列艦の一隻です。

The class was designed by Sir Thomas Slade, possibly the best naval architect of his time, and most were built by private contractors using standardised plans. 

HMS Elephant was chosen by Vice-Admiral Nelson to be his squadron flagship at the Battle of Copenhagen (1801), thanks to her shallow draft, which was considered a useful feature when attacking a fleet at anchor. 

Another Slade-designed ship, HMS Victory, carried the promoted Viscount Nelson to his final victory and death at Trafalgar in 1805.